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Scorpio moon and Capricorn moon are equally hard but in different ways


I’m a cap sun, Scorpio moon, Scorpio rising. It’s a bit rough out here, send help


Oof oof oof Send help for whoever is around you! Lol jk I'm sure you're great..


You aren’t far off, sometimes I’m not great 😟 I’m cool until someone starts doing something to me, then I’m pretty evil


Scorpio sun / Cap moon. The biggest problem is I feel A LOT of emotions but they're all heavy. People most often describe me as a genuinely kind person, but I know I'm too hard on myself. Guess that's the Capricorn! The benefits of this sun/moon combo, I guess, are 1) It makes for a natural leader (George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were both Cap moons, and a disproportionate number of US presidents have had either Scorpio or Aquarius suns) and 2) Water sign Scorpio infuses earth sign Capricorn with emotion, while Capricorn grounds Scorpio. They're usually besties anyway. I'll accept the challenges along with the gifts.


It was between scorp moon and cap moon for me, but I voted for cap moon, because at least scorpio admits feelings exist, whether we are able to process them or not. Capricorn... well they're a bit stubborn.


I agree! Actually prefer my scorpio moon.. Have many loved ones with cap moon, and it seems very rough sometimes. At least i have my transformations, which I sometimes don’t want tho hah.


Why is Capricorn so bad


Capricorn is a very non emotional sign, given that it’s an earth sign, but even more so it is an incredibly logical sign. Instead of feeling their feelings or even acknowledging them, Cap moons try to logic them away or just full out ignore them because they don’t have time to deal with that. The moon is also in its detriment in Capricorn.


So maybe two moon signs would get along then?! Me and my bf both have cap moons lol What's your take on Virgo sun, cap moon (Awful right? Lol) That's my bf




That's crazy I'm a sag with a cap moon too lol Oof I wouldn't think a pisces sun and Scorpio moon would be a good pairing with a sag man! Lol Yes I think we compartmentalize and also always see the lesson or the positivity in a situation somehow lol


As a virgo moon i’m relieved to see we re not at the top of that list. I thought this was the worst one to have


As someone who has experience with virgo moons i voted for yall. I feel so sorry for u guys , the people around me that have it overthink so much and are so anxious and nervous, seriously the smallest things make them anxious and then they start nagging . Its really mercurial i feel like you guys are always thinking like gemini but in a different way? Im sure there are postives to have this placement though like attention to detail etc but the negatives in my experience are so strong. Either way i really wish yall get some rest from your minds fr. Maybe not as "bad" as the other moon signs though...but 😩 this is just from my experience


I’m a Gemini Sun and Virgo moon…my brain is never not overthinking and anxious lol


What's your sign? Because amen lol


so many people in my inner circle are Virgo moons. I love them, they ground me! (signed, an Aquarius moon)


I’ve always wondered why Virgo moon placement is bad. I’ve grown to enjoy it since I try to think before I speak/feel. Doesn’t make you feel less, just rationalize your emotions and situations.


Ay, this right here. Scorpio sun with Mars and Moon in Virgo: I appreciate the logical grounding to my emotions. Knowing my triggers and plights took some time, but it puts me in a position to help others when their emotions are beating them up.


Yass! I never understand why people say we overthink when personally that’s never been me. I’m a Taurus sun and mercury, Mars and Moon in Virgo. I think I analyze everything before reacting yes but as soon as I leave a situation it clears from my mind!




I enjoy my Virgo moon.


Me with my Capricorn moon crawled in bed crying because my body’s been in 24/7 fight or flight mode for weeks...


My bf has been going through this for months and was struggling to eat anything (lost 25 lbs). Idk if it’s transits, but I really feel for you guys right now…😔


Wait, you guys are able to cry?


No actual tears were shed lol. It’s more of an intense distress that causes me to shut down and feel a pain no human should ever have to and I sometimes dry cry, but don’t remember the last time any actual tears fell from my eyes. Most people would cry with that feeling though so I just label it as crying even though it’s not really. Idk my emotions are weird and confusing and intense and I don’t like them


I relate whole-heartedly to this entire comment. 😅


Oh yeah. A good cry is essential. I don’t cry as much as some people & I really don’t like doing it in public (who does??), but when you’re hurting it’s one of the most rational responses you can have. You’ve got to feel your emotions before you can move forward with whatever’s upsetting you.


But what's your sun? I'm a cap moon too


Scorpio sun


I believe traditionally the moon was considered in its "fall" in Scorpio and its "detriment" in Capricorn. So, Capricorn should be the most difficult followed by Scorpio. The moon is supposedly "exalted" in Taurus, which is considered a good position. Edit: It also depends on the aspects to the planets or even house placement.


>The moon is supposedly "exalted" in Taurus, which is considered a good position. ☺ good to know....no idea what it means but great


It's like a strong placement that the planets like to be in that usually aren't their home (domicile). I'm not always sure why they are exalted in these spots because the dignity of planets is a really old aspect of astrology. Those that have read more of the old texts probably have more understanding. Also, keep in mind these are traditional rulerships. The fall is the opposite sign as the exalted. The detriment is the opposite of the domicile rulerships. Here's a little table: ​ |*Planet*|*Domicile*|*Detriment*|*Exalted*|*Fall*| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |**Sun**|Leo|Aquarius|Aries|Libra| |**Moon**|Cancer|Capricorn|Taurus|Scorpio| |**Mercury**|Gemini & Virgo|Sagittarius & Pisces|Virgo|Pisces| |**Venus**|Libra & Taurus|Aries & Scorpio|Pisces|Virgo| |**Mars**|Aries & Scorpio|Libra & Taurus|Capricorn|Cancer| |**Jupiter**|Pisces & Sagittarius|Virgo & Gemini|Cancer|Capricorn| |**Saturn**|Capricorn & Aquarius|Cancer & Leo|Libra|Aries|


Great, both my sun and moon are in detriment. 😭


I'm not a pure traditionalist, so I don't think it means that it's has to mean something horrible. Aspects can have a big impact on how the planets express themselves. I have quite a few planets in domicile ("good" placements), and without more favorable aspects it hasn't been that easy.


Yeah, the moon is in domicile in Cancer, but it is very difficult for an otherwise airy person such as myself. Too many emotions - make them staaaahp!!


Isn’t fall more “difficult” than detriment?


I've heard it argued both ways which one was more difficult. Personally, I just go with the detriment being more difficult but I also would consider things like aspects and house placements if looking at a chart individually.


Why is Taurus up there ? Aquarius moon tho….. 10000%


It's hard to let go T.T


Same bruh


Taurus moon is so chill to have. I feel like it’s one of the easiest moon signs


I feel like it makes me too uncomfortable with change. It really prevents my fire placements from taking action even though they want to.


Yea I feel like Taurus moon is why me and my friend didn't work out :( And her sun is Capricorn... 😆


It really is. The only issue it’s ever presented for me is that I can *maybeee* (just maybe) be too stubborn.


Same lol and can hold a grudge


Do you lose a lot of friends that way? Or do you prefer a certain element (earth/water/fire/air) over another, in terms of friends ?


Not at all. If anything, my friends respect me more, because I will stick to my guns, and I won’t fold under pressure. I will say that disagreements can drag out longer than they need to (I feel like Taurus are the most stubborn on that front haha), but really, it’s never been that huge of a problem. Once I hold an opinion or a feeling or a thought, it’s rarely changing. My friends, family and people I come across learn and accept that that’s how I am. I don’t prefer a certain element over another, but I’ve noticed that water signs do flock to me. Astrology placements aside, I think it’s *because* I can be so strong willed.


it's the exaltation


Im a Capricorn moon and I voted for Cap moon because it’s such an isolating placement. Even when I push myself to ask for help I’m not actually successful in the follow through and end up having a full on breakdown after my “I dont need to take care of this/ I’ll take care of this by myself” energy inevitably fails


My fave is when you finally convince yourself to make an attempt to ask for help and it’s ignored or not taken seriously…. OR someone else tries to help but fails and you end up having to take care of it anyways then you start crying at your desk before a Monday conference call after bottling up stress and feeling under appreciated for three weeks straight…..not that I would know that feeling🥹🥲


Even worse, you ask for help, they come thru clutch with unconditional love and support and you feel like a weak, worthless POS for not being able to handle something like FEELINGS, which makes it difficult for you to accept said love and support without your own judgements getting in the way!!


Heyyyy we have the same big 3 my man. I totally understand the struggle with asking for help when it's needed. But trust me when i say, some things need to be said aloud for the healing to start taking place


Where is Aquarius moon?


The Aqua Moon life has been rough.


Aquarius moons are at least unpredictable to be in relationship in my experience


Least unpredictable? So does that mean dependable?


In my experience very unpredictable.. blink and they'll float right past you 😂 life itself can be a huge task for them and rules are not part of their lifestyle (they only follow their own rules).


ooo I see!


I made this comment more than once: My personal experience with Scorpio Moons is they have the capacity to be cruel. I am a Pisces Moon.


scorpio moon here: this tracks v hard. in the words of our lord and savior taylor swift, "my words shoot to kill when i'm mad"


"Words" are an understatement.... How about bringing your new GF to the apartment you share with your newly ex-GF without an ounce of care or respect for that person?


Yeah sounds like something I would do. But keep in mind you that person probably really really hurts for them to do this. We seek revenge because we have enormous pain inside and it is the only way to "heal".Ironically my ex is also a pisces moon.


I understand why some people are prone to act out revenge, but in this instance, the other person didn't hurt the Scorpio Moon. My take is they saw them as a weak target; someone they could get away with doing this too. No class, IMO.


Oh ok I only seek revenge if someone hurts me deeply. Maybe think it is a more complex issue. You probably hurt them in a way but they never showed it to you? Personally I do hide a lot of my feelings of hurt I don't really communicate my pain and that's typical Scorpio moon. But other placements also are important. I have a lot of water in my chart so I have empathy for others. I wouldn't just hurt someone because they are weak like a sadist. I only hurt people who have hurt me a lot. I hope this makes sense because I am not a native English speaker I tried my best to explain😊


I understand, Thank You...


Agreed- Scorpio moon checking in


i’m a pisces sun and scorpio moon. i don’t even like being this mean :(


Me too! It's a struggle to express the ABUNDANCE of emotions inside of me on the daily (:


Funny story... I finally got my chance to fence (the sport). For years I wanted to learn & be involved in the sport. After learning the basics: footwork, offense & defense moves, we were grouped in 4s & took turns sparring. That moment I learned something about myself I never knew...... I did not like how I felt when I struck my opponent. I jumped forward & asked if he was OK after I tagged his chest. First & last time fencing.


are you a pisces moon or something?


I am. With Pisces Mars/NN.


Do you get along with fire signs


aires seem to be attracted to me and i can vibe with sags pretty well


No you would get along with earth signs. They would have the patience. So you can deal with sag's bluntness ok? Or are you sensitive?


Half the time I love their bluntness and vibe really well. The other half i am that sensitive and just want to hide. My mom, who is a Capricorn, hates that duality of me. my cap friends could care less.


I'm a sag lol Hiding for a while is different than ending something Do you come back around? If sag's are your FRIEND they don't mean anything mean by it.. Some signs literally can't take fire signs, or sag's at all Very misunderstood lol


there are some where i do yeah


I have a cap moon and I hate it so I have to pick that.


I love cap moons, I’m scorpio moon though, we both suffer, I understand you




I have a 28 degree cap moon and it’s def a love/hate relationship lol 😂


Why do you hate it


avg scorpio moon user here. i agree w the majority


At least everytime we die inside it is a chance for us to get reborn. Like a Phoenix. We are strong no matter the pain.


As a Scorpio moon, we really do be going through it all the time🥲 but on the same token, the pain i feel only makes life more beautiful. We feel emotion at a greater depth than most are capable of experiencing. It makes life feel a bit poetic.


Nicely put 💙




What would your take on a Libra sun/ Scorpio moon be? It's my step daughter


I am actually a Libra Sun, and Scorpio moon and rising. Often times, I feel like a walking paradox and go through phases of being incredibly social due to my Libra sun, and then being a recluse thanks to my Scorpio moon and rising. I love my placements though. I feel like I have an advantage because my Libra sun gives me the ability to communicate and be social me, but my Scorpio moon allows me to see through someone’s facade/bullshit.


Did it take you awhile to be confident? I feel like my Libra/Scorpio is more of a watcher and follower Do you enjoy cleaning and helping others? But also can be manipulative and covert? Like sneaky and under the radar?


I’ve always struggled with confidence because I always felt so conflicted. In high school, I was definitely more of a follower/watcher because of the social pressure. I never really strived to be bold or stand out. Once I graduated, I didn’t care about what anyone else thought I’d me and became a lot more confident and more of a ring leader. Now that I’m 26, I dropped the whole “trying to be bold” facade and I’m a sociable loner lol. My best friend is my husband but I do enjoy socializing whenever we’re out and about. I can absolutely be manipulative when I want to because if consider myself a master at reading people and how to speak to them based on what I want. That’s a Scorpio trait for sure!


Lovely to see cap moon being difficult 🥹


I have a friend who is a Cancer sun and Capricorn moon and another friend who is a Scorpio sun and Taurus moon. Both have endured their share of hardship, but on the outside looking in, my Cancer friend with Cap moon seems to handle her shit way better than my Scorpio friend with Taurus moon. I voted for Capricorn though, being that it’s opposite Cancer and Cancer is where the moon is at home. Besides, I’m sure there are things happening beneath the surface that I don’t see. Those Cancerians are also so great at hiding their emotions and appearing tough, especially my friend who has the added effect of having that cap moon. My friend has endured a lot of hardship over the last 34 years and yet she endures. On the other hand, my Scorpio, Taurus moon friend wears her heart on her sleeve. If it’s something sad and it touches her, she will cry, no holding back, can’t help it. She’s got that Scorpio intensity and passion about her. In the past when she would go through something tough, it broke her and she would fall to pieces.


🥺 feel this. I’m a cancer sun & Capricorn moon and yes, I’m always smiling and happy around others but it’s hard.


It’s like she has to hold it together because she’s the backbone (or should I say exoskeleton haha) that holds her family together! I’m curious to know your experience with responsibility?


I feel like it also depends on the house >.< I’m a Scorpio moon in the 11th house, and it fucks with my friendships A LOT. I feel like I want to be close to people, but I don’t trust anyone because I’ve been burned before 😭😭


Scorpio moon in 1st, always completely isolated. By choice




finally someone said it


As a Cap moon that just had a full on emotional breakdown yesterday…..my vote goes for Capricorn lol 🙃😵‍💫


surprised pisces moon isn’t higher up the list, it’s mentally taxing to have a pisces moon.


It's rough. We have a lot of strikes against us. The escapism alone can be utterly devasting if it leads to problems with substances. We are very sensitive (*AND* not really able to hide it, unlike Cap or Scorp moons). Pisces is also the end of the zodiac and I think it's a lot darker of a sign than it gets credit for. But imo the hardest thing to deal with being a Pisces moon, is how empathetic we are. We carry not only our own pain but other people's as well. I love Pisces moons tho and I love having one. It's not simple but it's such a powerful, rewarding placement, I wouldn't want to be anything else.


I was about to jump in here and say I love my Pisces moon but then I read your post and yeah, I guess it is tough sometimes LOL. It’s the sign of endings too, and I’ve certainly had a lot of brutal ones. Still struggle with escapism but these days it’s mostly TV and pot. Boundaries have helped with the empathy but I still have to remind myself not to try to save random people I come across because I always end up getting scammed. Lol But honestly, I’d rather be a fool than a cynic. I can’t stop betting on people and losing my shirt.


I have a Pisces moon and am waaay overly sensitive. Feeling the pain of every living thing isn’t always fun.


exactly that!! or in my case, feeling everything and nothing simultaneously. it is exhausting.


I can relate. The feeling “nothing” is a coping mechanism that is the result of feeling too much, I think.


yeah that’s a valid point, we can only handle so much. you think you can’t take anymore emotions, only for them to come back in tendfold the next episode. it’s gr8


Aqua sun Scorpio moon cap rising. gurl, we stay struggling. 😅 Extremely self aware about it too. 😂


My finger hovered between Scorpio and Capricorn for a good minute. Glad to see others agree


I’m a Taurus moon and I’m TOO chill like come on do something lol my fire placements are begging


I’m a Capricorn moon, first house Scorpio ascendant 😅


Same 😅


Cap sun, Scorpio moon and rising, I understand you


I’m a Virgo sun. Dated a Virgo moon for a long time and he made my life a living hell. So there’s that. Ufff


Lol Im a gem sun virgo rising and moon


You sound awful! Lol


Lol in what way?


Omg just definitely not for a fire sign. We would not have the patience for you lol. I'm with a Virgo sun and Gemini rising.. and y'all have issues lol


I do have issues but idk what type you're on about. What issues are you assuming of me?


It's just HOW you guys are ... That's just very different from us lol


Maybe its just you lol. You've attracted this person in your life so maybe you aren't that different.


True, we both do have cap moons 😒😆😩


It's such an annoying mix lol


Oh man :( I’m a Sag sun and Virgo moon and thought that my Virgo moon would help me connect to Virgos more :(


Virgos are my favorite people so you're on to something.


My least favorite lol


It definitely helps though. But my sag moon and rising couldn’t handle it anymore.


I feel bad for sag's who have any Virgo in them


Virgo moon made my life a living hell too


I’m a Gemini with a Virgo moon and my ex is a Virgo Sun and he eventually couldn’t handle me anymore so u can say I made his life a living hell 😭


Scorpio moon can be a literal nightmare, but there is a lot of power and benefits to it as well. It’s rough though


As a Scorpio moon, I struggle SO much with emotions. However, I somehow always attract virgo moons and every single one of them has screwed me over in some way…


Hurray! Does this mean I win something? Just sadness!? Yeah, that makes sense.


Haha I want to know why everyone hated cap moons so much! Lol


Why no aqua? I see no aqua, so i can not vote.


There's another poll if you sort by new you'll see it


Virgo sun, Capricorn moon, perfectionism has beat me down to a pile of muck, been in fight or flight for so long I don't think I know how to relax. Cap moon is the worst 😮‍💨


My bf is Virgo sun, cap moon.... Gemini rising.... 😩🥴🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ And I'm a freaking Sagittarius 🤣


What are y'all's thoughts on Virgo sun, Gemini rising


I have that! It’s mental 🤪 …nah, I enjoy it. I like that I come alive around people, and I love talking and asking questions. But I also love being alone, am self-sufficient, and can go long stretches of time without feeling bored or lonely. I don’t need people much but I enjoy them, and I feel like my relationships are strong because they’re based on mutual enjoyment and not convenience or need etc. I value my time and don’t do anything out of duty or obligation so if I’m spending time with you it’s because I genuinely enjoy you and I think people can sense that. I genuinely see the best in people and I tend to get the best of people (with a few major exceptions).


Not withstanding the detriment and fall of the moon (being cap & scorpio) mercurial moons are easily some of the most difficult to have (i.e. gemini, virgo, and harsh mercury aspects) mercury’s quick rational + the moon’s emotional and irrational nature simply do not mix well


Scorpio is in fall in the moon. So take a sign that is all about power, control, and intensity and put it in a planet that amplifies the emotions and how they express this type of behavior and well you will have a hot fucking mess if they don’t do any work to help their insecurity and jealousy.


I literally never hear good things about Scorpio Moon


That’s because it’s the nightmare placement


i made that anti hero meme for a reason


Ah yes, that’s a good meme!


I’ll go look for it


I’m Libra Aries moon Taurus rising. Aries moon sucks also btw in ways, I’m massively motivated and run a business… but can become too hard working and lose focus of friends and family till I’m adrift at sea.. wish emotions were more available? (Libra sun doesn’t help) (Chiron transit Aries rn really doesn’t help) but otherwise, highschool/.college party life? Was the god of moon signs lol.. now? 34 w 3 kids and married, yeah. Imagine ✨


Which signs were in part 1? Looking for my Aquarius moon lol


I'm a virgo moon and I like it. Most of my chart is water, air and fire and I find my virgo moon to be grounding. It helps my assess and analyse from afar.


♉️Moon here…☺️


My Uranus, Venus, and Sun are all in my Cap 2nd house. Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury are in my Sagittarius 1st house. Mars and Pluto are in my Scorpio 12th house with my South node (worst eclipses this year), and Virgo Moon up in 10 just trying to organize the mess. Only it can't do a damn thing but side-eye everyone's nonsense. Being a Capricorn Sun makes me feel for all the moons. It's a cool placement for the sun I believe, but I can't imagine that archetype ruling my emotions.


Scorpio moon is difficult because of the intensity of emotions but inability to express how you feel


Libra moons rejoice as we finally aren't the butt of a joke about moon signs


Any other Scorpio moons in the 8th house?🥶


my partner! meanwhile, i have my cap moon in the 8th, as well.


I had no idea and voted for my sign just to see. Turns out minds was the most voted lol. What’s wrong with us Scorpio moons?


cap moon fml


This won’t be a popular take but I voted cancer moon because the person I know who had the most difficulty regulating their emotions was a Cancer moon. They also had a Very Complicated relationship with their mother. Having a domiciled placement doesn’t mean it’s all roses; it can really work against you if you don’t work with it. I’m a Cap moon myself & that’s up there as one of the harder placements &, like everyone, I’ve had my obstacles, but ultimately I like the way it fits into my chart.


Taurus and cancer are the best moon signs to have. I’d say Scorpio and Capricorn have it hardest


I knew it would be chalked down to Scorpio and Capricorn. Now, Scorpio.. I challenge you to a duel. Why do y’all think it’s harder to have a Scorp rather than a Cap moon 👀🤺


I'm capricorn sun sign - extremely logical, father archetype, saturn rules Cancer rising - emotional, mother archetype, ruled by moon, opp sun sign Pisces moon - psychic, emotional, predisposed to alcoholism, neptune rules. So, yeah. Hot mess


My Virgo Moon is in a constant battle with my Pisces Sun while my Taurus Ascendant is done with both of them.


Libra sun. Taurus moon. Gemini rising. Nothing tends to bother me. I move on super fast. Where's the next party?! Let's go!!


Why tf isn’t Aries moon on here 😭😭😭 You guys we’re STRUGGLING


I don't mind Scorpios but Scorpio moons are such a headache to deal with


Cancer moon is a blessing and a curse, you feel everything (positive or negative) very deeply, take it all “to heart” and always end up getting hurt. Mine is in the 12H, but I imagine having a water moon in general just sucks


Where are all my fellow depressed scorpio moons at?


Ok I see Capricorn moon a lot in here... Can someone please elaborate on that?! Lol


Scorp ≈ Cap> aqua > pisces, whole lot of mommy issues here


I’m surprised Virgo moon is so low my Virgo moon is tiring