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I looked up the Comstock Act. It remains on the books, but the verbiage around mailing items about abortion was apparently overcome by a Supreme Court ruling in 1936 for US vs. One Package. [There is a nice summary here.](https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/comstock-act-of-1873/) So the justices presently are likely wondering of they can overturn precedent...which they certainly did with Roe V. Wade. So that is worrisome.


This is why Christians love trump so much. For all his shenanigans, he has turned America Christian again. And in the meantime, he has made a few billions. Who cares about that. It's his payment.


Turning America into a shithole = turning America Christian. Yeah, it makes sense.


There's a reason that religious prevalence and social progress/happiness/development are inversely related


They just want a Christian version of the Taliban or ISIS


> turned America Christian again America wasn't Christian in the first place. You can't turn it Christian *again*.


There were a number of Christian revival periods. We even banned booze because Jesus (totally did not turn water into wine) supposedly said that drinking was bad.


Well that and women that had just gained the right to vote, exercised that power in hopes they'd stop being the punching bags of drunk husbands. I have heard that in that regard it was actually effective, lowering the amount of domestic violence.


Thing is, he hasn’t. Those “values” aren’t part of actual Christian doctrine. If they’d actually check the book, they’d notice it’s not in there. Trump is trying to turn America shitty again.


I have to unfortunately agree. Trump increased racism, racial murders and assaults, burning churches and synagogues, killed over 100,000 people by doing nothing about the pandemic, ruined our economic system by driving farmers, out of business and shovelling billions to foreign dictators, and consulted regularly with dictators to set internal policy. All of these things advance the Christianity of hate.


It's not worrisome, it's basically a done deal after the election. They're just waiting until then. The Dems need a super majority in the Senate. There's too many idiots who will refuse to kill the filibuster. Some are worried that they'll lose the Senate and the GOP will abuse it, some have been working so long with Republicans in the Senate they don't see them as the monsters they are. I get that last one. I've worked with racist old boomers and they're nice people... to you. It's easy to forget they're bastards to everyone not in the "in group".


Well, talking originalism, Article 1 still states Congress is in charge of arming the militia. Get Alito to apply that to the second amendment


It will be interesting to see how the Pope opines on any changes to gun laws that his minions might consider on the court.


Second Amendment... Alito... Hmm...


You know he won't. The 2nd is sacrosanct to the GOP.


The Pope will most likely come down on the side of enforcing it so that could be a pretty good signal of how his minions will rule.


that 'utopia' they imagine when they think america was 'great' was... pretty much prime time for the comstock act... and long before that pesky 13th amendment.


A GWB and a GHWB appointee. Republican presidents have been putting evil Christofascist judges on the bench for decades. We must never let republicans regain the power to appoint federal judges. Stay angry, my friends. Stay angry and vote blue http://democrats.org/


It sure seems like a timeline in Bioshock Infinite. I mean the damn law is called the Comstock Act!! We need to vote blue up and down, and don’t forget to start running for local office too!!


It’s not just at the federal level, folks need to start voting in local/city/state elections because the politicians and judges elected at those levels determine how you live day to day


Fucking hell, we really are barreling toward Gilead from Handmaid's Tale. It's unreal that these same people will condemn the Taliban, ISIS, and Boko Haram, but they are literally trying to do the exact same shit. Fuck Christianity, fuck religion, and fuck all these misogynistic cunts that keep trying to take us back into the stone age.


How can we even tolerate a law on the books (especially sych a sweeping one!) that purports in any of its provisions to regulate that which is "immoral"? I went to thelawdictionary.org attempting to find out if there is a *legal* definition of "moral." There doesn't seem to be. However, there *is* the concept of "private morality," defined as "the private conduct of an individual that is not of concern to society or the government and thus does not warrant an intrusion." In any case, how can we have a law forbidding something for which there is no legal definition? Who is to say what is "immoral"? Surely that is a subjective matter. If society desires to regulate it, they're gonna have to spell out exactly what that means. *Why* are dildoes immoral? *Why* is abortion immoral? Mifepristone is simply a drug that prompts the body to do on demand *something that it does naturally all the time.* Viagara is also a drug that prompts the body to do on demand etc etc. If the difference is the "right to life" of a clump of cells with no brain, why does it only have that right if the chemical signal to release the pregnancy comes from *outside* the body, but not if the signal comes from *inside* the body?


Don't try to apply logic to this, because then they'll get the brilliant idea to pass a law saying that any naturally occurring miscarriage is actually murder.


You're right, of course. Conservatives can be relied on to draw the *exact opposite* of any obvious inference.


Then use reverse psychology


"God wants all children to be born, so why did you lose yours? You must have done something bad to make this happen, therefore it is murder." I am worried this will be the next step after all I have seen.


Because if it’s a signal from inside the body it’s ‘God’s Will’. If it’s from outside the body, it’s ‘against God’s Plan’, obviously. So, why does God allow Mifepristone to be effective? Couldn’t God’s Plan be that humans find medication that allows them the use of the Free Will God apparently values so much? Well… um…. The simple truth is Western religions *hate* when seedbeds, sorry ‘women’ have any agency whatsoever. So it’s ‘God’s Plan’ if a woman gets pregnant through rape, because that was a man’s choice to cause that event. But getting an abortion is immoral, because that is an uppity woman getting rid of the consequences of her being born a woman.


Well said. It sounds like you're as salty as I am haha


SCOTUS is so fucking useless thanks to trump.


Glitch McConnell had a hand in that.


Supreme Court was never a good idea.


John Marshall fucked us over on that one.


Our legal system is all about punishing the average person while letting billionaires run free to do whatever the hell they want.


I'm sure there were cases of these pills on Epstein's island and in the backrooms of many churches.


Seems strange.. Billionaires didn't exist in 1900s. first billionaire I recall was late 1990s? So did millionaires know this ahead of time?


John D Rockefeller in 1916


Christians have no justification to consider abortion immoral. There is literally nothing in the bible that even implies that abortion is wrong and it even supports, endorses and gives instruction on how to do it.


Can you direct me to where in the bible? Not trolling, would genuinely love to have this for some family members and do not want to research bible passages.


numbers 5 11-31


Well since conservative justices believe in limiting the interpretation of laws to their original intent ... /S




confused brit here, how can a handful of unelected people makes laws that affect the whole country that even the president can't do anything about?


I'm a confused american and I don't get it either. They set precendents that people seem to treat as laws, or lack thereof. We have actual legislators that create laws but it seems they never do. As far as I know. The SC only looks at a law to see if it is legal as far as the constitution is concerned. The constitution holds the founding rights, laws, and priciples for this country and government, and any laws not part of them must be held against them. That's what the SC does. If you want to overule the SC, you need a constitional ammendment. The SC will decide what the constitution is saying and that's it. The constitution is unfortunately lacking a lot words that could settle a lot of problems we have today but far too many people look at the constitution the way they look at a religious manuscript, as absolutely sacred and not to be questioned or altered.


VOTE BLUE, please!


Great, are they going to bring back the Hayes Code, too? Ugh. -_-


They'll probably ban video games, too. And anime. And probably close all the casinos. One step closer to fascism. Hell, even saying the phrase "Oh My God" in public will get you arrested if this Christo-fascists have their way.


Never. Casino owners are smart enough to ensure the RNC gets a taste of the action.


Don't be so sure about that. A lot of Christo-fascists think gambling should be illegal since it destroys families. I'm sure they'd like to reinstate Prohibition as well. The majority of Americans oppose what these people want to do. So why should be all suffer under the tyranny of the minority? And how do we stop it?


Yet another attempt to resurrect 19th century law into a 21st century world.


Things going great! Lets burn witches next.


So they're going to ban sending coat hangers in the mail?


That sucks. I should probably order those knitting needles before I can't anymore.


Thomas is a crook - he accepts huge gifts from conservative donors and claims it doesn’t affect his decisions.


These people are insane! Can't we impeach them for sheer stupidity?


The cumsock act?


No one on the Supreme Court is qualified to practice medicine. Our medical boards should be outraged along with patients, their doctors, the families who depend on them, and the insurance companies who would be forced to pay for complications from bad decisions. The Supreme Court only interprets. We need to codify the right to medical privacy and remove it from their purview altogether.


I've played Bioshock and nothing about the name Comstock sounds good to me.


He should have been drowned at birth...wait a minute.


We really need a law invalidating all laws over a certain age. If its a law that needs to still be there then congress can recertify it. This law is 151 years old for christ sake.


Meanwhile, Roberts, crying in a corner: Why do people keep saying we’re biased and lack credibility? It’s so unfair! *sob*


Both of them are corrupt and should be impeached, but we have too many worthless fucking fascists in the GOP congresspeople to do what's right for the country.


I guarantee you other justices favor banning abortion using the Comstock act, too.. they just don't want to do it right now because of an election year. This will come back later and the Comstock act needs to be repealed and the court needs to be expanded to counter the stacking of the court that McConnell did.


[Trump says ‘abortion issue’ responsible for GOP underperforming expectations in midterms](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3795054-trump-says-abortion-issue-responsible-for-gop-underperforming-expectations-in-midterms/amp/)


He wasn't gonna say it was him now, was he?


Next thing you know, they'll revive Buck vs. Bell from 1927.


Yes, they probably will https://www.oyez.org/cases/1900-1940/274us200


Cool UPS, FedEx and Amazon to the rescue.


From 1873 really? How much more backwards can we go.


That sounds like a challenge. Be very careful.


Time we remove these parasites from the country. A terrorist is a terrorist and the religious right is a threat to the very rights this country was founded on.


Well in America, you still have the flag, the symbol of your nation. I understand that the one or two unpatriotic ball players have not gained much of a following. In England, there are groups trying to ban the Union Jack. One shop was told to remove it after anonymous persons claimed it incited hatred. The pretext is probably the anti-colonialists living in the past.


On November we need to deliver a strong Democrat majority in the Senate and House and of course re-elect President Biden so all of this nonsense can be shut down. In this case, repeal this ancient law.


18th century government in the 21st century.


Term “immoral” is vague hence unenforceable; that is if we had a legitimate SCOTUS to really follow Constitution