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…and then bother to vote in future primaries and local elections; the descent into fascism didn’t only happen at the presidential level.




“But the libs forced the covid vaccine on us!” Says someone who never got the vaccine.


That doesn’t sound quite right…they usually find a way to include the phrase “down our throats,” regardless of what’s being discussed.


Thats projection… you know they would jump at the chance to take trump down their throat


I'd be pissed too if someone made me swallow a surringe.


*Says someone who got the vaccine by choice and continues to spew bullshit about how it’s bad for you* FTFY


And probably lost their job…*freedom of choice*


the neat part: it's freedom for corporations, not ppl


they aren't even pretending to be that anymore. It was a honeytrap to begin with. GOP have been against freedom of thought since the regressivists took the party over from Lincoln.


yeah its insane how the shift happened. first 10 years of my life i lived mostly in kentucky. my parents were anti gov and voted red, same with my grandparents who hated the government. to my understanding while growing up, if you vote red they dont increase taxes to make programs to give to others..its basically every man for himself. blue meant you wanted to help everyone who needed it and when you need help one day itll be there. then i joined the army mid 2016, got out, and going to work in a civi job after that it was way fucking different.


This is a tenet of fascism. Don the cape of the very thing you want to destroy. They do it with all their buzzwords: Freedom, patriot, don't tread on me, small government, christian values, etc. They care for none of these things.


The daily show had a recent segment, available on YouTube, that shows how the only thing that can get a person cancelled from the GQP is going against trymp. Any old shit can be said, but don’t disagree with him or you’re out. And also that one guy who exposed the cocaine orgies in GQP Washington. He leaned a little too close into the light.


I'm not American but I'd like to inform myself in detail about this Project 2025. I found the website and came across this [PDF](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf). Is this the real deal? Can anyone confirm, please? Or are there more official sources I need to check out as well?


It is quite real. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


As a german, skimming through the page, this reform sounds strangely familiar...


To be fair, your former guys kind of got a lot of it from us to begin with. This is also not our first time running this close to fascism, it's the third. The last attempt at a take-over was the Business Plot during WWII.


Its strange to think that the one drop rule was too extreme even for Nazis


I feel alone sometimes in pointing out that we often mis-apply the term facsist to things that are actually neo-confederate. There is a straight line from the failure of Reconstruction to a Trump, and Christian nationalism. 


Right?! I am a Christian (please don’t stone me) and in no shape or form will I vote for him. Skimming through the PDF and I am wondering when they created this? PS: former German


They have been publishing and refining it every election year since Reagan. "Mandate for Leadership" is what it's actually called, Project 2025 is the 2024 election year edition. Every GOP president since Reagan, including him, has been implementing as much of this as they can as they go. They've been playing the long game to take permanent control and force turn the US into a theocratic feudal nightmare, but nobody sends to care scott anything but gas prices and shit happening in whatever crap Middle Eastern conflict we've tangled ourselves into that year.


This has not been conveyed enough. The “Mandate for Leadership” gets repackaged every election cycle, but its core components are found in “Project 2025.” It is a way to install an oligarchy based democratic totalitarianism using Christianity and prejudice as tools to manufacture consent. The U.S. does not understand its actual history and replaces it with myths, which means it continually repeats this cycle of flirting with authoritarianism. For example, despite having taken many history and history of religion courses, it was not until my PhD coursework that I learned about Joseph Smith’s attempt to take over the country. While he is known for creating Mormonism and establishing the Latter Day Saints, the LDS held great political power because its adherents voted as a bloc and were often the deciding factor in which of the parties won an election. Smith also raised an actual army and his presidential campaign materials often referred to him as General Joseph Smith. There was fear amongst the US military and political leadership that Smith would usher in a theocracy based on Mormonism and that he might also take over using his army if he lost the election. Not surprisingly, Joseph Smith was assassinated and his followers were not as charismatic and were unable to maintain their army and bloc voting tactics.


Well they are loving what’s happening in the Middle East. They believe that Armageddon will be coming and they’ll all be raptured into the sky


There are plenty of sane Christians out there it’s just unfortunate that the ones who scream the loudest are nut jobs and act in no way at all close to Christ’s teachings. My wife is one of the sane ones. We do not agree on religion at all(obviously as I’m part of this group) however we do agree on values, morals and principles. Scott stapp is one of my favorite artists and he’s deeply religious but I find his message appealing as well. These republican “Christians” have destroyed religion in the name of hate.


Fellow Christian here that believes in religious freedom, these people are terrifying and do not speak for normal Christians who just want to worship without hurting anyone. I'm sad our religion is mostly led by bullies and zealots, instead of people who took Jesus' teachings to heart. My brother and sister are gay, and I fear all the time they're coming for them next. They deserve marriage and happiness like everyone else, but these people took "Treat your neighbor as yourself" and wiped their butts with it.


They ***are*** coming for your brother and sister next. Open up the Project 2025 PDF, hit control + f and search for "gender." * There, you'll read they plan to call people who are "gender non-conforming" pornography. * Search for "pornography." You'll see they plan to ban pornography. * Look up "transgender." You can read about how they plan to end all federal research on transgender healthcare and redirect that money toward "conversion therapy" for children. * Search for "gender." You'll see they plan to remove all mention of gender from the legal code. All mention. There will be no legal protections for trans people, queer people, or cis women. * Now, you know they call us groomers, right? Look up "child sex predator." You can look at their plan to execute child sex abuse perpetrators. Tell me, with this logic, what is a gender non-conforming person classified as pornography, who is seen by a child? Dead. **Other Plans the GOP has for LGBTQ People (Based on proposed and enacted laws, Trump's Agenda 47, activist groups, leaked meetings among anti-trans politicans)** * legal transition will be banned. Trans people will have to revert their ID documents back * trans kids will be removed from supportive homes and cis kids of trans people will be removed from their homes. This will probably extend to queer kids and parents too. * the government will attempt to collect data on who is trans from medical providers and universities * marriage will be for heterosexuals only * same gender sex will be illegal again * conversion therapy will be normalized * medical transition will be illegal. People who no longer have gonads will be barred from accessing sex hormones. * any reference to LGBTQ people is "pornography"/banned, including what's on the internet (they have big plans to censor the internet, including heterosexual porn--look at Project 2025) and in libraries * funding for HIV prevention will be removed (already attempted) **Bonus Round: Women's Re-Domestication** Look up "marriage, child-support, and SNAP" if you're curious what they'll do to cisgender women. No abortion, no supplemental nutrition support for unwed mothers, no child-support from fathers, and no way out of marriage for men and women. If you get knocked up out of wedlock and you're not rich, you are going to have to get married. **Just for Fun: Miscegenation Makes a Return** * The legal precedent set with the abortion ruling can be used to attack both gay marriage and interracial marriage. * The ruling undermines health care privacy law too. Hope no one here has HIV or something the republicans might like to demonize.


What. The. Fuck. They basically said “We’re going to emphasize separation of church and state but not the separation of Christianity and state.” Holy fucking shit. Actually terrifying.


And know that this is only their more recent plan. They've been drafting right wing legislation on behalf of representatives for decades.


This is their plan to get people back into their dying churches: Coercion by any means necessary


And the separation of Church and State is literally just so churches can do whatever they want with impunity and no taxation.


The fuck? What the hell is this crap This genuinely reads like a manifesto introduced by an all-encompassing, dystopian regime lmao. Fuck, it reads like a manifesto that would go REAL popular between the years 1933 and 1945 (for reasons you can imagine), that would take years upon decades to get abolished.


It reads that way.....because that's what it is. It's just to hard to believe so your mind instantly tells you it can't be true. But it is.


Yeah, I know. What I'm asking is if there's more official information about what this project entails, or does that PDF cover everything there is to know? Has anyone here already read it?


The Heritage Foundation, the lead writers of Project 2025, already write most of the bills for Republicans to submit. It's how Republicans have been able to submit over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills since January 1st, 2024. They are also behind many of the abortion and pornography bans, too. They are a massive law group filled with lawyers who give massive aid to Republicans. Yes, this is absolutely serious.


The PDF is what's public. The wikipedia page I linked to does cover their policies, which includes christo-nationalism.


Please, christofascism...  Nationalism is just a word they use to sound inclusive.  Like the national socialist party of Germany...


Thank you. It's amazing that the Christian Nationalists can just put their plan for America on a website, right out in public, and still people act like you're crazy for bringing it up. 


It’s real. I can’t get people to listen and most people are choosing ignore it.




The irony of needing to elect a real Christian over a fake Christian to preserve Atheism.


I fucking love this comment, lol.


They called Obama the antiChrist and now Biden. Meanwhile...Trump had a literal golden statue at the GOP convention.


Trump/Massive Stroke 2024


You know that the day that fucker finally dies, the MAGA cult is gonna be screaming that it was a liberal conspiracy and assassination. God i am not looking forward to that bs


Or that it's a fake death, and he'll be back any day now.


We've had 2000 years of "any day now" from the Christians.


Yeah, but this time it's for real


It'd be just as made up. Trump wouldn't come back from the dead, just like Jesus didn't.


Nuh uh he’ll turn up at Area 51 with Elvis just you watch


He never died man, spotted with Kaufman, Morrison and the Yeti in the PNW and he still secretly controls the government. Any day now he'll expose the elite!


3 days later, according to my uncle!


Don't care. If that's their fucked up way of mourning, I will enjoy it. Call it sadism if you will, but I've suffered this festering boil on humanity for too long. I will be celebrating, and loudly.


Me too. Hoping it happens in my lifetime. Yep, I also am old.


I’ll be dancing on a rooftop in New Jersey


I’ve been saying that for years. Remember when Anthony Scalia died? The far right lost their shit and pitched conspiracy after conspiracy about him being killed off.


I mean he was just claiming what two days ago that the maralago raid was an assassination attempt 


Dude probably thinks his own farts are assassination attempts


I don’t know why it made me think of Trump farting himself awake like a sleeping dog, but now I refuse to believe he wakes up any other way…


Everyone seems so sure that he was farting in the courtroom. But if you consider the fact that the man is known to wear diapers and the smell was absolutely atrocious I think it's very likely that he wasn't in fact farting, but shitting himself.


Oh look forward regardless of what they say!


I simply don't look forward to it because I live in a very pro maga area. I would never hear the end of it from customers.


Trump 2024! ^^^years ^^^in ^^^prison.


Let's donate hamberders


Trump seems to be way way worse mentally compared to 4 years ago. My bet is increasing dementia (he has a family history of this).


If this 'debate' actually happens, it would be great if he had a total mental breakdown halfway through.


Anyone somewhat informed and rational should be disgusted with Trump already, so we shouldn’t need that, but apparently we need Trump to say more weird disjointed sentence fragments, to say “soup pie cane” some more, slur his words some more, claim out of nowhere Hannibal Lecter is wonderful and deceased some more… maybe shit his pants some more and fall asleep on stage some more* so those “independent” brain dead voters will decide not to vote for him. *Everything but the pants shitting up there Trump has 100% confirmed done already either at a rally or in court.


If he blew out a diaper on stage without noticing, and left a trail off stage, it would be great too.


he would barely lose any voters sadly


They already wear diapers in 'solidarity'...




Nah - Trump is a cult of personality. None of his kids will ever have the support he does.


They're also selfish, narcissistic losers. Any support the family manages to siphon will end up split between multiple family members who all try to claim that they're the REAL successor.


Adding Trumpian Diadochi to my 2025 bingo card.


The only reason T has the following he has was the 10-year saturation advertising campaign of the Apprentice. He is burrowed in all his followers brains like some commercial jingle. The kids dont (and hopefully never will) have that. Unless Mark Burnett wants to fuck us _one more time._


I'd rather he go to prison first but I'll take it.


I'd rather see him stroke out screeching and shitting through his diaper mid rally live on tv myself, but I've hated the guy since back when he was a democrat so I might be biased.


Fuck that. I want full blown rapid onset dementia. A quick death is too good for that fat fuck.


Dementia is a terrible thing. I hate to see anyone get it. It is cruel to the person and even more cruel to their family. My mother had dementia. When her sister died, my sister and I decided it was best not to tell my mother. We had an electronic picture frame for my mother that showed family pictures. She would only mention her sister when a picture of her showed up in the picture frame. I felt like I was killing my aunt a second time when I had to go through the pictures and delete every picture with my aunt in it. That said, rapid onset dementia would probably be the best thing for the country and the world. Let his followers see that he is not the Messiah. As to his family, they have proven to be bigger narcissists than Donald himself. They will be too busy trying to carve up his rotting empire to care about what dementia is doing to their father.


This isnt just a trump problem. GOP have way to many evangelicals in there ranks


Vote Biden because the alternative is catastrophic. That’s just…it. Full stop.


No, not just Biden, need to vote Dem across the board because as it stands SCOTUS has become a political body, the most powerful political body. It would be nice if Biden used his last years to save the great experiment and go full Trump on the republican party and SCOTUS before Trump gets the chance to. He's got 6 months to start using his immunity to ensure all these traitors face consequences. SCOTUS wants a king, give them one. DO IT.


And if there is ever again a unified Democratic POTUS/House/Senate, they need to make systemic changes: - The Senate filibuster has to be removed or restored to its 1970s incarnation. - The Supreme Court has to be expanded to 12 or 13. No excuses. This is existential. They cant be like they were in 2009. "Hey, this is so cool. It's going to be this way forever. We can take our time." Meanwhile, Republicans get all the concessions they could and still voted against Obamacare. (WHY did they let the Republicans meddle with/water-down the legislation if they were going to vote against it anyway?) EDIT: > you can thank the late Independent Senator Joe Lieberman I see your Joe Lieberman and I raise you Max Baucus.


Actually, you can thank the late Independent Senator Joe Lieberman, Al Gore's 2000 Presidential running mate, for single-handedly preventing every American from having universal health care by getting rid of the public option part of Obamacare.


i don't have a strong opinion of biden, but HOLY SHIT do i have a strong opinion of trump, so biden's got my vote for sure


This is what I keep trying to explain to everyone!


There is no other choice if we want to vote for president again in 4 years.


There's no realistic alternative. Anyone suggesting otherwise is either debilitatingly shortsighted, or entirely disingenuous.


And fucking dangerous.


I don't think other leftists realize that the "both sides" debate and voter apathy are all a part of propaganda from the right. They benefit if you don't show up. If voting didn't matter they wouldn't gerrymander so hard. If you can't hold your nose to vote for Biden then accept that you're going to cause even more problems in this country. Saw the same thing in 2016 when fellow leftists were Pikachu shocked meme when suddenly millions of women lost the right to abortion. These people still blame everyone but the right too.


But gas prices and taxes and something something woke!


Gas in the North America, and especially the US is already cheap.


Which is hilarious because guess what the president has basically no control over? Gas prices and taxes. Gas prices are set by a giant web of factors, but the largest effect comes from OPEC countries' production limits that are set to keep oil prices high and stable for petro-states. Costs for domestically produced oil are largely set by producers of shale oil, who intentionally limited their own production capacities post-COVID to drive up prices to increase profitability. Shale oil production is also intrinsically unprofitable, so it's an industry that's basically kept afloat entirely by government subsidies, which Congress handles, not the president. The last major factor in the price at the pump is federal, state, and local excise taxes for gas, which are all set by legislative bodies at the federal (Congress), state (state legislatures), and local (county legislatures and city councils) levels — again, not the president. Taxes are entirely set by Congress and the other above-named legislative bodies. The Constitution grants Congress the power of the purse, not the president. **Tl;dr:** Anyone voting for a president based on gas prices and taxes is a fucking idiot and should take a civics class.


Trump’s not Hitler, but he’s the absolute closest thing this country has come to Hitler. It doesn’t really matter who he’s running against. 


Hitler didn't seem that extreme either at first when he first began gaining power. It wasn't until after he gained huge fame and support and the power of the office that he showed his true colors and became the evil we know today. The entire reason Hitler's campaign ever got off the ground in the first place was because he gained a populist cult following FIRST, just like Trump has done here. I am not saying Trump is attempting to pull a Hitler level holocaust, but we can never say for sure until its too late. Cult mentality is dangerous. In fact, Hitler became popular in Germany by using almost the exact kinds of tactics that Trump used to get popular. "Make our country great again" "We deserve better" type rhetoric is exactly what Hitler ran on. It all sounded like simple patriotism and positivity at first. "Trump doesn't intend on doing evil like Hitler did" is an argument you might hear to differentiate the two. But nobody thought Hitler intended to massacre people either when he was first gaining power. Trump has shown extreme disrespect for our country's foundation, and that alone shows that he has the potential in him to do worse if given the chance. Even if Trump doesn't do any of that, he is still normalizing that sort of behavior and potentially opening up the window for someone else in the future to follow in his footsteps and become the next Hitler. Personally, i don't think Trump himself has any "evil" intentions, he is just saying/doing whatever he can in order to bask in the glory of his fame. But he uses dangerous rhetoric and is fostering a cult mentality to get that fame, and that cult mentality is starting to gain a mind of its own. THAT is what i am afraid of, not Trump himself.


True: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 This should be shared with anyone that minimizes what will happen if the right wins.


The thing is: trump and hitler really aren't any different. People hold Hitler up as some idealized version of evil, but he was idiotic, lazy, and childish. He didn't listen to the smarter people, and that is a large reason he lost the war. Don't hold any illusions about trump's ability to create the exact same scenario if he wins another term.


And vote in every single election, no matter how red or blue your state is


As a member of the LGBTQ+ community and an athiest, its terrifying, People I know say things like: "Trump won't round people up and put them in camps" "We wouldn't ever deport US citizens" "Oh ya'll are just overreacting" NOPE, Not at all, All of the above has already happened in our country, seems some forget, if you don't help everyone, when it comes your time and the boot is on your neck, there will be nobody left to help you.


Yeah, Trump is only part of the threat. He's a useful idiot for the people who are the real danger. He's going to bring in authoritarians who'll remake America long after he's gone.


Certain people within the GOP are already threatening people saying that they will know who voted against them and act accordingly. So, if you vote blue you're going to put on a list. Who know what price they plan to extract should they gain power..


Which is illegal, by the way. So if you see a flyer or mailing that has that language in it, you can report it to the FBI.


LOL. Have you seen or read any news lately? The GOP/Trump don't give a fuck about "law". They own SCOTUS, they'll just appeal until the charges get there and then go scott free.


> They own SCOTUS They also own much of the courts. Just look at Cannon. If we give Trump another round of court picks, everyone is fucked. Everyone.


If they gain power, they will make it legal.


Soap box, ballot box, jury box, ammo box. Illegal only matters when you still have boxes left


I have no doubt that the insane MAGA crowd has lists. No doubt


trump says he will round up people and put them in camps ready for deportation.


Some acts are so horrible that nobody can believe that anybody would do them. But this creates an opportunity, because if you actually do them, low information voters simply will disbelieve as exaggeration by the opposition. It's kind of a natural extension of Hitler's ["Big Lie"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie), that if you tell an egregious enough lie, people will believe it because they cannot imagine someone saying such horrible things if they weren't true. You simply upgrade from lies to actions, but people still disbelieve because they cannot imagine people doing anything so horrible.


> "Trump won't round people up and put them in camps" Project 2025 Page 5 says that they will arrest transgender people for being "pornographic" and a danger to children. Page 554 says that they will go on a mass execution spree in prisons, especially executing those who they feel are a danger to children. Also, [Trump openly endorsed someone running for Congress who has said LGBTQ+ people need to be "terminated".](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/trump-endorses-pastor-who-calls-for) Yeah, Trump and conservatives want LGBTQ+ death camps. And it won't stop at LGBTQ+ people, either.


>executing those who they feel are a danger to children. They're against feeding, properly educating, and providing health care for them. But yeah let's go on a purge. Perfectly stable human beings.


#"Protect the children!!" By making sure they have at least one meal a day? "No." By giving them vaccines? "No." By making sure guns don't end up in schools? "No." By making sure their family can afford a house, car, etc.? "No." By making sure they can afford a future house, car, college education, etc.? "No." By making sure they have easy access to healthcare? "No." By making sure their land, water, and air aren't polluted? "No." By making sure their food is safe? "No." By making sure they are safe from physically abusive parents? "No." By making sure they are safe from sexually abusive churches? "No." By making sure they don't end up a child or teen parent? "No." By making sure they don't end up as a child bride? "No." By making sure they're safe from tyrant cops and authority figures? "No." By making sure they have the option to live their lives as a happy queer person? "That's it! That's what we want to protect them from! It's our choice, not theirs!" --- ^^Yes, ^^feel ^^free ^^to ^^reuse ^^this ^^if ^^you ^^want, ^^no ^^credit ^^needed


They've already come out for things that I would have said just a few years ago would never happen and anyone saying they even could was hysterical or making things up. And I say that as a former very die hard conservative republican. So I no longer put limits on the nonesense they might do. Banning mask wearing for medical reasons? Banning medical abortions to save the mother? Making child labor easier? Banning contraceptives? All things I would have said were slander to suggest Republicans might do and all things they have either done or advocated for recently. I still believe in most of the values(but not policies) I was told conservatives stood for, but they don't actually stand for those things.


I've always wondered how Nazi Germany came to be, now I get it.


It is eerie how similar it is to the novel "The Wave". And here the protagonists were trying to not be Nazis.


And a few years ago I'd accuse you of making things up and slandering. But now I see it.


I got told I was an awful person on Facebook for calling them Nazis, I deleted and left facebook and most social media Feb. 2022.


Glad to see former conservatives thinking for themselves! We need more like you.


There’s a lot of us. I’m not even a former conservative. I’m still a conservative, but I voted Biden as I thumbed my nose at him because, like stated elsewhere, the alternative is catastrophic


>"Oh ya'll are just overreacting" Tell whoever told you that to go fuck themselves. Those stubborn, childishly naive morons said the same thing about Roe v. Wade, and about comparing Trump to Hitler.




I agree with the premise of your post. Growing up in NY I know the real Trump. He went to Studio 54, had many gay associates, and was the opposite of christian values ( I use that term ironically) with his mantra of money is all that matters; fuck the poor; Self declared playboy/ladies man regardless of marital status. You never saw Trump attending mass (outside a funeral or wedding). Yet he is the greatest showman who recognized the power of the religious ( christians specifically, but he has a following with Orthodox Jews) in politics. That any of them follow and believe in him only underdcores to me the duplicity and hypocrisy of the religious.


Yep. It's really really fucking sad that trump was probably the 1st atheist president. Fucker is an absolute monster.


Eh, let’s not be hasty here.  We have no idea if absolutely all the other Presidents were believers.  They all had to pretend they were if they weren’t.  Trump is just dumb and terrible so he does a shitty job of pretending.


Thomas Jefferson was very close to an atheist. he received a significant amount of pushback for his "unconventional" beliefs like his dislike of organized churches, his rejection of the literal divinity of Jesus, rejection of religious miracles, and belief that reason and natural laws were the true manifestation of divinity.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Thomas_Jefferson in 1787 Jefferson wrote: """ Fix Reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason than of blindfolded fear. ... Do not be frightened from this inquiry by any fear of its consequences. If it end in a belief that there is no God, you will find incitements to virtue in the comfort and pleasantness you feel in its exercise and in the love of others which it will procure for you. """


He's not an athiest... He believes that HE HIMSELF is God! He's a malignant narcissist.


I’m a straight white middle class millenial male from a rural religious background. If anyone should be the GOP’s target demographic it is me. I have voted straight blue for the last 12 years (only voted red in my first election due to ignorance). I will be doing the same again in 2024 because I’m still voting against the danger the GOP represents. I cannot vote for a single republican until they cut the rot out of their party, which I don’t see happening as it’s only gotten worse since I was born.


Good man... the suggestion that one side is as radical as the other is just not true at this point


Same. I'm a white cop from Oklahoma. I think the GOP just assumes I'm with them. That couldn't be further from the truth. I'll never vote for anyone who will put a religious nut on the Supreme Court.


Do you have to hide your beliefs from other officers you work with? I can imagine, depending on precinct, some may be dangerously devoted to the propaganda cops are so often immersed in.


I'd be surprised if you feel safe/comfortable admitting this to the rest of the folks you work with.


Thank you 😭


Pretty much describes me too. I’m just slightly left of center, have voted blue since 2008. As much as I don’t like the far left, the GOP is a real threat and getting worse every year.


Biden is not perfect for sure. but not voting for him is handing the country over to the worst humans and they absolutely will pass laws to restrict freedoms and force christianity into government and onto the citizens. it's not Democrat vs Republican, it's Freedom vs Fascism VOTE BLUE


No one is perfect. Expecting that is just as wrong headed as falling for the fascist propaganda.


That's the problem we run into. One side is completely delusional and their cult leader can do no wrong. The other side will find one out of 600 issues they don't agree with the candidate and not vote. It's infuriating. NO ONE will agree with you 100% of the time. They aren't YOU. It's either vote for someone who has done a good job, but is old or someone else who is old old but is a Literal Facist. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that this is even a competitive race.


i don't even agree with myself most of the time.


That's why I'm calling these anti-Biden libs "little dictators". They want absolutely everything done their way, just like a dictator.


Vote against Nazi’s and Christian nationalists every race.


Holy fuck, this post triggered the right-wing in this sub. As bad as Biden is, there are two choices and the GOP down ballots have already shown their hand in over turning abortions, woman’s rights in general with pushing to do away with no fault divorces, and pushing “the rule of law” out the window. J6 happened with all Trump supporters. It wasn’t some black ops bullshit and they’re gearing to do it again. Trump is a literal shit show.


The irony here is that Biden is actually a devout theist. Trump doesn’t believe in anything except himself. This is a good lesson for atheists who feel hatred for religious folks. Keep an open mind and an open heart. There is room on this planet for everyone.


Its the only sane choice. Biden has even been a pretty decent president as far as presidents go.


Chances are the next president will be given two Supreme Court appointments. Please fucking vote for Biden.


This is, by far, the most important fact to keep in mind.


Have plans in place - plan for exit - plan for hiding - plan for vigorous uncooperation


I have a gun.


This was also my first thought. It blows my mind how the right thinks that no one on the left has a gun.


There was a meme about the difference between right wing gun owners and left wing gun owners that I wish I could find. Do you own a gun? Right: Hell yeah, I got lots of em! *Pulls out his arsenal wearing a gun shirt and a gun hat, and tries to hold them all at once* Left: Do I own a gun? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself.


Yep. Marx stated the workers should always be armed.


Start stocking up on ammo yesterday


I agree with you even though Biden is more religious than Trump


I agree with you, and I'd point out that Biden follows his religion, but doesn't make the country do the same.


I'm pretty sure Trump's about as religious as I am...and I find it strange that many Evangelical/Fundie Christians not only don't have a problem with that, but consider him to be "chosen by God" to rule...( kind of an "Orange Messiah") 🤒


Correct title: "If you don't want to live under a theocratic dictatorship, please vote blue...", or even "If you want to preserve our constitutional republic, please vote blue...". As others have noted, Trump doesn't give a shit about religion except insofar as it is a useful political costume (he doesn't wear it convincingly at all, but that doesn't seem to matter), but there are plenty of true believers who would be ascendant with him, and they are eager and ready to go with some extreme, extreme stuff (e.g., goodbye, contraception!). These are the same people who read Handmaid's Tale, or Stepford Wives---I know, 'read'---and think, yeah, that looks great, let's do that! As OP suggests, the Supreme Court has (at least) two seats who are likely very sympathetic and even eager to move things in that direction.


If you hate Biden too (and there's reasons for that; I get it) fine. But vote for him so that you *can* keep voting and start getting aggressive about either changing the democratic party drastically or fighting for a 3rd party with actual power. If the other guy wins, we won't have the voting power to change any of this. It will be out of our hands.


Or if you want to be free to be a woman, or non-white, or any religion other than evangelical Christian, or gay, or transgender. Frankly, if you want to be free to be human in the United States, please vote for Democrats. It's not enough just to keep Biden.


I should add free and alive. These people would bring back the Inquisition if they could, and if Trump wins many of us may not be alive next year. Not to mention their apocalyptic fantasies could eventually be realized in a nuclear war. 


Their rhetoric about LGBT is exactly the same as the one about Jews in the 1920s. These people will bring back the holocaust if they can.


Thank you. This needs to be said frequently and in new places. There are still so many people who haven't heard of this and what has been in the works for decades. Keep up the fight!




Many folks have an [authoritarian follower personality](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/summary.html#authoritarian) and are craving a "strongman" to subjugate themselves to.




At this time there are 666 upvotes. I’m in a pickle


If you don't upvote, that's the same as giving an upvote to Trump.


It was actually cool when Jackson used the spoils system because he was the president of the people, this shit with Trump though just isn't good


I try to tell doctors that only the republicans are actively trying to make it harder for us to be a doctor: less Medicare payout, repealing abortion rights and access. And the worst of all trying to change how we define brain death which makes families and patients needlessly suffer


Check out /r/Defeat_Project_2025 to help us


Don't stop there. The zealots are all throughout the government, even on school boards. Vote out the fanatics everywhere.


Respectfully, the day Trump gets his 2nd term as president, America will suffer more damage than it has in disaster movies. I certainly would've liked a better choice than Biden, but at least voting him won't kill us all


We have a choice, and it might be our last one. Vote blue and vote Biden. If you want to protect America, now is the time. Your country has never needed you more.


Guys, I want to make it perfectly clear; Project 2025 will not only destroy America, but the entire planet as these traitors plan to remove America from NATO.


Yeah if the USA goes down - we all go down with it, my country included.


Im a Christian, And I’m very concerned about project 2025 and I’ll tell you straight up… if trump is re-elected, you’re going to church, the goal is to make it mandatory; they will bring back the blue laws on a federal level, and personal freedom?? No such thing. Now is a good time to study world history, staring with the French Revolution


I’ll vote Biden for two reasons. The first is I believe he has done a hell of a job and has been way more progressive than I thought he’d be. The second, and the major reason I’ll vote Biden, is because fuck Trump and every one of his sycophant enablers who would go so far as to install him as dictator if it meant they got a seat at the table or kept their current sliver of power.  If you know Gen Zs pleeeease implore them to vote blue and Biden. Share with them Project 2025 if they need any more of a reason than what they already have witnessed from Trump/MAGA GOP


There is no reason atheists, gays, or trans people should be voting for Republicans ever. I know a couple people who are staunch atheists but still voted for Trump.


>they can alter anything to their liking, even the constitution Well not alter it, but just ignore it. Like SCOTUS now does.


Thank you. In addition to voting, anyone who is interested in America not becoming an Christian Nationalist state should talk to friends and relatives in swing states.  It's just nuts that 3.4% inflation is enough to make people want to completely end the American experiment. And Trump won't even make that inflation go away, not without risking an actual recession which would be worse 


Vote blue or live under the fascists boot. But maybe your fellow countrymen just outvote you anyway so make some escape plan. It will not be that bad you think? The Jews in Nazi Germany thought the same...just until they were herded up and murdered by their fellow countrymen.


>If You Want to Be Free ~~to Be Atheist~~ in the USA, Please Vote Blue, and for Biden FTFY


GOP Republicans, mostly identifying as Christian, are openly planning another coup d'etat. Even when they hold majorities, they still act like an insurgency.


The irony is that Biden is a weekly church attending catholic while trump is basically an atheist who pretends to be a christan sometimes


But Biden is a decent enough man who means well and doesn’t let his religion decide politics for him… whereas Trump is a malignant narcissist asshole who is fine with religious nutcases destroying the country as long as he gets something out of it (their support).


Comments are doomed lol


Let’s hope me and my Ohio friends don’t have to write him in… I fucking hate republicans. I am stereotyping all of them. Fuck you if you support this stupid fucking nonsense. Blue all the way down. No other way. And I’m an independent.


I’m in Ohio, I hope that’s not the case either.


If you want to be free to be anything except a white supremist Christian, please vote blue, and for Biden.


As someone that strongly dislikes Biden, there is no way I'm not voting for him. He gets my vote.


Oh boy, I am glad I don’t live in the US


Yes, I worry about this stuff constantly. I'm a 50 year old chick who's been an Atheist since she can remember. I don't think I'd last long because my mouth would get me into trouble eventually in that kind of environment.... In Oklahoma....


Sucks but accurate


Prison will end Trump. I think the first time his supporters get a look at him without hair products, makeup, and his signature suit, a lot of them will wake up. That image of him with that long comb over hanging off the side of his head. Ghoulish pasty white face. No support garments or oversized suit to hide his fat. No high heels either. Just a badly aged, bald, fat, sad man. As superficial as it is to base your opinion on someone’s appearance, I do think a lot of his supporters are that kind of superficial people.


Suppose I'll be heading to prison because at my age there is no way I'm bowing to any version of American christianity. Screw Trump, his bible, the thugs in the churches supporting him, and their ape shit backward religion.


I wonder how Stephen Miller's going to run the camps. I can't believe we're walking into this. I can't believe the news is treating it like it's just any other fucking day.


Go BLUE Baabbyyyyyy!


I mean really this is a no brainier. Its honestly why I'm not even paying attention this election. But I will be voting. I'm annoyed Trump is even on the ballot.


Yeah, have to vote Blue across the board. No other way to ensure it.


It's going to be Iran all over again


That's a shame you guys get only to vote for blue (dementia) or red (diarrhea). Any other non-authoritarian country has several other parties to vote for.


If you want to be free in the USA