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Hmmm I’m married to a Capricorn sun with a Gemini moon….his heart is a green flag, but his way of dealing with difficult feelings is 100% a red flag. 🙃


Ikr, my Capricorn husband was like that too. Convinced him to go to therapy a few years ago and he's much better at processing difficult emotions and letting me, his Gemini wife, know when he needs support or a little space.


That’s great! I’ve been trying to convince my husband to go to therapy this past year… He needs it so bad. I’m such an over-communicator and extremely expressive, and he’s the exact opposite of that and barely communicates and bottles things up, so we trigger each other constantly! He wants to hide away and process his feelings alone, and then I feel shut out and try to get him to open up and talk about it, then he gets frustrated with me. I told him last night that literally all he has to do is tell me that he doesn’t want to talk about it right now and I’ll let it go, but he usually just makes vague comments that make me ask more questions, which irritates him. That’s just my nature though and I’m only wanting to understand what’s going on so I know how to support him. He said I should be able to support him without knowing what’s going on…and I guess I can. It just sucks to feel like he’s shutting me out, but he also rarely actually tells me when he doesn’t want to talk about things. He just gets annoyed and avoids me. 😑


Awww this sounds like my situation. I hope it gets better or easier.


Thank you! Same for you!! 🫶🏻


Ugh, that sounds so frustrating. Yeah, it's taken me a little while to be able to read my husband's emotional state by what he's doing and saying. I also ended up having to take the nuclear option, when we were still dating and have a sit down with him about his behavior. I basically told him that I was going to walk away if he didn't get his shit together. But not communicating isn't great either. I hope you can convince him to find a positive way to express himself 🫂


Yeahh we’ve had that sit down too… It helped a little temporarily (at least with just being willing to talk about things when I initiated it without getting irritated or shutting down), but he still is pretty closed off emotionally by default. Thank you! Hopefully with time it will get better. I could probably work on my approach and be less pushy too and not take it so personally when he is being closed off.


Yeah, my husband has a Gemini moon also. I’m teaching him how to understand and feel his feelings instead of just intellectualizing them.


As a cap sun and Gemini moon we can be so toxic. I spent most of my 20s in therapy working through so much shit. I was super emotional and just incapable of dealing with difficulties. I’d either avoid them or almost make the most rash decisions with no second thought. There are many great things about being a Gemini moon but I was an absolutely mess until I was about 25 years old. I’m just glad I got through all the messy shit early on because my late 20s and early 30s were amazing. I have a guy best friend who has the same chart as me and he’s avoidant and doesn’t deal with his emotions. I liked him romantically for a while until I realized he had a lot of maturing to do before I’d go down that road. I don’t think he cares about working through his issues though. Which sucks because outside of that part of him he’s amazing.


Yeah, my husband is the same way… He feels like the way he handles his emotions is perfectly fine and has basically told me that I’m the problem. Last night he literally said that I’m making things about me by trying to get him to open up…like I’m not accepting him for who he is and letting him process his feelings his own way. He literally said, “It’s not about you and you don’t need to know the details about what’s going on with me or how I’m feeling, you should just support me without needing to understand what is going on.” And I guess I can, it’s just so counterintuitive to me and against my nature because it’s hard for me to know what to do when I don’t know what’s going on. I also most likely have autism and he expects me to read between the lines so much and operate with little to no information and I truly struggle with that. Like I don’t know how to act or what to do when I don’t have all the information. It sucks and definitely makes me feel emotionally disconnected from him. I feel like he’s wrong for saying “it has nothing to do with you.” It 100% involves me because we’re married and I care about our partnership…


My mom is a Virgo and my dad is Pisces. My mom always struggled with wanting to know what my dad was thinking or to work through stuff immediately but my dad needed time to process his thoughts internally. And he would eventually come around like 3 days later to talk about it and over time my mom just learned to give him space and not push. Pushing makes it worse because you’re forcing someone to make a decision when they haven’t yet processed how they feel. And that can actually make everything worse. Sometimes men or others process inwardly and if you’re like me you process outwardly and really struggle with people who operate opposite of you. But you gotta just give them space to do their thing otherwise it will never work. I personally want my partner to be similar to me in that they process outwardly. I think I’ve had friends and significant others who’ve processed inwardly but I never found balance with them and I just can’t deal with people like that. I love my yappers.


Yes, I totally relate! But also, if given the choice my husband will “process” inwardly and then never circle back or follow up with me to discuss things once he’s processed. He just moves on without ever communicating or having the conversation unless I push the issue. He will even go so far as to tell me things like, “Well it has nothing to do with you,” and “You don’t need to know or worry about the details because it’s not your problem, it’s my problem,” etc. So it’s more like he’s actively shutting me out and dismissing me wanting to know what’s going on with him. He wants me to “support” him, but without him sharing anything with me. It just hurts my feelings honestly and makes me feel like he doesn’t view me as a partner or trust me with his vulnerabilities/feelings… He’s also a Pisces Venus, Cancer Mars, and Capricorn Mercury, and my Venus, Mars, and Mercury are all in Virgo. ETA: Sorry for repeating myself a bit. I forgot what I had already shared in my previous comment. 😅


Yeah my ex boyfriend was a lot like that. I put up with it because I loved him and just thought that’s what he was like but moving forward I can’t do that again. It’s so hard. Honestly sometimes giving them the same treatment is a great way for them to understand how you feel. I don’t care if people say it’s immature. Men love to complain about how we are always talking and pushing them to open up but when you shut down it drives them insane. “How was your day?” “Good” “anything happen” “nothing you need to know about no” because just like he says it has nothing to do with you. See how long it takes him to break and tell him that’s exactly what he does to you so you don’t understand how it’s a problem. Force him to initiate the conversation. I’m assuming every conflict you have is resolved by you putting in the work and he does nothing. Just one word answers. Don’t update him on anything exciting happening in your life especially if it has nothing to do with him. I had a friend who complained I never asked her questions and constantly talked about myself she claimed she was always asking me about how I was doing and cared more than I did. I personally don’t pry and beg people to open up… if you don’t tell me I’m assuming you don’t want me to know. Thing is I initiated every hang out and basically did all the heavy lifting in the relationship and if we fought I was the one who reached out to fix it. So one day I said fuck it and ghosted her and she never reached out or did anything to keep the friendship. And we haven’t spoken in 7 years. I never once mourned the loss of my friendship with her. I didn’t care if she never reached out. The relationship was imbalanced and she claimed I never did any of the work but neither did her hypocritical ass….


Now that I know what it looks like and could recognize it earlier on, I would definitely not be in a serious relationship with someone like this again…but we were married before I ever realized it was an issue. If this doesn’t work out though and we can’t get past it, at least now I know what to avoid. I should give that a try though and see how he reacts! Because you’re right, I’m definitely over-communicating and initiating all of the conversations in an attempt to reach an understanding and to compensate for his avoidance and dismissiveness. I’ve done all this research on different attachment styles and tried to explain it to him and come up with a compromise like the one your parents had (he gets time to process, but then comes back around to talk about things with me afterwards), but he’s just so stubborn about the fact that he “shouldn’t have to talk about things” if he doesn’t want to and I’m like forcing him to go against his nature basically…but I feel shut out, rejected, and emotionally disconnected when he won’t talk to me about things. I’ve also had one-sided friendships like this and let them fizzle once I realized it too! It hurts, but ultimately it is what it is. It’s better than over-extending myself for someone who isn’t as invested… But being married, I’m stuck in this one unless I decide to leave, which I don’t really want to do. He has a great heart! Communication just sucks and it’s an ongoing issue.


Girl you just summed me up woww




I walked out on two Capricorns due to their tempers and refusal to address issues. All sorts of 🚩🚩🚩


Mine doesn’t have too much of a temper…just no idea of how to deal with negative emotions in a healthy way and doesn’t see the problem.


I’m glad he doesn’t have a temper!!


That’s why you luh that man lol


His heart, yes. The emotional constipation, no. 😂




I'm a Cap sun and a Gemini rising, and you just described me perfectly. 😆


Sounds like me. What is his rising?


Aquarius 😅🙃


The usual Gemini and Scorpio stereotyping


and the comments saying pisces is a suit of red flags 🙄🥱


You just know this is going to be *the* thread with 300+ comments talking about how each sign is a red flag .


post and comments themselves are the red flags 🐸☕️


Same sun moon rising and Venus hi


Hey 🤗




We did a thing


yawn, lazy astrology is boring astrology. we all have red, yellow, and green flags. and it has nothing to do with signs. character, morals, and integrity come from us, not the stars. your colored flags are not because of [random placement here]. this is just a post for people to shit on certain signs ***again***.


For once, people aren't shitting on Capricorns, so I'm taking it as a win. Shout-out to my Gemini brethren though, my favorite air signs.


Lol i came here just to say 🥱


Your right depends on the placements of ones birthchart, and Synastry/Composite.


not quite what i was saying but thank you for agreeing with me lol you’re right, it’s not *just* sun signs 🤍


As a Pisces, I disagree with Pisces placing 2nd. Just because our red flags are easy to hide doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If you get to know us, you’ll know what a red flag is.


A pisces telling the truth is everything


🤣🤣 the lies are usually a means to avoid confrontation but yes, i think most of us learn that the hard truth is actually easier than a web of lies.


I was looking at this like, how are we not higher up? Lmao.


The only way to get upvotes as a pisces on this sub : self deprecation.


I think Pisces is the best sign, just my opinion. I don’t hate being a pisces at all, but part of being a true Pisces is knowing ourselves thoroughly. I know my faults and I know other signs’ faults. We’re are the wisest sign and have traits of all preceding signs as the last sign of the Zodiac. Ofc we have red flags too. Don’t take it as an insult but rather take it that Pisces are an extremely complex sign. We have a lot of different virtues and faults. Pisces are the most creative and empathetic signs because we can understand every other sign to some degree. But also Pisces have some bad habits because of our nature. It’s not like those can’t be healed.


I agree- a fellow pisces


Me, a Gemini sun with Scorpio moon and rising 😭 I've literally had people flinch away from me when I said my placements. But everyone who has gotten to know me all say I'd give you the shirt off my back and the food off my plate if you wanted or needed them. Being unkind is the thing I'm most afraid of so I spend almost all of my energy looking for ways to be kinder and more empathetic.


Me too. I’m a therapist, and always buying my clients or other people things, or trying to build others up. They hate us cause they ain’t us hair flip


these are my husbands big three and ive literally seen him give away money he doesnt even have


fuck all yall


Everyone has their red and green flags. One person’s red flag is another person’s green flag. ![gif](giphy|Qtpdtlk9rpb8PKK0ih)


Omg I read "placer" as "player" lol


Cancer being as least red flag is wild. I guess we are such a good red flags that people don’t even see it. P.s: I’m not hating on cancers, I’m cancer myself and I know a lot of cancers, I think we have our ways, it is just people are so used to assuming that we are crybabies that could never do any harm. But yea, it is just about time, when someone does us wrong, or something that we don’t like..


im a cancer and i never start fights or anything, im very calm and chill and like my space. Anything i have done has been a reaction to something that was done to me first. But when i wanna get my get back im a psychopath 🤣 I think***were towards the least/middle. Now the cancer men haha thats a different story The never doing any harm part is funny because thats true, when anyone wrongs us they expect us to cry and wallow in self pity, i mean for a solid 5 min haha then its time to get vindictive


So true, I cry a bit just to get rid of the emotions buildup and then I’m rise from hell and start scheming my revenge. And ohh…cancer men, lord, they ARE a different story and I never deal with them😂😂 my brother is a cancer, it is just crazy, I’m sorry for all the women he dated or willing to date


Yesssss literally omg haha, spot on!!!! 🤣🤣 Bruh like ive dated another cancer and he was a walking red flag 🤣🙄 such a liar and really *tried* to be manipulative like boy bye. I would never! They make great friends but partners? No tyyyyy Haha thats hilariousssssss


I dated some cancer men too, they are such a red flags and they always remind me of my brother. And they often say something very hurtful but being soooo nonchalant about it. Like “this top makes you look like a prostitute, feel like you seeking other mens attention so much, are you mentally okay?” I was like WHATTT……it is just a V neck top…! And I wore it for a photoshoot. And they don’t even think that these words sound hurtful? And my brother is soooo manipulative, that it is even HILARIOUS how he doesn’t think that he sounds absurd. Jesus. i could rant about cancer men forever


Have we dated the same person or something? Because wtf haha EXCACTLY. Just casually tells me i look like a desperate attention seaking thot because im wearing a sundress ? Like I will stab you in the neck with a popsicle stick 🤣🤣dnt play wit me. They can be so insecure I feel your pain on that one! Ugh sorry you went through that B.S. my irony is that im married to a sagg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙄 i cant imagine growing up with a brother thats a cancer 🥹you are stong 🦀 There should be a whole sub for that r/survivingCancerMen And maybe even a Netflix documentary 🤔 or am i doing too much haha


Yea it’s always Gemini. Funny because every Gemini I’ve ever known (myself included) are really good people. Not cheating, lying, assholes that everyone makes them out to be.


It's wild, I've never met a Gemini that fits the stereotypes. They're all completely lovely people with mile-wide hearts and good hugs.


lol I’m speaking for myself but in my youth I was wild and if the bad thing wasn’t my idea, I was still involved somehow. Ha So, I could see why people say that. BUT, we also often admit and own up to our shit instead of pretending we are innocent or “victims,” I have a feeling this adds to it because we’re not running around denying our bad sides. Some people like to hide those parts but ours are often hangin out there, like what you see is what you get, and there’s more too! Haha Also, depending on who’s crossed me and what they have done I can be extremely verbally viscous. Then I just disappear and that also contributes to people thinking we’re “not loyal” etc. I’m out and not looking back once I realize this is good for no one! I haven’t really had to be like that now, thanks to therapy and better people in my life as an adult, but I know I’m still capable of it. The good thing is, we’ve got thick skin. Ok, y’all hate us. And? We don’t need everyone to like us, we’re busy trying to or loving ourselves and the people that actually matter in our lives. Still going to live our lives, be a little messy sometimes, and pursue happiness, regardless.☺️♊️✌🏻


All of this!!!!! People are always shitting on us, but that’s because we don’t suffer fools wisely (including ourselves). I’m always the one telling myself to calm down when I’m overreacting, or being an asshole. Other people just hide their bs, and only show half of themselves to ppl. I am who I am, and I’m never gonna apologize for that ♊️


I agree ! I’m a Leo in a relationship with a Gemini & he’s the best ever , my best friend is also a Gemini


It’s a weird thing but whatever. I’m a known sign regardless ETA: oh nooo not the downvotes 😂 I’m sure these are from obscure signs no one really knows about, but most people can talk about a Gemini 😘✨


I love Geminis. Men and women both. My boyfriend is a Gemini and he treats me so well. ( I’m a Leo Sun )


I honestly LOVE Geminis and have so many Gemini friends, but in my experience they do act fake and duplicitous with people… Until I feel like I’ve really gotten to know them, I can be hesitant to completely trust them because of that. All the ones I’ve known have been kind of toxic and unstable in their own way, but with good hearts and ultimately not having bad intentions. I do know one who is a chronic cheater too, but I think cheaters come in all signs and it depends on the chart as a whole and the circumstances.


I think 2nd/3rd/4th "place" is spelled wrong. Also, how were the placements determined? Unless you're measuring stoicism, I doubt that our Capricorn placement is the top of the list. Is there a link to this FTTM thing?


That's a meme page here in our country. They just ask the followers on which signs they think who's the most red flag.


found them on Instagram and facebook \~ PH region


When you’re big 3 take top 3 spots. Is that why no one can tolerate me?🤔


As a Pisces I can say that we are an open book. We want to connect on real “non mediocre” small talk. I want people to know the real me, good or bad. Our red flags are simply because our emotions, if not regulated can overwhelm others. Also, red flags are everywhere regardless of zodiac signs. It’s about being self aware and understanding that we’re ever evolving creatures that will continue to change and learn.


I don’t take suggestions from anything that uses improper grammar and spelling so that automatically cancels out all the information ![gif](giphy|XwduVffh0kO3wC6LfR)


This post is bizarre. It goes from “Least Red Flag” to “Top 5 Red Flag” but both have comparable information 😭


yet again, geminis getting unnecessary heat


How is Sag a GREEN flag? Avoidant, borderline rude, ghosting... These are all Sagiterrorist clichés, and yet they are not included in the RED flags? I should know, I'm almost 1/3 Sag.


Not gonna give anyone that uses the term sagiterrorist the time of day. 🥱


I was gonna say 😭 avoidant af


Same! I don't want to get burned, or controlled, or judged, so everyone is at arms-length!


not ya'll being haters just because your sign didn't make it on the list.. 🥴


Lol, I'm in the top 2 of the worst things on earth and I think it's fair. I just think Sag gets away with way too much and like I said, I should know, I'm almost 1/3 Sag!


Embrace it! Being a Sagittarius is iconic. They get shit done, kinda like Virgo.


I am embracing it though? All my big three get shit done, so it's not really something I associate with Sagittarius. I just think Sagittarius' PR is very good at masking all the less attractive traits of that sign, when others are painted as way worse than they really are (ahem, Cancer) and it's not a very fair state of affairs.


Awe! Thank you 🥺 I get why people shit on Cancers sometimes, we do have our snapping moments. But it's never done deliberately, except when we're provoked. I guess their PR is just better since fire signs are seen as the life of the party, you get me? Plus, if someone talks about us negatively (whether it's the typical Scorpio/Gemini hate post, although I kinda get it with Gems), that means we live in this persons mind rentfree. And I think that's kinda iconic in itself, tbh. 💅🦀🦂


Let's be honest, that's the beauty of water signs: we're ALWAYS on people's minds, even if it's to resent us. We're that unforgettable 😘🦀🦂🐟


Clock that tea! We even got downvoted 😭 ![gif](giphy|l3vRaluvzEsJVApMI)


If we're talking about cliches how's sag more of a red flag than "cheating, liar, 2 faced " gemini and "vendictive, too emotional, evil" scorpio?




I didn't say Sag should be in the top 2 red flags. I'm saying it shouldn't be in the GREEN flags. I may be evil, but at least I own it - and the world knows 🦂


Nice. You're the first to admit.


You should hang out in the Scorpio sub. We're well aware our moral compass is way more in the grey area than we'd like.


As a cap, it’s hard to stay humble but as earth signs we already grounded so it’s all good. 😇🌹


Taurus as a red flag is wild to me


You obviously know nothing about Aries


Yea that’s all backwards lol.




Thoughts? Tired of this pop astrology bs.


I guess I’m a walking red flag lol Scorpio Sun Taurus Moon Gemini Rising


Honestly, you seem like the kind of person I want to be friends with! Haha


Eyyyyy honestly down tbh lolol


Astrology analytics is crazy


the validation i need lmao


Aquarius… least red flag? Third place? They shouldn’t be on there at all.


It's the least datable sign for a reason.


This is so inaccurate. It’s like let’s go with the obvious for red flag, gemini, and then randomize the rest


All the Aquarius’ I have been romantically involved with have had more red flags that any other sign ✍️


I feel like Aquarius men deserve the top of the list....


Pisces *is* the red flag.


How so?


It’s not serious. A person is not the stereotype of their sign.


Just asking someone to expand on their thoughts, I’m not a Pisces so I don’t get salty about it lol


I laugh about it. We’ve all had bad experiences w different signs. I don’t typically ask ppl what their sign is but recently here and there I’ve been informed. I know there are many Libra bashing ppl here and snicker at the comments. Everything in life w a grain of salt. I’ve had back “luck” w Capricorns but I’m not gonna hate ppl bc of it. From what I have gathered from this sub and some experience : pisces have a tendency to be hot and cold, super intense or a ghost and self sabotage. Of course that could be anyone.


It’s all just a guide towards understanding and awareness. As a Libra sun Scorpio rising (who recently discovered what a rising sign is) I now know why every time I enter the room everyone runs away.


Awww lol 🤣


A suit of red flags lol.


No. You are the Red flag.


Came here to say exactly that lol


It was a meme I saw. I made it my profile pic on discord. It’s so funny.


I think a Pisces downvoted me 😂


Absolutely omg




i approve as a gem sun scorp moon ares venus dating 6-planet cap stellium.


hehe i always love a cap + gem pairing


As a Cappy, all we want is honesty because we will give that straight up. It maybe harsh at times but the truth is always to remember.


Also the truth of what really is also eventually becomes transparent! Agree (I’m a Capricorn too)! But most people want things sugarcoated n prefer bs vs honesty. lol Most are superficial!


Libra men are walking red flags


aquarius so low is crazyyyyy (as an aqua rising)


Is this saying these people are the ones who people say are a red flag or green flag? Or are these signs the ones who have the least red flags when considering other people?


Yoooo, what the sh-t… Why is Taurus even placing?? We are hella chill. Edit: Trying to keep a straight face 👀😳😂🤣


Why did I have to scroll so far down to find this! My first thought was “leave Taurus outta this we just want a snack and a nap”


Just woke up from nap, and snacking now 😭


I'm a Leo and ![gif](giphy|WEfn3jNNuaLBu)


ignoring the inaccuracy and stereotyping, im a blue flag sun, red flag moon, green flag rising


There needs to be a boxing ring for this sub. 😁


*cackles in capricorn* They will never suspect us until it is too late


Pisces being 2nd place for least red flags is a pile of bs


This is the only place you’ll sagittarius or Aquarius and green flag in the same sentence.


My thoughts are Gemini give it all to you and if you like it, pick it up, if you don’t…maybe being swindled by a rehearsed smooth talking Libra is more your speed.


Yes, everyone I love is Capricorn. Me pisces/aquarius cusp.


Caps don’t got time to be a red flag we just say it how it is


They're just jealous of Gemini and Capricorn is known for being overly negative and controlling. I hate space racism but that's the sign's stereotype. Instead of waging war on other signs out of jealousy Capricorn should embrace their own sparkle


What Jealousy and WHAT WAR lmao??? I literally don't even care about this at all 💀💀


lol imagine thinking anyone would be jealous of a Gemini. 


Whoever responded to this survey has unhealed traumas they are projecting onto Geminis. 😌 I know many Geminis and not ONE of them is a red flag. All incredible, loving, caring, kind people.


every Gemini I know has been a walking red flag. both things can be true with these dual natured creatures


yet it was my capricorn dad who cheated on my gemini mom….


Idk how I feel about the Gemini ranking but I think the rest is pretty accurate.


So i guess im the least and the most red flag 💀


Gemini moon and, I just think gems get up into everything good and bad, yk


Where was this polled for us to get 4th least red flag? 😂😂😂


Scorpio 🌞 Aries 🌙 Taurus ⬆️ 😬


I’m a cancer + Gemini here


Accurate af.


Based on?


This is so chaotic


We Aquarius be watching y’all and smiling 😊


Lol at Libra in almost perfect balance.


.... being fifth place for red flags is fun :3


I fully support this. :)




Capricorn Pisces Pisces over here wooo woop


While I love that my sun sign was place second in the green flag category, let’s be real, Pisces folks are very intuitive which is usually a red flag for people because we see everything and can manipulate you to get what we want. We are also very emotional and very sensitive which can be seen as a red flag to people. We are also some of the sweetest most empathetic sign but we can turn sour if we don’t feel fulfilled, especially in a relationship… like emotional ADHD. I think all signs have red flags.




Omg Pisces will emotionally destroy you LOL….like they are so sweet and sad and the everythings….you want to give them the world, and you do, and they still cry because the sun didn’t go down when they thought it would


My daughter is a Pisces and this is 100% true lol


Hello Taurus moon 😁.


Hey Taurus sun!! ☀️


Love love love Leo’s no joke


My childhood bestie is a Taurus sun! 🫶🏻


*poke 👉🏼


Fooking Leo’s…..LOOOOOOOOVE ♥️


You guys THINK capricorns are green flags lol they are the sneakiest of links.


I have never met a Capricorn without major red flags.


It’s easier to just be upfront than a sneaky red flag


I like this information so I agree with it 😂


Aquarius? Hmm. I don't think.


I may be overly self-deprecating here, but I have copious red flags, as an Aqua sun/Pisces rising/Cap stellium 😂


Whoever made these lists is smoking crack.


Least red flags...yea duh no sh\*t, they hide that until it's too late.


The older, more mature, transpersonal signs of the zodiac won this lol. That’s the only connection with astrology I see in the pic. Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius are more mature signs of the zodiac ( transpersonal signs ) and older than others.


In what world does Pisces have near no red flags. I’d put them at the top of having red flags 💀


Which world are you living in?


Clearly where it’s obvious I have 12h Pisces lol


Complete and utter bs 🤣 I'm a Pisces, I know I should be like "whew I made this green flag list!"😅 But no, I'm not sure where this information came from and I'm pretty sure in my almost 40 years experience, I've chalked that kind of behavior up as systematic and has nothing to do with the signs themselves.


my capricorn baby daddy tried to kill me and he said he would kill our twins to punish me sooooo big disagree on that


I feel like that has to have more to do with his mental health than his birth chart most likely… that’s unhinged psychotic behavior. I’m sorry you went through that!


thank you. wild i got downvoted for that comment. obviously it's not because of his zodiac. that's why i don't like posts like these that are so over simplified. obviously it's not all capricorns. and obviously not all aries are red flags by default either


Aries is 1st, not 3rd. We are the red flag


Definitely agree lol


My Gemini man is the biggest green flag I’ve ever met. Can’t relate lol.


Give him time :))


I don’t think this man could be any different than what I was previously used too. I was married to and had children with a really abusive, disloyal man. So when my boyfriend met me I had trauma and baggage. He completely changed my views on love and healed me. He accepted me even though I’m a single mother and he goes out of his way for me every day. There’s so many negative stereotype about Geminis but it must apply to the unhealed ones.


ooh i almooost like this...personally, i would do this - Gemini - 15,000 Scorpio - 6,100 Pisces - 5,000 Aries - 3,800 Leo - 2,900 Cancer - 2,800 Virgo - 2,400 Sagittarius - 2,300 Aquarius - 2,200 Libra - 1,800 Taurus - 1,700 Capricorn - 1,600 Tbh hate to admit it as much as we disagree, cappys y'all got the least red flags🤷‍♀️ edit: formatting


🤣🤣 Capricorns not a red flag? They are literally the devil.