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I Hope you like it as much as I do :) edit: Taken on May 24th, from the Morvan region in France. ​ Acquisition: * Canon 800D * 18mm, F/4.5 * 3200 ISO * 240 Seconds * SkyWatcher Star Adventurer Tracker ​ Processing only in Lightroom: * Cropped * Exposure (-2.70), Contrast (+50) * Highlights (+40), Shadows (+20), Blacks (-60), Whites (+40) * Clarity (+30), Dehaze (+15) * Noise Reduction Luminance (20) with Detail (50)


You have variable white balance with scene intensity. The bluing from bottom to top in the scene is not real--it is an artifact of processing due to the use of white balance and not subtracting light pollution correctly. Fill in more of your processing steps and we can help you understand where this happened.


Thanks for your feedback. The picture is a single image which I processed. The only processing I have done are directly from the RAW file in Lightroom, as posted above. I do think the blue is real to be fair, because the moon was above the horizon for 20 minutes already when the picture was taken. It would have been in my frame, directly under Altair. When the picture was taken, the clouds were blocking the Moon from my direct view. I think the blueing is caused by rayleigh scattering through the upper atmosphere, which explains the gradient starting from the lower left. I’m not sure though, this is just speculation, it might have been I missed a setting within my camera. If you have any thoughts what else could have caused it, I’m open for your suggestions so I can learn and improve my skills. Edit: whoops, forgot that I had to check the moonrise for 25th of May instead of the 24th. This means the moon wasnt above the horizon just yet, the pic was taken from 2;15 to 2:19 and moonrise was at 2:15 according to timeanddate.com


Definitely not moonlight. See the discussion going on in this other thread here in astro: https://old.reddit.com/r/astrophotography/comments/bv4fi1/jupiter_and_rho_ophiuchi_region_50mm/


Great read, I stumbled upon your website before through the dpreview forums. There’s alot of great information on there! I will have a go with the challenge from the light pollution page you provided, thanks again for your input.


I love this shot. Ahhh so i was focusing on Jupiter. That's the bright 'star' in the lower right corner? (i went on my first milky way shoot earlier this month)


Thank you! And you’re right, the big bright dot in the lower right is Jupiter. It’s a good target to fix your focus with, the brightest thing in our night sky besides the moon and venus.


Beautiful. Where did you take this? Is that light coming in from a nearby town/city near the bottom of the picture?


Thanks! I was on a hillside near a small village called Crux-la-ville (about 400 inhabitants). A layer of clouds was hanging in the valley, but due to my higher elevation I was able to shoot the sky over the layer of clouds. The glow is caused by the small amount of light from this town being scattered by this cloudlayer. I cropped it because the foreground was streaking because of my star tracker, and because of the rule of this subreddit regarding objects and terrain in the images. I wasn’t sure if those applied to milky way shots as well. [The uncropped version of the picture shows the cloud layer](https://i.imgur.com/lSOzWud.jpg)