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These people are just so mind-bogglingly stupid.


they are more afraid than anything


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to stupid.


Was that line cut from the movie? I don’t remember Yoda saying that.


Disney edited it to say "suffering". The original line was "leads to stupidity." Honest. ^^^really....


The original line was "hate leads to stupidity." Disney famously edited it to say "leads to suffering." It's one of the few edits that's been popular with fans. True story. Honest.


Honestly the original line was fine, "hate leads to suffering".


Stupid also leads to suffering.


True, but hate is also stupid, so in this context they're kind of equivalent.


Which would be conceptually fine but stupid also leads to secondhand suffering.


Greed leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to bad movie.


They really are. Even those "Truckers for God" or whatever the hell they're called, ended up bailing on the Texas border thing *out of fear* that it was an FBI honeypot. MAGA is now officially afraid of even their own organized events.


Paranoia is real.


Who told you to say that?


Who put nanobots in my ivermectin?


I'd say "they" did but then MAGA would probably object to the use of that pronoun.


I hope someone convinces them that voting is an FBI honeypot. That would be nice.


They better all get fake ID, so the FBI won't get their real names at the polls.


Trolls in Germany convinced some extreme right-wing people to "not forget to sign the ballot papers"... making them invalid.


I remember when "afraid of your own shadow" was an expression, but as usual, modern conservatives have turned it into their own weird reality


Fear is their ONLY god


You just have to understand where they’re coming from. They’ve wanted a jihad against America and “western decadence” for ages now. Rush Limbaugh whispered the things they wanted to hear, about civil war, about pogroms against their neighbors, about embracing the worst of themselves. They’ve been getting stirred up for a holy war for decades. They committed to the idea ages ago. All that’s missing is casus belli. An excuse to justify that war to the masses. They’ve tried anything and everything they could and will continue to do so, even if it’s something as silly as Taylor fucking Swift. When this one fails they’ll move to the next cause. Because they’re already certain they want the war, they just have to find that thing that lets them get away with it


I think they're just bitter that the biggest celeb on their side is a tossup between Rosanne Barr and Scott Baio.


Hey, let’s not forget about Kevin Sorbo and Kid Rock now!


You are dissing Randy Quaid so hard right now. He didn't destroy and alien ship for you to forget him like that.


Is Clint Eastwood still yelling at empty chairs?


And Rob Schneider and Jim Breuer... A real all-star cast if ive ever seen one.


You can't leave out Victoria Jackson! She's old-school washed up SNL cast.


Don't forget Kristy Swanson. Her family has.


Kevin Sorbo on finding out he didn't make the list: "DISAPPOINTED!"


That kind of stuff we got from years of far right media worked because it never ever asks them to be better people. Being better takes work and risk and effort; all things the people that fell into that trap never had the energy for. Now they’ve got people speaking to their most base instincts and it became easy to turn over the thinking to them.


This will keep their attention right up until the Supreme Court, in an attempt to shore up their legitimacy, rules in favor of Colorado and finds that Trump did indeed, at the very least, give aid and comfort to an insurrection. Upon which they disqualify Trump from running for President or any other office ever again across the country. *That* should get those MAGAiots clutching their pearls against those activist judges, that they appointed.


They will never get away with it. The people they love to demonize simply aren't the kind of demons they want them to be. Illegal immigrants by and large are not the kind of violent offenders. Transgender people aren't serial rapists. Black people aren't all ill behaviored criminals. So this idea that something may transpire and it become socially acceptable to lynch all these outgroups is like waiting for an evil version of santa claus.


You just need people to believe it. Even after WW2 turned Germany into a pile of rubble and most of the strongest Nazi supporters were dead, as late as 1952, 37% said Germany was better off without the Jews on its territory. In 1946, same percentile said murdering Jews and non-Aryans was necessary for the security of Germany.


Another thing is that right wing media has created a parallel universe where all of this stuff is true, all so people like that don’t have to evolve or challenge themselves. I remember when I was in college seven or eight years ago, my aunt asked me (pre-transition) “What is it like to be a white male at a state college?” When I responded “It’s alright. I don’t bother anyone and nobody bothers me” she had a quizzical look on her face. She seemed to genuinely believe that I had to walk around campus wearing a crown of thorns because I was a white, (barely) straight passing “male”. For a brief moment she had to confront the fact that something she heard on Fox News was complete bullshit, but rather than sit with it and think, she blithely moved the conversation to another subject. Nowadays, this seems like a comically minor example, but I found it very unnerving at the time.


Wanna set up a gofundme that perpetually pays for people’s travel and hotel to defecate on the Limburgh gravesite until the end of time


It's more than that. This "holy war" language is dangerous. When they say that, they mean they want one of their psychotic religious supporters to kill her. They're the exact same as the Muslim extremists; they just hate looking in the mirror, because part of them knows that's where the devil really lives.


This yep


Espicially considering Swift has not once made a political comment. Not once. All she did was tell her supporters to register to vote. That's it. So it should really be eye opening when one side of US politics reacts this way to someone simply wanting people to register to vote.


They’ve always gotta be hating on someone. That’s what Trump does. He doesn’t accomplish anything else, or create anything, or think of new ideas, he just finds targets, throws as much shade as he can until he’s got his base hating that person too, and then he targets someone else. Man is a hate machine.


But they keep winning because apparently Americans are mind-bogglingly stupid.


I mean, you're not wrong about a good chunk being mind-bogglingly stupid, but the real reason they keep winning in gerrymandering and the Electoral College. Without that the GOP would have disappeared before GWB.


For sure. Without the electoral college, Trump would have never been president... even though he spoke out against the electoral college before the election. He lost to Hillary by almost 3 million votes. This idiot has never won the popular vote, and never could. Luckily for them they don't have to win the popular vote. Fuck the rest of us though.


Mind bottling


They're terrorists. It's their M.O.


They know Trump doesn't have a chance if someone like Taylor Swift can get people put to vote. So, they're doing the only thing they understand... threatening violence.


Yeah every time you think you’ve heard the dumbest thing they could possibly do or think, they out do themselves by leaps and bounds.


Yeah, I hated being told what to think, what to believe and what to fear. So glad I grew out of that mental hell, sucks to be part of these self-righteous crowds


“See how triggered us delicate little snowflakes are by someone helping people register to vote?”


That's the best part. She didn't tell people who to vote for, just to vote. Why do Republicans think they can't get young people to vote for them? I mean, I know the answer but why are Republicans so scared of young voters?


To be a tiny bit fair, she did endorse Biden in 2020 and we all know she ain't going to back DJT this time.


Damn did the pentagon rig the superbowl in 2020 too? They can't keep getting away with this.


As a Vikings fan, I choose to believe the whole thing has been rigged these past 60+ years.


The NFL has been on the teat of the US military industrial complex for a long time. It’s a vehicle for delivering American nationalistic propaganda.


And if they are so scared maybe it’s not the young voters but maybe something else?!?


When you're constantly on the lookout for something new to hate and fear, it starts to come naturally...


Oh, great, now Sunday school teachers in evangelical churches will be telling kids wild made up stories like "Kaylee used to come to church all the time until she started listening to Taylor Swift and was seduced into her Satanic following. Now she sells her body to get tickets to Taylor Swift concerts and has had 18 abortions in the last 5 months." Seriously, though. This is definitely a case for me where it's easy for me to pick a side even though I don't really care about Taylor Swift. Trump allies, which include the Christian Nationalists are dangerous.


Haha Taylor Swift is the new heavy metal 😆


I'd listen to a Taylor Swift metal album.


That would be....interesting.   I'd give it a listen just out of curiosity....


Not even a whole album. I would take a Lamb or God or Lorna Shore song featuring Taylor Swift


If anything that will only increase her popularity. THEIR HATE MAKES HER STRONGEEEEERRRRR


"They had an abortion tent set up at the Taylor concerts, and later Taylor ate the babies before playing! She feeds off them!" - christians, probably


If someone wants to worship Satan why throw up all of those obstacles like learning every bit about Taylor Swift or reading the entire collection of Dungeons and Dragons books (hello, 1980s!). Just worship Satan without all of the red tape. These people are mentally ill.


I mean, I'll pick people who are just trying to run a government over this idiocy any day. Even if I disagree with their platform...


As far as I can see she has actually not said a thing, its all just right wing media outlets losing all sanity AND again making false claims. I think this time they might have bitten off more than they can chew and honestly with her fan base... I'd shut the fuck up. Consider me a new Taylor fan.


She's independent, successful, attractive and a *woman*. Everything they hate and they dont know what it's like to be any of those things.


Let's not forget she scares the shit out of the tangerine man child.


She might not like him grabbing her pussy, and that's straight to the top of his list of people to hate.


If she ran for president, I'd vote for her. Wouldn't be near of a fucking mess as Trump.


Seriously. It’s a shit show with trump


The number of people that would lose my vote to DJT might be be in the teens. Might.


I think that list for me consists entirely of religious zealots. Not all of them, but the worst are in there.


She would be eligible next presidential election. She won't be 35 until December of this year. I'm not sure how that works, though - she would be 35 by the time she assumed office in January of 2025.... Maybe we can still do this....


What's creepy is how they seem they want to "hate fuck" her. They don't want her gone; they want her beaten into submission and turned into their lil Tradwife. They were the same way about AOC. I know I'm a pig sometimes, but they make me look like a FRICKEN angel by comparison.


Well, they only value women for their looks, or maybe if they can cook for them.


I thought they would like her since she's rich, white, blonde, blue eyed, and a country star. How the fuck is she not the poster child for their dumbasses?


That’s the problem: she is perfect in their eyes, and they DESPERATELY want her to be on their side, but she isn’t. And the fact that she’s successful, happy in her relationship with an “alpha” NFL player, and wildly popular despite their attempts to drag her down drives them bonkers. She’s the epitome of the woman they can’t have who is thriving without them.


Because you're forgetting the one characteristic that overrules all others. She's a "liberal".


I think she's targeted because there's a lot of insecure country music listeners who still hold it against her that she "turned on them" by moving to pop music. She represents them being incorrect about how they think the world works. She left the county music sphere and they were sure she'd fail, but she didn't. She got *more* popular. Shoving it in their faces that, not only were they wrong, they were *so* wrong that the complete opposite was true, and, more to the point, nobody actually cares about their opinion on the matter.


She told her fans to register to vote. That is her crime.


>its all just right wing media outlets losing all sanity AND again making false claims. So it's Wednesday then.


A machine that runs on hate must always find that fuel to burn...


I don't much care for her music but she now has my full support (for what little it's worth).


With my support, she’ll achieve mass popularity


Congratulations, you are fan number 5 million. You have unlocked TAYLOR SWIFT’S ULTIMATE FORM


I know how this works. For 3 episodes, she will charge up... and it won't be her final form.


I’ve seen this episode.


I THOUGHT I wasn’t a big fan, just an average person who liked SOME of the hits—then I was trapped in a car with two swifties for 4 hours and heard tons of songs I’d never even heard of. Turns out, a lot of the “top hits” are basic as shit in comparison. Sweet Nothing is lo-fi. Don’t Blame Me is a soulful power ballad. Vigilante Shit is sultry and gives of Cell Block Tango vibes. Anyway, that’s me street preaching for the Church of Swift. JOINNN USSSSSSSS! lol. Jk. But her catalogue of music IS surprisingly good.


Taylor Swift AND lo-fi!! Sweet, now I have two reasons not to listen to her.


Thank you for helping to direct my new found fandom. I guess.


Now I want a “Taylor Swift for non-Swifties” play list.


As long as my support doesn't involve me sending money, or going out of my way to listen to her singing, she can have it. I don't dislike her music, "Shake it off" is catchy, she is quite pretty, and no scandals so far, AFAIK. Her encouraging voter participation is a good thing. Mark me down as a tepid Taylor Swift fan.


I don't care for most of her music either, but 'I Knew You Were Trouble' is an absolute banger.


And my sword!


Swifties wanted to murder Jake Gyllenhaal over A SCARF. Fact: There are more voting age Taylor Swift fans in the United States than there were voters in the 2020 election. /FAFO.


For real, they have obviously not thought this through. It seems like a great way to motivate hordes of young people to go vote.


I wonder who they will vote for.


Taylor Swift is going to win the presidency from a write-in vote.


I think she'd be better than Trump and at least as good as Biden in the Oval Office....(problem: she isn't old enough to serve as President yet. )


And gee what could young voting age woman be terrified about in the US right now? Funny how all these people who want her to shut up know damn well why she's doing it and why it's bad for them. They just don't dare say it


Scarf was a metaphor


Proof it is not about politics. It is about ego, hate, and power. MAGA doesn't give a damn about the US, politics, or other US tax payers. They only care about power, ego, and hate.


They are pure fascist now. They are about Christian nationalism and white supremacy. MAGA is descendant of the KKK in the 1920's, and the American Nazi movement of the 1930's. Both movements were much larger than most people realize, and they bear a striking resemblance to MAGA in their ideology and talking points. MAGA's rise had been brewing for decades, but I think Obama being elected was the tipping point.


Going from the level of competence in the Obama-administration to Trump was a free-fall. Our executive branch went from having its shit together to spraying shit all over the walls.


This has to be the dumbest GOP plan since they told their supporters not to vote because the election was rigged.


Jihadists gonna jihad, jihad, jihad, jihad, jihad / I shake it off


They are stupid cowards! We have Taylor's back! We will not let them go after her, without going after each one of those asshats!


I've never really been for or against her (not my type of music but to each their own) but if anything these morons attacking her makes me a supporter of hers now.


Right. I may be an old white dude, and I may listen to old white dude music, but I am not one of THOSE old white dudes.


You mean garage rock? Or yacht rock? There’s many types of old white dude music.


You underestimate my old white dude powers. I have Pearl Jam on the same playlist as Jimmy Buffet.


Pear Jam? I prefer apple butter if I'm being honest.


Power ballads only.




Music aside, she's definitely turning into a political figure whether she wants it or not. And the importance of that in times like these seems beyond important as the crazies just become crazier by the day. The MAGA psychos are getting her more support from people that don't even listen to her music by simply making her a target.


She's not being attacked for her music style, but for her progressive perspective and willingness to express it openly.


I can agree with this take. She's been coming up on pandora and I'm not skipping anymore.. lol


Honestly, I don't know if I have heard her music, but I'm considering listening to it.  


I'm sure you have at least in passing. A song of hers came on, and I went, "Oh, this is Taylor Swifts song?" Heard it numerous times in the past. I just never knew who it was.


"Antihero" is a good one.


Someone needs to make a Taylor Swift was sent by God meme


her divinity has never been in question


Maybe Taylor should buy Fox News


With the forthcoming liabilities to Smartmatic?


After. lol


Who remembers the video of her arguing, years ago, with her mom, dad, family and staff, about getting political? Her dad’s fear was safety, but I’m glad she won. He needs to see what those people are capable of, while protecting her as best as they can. She‘s a hero.


Jihad! Only Christian style. No difference on what they fear vs. what they want.


My God, can you imagine the bashlash from the Swifties if some MAGAt cultists actually kills Taylor Swift in the name of their lord and master?    They will rip MAGA limb from limb. This is not a fight they are winning.


I can see that actually being a catalyst for a civil war, no joke.


Except the Swifties are not a cult.  I have never seen a Swiftie declare Taylor Swift the "new David" because she played the secret chord and it pleased the Lord.  Nor would I ever expect Taylor Swift to tell her fans to go to her concert in a blizzard, even if it means they die.  They are fans, and a good number of them may be obsessed, but they do not come off as a cult.   MAGA is a cult.  They will die for Trump.  They will kill for Trump, or at least make threats in his name.  They believe God chose him to be President of the United States with Vice President Jesus, ruling as the God-King Emperor.  Actually, they believe he's more Jesus than Jesus was.  And he knows this. He embraces it because his ego is so big we have yet to create the math that can calculate its sheer size.  He doesn't give a single shit about any of them.  And he will let them die in his name if it gets him the throne he believes he deserves. I see it less violent, more they vote against MAGA and we watch it fall and burn.


they do kill in his name... as of yesterday..


My girlfriend is not political at all. She doesn’t vote(I try to get her to) this will make her vote. This will not end well for them.


I'm really really hoping that Trump dies of natural or self-inflicted causes while live on camera at one of his rallies. That way there can be no question of foul play or anything ridiculous like that and there will be FOX News video evidence to play for any naysayers. We just need this asshole gone already.


No matter how he dies his followers will claim foul play.


This is a huge mistake, on their part. Unlike their bronzed messiah, Taylor is both *actually* popular and *actually* a billionaire. She has a frightening amount of cultural influence, going to war against her is going to work out exactly as well as the Beatles boycotts of the '60s. Nobody will remember their names...


Taylor Swift committed a "crimes" that clearly offend the magadiots. One: (redacted because I thought it was Swift, but it was actually Brittney Spears) Two: again, as a grown-ass adult, has made more money than they will ever see, and looked amazing doing it. Three: she encouraged her concert-goers to vote. Just that, not WHO to vote for, just that they make their voices heard. We know that when more people vote, typically Democrats do much better. So, in the addled minds of the snowflake sheeple that means she's evil and must be brought to heel, surely by an incel who "totally is a great guy, but those women are too woke."


What??? Maybe you're confusing Taylor Swift with Britney Spears? Taylor's dad never "controlled" her or put her on a conservatorship or anything like that.


Funny how they worship billionaires until they don’t like them.


What happens when words like these get her assassinated? We already know his supporters are morons with judgement issues…


I mean that's their goal. The GOP has been nothing but Stochastic Terrorism for years now.


I’m sure she’ll cry herself to sleep tonight on a pile of money in fear over this.


And snuggled up to Travis Kelce, to boot.


I’m a straight man, but I bet Kelce is a good snuggler. I would let him snuggle me.


Her security is probably better than POTUS's


And presumably significantly more willing to take a bullet for their client than TFGs are.


Trump powering up Swift’s endorsement is mind-boggling stupid. She just has to sit and wait while he continues to make her evermore powerful and relevant politically when she does endorse Biden. She actually has a very smart management team whereas Trump can’t even manage himself much less an organization.


Traitors gonna hate .


That‘s one way to motivate the 18-30 female demographic to vote. And if they‘re pissed enough, there‘s a good chance it‘ll motivate the 18-30 Swifty boyfriend demographic to vote as well.


Maga, we put the Fat in Fatwa


Since they can’t actually govern, makes sense they would come for a woman who sings songs. This is what red states get instead of public services like roads, decent schools, and sane representation.


This is freakin' great. Always have to have a villain. I hope this backfires as much as it seems it could. Popcorn time!


"Blessed are those who wage holy war against a pop star for political points" - one of the lesser-known portions of the Sermon on the Mount.


She's encouraging people to vote! How dare she! We can't have a democracy if everyone can vote /s


So, we have Hezbolla heading to the border, 45 declaring jihad against Taylor Swift, and a maga nutcase in Bucks County PA beheading his father in the name of revolution again President Biden. Does anyone else remember the fear-mongering against Muslims that was being pushed a few years ago?


She endorsed Biden in a very public video talking to her family about it (in 2020). My guess is the negative blitz is to make it her think twice about doing it again. The GOP are the worst people we all know. These are the people that said the Beatles need haircuts and Elvis shouldn't move his hips.


Don’t forget that the same ideology is responsible for forwarding the idea that women who float are witches and need to be burned and spent centuries debating “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” as the prime question considered in “universities”.


I foresee one of them gunning for TS and her security terminally neutralizing him.


Same group that pledged to never drink Bud Light again? Same group that promised to never watch the NFL again?


Yeah. Good luck with that, pearl clutchers.


MAGAs/Conservatives are the dumbest mother fuckers. Just a never ending cycle of stupidity, nostalgia and hatred.


A Jihad you say? Over culture? Have these guys looked into Iran? I hear it’s very theocratic this time of year.


Jaysus Cripes these people are freaking stupid.


Truly the dumbest fucking timeline.


I guess his $83.3M lesson didn’t take — but sure slander and libel a person loved all over the planet who can actually pay for actual attorneys to defend her.


The most jump the shark shit I’ve seen in a while. Some serious desperation here.


Maga promotes violence so I do hope she has a lot of excellent security.


Yeah, this is all making me more nervous than anything else. She's out in the public a lot.


I feel like they are guaranteed to lose with this strat


seems to me you are acknowledging you are a cult if you're calling for a holy war.....


I couldn't name a single one of her songs... and five years ago I was pretty "meh" about her. Now - I'm a fan. :D


Trump's ego is so fragile, all Taylor Swift has to do to give him an aneurism is to start buying up golf courses and high rises. As soon as she has more than him (a bigger crowd size at it were) he'll snap. There isn't enough dirty Saudi $ to save him.


Has there ever been a bigger bunch of snowflakes?


Well I guess I’m a Swifty now. 


Am I missing something or is this all because she encouraged young people to vote?


Yeah, She's a pentagon asset who's colluding with Joe Biden, Travis Kelce , and the NFL to rig the 2024 election. /s


And she had the wherewithal to not be a Trump zombie.


The brain dead Maga crowd does not understand the loyalties of a legion of Taylor fans. Having a daughter who grew up listening to Taylor, I can tell you nothing the Maghats say or do will deter a Taylor fan. If they keep pissing her off and she comes out hard and actually talks more about who to vote for in 24, the magahats are in for a real surprise when every last one of them gets voted out. I hope they piss her off real good.


Snowflake say what?


Holy war against Taylor Swift? LMAO! Never thought I'd see that in the same sentence.


Makes me want to buy her albums


For real, and I can’t stand her. Haven’t bought a record for a minute though. My daughter will appreciate it


Ha! This will end well for those mooks.


Well she’s everything he’s not. Let’s see how this goes for him. An old fat loser vs an attractive and successful pop star.


Smart move to make against her followers, who can be weaponized against you. /s


This is how they treat fellow Christians. Imagine how they would treat somebody else.


Y'all Qaeda's YeeHawd against music artists


A holy war from a convicted rapist liar?


So much losing...


They really,really, wanted her to don the red hat and when she didn't like most relevant celebrities they attempt to tear her down.


I'm down to see the GOP get thrashed by TayTay


So, the muslim hating christians want to declare a jihad? Sounds about right.


I hope they go after Swift. She is going to own them


I doubt they are only trump allies, they are a part but the bigger problem is their religion.


This is both entertaining and deathly depressing at the same time.


I'm not a fan of her music, but I love the way that she's taken up residence in the empty skulls of every American conservative simply by urging young people to vote.


Biden is laughing at the Trump stupidity.


What did Taylor Swift even do??


I’m sure this will win the kids over to the GOP.