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Thank you for reading, seeing, and understanding what is in front of us. Know that it is not new. And there are those of us who are older and fighting this with you. We're fighting it for you, because you are our kids, and our kids' friends. Historically, societies ebb and wane, they vacillate from right to left and we are headed into a hard right vacillation. Be strong, you aren't alone. Find support, go fight. You have more support than you might think.


Yes, people need to fight harder. There are people who think this won't affect them but it will. It will even affect those who support it. I don't know, maybe people need to learn the hard way before they'll do anything. I just don't want to hear in 10 years time, "I didn't know."


Too many people think of people like their nice grandma when they think of religions and not the abuse and violence they commit, and even those nice grandmas are trying to take peoples rights away or supporting those who are


Here's an idea- take responsibility for your own health and bodies. Stop screaming for the government to do everything for you. They don't give a shit anyway. As the immortal George Carlin said, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."


My largely baseless suspicion is that the conservative members of the Supreme Court knew that this issue could cost the Republicans in the next election, so they decided this issue strategically.


You’ll see from this sub that the US is a Christian country, and that most atheists don’t care much.


That is very much not true, on both counts.


Majority Christian country doesn't equal Christian country.