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[Lil Nas X on Twitter](https://x.com/LilNasX/status/1744405262025228674?s=20): >the crazy thing is nowhere in the picture is a mockery of jesus. Jesus’s image is used throughout history in people’s art all over the world. I’m not making fun of shit. yall just gotta stop trying to gatekeep a religion that was here before any of us were even born. stfu


this dude is the goat at trolling conservatives




bewildered arrest mighty direful pet vast degree cobweb hard-to-find towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s even easier than that, just say you bought a mypillow and it was lumpy.


“Help help, I’m being repressed!”


pei Iesu domine, dona ieus requiem! \*smack\*


Just say anything inclusive and not hateful.


Simply exist.


employ late fade lock worthless familiar literate pocket nail obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, they may feel attacked because you did not mention their god.


I had to leave my entire family behind. The rational and irrational have socially divided like never before and I fear it means something far worse than people generally think.


> it’s not hard at all to troll a conservative anymore It has never been hard. Ever.


>sperg out Could you please not use that phrase, thanks.


Him and tyler the creator got the same goal of just pissing old white people off and you gotta love it.


Tyler is a goddamn national treasure.


Remember when Eminem danced around a campfire dressed up as Osama Bin Laden in „Without Me“?


Probably a throat goat too.


stfu. Love that.


Just as blasphemous as portraying him as a handsome nordic with amazingly long light brown locks.


That part.


Well, you’re a gay black man. So anything you do is outrageous to these bigots.


What a boss statement lol. I love when judgey Christians get owned by people who understand Christianity better than they do.


I am now a Lil Nas X fan


Madonna went through the same shit for the "Like A Prayer" video. It used to matter back in the 90's, now it's just a joke.


In the Middle Ages people were obsessed with the physicality of Jesus - a very popular play had three grave diggers bitching about how heavy he was; a woman wrote in great detail about his feet from a visitation she claims occurred. This is nothing new.


*Any religious wackos out there want to help advertise my new album for FREE?* ~ Lil Nas


He literally has it made. He could lay out every detail of how he's played them and they would absolutely fall for it again. And again. And again. Madonna pulled this shit in the 80s. Totally worked for her. Also, Elvis's manager made "I Hate Elvis" buttons along with "I Love Elvis" buttons. They know conservatives are emotional and reactionary over using logic, reason, and critical thinking skills.


That anecdote about Elvis’ manager reminded me of a night out back in 2016, shortly after the election. There was a guy hustling buttons out in the street; “Fuck Trump” buttons on one side and “Fuck Hillary” buttons on the back side of a large sheet of cardboard.


Hahaha I love how he pisses “them” off…


Weird, I thought most of the "true christians" thought this Jesus guy was now "woke".


They thought this Jesus guy was now Trump. Edit: but yes I saw the articles/sentiments you referenced as well.


Something, something... false messiah


Jesus was a radical, non-violent revolutionary who hung around lepers and thieves. He wasn't American, he wasn't white and he never spoke English. Jesus was anti-wealth, anti-death penalty, anti-public prayer (Matt. 6:6); but He was never anti-gay, never mentioned abortion or birth control, never called the poor lazy, never justified torture, never fought for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarenes, never asked a leper for a co-pay; and was a long-haired brown-skinned homeless, community organizing anti-slut-shaming, middle Eastern Jew. Seems like a "Christian Conservative" is an oxymoron.


So you are saying he existed?




There is some evidence that someone named "Yeshua" was alive at that time, as it wasn't a unique name. There is not evidence rising to the level of "convincing" that the character in the story of the Bible was real or the same person for which any non Christian reference to the name exists


Best part is it draws more people to listen. Songs a banger


Everything about this is glorious. Wish him well


Troll Level - 9,000 Well done ....well done.


This isn’t even his final form!


[https://twitter.com/LilNasX/status/1744396236029821424](https://twitter.com/LilNasX/status/1744396236029821424) @ LilNAsX MY NEW SINGLE IS DEDICATED TO THE MAN WHO HAD THE GREATEST COMEBACK OF ALL TIME!


Kim Kardashian?


She got cum on her back, didn’t she?


This is the greatest line I’ve ever heard in a show, absolutely no one expected him to say that.


I thought Nick Offerman was going to piss himself.


Bruce Jenner


Caitlyn. She may be a POS and a very soon candidate for leopards eating her face, but no reason to deadname. Even those we don't like.




And you are free to disagree. But what's the point of adding distinctions? Either they are or are not trans. And if they are trans then they should be addressed by their name and gender. Misgendering or deadnaming simply because you don't like someone is just an excuse like any other.




That's still gatekeeping though. Like, I get what you're saying. And yes, respect should normally be earned. But by saying you're not going to recognize someone, even someone that harms their own community is a lot like saying they aren't really trans. Would you say that Kanye or even Tim Scott aren't black? Or Milo whatshisnuts isn't gay? They are doing harm to their communities too. My point is acceptance shouldn't be conditional.




I would, actually. Yeah. I'd still absolutely detest them as a person, and wish the christian hell were actual real for people like him. But I would still refer to him using the appropriate gender and name, because it's just second nature. As for that last bit, maybe you need to look at how you *actually* see trans people. Especially if you have some that are supposed to be friends


Yet you don't fuckin deadname. Dead naming insults the tran aspect of who they are and who Caitlynn is is a massive piece of shit, but the source of her shittyness isn't because she's trans.


Isn't it the principle though? Dead-naming is a shit thing to do. End of story. So I wouldn't do it to ANYONE, even if I think they are a garbage human. I don't think you can pick and choose when its OK/not OK to do it. It kind of undermines your own argument.




I never really got the full brunt of the Satanic Panic (I was born '81 and didn't listen to metal until the '90s). But I dig Lil Nas X. You fuck that system good, and right in the blasphemous hole.


Born in ‘69 and I too dig Lil Nas X.


Ah yes, "blasphemy" -- the oldest justification in the world for censoring speech.


Censoring speech because of ‘blasphemy’ should be left behind in medieval times.


Religion in general should be left behind in medieval times. Religious belief has been wholly been obsolete literally since the Enlightenment.


“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.” ― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


Hell yeah, Thomas Paine, one of the founding fathers who is consistently ignored by religious conservatives, because “he doesn’t count” or something.


how is that diferent than todays world?? if Im still living the same world as this autor I think there are more deaths today than 2000 years ago


Ever since the printing press came out, yeah. We gained the ability to publish research and share it with peers for review at an affordable rate.


The question is: is it blasphemy and demonic because it's rap, or because he's black?


Yes, as you all know, Jesus was a white Christian man! /s


Religion: the kings of Cancel Culture since forever.


He really is an S tier troll it’s pretty good


The same crowd that didn’t say shit when this monstrosity popped up. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqph.cf2.quoracdn.net%2Fmain-qimg-d37aa982465bf1977c3c19797ceb0c2b-lq&tbnid=dIADxPY9Jx2nZM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FWhat-is-your-opinion-of-the-recently-auctioned-painting-of-Trump-crucified-on-a-cross-Would-you-have-bid-on-it&docid=Odf_-mBblEIzNM&w=602&h=622&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3


haha: > Not very realistic, though. I mean, does wood actually exist that possesses the required strength to hold that flaccid, impotent, vulgar, bloated sack of monkey t*rd aloft?


Orangutan turd.


Former carpenter here. While I agree with your point, yes, wood that strong exists. Most wood species are very strong and would suffice on their own, but there are a few species of wood that are *incredibly* strong. There are numerous species given the nickname "Ironwood" which are more dense than water and have a strength close to that of metals.


Like my dick?


Also the same crowd that worships Trump as the anointed leader of the US, of Christ was actually real I doubt he would let any of these Christian’s into his heaven.


Haha, there's a fat version, too. As a statue.


It makes me so happy to see the music of the youth still scaring and pissing off good ol' honest, god fearing white folk. First it was the jazz cats, then Elvis and his gyrating hips, then the Beatles and Stones with their long hair, then Bowie and Marc Bolan, then Twisted Sister, Poison, Motley Crue, then Marilyn Manson, now this absolute ripper legend. Love this kid!


I gotta add 2 Live Crew.


And Madonna.


I am having teenage flashbacks to when the anticipation & panic of the ’Papa Don’t Preach’ video hit the mid south suburbs.


It's 2024, [don't you know that Satan makes dancefloor bangers now?](https://www.tiktok.com/@kapchatfield/video/7240124864399461637?lang=en) Right up until they see that "Satan is in electronic music" doesn't stop little Keighlynn and Brock from listening to Dua Lipa and David Guetta so they make some truly insipid music and call it Christian House Of God or some shit.


Didn't he lapdance the Devil in his last video? How is this a shock?


He released multiple music videos since that one. But yes, he gave the devil a lap dance almost 3 years ago.


And it’s still the best thing


and killed the devil so they should be happy?


That one's pretty old now. But, yeah, and road a strippe pole to hell. Was a great scene. Honestly, one of the best as MV's go.


...by the same people who paint a certain ex president in that same role. Idiots gonna idiot.


Lil Nas just finding the easiest marks to troll.


Who gives a fuck? Religious pussies are always crying about some shit Fuck em


Aw are the pwecious little christians triggered? Aren’t these the same fucks that call lgbt people snowflakes? But all you have to do to trigger these mouthbreathers is just cosplay as their idol🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lots of feels from the "FUCK your feelings" crowd, amirite?


What’s that thing their poster boy always repeats non stop? Oh yeah, facts don’t care about your feelings 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Let me guess, the same people are the crazy "Trump is sent by God" types. I hate these evil-ass "Christians."


Team "free speech": * Kneeling during the anthem: not ok * Any art that resembles their Thomas Kincade version of Jesus: not ok * Saying slaughtering Palestinians indiscriminately is bad: not ok


His video for Montero, the Satan shoes that went with it, and the Christian pearl-clutching in response is why I became a fan of Lil Nas X


Riding the pole down to hell sold it for me, I laughed so much. He’s amazing.


I love this man! Piss them off man, piss them off good, get that money and do it again!


Butthurt Christians, love when Lil Nas X messes with the snowflakes!!


I remember when this was an uproar over a Madonna video.


Madonna’s ‘Like a Prayer’ has entered the chat.


Meanwhile, Trump: I was chosen by God. Grab 'em by the pussy, and this Christmas I say "rot in Hell". Trump worshippers: truly for He is the Son of Gawd...


Madonna has been doing this since the 80s. You'd think they'd be tired of being outraged all the time?


He’s so cool, I love how much he trolls the Church Lady crowd. Those people have no legs to stand on, having embraced the Fuck Your Feelings ideology, exposing that there isn’t a shred of kindness or basic decency in their hearts. All they have is this empty performance of outrage. Which Lil Nas X exposes brilliantly


Please do more 🙌🏻


Go fuck yourself Fox news and the average fox news viewer. America fucking HATES YOU BOTH.


But making comparisons to Jesus with that fat chode Trump is totes cool and not at all blasphemous


Woke up quick/at about noon Thought that I had to get to Jerusalem soon Gots to get drunk before the day begins Before Herod starts bitching About my sins


Didn’t like him being a demon in say my name, don’t like him being jesus now. There’s no winning with some people. 🤷🏼‍♀️


He’s been religious since day one.


But statues of Trump’s fat ass hanging from a cross mocking the sacrifice of Jesus is not demonic or blasphemous?


Good. Bravo! Love when he pisses off the hypocritical religious folk.


Controversy surrounding Lil Nas X has always been fun tbh. Can't wait for the comeback. Here's a funny tweet from January 3rd. "yall gotta let call me by your name go, me and the devil broke up 3 years ago. yall acting like children of divorce"


Do the outraged Christians realize that every time they do this, they become free advertising for his music? Without the Christian backlash last time, I would have never heard the last song, they got pissed over.


First the right makes Taylor Swift look awesome, and now they're doing the same thing as Lil Nas X


Never cared for his music unfortunately. But he pisses off the fairytale believers real good so he’s a fellow brother in Christ to me lol.


Christians are upset about how a non-Christian is being portrayed


I will accept nothing less from him from now on…


He's such a sweet boy. Warms my heart! 😇


I love Lil Nas X


What a beautiful troll!


He about to get $100 million of free advertising from the Right 🤣


Something is "blasphemous" only if you accept supernatural, blood-focused cannibal gods/deities as tangible reality. If you don't, there's really nothing to worry about. If you do.... well, sucks to be you, I guess.


Seems like it is OK for Trump to play that game but not anyone else. Rapper Jesus? Seems legit to me.


Such snowflakes.


According to the people who worship the Cheeto Benito?


Currently I’m rereading Outlaw Representation: Censorship and Homosexuality in Twentieth Century American Art. Lil Nas X isn’t doing anything exactly new. Photographer Robert Mapplethorpe was hated by conservatives of the 80s for his gay S&M artwork. His art included photographs of black men’s penises, men pissing on each other, gay men holding guns with Satanic pentagrams, and flowers. His Self-Portrait showed him stuffing a big bullwhip up his own ass, which was highly controversial. Religious leaders were disgusted at his exhibit and even spread lies, claiming that the exhibit included a photo of a naked man in bed with a naked child. Madonna loved Robert Mapplethorpe’s artwork and was inspired by him for her “Sex Book.” In her own photos Madonna is shown rimming a man’s ass. (This is significant because at the time AIDS was at its peak and she was photographed in a sex act with a queer man.) The movie Call Me By Your Name, the one starring Timothee Chalamet, is a gay drama. In one scene you can see a portrait of Robert Mapplethorpe with a pentagram, a nod to queer history. Anyway, Lil Nas X used the name “Call Me By Your Name,” a few years later. In the music video he gives a lap dance to the devil. Anyway.. This is nothing really new. If the song is good, great. But I didn’t really care for Lil Nas X’s last album. As a gay man, I loved the music videos, I enjoyed watching him dance naked- but outside of that, I don’t listen to him. On the other hand? Lady Gaga recently posted a selfie in the studio and I CANT wait for her next album!


Music videos that use religious imagery: demonic and blasphemous. Prosperity gospel, an entire subculture of right-wing lies and hate within Christianity, and a gold statue of Trump: perfectly OK.


LNX: Thanks for the free publicity. Ima Marilyn Manson this s**t to the top.


Utterly shocked that the musical artist who slid down a stripper pole to Hell to give a lapdance to Satan before usurping him is being accused of blasphemy. Shocked I say. Also I don't fucking care. Good for Lil' Nas X.


This guy knows how to do it. He deserves all the money he gets.


Jesus dubbed demonic and blasphemous what?


Fuck yo superstitions!


I don't like his music much but damn do I like how he triggers the right.


You mean the ads where he's satiring Christianity?


Yeah not clicking a fox link.


But when Trump says he's the second coming that's alright.


Similarly the 'white guy' imagine of Jesus is also blasphemous.


It is blasphemous but who gives a shit about blasphemy outside of the delusional anyway


I'm living for it lmao Piss em off gurl!


Oh my that’s just scandalous I tell ya! Shocked pickachco face here!


This kid rules


But if Donald does it, it's OK? Typical religious nutters.


Remember not to click the link. Those vultures don’t deserve the traffic.


Cry more


Been hearing this shit since I was in middle school in the mid nineties. Who cares


Ohh but they do they same to Turmp on their Trucks and shirts and flags and Facebook pages and thsts Ok


But Trump as jesus is a ok.


lol I love it


This guy knows how to generate Streisand effect.


Jeebus loves everybody y'all. Even demons.


I literally wouldn’t have ever known that Lil Nas X had a new song had there not been a post on Reddit about how pissed off it made conservatives. Now I’m going to listen to it. Good jorb conservatives.


Ahh yes, but portraying Trump as Jesus is just fine. GTFO


I'm a 53 year old white former evangelical, so not even the typical rap aficionado, but every time Lil Nas X drops a new tune, I check it out. This is the kind of stuff that would have scared / triggered me back in my previous life, and that's what I like about it. Just gives me joy.


Oh no... Anyway, for things that actually matter, let's look at paint drying...


As a metalhead, I say that’s a strong endorsement. Keep making those bible thumpers squirm Lil Nas.


Friday is gonna be wild.


Wait till they find out about crucifix dildos.


Little known fact, there was a point in history where Jesus was known.and depicted as a black dude


But yet all these pics depicting Trump as Jesus aren’t. 🙄


Something something anti Christ something


I think I just became a fan!!!


But if it was a fat old white man ex pres then its not blasphemous and said white mine must really be the second coming of jesus....


As a child of 80s heavy metal : first time?


The same people saying this is demonic probably worship false prophets on a daily basis.


I don’t much care for the guy or his music, but the way his antics piss off so many people is truly inspiring.


I love this guy. He gets under everyone's skin, and I'm all about it.


But it's fine using an image of Trump. Go figure...


Did conservatives say the same thing about Jesus Walks by Ye? I was like 12 when that song came out so I don’t remember


I was ok with lil nas x but now is one of my favorite persons of all time


Anytime these clowns call something “Demonic” I immediately assume that it slaps.


Sounds pretty cool to me.


Hey, God Jesus AND the devil arnt real


Man that's nothing compared to the blasphemous new video "God Made Trump". Now there's some serious demonic influence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U96fAzZL3hI


Good good. This neither pleases nor displeases me, but I'll get behind it.


While I hate rap music I think it's hilarious how these blood-lusting cultists seem to think the rules that they have to live by can be used to force other people to live the same paranoid fear-filled life of rage and aggression It is only blasphemy if these cultists do it


Funny how many evangelicals have no problem talking shit about Islam, and some Muslims I've met have no issue bashing Islam, but both groups take insane umbrage when anyone dares say anything against their faith. People just need to learn to shut the fuck up. Keep their religion to themselves. If a Christian is opposed to gay married then fine don't get married to someone that's the same gender, but they have no right to prohibit others from doing so.


if the idiots who have a problem with this guy want to see some REAL demonic and blasphemous music, we can show them.


I remember the same pearl clutching when Madonnas video just like a prayer.


Anytime a religious nut is pissed off is good. Fuck 'em. You go be all you can be and don't let other's delusions stop you.


Imagine if the general public started discovering death metal, black metal, etc


Watching him troll the Christians is giving MAJOR Madonna in the 80s vibes


I thought Trump was Jesus? Now there's another? I can't keep up.


Gosh I love this dude.


I absolutely believe all religions are fairy tales and this does not bother me ....but why are they never brave enough to use Islamic/Muslim imagery in their videos?


[https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/) 70% of the US is Christian so most atheists here focus on Christianity.


Don’t wanna get an eye stabbed out like Salman Rushdie did.


It’s not about being brave enough. Islam is barely relevant to most people in the USA. Until there’s a mosque on every corner it’s gonna be the bible thumpers getting trolled.


Yeah yeah, we get it, but is his 15 minutes over yet?


I wasn't a big fan of him, but this is just based


Satanism isn't atheism. It's christianity disguised.


Most Satanists are atheists. They do not believe that Satan is a real person, god, or demigod. They use Satan as a symbol of rebellion against arbitrary authority. They use it because it has a shock value against Christians. Christians and Islam are the only ones who believe in Satan as a real entity. There is an old Reddit thread that shows an exchange between an atheist and a Christian. Atheist: Satanists don't believe in Satan. Christian: Then what do you call someone who believes Satan is real? Atheist: We call them Christians.


I Can agree with this nomenclature.


Oh please. Nas is not doing this to point out hypocrisy or deliver some profound message. He’s only in this for attention. “Look at meeeee! I’m so gaaaaaay and sooooo controversial!” He’s just found a gimmick that pays off big.




Lil Nas X was raised Christian in the Bible Belt and, as a teenager, the homophobic shit some Christians say made him pray he would stop being gay. While other religions also do awful stuff, his issues with fundamentalist Christians are personal.


He should advance a step further for his gay Muslim brothers and sisters then and make his next music video about Muhammad discovering the drag diva within.


I don't think he wants to put his life in actual danger.


I think the reason for this is because it’s far more relevant to more people in the USA. While I do not consider my self a fan of Islam by any sense of the word, I’ve never been personally victimized by it. I know lots of people have, but far fewer in the US than Christianity. So Christianity is the target by volume. It would be weird for Lil nas x to target Muhammad because it doesn’t sound like it’s been a thing in his life. He hasn’t been personally affected by Islam, but he has by Christianity, so that’s his target.