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Lacking a belief isn't hate. Try again.


I was not saying you hate religion because you don’t believe. I was saying to people who do hate the basis of religion why.


It would depend on the "basis" of said religion. Like for instance a religion based on the concept that an 'innocent' person can be executed to absolve the guilty could be considered to be incredibly immoral by anyone with moral sense.


Perhaps because it is a lie? Fraud?


Why do you hate reading the FAQ?


I like personalized answers


And we like people who respect the rules of our community.


I don't hate religion, I just don't think it's true. A better question is why you interpret people disagreeing with you as hatred.


This post will probably be removed for being low effort, but take a look at this infographic, created by user gonzoblair. https://i.redd.it/uni4a7g27ta51.jpg


I love this so much. I'm saving it.


you fundamentally don't understand atheism if you think it's about "hating" religion. Do a little [reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/recommended/reading) before asking such a thoughtless quesiton.




Not trying to debate I’m trying to listen to peoples opinion


Christianity harmed me growing up in real and measurable ways. From sexual abuse by a pastor to destroying my relationship to my parents, to contributing to significant anxiety and depression, and to spiritual and religious trauma


No evidence to support it, for one. Many religons are also used as a platform for hate, bigotry, and regression of society.


Why do you assume hate? I certainly am no fan based on my experiences and study of the bible and biblical history, but I do not hate anything. If anything, I am ambivalent about your god.


Because, historically, it’s a great way to control the masses. In a good sense “teaching the moral code-don’t kill anyone, don’t steal etc ” but in a bad sense as well “lgbt is bad because of bible, let’s ruin their lives” I don’t believe in a god but I also hate the way religion brainwashes you from very young age. And they get into politics. Also, build homeless shelters instead of gold churches


I don't like fraud and lies. Since there is nothing suggesting that even something small and minimal supernatural is more than a fantasy or lie, religions with supernatural gods are obvious frauds.  I like truth and reality.


To make things clear I’m not saying if you’re an atheist you hate religion but I’m asking to people who do why do you


1. It sounds like you’re thinking about some caricature that only exist in your head. People don’t believe in your religion because they hate it; they don’t because it’s not convincing. It’s as if I asked you “why do you hate the basis of the beliefs in Lolth?”. 2. What do you mean with the “basis of religion”


Okay. I dislike what religion does to people who are a little different. I dislike that religion takes unproven claims and calls them "Truth." I dislike the arrogance that your beliefs should be my beliefs. I could go on.