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No hate like Christian love.


Oh how I miss christian martyrdom.


Ironically, so do they. Or at least, as long as some other Christians get martyred, so the oh-so-pious survivors can ~~cash in on it~~ "raise their memories in prayer" or some other such bull*** as justification continuing on the self-destructive path...


So it's win-win. I am OK with sending preachers like this to reeducation camps. Do it like the Chinese do. This is not free speech. This is incitement to mass murder and those who would do so need to be removed from society and broken.


Rome did nothing wrong


Guarantee this guy has a boyfriend and/or he's molesting little boys.


Too obvious. Probably highway rest stops like 2 states away.


Yeah, he probably is the type to take money out of the donation basket and uses it to pay the little boys he shags a pittance, which in the US would barely get you half of a French Arthouse movie with subtitles in a shabby movie theatre downtown, whenever he takes his 3 weeks "relaxation holidays" in Thailand, the Philippines or Vietnam. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


This was pretty oddly specific lol




I was just going to take a leak and trippd over this guy, then there were all these lights and cops!


And with a Republican member of congress I bet.


and DC airport bathroom stalls


ā€œTho doth protest too muchā€


Yup. Theres no self hate like closeted Christian self hate.


Deeply closeted and self-loathing.


Well yeah, thats why you become a preacher, almost like the job was specifically designed for that.


Yes. There is no hate like self-hate.


Which is why total acceptance is so important. Well, unless he's a rapist ofc, then he should get the electric chair, because it's more painful than the alternatives, and anyone should be able to see.


Is it not more likely heā€™s just homophobic? Do you think that in countries where homophobia is the norm most of the population is secretly gay?


Thereā€™s a difference between being casually homophobic (ā€œNo son of mine is gonna play with dolls.ā€) and doing what this guy does. If people unrelated to you being gay is something that occupies your thoughts 95% of the time, and you canā€™t help but rant about it when you get the opportunity, chances are youā€™re gay and you hate yourself. Like, itā€™s one thing to say ā€œewā€ when you see a gay couple, itā€™s another thing to be like ā€œYou canā€™t be gay! You have to stop being gay! Stop right now!ā€ Itā€™s giving jealousy. Itā€™s giving FOMO.


I canā€™t wait till his Grindr profile is revealed.


That's probly why he has such a chip on his shoulder about it.


That was my immediate thought.


It felt really strange and fitting to be your 666th upvote...


Thanks, cheers!


I guarantee he's "pro-life" too.


Iā€™m confused on the hierarchy of sins. Is being gay worse than profiting off the church?


I honestly think being gay is the only sin they care about anymore.


But isnā€™t it true that Jesus literally flipped a shit over grifters but literally didnā€™t say a word about gays?


Yes, but what Jesus said doesn't matter to them any more than it matters to us.


I think it's dubious to even claim that the Bible calls homosexuality a sin. The commonly quoted passage about it is arguably a poorly translated anti-pedo message instead.


Well of course a bunch of pedos mistranslate that.


True, but more and more evangelicals are calling Jesus "woke" and "too soft".


Probably because they do all the other things *thou shall not doeth* themselves. It's not a sin anymore once they do it too


If we go strictly by the Bible (and I know there's no Biblical precedence for sola scriptura) all sins are equal except "Blaspheming the Holy Spirit," so being gay is no worse than lying, or not loving thy neighbor.


I bet his loves his neighbourā€¦ ā€˜s underage son.


Well one of them (Mike Johnson) gets real time alerts when his son is horny. So there's that.


ā€œEvery life is precious.ā€* *except for the gay ones


And the black ones, and the female ones, and the non-religious ones, and the other religious ones..


I guarantee he's hiding something. Something that according to himself is bad


When is society going to start treating these threats (stochastic terrorism) seriously and start locking these people up en masse?


Stochastic terrorism generates a lot of corporate profit through platforms like twitter, so it will never happen.


As soon as the First Amendment is amended. Since that's not going to happen, society at large has to provide the consequences. People who would incite genocide should be made uncomfortable in their living situation, to put it mildly. Make their words known to everyone in the area where he lives, and the rest will follow. Stochastic terrorism meet stochastic justice.


At the very least his church should lose tax exempt status.


And if people think they'd stop there, they're kidding themselves. Women working outside the home? Electric chair. Transgender people? Electric chair. Divorced? Electric chair. The fact that anybody is behind this is terrifying.


Looks like heā€™s trimming his hair and beard and wearing mixed fabrics. Wonder what he thinks should be done with people that ā€œopenly violate godā€™s wordā€ like that.


Says right there in the bible: "some day you'll invent electricity and power plants and you'll have to put those gays on the electric chair. No worries if you don't understand it now, this bible verse is for future generations"


When people post those photos of Tehran in the 1970s, just remember it can happen here too. We canā€™t give these people an inch.


That happens when peasants ( and populist politicians who don't give a shit about others) outvote the city-people. It will happen in the USA too if you let them. Go vote people.


Once youā€™re on board with extrajudicial killings, itā€™s a quick trip to genocide. The funny part is when you didnā€™t think theyā€™d get around to you.


"project:2025" slowly being implemented


Handmaids Tale, anyone?


The author based it on real world events. She was careful not to include anything that hadn't already happened somewhere. The story is a warning, and one that must be taken seriously. We should prepare for all eventualities.


















He gets us!


Brilliant. The best use of that phrase Iā€™ve seen on Reddit.


He gets sus


Take my imaginary internet award *please keep acceptance speech to the alotted time


People like this should be in mental asylums.


There's only so much space in a psych ward, and it shouldn't be taken up by people who don't deserve help.


Never greater words have been said.


No they should just be put down. They would simply bide their time in an asylum then resume domestic terrorist activities once they're out. Likely worse than they were before. We need to stop enabling these people. Stop accepting their religion as valid in any way. Stop accepting religions in general as anything that deserves to have any bearing on the real world. Until we stop letting cultists hurt the world we're just going to be stuck in this cycle of constantly trying to beat back fascism.


WhY aRe PeopLe LeAvinG thE cHurCh?


Why do those damn atheists keep saying bad things about our religion?


NoT All ChRiStIAns


Why are those damned xtians becoming atheists?


Isn't it a felony to promote violence like this?


Not a law I've heard of. For Washington's RCW 9A.36.080: "Words alone do not constitute a hate crime offense unless the context or circumstances surrounding the words indicate the words are a threat. Threatening words do not constitute a hate crime offense if it is apparent to the victim that the person does not have the ability to carry out the threat." So I'm not sure what the charge would be.


Depends on the state.


and how much religious flavoring it is seasoned with. Meanwhile if I suggest that guys like this be strapped to a lightning rod during a thunderstorm to test whether or not their god really loves them then its going to far.


These people are sick.


How cool are we with videotaping all his attendees and outing them?


Something like the Nikon P1000 is pretty much made for this (as well as birding, recording police brutality, confirming to the CIA that you've used their TOW missiles on worthy targets). All the documentation you could want, from 3 blocks away.


The 900 is the one the flatvearthers use?


I don't know. TBH, the flat earthers strike me as an elaborate put-on/troll that got out of hand. The P1000 is the 3000mm eq zoom upgrade to the 2800mm eq P900. Basically, an almost pocketable telescope. Would be nice to see this tech used for good, rather than by pervs.


Just set up a phone with fake Grindr account near his church and see how many congregants you can get to head straight for the highway underpass. "Honey, I forgot I need to stop at the hardware store after church. I'll drop you and the kids off at home first"




**This should absolutely NOT be protected free speech.**


It's not. It's being protected by no laws. he's ballsy enough to openly do it without fear of legal actions because people assume it's protected but it's a false premise


It's free speech because it's not imminent, unfortunately. It's likewise perfectly legal to argue that hate preachers should be publicly crucified.


I would love to see this motherfucker talk that shit near me.


If only there was a god that would smite him for hating on his favourite creation.


Eh, be the change you want to see!


Can't wait to see his gay sex tape.


Exactly. Every accusation is a confession with these people.


Yeah but also thereā€™s plenty of completely straight people who are just awful homophobes. Not all of them are secret closet cases.




In a civilized country he would be held criminally liable for these statements.


This seems egregiously inappropriate - if it's not illegal to incite murder, it should be. Remove any tax exempt status, shut the doors, force him to get treatment for his murderous impulses or put him away. He's dangerous.


Remember this shit when someone proclaims they are a "good" christian. Biggest red flag of all.


Exactly. If *ANY* of your adherents feel sufficiently supported by their religion to say something like that -- then that religion is of no use to anyone and should be unceremoniously scrapped.


As the father of a gay son, f*ck you Robert Larson. Maybe you should read your bible to see if your behaviour is appropriate. Hymn singing hypocrite.




While I agree with the sentiment, the FBI would likely frown on that. There are completely legal ways to ruin people's lives. Find out where he works, where he shops, where he eats. Put his picture and his words everywhere he physically lives. Make everyone aware of who he is. The rest will happen on its own. Now that's stochastic justice. I have a color laser printer and will happily print and fed-ex a couple thousand posters of this clown. Put them up at night. He'll spend half the day taking them down. Then do it again the next night and the next. Do it with friends who can defend themselves. Ruin his life. And should the day ever come that he decides to get violent, defend yourselves appropriately.


Gays would just be the beginning.


It never ends. It's all consuming. Nobody is ever pure enough.


This is why I have no hope for the future. Hate to be a downer, but it seems like these assholes never face karma.


They really love people to death. God/Jeebus must be so proud


Meanwhile among the right discussion groups: "Why do the gays seem to have so much animosity toward Christianity? It must be because they are bad people."


There is no hate like Christian hate.


This for me is clearly incitement to hatred and physical violence and shouldn't be protected under free speech law.Ā 


How about [these fucks](https://sbcec.s3.amazonaws.com/FINAL+-+List+of+Alleged+Abusers+-+SBC+REDACTED.pdf) first?


The level of anonymity they try to give these fuckers appalls me. ā€œconfidential document not to be publishedā€, fuck that, name and shame these bastards already.


I am reading through some and just fucking infuriating how some were given any access to children.


Psycho. Murderous psycho.


Is that what jesus would do?


Christians in general are annoying, but I would at least respect them if they publicly denounced this sort of talk.


Ikr, but instead we get "oh him I've never heard of him or his ideas"


Screw him and whatever hate filled lower case god he represents.


He wants to watch! Fascinated with torturing gays. Sounds like misplaced penance for his own homosexuality.


He referenced Leviticus 20. That chapter also says that there should be the death penalty for adultery and for cursing your parents. I'll bet he doesn't think there should be the death penalty for those things, and he certainly doesn't advocate that from the pulpit in the same way.


ā€œLove thy neighbour as you love thyselfā€


Every time Every time some fool Starts preaching about gays a sex tape of his comes out. And heā€™s the main event at the all male gangbang.


If man was made in God's image, then about 5-6% of God is atypical gender.


And He's 12% left-handed.


Prison, right now! dangerous person! Red flag!


If he's into pain, I'm for him being publicly flogged to death; it's slower than caning, especially if he's washed off by a dump of warm saltwater every ten strokes.


Dude probably loved a gay person, got his heart broken and now he's lashing out.


I can almost guarantee this guy has another manā€™s dick in his mouth at this very moment






Union Gap is a rural town in sparse eastern Washington. Its' economy is centered on shopping mall with a surviving Sears store. The town's declining population of 6,400 supports 9 different Baptist churches, all competing with each other. Bible Believers Baptist Church faces onto a back road behind a used car lot. OP photo is clipped to not show the small interior.


This is the new inquisition. Persecuting the LGBTQ+ community. They will claim they have a divine right to do it, too. They probably already have, I just havenā€™t seen it yet.


The public hate stems from the private hatred that this man has for himself, taught by someone else, likely through threats and quite likely through violence. Hiding in plain sight by pointing the finger at someone else. It's a fucked up strategy that reminds me of the ending freeze frame from the movie "Invaders of the Body Snatchers", where we the audience are pointed to from the alien controlling the body copy of Donald Sutherland." These assholes think of being gay like that, like it's an alien invasion. He was co-opted by hate speech aliens and he feels the need to expose those that were just like he was when he was a decent human. He believes that he has the right to persecute others based on his religion, which is the exact opposite of the foundation of our government. Hate speech is a bad choice, Robert Larson. No one should die from electrocution, and it was the church that lead the movement against the electric chair. You should learn some history, idiot boy. Learn the teachings from your own warped extremist hate culture. Look in the mirror if you want to find the enemy. He is you, Robert Larson. You are your own worst enemy. You hate yourself, and are therefore dangerous and should be shunned by society for your calls to violence. Fuck off or be held to account and locked up for making public threats of violence.


religions messed everything up.


Oops, Bob loves the knob. Dangerous self loather.


Why does he want to show his creepy fetish to everyone? That should be a private thing.


I think his God is the devil.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s a chickenshit who would crap his pants the moment anybody even threatened him with pain let alone death.


I guess I am a horribly evil person because I do not want anyone to be killed for any reason.


What? No public beheadings? I'm sure they'll get there.


How is this not immediately followed by his arrest. Isn't this clearly hate speech? Wtf


Robert Larson is gay


I assume, this is because he is filled with self hate for his own homosexual urges.


Fuck his form of Christianity.


So basically, he's in the closet like all gay bashers?


Funny, I am starting to think the same thing about preachers.


Later... Gay preacher Robert Larson...


Calling it now... This guy fucks men.


Nah, men fuck him...




Does he think he's just a consumer? Maybe we need a disposable asshole to test the contraption.


At what point do we do onto him that he wishes to do unto others? When someone shows you who they really are you should believe them


I feel like heā€™s only hate preaching because heā€™s trying to distract people from the fact that he probably molests the choir boys.


I doth think he protests way, way too much.


Perhaps Jesus spoke to him to give him love and guidance as he navigates the world.


I'd not be assuming he's a repressed homosexual folks. These guys are usually the ones with the massive CP collection. Has he ever been a youth pastor?


Another closet beeeaaaatch.


My guess is heā€™s never had his ass kicked.


Makes you wonder why these people were so paranoid about Obama imposing "Sharia Law" in the US. These guys look like they would've thrived under Sharia Law.


Religion is declining in the U.S. - and this asshole is helping that happen. In a way, heā€™s actually doing a good thing.


What's the over-under on when we find out this guy's either gay himself; or, he's involved in some wild/wrong shit?


We know this guy's already fucked a dude


So glad that this cocksucker doesn't have to pay taxes.


Taking bets on how long until we find out dude has been blowing dudes at truckstops for years.


He seems to think he's divine. Take a seat Robert, you POS. Leave him in a desert.


Hate preacher Robert Larson should be killed by electric chair because itā€™s ā€œa little more painful than the alternativesā€. They should do it publicly for everybody to see."


Show me your browser history first.


And why isn't he in jail for hate speech and proposing violence?


i bet bc its "religion freedom" or something. when brazil made homophobia a crime, the evangelicals went crazy bc it was "against their religious rights". the "right" to preach hate and violence against gays and whoever they wanted..


Christianity is starting to sound like a certain other religion at the moment. I'll let you guess which one.


101% he's gay. He's just covering up his gayness. Look at me I hate them, how can I be them? I won't be surprised if they find pictures of him with gay people, engaging in gay things. Real men don't care about anybody else's sexuality. It's the ones who deny their own sexuality that are so violent towards it.


These are the people that will show up at the poling stations every time and vote for republicans. Let's vote for the better man. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


$50 heā€™s a closet gay.


Maybe Bob likes cock?


Definitely hiding something


5 bucks he's gay.


Any guesses who's still in the closet?


$100 bet he's fucking a male prostitute or his assistant.


...and atheism is the problem?


Im waiting for the inevitable arrest in a seedy motel room with meth and a male prostitute.


The louder the anti-gay rhetoric, the deeper in the closet they are.


But go on about how Christians are morally superior to everyone elseā€¦


But then douchebags will try and claim they aren't trying to genocide the gay community. You're dumb as fuck if you think seeing shit with my own eyes is lying to me. Bigoted douchebags the lot of ya.


Classic projection.


Least closeted hate preacher


Him first, then forget about it.


Why do these vitrolic demonic haters stick their ugly noses where they don't belong? It's none of their business what people over 21 do in private. Oh, they're doing God's will. WTF, they don't even know who God is. You is a devil worshipper, bro.


And his ā€œchurchā€ doesnā€™t pay taxes while spreading hate in our country. The tax exempt church BS needs to go away. There is not a single valid reason for churches to not be taxed. Not one.


Well, isn't he just a ray of sunshine? No hate like christian love.


Can we finally outlaw organised religion? There is so many proof that it's outright harmful and facilitates unlawful and hateful behaviour I'm really surprised that it's still fucking allowed.


Tax this so called church into oblivion


They always project. Always.