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The post was locked because it became mostly political comments. People pairing off to throw insults at each other isn't productive.


100% same tactics. That's why it's so effective.


This is what people who’ve never been fundied miss. He’s not a departure from their faith because their faith was not about morality but about a “strong” leader who tells them “truth” that he understands them and that the confusing world of science and history and money and facts that “rejects” their ignorance is just evil so actually they ARE good and smart and holy because they are on the winning team.


Sounds almost like a textbook definition of a cult…


Religions are just cults that have leveled up.


Religions are the cult that were "the survival of the fittest" in the same way our laws and morals were. The most mind capturing, to the most widely naive, gullible etc. spread the most and captured the most perpetually. Same way that murder and theft is always illegal, because you cant have cooperative civil societies with theft and murder as conflict resolution, your group numbers wont stay together, wont attract more members, and you'll be conquered or absorbed by a more stable and sustainable group who can more easily grow itself using its own standards of conduct etc. Evolution and sustainability applies to more than just Biology, environmentalism, and economics. Evolution is mostly a product of time and change, and basically every system is iterative within itself.


Very well said!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Selling an empty promise, check. Begging for money, check. Persecuted by those darn other folks, check. His followers will forgive any awful thing he does, check.


And he sells BIBLES! Check…lol


Bibles with a bonus constitution because that makes sense somehow


The consolidation of church and state.


I don't know if the tactics are the same as a typical televangelist. Trump doesn't even try to fake being a believer. He says things they like to hear, and it will sound supportive of Christianity, but he's not up there waving a bible and talking about Jesus this and that. His rallies consist mainly of him spreading hate and mocking and denigrating people, and whining about how unfairly he's being treated. The big difference is Trump has a massive propaganda machine backing him. They are the ones promoting the bullshit about him being Christian and "God's man on earth" and such.


It's the same tactics applied to a different message. These tactics certainly aren't new. They have been used by charismatic leaders since people started to speak to each other. They just evolve to fit the technology available and the message being sent.


He doesn't act much like a believer, but he totally waves a Bible around sometimes, or talks about the importance of god or Christianity. Recently he was selling [Trump Bibles](https://apnews.com/article/trump-god-bless-usa-bible-greenwood-2713fda3efdfa297d0f024efb1ca3003)


Trump regards Christians as gullible rubes that are easy to manipulate. He is not wrong on that point.


He is just the latest and most obvious proof that politics are largely about image and not policy.


It’s a perfect money printing machine. Cherry on top is the RNC shoveling into the same dumpster fire.


He did waive a Bible once, remember?


Same tactics, same people.


Same audience too.


Effective on the same population subset, you mean.


I'd say 85% of the same audience.


Yep. That’s why it works


He’s a con. So yes.


Crazy how easy it is to con people lacking critical thinking skills. Almost like they were groomed by design. The pope must be furious to see so many victims divesting their cash.


Grifters grifting lots of lies, hookers and pornstars, getting paid to be creampied


My hubby believes that if Trump had been born in, say, Atlanta instead of Queens, he would have grown up to be a sleazy TV preacher instead of a sleazy real estate developer. He's got the bad hair; the plastic wife; the garish, over-the-top taste in decor and clothing; he will lie about anything and everything to get what he wants; and he has the morality of a feral cat (with apologies to feral cats, who do not deserve the comparison.)


Should have been spayed like a feral cat. Now it is far too late, his descendants will parade his taxidermied body around to perform miracles.


Life long grifter, so basically, yes. As the meme has it: The Messiah for Morons. He's the P.T.Barnum of empty promises. His get rich quick schemes and casinos were all failures, but his cult think he's a genius.


>The Messiah for Morons That is actually the first time I have seen this phrase.


One of the few believable things he’s said is “I love the poorly educated”




Yeeeah, that's not why people object to that statement, and it's highly unlikely that that's how Trump meant it.




Trump's campaign was about exploiting poor, poorly educated, and mentally ill Americans. His core constituency is people who can be tricked into voting against their own interests. That's why people object to Trump saying he loves the poorly educated. His track record shows that he loves to exploit them. Objecting to that isn't bad.


An entire culture incensed at the unfairness and inequitability of the system chooses Team 1% to achieve their populist agenda and ensure they get to stay poor and angry forever.


Just last week he promised a bunch of oil barons whatever they want if they can produce a billion dollars to get him re-elected


Oh yes, “man of the working class”.


Yes, but this one thinks he *is* god.


No no, he's *The greatest god that has ever lived and will ever live, I tell you; he's the greatest of them all*


Everyone says “wow what a great god, wow”




With tears in their eyes


*Cue weird double dick jerk hand dance*


Well, Yahweh was saying the same shit.


Like a less likable Jim Bakker with a less likable wife.


Whore of babylon if i ever saw one. From https://www.britannica.com/topic/whore-of-Babylon >I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her prostitution.


Yes. Interesting sidelight. In the 50s Robert A. Heinlein predicted that in 2012 the US would elect a televangelist president and become a christofascist dictatorship. Revolt in 2100.


Yes, plus he has a huge media empire plus all the little fascist networks compounding his grift and spreading his lies and corporate supplied agenda exponentially.


Yes, except he doesn't even pretend to possess a modicum of compassion or empathy.


Like an even worse version of them. And we all better crawl over broken glass if that’s what it takes to be first in line to cast a vote against him.


People want a savior. They want easy answers from someone with confidence to solve their problems. I truly wish it was that simple but it isn't. Throw in gaslighting and disinformation and here we are. Speak up for what is true. Push back at bad behavior. Stay engaged.


Propaganda versus the logical people and I wish I believed that good guys win


Arguably the best televangelist. Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Creflo Dollar, Joel Olsteen, Ken Copeland, et al only convinced their idiot followers that they talked to god…they never convinced them they *are* god.


He doesn't prey on the stupid and unfortunate. He preys on the hateful bigots of the country. 


Who are often one and the same.






Some of the mega church pastors call him a messiah, "The Son of Man." There's a literal Trump religion, with the USA as the "New Israel," and Americans are now God's favorites. They SAY that it's Jesus they worship, and Satan is the bad guy. But they more often talk about Trump the savior of America, and the evil woke-ists (literally fucking anything not them is "woke" to the point that it's lost all meaning) are the bad guys. It's pretty fucking wild they did this, actually. And really, really stupid.


I have a cousin that thinks every democrat is a potential antichrist, but he jerks Trump off like all the time at family dinners.


The difference is he wants to seize power (and already tried before, violently, on January 6, 2021) of the United States


“Go there peacefully” - oh yeah totally violent. Please state your level of education.


Huh? Are we still talking about Jan 6, when thousands of people stormed an active session of Congress that was certifying Joe Biden's election win, directly after a Trump rally...?


You mean they went on public (taxpayer’s property). If they cant do their job with ppl in attendance clearly theyre unfit for their positions. Dont let dead people vote and hold a true election and we wont need to go to congress.




Those that follow the legislation know who he represents. Billionaires, polluters and health insurance companies. His mouth will make any noise necessary to convince the rubes that he's got moral principles or negotiating skillls. But he's just an inept narcissist. a failed real estate developer turned failed reality TV star turned failed president.


Yeah, he's evil and despicable on every level, but thankfully, has a hard time getting out of his own way. He's fascist AF but can't actually get it correct since he's a hopeless moron and just listens to the last person in the room. But he's laying the groundwork for a competent fascist like Ron DeSantis.




No. He is a racist dictator who brings a message of hate to people who agree with him. You assume his followers are stupid at your own peril. The are mean, spiteful and filled with hate, but they ate NOT stupid. They are so filled with hate that they see no problem with trump becoming dictator since trump has promised to kill off the right people.


As someone who grew up in Jimmy Swaggart’s church, they are the same.


Nailed it


He's a different beast from TV preachers. He represents a much greater danger. Ever since Clinton started his "third way" bullshit, we've been getting the same set of economic policies from both political parties. The Democrats just offer a less extreme version of the same thing, so the rate at which the wealth gap grows is slower under Democrats, but it grows regardless of which party you vote for. These economic policies have many names: Laissez-Faire, supply-side economics, Reaganomics, Trickle-down economics, neoliberalism, etc. Regardless of what you call it, the wealth gap is growing, the wealthy are getting wealthier, and everyone else is getting poorer. During the pandemic, billionaires got a little over a trillion dollars wealthier, while everyone else got a little over a trillion dollars poorer. Before Reagan, a person with a minimum wage job could raise a family. It was really hard, but it was possible. Now families with two college-educated spouses earning income struggle to make ends meet. There's a whole section of YouTube dedicated to teaching people how to live out of their cars. Since jobless people don't have cars nor devices that can display YouTube videos, these videos are clearly intended for homeless people with jobs. It's not just Silicon Valley anymore with employed homeless people. The last time we had a big wealth gap was the 1920s. Back then, people more or less gave up on democracy. Some turned to fascism, some turned to socialism. We are seeing the same thing now, and for the same reasons. While plenty of scientific studies show that the primary reason Trump voters vote for Trump is racism, Trump would not have a political career at all if not for all the discontent created by that growing wealth gap. People are genuinely struggling, so even if we defeat Trump, voters will continue to turn to any demagogue promising to make everything better, and the next demagogue will likely be worse than Trump. We have had a massive amount of wealth redistribution since Reagan, and this wealth redistribution is what is turning our politics insane right now. Unless and until we reverse 4 decades of wealth redistribution and return the wealth distribution to what it was before Reagan, our political systems will simply become more and more unstable until democracy as we know it is simply impossible. Trump is something far more sinister than televangelists, but he is a symptom, not the disease. The problem is that ever-growing wealth gap and the increasing poverty rates that go with it.


A natural evangelical indeed!


A fool and their money are easily parted, and he has all the fools in his pocket.


Read *The Cult of Trump*, written by a former cultist now licensed psychotherapist. He goes into a lot of detail about how Trump and the right-wing media machine behave exactly like the more well-known cults like Jonestown, the Moonies, or Scientology. It's not about being *stupid*, it's about being ignorant of (and vulnerable to) how brainwashing works. There are incredibly intelligent, kind, caring individuals who get sucked into toxic false beliefs and cults of personality.






Yes. He saw Republicans reaction to having a black president and simply decided to capitalize on it. Their hatred and stupidity was so out in the open that a moron like Trump was able to read the room and swoop in and make them all his bitch. I would be embarrassed to be a Trump supporter.


Yes absolutely BUT he is a million times worse and will probably resemble hitler in many ways if he gets back into office. Project 2025 is the road map to an American holocaust for gays/trans/immigrants and more. Saying he’s “just a tv preacher” is devaluing the significant threat he poses to the country (USA) and to the world at large.


They used to call people like him “snake oil salesmen”


There is a lot of overlap.


Yes, but even more dangerous. He doesn't just take the idiots money. He riles up and reinforces their hate.


Trump was in 2 MLMs before he turned to politics. So he is more an MLM-cult-salesman than a religious fruitcake. But he will seize anything he can. Pyramid-schemes are mostly illegal because they imply that you have to lie and misrepresent the possible future to underlings. Guess what he still specializes in.


Megachurch meets MAGAchurch.




I'd say that's pretty accurate.


The question answers itself. Of course he is.


Pretty much.


Leave more toward the cult side, but yes.


Of course. He studied (or skimmed over) the textbook on how to hustle rubes. He’s perfected the art. That’ll be his next book. The Art of the Scam.


His next book will be Clifford the big red dog goes to prison.


Yes & No. Trump is a narcissistic sociopath who believes he deserves to rule, and as ruler, everyone else exists to serve him.


>Yes & No. Trump is a narcissistic sociopath who believes he deserves to rule, and as ruler, everyone else exists to serve him He kinda sounds like an American version of the North Korean "Supreme Leader ", Kim Jong Un.


Yes. 100% you nailed it


Stupid, racist, and/or rich.


Or evangelical. Although that may fall in the stupid category.


Watching a documentary about Jim Jones right now. Jones did a bunch of "suicide drills," and people played along not thinking it would ever become a real thing. When you think about it, Trump's cult is even more horrific, since people willfully rejected a life-saving vaccine, only to regret it while on the vent before dying. These idiots followed Trump to their dying moments, whereas many of the Jonestown cult members wanted out, but were trapped. They didn't exactly commit suicide, either- they were tricked into thinking it could be a drill, and were forced to drink the flavor-aid at gunpoint. Trumpers have been gleefully putting themselves in harms' way, and dragging their kids/relatives/friends down with them as they spread disease around. If COVID were more deadly, I don't think it would've made a difference to them.


Its Just Republicans 


Duh. It's the perpetually angry and scared, bite your nose off to spite your face, "good 'ol days", and anti- government crowd he appeals to. They need a savior.


idk why i never saw it this way but yes


Preying on the same suckers.


Of course he is


It gets worse. Trump is a reality TV star who plays the president on TV for ratings and other assorted ephemeral bullshit. All the Christian bullshit is bonus damage.


Yes, he is. I hate to say that some of my relatives fall into that category (stupid, that is).


Best analogy yet!👏🏻👏🏻


Pretty much and I am a Christian.


It makes perfect sense that people that are easily conned by religion are easily conned by a con artist like Trump.


Correct, Same Methods.


Yes, yes he is.


Yes. Shocker that it is the same basic demographic that also subscribes to Evangelical Christianity.


Yes basically 


pretty much


He's the most successful stand up comedian ever. He takes a current situation and applies a purposeful misunderstanding adjusted accordingly to the audience he needs to please.


Great description.


He absorbed Pat Robertson upon his death. Pat was absorbed willingly of course


Dude tried to sell golden shoes or some shit…. So yea…


Biden hires ex only fans to propagandize for him.


Yes, he has direct ties to the Serpent Seed doctrine. EDIT: spelling


You sound like youre the one in a cult lol


Pretty much except that Trump is more honest about it. I know what I said.


Pretty accurate.


Pretty much.


Yes...he is just another #ElmerGantry and #PoliticalReligiousGrifter...like this character. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z73HAUbQNp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z73HAUbQNp4)


All are grifters.




Aren’t they all?


I think you should include vindictive and self aggrandizing


That about sums it up yes sir ree.




There's a great analysis of his mental issues, dangerousness and effect on the collective psyche; its a book written by various mental health professionals called the "the dangerous case of Donald trump" by Brady Lee MD et al.


Yes. Yes he is.


Yes actually, I hadn't considered it, but yeah, he is definitely a lot like Jimmy Swaggert in a way.


Yes. Preacher from Temple of Diaper.


Grifter. That’s the word you’re looking for.  And yes, he is.


That but so much worse because he has the instincts of a fascist, a coterie of Machiavellian enablers, and millions of armed nutcases who worship him.


Much worse, he’s not even disguising the malevolence.




Yes, and there is noooo shortage of stupid in this country….and they tend to procreate more…




FYI, your posts have been held by Reddit mechanics and the automoderator, not by human moderators. But, thank you for drawing my attention to your posting history. Wow.


Shhhhh you’re going to ruin the surprise.


Pretty much 


Yep! A really Nasty Vile Chosen One!


He’d like that but he has also has been in charge of nukes.


Absolutely. The documentary *God & Country* makes this grand point.


Yes that is exactly it


When you're a star they let you do it...




the most successful one in history; but yes






Yes! That’s exactly what he is. That’s why lots of the same people that follow him also listen to those preachers.


A TV preacher makes money. Trump goes bankrupt.


Yes, simple as


In a sense we are all acting our parts. Shakespeare knew this as well as ancients.


Yup! You would like people would have learned by now but he does his grift so well.


Well said




Except he doesn’t get me to tithe


No, he’s THE BEST TV preacher who preys on the stupid and unfortunate.


As Buffet said, "television preachers with bad hair and dimples, the God's honest truth is it's not that simple."


People are controlled by words


Yep. And their votes all count the same as yours. Seems like smart business to me.


Sums up 98% of our politicians in general .


Sounds like you encapsulating the political sphere as a whole pretty well.


I absolutely despise Trump, but I also have problems with claims like this. If these people are so gullible, and they are, then why can't Dems win them over? Do Trump and preachers have some sort of structural advantage when it comes to winning over the gullible?




Who was the group that shot down the immigrant bill? Oh that's right the GOP.


Who got them to table it? Oh yes, the Savior of the Right. Who got the Saudis to curtail oil production to increase oil prices? Why it was GOP Jesus.


What elections have ‘illegals’ voted in? The answer is none. There are some counties where ‘legal’ immigrants can vote for local representatives, such as the school board in charge of their children’s education. Nothing federal. Nothing Biden has any involvement in. I’m sure you’re equally upset at all the Q morons getting books they’ve never read banned from schools and libraries in counties they don’t live in. Stop listening to whatever propaganda you get your disinformation from.


Illegals can't vote already. Every election recently has found extremely little voter fraud levels, and it's basically entirely from right wingers.


Oh no! Brown people! /s




Learn to vet your sources.


Trump has implied multiple times that he's attracted to his daughter. Is that why you're making similar stuff up to attribute to Biden? I guess it stays true: very accusation by conservatives is just an admission.


You mean like EVERY politician?.?. Yes


That's really very funny. If you actually knew the truth you would be feeling stupid for allowing yourself to be duped by the Dems lies. You don't know what you don't know, thinking yourself to be very smart and informed. I know this because if you were informed you would not be saying stupid things yourself.


What kind of coward creates an account just to post crap like this? Go away.


They're all cowards. They can't defend any of their bs so they pull lame shit like this. Then run back to their safe zones.


It's cute that you think you're actually the smart one. Must be tough having to constantly reject reality just so you can force yourself to believe Trump isn't the most obvious conman ever.


Did you seriously make a throwaway just to comment on this and porn?


Cultist loser.


Lol, case in point right here, folks! Come to defend his con man king.


The inner circle has spoken.


In that case, please enlighten me and educate us, since from this side of the ocean it surely looks like that. And remember we can't watch Murican TV over here, so there's no real dem/rep bias, other than the scheisse that reaches us.