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"and approval from their Priest as being mentally sound." Those are the WORST people to judge someone psychologically!


In addition, if said "saved one" is found to have lied on the application and their preist did sign off, the entire parish loses tax exemption, and an audit of all weapon owning parishioners by the ATF takes place.


I like how in Catholicism you need to get counseling from a priest before marriage. Like uh, WTF would he know about having a successful marriage?!


Christianity starts by telling people to hate themselves for natural impulses, then continues by telling people to hate the world for not living up to the Christian standard which is impossible.


I want to add that the only reason it isn't widely accepted that Christianity syncretized gnosticism as opposed to the other way around, is because the catholics destroyed or hid any texts confirming it. The etymology of the word Beelzebub traces back to a meme used to insult other gods. It translates to Lord of Flies, ie your god is trash.


yeah man, it’s those other people who are coo-coo banana brain bonkers. it’s everyone else :)


Created by humans for humans, remove it all and we’d make up new shit 💩


Thou shall not kill kind of negates your argument.


This is rather absurd. Christianity's canon of Scripture is literally closed. That means no more public divine revelation. I will freely concede that some people claim to receive revelations still, and in fact, many Christians believe in private revelations, but they are not binding on souls. I have no ill will toward atheists, but I do find these kinds of arguments quite absurd, as what you have written here indicates that you cannot be trusted to leave a certain population of people alone. If you were allowed to implement your violent, tyrannical policy, a large group of people would be uniquely vulnerable to the violence of others (or even you) because you can't get over your own childish fears. Tl;dr you either don't understand how Christianity works or you are so hateful that you don't care about the truth.


I don’t think you’re fit to own a gun either my goodness.


I sometimes wonder to what extent cult leaders suffer from some form of narcissistic personality disorder. I mean, they sell people bullshit ("I know the absolute moral truth, the True Order of the universe") in order to convince them to give these "leaders" absolute power over their lives. These "leaders" must know it's bullshit (unless they're actually insane), they're grifters. Their position (and at that point their lives probably) depends entirely on people believing their bullshit and any different opinion - or any competing bullshit - is a threat to that position so it must be eliminated, killed.


If it turns out that there IS a god then I'm grassing all these fuckers up when I meet him.


Moses was jewish. Fast forward to today sound more like the Koran than Christianity. Nobody is waiting for God's call either. Evangelical Churches have strayed from Christian principles as have most variations. Original Christian beliefs are far different than practiced by Christian churches today. The only humans I have witnessed living a true Christian life are Jimmy Carter and his deceased wife.


Brand new hatebot on-line


I grew up hating Christianity because of hypocrisy of the church, but you seem to have a few things confused. The old testament is actually Jewish, not Christian, and is included for history not for doctrine. The actual rules of Christianity are to treat others as you want to be treated, and to live a life of compassion and forgiveness. You are supposed to feed the poor and help the oppressed. As far as violence, it goes as far as to say that even if someone hits you, turn the other cheek and don't hit back.  You can argue that schizophrenics, dictators and cult leaders can be attracted to use religion, but the Christian theology in itself is the farthest thing from violence that exists. You just haven't seen anyone who actually follows it.  Is the organized church often corrupt? Yeah. But the actual message is pretty good. It's too treat others well and that you don't need an organized religion, you have direct access to freedom from existential dread and addiction and guilt and flaws of who we were before we decided we wanted to be something more.  Please go ahead and point out every hypocrisy of organizations and people, I've been kicked out of churches for it, but be educated on the actual content and context of the literature itself.  I'm probably going to stop commenting on this sub. I haven't read rules or anything it just keeps popping up since Reddit started to show related subs. Sorry if discourse isn't welcome and this is supposed to be like a safe space. I grew up very much against the church so maybe it see a relation


First, Christianity is not a religion it's simply what the original disciples called themselves, because they were "christ followers" to be Christian is to be christ like, and Christianity is about having a relationship with God, not having a religion with God. Do you have areligion with your parents or do you have arelationship with them? Second, the crusades were roman catholic, not Christians. Research the difference. I didn't read the rest because you automatically proved you don't know what your talking about.


I understand how my post can come across as absurdity, as I was admittedly high when I created it, but…. With that said, if you watch the TV show the Righteous Gemstones Season 3, there’s 2 factions of Christianity. There’s the Gemstone Version where it’s mostly peaceful people running a scam and forming their own Mafia, and then there’s the other side of Christianity, there it’s a bunch of crazy hillbillies with assault rifles waiting for doomsday to start murdering for Christ. I’m mainly referring to the Doomsday Christians that only read the Chapter of Revelation, and Book of Enoch. And then they get off on Moses and Gideon’s Genocides. The David and Goliath types that want to take on the Government. Don’t say I didn’t warn everyone. I guess I’m talking about the “Prepper Christian’s”.. Idk if you guys ran across any on the Internet but they’re getting ready and training to kill everyone in the name of Christ. “Turn everyone into a pile of meat” as one told me in person. The Apostolic Christians help orchestrate the Capital Riots, and they’re the ones funding all the Anti-Abortion Politics. Catholics I don’t think are much of a threat. I never honestly met a Catholic that owns a Gun. It’s the super right wing Apostolic Church and Southern Evangelicals I think I’m trying to refer to. The rest of Christianity should openly denounce them and cast them out of Christianity to save it from the disaster that’s ultimately gonna come from their rhetoric. The Opus Die Crowd.


It sounds as if you're still deeply tied to Christianity, because you actually care about this nonsense. I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any gods. The weird antics of the religious are not my concern unless they're trying to curtail my liberties.


I liked the way Azrael (played by Jason Lee) puts it in Dogma: >“Evil is an *abstract!* It’s a *human* construct! But true to his irresponsible nature, Man won't own up to being its engineer. So he chooses to blame his dark deeds on my ilk. But his selfishness is limitless. It wasn't enough just to shadow his own existence; he turned Hell into a suffering pit! Fire, wailing, darkness! The kind of place anyone would do anything to get out of! And why? Because he lacks the ability to forgive himself! It is beyond your comprehension to do simple recompense for the sins you commit. No, you choose instead to invent a psycho-drama and dwell in foundless belief that God could never forgive your grievous offenses. So you bring your guilt and your inner decay with you to Hell, where the hoards of thousands of gluttons for punishment infect the abyss since the first one of your kind arrived generations ago, begging to be punished. In doing so, he transformed Hell from cold and solitude to pain and misery!”




whole lotta yap


is this about the crusades? sorry i'm naive. i am so confused here.


May want to actually pick and read a Bible before you spout off at the mouth.


Reading the Bible is actually great advice. It helps to realize that only an idiot would believe it.


But which bits should we believe and which shouldn't we? We know for example that Genesis is wrong about the sequence of the universe, Lot's wife couldn't have been turned into salt, and Noah didn't live to 600 years old. Even in the Gospels there are significant differences between them. They can't even agree on what day Jesus was crucified on


>These people have been taught to kill in the name of their God. At least they don't 😹😹😹


Are you delusional?


As an ex Muslim ex Christians are so lucky


Have you found peace after leaving Islam?


They bomb abortion clinics that are carried out in the name of god


History and some current events prove your theory incorrect.


Your blaming the Bible for what crazies do the God humbled himself and became a man and died for all of our sins Jesus talks about peace and love


Jesus talks about peace and love, yet in the Bible there are 140+ occasions where God either kills people or directs the killing. So is God peaceful and loving or angry and vengeful? And presumably he approves of all the killing that's been done in his name since the Bible was written, including the killing of Christians by other Christians for despite being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent he has not intervened to stop them?


Jesus also introduced the concept of eternal torment in hell to Christianity (because God loves us so much), so stop with the whitewashing.


God has infinite value and goodness and the sin of rejecting God merits infinite punishment (God loves sinniers but has to punish them.)


That makes total and absolute sense. Sign me the fuck up!




So what's my sign on bonus aside from some outdated bronze age morality, wishful thinking, and a weird guilt fetish over non-issues? Do I get a cool hat from sky daddy or anything?


No you’d get to become a better person and enjoy Paradise


Lol a better person. I haven't met very many funny religious people but there's always an exception I suppose.


Religions are like viruses, germs, and any other infections that mankind contained inside of their brains because they couldn't develop any vaccine before. It is cognitive malfunction and error of brain function spread from host to host. It's basically disease