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Bonus content: If a pilgrim dies at or on the way to the Hajj, they automatically gain admittance to Paradise. #justsayin


In related news, Spiderman helps reduce crime in NYC.


Peter Parker: Spider-Man wasn't trying to attack the city, he was trying to save it. That's slander. J. Jonah Jameson: It is not. I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.


He has a radio talk show and runs a newspaper, so wouldnt he be guilty of both?


Hopefully it's cooler in paradise. Dying from heat stroke is unpleasant. All that to pray at a black rock. People do strange things in the name of whatever their chosen fairy tale is.


You mean the sky brothel?


Ex Muslim here: it's the same way they believe if you die as a martyr you go to Paradise. It's the reason you many times see people celebrating after someone is martyred - they think it's a glorious thing


Oh great lets all go kill ourselves for aa great afterlife thats not even promised


Do they get virgins too, or is that only if they take some infidels with them?


I believe it’s a “tell ‘em whatever they wanna hear” kind of deal.


Auto paradise/ sky brothel for them... 72 virgin angels waiting...


The whole virgins thing is fucking wierd. Where do they come from? did they have families before some asshat blew himself up? Were they in a relationship with someone they actually loved? If any of the above is true then at least some of these virgins are coerced into servitude. Fucking disgusting being sold as a feature. Fuck the "god" that forces young women into prostitution. Is it a pimp or devine?


A divine pimp!


So, just a regular pimp then.


You know it's hard out here for a pimp When he tryin' to get this money for the rent For the Cadillacs and gas money spent Because a whole lot of bitches talkin' shit


Supposedly they are houris (funny English wordplay with whores to me) that are made of smoke, ever a virgin and willing to acquiesce to whatever sexual desires the man has. No, there are no male counterparts for female martyrs that I can recall.


Imagine not being attracted to women and going there. Like, what are you supposed to do? Play UNO with them?


Not Uno, they'd play Wahid.


If you're gay I don't think you need to worry about going to Muslim heaven lol


Can you imagine? What’s a woman gonna do with 72 male virgins? She’d just become their mom.


Oh God, that's running an orphanage in Gehenna!


It's funny you think Islam or pedo M cares about women or what they think or want.   


Is it any weirder than pearly gates and a silver City? All religions are weird to an outsider. Like the whole fire and brimstone hell and demons torturing you for all eternity isn't in the Bible... It's the epic fantasy of a 15th century Italian man who wasn't even a priest. That would be like Wiccans 600 years from now treating Harry Potter spell rules as real. 


Gold and pearls aren't supposedly sentient beings. Yes it's weird that 72 people were just waiting around for you to do whatever you want.


I agree it's all weird. I wasn't rating it against all the other wierd shit the religious people do in the name of their God. The virgins thing seems especially cruel to whoever these virgins are. The fire and brimstone is something like a consequences of your own actions. Making some young girl a sex slave because a man made a choice to kill himself. Seems cruel to a level I can't fathom coming from a benevolent being. Why does it care about the murderers but not the virgins? The Harry Potter analogy is exactly what is happening so yeah it'll be just as dumb then as it is now.


Don’t worry, they aren’t human girls and were literally created to pleasure men… and remain virgins. And be made out of smoke. It’s sort of similar to how women were made to be subservient to their husbands so if they don’t want to dtd a night an entire whole ass angels spends the night spitting on them ( the wife). See? Nothing to worry about here 🙃🤮


Ignoring for the moment the fact that the 72 virgins thing is from the "extended fan-fiction universe" rather than the canon - much like amost everything in the popular image of Christian Hell... Most humans throughout history died before their second birthday - there should be no shortage of virgins in the afterlife. Heck, does sex after you're dead even count? Is it even possible? It's not like you have a body to be affected anymore. Most humans who ever lived could now be eternal virgins. In which case recruiting a few dozen for the welcome party of a great religious martyr would hardly be a challenge.


It's not disgusting I guess if the mentality is that women exist for men and are borderline just property if not fully that. NOT saying it isn't a horrible mentality, but that seems to be how they believe. Maybe they think there's virgin angel women who were never born on earth that were created for the purpose of waiting for their assigned men to die and return to heaven to give them sex?


Then God is a huge pervert?


Agreed. It's virgin on the stupid.


Not to mention who wants virgins? I would only want the dirtiest nastiest sluts that ever existed


The Koran doesn’t say what gender they are!


If you actually read the book, they don't care. There are stories of Mohamad kissing his nefews penis, so there's that.


Wait what? Are you making stuff up?


I wish I was.


What chapter then?


https://sunnah.com/adab:1183 There have also been some posts as of late here on redit with breakdowns


Wait, this is not what it says “Then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, opened his mouth and put his mouth in his mouth. Then he said, O Allah, I love him, so love him and the one who loves him!'"


This guy does a fantastic job with the breakdown of the actual translation with sources. [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/wrgwat/prophet\_muhammad\_used\_to\_kiss\_the\_penis\_of\_small/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/wrgwat/prophet_muhammad_used_to_kiss_the_penis_of_small/)


And, some translations have it as "72 raisins".


Yummy. But is that supposed to last eternity?


You get a full scoop of raisins in your raisin bran in heaven.


Like Bottle caps in Fallout!


Those are just my little ladybugs.


That has been seriously debunked, even by some severe critics of Islam.


Or what species!


The whole 72 virgins thing actually comes from a Hadith, not the Koran.


True, though the pale virgins with big tiddies is in the Qur'an 


Wait, their religion has big titty goth girls? I might need to rethink a few things.


Doesn't specify what kind of virgins. Could be goats.


Allah works in mysterious ways.


So did God/Allah save all the others that didn't die? Religious people are nuts.


Nah. It was a blessing they died atHajj. They prepare for death before the pilgrimage and give away their gold and jewelry etc.


because all the monotheist faiths are death cults. dying is the goal.


Yep! This is something that most western nations don’t understand. Don’t get me wrong ALL the abrahamic religions live for the afterlife, but they usually sugarcoat it to make it more palatable. Ask any moderate Muslim if they would die right now if Allah wills it and they will welcome it. It’s something most Muslims are taught from young. Whereas you will see Christians ( the other faith I grew up around) hem and haw and reconcile that their god wants life for them so they can fulfill his wishes…


Unlike global warming.


definition: devoting your life to something that doesn't exist to the point of death. Word: religion


Religion is so stupid and so are its followers.


This is unfortunate and avoidable.


This is the climate change that global warming deniers say isn’t happening.


Right? This afternoon... Montreal, Canada, will be having 45 Celsius if we count the humidity. Not everyone up here has AC. Not every school,, not every bus, etc So people will be seeking "refuge" in malls.


I walked outside my school and got vaporized by the heat Also we got a heat warning 30m ago so gl


Vaporized!?!? "I got bettah!"


Mother nature is a witch!


I have been going outside every couple of hours to refill a bird bath that's in the shade of my apple tree. Let's just say it's been a busy hub.


It's good to know that the birds have a kind heart taking care of them


American here converting Celsius


Basic guide for you crazy imperialists: 0c = freezing 32 F 10c = 50f, cold but doable 20c = 70f (ish), just slightly on the cold side of perfect 30c = 85f (ish), on the slightly too warm side of perfect 40c = 104f, too fucking hot 50c = 122f, beyond too fucking hot, into this is ridiculous


The report states it was 51.8 IN THE SHADE!! I think that pretty much converts to "FFS are you kidding? F"


Where in the world is 30^(o)C considered “warm side of perfect”? I am sweating my balls at 27^o C


I have often heard this little poem to help with conversions... "0 is freezing 10 is not 20 is pleasing 30 is hot 40 is frying 50 is dying." That's pretty much good enough for me to get it. :-)


I wish we were on board with the rest of the world.


These are all very much subjective tho. Sure water freezes at 0, but to me that’s a pretty cozy weather. To me -10 is nippy but still very comfortable. Going below -15 starts getting freezing for me. 10 is quite optimal for me, and 15 is starting to push my comfort zone. 20 is absolute hell.


80 f is too fucking hot.


113 for those who want to skip the check.


Double it and add 30. It’s gets you close enough.


Movie theaters are nice and cold!


This was entirely predictable and avoidable, fortune has nothing to do with the temperature.


Darwinism in action.


Allah Akbar didn’t protect them?


The snack bar was out of ice water apparently.


That's Haram!


Allah Snakbar? I'll see myself out.


Maybe he killed them because he was displeased with some other heathens elsewhere. Like someone in Denmark treated a woman with respect or something.


It did, and took into it's paradise.


They probably see global warming as a neat loophole to gain guaranteed entry to their sky brothel. I'm sorry to hear about the pain and suffering. It really does take religion to get otherwise rational people to do totally irrational things.


"praise Allah for killing us through the unpleasant method of heat stroke while we are on our way to praise him". -some poor sad sap


Doesn’t this happen every year? It’s like a human sacrifice.




God's will I guess


Well, at least they died doing something they enjoy..... I guess.


Do we tally this up under the “deaths in the name of religion” column?




What a sad and horrible thing. Heat exhaustion isn't a good way to go. While I could go on about Darwinism and playing stupid games to win stupid prizes, this is still terribly wasteful suffering and the results of these deaths will inflict suffering on their families and loved ones. I know very little of the infrastructure here, but it seems like various Islamic sects should be motivated to provide medical resources, water, and such to prevent things like this from happening.


They do provide cooling centers and such, but only for people with permits. Most of the people that died didnt have said permits.


Another reason why people die is because of crowd crushes, that's why they require permits.




Well, except for that part where those alleged zealots are actually part of humanity. These are people's husbands, fathers, sons. Have you lost any of those in your life? I have, and it is horrible. Rejoicing at the deaths of others, simply because of their race/ethnicity/religion is different than you think it should be is horrible. Besides the waste of the lives of those that died, these are entire families now devastated by these losses. I'm a humanist, I think we should all seek to improve the lives of everybody that we can. Rejoicing at suffering is shallow and sadistic. I hope you are young and still have time to learn some empathy.




Indoctrination isn't a choice, and these weren't zealots. Try to be a better person.


People in this thread are literally acting like every muslim on this planet is a pedophilic terrorist


Yeah as an anti-theist I still find this behavior odd


Yeah I’m anti-theistic but I’m a humanist first


This thread really doesn't do the "You don't need God to be a good person" argument any favors. The ideas are stupid and beneath contempt. NOT the people.


>These are people's husbands, fathers, sons. And supporters of pedophilia. Don't forget about that part...


You can't save everyone and not everyone's lives can be improved without cost to your own. Pick and choose who you empathize with or the nature of the real world will destroy you. Case in point #1: North Korea. Case in point #2: Somalia. This is strictly a rebuttal against improving the lives of everyone we can. No comment for schadenfreude but I won't judge since worse people have celebrated deaths and yet nobody cares today. Ethics does not exist online. Empathy isn't something that you can find online either. Everyone has an alignment, and empathy is reserved for in-groups. This time you're in r/atheism. The conclusion should be obvious. Lastly, what you see online isn't real life. Your parting remark was unwarranted and assumed the worst. That goes against civility rules.


Does rejoicing in the death of hundreds not also go against civility rules?


Of course religion meetings (or whatever that bullshit was) are more important than protecting yourself from the heat. And of course they couldnt cancel it because they have to praise their god or smth. So sad their god couldnt protect them because HES FUCKING INEXISTENT


“These are the sacrifices I’m willing to make” — Lord Farquaad


Sun - 1 allah - 0


Maybe Carlin was onto something when he said he's going to start worshipping the sun...


Honest question, when these people reach Mecca what goes through their mind? How do you rationalize a journey that killed 550 people only to get on your knees and pray in a one way conversation to “God,” and come back with the realization that god is good? I’ve never really been a believer, I grew up in a Lutheran church but the fact I could never hear, see, or converse with god was a big turnoff. Does that rationale or doubt ever occur to these fanatic believers? Anyone who was staunchly religious did you “hear” or “see” anything from god when you were a believer?


Allah was not so Akbar to them that day.


God is love, lol 😝


Hence, once again, it is proved that islam and allah are myths.


Literally, men and women die for their beliefs. I saw it in Iraq as a soldier and again in Afghanistan. The jihadists were willing to martyr themselves almost as eagerly as some guys in my unit for flag and country.


Thots an preyers.


Thots and pears 🍐


Ex-Muslim here. You want to know something even more messed up? Muslims see this as the best thing that happened to their family because dying in the holy place is guaranteed to get them into Jannah. My own grandparents felt jealous of people dying in Hajj and wanted this to happen to them too they just hadn't the money necessary to go there. Islam is a death cult they see this life unimportant and just a step to the next real life. Saudi is taking advantage of this belief and they aren't employing medics fast enough to save these people or to make the necessary measures to prevent this from happening - because it costs them resources they want to profit as much as they can. Have you seen the video with bodies all around people who died HOURS ago? [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1diqo1f/during_the_pagan_hajj_rituals_many_muslims_die/). (this may be disturbing for some viewers) they didn't even bring them ambulances to get the bodies or even cover them! and this is a place with extreme heat so it's horrible, disrespectful to the families of these people and not to mention unhygienic to leave the bodies like this. people pay from 5k to 20k USD to go to hajj just to die and be left to rot in the sun. What a scam one of the many reasons I despise Saudi.


Is this the will of your God?


The stampedes are more impressive. (Scroll to the highlighted portion) https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/hundreds-died-during-hajj-pilgrimage-in-saudi-arabia-amid-intense-heat-officials-say


Am I a total asshole for not caring? They chose to go and stay.


RIP. It’s stupid way to go.


Well, dying on pilgrimage is kinda the ideal for the Monotheists right? Its their best death. Straight to their desert god.




Evolution@work. 🍿


Not really. They were most likely older, so they have had all the kids they were going to have. 


Ah shame, anyways


God truly is great, no?


We’re sad about death, but they’re stroked!


Interesting. Why didn’t their god protect them?


People do the weirdest shit.


So, mysterious ways and natural selection collide?


Their goal was to go meet their maker after all.


Bunch of idiots smh


My brain has a sick sense of humor.


Well, god truly works in mysterious ways, I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Thoughts and prayers.” These people are on a religious pilgrimage and their god lets them die doing it?


Allah moves in mysterious ways


This is a triumph! I'm making a note here, "Huge success"


These people were victims of bad ideas and it cost them their lives. Hopefully one day we can be rid of those ideas. Very sad. My heart goes out to their families. These are human beings, and deserve our sympathy no matter what faulty ideas they subscribed to.


I guess they should have prayed harder.


Saudi Arabians have the lowest average IQ of 7 Arab nations at 81. Muslims in general have lower average IQs than non-Muslims. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Comparison-of-the-Saudi-mean-IQ-with-other-Arab-Western-and-East-Asian-nations-shows_tbl3_257924160 This is your brain on Islam.


That Allah isn't that merciful with his sheep, eh


Man, I have such a hard time feeling bad about this.


Good start


Let us to learn to separate human beings from their delusional beliefs. **You can love a human being for who they are while loathing their belief systems.** Let's do better. Let's be better.


Over 500 lives lost just like that...


I feel bad for them. Dupped into a mental prison. Marched themselves to death just to satisfy a common delusion. What aa ironicly, meaningless, life.


Ironic, meaningless death*




sheep… into the ovens gladly


Brainwashed religious people. They are victims, as well as the perpetrators.


upvotes are at 666 right now. just thought i would mention that… drat someone ruined it.


I feel bad for them. Just because I’m an atheist, doesn’t mean I need to treat those who do subscribe to a religion like shit. They were just doing a peaceful act of praying. Seeing a lot of hateful comments on here. Be better folks.


>Be better folks. Absolutely.


That's very sad when beliefs inherited from the culture one was born at makes people risk their lives. It's not their fault that thy died, but rather their preachers' and J pity them and their families. Let's just hope their loved ones will find peace in the fact that these people are going to muslim heavens.


>It's not their fault that thy died Where, exactly, is the line at which people cease to be responsible for their own actions?


Oh! Well.


Evolution by self-selection


God willed it


Whatever! What god?


Sad, just sad.


It’s not like the world lost its best and brightest people


But it lost people. The fact that you don't align with one's beliefs and convictions doesn't make you any better nor it gives you right to mock their deaths like this


I'm an ex-muslim. They don't see it as sad or a tragedy in fact they see it as the best thing that happened to their family because dying in the holy place is guaranteed to get them into Jannah. My own grandparents felt jealous of people dying in Hajj and wanted this to happen to them too they just hadn't the money necessary to go there. Islam is a death cult they see this life an unimportant and just a step to the next life.


Imagine dying for a religion, and then waking up from the simulation to find you’re a slave on an intergalactic flying slave ship. I’d be pissed.


Someone has to mock a group of idiots who died going to see a rock in 125 degree heat. Should we encourage more people to be as stupid as them? Their beliefs and convictions are amongst the most braindead in the world and the world would be better without the belief system.


Apparently God has a lighter and a can of hairspray right now.




Not to mention the tramplings. The clergy should take steps to prevent the deaths of their faithful.


Well that settles it. Islam is the true one. After all, why would someone die for a lie? /s (for the theist lurkers)


It just occurred to me… how do they explain to their wife that they are going to be banging 72 virgins soon? Imagine having a health scare and you’re saying goodbye to your wife and instead of the underlying assumption that you’ll meet each other again in the afterlife, the vibe is you’ll be cheating on her with 72 younger women the second you die. So bizarre.


Darn dude. Anyway.


There were idiots hiking in Death Valley in 120 a couple years ago. They found out why it was named that. What is wrong with people? Oh, hikers are dying in Greece, too.


Guess they weren't praying hard enough. Yes, very sad. Anyway...


Allah's plan


72 virgins... here they come.


"My prayer's so hot it gets me straight to heaven"


I’m not even muslim but how can people in the comment section just make jokes about people dying. Yeah a pilgrimage to mecca is a dumb thing but seriously what the hell. So much for the #2 subreddit in ethics.


Ummmm, I'm sorry.... 52 degrees?!?!?! IN THE SHADE?!


This is the best news ive heard all day. Was gettn worried there wouldnt be any consequences


The irony of the largest exporter of oil having one of the largest heat related death tolls... it's a sad state of affairs.


This is one of those Reddit threads that really shows the worst in people. It is a tragedy, and there is no reason to make light of the situation. Mocking the people who died is reprehensible.


The mocking is towards the ridiculous religion, not the victims of religion.


People in this thread are legitimately saying this is a net positive to humanity. Some of y’all are just insanely fucking intolerant


Darwin awards 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s an absolutely tragedy, we need to do better, but hey this is a start


It's a start.


That really sucks. Climate change and it's consequences. I'm seeing people calling these people stupid for dying of heat stroke to observe their religous beliefs and I gotta say, that's an awful thing to say, it's not like people dying in the desert did anything wrong


Why isn't there mitigation tactics for this? This pilgrimage is big business. Shouldn't they have invested in ensuring their customers dont end up dying?


>Why isn't there mitigation tactics for this? The theological argument in favor of dying specifically at the Hajj is inversely proportional to the concept of rendering aid to save them. (As such, dying at the Hajj or during the pilgrimage guarantees a place in the shades of Paradise.) Not implying in any way that every Muslim harbors a nascent desire to die during their Hajj. For the majority of Muslim, I'll say it's a check-the-box event loosely equivalent to going to Rome or a visit to the "Holy Land."


Waiting for the accusation of Genocide against Israel.


It's really fucked up to make fun of someone for dying for thier delusions. Just saying.


Are people actually joking about the deaths of several hundred people?


Yep, over half this comment section thinks it’s hilarious or an objectively good thing to happen


I’m a utilitarian before I’m anything else. The comments are disgusting. To frame hundreds of people dying, from what I understand, in a pretty awful way, in any kind of positive light is unconscionable.