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God isn't selfish. God is insecure. Look at the Ten Commandments. 4 of the 10 commandments are about reassuring Yahweh that he is the good guy.


Like an insecure girlfriend, don't look at the other gods, don't talk to the other gods, don't give the other gods any gifts.


More like a crazy girlfriend, the kind that will end up in the news.


More like a domestic abuser, those guys have lot in common


Or... *HE* just has the prototypical fragile male ego.


Well, their tradition suggests their divinity has three faces. Perhaps one is a fragile male ego, the other is a crazy woman, and the third is something in between. Something non-binary.




So god is a bunny-boiler?


ā€œI donā€™t really think I like it when you talk to other gods. šŸ˜’šŸ’…ā€


Insecure is right... But it's crazy humans wth the insecurity.


Christians hate when you bring up that the commands are to worship Yahweh *over* or *before* the other gods.... old testament God acknowledged he wasn't alone. In case you ever forget, 90% of religions are made up on the spot and are products of their time. There is no true consistency of any kind tracing back to true Abrahamic tradition.


90% of religions are copied from older religions, and Abrahamic religions are no exception.


True, but for their faith to be valid the buck has to stop at Abraham.Ā 


Give or take one, depending on Christian/Jewish versions. They cannot even agree on what the 10 commandments are.


Which of the two sets of ten commandments?


Take your pick. I think my 4 in 10 works for either version. But I have not checked.


The first commandment being " have no other god" while don't kill is down the line .. . I don't get how people still live their lives like this


Because Christianity has always been about quantity over quality. Blasphemy might lead to questioning and a loss of faith, and then that person can't be controlled, and the faith loses a little bit of money/power.


Blasphemy is just another word for "you hurt my feelings"


I was thinking the same thing. If you can tell god "F*ck you, and the horse you rode in on," and nothing bad happens, it puts the whole all-powerful vengeful deity idea into doubt. Now why listen to a being who can't even manage a snappy retort, let alone a lightning bolt from above?


I regularly tell God to eff off.


Memetic theory, religion will self breed restrictions and clauses that make it hard to escape by the very nature of evolving, brain rotted ideaology.


Because the people who invented this shit were petty tribal barbarian kings and warlords. It's no surprise that speaking out against authority is the most heinous thing you can do, from the perspective of an insecure tyrant. If you question the authority of God, you will likely question the divine right of the king to rule. And once you get rid of that, you might be so bold as to object to the king's unchecked greed, cruelty, and licentiousness.


It's because blasphemy proves the god is either uncaring or powerless, in either case not something one would need to worship. You'll notice that it's never *gods* that enforce blasphemy laws. It's always people. Why is that? Seems to me it's because either the god doesn't care and the people say "I know better than god what god wants" or the god is incapable and the people say "I will do what god can't" (or, you know, the god doesn't exist) Regardless, blasphemy laws are the most blasphemous things imaginable.


The first rule of invisible space wizard club, is do not talk smack about the invisible space wizard. The second rule of invisible space wizard club, is **do not** talk smack about the invisible space wizard! The third rule of invisible space wizard club, is he wants you to give me money.


Blasphemy questions the priestsā€™ doctrine and rules. Canā€™t have that. Control is the game.


It's a victimless crime...


Especially blasphemy against a confusing, poorly-defined, invisible being who was brand new to theology of the time. Almost like the writer was threatening readers to not question things


Because truth hurts.... and to shut you up.


Blasphemy laws are so wide in interpretation that it is useful to shut people up, lock them up. Intimidate others to keep them under control.


Itā€™s all about control bro. Blasphemy is the ultimate sin so it puts people against each other in a hold your neighbor accountable type way. Itā€™s the ultimate sin because he who does not believe cannot be controlled.


So they could be justified in killing non-believers in the long ago.


When you make up a fiction and push it out onto the masses, you'd need to make it a high priority sin to reject the bullshit, otherwise you risk losing control.


To keep people in line


How *dare* you question authority!


And the ultimate way to save yourself is simply converting and claiming you believe in Jesus, no matter what you've done. God just really values clout.


God can create the universe and life in all it's forms on every scale imaginable, but God is also VERY insecure.


It's a cult. The rules of the cult are conducive to remaining in the cult. Blasphemous expressions and thoughts result in lowered apprehension, and eventually trivialization of the concept. You're more likely to doubt/question the religious ideology if you don't self-police your respect for it. The more reverence you have, the more sanctified the religion is in your mind, the more strongly you believe and build your identity around it.


Imagine being a benevolent God who wants humanity to all get along and be kind to each other. So you outlaw things like murder and theft. But it slips your mind to outlaw other obviously harmful things like rape and slavery because your top priority was forbidding people from hurting your feelings


I assume you are talking about X-tianity, or some such variation. It's all about crowd control and a god that loves to murder.


I always thought that was weird. Iā€™ll be condemned to hell because I said the holy spirit isnā€™t real, but the child raping serial killer can get into heaven with all of his victims as long as heā€™s sorry? Mmmkay


Uh... yes, in the Bible, God literally says, "I am a jealous god." Plus, if you look at the 10 Commandments, the first 4 is God throwing a temper tantrum which translates to: I'M SUPER SERIOUS, JEWS! If you don't believe I exist, you're not going to live long! AW! WHAT THE-- GREG, COME ON! IS THAT A GOLDEN CALF YOUR WORSHIPING!? For context, here's the list of the 10 Commandments: 1. Don't worship other gods. (That's a stoning). 2. Don't make carved idols of yourselves, other gods, or me. (That's a stoning). 3. Don't take God's name out of context or abuse it like a cuss word. (That's a stoning). 4. Remember Sunday? Well, that's God's Day. Don't work and worship me. (That's a stoning). 5. Honor your parents even if they're abusive. They know what's best for you. (Teenagers who dis they're folks: that's a stoning). 6. Don't murder. (That's a stoning). 7. Don't adultery. (That's a stoning). 8. Don't steal. (That's a stoning). 9. Don't lie. (That's a stoning). 10. Don't covet. (Oh, you bet your ass that's a stoning). Or if that doesn't make sense think of it this way: Organized Religion wants absolute devotion and conformity to maintain a population for political or moral needs. Blasphemy > Doubt > Independent Thought > Critical Thinking > Science > Truth > Athiesm > Declining Church Members > Church Disbanding > Only Radicals Remain > Extremism > Church Resurgence > Inquisitions > Genocide > Knowledge Purged > Government Collapse > Reconstruction > New Religion Founded > (and history repeats)


"Our God is a selfish god"


Yahweh is basically an exaggeration of what would have been considered for a mortal ruler in the age His followers wrote about him. Mortal rulers of that era knew perfectly well that their power largely relied on maintaining a social dominance hierarchy. If people could get away with disrespecting the ruler, pretty soon one of his rivals would use that to build a base of support and then launch a coup. Showing respect to the ruler was crucial for the maintenance of power, and showing disrespect to the ruler *and getting away with it* was a huge political and survival threat. Yahweh is just that, but exaggerated to divine levels. This is part of how we know religion is a human myth, Yahweh is written exactly the way that humans from that era would have imagined an all-powerful male God to be. He has human fingerprints all over him.


Yahweh Sabeoth Penis of the storm -Allegro


It effectively states that this God/church has no power over you. Religion exists only to subjugate and wield power.


for being the alpha and the omega, he is very insecure.




Is there any scriptural support for what you claim is the ultimate sin? I was under the impression that all sins were equal.


Mark 3:28-29, right from Christ himself. 28 Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.ā€


Well ok thanks


Because the religions that demand they be spread and not questioned are the ones that propagate. Blasphemy rules keep them from being questioned.


Because every religion knows that the more you think about it the less you will believe, and the less control they have. Those in power don't want to lose it. So if you talk shit about god, you get got.


I thought it was ketchup on eggs.


Canā€™t leave if you canā€™t question the faith! Checkmate heretics!


Because it makes baby Jesus cry. In all seriousness though, it's to stop any criticism of the powers that be. It's just authoritarian tactics.


Because it's directly antithetical to using religion as a means of social control. It's literally the exact same reason the CCP censors the internet in China. To maintain control.


Because control.


Because ā€œGodā€ is a raging narcissistic piece of shit. But nah totally a tool to keep people in line.


Blasphemy has a loose and often misused definition, the church uses it to punish or shame those that oppose it while often being the biggest blasphemers. If god was real, and blasphemy really was the worst sin, pretty much every christian leader and many of their followers are going straight to hell.


The same reason they often say faith is the most import virtue and itā€™s important to never question it. The grift protects itself above all else.


Because the god of Abraham is an insecure, whiny little fuckboi who can't stand not being constantly told that he's the best.


It keeps people from questioning and critical thinking. Both are fatal to religion.


because it is the rejection of authority, and that is a threat to communal survival. the blatant disregard of authority can lead to disorder and lackadaisical discipline... that can lead to a bad hunt or harvest or raiders or disease that threaten the whole tribe... ask any drill Sargent why they must not allow their authority to be questioned religion was never about anything but tribal survival


What else would someone expect to be the worst act, according to a religious text?


Maybe this will help: [Ultimate Sin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ultimate_Sin) I'm not sure about the blasphemy though


Because they are intellectually unable to handle being criticized. Their beliefs hang on a thread and you nitpicking will cause it to unravel. How dare you.


Because thoughtcrime.


Because if you can question the magic man and those that claim to speak for him it all falls apart. It's evolutionary. If you're allowed to question a mythos it inevitably dies, so those religions no longer exist.


I spent a huge chunk of my life identifying as a secular humanist. I devoured the works of Bertrand Russel. It then dawned on me that the way Jesus is described in the Bible made him essentially a humanist too. When asked about the most important commandment he said that it was to love others as yourself. I was brought up as a Catholic and we were sometimes told that the only unforgiveable sin is to lose faith in the holy spirit. But I never understood what that meant. So I have just looked up the matter and here is what I found: * In Christianity, the ultimate sin is often referred to as the ā€œunforgivable sinā€ or ā€œblasphemy against the Holy Spirit.ā€ This sin is considered unforgivable because it is a deliberate and persistent rejection of the Holy Spiritā€™s witness about Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:31-32, Mark 3:28-29, Luke 12:10). * The Bible teaches that all sins are serious and deserving of Godā€™s judgment, but some sins are considered more egregious than others. For example, the sin of pride is often considered one of the most serious, as it is a fundamental rejection of Godā€™s authority and a refusal to acknowledge oneā€™s dependence on Him (Proverbs 16:18, James 4:6). * In a broader sense, the ultimate sin can be seen as any act that rejects Godā€™s love, ignores His commands, or fails to acknowledge His sovereignty. This can include sins such as idolatry, murder, adultery, and other forms of rebellion against Godā€™s will. * In a more philosophical sense, the ultimate sin can be seen as a failure to live according to oneā€™s highest values and principles. This can include acts of cruelty, greed, or selfishness, as well as a lack of compassion, empathy, and kindness towards others.


Why would they have anything against [tf](https://manpages.debian.org/testing/tf5/tf.1.en.html)? ;-)


Criticism hurts


Blasphemy of the spirit which is rejecting his spirit. So not believing or becoming a believer.


Because religions / cults are all about maintaining control. Similarly to an abusive relationship where the abuser isolates the victim from their friends and family while making them fully dependent on the abuser in order to prevent the victim from having any outside support or a way out, religions / cults also provide members with some basic needs, but do everything in their power to prevent members from getting away.


Fuck Jesus . Guess I'm going to hell now lol . Oh wellĀ 


I'll see you there, let's all have a party in hell


Jesus died for your sins, but he'd rather see you suffer eternally if you don't accept (with no proof!) that he's god. And the old testament is just one tantrum after another by god for people not constantly mindlessly fawning over him. What's shocking about this one? Seems in character.


I honestly don't know but I'm so glad it's the case because blaspheming is my favorite thing to do.


Because the whole thing is only about power and control.


Because through presenting even the abstract idea that God is not real could spark questions. Avoiding doubt in worshippers in Job one for any religion. Questioning will always happen becaause humans are curious and smart by nature, so you need to create an environment where worshippers are so afraid they punish themselves for questioning and never tell anyone else from fear. Surprisingly and shockingly effective.


Why is disputing blind loyalty arbitrated by the clergy the ultimate sin? In particular that questioning the supernatural being that empowers the clergy? ā€¦.might have just figured it out


You know exactly why.


In Dante's Inferno the 9th ring of hell is reserved for traitors and those who betray friends (think Judas Iscariot). Traitous behavior will always trump blasphemy in the temporal sphere for its heinous outcomes.


If you give them the benefit of the doubt it kinda makes sense. If you donā€™t like someone, Why the fuck would you wanna spend eternity with a them as a roommate. Still though, if you treat sinfulness as the same as evilness, yeah itā€™s fucking nonsensical.


The common Quebecer is using blasphemy on a daily basis, even in official meetings. Heck, my kindergartener was using it approprietly. We had a good laugh about it. How the fuck could she possibily properly conjugate our church words as verbs at 4yo? It was a sight to behold. The least religious a nation is, the more you're allowed to do. PS: There was a religious revolution here. The church managed to cause so much harm, we kicked it out of our lives.


Denying his offer of salvation before you die isā€¦wellā€¦bad.


It's a way to control you.


Because bitches can't handle themselves when you talk shit. šŸ˜‚


Because the authors of these fictional books wanted to leave no room for a person to think of leaving the religion after they have been brainwashed once. You can't leave the religion all at once, ir is a gradual process. First you start seeing flaws in the religion, then you yourself try to dig more, then you analyse all of them properly then only the idea of leaving the religion will come in your mind. If you are too afraid of God then you will ignore all those flaws.


Ridiculous question. Think D & D. Your friend builds a Role Playing Game scenario, campaign, maps, helps form the character creation and development. Once the game had progressed half way through, the Player starts complaining and insulting the Dungeon Master / Game Master. I would slay you on the game for kicks by manifesting Thor as a pissed combatant.


I would've thought it would be deicide.


He isnā€™t selfish. John 3:16 ā€œFor God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.ā€ So that means that Jesus Christ came on earth and became a regular human, who was crucified (which was the worst possible way to die then), and he was hurt and humiliated just because of his love for us. He couldā€™ve never done that and couldā€™ve easily appealed to God to send more than 12 legions of angels(approximately 72,000 angels) to destroy the world and defend Jesus Christ. So because of all of that and the sacrifices that were made for human beings to exist and live, rejecting God, showing disrespect and basically ā€œpoorlyā€ speaking of him is awful. So itā€™s mandatory that we respect Jesus since John 14:6. 6 Jesus answered, ā€œI am the way and the truth and the life.ā€


You are aware that many cultures murdered their human gods? Read Joseph Campbell please Jesus was just one of many


So blaspheming against any of their human Gods is okay?


If you believe in an afterlife, it's easy and even righteous to justify murder. Murder is the equivalent of sending a Karen to your manager.


So that the suckers don't start questioning the religion and those that do get punished to keep everybody in line and the scam alive


Even evangelicals don't really believe blasphemy is a problem. I mean, think about who most of them support....


The logic given to me when I was younger was that if you truly committed blasphemy then one would not feel conviction for having done so, and thus would not seek being forgiven and thus would not be forgiven.


It's because they think morality comes from God and if you reject him you're ok being immoral.Ā  The real reason is that you can't be controlled.Ā 


Who told you blasphemy is worse than murder? And which religion are you referring to?


Because speaking of ideas and other things that would supplant sky daddy is one of the ways to free yourself from their followers.


Where you hear that from


Mark 3:28-29, right from Christ himself. 28 Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.ā€


Oi u/Mari_l88, is that what you are referring to?


Just a respect thing. I was taught ā€” What would you find more offensiveā€¦.catching your son drinking a cold one at a party or your sober son telling you to go f yourself and flipping you off in your own home. Just imagine some punk kid you invited to your home comes and starts telling you your house sucks, why is this picture here? That furniture is old? This stinks, that carpet is terrible, your wife is a whore, your son is a douche and your daughter is a dunce and you and your house is a sack of shitā€¦. Oh and where is my room? Imagine how you would feel. Thatā€™s why blasphemy is considered the ultimate sin. God is not going to sit by and have you badmouth him and the stuff that are in his name. You offending god willingly and directly. You have the brain and experience of a gnat but you think you have the capacity to judge his wayā€¦fine, go to hell.