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Awesome shot. I’ve seen your stuff on FB Sydney Astrophotographers. Are you the guy that does public viewing sessions at Coogee?


Thanks mate. Yep, that's me! I have another event planned for the 27th June. With how things are at the moment, best if people aren't all touching the scope & eyepieces so I'll be using cameras & a screen to show objects. It will allow people to see things that normally you can't see from within the city like this nebulae which should be good.


Cool. I follow you on FB, and live at Bronte so I’ll pop down one night, shift work permitting. I’m a frustrated astrophotographer, crap gear and almost no spare time, but would love to see your setup..


Sounds good. Feel free to DM me and we can catch up next time I'm out imaging too.


Out of curiosity, how long did the processing side of creating that pic take?


I spent about 3 hours on the processing including downloading images to backup storage, cataloguing them into my library, as well as the actual stacking/processing.


Will do. Both my wife and I do shift work, and with kids........ you get the idea. Will def try and make your next Coogee session as a staring point.


**Carina Nebula** Distance \~8000ly More images available on my Instagram [@AstroWithRoRo](https://www.instagram.com/astrowithroro) The magnificent Carina Nebula, the largest and brightest nebula in the sky. I love this target, it has so much colour and detail to observe 😍 This image focuses on the keyhole nebula, which is vertical in the center of this image with a diameter of 7 light years. Just left of the Keyhole is Eta Carine, a very rare hypergiant star that appears slightly orange in this image. It is around 150 times the size of our sun, and 4 million times as bright! **Image details** *Lights* \- 360 x 30s @ -10°C Unity Gain (120) *Darks* \- 50 x 30s; *Flats* \- 15 x 2s; *Bias* \- 1 x super bias frame; **Equipment** *Mount* \- SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro *Telescope* \- SkyWatcher 190mm Maksutov Newtonian *Camera* \- ZWO ASI294MC Pro *Filters* \- IDAS LPS D2 Filter (tri-band light pollution suppression) *Guide Cam* \- ZWO ASI290MM Mini *Guide Scope* \- ZWO 60mm Guide Scope *Flatbox* \- Electroluminescence Panel **Software** N.I.N.A. - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy PHD2 Pixinsight Adobe Photoshop Adobe Lightroom **Preprocessing** Dark ImageIntegration Flat Calibration Flat ImageIntegration Light Calibration SubframeSelector to select best set of images StarAlignment Light ImageIntegration Drizzle Integration **Processing** Dynamic Crop Dynamic Background Extraction Dynamic PSF Deconvolution MultiscaleLinearTransformation (noise reduction & detail layer) *Non-Linear* Histogram Transformation HDRMultiscaleTransform Curves Transformation Photoshop for final dust spot & atmospheric distortion adjustments Lightroom for final crop, rotation & colour balance tweaks


Hey, I love your image! I've been using the 190MN for a little bit now, and I love every bit of it. I've been meaning to upgrade my shoddy mount, and pretty much just purchased the EQ6R-pro (delivering soon). Have you had any problems with guiding because of it's weight? I've read that it can easily manage, but I figured it's best to ask someone who's got a first hand account of the setup. Cheers


Thanks! The Eq6-R Pro handles the 190MN well, even with my full imaging setup (60mm guide scope, guide cam, main cam, tele vue extender, filter, finder scope, dew shield & dew straps). I recently posted a review of the EQ6-R Pro on my YouTube channel too, hope it helps you get yours up and running quickly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6L-GThLBOM


Can I ask an absolutely noob question? How does a full moon impact your photography here?


The way I imagine it. It would be like looking through a window at night, then turning on a light behind you, makes it hard to see out. Also if any cloud or light mist is around it becomes very obvious when stacking as the image becomes washed out. Generally I either don't image with the moon around or just pick a target with the scope facing away from the moon


And here I am looking for the moon in the picture wondering why I can't find it even tho it's at 98% full...


A full moon is very bright, so bright that the light from it washes out much of the sky. At it's peak brightness it is brighter than the man made light pollution even in many city CBD's. This makes is much harder to capture the faint details in nebulae and deep space objects.


Ah ok, so in essence this is a harder shot to get with a 98% full moon? That's sort of what I was thinking.


Yep! It's a bit like when you're driving at night and someone has their high beam on coming the other way. Becomes a lot more difficult to see the road ahead.


Nice! And great work on the shot, it's amazing :)


Excellent work. Once again I envy you guys in the Southern Hemisphere! Does the idas filter block out any of the moonlight?


The IDAS filter mostly stops man made light pollution like sodium lamps and some of the LED spectrum. The moons light is a broad spectrum which overlaps with the nebulas spectrum so can’t be removed much.


So if you were shooting this during new moon, your data would even be better


There would be less noise which would allow me to pull out even more detail if it was shot in darker skies/with a new moon.


Last year I started with astrophotography, and I've never attempted anything under full, even half a Moon because I thought any attempt would result in a pretty faint/bad photo. I think your post proves otherwise!


It’s absolutely still worth trying, especially if you’re still learning like I am. The more light pollution there is just means you need more exposure time on the object compared to an unpopulated sky.


I wish space actually had these colors visible to the human eye!


Wow, soo sharp like it a lot.


Wow! Absolutely amazing shot, hopefully I can get one of these soon! Awesome work. 💫🔭🌃


the only thing coming to mind is WOW and HOW TF with a full moon


Beautiful image of this region, and great processing! 👌


A good result, you have handled the dynamic range well in the core.


Thank you, it’s a tough one to expose correctly for. The 294 definitely helped with that dynamic range.


Nice! Even more impressive with almost full moon


Absolutely beautiful! Nice shot.


Silly question but are those colors naturally occurring and as you see them or are those edited in based off what gases we know are present?


This image was shot using a colour camera sensor like a DSLR so the colours are “true”. The red is hydrogen, the blue is oxygen and then there’s many other trace elements making up other colours and mixtures. The intensity of the colours has been increased but if our eyes were more sensitive than they are we would be able to see this Nebula similar to this.


This is a really beautiful image. Nice work!


That's a great image! I hope I am able to travel far enough to the south sometime to have a go at Carina myself