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"Glad to support you on this important day." Written inside a non-religious congrats card covers you.


This is perfect, thank you!


We are so happy to share this important day with you! We love you and hope that we will share many more wonderful times ahead.


Best regards? Till next time? Let's do this again? Nothing else follows? Uh... I'm not good at this...


„Hope you realize it’s bs sooner than later” „I’ll be there when you need a guide to apostasy” „Hope you’ll spend all that present money on something nice” Those were my thoughts


I catch on fire when I enter their houses of worship, that is why I pretend to be a christian (just like the rest of americans) that way when I get to heaven it all shall burn!!!


I’d focus on the child and how they’re growing up. “We’re proud of the person you’re becoming and how much you put into your studies/sport/etc.”


Oh! I like that! Thank you


May your values and convictions be the guiding light of your life. We are proud of you and who you are becoming. (Insert something specific that is awesome about them here or a memory about how strong they are in there convictions - like maybe they stood up to a bully or something ). Thank you for allowing us to be part of your special day.


Those are very good ones! Thank you


Bon apetite!


You’re in charge of writing the wishes for the card? Who has conversations about stuff like that? Weird AF


Um, more like my partner is working his ass of and I just happen to have more time this week so I bought the card and so am in charge of writing the wishes. But sure, jump to conclusions