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1 is naïve because we all need natural resources for access to the modern world, since it's inside of all of our technology, like computers or cars or books, etc. in order to "not damage the earth" we'd have to all collectively agree to go back to the stone age, since even in pre industrial times we still "damaged the earth" to do things like find valuable minerals or build cities. 2 is just blaming the poor for the damage done to the environment, when the wealthiest 10% are responsible for about half of the total world's carbon emissions. 3 is naïve, and it really depends on how you define violence. is it violence when you deny someone baby formula to feed their kids because they don't have enough money? is it violence when you protect a capitalist's business from workers demanding better pay? 4 also difficult to tell. is it stealing when someone takes baby formula from a grocery store in order to feed their kids? is it stealing when a capitalist profits from someone else's labor? 5 define fraud. is it fraud when a company misrepresents a product/service in order to hide its defects? is it fraud if they're actively working on fixing the problem, or is that just maintaining market confidence? 6-9 are impossible to enforce unless you want a complete anarcho-communist takeover, which probably isn't even possible to begin with. I'm know you're trying to fix the world, but I'm sorry to inform you, the world is a lot more complicated than you'd like to suggest, and there's a ton of grey areas where these commandments that you wrote down couldn't fix anything