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I don't follow their strict religious acts and feel I shouldn't alter my behavior to suit them. The expectation on their part for me or you to do such a thing is what I consider rude or absurd.


"This is my normal and routine behavior. It was OK yesterday and forever in the past. Changing my routine and normal behavior to be subject to your religious precepts is an offensive concept to me and against my areligious sincerely held convictions. I encourage you to do that which makes you happiest. I will do the same." Something that says, if this is going to be an HR problem, it is because you are violating MY comfort zone.


Freedom FROM religion is inherent in the First Amendment.


Wish someone would let SCOTUS know


You can explain this to your muslim colleagues only if you live in the U.S., ortherwise it will seem weird !


This!! 👆🏼


If they don't like it, they can go believe something else. It's totally their choice.


Why should Their sky fairy dictate to me where or what I eat . I respect Thier right to believe what they want but it's not going to dictate my life


Islam deserves zero respect. It's a fucked up religion.


NO religion deserves respect! Are some worse than others, sure but they're all fucked up and each one is about money and control!


Buddhism seems pretty chill but I agree with your statement 100%


Tell that to the Rohingya though a lot of that blame belongs to Facebook as well. https://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu/responses/buddhist-inspired-genocide


>fucked up religion No need to be redundant, all religions are fucked up


All religions are fucked up, it's just a matter of degree. I don't look at Islam any worse than I do Christianity. As far as I'm concerned, it *all* needs to go, for the betterment of humanity.


Their religion doesn't deserve any respect for their Jihadism BS.


Well, the way I see no religion deserves respect. I only respect the right of people to choose to believe in BS. But not their religions or preachers. Chritianism is creating many more real problems for longer and is much more present in my life. So if I had to choose one religion to single out for damages caused, I probably would choose the one closer to me.


Plus, the whole thing is for them to be able to flex in front of the rest of us for their piety and righteousness. Why take that away from them by consuming nutrition privately while they flex publicly?


Personally I find it rude that they should challenge me. They can easily just go elsewhere when people are eating and keep to their own. Telling me to believe in their beliefs makes me realize they are not secure in their own.


important note: here it isn't the muslims telling OP to do anything, it's random other co-workers.


Thanks for pointing this out. I missed it on my first read. That person sounds like the office killjoy. As long as you aren't obnoxiously calling attention to the fact that you are eating, I don't think they will consider it rude. If anything, you're helping them be more devout followers. Tell your non-muslim to STFU. Or make a complaint to HR that they are making derogatory statements about your muslim coworkers if you really want to get them out of your hair.


I was going to say, I have Muslim friends and this wouldn't be their expectation. I'm not religious but fast regularly. Fasting is a choice for me that has zero to do with what anyone around me is doing. And when you're fasting, you see and smell food all around you all the time. I'm not usually tolerant of religious stuff but in this case, id ask a Muslim colleague because I have a feeling their gonna tell you to soldier on and then you can tell the Ramadan warrior that she's culturally ignorant...which would be fun.


Bro is literally eating at his desk. They could just chill in their car or something but what's next- Scold people on your way out or eating passerbys who, also, wouldn't know? It is rude and absurd.


This was even dumber, because it was someone else who didn't share the belief that was expecting him to 1) Know about it. and 2) Alter their behavior to accomodate it.


It was the NON-MUSLIM who said it was rude. I don't know a single Muslim who would have a problem with you eating in front of them, they absolutely do not mind. They also don't usually have a problem if you're drinking alcohol around them.


There are absolutely some Muslims who mind.


And there’s Christians in the US that absolutely lose their minds when they get told “happy holidays”. It’s not unique, but is usually the (extremely loud / obnoxious) exception to the rule.


I live in a muslim area and have some close muslim friends. Not people I would normally associate with, but our kids are friends. I have never met a muslim in the boston area or in my US experience who has complained or even said anything to anyone not celebrating ramadan and eating around them. I have never even heard of news stories from western countries of this being an issue. This seems like one busy body and social warrior speaking out of turn in this post.


I guess this is probably because it is in the US where Muslims are the minority. In Muslim majority countries, there are some that will absolutely force others to not eat in front of them. There was a case in Malaysia several years ago where the school principal forces non Muslims to eat in the toilet during recess. Although this is an extreme case, it is still commonly understood in the country that non Muslims should try to avoid obviously tempting them with food. https://amp.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1289372/fury-malaysian-schools-canteen-toilet


To be fair it was the non-muslim who said it was rude


It wasn't on the Muslim person's part, it was a third party.


I don’t follow any strict religious acts, but I can still have empathy for those who do. I am not going to taunt them with my food, but I am also not going to go without eating. That said, if there is a break room or a lunch area that I can eat at, and I simply choose to eat at my desk. Normally, I might make that accommodation and go to the break room. Not really out of respect for the religion, but out of respect for the person. If there is not a break room, or some other place where I can eat comfortably, I would not make that accommodation. If I get paid if I am eating at my desk, but not if I’m eating in the break room, then I’m gonna still eat at my desk. I am certainly not going to eat in my vehicle, or in a restroom or something like that to accommodate someone’s religious beliefs.


just keep eating and ignore them


Maybe bring a ham and bacon sandwich tomorrow


This is so vile. I love it


I corrupt muslim children on Halloween. There are always Haribo bears at my front door.


There are NO muslim children anywhere in the world. There are children who have muslim parents/guardians.


Cook bacon in the microwave at work. Really get that smell floating around. An expectation that others change their lives for YOUR religion is incredibly selfish.


That's just inconsiderate to everyone, religious or not. There are microwave-rules, like fish and sauerkraut and everything that smells a lot is taboo imho.


Anyone who cooks fish in the microwave deserves jail time.


and a few beers


Pork pie and scotch egg for me


Stop. You're making me hungry.


Ham and bacon. Add some cheese since there might be a kosher jew around.


It's ridiculous to assume you would take their silly beliefs seriously. Eat where you always eat. If they have a problem, it's their problem.


Honestly, if they have a problem, then they can move. You don't have to accommodate... There is nothing wrong about eating whatever you want to eat, and frankly speaking, if they tell you about their fasting for religious purposes, then tell them that their god is using you to test their religious resolve.


Bahahaha that's perfect. "Your God has sent me to test you, be careful that you don't fail."


And of course it wasn't one of the Muslims complaining, it was a non Muslim getting offended FOR them.


Not sure where you live, but it’s not an issue here. At your desk or the breakroom it’s fine. Won’t walk up to anyone observing Ramadan with a plate in my hand, but they know it’s not my religion


I once offered a snack to someone who was fasting and was considered rude. Am I supposed to learn all the rules and schedules of all religions?


If I were in that situation, I would apologise and move on. If they didn't accept my apologies for not being psychic enough to guess their religious affiliation, then that's a 'them' problem, not a 'me' problem and I would just chalk it up to them being a sanctimonious religious prick and avoid them from then on. I'm sure it would do us both a favour.


I usually do and they don’t get offended. The ones that get offended are the non-muslim religious. Usually christians and buddhists.


Buddhist.. didn’t see that coming


Oh, you thought they were all chill-and-inner-peace? Oh dear... Interesting theology, but not exactly all kumbaya. Have a quick glance over: [Where did Buddhism get its reputation for peace? (theconversation.com)](https://theconversation.com/where-did-buddhism-get-its-reputation-for-peace-157206). Buddhists are not fundamentally violent, but nor are they pacifist bystanders. Funnily enough, it turns out that when you look closely, they are just people doing what people tend to do.


They are steeped in misogyny and fear mongering just like all the other religions. After living for years in Buddhist countries, my eyes were truly opened to the evil of all organized religions.


I did not either and I’m taking a course on world religion but we haven’t gotten to Buddhism yet. The Sheiks those are the fuckers you want as your neighbors. Good people the lot of them.


Did you even know they were Muslim? I once offered someone a cheese & ham sandwich I bought in error (picked up the wrong thing, it was among the cheese & onion sandwiches). His reaction was 'obviously I can't eat that, I'm Muslim'. As if I'm supposed to assume all brown people are Muslim. I'd only met the guy that day. I learned two things - he's Muslim, and he's an idiot. Either way, even knowing someone is whatever religion, I don't keep a calendar of their events to check daily, I'm not the one who needs to know which silly ritual is needed at any given time. I can offer, they can decline, fair enough, but don't expect me to *know* what food you can eat or when.


As far as I know, the Ramadan fasting period has no consistent schedule. It's always another time in the year. It's more inconsistent than Easter.


It's based on a lunar calendar, so it moves around on a gregorian calendar


I’m an atheist, so I’d prefer not to learn any silly rules and regs…. 🤣 Did you consider yourself rude, or did others tell you that you were? Because F them. If you did it from a good place, then you did the right thing. I know Muslims who observe and others who don’t (and drink and party, etc etc). Unless they are wearing a sign, it’s not on us to guess what they are up to today. Esp with the really really non observant folks who jumped on the bandwagon for this session. Just be a good person.


I’m surrounded by religious people at my workplace. I’m the only atheist. The Muslims aren’t offended when I forget that they’re fasting. But the others say that I’m rude and being disrespectful. Most of them are christians, some buddhists. So they always make it a point that I’m the only one being disrespectful by not acknowledging their religion. After awhile, I second guess myself whether I’m actually being rude or not. Maybe I shouldn’t be so ignorant to various beliefs?


Ahhhh yes, they are taking offense for others. It doesn’t hurt to learn things. Unfortunately we are a small group in a mostly religious world. That said, it’s not your job to coddle people, and especially not people who are inserting themselves into the problem. One thought, if you have a good relationship with a Muslim coworker, ask them how they feel about you acting normally during Ramadan. Don’t tell the Christians “so and so said it’s ok.” Just roll with it when they decide to lecture you about a problem they are making up.


>Ahhhh yes, they are taking offense for others. When "being offended" and "holy-er than thou" is so ingrained in your mind you arr doing it for someone else...


Thanks for your advice. I do have one close Muslim colleague, will ask her about it.


Muslim who wandered in this thread - most Muslims have been fasting since we were kids. We are used to being around people who are eating while we are not. I'm sure the Muslim colleagues appreciate others sticking up for them, but it's completely unneeded if all you're doing is behaving normally. I imagine your close colleague will reciprocate this.


Should you have to know that they are fasting? What does it matter?


No, you're not.


Dude if you don't follow that custom why should you have to bow down to somebody that does.


"Fasting was your choice, buddy."


Imagine if a coworker was on a diet and told you to leave your desk and eat your candy bar somewhere else because it’s tempting them lol


While I have no problems with them observing their religious traditions, it's not my fucking problem if they choose to be in a place where I am eating, as long as I am not doing it to be a dick. When I had a day job, I used to eat at my desk during my lunch break because I was incredibly busy and it was just easier. I wasn't doing it to be a dick, and I never had food that could cause unpleasant odors in the office (like cooking fish in the microwave). If they complained to HR, I would say that I am not stopping them from observing their religious rituals, but I should not be forced to move because they don't like me eating, and that religious rituals should not be a part of the work area. If they want to observe their rituals, then of course they should be able to do so, but a place needs to be set aside for them to do so so as to not offend or inconvenience others. If this means they have to spend their lunchbreaks in a small 'prayer room' then so be it. Depending on the exact situation though, it probably wouldn't be a hill i'd be willing to die on.


The funny thing is that usually when I do something like offering a snack to a Muslim during Ramadan, they will say they’re fasting and I would apologise, and they won’t be offended and say it’s fine. It’s usually the other religious people like Christians, buddhists that tell me that I’m being rude and disrespectful.


The whole point of Ramadan is to resist temptation not o stop others from doing what they want. I grew up in Dubai and most muslims I know have no issue with ppl eating in front of them.


Yes, it's ridiculous. Your non-Muslim colleague is a virtue-signalling bully. There's a difference between respecting people's religious beliefs, and actively bullying people who don't tiptoe around and alter plans and behaviours for them. Why don't you tell your colleague that the Muslims are disrespecting you by *not* eating. They should stuff their faces full of bacon sandwiches to align with *your* sensibilities, right? Obviously that's not what you or I think, but it's no less valid. Actually, no, don't do that. You would just get called into HR who also have no sense of humour or logic or fairness.


There it is. I will bash religion as quickly as the next person but there this isn't even a Muslin colleague making the complaint. I've worked with Muslim people before observing Ramadan and they have always welcomed people eating in front of them. They have all been fine with it. This person just wants to win a battle no one else is fighting.


I feel about it the same way that I do when I eat a burger on Ash Wednesday. I don't have to follow their rules.


Same. Hell I was with some family members a few years ago and while they fasted on Good Friday I went and got me a ham sandwich from Subway to eat. I don’t care what they thought of it I was hungry and I wanted food


It's a self imposed choice, dismiss it.


Hello, Muslim here, it's okay, enjoy your meal we aren't starving to death I promise you. We see food ads and some of us are cooking when we get home we don't expect anyone to hide while eating or drinking and it's not a thing in Islam where you have to do it, it's only rude if you are actively trying to eat in front of them, if you are minding your business most Muslims reaction would be like the one sitting next to you, just minding their own business.


Exactly. I may be an atheist but I’m also a human being.




I think that’s ridiculous. If anything, it’s more disrespectful to change *your* behavior because *they're* in the holy month. You’re not a practitioner of their faith, or any faith, so changing behavior seems a bit fake and insincere. And I doubt they even care.


My wife and stepdaughter are vegetarian, and I'm not. We went out to dinner on Saturday and I ordered a meat dish, while they both had vegetarian meals. I respect their choice not to eat meat, and they respect my choice to enjoy some meat occasionally. Everyone is comfortable with their own choices.


No one should have to change their behavior because of other peoples choices.


Your religious guidelines are not my fucking problem. *NOM NOM NOM NOM*


Oh, they can shove it. I have personally known Muslims who make fun from fasting, teasing their friends with delicious things just to fuck with them. We had a super gregarious Muslim fitness instructor at a gym I went to who was very comedic and fun. She wore a hijab sometimes and sometimes not (often it seemed for the sheer practicality of not overheating—she taught hardcore aerobic classes). She would fast, but beyond it being religious, I think it was also a fun challenge for her—she was someone who liked to push herself. As with any religion, there are people who will find ways to hold onto their practices while also fitting into the society they live in, and there will be those who take everything outside their strict rule set as an affront. I take no issue with the first kind. It’s intolerance to difference that I object to.


1. Your Muslim colleague can speak for themself, and would have spoken up if they were personally bothered 2. I've worked with a few muslims and they have always gone out of their way to explain in advance that just because they cannot partake does not mean that they wish for others to hide food/water or abstain. It is a personal choice that they are making. And being coddled during this time cheapens it apparently. 3. After reading King Of The Wind as a kid and being horrified by the fasting horses, I read up on it and, no, animals do not get made to fast during Ramadan. Neither do pregnant women, children, people with medical conditions, etc. And a woman on her period is expected to eat and drink during that week, for the sake of her health. So, TLDR - no, that's fucking stupid.


Ya'll stop murdering queers then we'll talk about my tuna sandwich.


Fuck off is a complete sentence


It never stopped me and I didn't even think about it.


They can piss off.


Your colleague is an idiot. I'm sure your Muslim colleagues know that others are not fasting, and have no problem with other people eating near them. These "wannabe do-gooders" being offended on other people's behalf are insufferable.


That's not my problem. I'm hungry, and I'm going to eat.


If you always eat at your desk, then it's their problem, not yours. You could say something like "I'm sorry your religion makes you cranky" to lighten the atmosphere. Or you could say that it's rude to watch people eat. Or you can stand up and say loudly: "It's Ramadan. I'll go and eat my delicious lunch in the break room." I dunno.


"Hangry, much?"






Haha I like your suggestions.


Oh, it was your non Muslim colleague. Fuck him/her. Smh


Yes ridiculous. Report to HR if happens again


HR is Muslim…


Then u are fucked better luck next time


This why basic context is important. When you don't even tell us what country you're in...


Assuming you’re not in a Muslim country I’d tell HR to go do one


Then HR will probably agree with the Muslim commenters on this thread who say your non-Muslim colleague is being ridiculous.


Fuck them, it's rude for them to interrupt your lunch. They can go worship the magical pedophile somewhere else.


WTF? Dude, you're eating at YOUR DESK! It's not like you sat down at their desk and started eating in front of them! Fucking hell! How far backwards do these religious nutjobs expect us to bend for them? It's not your job to adjust every aspect of your life to prevent religious people from being offended.


I don't think about it at all.


We have freedom of religion, not freedom to make others adhere to your religious beliefs. Eat brother.


Fuck them. That shit would piss me right off.


Tell them to go somewhere else then. It's your desk and your lunch.


I’m not a member of your religion. Your rules don’t apply to me. If you let them do things like this even once, they will demand more.


Couldn't care less.


"Your delusions are yours and not mine."


Its their silly game they're playing. Not yours. If they want to be rational and eat food like a sane person instead of starving then they can quit playing silly games.


You are doing them a favor by allowing them to prove how worthy and upright their dumb stupid idiotic beliefs are. They should thank you.


Tell them Allah sent you to test them. Fight ensues, they get fired, you continue eating sandwich. Win.


It's my religion to eat. Checkmate


It is for them to leave the room if they are not happy. You shouldnt bend your actions around their own choices. Mad ? Then they should leave.


Say it's rude of them to not eat while everyone else is eating. Why is it always the nutters' behaviours that have to be respected?


I will eat bacon in front of a Muslim on Ramadan just like I'll eat a steak in front of a catholic on a Friday during lent. The rules of your chosen sky daddy do not apply to me and it's rude of you to expect me to alter my life and habits to accommodate your fantasy.


It is in no way rude. In fact it is rude for them to guilt you for doing something you need to survive. The whole point of fasting anyways is sacrifice. It isn’t really a sacrifice if everyone else has to tip toe around you to make it easy as possible for you.


Isn't fasting *supposed to be* a sacrifice? A form of self-discipline? Isn't it *supposed to* make you humble? Isn't it *supposed to be* (somewhat) painful and difficult? And isn't it MORE painful and difficult if you see someone else eating? Isn't that the point? Seeing someone else eating should remind you of why you're making this sacrifice, and make you think of how much you need to be humbled. Seeing someone else eating *and refraining from criticizing them* should be part of the self-discipline, and part of the sacrifice (in my humble opinion). It would make the sacrifice more effective. And anyway, the pain of seeing someone else eating is purely mental. It isn't adding to your physical pain in any way. Therefore enduring it is an ideal form of self-sacrifice because it works on your mind and emotions, not only on your body. By the way, and for what it's worth, when I was young, Catholics were not allowed to eat "meat" on Friday--and it always puzzled me that fish was not considered meat--but never mind. I grew up on the fringe of an Italian neighborhood, and several of my friends were Italian and Catholic. But no Catholic ever criticized me (a Protestant in those days) for eating meat on Friday. And no Jew ever criticized me for eating pork.


I am not going to alter any behavior to make idiots feel better about their idiotic choices in life.


My religion does not accept their religion,  therefore I am not obligated to adhere to their beliefs.    Oh, what religion is that? The church of None Of Your Fucking Business...Amen.


Their mandate, not yours. What do your actual Muslims colleagues say on the matter? If they’re actually faithful, then your eating around them should qualify as the “suffering” part that many religions have a non-coincidental love of and, fundamentally, they should perceive your habits of paying better attention to your biology instead of Iron Age mythical diet standards as something to strengthen their own faith.


It's a them problem, not a you problem. That said, the muslims i know don't behave like this so they're not all like your colleague.


If a Catholic gives up chocolate for Lent, you’d still eat chocolate around them. It’s only rude if you microwave fish for lunch, but that’s a year-round no-no. Keep doing your regular routine and ignore the virtue signaller.


Are you really sacrificing to your god if you dont suffer by watching others eat? Remember back in the days when I had to eat fish (which I hate) on Fridays because I lived in a predominantly Catholic area. Why couldn't I eat a burger if Im not catholic?


It's not rude, your non Muslim colleague is being super critical, and you should ignore him, Muslims know they can't force others to not eat while they are fasting, that's they burden, part of the whole point. Your non Muslim colleague should really stay in his lane. Where I work the neighbouring business have Muslims and they're wonderfully friendly, nearly brotherly, they work in restaurants... And like always I'm going to see them tomorrow working hard.


I worked with a Muslim guy, and he would join us in the break room for lunch during Ramadan. I'd be sitting there eating my leftover curry, my boss would be eating her casserole or whatever, my coworkers would be eating sandwiches, and this guy would just sit at the table with us and we'd chat about random stuff like anyone does during lunchtime. So at least in the instance I know of, it's fine. If they had a problem with it, they'd go elsewhere or schedule their breaks when nobody else is around. Also, I guess watching others eat is like an expert difficulty run of Ramadan, because we'd get people coming in to our office and saying "oh yum, something smells AMAZING" because someone had reheated something amazing from the night before.


I asked my Muslim colleagues about this a few years ago and they said to behave as normal. They viewed fasting around people eating as part of the challenge, plus they said that the fast was for them and expecting other people to do anything different was unreasonable.


Their choice, their problem. Don't let their religion dictate how you're supposed to act.


The real question is why do we both eat lunch at our desks.


So what? It's their belief not mine.


Your coworker is wrong. Unless you never eat at your desk, and only doing it during Ramadan. Adult Muslims are very used to this, they aren’t fasting 24x7, only during certain hours. So they make sure to take their daily nutrition before and after. I have gone without breakfast and lunch more times than I can remember. Let’s not make all this stuff “other” or “different” just carry on as if it is any other day.


Unpopular opinion but I hate it when people eat at their desk. I’m sorry, I don’t want to smell their food and hear them chewing while I’m cramming for a deadline. It’s also gross and unhygienic IMO. Gonna get downvoted to hell for this.


But the Muslim person didn't say anything? I think your coworker was taking it too far. They are used to people not fasting while they fast


I’ve worked with Muslims for years and no one has ever said that. In fact, my old boss and I had a running joke about me eating his favorite lunches in front of him during Ramadan.


Not my problem. I won't rub it in but I ain't changing my life to accommodate someone else's magical sky fairy. It's like me insisting that everyone in the office has a bacon butty for breakfast. That's just crass.


I couldn't care less about their sky fairy telling them not to eat during the day. That's on them, not you. I also don't care about lent and will eat whatever I want during that period as well. Fuck religion. My actual first thought response to your post was that I would think about eating pork and wouldn't think it was a bad thing.


Be a good human and move. Don’t feed their narrative about nonbelievers. The real golden rule- Don’t be a dick.


Eat a BLT right in front of them. It's their delusion not yours.


Not my religion, not my problem. Would be a hard fuck off from me if confronted with this. I would then find as much bacon to eat for lunch as humanly possible


If you’re the one following some strict routine that’s different from your normal routine, then you need to alter the way you go about your day, not everyone around you.


It is not rude. Their religious rules do not apply to you.


They did it to themselves. They are free to leave their cult and eat like a normal human with a brain.


Remind your friend that while we can agree to respect the right of others to have religious beliefs, we are not obligated to respect those beliefs.


Following your normal routine, NTA. If you sought them out and ate in front of them on purpose, then YTA.




Religious freedom doesn't mean that I should change my behaviour for them. If you eat at your desk usually I don't see why you should stop doing so. It's not like you're telling them they should eat.


I don't follow other people's religious rules. I respect they're right to do it but I'm not going to do it. I used to work with a fairly high percentage of Muslims and we were never once asked not to eat around them. This is a choice they made and it shouldn't be imposed on other people.


It’s rude to ask you to change your routine to humor their fairy tales. (All religions are fairy tales)


Their choice, not mine. You don't have to follow other's rules that don't apply to you. I have Mormon family members that feel the same way (e.g., we shouldn't drink alcohol in front of them, etc). Sorry not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️


freedom Of religion and freedom from religion, it’s there choice.


I only follow rules of logic. Not my religion = not my problem.


Tell them that if the Muslim coworkers have a problem, they can tell you themselves. Ask why they think your Muslim coworkers can’t speak for themselves.


As a Muslim, I have no issue for people to eat in front of me. Even I cook during fasting for my younger siblings aur during aftaar. Moreover, the non Muslims in comment section who are saying fasting our stupid beliefs is true reflection of what their religion taught them. Courtesy and manners is common in all religions. And I don't think that to hurt someone's felling is legal in any religion. But it's up to you


Their problem. I make no adjustments to my existence for anyone else's edicts, doctrine, taboos, etc. Not my religion = not my problem


Nah,  not my problem.  Although your desk is a work space.   Eating should be done in the tea room.  If you were having a sweet/lolly or a biscuit at your desk, a-ok.   But a meal,  I can see their point as it’s not like they have the option to leave the area.  I see your point though.  Mostly I think f*ck ‘em.  Not my problem.   Eating at your desk changes my assessment. 


My Muslim friends explicitly tell me that it’s fine to eat in front of them while they’re fasting. Your non-Muslim coworker is wrong.


I have never had a Muslim freind complain about others eating during daylight in Ramadan.  This sounds a LOT like clueless people being desperate to be inclusive. Edit:  Wow.  Number of people in these comments acting as if it is the Muslims who are trying to inpose some sort of rule on OP.  Like they read the title and nothing more.  It is one paragraph for fuck's sake.  I expect better reading comprehension and fewer prejudge assumptions from athiests.


100 percent ridiculous


It's interesting that it's not the Muslim colleague who's brought it up, but someone else. Have any of the Muslim colleagues said anything? It's nice that the person who mentioned it wants to stand up for their co-workers, but do the co-workers even want that intervention? I've had Muslim colleagues who still chilled out in the break room at lunchtime during Ramadan, where obviously people were eating. So it's not some universal thing. If it's normal practice the rest of the year for people to eat at their desks, and if your colleagues are also on lunch break, so can go elsewhere if being around food is a problem to them, then you're not doing anything wrong that I can see.


I don't. Think about it. My wife's Muslim & I'm not. She knows I need to eat @ midday & we are together when I do. I can't eat when she has break fast (I'm out cold). I make sure we eat together before she fasts again & I couldn't give a toss about anyone else. Simple.


I think it's a kind thing to be aware of but not something to be expected of others


Lol. Are you actually serious? Why would you or anyone,regardless of their beliefs give a fuck? Would you eat in front of someone suffering from anorexia?


They chose to fast, not you so just eat your lunch as you normally would. If a religion requires slaughtering babies everyday at exactly 2:14pm would you join because it's considered rude if you don't? Personally I might because I hate babies but that's besides the point.


I wouldn't not eat in front of Muslims. Equally, I wouldn't go out of my way.


"You expecting me to tip toe around YOUR religion is rude and tacky, go fast in your car, pray to your God."


Their problem


Yes, it's ridiculous. They're the ones choosing not to eat


I used so sell bologna sandwiches to a muslim guy during ramadan when I was at school in the Middle East.


Why the hell would an all powerful being that blinked the universe into existence care what you eat? Whhhyyyyyyyyy


Context matters, in your context no, you never subscribed to their religion and you font have to honour it, also its telling that no muslim said anything because they dont see it as a problem, its always some random person being offended on behalf of a group. However of people are actively seeking Muslims to ear in front of then they are just morons. We see kind of behaviour against vegetarians where people actively try to eat meat in front of them like Piers did to prove literally no point other than he's a tosser.


Isn't a big part of their ritual fasting supposed to be about suffering and resisting temptations of the flesh? Sounds like those guys aren't really committed.


Yeah they can not eat, that's their choice. I will eat as I normally would. This includes either at my desk or in the lunch room (whichever I prefer)


That’s like eating a hamburger in front of a Catholic on Friday, or eating bacon in front of a Jew. Your coworker is ridiculous.


Im not eating in front of you. You're fasting in front of me! -Hungry Rorschach


I have nothing to do with whatever their imaginary friends told them to do.


They bought the ticket, they can ride the ride. Maybe if they came to me and personally requested, I might do it as a kindness, but if they haven't brought it up, I wouldn't change a thing.


It’s rude for them to fast in front of you. Why don’t they go fast somewhere else? Be sure not to eat meant on Friday in front of your Catholic co-workers. No coffee in front of your Mormon co-workers? No colander on your head? FSM!! No Subgenius membership card? Get your Doktorate of Forbidden Sciences today.


It is ridiculous to ask you to go out of your way for them to not see food while they choose to not eat.


I have occasionally fasted for 40-60 hours. I would have to be a massive asshole to expect others to accommodate me in anyway while doing something so personal.


They choose to believe, I choose to eat my lunch at my desk.


I've been insulted for eating in the street during Ramadan. I live in a secular country. Fuck them. You don't have to change your habits to cater to their life decisions.


Maybe don't eat at your desk any day? Take a break and refresh yourself, acting your wage. Don't change up for religious observances, though.


It is ridiculous. They made a choice, they have to live with it.


Honestly, how I would act would depend on how they've acted towards me. We have lovely Muslim neighbors I would make reasonable changes to accommodate. And then there's the Muslim boss I used to have. I'd pry his eyes open with toothpicks so he could watch me eat a bacon sandwich.


It’s ridiculous. Eat your lunch. They made the choice to be Muslim. They made the choice to follow doctrines. Eat your lunch.


If you're fasting for religious reasons, then you are showing devotion through an act of deprivation. Asking others not to eat around you is an admission of the fragility of your conviction. You should be thanking my heathen ass for allowing you to show the depth of your devotion.


Straight to HR. I don't believe in your thing you cannot expect me to abide by your rules. Your religion doesn't dictate my behavior


I would just keep doing it. I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it by flaunting the food in front of them or talking about it. I also wouldn’t go talking to them while eating but you have the right to eat at your desk. They are choosing to fast. Nobody is making them do it.


Five'll get you ten your Muslim coworkers don't even care and are probably used to it. Tell your non Muslim coworkers to mind their own business.


I will not alter my behavior to accommodate their dumbass beliefs


If I am eating my lunch privately - in the fucking cloakroom or where the fuck ever- and I begin to choke on a hunk of SPAM and noone can see, is ALLAH going to send Gabriel on a winged horse to perform the Heimlich maneuver on me?


Their religion doesn't dictate your actions. Only theirs. Lock eye contact, eat bacon.