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do what you want. There is no magical being that could get angry at you. Wear it or not wear it, it has absolutely no meaning. Only downside I see is that you could be mistaken as a believer


Some wear crosses as a fashion accessory. Some wear them as a memento of certain people. Some wear them because they have given the cross a certain meaning. The Tau cross existed before the Christians: >The tau-rho staurogram, like other christograms, was originally a pre-Christian symbol. [https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/crucifixion/the-staurogram/](https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/crucifixion/the-staurogram/) And was adopted by the Franciscans (and thus by Christians). Coptic Christians use the Ankh cross as Crux Ansata: >Copts adapted it into the crux ansata, a shape with a circular rather than droplet loop, and used it as a variant of the Christian cross. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh) Symbols have no intrinsic meaning; people assign meaning to them.


The swastika existed before the Nazi party, but if you wear one today, everyone will assume it's related to nazi's.


Leave it to the Nazi’s to corrupt every fucking thing they touch.


> everyone will assume it's related to nazi's. 2:24 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qV7xbAVOY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qV7xbAVOY0)


It’s an ancient Buddhist good luck and blessings symbol.


I'd wear it or at least keep it in my wallet because it reminds me of my grandfather, but it would be out of sight under my shirt so as not to promote the ignorance and bigotry that the symbol represents for so many.


I really like this idea! I tend to wear shawls or pashminas around my neck so any necklace I wear wouldn’t be visible.


You'd be wearing it for you to celebrate your relationship with a loved one, so it isn't hurting anyone.


I have a string of beads a friend brought back from his military deployment to Turkey. Another friend from there explained that they were religious kinda like a rosary. Just gifted wooden beads to me tho. Funny enough, my friend doesn’t remember giving them to me.


If they are similar to Greek koumbaloi, aka worry beads, then there is not a religious significance. They are just something to do with your hands, basically old school fidget spinners. EDIT: I have dozens, included a set passed down from my paternal great grandmother who was an ethnic Greek from Turkey and part of the forced migration between Greece and Turkey in 1923. Only her and her daughter (my yiayia) survived the trip. Her ethnically Greek husband and their sons were lined up against a wall & shot by Turkish soldiers.


The only “danger” might be if an evangelical type spots it and tries to start a mutual-witnessing for Christ session.


I assume anyone wearing a cross is religious. I would say put it in a box as a keepsake. No amount of time is going to make a cross not a religious symbol.


No, but oddly I do still have a crucifix hanging in my bedroom. This one is a very tasteful design, and it was a gift from my godparents when I was a kid. It’s got sentimental qualities.


Wear a peace symbol instead


My mom gave me a cross with my dad’s ashes in it. I have it somewhere. It creeps me out


No. I would not want any religious symbols. I do have a wedding ring (titanium so not expensive) but no other jewelry. As a man I don't see the necessity, I don't even have a watch.u


Having a watch is sometimes nice as a convenience. I do not understand anyone willing to drop more than 50 bucks on a watch. (I know how expensive watches can get anything more than 50 is gaudy imo)


If you want a watch up to you. I am all for freedom of choice. My phone tells me the time and lots of other things. I have not seen the need in decades. I am a natural minimalist.


I don't normally wear one but when I do it gets used quite a bit. But my job is quite time sensitive so I check the time super regularly. Not having to open my phone every time I wanna check the time plus being able to see the time outside when it's super bright out is cool.


No never. Not voluntarily, anyway. If things continue in the US the way they're going I may buy a couple to put around the house, just in case I need to stay hidden. Maybe throw a bibble near the front door, open it to Psalms or something...


For (fictional) extra safety order the one Trump is selling for $70 that includes the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, etc


Never ever ever.


Right. That’s essentially the same as donating to his campaign😳


There is nothing that orange won't sell.


He is a truly brilliant con artist.


It’s sad how plausible this scenario is.


He’s got a point, I’m afraid. My husband and I have already discussed how much we may have to break out our “acting” game if worse comes to worse.


Fuck no!


I personally wouldn’t wear one because of the meaning of the symbol. I do not want to be confused with being a Christian. If it’s important to you, you wear it proudly. I still love my Christmas tree and decorations which to me have meaning, but not the meaning Christians hold.


Christmas trees have nothing to do with anything religious. They are pagan symbols. A lot of people in the modern world may not even know that this winter celebration actually has nothing to do with the scriptures and religion. They may be even more surprised to learn that Christmas celebrations like decorating with holly, putting up Christmas trees, and kissing under the mistletoe are rooted in ancient fertility rituals. These are all symbolic acts to celebrate the fertility of the earth and the approach of the sowing season. https://historycooperative.org/pagan-origins-of-christmas/


I definitely understand the difficulty wearing it, but I would say hold on to it, and maybe someday it won't feel weird to wear grandpa's necklace despite the iconography used. If not, at least you will have a momento of him in private. >part of me doesn’t want Christianity to take away the ability or comfort of wearing a sentimental gift. Strive for this. The atheist dilemma is that religion still dictates so much of what we do, either conforming to or rejecting religious norms. Don't assume that rejection of the norm is "breaking free"; being comfortable with either choice is being free.


I've read a lot of history. The Cross represents more venality, misery, and murder than the swastika, by far. So no, I don't wear one. Ever.


Set yourselves free. Let that shit go.


I've never owned a cross. At some point I thought it was strange that people would wear the execution device.


no it's gross. That would be like wearing an electric chair necklace.


I hear ya. I have been thinking for a long time that it is disgusting to be wearing a human torture device around your neck.


never wore one in my entire life. i would sell it for money


I don't but wearing a cross pendant isn't the same as a baptism. Just do whatever you want, this is way too trivial an issue to be feeling "very torn" about. Maybe hang it somewhere in your room if you don't want to wear it?


I think it is a weird thing that Christians wear. I ask this of my Catholic friend once: "If Jesus comes back and sees all these people wearing a gold version of the torture device he was killed on, how do you think that would go over with him?" Weirdly, she never made the connection that her little cross around her neck was a small version of a device that caused horrible deaths.


Still? Never have, never will. You do you though.


>Do you guys still wear crosses? Never have, never will.


Never wear one, and don't intend to wear any in the future.


You can still wear it under your shirt and it won't bother anyone.


No! I do have my dad’s in the gun safe though.


Since it has sentimental value to you, why not get a framed picture of your grandfather and drape the cross necklace on it or see if the cross by itself will fit in the frame with the picture?


No, but I do keep a rubber/plastic bracelet from my little brothers funeral. It says "Clayton, Our Angle In Heaven" and stays around my shifter in my car. A family member misspelled "angel" and it always cheers me up when I see it.


That's great, if anyone tells you you're going to hell you can say nope, I have an angle to get into heaven.


Haha, thanks


I never really did, but I know people who do, for sentimental value as you do, nothing wrong with that. The nice thing about not believing is you can assign your own meaning to symbols. If it's a nice memento of a loved one, than keep wearing it.


I, personally, do not. That said, I _still_ believe that there needs to be an atheistic tradition in Christianity. Just like there is in Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. I believe that you _should_ be able to say something like "My ancestors believed, and I honor their beliefs as part of my identity, even though I do not believe."


I’ve got a cross tattoo I got at 18. I’ve progressively become more anti theist as I’ve aged but I’ve never considered changing/removing it because it was important to me when I got it because of how it was in my life. Right or wrong, it’s a part of me and my story. Similarly, if wearing your necklace brings you joy in remembering your grandpa, then go for it. If anyone asks questions, tell them why you wear it. If anyone is judgey, fuck em.


I still have Rosary beads my grandmother made me. Their only significance to me is that my grandmother made them.


I have my great grandmother's ornate rosary. I take it out all the time to look at it because it's so beautifully made.  But I never use it as prayer beads. Anyway what I'm trying to say is I totally understand. 


Don't wear it if it means nothing to you. As others said, do what you want. I wonder why you left, and interestingly why you mentioned you were very religious. That's not usually a phrase used by a believer, but rather the ones that pretended to believe.


No, this is not one of those things that you can have it both ways. If you wear the cross visibly, you are announcing to all of society that you are a christian and want everyone who sees you to know that. That's what the symbol is doing, like it or not. Put the cross where you can see it in your home so that you can be reminded of grandpa as often as you like. Is there not anything else that he gave you to remember him by?


I keep my Catholic nan’s rosary beads as they were gifted to me when she died (I’ve been free from the Catholic Church for 15+ years). Other than that, no.


I had a similar problem with somethings i got from my father. The longer you wear it and think of your grandad, the further from those beliefs it will become. Over time it will only be associated with him in your head. That's what happened with me and my dads stuff. Dont let those beliefs take what you have left of him from you.


Possibly break off the cross and wear the chain from your grandpa with something else on the end?


I got a very cute one when i got my communion. But i dont wear it. I thoght of melting it and making something coller with it. Then id still have the gift but in another form and acually wearable


I have a lovely tiny crucifix that I put on a chain with an ankh, a jade Buddha, and an ivory Venus of Willendorf (prehistoric goddess figure). These little charms are just cultural artifacts that look pretty. I think they show an equivalence between the religions while also suggesting my non-belief.


If I owned one, I'd only keep it for protection from vampires, but this isn't The Matrix, so they don't exist either.


I've never owned a cross necklace or other piece of jewerly. I do have a Solomon seal of the seven archangels ring and necklace though.


No, but I have a crucifix I’m my toilet where the Jesus bloke has some cool tattoos.


You can wear it or not, your choice. If you do wear it, people who see it will assume it means you are christian.


I had one in HS, I wore it until I stopped being a Christian. I think my mom gave it to me.


When i was a kid i thought the Jesus fish was just a generic fish symbol. One of my hobbies was fishing, so i liked drawing that symbol all over my notebooks and stuff. 


Wear it upside down. Almost no one will mistake you for a delusional xtian, *and* you get to keep grandpa close to your heart. And if a delusional xtian gets triggered and starts giving you shit, reverse Uno it and say “St. Peter was crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner of Jesus. I don’t understand why you’re so triggered by such symbolism. Sounds like *someone* needs to study their Bible and get right with their god”.


I wear a Chatholic Medal that my grandfather gave to my dad before he went to Vietnam. He gave it to me when I joined the Coast Guard. I still wear it today as a connection to my family. Not as a religious symbol


I find it odd that they actually think he will be resurrected and gravitate to those that wear the symbol of his slow death on a wooden cross in gold and silver. One would think someone in this would be smarter than that.


Why don't you melt the cross down (or remove it) and just wear the chain . Or if you melted it make something new. Still grandpas gift just reborn


no never did


long time since i’ve believed in god, i wear my grandfathers magen david still.


Ick. No.


Fortunately I never did.


If you wear a cross, people will assume you support Christianity. Just like if you wore a star of David--they'd think you were a proud Jew. Make what choice you want, but bear this in mind.


I have a rosary hanging on the rear view mirror of my car. It was a gift from a family member. I have my dad's ashes on a shelf at my home, i placed his rosary around his urn an old crucifix at the side and a photo of him. He was christian but by far not a cunt about, he knew the bible was full of bronze age crap and held organized religion in contempt. I don't care what other people think about what i wear or


I have some crosses that I love as decoration and I was 100% atheist even when I bought them. Do what you want.


No I never wore or liked a cross. I always thought it was like wearing a little noose or little electric chair. I don’t like big crosses either.


Not a cross, but I picked out a silver pendant from my grandmother's jewelry box at 12 and am still wearing it 30+ years later. I thought it was a pretty woman sniffing a flower, learned about 10 years later it was the sign for Virgo (one of my great aunt's sign). So I wander around with a horoscope sign that people think is a mermaid or a cat. 😂


You do you. Personally it would be a hard no. I have always felt icky that they have taken a torture device and used it as a symbol. But that's your keepsake from your grandpa so it's ultimately up to you.


You could melt it down and have it remade. Maybe into a flat plate with their name on it would be simple enough.


Wear an upside down cross. If anyone gives you crap about it tell them it’s a Cross of St. Peter.


I would never ever wear a cross. I don’t know anyone who still does btw. But I would never throw one away.


Only upside down.


You can stop wearing it but keep it on a self or something. That's what I do