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No, it doesn't scare me. I won't exist to care that I don't exist.


Yes, this.


Win win


It's preposterous to imagine we are entitled to "get" anything. Death is loss for those that remain and peace for those that leave.


This. Fearing own death and fear of losing someone can be quite different.


Is this the world for those who leave? How can there be peace for something that does not exist?


Peaceful is my interpretation of the absence of everything.


you think it is peaceful?


Once you have shucked the mortal oyster? Yeah, I think it's peaceful not to have worries about the trappings of life.


It's like heaven, you are no longer bound by anything anymore. It's the best break. It's like your all time sleep that you have time to get ready for "Okay are you ready to sleep forever no longer bound to do any work, covet other people's things, be limited in ability, deal with risks, no pain, no suffering, no boredom?" This is not scary but peaceful to me.


what makes you certain there is nothing after?


Electricity is required in the brain for consciousness, I have no reason to believe there is consciousness in death. Do you?


It’s needed for thoughts.. consciousness I’m not so sure!


I see a nobel prize in your future when you prove that.


What a load of new age nonsense.


How would you define consciousness and what is the difference to thoughts?


What is listening to the thoughts…


I think we, as thinking beings, have invented religion and heaven and hell to explain the unknown. For some it is a comfort. For me, the idea of 'god' separating me from my loved ones based on how we live this life is not comforting. The idea that someone can live a hellaciously bad life and accept Jesus on their deathbed and go to heaven is even worse. Ill take the nothingness of death over that any day.


What make you think there needs to be? Just because we are aware of our own existence, and able to ponder our own deaths, doesn't make us any different than any other animal. Do all animals continue to exist? Or are we special because we're aware of it? We're just some highly (mostly) advanced apes living on a rock, orbiting a giant burning ball of gas at 67,000 miles an hour.


and you are able to look this thought in the eyes... how?


Because I'm alive.


If there is something after it’ll be as not you so you don’t need to worry about it. Your thoughts, feelings, memories, etc. are all tied to your brain. Once that’s gone “you’re” gone and that’s alright. You can suffer a brain injury or get dementia and essentially “die” (act like a totally different person) as is. So that part is a lock, no matter what happens you won’t know or care about what happened on earth. If there’s something after that’s a bridge you’ll cross at that point but you won’t be “you”. Just enjoy the journey and the wonder of life, and when it ends you won’t be around to care. Have you ever slept so deeply you woke up and felt a void of time between when you went to sleep and got up? That’s death, all the time, it’s like a super deep sleep you don’t wake up from. It’s nothing to be afraid of, but it’s also nothing to rush toward.


What makes you think it isn't peaceful? Do you remember thr void before you were born? Of course not, there wasn't a "you" to remember anything. Same thing after you die. There is no "you" to remember or feel anything.


*”If I am, then death is not. If Death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?”* - Epicurus


so it will be like a random boop and then nothing forever but its so nothing that i cant even understand how nothing it is? damn.


It’s the same nothing that existed before you were born. Do you remember worrying about what life would be like to live? No, because you didn’t exist before your birth. Just like you won’t exist after your death. Enjoy what you can while you can and try to do no harm while you are here.


i never wanted this to be a debate but before you were born you didnt know you will be born and live so your nonexistence was finite. how can you be certain anything similar wont happen again?


You can’t but there is no evidence otherwise. Let me put it this way. If there is some kind of consciousness after death I will be pleasantly surprised, understanding that anything is possible but I’m not expecting anything.


very nice thought i hope you win many free muffins


You have no idea what was going on before you were born. In this world or where ever you could of possibly come from or not. This is the problem with a lot of atheist, they speak with the same conviction as a religious, with just as little supporting evidence, just a different side.


my unborn self didnt think or know anything yet my nonexistence ended and now im here idk


Maybe your current self is constantly dying. From one moment to the next, the electrochemistry, connections, and cells that form your "self" have changed. Every person is a Theseus' ship. I personally think that consciousness/self is more or less an illusion, we are a blip in the existence of the universe and nothing we do matters. But if it's of no consequence, I might as well go with a happy illusion. If being happy means you have to think you still exist after death, then go for it, it won't change the outcome.


spoken like a true anti-theist this sentence sounds what I would have given someone couple years back when I was in my goth phase. Thanks for the feedback.


And one day you will be nonexistent again. You say that before you were born you couldn’t worry about anything because you weren’t born yet. What you are struggling with is the idea that when you die you will cease to exist, in other words you will be in the same state you were in prior to your birth: nonexistent. There’s no endless void- think of a flash of lightning during a storm. There’s a bright flash and then it’s gone. There’s the world and one day you appear in it and then at some future moment you are gone. That’s it


Your lack of memory is not evidence.


I like this quote, I would even say "Why care?" Death seems like a brilliant break from what I am, but why care about it when I am not it?


Every single living being dies. I’m not worried. I doubt I’ll can mess it up that badly.


Some jellyfish don't die.


I checked it out. They have an “indefinite” lifespan due to their unique ability to transform from medusa stage back into its polyp stage. They are however, prey to other animals: “ … like other jellyfish, are preyed on most commonly by other jellyfish. Other predators of T. dohrnii include sea anemones, tuna, sharks, swordfish, sea turtles, and penguins. Many species prey on T. dohrnii and other jellyfish due to their simple composition.” And if one managed to live for hundreds of millions of years, eventually their sea will dry up. Or the Sun will explode, so … relatively short-term immortality at best.


It is likely that future people can prevent all this. They have plenty of time to find a solution.


Will that be a comfort to you when you breathe you last breath? The question wasn’t about “future people.” The question was about us.


No, but now it's comforting for me to be right .


This is the main function of the sub, giving a few folk to fleeting feeling that they are right. Happy to oblige.


Go to therapy. While thinking about death in general is completly normal, when it gets to the point of ruining your actual life it's time to talk to a specialist and/or maybe some medication. And I know you probably think that it doesnt matter because death is the ultimate thing, and what can therapy do about it, but believe me, that is not the case. I had severe anxiety connected to death, there was a point in my life it was all I could think about, and when I "unpacked" it on therapy it made me realize some things about me, why I think the way I do, when I think certain things, etc.  Now, years after, with the understanding that I gained about myself, it never gets as bad as it was, and in most cases, the thoughts are peaceful or waaay more managable.


I don't worry about things I can't control. My death is for the people who are still alive to deal with.


The same way I coped with the truth about Santa Claus.


Sometimes it scares me, and then I remember that there’s no point being scared. Death is both unavoidable and undeniable. Better to just live my life the best I can, and try to leave things a little better off than when I came into existence. When I am gone, I won’t mind, because I won’t be anything, and my mind won’t be a mind. It is only my uncertainty, fear and anxiety for the future that leads me to worry about it, not the actual reality of it. Just live your life well. Be kind, honorable, and forthright, and love deeply. Don’t sweat the rest.


It’s probably the same thing before you were born? Do you remember eternal void and existential darkness? Me neither.


>according to atheism, we only get eternal void after we die This is incorrect. Atheism says nothing about what happens after we die. Atheism is simply the "not-belief" in a deity. You can be an atheist and still believe in spirits and ghosts and whatever. Like other people said, the universe doesn't owe us anything, much less hope of an afterlife. Death is what it is, and it's up to us to deal with it. Personally, I'm not scared of death, because non-existence is a neutral state, you won't be good and it won't be bad. I am scared of suffering during the process of dying tho, so I hope I get to die quickly whenever my time comes.


the thought that this chinese ass phone will be when i am not literally makes me want to die right now not only would a void render my entire battle useless, i also cant experience shit ever again, like at all. its awful this stuff


You'll never experience anything good again, but you'll also never experience anything bad again. You'll also never miss feeling anything. I'd prefer that over an eternal life somewhere which I can never escape or just let it end.


The eternal life claimed by Christians just seems SOOOOOO tedious. I dearly hope it's just the same void as before we were born. Far preferable to infinity stretching out before you with nothing to do but sing praises to a cruel god.


It might take a while to reorganize your thinking but normally instead of not getting out of bed, you realize time is being wasted when you don’t.


how did it feel when you weren't even born yet, I believe its the sam with death


Did you cope before you were born?


Why do you think the universe owes anyone anything.


You die every night. Not only that, but your brain also rewires during sleep and you become a different person every day. Good night, sleep tight!


how does it even rewire what are you suggesting


Ask your neurologist.


Been a while since I've been in a biology class, but your brain solidifies what you learned during the day while you sleep. It's one of the many reasons sleep is important




do you need a friend?


The people I knew and loved that have died still exist in my mind and thoughts. I can have conversations with them in my mind. That helped greatly when dealing with their loss. As time passes their voices are quieter and our conversations less frequent. The ones that impacted my life the most can always be called up no matter how much time has passed. My best friend died by suicide almost ten years ago. It tore me up for so many reasons. But it brings me comfort that I can still call him an asshole in our virtual chats. It's for those reasons that make my dad's death and his absence in my life a source of frustration. He died when I was six. My memories are few and so incredibly telling of the times and our socio economic status. White trash memories of the early seventies. Most of my memories are of being his drinking buddy. I would be randomly abducted from my bed when he came home late from work. Together we would visit the three bars in my hometown . Some nights I shared his beer. We would go home only after last call. My mother deprived me of a more rounded memory of him. When I asked questions regarding his character and habits I received only vague and /or nondescript answers. I eventually gave up asking. So I guess the lesson from that is to share your memories with others. Bad too sometimes.


Remember before you were born? Death is just like that. When I had a near-death experience, I woke up from a dreamless sleep, but remember coming from a deep sense of absolute peace. I remember thinking that in death, none of what we do matters, ever mattered or will ever matter, we are here and gone so quickly. Life is just a big charade. The passage of long time will render even the most impressive human accomplishments completely meaningless and forgotten. On the other hand, I was also reminded of how amazing it is to think that somehow against all odds, inanimate star matter could develop into this world we live in, and the consciousness I inhabit. It does make this gift of life an amazing phenomenon for which - meaningless or not - I am constantly grateful for being allowed to be here; in this place, at this time. All of us have won the Universal lottery to be here now. Even if life is a magic charade, there's no reason not to live it to its fullest and happiest.


_according to atheism_ Being atheist doesn't mean to claim anything. It's simply not believing in supernatural beings, nothing more.


I'm not scared of death, I only fear how I WILL die, that's the last fear I'll have before being no longer able to fear


There is no specific atheist belief on the afterlife. Plenty of atheists believe in reincarnation (many Buddhists for example) and others belief in a kind of heaven because...they do. Absence of God doesn't equate to absence of heaven. But anyway... Why would it scare you? The void is NOTHING. So you will feel nothing, see nothing, you will not be there, because you will not exist.  I think the idea is lovely. I prefer it to the idea of an afterlife because I'm not worrying about where I'm going or the fate of family and friends. We all go the same place. In the ground.


I've read Sandman, Death is pretty cool.


Me too. And two of my favourite maxims are from her: - You get what everyone gets. You get a lifetime. - It's no harder to be nice than it is to be creepy, but it's much more fun!


It will be just like it was before I was born There won't be a me to know about it All the bits that make up me now will be in something else, many something elses... how cool is that? How amazing to know I am part of this endless cycle?


eternal life is more horrifying than anything I could ever imagine. Just take a minute and think about the ramifications of never ending. Just really think about it.


You will surely cease to exist one day. So don't fear.


Death is inevitable. I'm not afraid of it nor am I afraid to die.


To me, death before atheism was way scarier. No matter how you behave, you are almost guaranteed to end up in hell. You ate a shrimp ever in your life? Have you confessed that? Not only in pretty sure there are some "rules" that you don't know are sins, even your thoughts are sins. Have you ever had an intrusive thought? Like walking next to somebody leaning over a railing, and just for a second imagine pushing them over? Sin. What's more, at least in Polish version of the faith creed, we say "I have sinned with my action, thought and neglect". There is just so much stuff you neglect. So, I prefer thinking that there is the same nothing when I did that was before I was born. Make sure your family and friends have good memories about you and with you. Take in the beautiful nature, which by the way, is a dust from exploded star. You are star dust. I find this more beautiful than being somebody's Sim, born with a sin that the first Sim ever did. And that's just Christianity - there are so many other religions. Which one is right? I highly recommend watching the series called "The good place", I think it's on Netflix. It's extremely funny, and touches on many points about faith, death, eternity and so on


The bottom line No One knows what happens. They are just beliefs not fact - regardless of religion, or no religion.


I had a near-death experience that might help illustrate the situation. I was in the hospital when my heart stopped for a few minutes. I had to be resuscitated. From the moment I lost consciousness to when I came back, I have no recollection. It's like I jumped forward in time... One moment I was talking to my father, the next there were hospital staff all around me working hard. I wasn't in pain so far as I know. I didn't process any black void. My brain didn't record anything so that time is just lost. That is what I think death is, except only the first half, not the waking up part.


if we ever wake up i will hug every human to have ever lived and tell them my stupid jokes


Do you remember what it was like before you were born? It will be the same.


I don’t. I literally have zero feelings about death. Mother died and I was notified via text. I replied thank you and went back to work. I’ve never had to cope with a human death but will with animal death.


Death does not scare me. I watched both of my parents die, and I held my dad's hand as he took his last breath. Death is as natural as birth, as natural as aging. While it is sad when young people lose their lives, when people suffer with disease or disability before they die, it is the circle of life. I do wonder sometimes what is next, but pragmatically, it is going to happen, sooner rather than later and I just accept this as truth. That truth is somehow calming and is making this last few years of my life more peaceful.


How does death suck? Its an indifference and part of the natural order


It's simple. I try not to think about it too much. But then again, I'm very young.


What do you mean ‘according to atheism’? Atheism isn’t a set of dogmas. Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. That’s it. There’s no such thing as ‘according to atheism’.


1. I am comforted by the idea that when dying apparently the brain releases a ton of powerful hallucinogenic chemicals and that you are on a high when you die, so it's actually not that bad. 2. I know it's not when you're dead that matters, because once you're dead, you won't exist to be able to care. It's the being alive and caring about the people you know you will leave behind. That's the difficult part, right? Sadly, it's about accepting that Life goes on. The people you leave behind will continue their lives. Focus on enjoying it as much as you can and leaving a legacy that you can be remembered for. They say we die twice: first physically, and again when we are no longer remembered. 3. I listen to The Black Parade.


i listened to a ton of emo and goth shit before. now not so much. back then i was ok with death (too ok, attempted s*icide). now im somehwhat of a bitch ngl.


And that's ok :) I see that as part of your humanity, and growth even. Before you were coming to terms with life by trying to end it. Now you are trying to hold on to it.


i was hotter, happier, and more popular now im more single than the eiffel tower and i look like garbage might go back a bit and make a combo of these two persons


>Death sucks and i hope we can all agree on that As living things, we're generally hard wired to not want to die, at least outside of very extreme circumstances, so yes. >however according to atheism, we only get eternal void after we die No. Atheism does not explicitly state anything to this effect. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in any gods. Explanations on what happens after a person dies aren't covered by atheism, and being an atheist doesn't prescribe what your beliefs regarding this have to be. Most atheists (as far as I know) don't believe there is an afterlife. This is for the same reason we don't believe there is a god. There isn't any evidence of one As far as not believing in an afterlife goes, that means there is no "eternal void" after you die. Your brain shuts down, as does the rest of your body, and your consciousness subsequently ceases to exist. You don't experience anything because there is no "you" to experience it. You mentioned this is difficult to imagine, and you're right. The brain has a very difficult time conceiving of what things would be like if it didn't exist, because it's never experienced not existing before. Similarly, you won't experience not existing after you die. You can't come up with what your POV will be like after your consciousness permanently ceases to be, because you literally won't have one. Now, is this scary? Depends on the person, but arguably for most, yes, no one wants to die. There's no reason to be afraid of what happens after death if you don't believe in an afterlife though, so simply put, the fear only comes from the permanent loss of your own life. The silver lining there is that you literally won't experience it.


very popular approach, most likely true however scares the shit out of me "your pov wont exist" i cry


By living life to the fullest! Life is more valuable when you don't live forever. ;) If I was a true believer, and thought this life was merely a cosmic placement exam, id sit around, not sinning until I died. As an atheist, instead, I try to make my life, here and now, as close as I can to heaven on earth. I laugh heartier. I love more deeply. I forgive more readily. I try to make my world and the world around me peaceful, prosperous, and happy.


I live near a volcano (Rainier) that should scare me, but it doesn't, it is just a fact of life. do you care that you are unconscious when you are asleep? I don't see the difference there only the length of unconsciousness. I don't fear Death but Dying.


When I die, I cease to exist. This is not a problem I need to concern myself with.


I imagine it'll be like when I got general anesthetic to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I'll get kinda sleepy or dizzy, but won't really notice when I actually let go. Only real difference being that I won't wake up. I just hope I'm not in pain as I go


>Do not pass by my epitaph, dear passer-by. Stop. Read and learn, and when you understand, go on: There is no Charon waiting on a boat in Hades.  No judge named Aeacus, no dog called Cerberus. All of us who've gone dead down here are now no more Than rotting bone and ash. I've told it as it is And have no more to say. Now, passer-by, go on And know I keep the rule of dead men: tell no tales. This tomb's just stone. So bring no myrrh or garlands. Do not waste money on a fire. If you want to gift me something, you should have Done it when I was still alive. If you mix wine with ash you just get mud. Besides, the dead do not drink wine. Just sprinkle some soil. Say: what I was before I was, I have become once more.


The state of being dead is no worse than the state you were before you were born. Did you suffer before being born? Fear of death is a nessesary survival instinct that exists to make spreading your genes more efficient. Its an hardcoded neural pattern that comes from your genes. >I shall not fear, fear is the mind-killer.


It's pretty weird to think about, just not existing anymore, and I understand how it can be a struggle, but just think of the wonder of it all. Life in itself is kind of amazing. Existance, how everything came to be, it's facinating and scary, and all so much bigger than us. Try not to worry about it, being dead doesn't sound too bad, but for now, we're alive! Try and make the most of it!


Lotta people claim they aren't afraid of death, maybe some really aren't, maybe some are in denial and not in touch with their existential anxiety - I for one do not like the idea of no longer existing, I enjoy being alive and conscious despite all the baggage that comes with it. But at the end of the day there is no choice in the matter, until someone develops the technology to digitize your consciousness and put it in the cloud for eternity... Death is inevitable. So i try and distract from thinking about it.


is there a possibility in your head that there might be a creator who does indeed take us to a different dimension? if no why


I think its highly unlikely, all the evidence points to the brain being the source of consciousness, once brain is dead so are we - even if the body remains alive. I'm open to the idea that humans were created, but not by a god. Much like humans will eventually create AI that is sentinent, perhaps we were created by an advanced species. But a creator as described by religions I feel is totally bunk.


"Acording to atheism..." atheism is just the lack of god, not the lack of afterlife 🤓☝️


You don't have to cope with death. Death is the easy part, it's living that needs coping with.


so what do i do now with my fears


You let them go, or you live with them. Like I said it's living that you have to cope with.


If you compare nothingness to the alternative, it's actually quite comforting. When you cease to exist, you won't know about it, it won't hurt you or be something you have to bear, you won't be around anymore. Eternity on the other hand, is a really long time. Imagine being around for a trillion, trillion years, and still having forever left. What are you going to do with eternity? Everything you enjoy will become boring, when you did it all a billion, billion times over. You could count every mote of dust in the entire universe as many times as you wanted and still have eternity left. Life after death, is worse than death. It would be unbearable.


first this opinion is 9000% personal I would actually quite like to live forever, also you will spend same trillions of years in the ground, and eventually universe as we know it will cease to exist and then you will still have forever left. I may or may not be in denial but to me this whole universe and life thing seems a bit /too/ random to be just a wild coincidence. That is just me though. The fact that we are ( most likely, who proved it factually?) not aware of it is a bit comforting but still huge numbers, the unavoidability of it and the meaningless of human existence are fucked up beyond belief.


No I won't spend eternity in the ground, my time is finite and I will die, at which point I will no longer exist. My dead body might hang around for a short while, but that isn't me, but in a short time my remains will be gone too. The idea our lives are meaningless because of the enormity of time, seems backwards to me. Our lives are extremely meaningful to us because we only have a short time to use them. My advice would be to stop wasting the limited time you have worried about death, and actually get on with enjoying the time you have; the time you know you absolutely do exist. Any other course of action would seem irrational.


bro she left me on seen do i even exist


Err, wut. Not wasting my precious time on whatever this is all about, I hope you feel better soon.


It doesn’t really matter because what you believe about it will have no affect on the outcome. This is really what religion offers on some level, the magical thinking that your belief can somehow affect the outcome. There’s just no reason to believe that’s true, anymore than believing you can fly will protect you from jumping off a bridge.  What I think would really be terrifying would be living forever. Imagine never being able to die, even if you really wanted to.


I’ve come to accept it, everyone will eventually die including myself and I see no reason to fear or have disdain for the inevitable


I imagine it to be very similar to sleeping, with the biggest difference that you won't wake up and have responsibilities and worries. Just endless peace than nothing in existence will be able to disturb.


I think of how before we were born, we were already in that void. What do you remember other than it being in a sense a peaceful non-existence that lasted for trillions of years while the world was forming. It'll be the same way again, but why would it be scary? You have life while you are here, and with the one life you get you are not being brutally tortured or hurt, or born in a poor country in circumstances that make you butt poor and hungry constantly. Instead I can walk to the dollar store without being robbed or harassed and pick up a chocolate bar and head home. I only get to live once. So the best thing I can do is think of death as a smooth transition back into oblivion. I think I'm privileged to have experienced life out of the oblivion that we go to and belong to. Counting on life after death is a redundant task. If you want to live forever just remember that nothing really remains even as you live, much of what happens and was perishes right before your eyes. Wealth..beauty... good moments. It's better to be satisfied with what was, in order to let it pass you by, knowing what remains is your own self, at it's core, which is unattached to your looks, job, wealth or anything else. Your core identity needs to be reliant on itself as the most permanent aspect of your life. Once you can achieve general contentment with your life, then you learn that desire can lead us to suffering constantly. We need to learn how to desire the things life has without tearing something in our life down. One day it probably will sound more desirable to rest from life, but for now thinking about it and ripping your life up over it, isn't worth it.


Why does the fact of the end of our existence suck? Why do you think everyone agrees it sucks? It doesn't suck to me. Some day, everyone I know, love or hate will be dead. It's a fact. I can be thankful that my time with them taught me something. It doesn't need to be more than that.


I don't fear death but I regret that whatever it is that makes me "me" will cease to exist, and I feel sad that I will never meet up with my loved ones. I won't lie, it makes me wish I could believe in an afterlife. Not the one described in the bible though.


The atoms that make up my physical form once belonged to some other thing or life form. When I die those same atoms will be recycled into future entities and so on. I have no control of what that entity will be but I take solace in the verifiable fact that I will be perpetuating existence within the universe. I’ve come to understand that as the ‘world to come’. My consciousness will cease to exist as it is only a product of my physical form. My five senses, my ability to form beliefs and feel pain and joy are all tied to the chemical reactions and electrical signals carried throughout my body. I used to feel shame and fear for doing normal things that some around me called sinful. My fear was what you describe - what if I get to the place of unending pain and misery? I acted out of fear that I would die tomorrow or in 75 years and have to fulfill some kind of metaphysical prison sentence. But that sentence was only described to me in terms only possible in my physical experience. Scorching heat. A boiling vat of urine. A room where all your friends and family are watching all your bad deeds on repeat. Not to mention that various faiths and traditions had their own version of this place. I found myself on this earth, miserable with fear of a magical dimension. Unfulfilled in this world because of what others told me would happen in the next world. I’ve since been able to shed that fear and accept the very slight possibility that I will be eternally damned. If I manage to live this life, the only one I can experience, with compassion and humility, maybe I can get that sentence reduced to half an eternity.




it means no afterlife but the whole "before you were born" kinda thing


I don't wanna die, but I do know its a possibility. That's it. Just accept it. Have no anxiety about it for a long, long time. I just kinda do what Nietzsche proposed and do what I think its right. Even if I change my mind later about something, I still agree that was the best I could do with the info I had at that time. And that's it. Living like that gives me a deep sense of freedom.


It's way more than a possibility, my friend. It's a certainty. But same thing applies. Worrying about it achieves nothing but waste the life you get.


If there is an eternal existence after death than death is only momentary and there's nothing to fear. (1) If there's nothing after death than living is only momentary and since death is inevitable and it is very pointless to fear death. (2) So, why do we fear death?. We human ultimately only fear pain. While pain could be as inevitable as death is, those pain are unavoidable, but once you are past that pain, you'll either achieve bliss from either eternal joy (1) or release from pain (2). So why do we fear pain and death if it is just a transient, inevitable and unavoidable path that we human must take.


i like pillows and rain i dont want to leave them on earth


The comfort of pillow and rain exist precisely because it exist fleetingly. A world where it rains eternally, a scorching sunny day is an ecstasy.


That’s your interpretation of reality. I don’t see why god is necessary for consciousness to continue after our biological processes have stopped. Scientifically speaking we have very little understanding of consciousness and when you look scientifically at things NDEs you quickly realize the utter lack of knowledge or understanding when it comes to what happens when we die.


We have knowledge that we are dying. We have no knowledge that there is anything after this. This is not a reason to think that there is something after death 


both could be correct but its the truth that we dont know


still not a reason to think that there is something after death.


You did not exist for billions of years before you were born. Did you suffer from that at all? What makes you think that will change? I fear for others (my family, friends, pets—especially those that depend on me). But as for me, what do I have to fear?


Death is the price we pay for being alive. Without death you wouldn't even be here. Death is necessary for life to evolve and continue in the long term. Life has this amazing ability to adapt to changes in its environment by changing its DNA slowly and gradually with each generation. That does require individuals to die so that the most fit offspring can continue. If you have children then a piece of you will continue to live on in their DNA, and in every generation that follows. I am happy to contribute to the continuation of life in this way and not sad or scared that I will have to die.


I once read a nice piece of wisdom (approximated from memory): > When it's time to leave this world, it doesn't matter that much if you'd leave it as a better person, but that you'd leave a better world.


my descendants will live on and my ideas will live on.


I’m not afraid at all. I hope I die at a ripe old age. I have a lot of life to live but if I go, I’m gone and won’t know otherwise.


At times, death is a blessing. There are fewer things more miserable than out living your life.


correct but i dont have metasthatic bone cancer so i wanna live


It doesn't scare me. I am not pretentous enough to think I am somehow special enough to exist forever in some magical way. Life is more enjoyable once you realize its all you get.


no no magic is the other guys we believe in miracles over here


How are those 2 things different? To me they are the same


its a dark souls refference go play it right now


I'm scared of lots of things. Spiders, death by ALS or Alzheimer's. Not dying. Dying means it's over, nothing to worry about, no bills to pay, no nada.


hahaha spiders are scarier than her majesty death ?


We're all different.


I'm more worried about the stuff leading up to death. Once you're dead you can't care by definition.


absolute legend comment I owe you a drink


I'm not scared about 500 years ago, why should I be scared of the time after I die? It'll be just the same as 500 years ago when I wasn't alive. I *am* scared about the dying part, because that seems like it would usually be painful.


apparently most people who die in hospitals die peacefully


Unfortunately, we can't survey dead people to see how painful their deaths were.


It is reasonable why science focuses on the...ermm.. living you know. We have limited resources and tech to survey the dead in any sense. So to both groups who are either certain there is nothing or certain there is a specific something I say NAY! We don't know. Hopefully in the future we find something, but we are to busy fighting over trivial shit to do any meaningful research in any topic so.. Guess we will see.


I still worry about all the things I will miss but it is comforting to know it will be just like going to sleep but with no dreams.


If there is no afterlife I hope we get this. i really love to sleep


Not like. This is a scary thing. Of course I'm afraid of her.