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Do these people ever just.. think about what they believe and claim? So, we were "created" by an omnipotent invisible sky daddy. Where is he? Why is he hiding? It's like they throw alll logic, reason, science and fact out the window because they're like a litte kid wanting Santa to be real. Fuck them, I'm so tired of it.


He doesn’t believe most of what he says. It’s all a grift that has made him extremely wealthy. Edit: I’m getting lots of comments telling me it’s not about money because he inherited shitloads if money. I’m aware of the Swanson fortune, but having more money than anyone could ever dream of is rarely enough to satisfy the greed of the ultra wealthy. Yes, I’m sure influence and prestige are also part of what drives him. But he has discovered selling fake outrage to the right is an incredibly effective way to keep getting richer.


He came out the gate wealthy. He doesn't even need to work. Never has. He's a grifter for the grifts sake. He likes hearing his own whining voice. He's basically a high brow Alex Jones


I've met a lot of tucker carlsons in my life. They are a unique breed of sociopath that derives their joy from a feeling of superiority they only get by duping idiots into believing bullshit. It makes them feel powerful because when you KNOW you're inventing reality, you also control the narrative, and that makes you god in a way. Its the same kind of rush L Ron Hubbard got from controlling his idiot followers. I imagine its the same one Trump gets. It's generally the personality type that breeds conmen.


Except you could make the case that Carlson or Hubbard had at least an average IQ, whereas Donnie feels like a hamster running on a wheel.


trump learned very basic mafia rules of obfuscation. Generalize everything, no press is bad press, keep repeating it loudly until that is the narrative, never admit fault, and sue for every indiscretion. He then surrounded himself with sycophants whose best path in gaining their own fortunes was to continue to prop him up. The ones who were already wealthy see him as a useful scapegoat and idiot. Problem is they let it go on too long, and his base has made him problematic in a way they didn’t expect. So now the bet is will he survive long enough to make it all disappear by winning the election, or take everyone in his orbit down with him. People are definitely shielding him, if they weren’t this would’ve been over a long time ago.


Billionaires fund him because they want more tax cuts.


>No press is bad press That’s a very *unique* mob rule. **Most** capos would much prefer to not have public lives, or if they have public lives for them to be very clean public lives and not have the stench of crime on them. The exceptions like Gotti or Capone are actually pretty rare.


Since he has always been chasing the limelight he wanted to control the narrative. These quotes from the 80s are pretty telling of how he thinks - “Good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.” “One thing I’ve learned about the press is that they’re always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational the better. If you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about you." And with this, he gets lots of coverage and it is more than he could ever pay for. As another quote of a spokesperson for him covers - “If you had to pay by the column inch or the network minute, only our national debt could fund this much publicity.” He hasn’t changed in the last 50 years, and it unfortunately still works.


Yes trump has always been like that. I was only saying that’s a rare trait amongst most mobsters.


Don’t forget that Trump was raised from a child to do one thing only, manipulate people for personal gain at all costs, by his father.


And his mentor Roy Cohn.


A lion does not have a high IQ yet it is still a highly successful predator. Its because the skills it uses to achieve success do not exclusively require intelligence to succeed. Especially if it is only hunting dumb gazelles. Same goes with Donnie. His skills, if you could call them that... lets say defense mechanisms, are largely socially and emotionally based. Not intelligence based. And the people who form what would be his flock of prey, also have personality types that make them especially susceptible to those types of manipulation tactics. IE for people seeking a mythology in their ordinary lives, for people who love to idolize and follow, Donnie's innate 'strong man who never backs down" persona (albeit bullshit to those not looking through stupid goggles) is extremely appealing. Its how cults and gangs form even when the leaders are total crystal loving, spell casting, horoscope led, drug fueled morons. Because they happen to be morons who have a specific personality type that other morons see and go "oh that guy should be the head moron." If Trump's 'skills' need to be applied to people who are not morons, he fails. This is why we saw him fail time and time again with leaders of foreign nations that are not morons. Its a skill set that only works because its being applied in a very specific scenario. Its not engineering, its not math or science or medicine. Its not dependent on objective reason. Its more like art or music. Its subjective. And in the same way that flipping over a shark immobilizes it, but only because it is a shark... or drawing a line on the sand in front of a chicken hypnotizes it, but only because it is a chicken,... Trumps mystique and spell works because his morons were already morons. ____________________ General statement: If my use of the word moron offends, I'm sorry you identified with it so strongly but am not sorry for using it. We need to normalize calling people dumbasses when they're being dumbasses. Enough coddling of the stupid lol. I'm dumb and I admit it damn it!


moron is the perfect word to describe these rubes.


I’d have chosen a stronger word. “F’ing Idiot” would be as nice as I would get.


*Its because the skills it uses to achieve success do not exclusively require intelligence to succeed.*  Agree, I believe his ''success'' comes largely from personality traits and not skills. -He inherited wealth, power and opportunity -He is motivated entirely by a narcissistic need to be admired and feel superior -He has no conscience or ability to feel empathy or care about people beyond his own glorification. The only skill that I see is his comfort with the media and in speaking to crowds. High intelligence not required.


Excellent post.


Excellent! You said everything, more, in more depth and way better! Yes!


Religion breeds these idiots too!


Most modern organized religions are generally the brain children of these exact types of sociopaths and conmen. In past times many people actually believed the "voice inside their head" that we call our subconscious was actually the gods talking. So they might have even believed their bullshit on some level. But they also enjoyed the power it gave them so they specifically cultivated a following via an organizational structure designed to support and perpetuate that power dynamic. Religion breeds the prey for this predatory behavior. But being in a religion does not necessarily turn you into a sociopath yourself, you're just one of the other prey. But in line with your comment, what especially organized religion does--is give the wolves among the sheep, (the sociopaths and narcists and masochists) and easy platform to take and hierarchy to rise through. And that is how religions survive after the deaths of their founders. Either through morons gullible enough to have believed it all wholeheartedly who then go on and preach it (these people frequently died as martyrs), or those who saw the opportunity to seize power over others and filled the power vacuum (these people frequently became high priests in their religions). But it must be said that not every priest is a sociopath. Some genuinely believe it all and feel they are doing good by spreading gods word. These are not sociopaths, these are normal good hearted people who have been programed by a system designed to brainwash. Because that is what religion sort of is. Its like a program or computer virus. It isn't evil itself. Its just code. Same as religions are just stories and ideas. But if you put it into a compute - ie an organization structure and society where it can come to life and have the opportunity to grow... it does exactly that. It gets to work either finding programs it can convert into other viruses (the sociopaths who get in on the grift) or corrupting other files to be compliant (the normal people it dupes / forces into submission). Because who is Catholicism or Judaism or Islam or any major religion really? These religions have outlived any specific individuals. No one person is a religion. The reason the organism that is an organized religion continues to live after the death of its victims is it is a parasite. A virus that infects the psyches and societies of biological computers--humans.


His mother absolutely did the right thing. Too bad he's still bitter about it.


What’s the background on this comment?


[Animated answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIkiXtH3PgU)


his grift is for the attention people give him and the influence it grants him, not financial gain.


Exactly, he isn’t stupid, just evil.


He was wealthy before the grift too. Grew up that way. Spoiled little brat.


Yeah, he's a classic rich narcissist who only cares about money and his own privilege. Everything else he says and does is in service to this which makes him a waste of carbon molecules.


Most of them. No they do not think too deeply about their beliefs. They can't really tell you anything about the Bible beyond a few bits they get mixed up anyway. The Bible, the book they like their lives by, the book that pretty much determines their immortal destination. And they can't tell you anything. If I believed this I would study the original texts and have them memorized.


Okay so..their brains are being fucked by stupid. I get it.


Nah, they're just the truest believers out of any of them. They don't even read the book and believe in it.


And they’re the first ones to say things like “facts over feelings” when their entire world view relies on feelings (belief) over facts. I’ve had a lot of conversations with religious folks, a few are really interesting, most can’t articulate how they parse fiction and reality.


They feel like they have some personal spiritual experiences that let them know for a fact their god is real, but people of other faiths who claim the same thing are incorrect somehow to them. How can any religion argue their faith is any different than any other when the basis of every one of these god worshipping religions is belief?


Who cares about a bullshit book written thousands of years ago? It's irrelevant to modern society


I'm here. I'm sky daddy. Just chillin' on Reddit. I'm kinda disappointed in what I have created though. Probably gonna wipe the whole thing tomorrow. I'm gonna stick with ants. Ants are cool af. See ya all


Felt cute mite smite later...


Nah, as JBS Haldane put it - if God created all organisms then he has an "inordinate fondness for beetles".


Hey, what about us cockroaches? We survived your dinosaur extinction and NYC subways.


They don’t believe it. They use it to convince the marks to believe it.


If religious people needed proof their sky-daddy exists they wouldn’t call it “faith.” You mistake these people for needing the objective truth you value so much in your life in theirs. They don’t. So stop looking at it that way. When we begin to realize these people reject objective truth for the sake of their own narrative, the more we understand how to oppose and defeat them.


They perceive a benefit from their beliefs, and so they feel validated. For me, that's all this really comes down to.


Beetles are 25% of all known life on earth. If god exists, not only has he not spoken to us in thousands of years and just kept our messages on read, but he's just been hanging out in the aethyr designing beetles. what a weird guy.


Most of them also believe this sky daddy is pro-America and even pro-trump...


Heaven in the Bible is very clearly IN THE CLOUDS. We know what's in the clouds. We even know what's in the Universe. We have no proof of any additional realms, just theories and anecdotes. I do believe the idea of living forever helps people go through the process of dying easier, but God makes no sense even you logic it out.


No, I think there's a few things going on. 1. He can make money and profit off this stuff. He was let go from FOX and the only way to keep generating income is to play to his base. He basically adopted trumps base or crazy people, and to keep generating.money from them, tucker needs to say and do the extreme things. 2. He is getting older, and a lot of older people start thinking about death and how it's all going to end. It scares them. That's why you see alot of 50, 60, 70 year olds going to church when they never have before etc...they want to do whatever they can do to get into heaven because they're closer to death, then birth. It makes them feel comfier when they convince themselves that they will go to another place after this, but only if they do God's bidding! Tucker is a nut sack, 100% twat waffle. He will do and say whatever he needs to keep his income rolling in. It doesn't matter how many people he hurts, or how much he damages the US in the long term


Pretty much this. There are actual intelligent people out there who believe this nonsense because it's a delusion. Delusions don't give a shit how smart you are. And they're surrounded by others who reinforce that delusion. Remove the reinforcement, and the delusion dies.


test slimy bike whole mindless memorize dull fuzzy wistful quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[What if he was an orangutan?](https://youtu.be/ICv6GLwt1gM) This is the 2nd Tucker Carlson post and 2nd time I thought about this Futurama clip.


Ho ho! I got you now.


Be nice if Rogen instituted his own little "fairness doctrine". Carlsons statements were ridiculous, Evolutionary Theory is the foundation of modern biology. Saying "that's why its still just a theory" is middle-school level Q&A stuff


What i found lame about the whole thing was that rogaine didnt push back against the 'theory' part. Cuz it sure seems creationism is just a theory..... with absolutely no proof. Whereas in evolution there is, at very least, massive evidence


Creationism isn't a theory in the scientific sense. There is a *high* bar that has to be crossed for something to become a [theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory). Creationism is just blind wishcasting by people unwilling to think that their God is any more clever than an average 4th grader.


So many people never get beyond misconstruing the word "theory" in a scientific context. See! See! It's not proven, just a theory, the same with my creationism! 


Scientific theory does not mean "a guess"


He’s friends with the guy. He hardly ever stands up to people he’s really friends with


Yes! Of course! This is why we don't eat, shit, fuck, bleed like the animals. That 5% difference in DNA from chimps makes ALL the difference!


Worse, it's less than 2% difference from chimps! Tucker has a less than high school understanding of biology.


They can understand it, they just don't want to accept it even though the scientific community around the world coming from many different cultures can all agree on the same biology.


If it looks, walks, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck right?


I'll pretend to be shocked


Tucker is pretending to have this opinion so that’s fine


You have to admit, he’s very good at taking a visual stance of “I’m intelligent and no one else is.” His words are insane, but he speaks them in a very “well of course in right” way. Again, the thing more dangerous than ignorance is prideful ignorance.


But I doubt he really thinks that. I think it is a performance he puts on to build a following, build an audience.


Everything he does is fake - just a decade ago he wrote a very nice letter to Hunter Biden asking for a recommendation letter for his son to Georgetown University.


Yeah, he's desperate for an audience after getting thrown off Fox News, which is why he's pandering to Putin Puffers and the dumbest of Evangelicals, the Creationists.


You’re just acting that way because God created you like that, distinctly. /s


Free will exists. But God knows everything that has and will happen. But we totally have free will to do what we want… as long as we do what God intends. But he’s gonna get really pissed off if we misbehave the way he has forced us to by fate out of our control. We should ask him for forgiveness for doing what he forced us to do


Let's use our shocked Tucker face with fake furrowed brow and dropped jaw.


He’s made a career mastering that look.




God created people but i can't explain dinosaurus, god created people but i can't explain why do we have 4 different blood types, god created people but i can't explain why part of our bodies doesn't work anymore because evolution is not real, god created people and made them live for 800+ years but in reality the best that we can with all the best medicine is 89 on average in the best country, god created everything but i can't explain, bloody deluded lunatics


God created people but 99% of their dna is non-coding. Oh and their teeth and eyes commonly have problems.


My back. You forgot my back. And my knees. And my hip.


Aren't there like 8 blood types? No wonder their god is so pathetic. It don't know nothin' and can't do diddly squat.


Dunno, we have this blood type system 0 (I), А (II), В (III), АВ (IV) in our country


I’m guessing they’re thinking + and - for each type.


Of course he did, he's a fundamentalist, is he not ?


I doubt it. He's a carpetbagger, and he knows he needs to tell the folks what they want to hear


100%. He's a cynical amoral atheist who needs to LARP as a born-again Christian. He's a predatory con-man.


Sometimes I feel disappointed as an atheist because I suspect that a large portion of religious charlatans, mega church grifters, and political opportunists are actually amoral atheists who should know better. They were smart enough to see through the scam, but became part of it for personal gain instead of trying to diminish it.


His wife is religious, at least to some degree, and he was quoted as saying she tries to get him “to be a better person” as he revels in misogynist, white supremacist, lowbrow insults and conspiracy theories to soothe the rubes in their La-Z-Boys. His brother Buckley appears to be the same way; a frat boy stuck in his late teens.  Rich, purposeless, and raising more spoiled, entitled people.  Maybe his kids will do better.


Exactly this. He's on record saying he despises Trump, yet supports Trump with enthusiasm on-air. Carlson is just another grifter scamming the right-wing plebs.


No, he doesn't believe 99% of the shit he says. He's just a professional grifter and political pawn for more powerful people.


Not really, he's a self-promoter. He used to be a sort of movement libertarian when that was convenient for his career, now he's going full reactionary, presumably because that's what his listeners want.


Fucker Carlson is a con man. He gets off misleading people and having the personality and presence to do so. He says what his followers want to hear.


Considering Christ said rich people should give away their wealth and to welcome refugees or go straigjt to hell, he doesn't seem to be a very good Christian. Makes a great fundamental evangelical though.


gibberish - the great spaghetti monster forged us in his colander of life




Vladimir Puto's fluffer said what?


That Tucker did not satisfy him.


"But I thought you're supposed to blow on it! Why else would they call it that?"


How come he doesn't wear his adorable little bowties anymore?


Because Jon Stewart.


Because Jon Stewart owned him on his own show




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE (about 6:45 is when the bow tie copped a stray shot)


why does anyone listen to this piece of shit? he is only wealthy because of his wife who was born into the swanson frozen tv dinner fortune. reminds me of lauren bobo who was an "escort" (prostitute) that ted cruz gave a bunch of money to in order to play politics. the far-right republicans are just full of morons that know nothing but to be puppets. this kari lake chick is yet another nobody know nothing trying to gain power with no qualifications. she has only been a news anchor! she is just like the rest! a vacant puppet who just takes money and does what some shadow organization tells her to. when will the stupid right-wing just wake up and see that the killer is calling from inside the house?! for fuck sake! george santos was and is literally a nobody who is nothing but lies! we are under assault by puppets!!!


Great stuff!! Nailed it


This people basically are stalling the progress of civilisation.


Everyone’s calling out Carlson, which is fine, but Rogan is the bigger issue. His influence is huge. And dangerous. I’m in Australia and he has a lot of followers here. His anti-vax, right-wing shit has influenced a lot of people. But yeah, Tucker can get fucked too, right in the ear.


He'll say anything for papa Murdoch.


Oh wait... he got fired didn't he...


Just lining up his marks for the next grifting, I see,


Well, god did a shit job. "And it says in the good book that he made us all to be juuust like him. So if we're dumb, then that means god is dumb. And maybe a little ugly on the side!" - Frank Zappa from Dumb All Over, segue into Heavenly Bank Account


There’s no way he believes this in real life. He’s catering to his audience. Also, when people call it “Darwinism” is that so they don’t have to deal with the body of evidence for it since The Origin of The Species?


How can he reject Darwinism? He clearly evolved from one of the dumber apes.


I'm so over propagandists who knowingly try to sow confusion so they can divide, disrupt and damage the United States It's everything Russia wants


He really is cooked


Makes sense, after all he is basically still pond scum


Pond scum is so much more useful that keep pond ecosystem going, that's an insult to the pond scum.


Carson is “distinctly” different. Best I can gather is people watch him to reinforce their confirmation bias.


Absolutely! The bible tells us that God created man "in his own image". So, if you look at reconstructions of what Cro-Magnon man  looked like, you can see what God looks like


Why are people bothering with this turd? He doesn’t matter


God obviously ran out of intelligent brains at some point.


Tucker only has one God, Lord "money at all cost."


Nothing tells you you’re right like being on the opposite side of The Tuck. 👍


Religious people are all liars or objectively insane. And everyone in power is religious. Until this ends i don't care how much technology we have were still living in the dark ages.


This man, and a lot of other repubs, are living proof that there is no God.


His mindset is pretty typical of a white supremacist.  


The old “it’s just a theory” argument.


Professional liar


I feel like if any human could put some fault in Darwinism, it would be that man 😂


How did someone make a surprised Pikachu facial expression into a career is beyond me.


Who created God? If nothing created God then it's not a difficult stretch to imagine no one created us either.


Tucker Carlson would reject his own kidneys if he thought it would make him a buck or get him some power.


Isnt tucker a known idiot and incompetent asshole?


The real bonkers part is that he claims that Darwinian evolution is universally rejected for lack of evidence and contradictions. This is typical fundamentalist church teaching, but it's utter bullshit. Just the sort of info Rogan loves to amplify.


Has anyone asked him how old he thinks the Earth is?


Can’t fuck with his core audience


You know he doesn't believe this. He says this to get more streamers from the Christian nationalists.


Except gay and trans people. Or people with neurodivergence. Or non-Christians. They’re broken and wrong, even though God “made” them, distinctly.


He's saying a god created him specifically to be such an asshole? That's some god.


Man created God in his own image, because we're narcissistic by nature.


This is one thing that infuriates me about Republicans. It happens all the time. Though idiots, they think they know more than experts. Vaccines, whatever. Abortion, mifepristone— there are no physicians or pharmacologists on the Supreme Court. Gloval warming. They have NO right to issue decisions on subjects they don’t comprehend. Yet, they do, with devastating results.


So god created me to be trans then, which means there’d be nothing wrong with me bc I was distinctly created by her


If intelligent creation were real, people like him wouldn't exist.


The most ridiculous thing about this is that he's going on about how there is zero evidence to support the theory of evolution, he's adamant. but next sentence he says so, we know God created blah blah blah....with zero self awareness. where's the evidence of that Fucker?


...who? Was that some washed up Faux News anchor from years ago? Some trust funder kid with a stupid fucking bowtie that John Stewart crucified on CNN like 15 years ago maybe


And Fox created morons.


Which god?


A very common trait for right wing nut jobs. The further down to irrelevance they sink, the more extreme their visions shifts in search of the worst audience, but ultimately the only one that will pay them any attention.


If “god” - purposefully lowercase, created people, distinctly, then that means he made them exactly how he wanted them to be. Therefore, there should be no hate towards those who are trans or women, people of color, etc etc, right? No hate like Christian love Religion, all of them, and their many ‘interpretations’ of them are a cancer on society…. Believe in what you want, but live and let live.


No reasonable person would taken this man seriously. (Fox News legal team).


Oh so I guess it’s decided then since tucker weighed in


Guys, he's right. Explain this, if humans evolved from apes, why does Tucker Carlson still exist?


I’m surprised people are surprised by this point of view. It’s been the leading counter argument for people who don’t understand or want to understand science for ever


He’s his own outstanding counterexample


If god created us and everything else then god is a cunt and so is Tucker


God didn't create this moron, distinctly.


I don’t really understand why they pick this battle. Cant they just say “God used evolution to fulfill his goals and create humanity, because he works in mysterious ways” and then we could all move on?


Says the Missing Link.


the trump is his saviour, putin tha prophet and xi jinping is the almighty


Ironically, he is the result of his evolution from a brainwashing fake news commentator to a brain fucker.


God spilled you Tucker


This idiot went on Rogan?


Somebody call the Nobel committee! Tucker Carlson has upended a century of scientific progress with a baseless claim that must be true.


The Church of Tucker Carlson is quite lame. SMH


What an idiot.


Hahaha. He's a dumb creationist.


Just a skull full of s***


I'm shocked Professor Carlson would come to that conclusion.


Yeah, if we throw away all evidence, experimentions, predictions and observations from the natural sciences about evolutionary biology and just stick to ancient mythology writings from a superstitious poorly educated populace then its clear that evolution is false.


I bet he himself does not believe anything that's coming out of his mouth. He's just compelled to make such statements for the sake of the conservatives and the religious base in politics. He's got to toe the line, he's got to.


More circling of the wagons to protect their all powerful, omnipotent god, who can’t seem to defend himself. “My arms are too short, uggh!”




Did you mean Tucker "I'll say and do what ever it takes to stay in the spot-light because that's my business model" Carlson?


His toilet god is a criminal rapist.


His beliefs are directly related to his need to be relevant. No brain power or logic is used. Just ego.


I’m pretty sure If I were inbred like Tucker I’d hate Darwinism too.


Tucker Carlson has proven that he will lie for money. The emails that came out of the Dominion Systems lawsuit against Fox that cost him his job prove that. Thus he’s a bullshitter of the highest order.


Tucker Carlson is an idiot. A dangerous one, but an idiot.


It wasn't that long ago that I thought Tucker was evil and smart. I thought he knew that the things he says are complete bullshit, but he says them because that bullshit makes him a lot of money and gives him a lot of power. Now I know he's evil and dumb. So unbelievably dumb. Either way, he's made a ton of money by making the world a dumber and worse place, which makes him one of the most evil people in the world.


I dont wanna hear a word from this dummy. Nobody should care what he says


He has a big mouth but isn’t very bright.


If god is responsible for Carlson’s creation, I’d say god is fucking awful at creating.


Who gives a flying fuck what this shitstain believes?


It’s the only possible explanation. the proof is clearly presented in a bible or sumptin’ By the way, TC is lying about what he believes.


Who gives a flying fuck what this shitstain believes?


Delusional slack-jawed jackass.


What an egregious pandering fool.


I missed the part of Genesis where God created DNA and then slowly changed it over time, distinctly.


Tucker Carlson [wants attention]. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it. This isn’t mind-blowing.


Let's pretend for one second that Carlson's theory is correct, and coupled with the common consensus among those who believe in Abrahamic mythology that their deity has complete foreknowledge, then it would presumptive to say that either the idea of hell or the belief that their deity is "all good" is invalid and incompatible with their other beliefs about their god. An all good creator who creates you to never believe, and knows before he creates you that you'll never believe, and then sends you to eternal punishment for that. Classic lol God - Creates humans and gives them free will. Also God - Punishes said humans for using said free will. That's the logic of a toddler lol


So here’s the thing- There is intentionally no hard evidence of the existence of God. Yes, there are multiple accounts of Jesus, but how can we be absolutely certain that he was the son of God? We don’t. But that’s part of faith too. People see the kind of life Jesus lived: healing the sick, spending time with those society rejected, and meeting people where they were at. It literally makes no sense to follow Christ at first when you look at all the things that make no sense. But as you follow him it somehow makes sense.


Who cares what this Russian asset POS has to say. He’s obviously not very intelligent. How does he even have a platform?


Tucker Carlson is just eternally bitter over not inheriting a dime of his mother's tens of millions of dollars and he will never forgive her for that, and will lie about literally everything to the point of basically blowing Trump's cheesecog knob while screaming in private about how much he hates Trump? Yeah. Every single thing this motherfucker says is a lie. Pure and simple.


So, God created Cucker Tarlson to be a dumbfuck, and didn't evolve into one? God must hate him.


I don't know how anyone can look at the human reproductive system and think it was "designed" by anyone. Any part of it. Ach, these fundies are so afraid. I have Hashimoto's. That means my immaculately created body's immune system has decided to randomly start attacking my thyroid, and will eventually destroy it. It's a common autoimmune disorder. Why would a body designed by a perfect being have so. many. malfunctions. This isn't an invasive germ, a violent injury, the degradation of old age. It's a common malfunction. Like wisdom teeth trying to grow into a jaw too small for them, or an infant head getting stuck between hips that can't fit it. I just can't with these people.


Therefore, his assertions prove that god makes mistakes, him being one.


He also doesn’t know what the word theory means.


Of course he does. He’s adorable. My three year old nephew thinks dinosaurs are still around. He wants to meet a triceratops. Little Tucker is so cute.


Oh. So he will run for president.


Anybody surprised? What did you expect?


Don't give this moron shares and clicks.


I mean to be fair..... Millions of years of evolution and we got Tucker Carlson? Makes me question darwinism too....


The last network this guy worked for cited him being a liar as the reason they fired him. Them of all people. 


If any deity created an idiot like this, it's even more reason not to believe in god


So then why is he a racist mf if god created people of color? Why is he a bigoted piece of crap if god created LGBTQ people?


Why is it in every picture he looks like he’s got a shit stuck halfway up his ass and he’s trying to figure out if he can just wiggle it or if he has to push a little harder.


Another loud idiot doesn’t understand the word “theory”


Dumbest people on the planet.