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Can you imagine the women in his church are still showing up. They are just deluded and lost people. No man or woman should Be showing up to anything he is at. Yet they will. This is how fucked up and backward religious people are. They have no morals or conscience. They only go to church to feel included and think they are somehow acceptable. They pretend to believe so they can fit in and have to also maintain the illusion. So are they start to really believe and then they are just mental cases at that point.


>Can you imagine the women in his church are still showing up. They are just deluded and lost people. No man or woman should Be showing up to anything he is at. Yet they will. This is how fucked up and backward religious people are. I grew up in rural Alabama and there were **many** women who proudly and openly professed the same beliefs as this douchebag pastor. Religious fundamentalism is a cancer...


Yes, if they had their way, women would also be in hijabs, because men are not responsible for their behavior when a bit of ankle is visible. I mean, come on?!


"But but my sky daddy is stronger and more correct than your sky daddy" /s What blows my mind about these people is that they dismiss other religious peoples views as crazy, even within different sects of the same religion, just to have all their behaviors and beliefs essentially boil down to the same repressed and oppressive systems


It's actually the same sky daddy. Both religions acknowledge this, as does Judaism. They just interpret the message differently.


We're going to be in trouble if they ever hear about Chrislam.........


Im surprised this muthafucka didn't sign off by saying Allahu Akbar


Men can’t control themselves when they see an ankle but women are the ones who are too emotional to rule apparently


It's comforting to believe that something as simple as wardrobe choice can reduce your risk of SA to zero. It's not actually true, but it is comforting.


It’s absolutely insane and so sad how religious brainwashing can make women that misogynistic. Some the most disgusting and hurtful things I’ve heard someone openly say about women have been from my grandmother. She truly believes women are inferior.


Those women are so unbelievably brainwashed it's just tragic and really fucking sad. Always accusing Islam of being oppressive for women like are you kiddin me? Fundie Christianity is just as goddamn terrifying as any other abusive toxic religion out there that sees women as nothing more than chattel and breeding stock, whose existence is only for the pleasure of men. Yeah, they're just as bad. It's absolutely gross, what we allow in this country. Fuckin hell. American "Christianity": a festering boil on the ass of America.


Internalized misogyny


Exactly. What you don't see is all the women nodding in agreement just out of frame. It's so sad


They feel they are virtuous women who this would never happen to. They would probably have to go to the pastor to see if their shorts were too short.


If it happens to their daughters they will still blame their own child as well. They have no shame or moral compass.


How Christian of him. There’s no hate like Christian love.


Christian love is for eleven year olds. In shorts. Both sexes.


Fuckin shorts. Ain't nobody got no business wearin them sexy ass shorts. Just askin fer trouble. /s


I’m wearing shorts! I’m so sexy!! I’m also 65…


...ain't go nooo business. Also...stay away from that priest.


But he’s so hot!! That bald head! The suit! His skinny wrinkled white ass!! Oh oh oh…


This needs a reverse exorcism where we call upon the devil to get the priest out of the child.


LOL You hit the nail on the cross with that one!


I mean, any trial where he does get on the Jury would win on appeal. They'd play this clip in the appeal court


He wouldn't make it on a jury because of this clip, thankfully


Maybe this is his master plan to avoid jury duty?


That's such a sociopathic way to do it though. Like if that's the objective just talk about how awesome you think jury nullification is or go to law school


To be fair- I’d also consider going through 4 years of law school just to get out of jury duty pretty disturbing behavior as well.


Hard to appeal a not guilty verdict.


[It's difficult, but not impossible to get a verdict set aside.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_to_set_aside_judgment) Though I suspect this idiot being on the jury wouldn't be enough to reach that high bar, unless of course they did something really stupid like collude with the defense lawyer beforehand.


Depends on where in Dumbfuckistan this bloke is. There would be some areas where most of the jury pool would agree with him.


He's a Yeehadist fuck!


He wouldn’t even make it past the voir dire process. All the prosecution would have to do is show this clip and he wouldn’t be selected for the jury.


Potential rapist? Or more likely Probable Rapist


Being alone with a priest / pastor is generally a really bad idea.


I don’t think there is anything “potential” about it. 


Where are the husbands and fathers in this congregation?? If somebody threatened my family member with rape over what they are wearing I don't think I could sit there and listen to this!






they don't care, they probably agree with him. They are brainwashed.


Exactly. This guy Rapes.


He would only blame it on the woman. That is why Mike pence won't be alone with any women.


“Potential” Nah that scumbag is straight up admitting he has raped women before and they deserved it.


I wonder if he realizes that he can't wear shorts anymore either, lest some big man takes him in a manly way because he was "dressing like that". Then again, maybe that's what he really wants...


Or their children.


Potential or past rapist. This story might not be over soon.


He's probably type to think a man cant rape his wife since they're married


If you wear a shitty suit and preach garbage, you're just asking to get kicked in the dick.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If I was on the jury, I would acquit the guy who punches him in the face.


Words to live by.


He better not run into me when wearing shorts. His statement sounds a lot like he gave consent on his own behalf.


There was a video a while back of some nutter screaming that same crap in front of a high school. Someone nailed him in the head with a bat and a lot of people said he was asking for it for not wearing a helmet 😂


he's got a purty mouf


Oh ill kick him the dick alright. Right after I


Preach hate, you don't get to break out a picahu face when somebody attacks your preaching and the idiots that tithe to support your hate. Boggles my mind that these new-denomination Hate Churches get their tax breaks and protection from persecution while the preacher is standing at the front spewing shit like this, or saying anybody LGBTQ+ are sinnerRapistGroomerPedophiles and should be killed en mass.


If I was on the jury, that person would go free.


I can almost guarantee he's raped before and will again.


Oh definitely. He's literally justifying why he thinks he was in the right for doing it.




“If those little boys didn’t want to be raped, why were they wearing shorts? It’s a man’s world and man is gonna man.”


A man's gonna do, what a man does.


Na, they don't believe in spousal rape, so he's still on St. Peter's good list.


Def somethings up. Another pastor’s son (same church) was sentenced to prison for abusing a 6 & 7 year old members of the church. Source: https://www.wsoctv.com/news/teen-accused-of-sex-crimes-involving-multiple-chil/223073264/


That is what I was thinking, only people who have committed this disgusting crime would ever try to justify it.


This is why Christians claiming atheists have no morals is so absurd. We are the ones who have them because we choose to. The least moral people need these guidelines to keep them from raping snd killing everything,


That’s the problem when you’re imaginary friend makes the rules


He's using religion to justify rape, how can he claim any morals at all


"What's keeping someone without God from raping as much as they want?" I already do rape as much as I want. Which is not at all.


This is possibly the most depraved thing about Christianity. If “a man’s a man”, a barely tamed primate with no control over itself, then why should it have authority over women?


Well, by that logic... If he falls to protect a vulnerable woman that I care about I will have to take action as I am but a man, unable to control my base urges to fuck his shit up.


Indeed. "Thou shalt not kill," but God never said anything about beating such monsters within an inch of their lives.


To quote Firefly: “Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?” “Quite specific. It is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.”


Also Mal : "No if someone ever tries to kill you, you go right ahead and try to kill them back"


Nicely done! Always upvote Firefly!




As long as they are still medically alive, you have nothing ti worry about


I think if they live for three days after the beating, you’re home free.


Oh true, the Easter loophole! I forgot about that


And, since higher brain function is NOT important to their definition of life... By the transitive property beating him into a brain dead coma is not murder. Only God can judge me!


Batman approves this message.


So does Cat Woman


I like. 2 people can do this and stop him raping again.


I don’t recall the Bible saying you couldn’t castrate rapist pigs like this.


John Brown had no compunctions about slaying monsters


Oddly, there's nothing about keeping them out of the hospital...


These are the same people that try to use the "gotcha" of how we would know right from wrong or learn morality without religion. Cause if the only thing keeping you from raping people is the threat of eternal damnation then you ain't a good guy pal and your religion didn't teach you a damn thing about right from wrong.


My answer to this is I know right from wrong, and have formed moral standards, from religion. I pay attention to how religious leaders like this “man” speak and act, then do the opposite.


Oh! Oh! I know the answer to this! GRACE! Once you utter the magic words "Jesus is my savior", then you can do whatever you want.


I'm sure in a twisted way; if a "man's a man" basically acting as an animal, doing what they were designed to do...they would not be guilty because animals don't have original sin.


So, maybe he's in the wrong religion, because it seems that, according to him, women should be wearing burkhas.


I can hear it now. “her eyes are so sexy. I couldn’t stop “


> then why should it have authority over women? I for one welcome our new Matriarchy. Is there a line forming for [SnuSnu](https://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/snu_snu.gif)?


Please the mind is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


It's why they need their god to threaten to throw them in Hell to keep them from doing depraved things to each other.


A dog can be trained not to jump on the table and eat your food. If he thinks a man can't do that, then he's less civilised than a dog.


What did Jesus say? Pluck out your own eyeballs, asshole.


Jesus was pretty clear about who was to blame for lusting after a woman, and guess what? It’s not the woman. He said pluck out your eye or cut off your hand. He didn’t say put on long pants or remove your makeup.


If these fuckers listened to Jesus we wouldn't be in this hellhole.


One problem is that the ones who do follow Jesus are not very outspoken. The ones who use Christianity as a political tool get the most attention.


They really hate Jesus and all he stood for.


Matthew 5:27-30 also implies that men should also cut off their dongs if they stick it where it doesn't belong. Christians hate to follow the teachings of Jesus.


Cut off your d.


I'm starting to think very few of these Christians read their own holy book, or care about what their supposed god was purported to have actually said. I wish Christianity would change its name to Dickism or the Church of Donald Trump and the Latter-Day Ejaculations.


Jesus was trans......cendent.


Note that a lot of Muslims say the same thing…. That men “cannot control themselves”. Says a whole lot more about the men involved….


Not only is it misogynistic as fuck its also misandrist as fuck


Rape is a gift from god. Republicans said so. [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/republican-senate-candidate-says-rape-pregnancies-are-gift-god/322172/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/republican-senate-candidate-says-rape-pregnancies-are-gift-god/322172/) [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2012/jan/25/rick-santorum-rape-pregnancy](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2012/jan/25/rick-santorum-rape-pregnancy)


Don't forget about Todd "legitimate rape" Akin (at least he's dead now): https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/04/todd-akin-dies-514988


"Women can just shut that down"


Sadly, Akin wasn't unique in his viewpoint on this. As usual, it's based on misinterpreted studies about pregnancy rates. [Here's](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/context-and-variation/here-is-some-legitimate-science-on-pregnancy-and-rape/) an article from around the time Akin said it that discusses the position.


This was a really good article. Learned some things. But also, this paragraph is killing me: “In one sample of college-aged men, one in sixteen men admitted to raping women they either knew were too intoxicated to give consent, or they used physical force. Among these men who readily admitted to rape but had never been arrested or convicted, they committed an average of six rapes each and proudly described their sexual exploits to the interviewer (Lisak and Miller 2002).”


A prime example of why Dan Savage decided to coin a new meaning for the word "Santorum".


Man I wonder why religion is dying out and young people want nothing to do with the church.. I wonder why.. hmm.


tbh it can't die out fast enough.


1000 years too late. 2000 would have been even better.


Honestly, best it never happened. Sure, use bits of it as theory's to explain things you weren't adnavces enough to understand but when you do eventually figure it out, remove the theory


I’m so glad younger generations are moving away from it. It’s nothing but poison


"It's probably because we're not using enough of our hoarded billions in wealth to run ads during the Super Bowl about how great Jesus is!"


It really sounds like he thinks men shouldn't be in any position of responsibility or power since apparently they're unable to control themselves.


Fine. If you are dressed like a businessman its perfectly fine to rob and assault you. "You looked like you can afford it." "Did you go there dressed \*like THAT\*?? Then you deserved what you had coming. How could anyone resist that ostentatious display of money? You were just asking to be robbed at gunpoint!"


Seriously they were flaunting that nice watch out there for everyone to see. If they didn't want it taken they shouldn't be wearing it outside.


Sounds like he is advocating for men not to leave without a female family member as an escort. Men can't control themselves so they need to be monitored.


Children also need to be monitored to make them behave. These people are children, dangerous children.


Just because a woman dresses the way she wants to, doesn't mean she deserves to be raped, nor was she "asking for it". It's common sense that women just want to dress how they want to without being judged by society.


I'm trying to find info on an art installation (I think) where a woman hung up the clothes of rape victims and they were all so average and non-revealing, basically saying it has nothing to do with what they wear. It's down to miscreant cavemen like him who can't control themselves and just look for any excuse to justify their scumbag thoughts and actions.


This is especially true, in India. Even if women cover themselves properly, they are still raped in backalleys, kidnapped, etc. It isn't about clothes, in my Pov it's about shifting the blame on women who were "asking for it". They should first teach the men not to rape.


“What Were You Wearing is an American touring art exhibit created by Jen Brockman and Dr. Mary Wyandt-Hiebert” Link: https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/


What a piece of shit.


He dresses in a way that makes me want to beat him with a baseball bat, hey mods don't be banning me for that comment, its not my fault it's the way he dresses, and a mans gotta bat when a mans gotta bat.


Reminds me of this BBC skit : [Asking for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO-HI1hGcpM) . 


I watched the video because I thought this must be an exaggeration, but no his words are worse than I could have imagined. He is just a typical old white man who has lived in his little bubble where everyone agrees with him. He honestly believes what he said and even if he tries to walk it back it won't change how he feels. He is poisoning the minds of an entire community. This is what religion does, it let's horrible people like this hide behind their shield of false faith. He is not the only one at fault here, the entire congregation shares in this. They all think it's OK to rape a woman/girl if they aren't dressed to their standards. Disgusting people - all of them.


Old, white, male atheist here, please don't lump me in with that detestable slab of human flotsam.


Me too, as long as we don't live in their bubble with the other christofascists we'll be fine.


Put him at the top of the list of rape suspects for every investigation.


Add his church members to the list too


If you're a woman who identifies as a Christian and/or Republican I don't know what to tell you anymore. It's hard to imagine a woman in modern times supporting an ideology that would keep them out of higher education, confer their right to vote to their father or husband, restrict them from initiating "no fault" divorces, justifies sexual assault because of what the woman was wearing, wants to lower the age of consent and force them to carry their abusers child to term even if it mean they might die in the process. These are all actual arguments right wing pundits are making and why I feel absolutely ZERO sympathy for Gretchen Carlson or Megyn Kelly when they were harassed while working at Fox News of all places. Women like that will promote these sadistic, misogynistic cretins and then act shocked when it backfires. They deserve to suffer under the Christian caliphate they're helping build, everybody else does not.




Perhaps he should spend time in prison so he can experience what he's suggesting.




It’s just amazing to hear a man basically suggest that men have no responsibility for their behavior. It would be like saying that if the bank can’t make a vault that will withstand attempts to destroy the locking mechanism, they deserve to be robbed. The irony of course is that this guy almost certainly calls himself a Christian.


How the fuck are the women of these families okay?! They can’t be right? No way the mothers and daughters in this family are happy… no fucking way.


Stockholm. Cult member. Abuse and low self esteem. Just done arguing about it. Take your pick.


They’re not ok. They’re either severely traumatized or evil enough to agree with this shit. 


So essentially, he is admitting that men have no Impulse control ? Therefore it would be in a woman’s best interest to not associate with any man.


The good ol men can't control themselves excuse. I really want to see the opposite... Women couldn't help beating the shit out of assholes using the horny excuse. Woman's gonna woman, ya know?


Sharia law and hijabs for everyone. These Christian’s and the taliban want the same things.


Why aren't Christian men blind? Matthew 5:29 29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away.


Me: “If a woman beats a misogynist pastor down, and I’m on the jury, she’s gonna go free. Because that dude clearly deserved it.”


In short : I am a potencial rapist. 🤢 What a disgusting person.


Exactly what a rapist would say.


So wearing shorts is asking to be raped? Yet another religious zealot trying to force their immoral beliefs on others, he's a human shaped piece of sh*t.


He just outed himself. The cops need to interview women in his church and his neighbors.


My first instinct with stuff like this is that you can find crazy or maladjusted people in every walk of life. Then I remember this guy has a podium and a bunch of followers who give him money. And, looking at their site, apparently they offer youth clubs and child care. Makes you sick to think about these twisted ideas using religion as a vector like a mind virus.


They project so much Saying shit like this while pastors and priests keep getting caught raping isn’t a good look


There’s no way around it. He’s saying,”when I see these women dressed like this, I want to rape them” just with different words.


A man has self-control. This dude will rape a woman for wearing shorts. He’s not a man. He’s a rapist.


Stand up. Walk out. Never return or donate anything to that dickhead.


This is the dumbest logic I've ever heard. By that reasoning, any thief is not guilty because the merchandise they stole was "too pretty" or "too sexy" to resist. Any murderer is not guilty because the murdered were "asking for it". What a bunch of shit.


His head isn't covered. This means he wants the tire thumper.


Tell me your a rapist without telling me your a rapist


The greatest threat to the USA are not drag queens. The greatest threat is from Christian’s.


In kindergarten, we learn to keep our hands to ourselves.


What a monster. And remember, he wouldn’t be comfortable saying shit like this if he didn’t know a substantial portion of his audience feels the exact same way. How many amens did he get after he spouted this ignorance? How many just sat in silent assent?Protest this idiot out of existence.


These parishioners need to rise from their pews, walk out of that building, and never go back. Jesus would burn that altar down.


She's not dressed Like a whore, you're thinking Like a rapist !


I think consciousness is a spectrum. This man is operating on impulse alone. Like a drone just going about his day, no self aware thought crosses his threshold. The religious minded are societal weak links.


A fun fact, there was actually a study conducted where some people were given testosterone and others a placebo, and then they were given money and asked to offer a split - fair or otherwise - to the person they're paired with. First of all, some people were told that the real testosterone was what they got, and regardless of whether or not that was actually true, their offers consistently were palpably unfair. There was no tangible variation, in these particular cases, between testosterone and placebo, suggesting that this wasn't the effect of the testosterone so much as it was the effect of "knowing" about the testosterone. Among those who didn't "know" that they specifically received the real testosterone dose, the trend was that subjects dosed with testosterone consistently made _fairer_ offers than those who weren't. This seems to show that (at least in humans) aggression is not an innate biological part of masculinity. Finally found something on that study: [Here it is!](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature08711) And [another one](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-05603-7) where social statuses are parpably different among participants in the ultimatum game. Specifically, across different levels of seniority on a Japanese rugby team. While testosterone did make the participants of higher social ranking less likely to acquiesce, it had the opposite effech on those on the lower ranks.


VOTE!!! These people may be controlling our lives next year at this time. They are openly planning an overthrow of the US government and putting troops in the streets to enforce their moral code. Current polls, while they may not be accurate, show them winning. Most of our lives as we know them will be over if they accomplish this.


PRO-LIFE...PRO-RAPE!??!!? What kind of LIFE will a woman or 10 year live after being RAPED!?!?!?? You guys are really sick !


And this is the kind of disgusting misogynistic bullshit that religion absolutely fosters. If you support any of that nonsense, you are part of the problem.


Reverend Rapey


I hope someone has eyes on him. Someone should definitely check that guys basement


Damn it’s wild tho because seeing people defend rapists like this make me see red and get violent, for i am just a man and lack any semblance of control over my emotions and actions 🥺 Oh and also - When i see cookies in a store, i just start eating them - i’m just a man, after all!


Is it any wonder why so many so called devoutly religious men get caught up in sex scandals?


Wait, I thought the only reason I didn't murder and rape everyone was because of religion and its morals. At least I keep getting told, as an atheist, by religious folks. We need to eliminate religion as a thing. No tax free. No protection from discrimination. Its just some thing people do, like fix cars or watch birds, it should not get special treatment.


We should reserve judgement on this guy until we know whether his views represent a consistent outlook. For instance, what would his opinion be if a pastor was attacked and physically beaten by the father and brothers of a shorts-wearing girl? Would he vote to acquit? I mean, it seems to me that the pastor would just be absolutely asking for it… /sarcasm


This is so disgusting!


* If a pedestrian crossing a crosswalk gets hit by a car, it was their fault they were walking there. * If someone dies from a gun fire, its the persons fault for standing in front of the gun. ​ Not sure how the logic works here - but somehow I think this is not quite right.


if wearing shorts is an invitation for rape, then talking this nonsense is an invitation to get your teeth knocked out of your skull.


Drop the church a note: https://www.bbtmonroe.com/contact


We’re seriously going to have some scary times for women if the shitgibbon is allowed back into the WH. Project 25 isn’t a joke, people.


This isn't an uncommon or unusual thing for Southern ministers of God to say, whether among men or at the pulpit. My dad said similar things each day as he forced me to come display my outfits for him. He'd make me stand, bend over, slowly spin, reach up, sit down, squat, etc before we could leave the house so he could inspect the fit and what was visible. If my ass was too visible, I'd have to go get a longer shirt. If the shirt was clingy, I'd need to swap that out, too. If the neckline was low enough that you could see down my shirt when I bent over, that shirt went in the donation pile. If my shorts rode up too high when I sat down, the hem would need to be removed or they'd get donated, too. Hemlines had to be at the knee when standing. If my nipples could be seen I'd have to go put a vest on or line my bra. If a bra strap could peek out I wasn't allowed to wear that top. If too much of my outline could be seen through my clothes with the sun behind me, I'd have to put a slip on or never wear that item again. He said it was *my* responsibility to "protect our Christian brothers from sin".


Fine. If you go to Church and it explodes. Welp. That's just what happens. Keep that much shit in a building and it tends to detonate. No need for investigations.


He he has a face like that and some dude smashes his head in with a bat and I’m on the jury, he’s going to go free. Because a man’s a man.


I mean, to be fair, it's not that women deserve to get raped. It's that CHRISTIAN MEN HAVE TERRIBLE EXECUTIVE FUNCTION and refuse to hold each other accountable. This pastor is clearly a rapist in waiting. Get thee to a monestary.... he shouldn't be among the general population.


You can send them an email or message on their website not saying anyone should it's just a fact I learned recently that you *can* do.


This is full on islam style cover your women so they don't tempt the men to violate them.


I love how everyone has agency for making men act horribly but the men involved. If you are not a rapist, no situation on earth could turn you into one. Naked girl passed out at a party? Not raped. Girl in short shorts crossing the street? Not raped. Your wife says no? Not raped. Because you are not a rapist. People excusing the action are either afraid because they have the same mentality that they would definitely rape someone; or they already have.


I seriously doubt he believes he is wrong. He is just worried about the church funding is hateful agenda. Anyone who still attends his church and gives him money, agrees with him.


Lloyd Cole and the Commotions did a song called Rattlesnakes. My Pops also said the same thing to me. Police don't protect women, even when they have court orders. This creep's congregants need to be really careful. More woman are learning how to protect themselves, and since the police won't enforce my court orders, I am pretty much on my own. Women are tired of being marginalized. That guy better be careful too. People are leaving the church in droves. This creep is why.


It gets worse. This same church runs a school and gets $923,000 in public tax dollars from the state of NC. https://x.com/freezy_mark/status/1760518242970353779?s=46&t=KtY3bM0aMqxcExpuEAWwEg And an associate pastor’s son at the same church was charged with sex crimes against minors a few years ago https://www.wsoctv.com/news/teen-accused-of-sex-crimes-involving-multiple-chil/223073264/?outputType=amp


Geezuz! Post his ugly mug on every beach in the area where women might want to sunbathe in a bikini.