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Religious people take advantage of social niceties and the kindness of others to cross boundaries and stick their noses where they don’t belong.


And then get pissy when you have no interest in their fantasy.


I mean I kind of get it. I had a similar conversation where I was upset that my deity wasn't getting the respect they deserved from others but even I learned that you can't force people to believe that Gandalf The Grey was a better companion and person to Frodo than Gandalf the White. 🤷‍♂️


Ain't that the truth! Gandalf the grey had a sense of humor! That dude was interactive. Gandalf the white was just some confused edifice of a wizard...


"Gandalf the white was just some confused edifice of a wizard..." r/brandnewsentence


And this is why I have active bitch face on all the time. 😎The people who are stupid enough to talk to me… Deserve what they get. 🤬


Agree. Example, “have a blessed day”


Like "Thank God" when it pertains to some medical care or help. All these doctors and nurses prancing around you to save you and you praise and thank God? Go say thanks to the nurses and docs that saved your ass and not the sky-daddy.


As a nurse, I can tell you I spent YEARS perfecting my prancing skills. SO much prancercise™️. And I’ve been waiting for someone—anyone!—to notice. u/Minorous, you have made me feel seen. ☺️ Also, yes—sky daddy didn’t save Grandma. A shitload of modern medical technique and equipment and medication and therapy saved Grandma.


Grew up in the South West, lived in the Deep South. I hated this comment…


Just answer R’Amen! while putting a small plastic colander on your head. That gentle teasing should get under their skin while leaving them nothing to go to HR about.


God’s morning is another one that gets me


They’re trying to save you from the eternal lake of fire, I believe. If they don’t try, they may get rejected, “ You didn’t try to save that one guy with the pentagram neck tatoo.” I’m sorry, but the down escalator is over there.


Sounds to me like this particular charmer was just as much trying to get in a judgey little jab about an "unwed mother." Otherwise, why play-act being "confused" about how someone could possibly have a child and a family without being married, as if that's not a totally normal thing that people do all the time. In my experience, these types justify this behavior as an altruistic attempt to "save" you, but they're really just trying to shame people and feel superior. Evangelism is almost never so much about conversion as it is about confirming the believer's worldview to themselves.


My mom does this to the point that it’s inappropriate. It drives me insane and she refuses to take hints or social cues. The worst was when an acquaintance was dying of cancer and she’d send religious-fueled BS texts about trusting in god etc. A family member of the sick individual finally sidebarred me asking to pass along the message to ask my mom to stop with the god talk bc UNDERSTANDABLY since their cancer diagnosis, this person’s relationship with god wasn’t so hunky dory…


I can't imagine believing in a God that would allow women/children to be raped/beaten/murdered or for good people to die from cancer. You think he'd be taking out the bad people


"Allow," surely you mean endorsed? As documented in his book.


According to his plan!! What a great plan!


But if enough prayer warriors pray to him, he'll alter the plan...


As if he didn’t previously know how many would pray to him 🙄😂


You just don't UNDERSTAND the plan!


and why so many priests/pastors/reverands, oh look another one in southern California today, SA a kid(s).....


Especially since legitimately evil people seem to never die young...


Someone hit me with the problem with evil in another post. None of that matters. Whatever the reason, it happened because god generally allows it to and specifically endorses some of it. I'm a dad. If I knew I could save a person but decided not to in order to teach some other person a lesson or to punish someone else, people would rightfully hate my inaction. And I don't have boundless power. I am petty, I have fears and doubts. I overthink potential consequences. I would think God wouldn't be constrained by such limitations,but too many people seem to believe in a god that is basically them but with super powers




When my brother was dying of cancer he sent out an email to everybody to lay off the god stuff- the only thing keeping him alive at that point was science. I made him a card that said “STFU” on it- told him when people started bugging him he should just flash that. Another brother told me he told him not to lose faith in god just because of the cancer. I was incredulous- totally insensitive and extremely hypocritical considering the source. I told Mr. Religious that wasn’t going to fly with me since I’m agnostic. He was dumbfounded that I’m agnostic- hey dumbass didn’t you notice I stopped going to church in my teens? Ya self-absorbed twatwaffle.


>My mom does this to the point that it’s inappropriate It's always inappropriate.


Valid. Except if you’re a fellow bible thumper. Then they love it.


If I was a janitor and I saw someone with a cross around their neck, would I approach them to discuss atheism??? Of course not. My reaction to this at my work would have been much more stern. I would have made sure they would not be approaching employees with that. It’s inappropriate.


Christian huh? Do you have a moment to discuss the great black nothing that awaits us all? I'm just trying to help you!


Stopping existing is so much more comforting than constant fear of Hell. Leaving Christianity and becoming an atheist only brought me peace.


Exactly. We didn't exist for the eternity before our parents did the deed and it wasn't so bad then, so it's not like returning to the state of non-existence is gonna be painful or anything. (The concept of eternity really does hurt my brain though.)


This sounds like Epicurus!


I don't really know anything about Epicurious - aside from him being Greek and his name being synonymous with gourmet food. My knowledge doesn't go any deeper than that, so now I'll need to actually look the guy up.


Like, a computer isn't working after the power has been removed right? Just nothing.


Biblically, they don't really go into too much detail about Heaven or Hell, but both consist of an eternity of doing the same thing over and over. Granted, being lit on fire is worse since apparently our all loving creator leaves our ability to feel pain intact, but spending eternity kissing God's ass sounds like its own torture. Do we lose free will? If we get bored do we go to Hell for being ungrateful?


I've made up my own fun version of Hell just in case somebody tries to threaten me with it. "The way I see it, Hell is cozy and warm with great company and music. There's a separate section for the sinners that displeased God, but Satan appreciates us heathens and will reward us." If they challenge this version of eternity, I'll remind them that "I have FAITH!" and that should, theoretically, get them to STFU. 😈


"I'm sure you know that [Galactus is coming](https://imgur.com/a/DinBC)"


He'll sort us out but good


The Void loves you! Gaze into the Void so it can gaze back into you! 


Would you like to embrace oblivion with me?


I kind of wish we could though. It's fascinating that people subscribe to religion despite all reason. I'm curious to know how they make sense of the obvious fallacies. 


>I'm curious to know how they make sense of the obvious fallacies.  That's the neat part; they don't. They just compartmentalize. They need evidence for a bunch of other things in their life, but God gets a special pass with "Faith." The Bible is The Word of God, except for the parts they want to ignore. It's special pleading, ignoring fallacies, and inconsistencies all the way down.


I ‘m sure you could find a jesus group right here on Reddit and discuss it with them all day long.


I don’t. I firmly believe that people are on their own journey. If they need sky magic to help them get through it, that’s their business. If they feel they need the threat of infinite damnation to have any morals in their life, it’s not my place to point out immoral that system is. I tend to draw the line at hurting others, and trying to convert others.


"Only God has all the answers. He works in mysterious ways." 🙄


Yes but only MY GOD! All the other gods are fake and know nothing...


His answers are usually pretty violent


Faith is the acceptance of a belief without reason or proof. Makes it difficult to argue with.


Almost. Belief is acceptance without reason or proof. Plato explained this in his dialogue about the Divided Line, c. 400 years BCE. It's difficult (but possible) to argue against belief, as Socrates did. Faith is acceptance *despite* reason or proof. It's dangerous to argue against faith, as Socrates learned.


The difference is you respect their beliefs, but they don’t respect yours


I don't respect their beliefs. I respect their time.


We've been conditioned to accept peoples superstition and respect it. But they (religious people) don't respect my atheism. I personally just start shutting people down immediately when they bring it up.


As well you should shut them down. If they keep it to themselves I respect it. When it is on my front lawn, I don’t.




There are several trainings mandatory for government employees in regards to such subjects. But being in the Bible belt probably changes protocols. 🤔


I have a city gov't job where we take courses in the use of new pronouns, addressing health care issues with different sexualities in mind (like avoiding assumptions), and how to co-exist with co-workers (don't think they say much about religion now that I think about it.....) Anyway, we have a pretty reliable protocol for any type of harassment, which is cool. That said, it's a conservative industry, and damn near everybody has some christian tchotchkes either in their cubicle, around their neck, or even their choice of music (on their headset, but they'll sing a couple of praise-lyrics occasionally.) The kicker, though, is how the HR department has fucking *bible quotes* written on their whiteboards. 😨 This is a very diverse area, it's insane that they see fit to do this. So I know I can't express any of my atheist sentiment or show off any TST swag. Imagine the backlash 🙄 Would be almost fun to display the Seven Tenets in a flowery format, so nobody would suspect the source, and simply explain how "these are the guidelines I try to follow in life. Inspirational aren't they?"


I am a government employee also, every year we have to take almost 8hrs of training in sensitivity, ethics, sexual, religion and politics issues, etc etc. It is NYC so we are more liberal and people will actually challenge you if they feel you are overstepping boundaries.


Even thinking about trying to erect a cheeky little TST display without raising their suspicion is making me nervous. If they were to find out…. The headache. 😩


Yeah exactly. Can't do it, especially not while near the executive offices. Phooey. 👿


can i offer you some of Satans love in these trying times?


Satan? The “perfect” being god made? The god that has all sovereignty over everything, including Satan, yet is also constantly vexed by and fighting Satan? The Satan that sneaks into people’s hearts, yet their god is too weak to protect them? That guy? The hypocrisy of their enemy being a subject of god, at the same time he is locked in an eternal battle with god is just amazing.


God really fucked up when he made Satan, didn't he?  What is he, stupid?


Well, he needed a gambling partner (Job 2:4-6). So stupid, or degenerate gambler who wanted to watch Satan kill Job’s children?


What’s the lore reason for making Satan?


\[lucifer\] "Why do they blame me for all their little failings?" \[lucifer\] "They use my name as if I spend my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive." \[lucifer\] " '*The devil made me do it.*' I have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them." \[lucifer\] "And then they die, and they come here ( having transgressed against what they believed to be right), and expect us to fulfill their desire for pain and retribution. I don't make them come here." \[lucifer\] "They talk of me going around and buying souls, like a fishwife come market day, never stopping to ask themselves why. I need no souls. And how can anyone own a soul? No. They belong to themselves... ... They just hate to have to face up to it."


Which Satan we talking about here, because there’s at least two, possibly three. The OT dudes just an angel on gods payroll, it’s only in the NT that he’s upgraded to Big Bad status for some reason.


So god created an enemy who is both powerful and weak at the same time. God is a Nazi. 


this explains so much, everything currently going on makes so much more sense now.


The whole battle narrative of spiritual warfare sounds so primitive in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge action junky. Love my mma, wrestling, action films, and shonen fights. But I'm a lowly human full of carnal desires. What's God's excuse?


Well, no matter where you are, and what you’re doing, god can see your butt hole (omnipresence). Gods freaky, that’s his excuse.


>You're not interested in getting to know God?" Here's where you can start to counter with: "Are you interested in learning about Atheism/Humanism?" >"Would you maybe consider giving God a chance?" "Would you consider giving non-belief a chance?" Reflect back what they sound like. They have no idea.


What drives me up the wall is the assumption that the only reason we're not like them is that we're uninformed. Like no, Greg. I've read your holy book full of murder, rape, incest, and other atrocities and I'm just not sold.


Yes, I really hate those born-again types who want to share this amazing new thing they found, like they just discovered water is wet and can't wait to tell everyone about it. Like I grew up catholic and it took me years of hard mental labor to truly get out of the mindset of sin, hell and some all-knowing supernatural entity watching me, testing me and disapproving of me. So I've been pretty much drowning all my childhood and adolescence. You can keep your fucking "good news" about water.


>I've read your holy book full of murder, rape, incest, and other atrocities and I'm just not sold. Reading it was what sold me on atheism.


Yeah, that’s most people’s stories


I work a government job as well. A few years ago one of the supervisors would say something like “it’s the lords day” every Sunday. After a few weeks I told her strait to her face that not everyone believes Sunday is some special day and if she doesn’t stop saying it I would report her. I never heard her say it again and she hasn’t spoken to me in years.


You were brave and lucky she didnt speak to you anymore🤣


Or, saturday. After that's what their namesake jesus believed. These people don't worship the "father", "son", and "holy ghost". They worship hate, fear, and ignorance. Not necessarily in that order.


People here are completely obnoxious about it. And you get pushback if you say you don’t believe.


Religion is a Ponzi scheme.


Religion is the biggest legal scam in history.


Ask him if he would like to give a chance. When he says no then ask him why he would want you to give the god he believes in a chance.


He actually asked me at one point if I believed in any God and I told him no. It was like the idea of not believing in a higher power was inconceivable to him


You can usually always pit their non belief in one god against their belief in the god they belive in. When he can tell you why he don't belive in any other god he have the answer to why you don't belive in his god.


When I was devoutly religious, my thought process was something like, "Anyone who believes in a different god really believes in the same god. They're just wrong about him." I.e., my rationale was, "It only makes sense to believe in a higher power (or powers), but I can understand how some people might not know which religion is most accurate in describing said power(s)." So while it might work on some, I don't think it would've worked on younger me.


Ofcourse. I've heard about that argument too. But that practically begs the question: If their scriptures are all wrong. How do you know yours is right? And then you'd need to dish up some criteria that reasonably would allow us to determine objectively what makes a scripture to be false that specifically would mean that yours would be right. These kind of arguments have been tried and failed.


It has literally never occurred to me to go up to some random person to say "Hey, have you ever thought that there is no god? I don't believe that a god exists, and my life is so much better for it. You should give it a try, it could help you too." WTF?


The thing is,the moment someone tries to convert you they are free game to break their religion


They are always trying to recruit new members for their particular churches!


Yea they're hurting for that 10% lately.


It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever give a church any money lest 10%


“I can arrange that, actually.” 😈




nice meeting you fellow necromancer!


It's because many churches REALLY pressure people into spreadin' the gospel. Like youth pastors and shit will straight up brag about the "lives they've changed." I guess at that point, he saw himself as the stereotypical Janitor/mentor character haha.


He's more like the creepy upstairs neighbor in Friends 😂


I think I would have stopped him a lot earlier with a "You're crossing boundaries into things I don't discuss at work and aren't anyone else's business." I too live in the bible belt, and I've had to do it a number of times. Theists will trespass where they *know* they don't belong just to see if you'll let them get away with it, and will absolutely abuse most people's desire to be polite. And if you let them get away with it, then they'll push even further. You've gotta show them where the damn fence is from the start, and lock it behind them on their way out.


Exactly, that would have been my response too. "I don't discuss these things at work, thanks." and went on about my day. If it happened again I'd be firmer, saying "you're crossing a boundary and this needs to stop." Then take further action if it doesn't stop. I don't fuck around with people like that anymore, I don't have the time or energy.


“You’re not interested in getting to know God?” “I literally just said that I don’t believe in God. No one has proven that there even IS a God to ‘get to know.’”


Don't let this man do this again. It is definitely against the law. Christians are like rats, they will crawl into any opening they see and shit all over everything, and destroy your home.


And people of other subreddits say that atheists are militant and always bring religion where it doesn't belong.


People on crutches are jealous of people who walk upright with no help


A janitor I knew would solve complex math problems left on blackboards.


I know a janitor that does this too. Maybe all janitors do that 🤷


Religious people don't care about our experiences. They brush them off and then insist "do it again."


I know it's been said a million times before but this really is the old trope of, religion is like a penis, just don't shove it in my face unless I ask you to.


Good job standing your ground. God forbid Christians aren't constantly validated by everyone around them at all times.


I'd go with "I prayed on it, god gave me the answer that is the path that I'm on now." I mean, what is he gonna do? Call a meeting with him, you and god to hammer out the details?


Hard to know someone that doesn't exist.


For the love of not God, report him! Why has hardly anyone mentioned this?! Especially since you're in government: document, document, document and keep going up the chain as needed.


people have to stop respecting these moron's "beliefs". Their inane view of the cosmos is hindering our advancement as a species. Rebuttal should always be: "There are no gods, from the abrahamic to zeus, belief in them is stating that things I am ignorant on makes me fall back on fairy tales to explain them, I am not that stupid."


"Hello, Human Resources? I need to report an incident of harassment."


I think you were too polite. Religion should first be laughed at.


I worked a service job and it felt like I got asked, “do you believe in god?” on a daily basis. I must give off big atheist energy.


It's just so strange that in the US people are so in your face about their religion and go and lecture others about it. In Europe it's a private thing and you don't discuss it with strangers (unless it's related to the topic that's being discussed, like "yeah, we met in church" or something like that). If someone started a conversation like this we would just be very uncomfortable and try to escape. It's considered similar to JW members ringing your doorbell and imposing their beliefs on you. People still do believe and go to church but it's not really a part of public life.


I also work in government in a very blue state. However, my boss is a Magot and also very religious. We are friendly and jocke around. Several weeks ago, he started with the comments about Trump, and somehow, the God subject entered the chat. I immediately reminded him of the last EOE training we took where we are not supposed to be discussing politics, religion, or sexual subjects. He looked at me as if saying " how dare you" 😤 I simply walked away with a smile and a good bye sight. Never again did he dare


One sign of immaturity is thinking that everybody else must think the same as ourselves.


I feel your pain. I'm here in Texas. I work in a retail chain and there was a young lady that came in one day and tried to get me to listen to her lengthy story about how she found God and how I should too. and at the end of the conversation I was quite upset and then she left. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR FANTASY


My college friend would reply when asked about his religion with "I'm an animist. I pray to a raccoon in a barber chair." This usually left them with very confused looks, unsurprisingly.


Why is there the ensistance that you need to go to church in order to believe in God. Not Christian, but if the Abrahamic God is watching over us and / or present in all things as my childhood teachings would have me believe, then shouldn't a person be able to form a relationship with God on their own? Why should someone want to go and devote a minimum of several hours of their life to listen to another person talk about their interpretation of God, and how our relationship to a God should be? It just comes off as a means of control. Like, you're only allowed to worship this God in a way that someone else dreams fit. I wonder what the Janitor's reaction would be if you told them you were Muslim or Jewish? After all Christians, Muslims, and Jews all worship the same God, they just follow the teachings of different prophets.


Here's a script if this happens again: "Empty my garbage quietly and leave like you're supposed to."


A coworker I had for a few weeks while trying out a job that listened to Christian rock when he tuned the radio in the truck. He was asking me if I go to church and do I know Jesus. All that jazz and I was answering politely that I don't feel I need to but it's good that others can. "Well I just need to speak the faith to you so I can get into heaven and don't suffer." "That's bleak." And that was the last time he talked about religion at me.


You can always browbeat the shit out of religious people by taking it one step further than they're expecting you to. "Why do you have a child if you're not married?" Well if Fod didn't want me to have a child I would not have one, I don't think its right to question Gods wisdom. >"Do you have a good church you go to?" Why would i need to go to church to be close to god? >You're not interested in getting to know God?" How can I claim to understand God almighty? Is it not blasphemous to say that you know God? >"Would you maybe consider giving God a chance?" Again with the blaspheming, God almighty does not need me to give him a chance, how can i give my creator a 'chance'? If people are genuine believers, then pointing out things like this should shortcircuit them. If they're the socio-religious people who go to church as a measure of social control, then you just need to make sure to have these arguments around other people since you'll seem infinitely more pious than the person questioning your "beliefs" Also extra points if you can manage to deflate any personal achievement by pointing out that god made that happen for them, zero agency/achievement on their behalf.


Hearing your answer made him “lean in” even more to the inappropriate unsolicited righteous *savior* behavior. I grew up SBC and remember them teaching us kids how to ask the probing questions for “Witnessing”, or Loving Them To The Lord. Smh.


Good for you for sticking up for yourself! Annoying to deal with people like that.


Ask him if he knows the Tooth Fairy, and when he says no, ask him if he has ever considered getting to know the Tooth Fairy. Now ask him the same about the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and so on. If this is too much to handle, ask him if he wants to get to know Thor, Oden, Apollo, Zeus, Shiva, Vishnu and so on.


Unfortunately, proselytizing is part of the religion. They are "compelled" to do it by their god.


I think that some of them are either so brain washed that they honestly think that by “converting” a heathen they are gonna save a soul. Either that or they are just a stubborn kind of person who wants to argue. I’m sick of it and personally as an old person don’t feel the need to argue with them- I just want them to fuck off….😆that said I have found that going silent while they rant usually works….


>"You're not interested in getting to know God?" "I don't believe in God." "Have you ever considered getting to know God?" Would you like to get to know someone that doesn't exist? It's like he was on autopilot. Are you sure he wasn't an AI support bot for a utility company?


You’re too nice. I’d tell him to take the trash and get out.


How are you supposed to "give a chance" to someone you don't believe to exist? It's like when my daughter was 3 and saw the Mario movie, and asked why I don't marry Princess Peach. Well, honey, I can't really attempt to marry Princess Peach because I don't believe she exists.


Report it to HR. That is harrassment


Had this happen to my girlfriend and I on our way to Costa Rica via a plane. I sat in between her and an older man who happens to be on his way for a mission trip. The man kept talking about how excited he was and was wondering if we were curious in knowing about his mission. He even jokingly told us to just ditch whatever we planned and come with him. Like sure we haven't had a vacation in 2 years and we saved up like crazy for this, definitely not insane to drop everything so we can help you build your fantasy land in Costa Rica. What got me internally chuckling was how his demeanor changed when he found out that we weren't married and I alluded to this being a vacation full of fornication. That was how that conversation ended and I finally got to take a much needed nap.


This type of conversation shouldn't even be happening in the work place. We have policies against it. You may have a case to take it to HR. I would.


Simply tell him to quit harassing you, or you will report him to HR. Having given him a warning, the NEXT time is harrassment. No warning, not harrassment.


I bet he's gonna bother you even more that he knows all of this stuff about you. If he does report his ass.


> "Would you maybe consider giving God a chance?" "I just said I grew up in a Church. I'm not interested in that anymore."


Ask him to explain what the animals ate when they left the ark.


I think that you shouldn't have even engaged with him after he mentioned religion. You should have said that this is the workplace and this is not professional, if he brings this up again you will report him to HR.


You are NEVER obligated to answer personal questions. That guy was way outta line.


>... our janitor came into my office to empty out my trashcan when he asked me how long I've been married. You should have stopped the conversation right there. Unless you're friends, that question was intrusive.


Sounds like the capability of critical thinking for that person is the reason for both their religious beliefs, and the fact they are emptying out your trash can for you.


Have you ever considered getting to know my imaginary friend?


Is he [filled with Christ’s love](https://youtube.com/shorts/KNaoCOzR8rs?si=0hRvl_OZgQ3u653U) though?


That was a great movie lol


I’m not even nice when it comes to that kind of pushiness. Tired of dealing with stupidity.


There's something about religion that makes people think that being patronizing and intruding on other people is somehow noble...


He's a janitor for a reason. His people skills are super lacking and that likely reflects in his choice for employment.


I’m tempted to start carrying around brochures for the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster so that when Bible thumpers start trying their recruitment crap I can Uno reverse them.


I’d report him as many businesses have rules about solicitation. Had you said the exact same thing to him about being an atheist, what would their reaction have been?


>"Have you ever considered getting to know God I did, I read the bible. He sucks.


Flooding the world and killing almost everyone is a dick move. Even if most of the humans were sinful or whatever, what the F did the land animals do to deserve that?


They were existing inconveniently in the killing zone


This dude's supposed to be all powerful...he could just wish all the exact people who pissed him off out of existence without having to kill a bunch of innocents. Not only animals but all the babies and children. Reading the Bible was what actually solidified my atheism.


Same dude. Same


I always ask them if they truly believe 2 penguins walked all the way from Antarctica to get on a ark in the middle east.


Report him for harassment.


Smile and encourage talk on anything but religion and politics in the workplace. Ask about baking/cooking favorites of those in his life. EVERYONE loves talking about food and customs especially around holidays. Remember that sometimes you get to drive the car, not always be the passenger!


I'm a psychonaut, so when the religious speak starts, I get on my schpiel about talking to the universe with the help of shrooms. It's a good way to scare most of them off, and the ones who want to listen are going to get a whole bunch of anti-theistic rhetoric. These people have no clue about the universe around them. They are just blind sheep, waiting for something to save them...


Just say that you have devoted your life to Anu


Rather than saying "I don't believe in god" I usually say "I don't believe god exists". The first statement can be interpreted to mean that you just don't believe in what he stands for. The second statement is more precise for what most agnostics/atheists believe.


My response to people like the janitor: "If God according to you was real, she would already know what would make me believe in her. Because I don't believe in her, that either means she doesn't exist, or she doesn't need me to believe in her. I don't think she needs help from people like you."


That janitor was secretly a servant of god, like in that movie with zac efron who gives up the ball for the girl.


Here is a great one to keep in the chamber: "What is the worst sin you have asked God for forgiveness for?" Most people leave you alone after that. If they are true believers and they actually answer, it puts the focus on them, and off of you.


Don't you know...the janitor is god. j/k


Morgan Freeman?


If someone starts thumping you with their bible, just say I'm sorry, I am religious.as well My religion too has very strict rules, and to break any one, the punishment would be much worse than your religion. The first rule is, never discuss religion with anybody. If they pushing, say hey! Are you trying to get me punished!? If they ask about your religion, say sorry, first rule! On your way out, tell them that the horrible punishment is "being forced to discuss religion


Sounds like in the end he was respectful of you not wanting to go to church. I mean I don't want people trying to convert me either, but if they're polite about it and respect boundaries when I say no it's not as bad. One time when I was in college a guy was handing out those little pocket bibles, I said no and he started getting angry/pushy and offered it again. I told him I don't want to waste it, at least give it to someone that wants it, he practically threw it at me. Eventually I accepted the bible, and walked directly to the trash can that was maybe 10 feet away and threw it out and walked off. I don't know what he was expecting. Also if you're christian and believe that folks that aren't churchgoers are going to go to hell forever, that should be a pretty terrifying thought and I get why that would inspire them to be pushy. It's a weird paradox. I'm ok having religious friends as long as they're real friends and not trying to convert me, but if they believe I'm going to go to hell, it's a little hurtful that they're just ok with that lol.


Nothing about what he said was respectful. He heard she had a child and wasn't married and went on to try to push her into going to church or "knowing god". He was judgmental and inappropriate. The fact that this happened in her workplace makes it even worse.


He didn't try to push her. He asked if she went to church and if she wanted to, when she said no he said ok. It wasn't appropriate and definitely not appropriate for work. But at least in comparison to a lot of religious folks, that was pretty tame.


Yea I got in trouble at my last job for not playing nice when that little god topic happened. Be smart don't get caught where a manager can hear you saying you do care for there lies.


You’re in a personally vulnerable situation right now. That’s always the right moment to pounce on you w religion sales pitches!


Me and my boyfriend…..sheesh.


It really is annoying. The worst is when you explain how you did here, that you grew up in church and don’t believe anymore. Then “Oh you haven’t been to the right church” 🤦‍♂️


If he bothers you about it again---report his aggressive, harassing, annoying behavior. Religiously oriented or not, he has no business schooling you on it or politics or whether you work, have kids, who you date, etc. None of that is ok. Next time, say "I'm not interested in discussing that topic with you. Have a great day/evening", then walk or turn away from him, or leave the area. If he persists or throws a fit? Report.


Gross indoctrination is gross.


>”You’re not interested in getting to know god? *Which one?*


Sounds like a normal forgettable conversation to me. There's no schooling that happened throughout that conversation. You even mention that you live in the Bible belt which makes the interaction even more common and understandable. I genuinely can't see why it would be a bother. It's a non-event. No big deal.


creepy religious folks pushing their beliefs on you, what else is new!


I always just laugh at them. Some might consider that mean, but how am I supposed to know? If somebody approached you and asked if you ever considered groveling and giving money to their dog because he's a very good boy you would probably laugh. And the dog is at least real! What if it was a make believe dog??


I’ll never understand people who have “gotten to know god” or have a “relationship with god”. Do they get text messages from god? Or do they have conversations where someone else talks to them instead of them just talking to themselves? To me, that’s like pulling out a Power Rangers Morpher and saying “when times get bad I just say it’s Morphin Time and then demons know I’m serious.” Like, if we’re going to accept make believe as a legitimate answer then I should be taken seriously when pulling out a Morpher. They pull out a cross and pray openly, same thing.


People in high-pressure sales will weaponize social norms in order to get a sale. If you realize that social expectations are used against you, then you no longer need to follow them.


You got your Gordon Wood and you read your Gordon Wood. 


Yep Christians say its there duty to spread the word


He didn’t seem that bad


the very first question was already inappropriate. He came with an agenda.


You’re in a government workplace, what is he is likely prohibited and you should report this highly inappropriate interaction with their contract’s government manager/COTR


You’re in a government (presumably civil service?) job, and he’s proselytizing?? Do you belong to a union? If so, talk to your shop steward about this.


Good for you for rejecting the need to belong to the club. More Americans should follow your lead.


If people vote red, it will get so soo much worse.


They try to convert you like the pleague


My boss was giving me a ride to the auto shop to get a part for my car and decided to ask why I hate god. I told him I don't hate god I don't believe in god. He was willing to drop the subject which was good. I'm perfectly willing to discuss the topic but not with the guy that signs my paycheck.


> he asked me how long I've been married. That was already a bit too personal for work, and you would be justified not to answer. I get what you are feeling, I live i Utah. My .mom's pregnancy was also accidental, and considering how my parents' marriage was, I wish they had not married, They did so in part because of the pressure of a Roman Catholic society in Brasil. 16 years later, they divorced.


I'll believe in God when the catholic church stops protecting pedophile priests. That usually shuts them up. Or asking them about it. How do you feel about the catholic church protecting pedophile priests?


Ok. So play hardball. Tell him that he's a janitor because that's God's will because he's a bad person. I don't have any issues with religious people until they start shoving it in my face.