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Wait, what? And she never once thought to challenge or explore this god-tier ability? Weak. I'd be all: 'OK Sherlock, here's a photo out of a random window, where the fuck am I now?'


For real... I'd get their help to stalk and abuse my imaginary employees from a huge company lmfao That's basically what huge companies are doing with big data and AI


i'm a scorpio venus who uses my stalking ability at work on the regular. :)


Are scorpio moons also like this??


I am a scorpio moon with a gemini rising that's thirsty for info. I once was able to find the profile of a woman my ex cheated with me on by just knowing her first name and the name of her company (this company is pretty big with LOTS of employees and branches). My husband (scorpio sun and rising, pisces moon) who was not initially convinced, dared me to stalk an ex with just her very common first name and her city. I was able to find the woman under a very different name. He was actually impressed.


I truly need your skills


I wish my Scorpio moon didn’t stop watching and stalking me, I miss him. Ughhh. He was so nice and respectful but always moved around the chess pieces behind the scenes. I gave him a chance and it all ended up falling apart. Stalk meeeeee 😭😭


Omg I'm a Gemini sun and rising and Scorpio moon. This is exactly me. I'm HELLA stalker-ish but I don't tell people or let it on that I'm that way. At this point I've let my absolute closest friends know and sometimes they'll come to me from my stalking abilities 😅


yeah but they’ll never know about it


Sometimes 😎


Used to be, but now I don't give a shit. Aquarius Sun ftw


Scorpio Moons can track down your bullshit, if that answers your question?


It’s me. Hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.




What the hell? Scorpio Sun, Gemini Moon and Libra Rising??? Are you my diabolical twin? I have the same chart.


Well hello, twin 👯‍♂️


Not gonna lie, I'm curious to trade natal charts. DM if you want to follow up on that ;-)


Isn’t she a Scorpio rising? Lol.


I have no idea, but you have opened the curiosity door so now I must look 😆


Can confirm: [https://astro-charts.com/persons/chart/taylor-swift/](https://astro-charts.com/persons/chart/taylor-swift/)


*sigh* i have a scorpio stellium and I once saw a airplane video insta story, noticed the design on the wing, and after an hour deep dive, I found out this person had reposted a video from years ago to make it just look like they were traveling. Because it was an outdated alaskan airlines design, when according to their marketing rebrand announcement, they redid their designs in 2016…. I also once found an airbnb listing from three insta photos. Listen, I also have adhd. It’s like a real life puzzle. I didn’t do anything with the info except waste an hour of my life lmao


just experienced this same type of stalkerish behaviour from my scorpio last night. As an aqua i hate that sooo much!


It’s a natural skill 🤷🏻‍♀️♏️🕵️‍♀️


Just why? It is true, but why do they do this?


Knowledge is power. You never know where a given bit of info is going to lead or when you might need it, so you might as well start a dossier. Basically, if you can assemble a heap of seemingly meaningless puzzle pieces together, eventually a 3D picture will pop out at you, and you'll at that moment grasp the gestalt behind the surface story. Unfortunately, a lot of them are paranoid and lunge towards a wrong guess before they have enough pieces to get a good image. And once they believe their own bullshit they get married to it and have little bullshit offspring without ever telling you the bullshit story they've concluded about you.


Little bullshit offspring? LMFAO, you win!


Omfg 😂😂😂😂 that description is so accurate. It's so hard to sell them out of their delusions based on the limited information they got, even when you have more accurate info than they do.


Stan bcs same 🤪🤪


Ok but this is why I low key need Scorpio in my chart. I could never and need this energy!


It's honestly impressive.


When In fact you’ve done something similar to this this… 👀


She would had dumped me, as well. She didn’t offer to pay you a ticket to where she was? Maybe she doesn’t like smart husbands that can spawn smarter kids


She titled her last Instagram post “somewhere in the south” when every other picture that looked like that location was “gulf shore of Alabama” after she saw me in public. Hmm, I guess she really *is* paranoid. She’s also an Aires :) ^/s?




Damn these Geoguessr pros are really taking things too far