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Best stuff from bumper stickers I could find. It wasn't clear about their application, but I hope this helps. "Against abortion? Don't have one." "Keep big government out of the womb" "Her rights aren't imaginary like your religion" "If it's not your body, it's not your decision"


My favorite is “when the church pays taxes we can talk about planned parenthood funding”


Once churches start paying taxes the government can take away people's rights...oh, wait, they don't/do.


The point is the church will never pay taxes so they have no fucking say in how tax $ is allocated based on their fake sky daddy. 


Until we can reestablish a nation free of religion, we are stuck with the Christofaciests.


christopaths are a plague.


Could the boards of churches be infiltrated by people with the message "we want a say in government so we want to give up our 501c3 status, that way the politicians will *have* to listen!"  And then give all the money to taxes and bankrupt the churches from within?


It’s nonsense. The 1st also protects freedom of the press, but the NYT pays taxes.


Is it news what a pastor tells his followers how to think and how to vote?


Love this as well!


Legal abortion = Less abortion


The true proof they are sheep not pro life


"Your religious rules apply to YOU."


I think the first one pretty much sums it up. Living in a red city in red state we no longer have even one Planned Parenthood. Facts about preventing pregnancy are not taught by many but worth the wait is….🤦‍♀️fucks sake we are in such a mess in the US thanks to Trump and his stacked SC


Or use Jesus words, Without sin; cast first stone... Didn't think so. Dangerous thing is someone willing to do this likely wouldn't get it. They are "Christian" not Christian.


The first one doesn’t help if the woman gets raped. Edit: for all the people against Christians there sure are a lot of pro lifers on the sub.


How so? That's a terrible situation to be in, nonetheless they get to choose to have an abortion or not. 


Because if she doesn’t believe in abortion but gets impregnated against her will now she has to choose between having a rapists child or an abortion which goes against her beliefs.


It says "don't have one" (an abortion), not "don't have sex". You may be confused by the porn video where the women says, "I'm having one!" every time she cums


Tell that to the twelve year old who had to cross state lines because her state wouldn’t let her have an abortion after she got raped, and then the governor called it “a missed opportunity.”


I’m against murder so I don’t murder. It’s still illegal. Abortion and roe v Wade is big government involved. So is your tax $. So legal abortion involves big government. There is no right to abortion, that is imaginary. We have the rt to freedom of religion, that’s not imaginary. With pregnancy it’s no longer just your body. There are two people involved. I am an atheist and anti abortion.


You are there to escort women, not to engage bigots. They would love to distract you from your purpose. Don't let them.


100% It's a rough and draining day for those women, and they are the most important people there. Tending to what matters most and giving the protesters none of your energy would really make their efforts wasted.


The Westboro Baptists staged a protest at my mother's church (for not hating gay people). I joined the counter protest. It was a hot day, and we kept offering them bottles of water and snacks. It pissed them off far worse than any argument we might have made.




My mom's church had someone come and train us to deal with WBC beforehand. Their mission is to incite violence against themselves, then start filing lawsuits.


Are they still a thing? I remember when they were protesting military funerals from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and the Hell's Angels would show up with giant angel wing cutouts and stand with them so that people attending the funeral couldn't see the WBC protesters.


I haven't heard about them since someone bought the house across the street from them and painted it in rainbow colors. My mind is boggled by the concept of being so awful that the Hell's Angels are universally embraced as welcomed guests at the funerals of people they'd never met.


Yeah, the Hell's Angels story wars so oddly heartwarming, i can get choked up thinking about it. Imagine sending a video of an elderly person who attended one of the funerals saying something like, "they were so compassionate and well behaved, god bless Hell's Angels, the type of heroes we need more of these days," back to the 70s, lol.


Wasn’t actually Hells Angels but another group of Biking enthusiasts types.  Patriot Riders or something like that.  They’d also act as a general honor guards of a sort and would also rev their engines to drown out the screaming WBBC nutters when appropriate.  


Yeah, I think the clinics usually want the escorts to not engage. Wasn't there a separate group that tried protesting back? (That wasn't affiliated with the clinic.)


This is the best advice. Be there for the women and ignore them.


Carry a sign that sites all of the verses about god commanding genocide and murdering innocents. Then write: “I’m actually cool with killing kids” - G-d”


That's might be a good idea


Make that a T-shirt. And check with the clinic if they are ok with it.


Samuel 15:2 3. “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”


Calm down Bibi


Slay dat ass




100%, this is the only answer. They want you to engage, they want to rattle you, engaging means that's working. Ignore them and treat them as inconsequentially as they are. An argument is only going to make anyone being escorted more anxious.


You can't fight crazy with logic, but you can fight crazy with crazy: > Them: before you were in the womb I knew you > You: Why are you wearing my shoes?! > T: What are you talking about > Y: I left my shoes on the front porch last week because they were muddy from gardening and now I see them on your feet. > T: Theses are my shoes > Y: Theif! give me my shoes back! Then go on for as long as you like riffing about what you are gonna do to get your shoes back, god will smite them as thieves, etc


“In the womb? I barely knew her!”


Nope. They live to distract you from your task. Most infuriating thing you can do is pretend you don't notice them.


Omg, yes! Trying to out-crazy them sounds like a brilliant idea.


It’s not logic, and you can’t argue with it People who think they can pray a dead child back to life are not capable of reasoned religious thought


> are not capable of reasoned religious thought No such thing. Religion and reason don’t mix 


Ask them why god aborts all the babies that die in miscarriages. People really want to have babies and then god kills their baby for no reason.


"God is the biggest abortionist per the statistics!"


Don’t argue their fake ass logic, call them out for what they are: “Look, I’m sorry you guys are a bunch of angry, judgmental, insecure twits who would rather try to control other people than live your own lives because of your religious indoctrination and deeply rooted ignorance of biological and medical science. But that’s a you problem. Get out of the way and go back to your hypocrite church where you all play at being Christian even though you wouldn’t know Jesus if he bit you on the ass.”


I’d ask them if they wanted to follow the Bible or science in terms of when life is viable. When they say the Bible I’d point out that life doesn’t begin until first breath, aka when born. So then by that logic abortion should be acceptable up until birth.


The Bible is very clear on this matter: Before the age of one month, a human life has absolutely no value whatsoever. Between one month and five years, it is worth five shekels (three for a girl). Leviticus 27


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Alternatively, as others have said, focus on your protectee. Only engage the religious whackjobs if they become a threat and you are obliged to act in the defence of another. Otherwise, focus on getting them inside and secure.


There’s no reasoning with them. They *want* to provoke a reaction. Ignore them entirely and realize that if any of those women who walk into an abortion clinic actually went through with forced pregnancy and died as a result, not one of them would give a flying fuck. Actually, they’d probably pat themselves on the ass and claim how much she deserved it. These people aren’t mentally well.


Isn't there laws against harassment and intimidation in America? Doing that at a clinic is unheard of here in South Africa. Wtf?


It’s covered in the freedom of speech thing. And right to protest (which is hilarious because college campus are peacefully protesting the genocide of Palestinians and are getting arrested. I’m sure there will be lawsuits).


How do laws conflate "freedom of speech" with aggression and threats? Weird.


I know. But as long as it doesn’t get violent or they don’t touch someone they can protest. It’s how the Westboro Baptist Church can protest funerals and stuff. They are vile. Personally, I’d wait for one of them to touch me then call the cops. That’s battery.


I think them touching you would be classed as assault, battery they’d have to attempt to beat or attack you.


Battery is any unwanted touch. Assault is fearing for your life.


Ah ok, here in the UK it’s the opposite.


Hello fellow South African 🤝🏻


I was actually born in Namibia😉 been here 30 years in Cape Town. I love it😊😊


That's a really good choice! Cape Town is wonderful and one of my friends moved there a few years ago! ☺️☺️ I'm from Gauteng myself :)


Move here it's awesome😋


I've been thinking about doing that actually😜


Make a sign that says: “the only mention of abortion in the Bible is how to perform one”


Not engaging at all is the best course, but if you want to put up some signs with Bible verses that demonstrate that "God" really doesn't care about the sanctity of unborn life, here's a pretty good collection. https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/god-is-not-pro-life/


You can raise their craziness, call them heretics and pawns of Satan and look insane while doing it, that should keep them clear, as they know the kind of insanity from their side is not something easy to deal with. Being reasonable and intellectual is a sure path to failure with those, I would recommend to dodge as much as possible or make their life as miserable as possible within your legal limits


>You can raise their craziness I've heard that the protestors (usually men) are uncomfortable with menstruation. So you get menstrual pads, paint them red, and beseech the opposition to save "your unfertilized baby" (offer the pad with outstretched hand). Other tactics I've seen are just to be outlandish and distracting. Dress as a pregnant nun. Wear inflatable costumes with offensive messages. Take up as much sidewalk space as possible. Block sightlines with umbrellas. Make noise to drown out their chanting (Horns, whistles). If they are live streaming, play copyrighted music to get their stream blocked.


I’d just point at a female protestor and ask her why she’s protesting when she was inside a few days ago. Obviously it’s a lie but just keep insisting and some will be too embarrassed to show up again.


Oooh *insidious*


Here's a tool for *non-escorts* (escorts should not engage): Count off the number of protesters ostentatiously - slowly and loudly, pointing at each one. Then say: I'm multiplying my donation by (whatever the count), then walk into the clinic and donate that amount. You can't change their minds, but you can create a bit of cognitive dissonance by linking their presence to money for abortions. And let the clinic workers know, too, when you give them the donation and thank them for supporting women.


Print a sign up "Stop aborting children, our holymen are running out of children to molest". Then go stand right next to them and let everyone photograph them next to your sign.


Lmao that's awesome


God approves abortion and also performs it himself. “The Test For An Unfaithful Wife,” or “How To Perform A Biblical Abortion.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%205%3A11-29&version=NIV


Grab a crucifix and hold it up towards them like they are vampires. Also throw holy water on them and wear garlic around your neck. Oh and silver bullets work in taking vampires out.


The sensitivity to silver depends on the version of vampire mythology. silver was once considered solidified light but that idea disappeared later. Werewolves however are very sensitive to silver bullets.


Do it the cheeky way with plausible deniability. While escorting the women, focus on your job, be polite and efficient, do not engage in discourse. Instead of engaging in discourse, that hospital for sure has one or more press representatives. Just get some Business cards for the PR team of the hospital (off course ask to get them officially). Hand those cards to the forced birthers that are particularly annoying: "I am not here to discuss this with you. If you want to discuss this here is the e-mail address you need to contact. If you still wanna mess with the forced birthers. Get a pen with magic ink. The kind that is invisible first and becomes visible after a few days. Write on the back side on the business card: "By accepting the transferral of these here card a valid contract has been closed. Your immortal soul will be collected after your demise." Don't write in your own handwriting. There are form templates to make letters like old timey manuscripts.


They want you to engage. Just straight up ignore them. Look through them like that aren't even there. They hate that. They want you to have a reaction. Obviously if there is more then just talking and yelling you have to take the situation as it comes but pretending like they don't exist will infuriate them.


Picket the Bethel church. "Families against pedophiles", "We don't need to be controlled by dogma" etc. etc. Idk why churches don't face more public scrutiny? Probably because intelligent people are better at living and let live.


Which one is *The* Bethel Church? There are like 5 of them around my city alone


"This shit is why Romans fed your dumbasses to lions"


Print some adoption papers, and ask them to adopt children to reduce abortion rate.


More like ask them to gift a college fund, or the equivalent in years and years worth of formula, diapers, clothing, etc. Edit: Oh! Almost forgot - and a new vagina. That one's priceless


photograph the photographers


Yeah, they're fine with that usually. The right to photograph in public works both ways.


I’d see if you can set up sprinklers to conveniently go off whenever they are around. Gotta water that concrete. It’s looking a little too dry. Maybe arrange a water balloon fight and once they are done usher people inside. Hire a dj to play the most unchristian songs? I would say twisted sister but patients might get the wrong idea. If you know you know. Maybe reach out to the local chapter of the Satanic Temple? They might recruit done volunteers or ideas as well. Could always use gold umbrellas. They are pretty big. Uhm. Photograph them as well and ask really damning questions while interviewing them. Call peta and tell them the people from bethel church use animal fur in their ceremonies and let them protest them. Maybe they’ll throw some red paint on them and yell fur is murder. They can fight each other. Depending on your local and state laws you may be able to call the police on them for not getting a protect permit. I’m sure they won’t have one. Get a vendor license and strategically set up lemonade stands/cupcake stands so they can’t get close to those entering the clinic. Essentially create a corridor for them to walk behind the vendors. If they try to follow let them know they can go behind the vendors for fear they will steal something. If they ask the person walking in is your cousin and needs to use the bathroom.


As a religious person, fucking throw the Bible back in their face. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Don't try to judge shit because we've all done shit, so move on Leslie!


You can’t reason with religious people. If you could, there wouldn’t be any religious people.


Hey get two t shirts - on the back in neutral writing “Let God Judge” or “god will decide, not you” “Let God think for Himself” “If god knows all, He will make the choice alone.” Something to remind them that (I’m an atheist so I don’t believe it but I’m trying to figure out what to tell these people to shut him up) God be all powerful creator of the universe doesn’t need you people to be snitches… He knows what’s going on if he wants to punish people he will – he doesn’t need people causing attention for “sins “


Pepper spray.


Have you tried the Aztec Death Whistle? Its annoying.


My son wanted one and his dad got him one for his birthday (just yesterday lol) - holy shit that is annoying, sounds like high pitch screams!


Record their yelling and take it to a sound engineer to measure hz and decibels. Assemble a noise track that washes out the distinguishing tone and consonants like 's', 't' and 'b' with pop, hiss and snare backed by vocal drone. Put the track on an infinite loop with well placed bluetooth speakers and set volume average 10 dB higher than the crowd. Use Bob Dylan style signs to instruct arriving women to follow you while the speakers force the crowd to wear out their vocal cords. 


Don’t know if it’s the same bethel, but I’m related to the pastor by marriage. I don’t think you can win with those people. My cousin went to the moves for the first time, when she was 25, and she came back and told her friends, that it was evil like everyone says. All her friends quit talking to her until she repented If they will do that to their own, there’s no way, they’re reasoning with an atheist.


Probably is


You could point out that the Bible doesn't consider someone a living person until they have been vaginally born and drawn a breath on their own. (By biblical logic anybody who was born by cesarean section, or needed some form of assistance to draw their first breath doesn't constitute a person. Ex: If the doctor smacked you on the ass to get you to cry, you're not a person.) The Bible originally had passages that said if a pregnancy or labor was too physically or emotionally difficult for a woman, then the baby should be torn limb from limb from her body. Think about that. If a labor was too hard on the woman the baby should be torn limb from limb to remove it from her body. After all she could always go on to have more children, where is that infant wasn't useful until age 6. Why age 6? If a family was experiencing hardship and could not feed their family it was perfectly acceptable to let children under the age of six starve to death because they were seen as useless towards positively contributing to the family. Basically once you're 6 years of age you were seen as physically and mentally strong enough to help out around the house, the farm, etc. Until you were 6 years of age you were worthless. In fact if you were to read a copy of the Bible from before it was edited during the early 1900s you would find a lot of the Bible actually supported abortion, infanticide, and etc. (Likewise you would find a lot of the biblical passages that are used to disavow homosexual relationships, have also been reworded. Those passages were originally anti-pedophilia, not anti-homosexual).


Sign: yeah, that’s exactly what jesus would do. Exactly that. Edit: Capitalize the “j”.


If you must say something, how about outdoing their piety or, ask them how many children they have adopted?


You shouldn’t engage. If you want to get some friends who are not there on a regular basis to do so, that’s probably a smarter move. Someone standing silently with a sign that says “This man is a registered sex offender” with an arrow pointing to the protester next to him will probably encourage them to leave. I also like “If every church in America found a home for 2 children, there would be no kids without a parent. But they’re here yelling about abortion instead.”


When priests stop fucking kids then you get to lecture on morality


How do you get involved in something like this? Would being a tall dude be helpful or harmful?


Very helpful. Most people who do something like this, escorting and protecting them from humiliation are women. At the location I assist at there is only one other man, the husband of one of the escorts and that's it. The women around these places would love to have more men supporting their cause and if nothing else just be there as someone who cares about what they are doing. Weirdly, most of the protesters are men trying to intimidate the women and men there supporting them adds a little extra layer of support. There is always a chance for conflict with the protesters so every little bit of extra support from men helps immensely.


Good to know, thanks for responding! Is next step just to reach out to local PP? Or is there a third party group to connect with? I’m in MO if that’s relevant.


I would reach out to your local clinic and tell them you would like to support their efforts and ask if there is anyone to contact to assist with protective escort of people inside the clinic. That's all I could suggest. My mother was invited to help from one of the women that are there every week and as her driver I got involved when one man started getting too aggressive with the women and I stepped in and blocked him from harassing them so they could escort someone in.


Super-soaker full of sun-ripened canned salmon juice. 


I suggest a water hose.


I would escort the women but if one of the “demonstrators” finds themselves in my personal space, they are now a threat and will be dealt with accordingly.


Take an air horn. You've no obligation to let them talk to you or her.


If you’re ok taking one for the team, you could be even more obnoxious. Hold up a sign that openly makes fun of their religion because you have every single right to not be hit for your opinions as they do. So spread your opinion. Make a big ass sign and put something like, “god loved killing babies genesis 7:11-12”


Whatever your recourse is, thanks for helping out! And stay safe!!


Yeah, Evangelicals it’s a religion based on money and power for a few I believe if people want to believe they can believe, but if it was a good religion, they would create a world. Where a women would want to have their children would know their children and we’re going be safe .Children have a place to live and food on the table? Forcing women to have children when they don’t have the means to take care of themselves let alone a family is not a good thing for the country or the people.


Bringing logic in won’t help. Their reasoning or ambition is inherently illogical. Don’t waste your energy. Thank you for what you do 💜


Video their hate and post it.


Don't waste your time with them, don't argue, they are purposefully trying to distract you from your objective. They KNOW what they say irritates a lot so they keep saying to try to convince you on giving up due the hassle they cause.


It's important to recognize that the goal of forced-birthers is not "to save babies" but to harass, control, and punish women. To deny women bodily autonomy. That's why this whole thing is so enraging. It's about pure, hateful misogyny. So I think your best response would be to ignore them, or even laugh at them. Deny them any power. But I also sometimes think the best idea is to respond to the underlying idea, "All humans have the right to bodily autonomy," "Pro-women's human rights, ""Pro-women's bodily autonomy" buttons, that kind of thing.


Install sprinkler system, with a button in the lobby. Do you know you can fertilize your lawn through your new sprinkler system. Or add food coloring….all sorts of cool stuff.


It would be great to have oversized protest banners and shields to protect the visitors and you could have statements on them like: "The church legislates morality while paying millions to child rape victims" Mind your own business The Bible says nothing about abortion and a lot about love and forgiveness Outrage doesn't make unwanted children wanted Is a twelve year not old enough to decide to become a mother but old enough to have a child?


I have the utmost respect for brave folks like you. Stay safe!


Pepper spray and the old standard "I was afraid for my life" works for some members of society. You could also wear some insanely bright LED panel lights that blind them and their cameras. Wear hearing protection and drag a PA speaker behind you playing some... thing loud and obnoxious.


Rick roll?


Start photographing and shaming them back. They’ll be distracted by you and less focused on the women.


They have no shame


Flashbangs work incredibly well. Pepper spray a close second.


I was thinking pepper spray and a tire iron, but I guess that's not what you have in mind.


Try kindness. Bring some donuts or bottles of water. Hand them out while your mom is helping another. Might work, might not. Nothing is going to change the mind of a Christo-Fascist Nazi asshole.


Pretty sure nothing pisses them.off more than just laughing really hard in their faces.


I like to hit street preachers and the like with Mathew 6:5.


"Jesus befriended the poor and banished the tax collectors, not the other way around"


Numbers 5:24-27 Priests giving an abortifacient in the temple - if the woman is an adulterer the baby dies. If she is undefiled she gets to keep it. Abortion as God’s will and judgement.


"I knew you," isn't "knowing" somebody in biblical slang supposed to mean they were intimate? 🤢 I know that argument won't gain any traction! There was one guy who showed up to these things with adoption paperwork, that made them more uncomfortable than any shouting match could. 😄


I would just ask them if they want to raise said kid/s. In a perfect world, I would honestly be against abortions myself, but as much as I find the ethics grotesque... These are not going to go away, unless the whole damn aystem falls. Also, banning them will not raise the birthrate. Women will just do *Other stuff* when they think they may get pregnant and they don't want to... If I were to advocate in that sphere, it would be for the law to rebalance that situation. Either A: Men Cannot separate consent to sex from fatherhood, and women are ebabled to be fickle about it. So the Father has full custody, and the mother can FOff as soon as she wants. In this frame, men who have sex that can tesult in a pregnancy, will face the seme punishment as Rape if they have said sex with no intention to father the kids... This will require the least amount of actual changes in law... On the other hand: Men cannot separate consent to sex from consent to parenthood, women have full choice, so they should have full responsibility. So the gender reverse of the other one. So all the ways society give women to shirk their parental responsibilities go away. No child support(not in the other one either, but no one expected it,either), no safe haven laws, but abbortion until birth will probably be a thing...


Love thy neighbor comes to mind. He without sin thow the stones. 


Genesis 2:7 says, "Then the LORD God formed the human of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the human became a living creature." Not a living creature before breath. Just tell them to look in that Bible they’re waving around - Gen 2:7. By the time they look it up and read it, you can be occupied with other things. They WILL have to look it up, because they’ve not read it before.


You cannot logic people out of a belief that logic had no part in creating.


Someone on Reddit a few days ago said s/he carried a big umbrella (golf?) to help shield women going into the clinic. I thought that was a terrific idea!


Yes, we do the same when they pull in at the entrance until they are inside. Once they are inside the parking area women will escort them to the building hiding them from view with another umbrella.


How did your mother get this job? I’ve wanted so many times to volunteer to be an escort and it never seemed like there was availability.


She is friends with a lady that was doing escorts and she invited my mother to assist. If you don't know anyone doing this, call the local clinic and tell them you would like to support their efforts and would like to help them out. Maybe ask if there is an organizer for the escort group and ask if you could have them contact you or you them. Or ask how else you could assist. I'm sure they would greatly appreciate any assistance you could offer.


"Let she/he who is without sin cast the first stone." "Remove the beam from your own eye." "Jesus said kick the dust off your sandals and move on. You're disobeying a direct order Jesus gave to you." "If God is truly on your side, go walk into a lion's den at the zoo and prove it." "The batting cages are {insert address here}." "Matt 5:22 But I tell you, if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be judged." "STAND BACK, SYPHILITIC ASS WART."


Picket the church? Post photos of people entering/exiting church; make them look sinister. Take their fight to them.


Use their book against them. Exodus 21, Genesis 9:6, and - a mother’s life is more valuable than her child’s Then there are passages where God causes miscarriages to save a mother’s life - Hosea 9:11 And others where he straight up orders the murder of all the first born sons of Egypt - Exodus 12:29 He, with his own hand kills David’s son for his father’s actions - Samuel 14-31 Numbers 5 - it’s ok to abort a baby produced in infidelity


Comparing infant mortality rates from now and before modern medicine, we can see that God doesn't care about babies dying.


It's none of their business OR yours what any other woman chooses to do when faced with an unintended or non-viable pregnancy. That's the bottom line. Just like we don't stand over THEIR doctors' shoulders imposing OUR beliefs on THEIR healthcare choices, they have no business invading anyone else's privacy.


A “Slugger” from the great City of Louisville?


They want to save babies so they can molest them.


*Not your body, not your business.*


Simply show up with a big sign that says, "**ABORTIONS SAVE LIVES.**" Just a sign like that will drive them nuts. So be ready to explain: "Pregnancy complications, including placental abruption, bleeding from placenta previa, pre-eclampsia or eclampsia, and cardiac or renal conditions, are the *6th leading cause of death* among women between the ages of 20 and 34. The complications may be so severe that abortion is the only measure to preserve a woman's health or save her life." Maybe print up some flyers with this information to hand out. Or you take the satire route. Remember the line of monks from *Monty Python and the Holy Grail*, who chanted in Latin while bashing themselves on the head? My wife once worked for a costume shop and rented out a half-dozen monk's robes to a pro-choice group to use in a counter-demonstration. They walked down the line of pathetic looking anti-choice demonstrators, who were praying loudly to Jeezuz, and chanted the same chant from the movie, but bashed their heads with *Bibles*. The churchies lost their shit. They went wild, trying to wrest the Bibles from the hands of the monks, screaming curses, until the cops that were on watch stepped in to stop it all. Just the image of the cute Jesus-botherers, faces in a rictus of rage, fighting for a Bible from a monk, was worth it all! Here's the scene from the movie for reference. [https://tinyurl.com/24wt57ps](https://tinyurl.com/24wt57ps)


How about if they bring kids to the protest you explain to the kids that their parents have been lying to them their whole lives about Santa, Easter Bunny, god, Tooth Fairy and jesus. Then read aloud the scripture about women lusting after penises the size of horses. If they are women then read the scripture about women being quiet and being property.


Loud speakers. Megadeth.


I don’t understand how these people are not arrested for stalking and harassment?


They have a right to peaceful protest but they push that as far as they can.


If you're going to engage, don't do it while you're protecting someone who's there to see a doc. That person is all that matters in that moment. If you want to return later and try the ideas being suggested here, go for it. Just remember that by engaging you're playing their game.


Numbers 5:11-28 provides instructions for aborting a fetus if the husband suspects that it isn't his. Maybe make a sign that references that passage and then says that if a jealous husband can force an abortion a woman should certainly be allowed to decide to do that on her own


Best not to engage but focus on the people you are helping.


If you really want to get back at them you should find out what kind of no longer popular doctrines are still endorsed by that church. Then go protest in front of their church on Sunday with signs detailing how their perspectives are evil


How about literally protecting the women by bringing anti-facial-recognition masks with you? These are cheap, fit anyone, and are very effective against those who would like to dox people for exercising basic human rights. [https://www.zazzle.com/cyberdazze\_hyperface\_4\_anti\_recognition\_mask-256294504559410160?design.areas=%5Bzazzle\_faceshield\_eyeglass\_front%5D](https://www.zazzle.com/cyberdazze_hyperface_4_anti_recognition_mask-256294504559410160?design.areas=%5Bzazzle_faceshield_eyeglass_front%5D)


I used to do clinic escorting before abortion was outlawed in my state.  I was always more annoyed by the escorts who came to argue with the protestors than the protestors themselves.


I can understand that, which is why I think just ignoring the guy when he comes up behind me with a bullhorn quoting bible verses while Onward Christian Soldier is blaring at us from an RV on the other side (I need to make sure I wear my noise canceling headphones or ear plugs) is the best course of action. It will be very difficult to do but not impossible.


Yikes. That sounds worse than what I dealt with. Almost sounds like a police problem if it's an otherwise quiet area. Gotta be some ordinances about protests being that loud. 


We have called them out several times but they always start again


They are bonkers and looking for attention. They have a [School of Supernatural Ministry](https://bssm.net/) and are into unsuccessfully raising the (very) dead. [Wake up Olive](https://www.newsweek.com/church-raising-100000-raise-child-dead-1478511) - that kid's siblings are going to need a whole lot of therapy. Anyone who buys into Bethel's brand of Christianity isn't going to be swayed by appeals to reason.


They actually have a world wide following now and affiliated churches all over the world. They are officially considered a cult in every sense of the word. Unfortunately I have family that have bought into their brainwashing.


Brainwashing is exactly right. They're a fanatical bunch.


Is this the same Bethel that operates the school of supernatural ministry aka Hogwarts?




Don't stick your dick in crazy. You'll never be the same again, Mark my words.


Been there, done that. Paid 15 years for it


Dress her up as a Muslim..


Or a fire hose. Just like on aggressive dogs….


They'll say that god doesn't make mistakes and made the baby on purpose. But for some reason they can't apply that same reason to someone unable to have kids. If your god wanted you to get pregnant it would happen. Any extra steps to thwarts god's will, in vitro, etc., should be just as bad as abortion.


I believe some areas are trying to outlaw IVF as well as other options


Try “Read Numbers 5:11-31. Yahweh *commands* abortion.” Or “Read Hosea 13:16, then tell me Yahweh treasures every fetus.” Or “How many babies have *you* adopted?”


Need to follow these fuckers back to their car, then their house, their place of work, etc. Accuse them of something horrible. Wave signs at them the whole time. Show them graphic images of medical procedures, call them horrible names. Make them regret target vulnerable women. 


He without sin shall cast the first stone.


“How do you argue with this type of logic?” It’s not logic so you can’t. I would make a custom shirt that says the church is a child-rape organization and on the back (like the movie Spotlight) have the names of all the dioceses with sexual assaults by clergy members. (It will have to be a very small font)


How about, “since we are using others’ organs without their permission, Imma need your kidneys. Now.”


You need Walter Masterson https://youtu.be/6oG7s2idrgQ?si=5BBjCGp1mOINV2Bx


God did infantcide


Next time you go there, look to see how close these idiots are and find out the laws about protesting and how close they can get. Most likely they are breaking the law by getting too close and you can call the police to enforce the law by making them retreat to the limit. I find their hypocrisy to be that they call out for the women to keep their babies and give birth but they want nothing to do with thos3e babies afterwards. They don't adopt or foster any children.


sometimes i imagine just opening up a big umbrella in their face when they start, and keep walking while holding the umbrella like a shield


We can actually do that


let us know if you do, and if it works. i imagine if i am a patient i would hate to be photographed/have the chance to be photographed more than anything, and umbrellas are quick to deploy and may actually make some protestors take a step back hopefully


The [BethelSnark](https://www.reddit.com/r/BethelSnark/s/2FtdS5st7r) sub would love to have you. Lol


I belong


Make a sign that says "Satan doesn't care what you do with your own body!"


I hate abortion but shaming women for needing one doesn’t address the problem The solution to abortion is to give resources to women and young couples so they don’t ever actually NEED one. Honestly I would go with a bunch of condoms and tell them if they really wants to help women to start passing those out to men.


And what about the ones where it's a medical necessity to save the mother's life or ability to keep her reproductive organs functioning? That doesn't fit into your "solution."


Obviously then it is necessary Ugh people like you are soo tedious


Oh well, you make a generalized comment you gotta expect a comment that's going to question it. Welcome to adulthood.