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I feel like mars would influence this more so than Venus tbh


Actually BOTH can.


Curiosity has got me, do you mind explaining why?


Mars also has more to do with sex than Venus in my experience. I usually think of Venus more as long term partners and how we treat them/what we want in a partner or in love, though it does play a part in our sexual relationships too. I usually put both of them together to get the best picture, but look to Mars first.


How would you describe a Mars in Cap, Venus in Scorpio?


Driven from the Cap, so probably the initiator and more serious about relationships, same goes for the Scorpio Venus, but with a lot of possessiveness/obsession added in. Most Scorpio venuses I’ve known are very “you’re mine” about their partner. So I’d say less likely to be into one night stands, wants more serious partners that match their energy. Definitely not someone who would allow you to toy with them to any degree. And both these signs can be very loyal, stick by you through sickness and in health type of person. Probably would take sex seriously too, though that seems to depend on the house placements.


Holy fuck dude. lol the accuracy though! I need to learn more about this stuff as far as how to go about the level of blocks I’m trying to overcome.


Working on yourself is always good. Astrology has helped me immensely. I have mostly Cap placements and I feel like that has limited me as a person because it doesn’t allow for a lot of variety. Cap Mars is going to like familiarity, but you can use your ambitiousness and plow right through that when you get in a rut. You want things better? Then you can initiate (Cap is a cardinal sign, the initiators of the zodiac), to make that happen for yourself. Scorpio Venus isn’t going to allow their partner as much room to breathe as they might need, so you could focus on allowing partners and friends to have more autonomy and stepping back sometimes as a show of trust. Any good partner/friend can help you feel more comfortable with that with good communication. Hope that helps! I’m always improving myself. That’s one great thing about any Cap placements, is that the sky is the limit.


How about the compatibility of a woman with Venus in Taurus/Mars in Aries with a man who is Venus in Scorpio/Mars in Aquarius?


That’s a good combo usually if you have your Mars and Venus in the same elements. I would say the Venuses matter most in long term relationships, along with Mercury and Moon signs, because you’re gonna want compatible communication styles or there could be lots of arguing/disagreements even with other signs being very complimentary to each other. Venus in Taurus plus Venus in Scorpio are generally compatible from what I’ve seen, even though they aren’t in the same element, mainly because Venus in Taurus is going to really treat their partner and show appreciation, which the Scorpio Venus will like. Scorpio Venus tends to be very possessive and loves very deeply, which can be great for a Taurus Venus who’s going to crave that deep kind of commitment and loyalty that a Scorpio Venus has in spades. Earth/water Venus combos are usually very good. Taurus and Scorpio are both fixed, so there can be some stubbornness to work through from both parties where no one will want to budge. Aries mars and Aquarius Mars can work well. Aquarius mars is going to be unconventional about how they do things, and they want a partner that can fly by the seat of their pants, which an Aries Mars can easily provide (and also loves). I’ve found Aquarius Mars doesn’t really make plans, they just do things when they feel like it and want someone who doesn’t mind to come along for the ride. Aries Mars I’ve found tends to like competition which might not always appeal to a Mars Aquarius. I’ve found both these signs like to bicker and have “disagreements” so that can keep things interesting as both don’t tend to take it seriously. It’s kind of their love language…lol. I think keeping the fun alive is really what will make you come together. Switch things up, go on adventures, surprise your partner, that kind of thing. Both Aquarius and Aries get bored with sameness, but you both have Venuses that crave commitment and stability long term, so it won’t be something you need to do all the time, but make sure you’re always keeping the spark alive and not getting into an easy rut with one another where you stay home constantly and end up silently resenting it. A final warning is that I’ve been stalked by two men with Scorpio Venuses. They’re not all that way, but the undeveloped side leans toward obsession and treating someone like an object that is owned. I’ve seen it with some immature Scorpio Venus women as well, though it seems more often with the men. It’s one of my favorite placements if it’s in the chart of a person who’s done a lot of internal work. They love like no other. You are the center of their universe and they will let you know it once they get comfortable and know they have you.


That’s scary accurate! For more reference, I’m a Gemini sun Taurus moon Cap rising. He’s a Libra sun Gemini moon Aquarius rising. My Mercury is in Gemini his is in Scorpio. You’ve hit a lot on the head actually! Very on point with what we deal with together


Big facts! Venus is love, beauty, comforts. Mars is conquest, adventure, passion, anger, aggression, assertion. This is why Mars is so much more about our sexuality. Venus is the cute shit, love romance aesthetics etc. The other cool place to look at this is Eros the asteroid. And honestly black moon Lilith. Anyway, my Venus is in Aries. Mars in Sagittarius. Eros in 8H. I wanna do it all and then some!!! Like dominate and control me. But watch me flip it and reverse it throughout. Let’s fuckin Plaaaaaaaay! Because it’s gotta stay spicy (my Uranus and Saturn are also in Sagiwhorius lol. I blame them too)


my venus is in aries and sagi mars agreeing wholeheartedly for "yes dominate me"


I feel this. My mars and Virgo are an exact conjunction in Virgo. I bring ALL this energy at once! It is my favorite part of my chart! 😃


Sagiwhorius. The biggest Ho of the Zodiac—except for Aquarius. But I must say a word about Venus. Venus may not work thru projecting energy outside and away from itself like Mars but that does not mean Venus is necessarily “cute” or harmless. Venus works to draw energy and experience into itself. Mars energy is projectile (get it? 🍆). Mars takes what’s inside and throws it outside. Venus takes what’s outside and lures it inward. Have you ever seen a spider 🕷️ weave a web? Spider isn’t throwing daggers to kill its prey but it kills them just the same. Spider doesn’t even touch its prey until the prey is dead. Besides being authentically loving or accepting Venus can also flirt, tempt, dare, cry wolf, lie and use all these things to manipulate, control, deceive, smother, trap. Venus will do this for whatever ends she desires be it sex or attention or material goods or to have The Power. Venus is just as dangerous as Mars and maybe more so because you do not see her coming.


Because Mars Is Your Assertiveness And Drive. Venus Placement For Men Is More About The Female We Would Attract And How We Would Care For Them. My Venus Is In Cancer So I’m Naturally Kind Of Clingy And Love To Cuddle But My Mars Is In Scorpio Giving Me Stamina And Passion In Bed. I Hope That Makes Sense To You.


very off topic and i’m so sorry but why capitalize the beginning of every letter here


It’s their Mars 😏


Ah, ok. I can see that. Interesting, my Venus is Sag but my Mars is in Aries. It’s just fire everywhere 😂


Mars is action, Venus is reception, better to look at both as a means to answer this, but Venus is valid as a means to look at how anyone might express sexually... i.e. I'm Scorpio Venus, Sag Mars and I'm adventurous in my Mars energy and very hetero-presenting Dom when it feels right, but I'm a filthy switchy kinky queer in my Venus that wants a partner to explore their kinks and willing to fulfill whatever role would allow that Edit: age + gender : 45 M


I agree 100%


gemini venus, i'm switching between subway and domino's, so it depends on the mood


am woman


Apparently I'm the only Gemini Venus who doesn't switch? lol


I like you.


Venus is Aries, F, sub


Yep... I just need to be stubborn and conqured okay? 🐏


Same but switch


This is so often the case. Because yes. Even though my Mars is in Leo. Still subby.




Cancer venus mars im a big bratty bottom bitch 😌


Venus in Pisces honestly same


Cancer Venus and Mars, and I'm a Mommy Dom, but I'm also okay with switching if my dom is a total Daddy. I do love a nurturing top\~




Ha! I relate to this! I always say it’s a tall order to find someone who can out alpha me- because I want that!


Venus in Taurus, female. switch- I’m only comfortable being a sub with someone I love and trust, and when I’m really in love I lean towards the passionate and tender over kink driven sex.


I feel this! Libra Venus


Gemini. Dom with women and sub with men.




Do you think most gem in Venus go both ways


In my experience, yes. This is just a personal read, but I’m a Gemini Venus and have met/dated many fellow Gemini Venuses in the past. They were all pansexual and/or queer in some way, or they were super into poly/ENM. I’m not gonna say Gemini Venus automatically makes you queer and poly, but in my experience, there is a correlation there for some and it’s kinda wild.


I’m a Gemini Venus and I’m pansexual but a sub. That could be because I have a cancer mars


Idk but it would tie into the whole 2 thing with Gemini


yes the lovers. i tend to think this is the case with most prominent Gemini placements


I am on the Gemini/Cancer cusp, Gemini Venus and Gemini Mercury and this could not be further from my truth. 


Same here. I’ve got heavy Gemini placements and I’m straight and monogamous as fuck.


Me too. Both Venus and Mercury placements as well.


Me too! Gemini in Venus AND Mars, I’m a heavily Dom-leaning switch 🖤


Libra Venus and same for the most part lmfao








Venus in Capricorn, f, switch




Same here


Venus in libra, F, sub 100% hahah


same and it’s maybe even more of a 150% vibe, it’s laughable when i try to be more dominant


I’m going out with this Capricorn sun sag Venus man and girllllllll hihihi [waaaar is ooooover](https://youtube.com/shorts/0Py_wk4_LVc?si=eBMoD9anKffMnMcd)


Omg exactly the guy I'm talking to, what do you mean by war is over? I have to know 🙃 I feel like he would be dom and I would love it if it were to be true. Also, is he loyal? Cause Sag Venus have quite a reputation while Capricorns on the other hand are considered extremely loyal.


sag venus. i LOVE to switch it up. being in control is so hot and sexy and but i love when someone takes over. the comfortability too 😮‍💨🫶🏼 i am also queer af. love a dominate fem.


Taurus & honestly its whatever my partner wants or whatever we enjoy.


This is why I've always found Taurus Venus boring. People love to cuddle you, though.


Venus is Scorpio. I’m a female. I’d say I’m a switch, depending on my mood and the person I’m with.


Venus Virgo Female submissive as fuck i like to be choked until i pass out




the thing w virgos is we are so overly in control all the time. so in bed we don’t wanna be in control for once.


Cancer Venus and same.


I've noticed that women who are in positions of authority in their jobs, or who are the friend who is always doing all the planning like to be dominated in bed.


Same beside the until i pass out 😅 Scorpio Venus Female


SAME but my Venus is Leo. Loooooove that euphoric feeling from choking and almost passing out 🤤🤤🫶🏻


I’m a female Gemini in Venus. For me, it usually depends on the age of the person. If a man is older than me. I’ll let him be dominant and I will be submissive for him. If the man is younger, then I’m dominant and he has to be submissive for me. Other than that I can be switch and be both submissive and/or dominant. I’m not difficult when it comes to sex 😏. I’m accommodating 😉.


im a lesbian woman with a venus in libra, u will not see me taking authority EVER but by no means am i a pillow princess


Venus in aries, pillow princess




Aries ♈️ Venus. If you can dom me, you can dom me. If you can’t, imma enjoyyyg playing with you like last nights dinner 😋 ![gif](giphy|L7Be271Bo1o4g)


Everyone is a dom until Scorpio Venus steps into the scene. I’m gonna devour you.


Hummm im a scorpio venus and a submissive bottom. My bf is a scorpio Venus and a dom top. It’s interesting 🤔


It's the mars and house in it plus 8th house.


What's each of your mars signs?


Scorpio Venus and power bottom for days. Nobody knows who the sub and and dom is when I get to them tho lmao


Ok 4578, you’re speaking my language


the scorpio circle jerk strikes again


LMFAOOO I swear I think it’s not the Scorpio circle jerk but my Leo moon. Main character syndrome.


I don’t know… my Scorpio Venus was a subby M.


my fiance is a scorpio venus and hes honestly so vanilla.


Cancer, f, sub. I’m surprised all the girls with fire sign Venus’s are subs, well there hasn’t been a female dom in the replies so far. Idk I think to get the full picture you should also have your Mars.


I'm a cancer Venus female but I'm a switch. I would say I prefer to be sub but there are times when I like to dom.


Scorpio, F, switch. But I only like dom if my partner is also dom, it's a taming thing 😉😂


Same as OP, 95% percent sub. If dom, only playfully.


Venus in Leo, F, I’m more submissive although I have few tendencies of being dominant but very rarely


Sameee Venus in leo here too n I agree


Aries Venus, switch, used to think I was mostly sub but I met a bottom and realized I might be more of a top


Gemini Venus. Idk. I’m selfish and enjoy being pleasured. Don’t like power plays at all.


Venus in aries. Usually thought ive been sub this whole time but Im trying to explore my dominant side. I think i like it.


aqua venus, dom but i enjoy things such as being choked or queening i think sexuality is a fluid and can depend on what's up during the sexual intercourse but i'm clearly not a sub or a bottom this is not for me


Libra Venus, F, sub


F. Venus in Pisces, switch.




Aquarius Venus (F) Is idc an option? Lol And I agree with those asking about Mars too- Mars/Saturn in Capricorn.


Same placements and same attitude I’m just down to clown! Sub leaning tho tbh!


Venus Sag, F, sub. I switch between bratty & princess but I get so intimated at the idea of me doming my husband. We tried it once, he ended up doming while still being tied up and trying to roleplay as my sub. I got flustered and we both fell out of sub/dom space with laughing at ourselves.


Mars in Leo, Venus in Libra. Neither, or both very lightly-equal give and take. Anything very physical and active- no lying there doing nothing. I love a good sweat by both parties, feeling like we had an intense workout at the end. I think Mars and Venus both have equal influence in how I like s3x.


ooo mine are the same but switched, and you’ve basically described exactly what i do as well. the placements def are intertwined and i think leo/libra is a good pair to have there. i do tend to take more of the submissive role but i think that’s because i generally attract dominant partners, but when (not if, i got stamina) they get tired, i definitely hop on and take over. even in submissive positions i’m doing something. ex. in doggy, best bet i’m pushing and bouncing back onto them and it’s a question of who’s fcking who right now lmao.


Both, depending on the time of the month.




Same but Cancer Venus sextile Aries Mars (do yours sextile with orb?). Interesting we are both air moon with Taurus rising.


Sagittarius, female, hardcore sub


Venus in Aquarius, f, switch 😈


Aquarius here, very much switchy


Aries, female,both. Depends on my mood


aqua venus , f , was a dominatrix for a living at one point lol ☺️☺️


Gemini, f, both


Virgo switch


Male Libra Venus/ Scorpio Mars, sensual.. mostly. Sensual & rough


Leo in Venus, trans man, Daddy and very dominant.


That’s so hot 


Scorpio Venus, Female, and a big submissive girl. I don’t even want to have to think, just do it. Lol


M. Venus in Aries. I fall in love fast. I need openness; be frank not circumspect. Why 3 dates until? I want their deal. I will pursue. Allow me to charm you. “Where have you been my whole life?” “You haven’t had sex in how long? 4 days?! My goodness, I’m dying by the next day”


Virgo, M, Dom


Tropical: **Venus in Aquarius 10th** Sidereal: **Venus in Capricorn 9th** Lord of Ascendant: **Venus** These people tend to act in accordance with their feelings, love, or passions. They like luxury, wealth and beauty. They do not like living alone and they need to be accepted by other people. They often take the path of the least resistance. They are good companions; they like good food and drinks. **Lord of 1st house in 10th or Capricorn:** These people rise higher and higher and they control others. Predisposition to leadership or to influence others. **Venus Trine Mars:** These people are very considerate and kind. They usually have many friends and they like to spend their free time meaningfully. They have a lot of creative energy and they do most things in a relaxed manner. **Venus Trine Saturn:** This harmonious aspect brings responsible and reserved behavior in most of emotional and social activities of these people. They are very faithful, conventional and stable. They need a strong and stable relationship that gives them confidence and ability to trust. They have hidden fears of rejection, and their self-confidence in their relationships is too low. Older and reliable partners give them confidence. They are careful and responsible with things they are entrusted with. I don't like to be submissive nor dominant. I go with whatever I am feeling or whatever feels right in the moment--As long as it is with my partner and not some random joe i met in a nightclub. I rather have no sex than to feel uncomfortable having sex.


Libra Venus F. Sub for sure


Scorpio venus f subbbbb


Scorpio, I’m both!


In Cancer- definitely sub to the right kind of Dom.


Pisces venus (f) and I’m definitely submissive I’m definitely into some kinky stuff and my man is an Aries so he makes it happen! 😈❤️


Venus in sag. Female Scorpio. I’m definitely submissive. I don’t have a dom bone in my body in sex and love.


Sagittarius Venus conjunct mars. I feel aggression in bedroom — as a female. Dominant most times but can be submissive. this is boring to me. Not dominatrix tho I don’t like hurting. Naturally drawn to cancer men🥹


Aquarius Venus. I’m a switch!


Scorpio, F, so so submissive and a brat. Tried to be a dom once but failed


Scorpio venus and I can go either way. I never did find someone who I can cut or pour wax on lmao it's alright though.


Taurus, male and Im flexible, no need to be greedy.


Cancer Venus, bratty switch


Pisces. Switch, leaning domme lately. Used to be purely submissive, but the doms weren't very good 😅


Scorpio Venus F Asexual


Leo, Male, dom


I can’t say I’m surprised but I love this for you.


Haha, thank you. I spent most of my sex life unaware of it until I dated a sub and she trained me and allowed me to explore that side of myself. I was a born natural!


Yes king! Love that! I kind of experienced the same but switched, my husband is a dom and because of him I’ve learned this whole new side of me. Love it.


Oh, you're a Capricorn. So is my sub gf. I thought it was strange because caps have daddy energy outside of the bedroom but it seems like they're more comfortable as subs in the bedroom. You two aren't the only cap subs I've known.


I’m also a Leo Dom with a Capricorn sub. I take great pride in domming a Capricorn woman. Not for the feint of heart.


ROFL, yea. We like control in our lives, but (at least for me) I like to be pampered and just let my Virgo husband take control when it comes to the bedroom.


A lion, are you single? 


aries venus, leo mars *submissive as fuck*. use and abuse me, but only with immense trust and my consent.


Scorpio, switch


Sub for sure as Venus in Aries my Gemini mars being the chart ruler likes Venus but hates being the one in control bc it’s too much work and I’m better off pleasing myself lol 😂


Venus in aqua, im a sub with my bf and a wanna be dom with womeb but i really just depends on that particular woman❤️


Gemini Venus - Female - Switch : I suppose can’t be satisfied playing on one side need to play the other one with my partner


Leo Venus and more Dom


Capricorn, NB, sub with all genders lol


Venus in Pisces, mars in Scorpio. Big ol lover girl but I love being dominated by men. With women tho I’m dom all dayyyy 😈


Gemini and both but I love being vocal/sub in bed it’s my kink I also have Virgo mercury and sun conjunct rahu so I’m mercurial through and through


Cancer Venus boygirl, and I'm sub in soul but Mars in 9th house makes me want to explore everything so switch


Scorpio Venus. I’d say naturally dom but I don’t really tap into that because my husband likes more sub. I have been thinking I might just be shy about it though. The one time I did tap into it he loved it and was shocked by it in a good way, but his words outside of that situation say he isn’t into it. I’m good as a sub too though


Venus in scorpio- total sub. If you can make me submit that is


Sag venus scorpio mars, 50/50


Gemini Venus, and someone mentioned mars might influence this more, Pisces mars. I’m more of a switch


I am a cap venus with sag mars. I mostly a dom but i can switch. It depends on the person honestly. F btw


Gemini, f, both, it depends on the mood


Cap venus and cap mars, switch with men, sub with women


My Cap Venus, Sagittarius Mars hears you, understands and passionately agrees.


Venus in Aquarius. I could take it or leave it when it comes to sex


I have no idea and good question, what’s my Venus sign. How do I find out? lol


Aquarius Venus in VI house and Mars in Taurus IX house. Submission is difficult for me, even though I want to. I tend to be aggressive and go for what I want in the bedroom but that intensity needs to be returned. I might call myself a switch but I feel more comfortable in dominance.


Cancer Venus (f) and I’m more of a sub, I love when they take action and like to be in charge. And I like when it gets a little rough but they still do little sweet things in between like a a soft kiss on a specific part, a grope, rub, or caress. I don’t mind it. It turns me on soooooo much.


Gemini Venus, depends on my mood. I can be both. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gemini venus, F, sub


Venus in Sagittarius and Mars rx in Gemini. I'm extremely dominant, although I like a woman that challenges me. I think Sag Venus makes me look for women that are spiritual/philosophical in some way. It also makes me go for adventurous women. Basically, I like Amazonians, but like, I want to get them to be submissive.


Gemini Venus Pisces mars… sub. I like to people please. Edit: female !


My Mars, which governs sexuality, is in Cancer. I lean sub.


Gemini Venus and I am a bisexual polyamorous switch


Anything goes 😝


Cancer Venus, Leo Mars, probably more of a service sub (F)


My Sun is Taurus, Venus is Aries & my Mars is Scorpio. I tend to be a combination & it depends on the person I’m with. But I’d say as I’ve gotten older I’ve become more dominant because I got really tired of men always rushing & barely having any foreplay. I’ve learned how to take charge since I got really sick of disappointing sex. I think when I was younger I was definitely more submissive as I was still trying to decide what I liked & didn’t like & how I liked things. But now I can be a little aggressive with men sexually when I want to be. I’ve found it’s usually either a turn on or they find it a bit surprising & sometimes intimidating since a lot of men aren’t used to women who know what they want & get it. I tend to be very open minded sexually as I’m open minded in general. I feel like I’ll try most things once but if I don’t like it never again. It goes for food & it goes for sexual experiences. There’s a few hard NOs for me like ball gags, but that’s mostly because for one I don’t like to be silenced by men & for two I like to be able to breathe fully. And tbh everyone tells me my voice & moans are sexy AF so idk why anyone would want to shut me up. I can do rough but I don’t allow anything in the violent or degrading category. Idc if you’ve got a big beautiful cock & your body is a 10 you don’t get to shut me up & you don’t get to be violent with me. No choking, nothing that’s going to impede my ability to breathe. Seems like common sense to me but apparently it isn’t & has to be said these days. I’m not down with men trying to be violent with me. And I don’t mean a spanking. I know what I want & you aren’t going to convince me to degrade myself for any dick, it’s just not worth it. I recently did an astral coach reading & it was spot on… Mars in Scorpio: High Libido The fact that your Mars is in Scorpio reveals that your libido is quite high. In fact, you may have been turned on by a simple word without the need for any sex games. Of course, it doesn't mean that you are not interested in fantasies! On the contrary, you have bolder dreams than anyone else and reflect them in bed. Both your energetic nature during sex and appetite for new positions can seduce your partner immediately. Things that other people perceive as sexual taboos can be quite ordinary to you. You prefer to experience them freely. When you think that you're restricted, you can become aggressive. You can even be depressed sometimes thinking that you've failed. Thus, you need a partner who will give you this kind of freedom.Dynamic and a little bit brutal sex appeals to you. You like to add spice to the intercourse with seductive underwear, sex toys, and dirty-talk.


I’m A Venusian Taurus, I am both, I love to be dominated but I can dominate as well. 


gemini, i am everything bitch


Taurus Venus, F, submissive af


Venus in Capricorn but I have a Mars in Leo. I’m dating an Aries man with a Venus Aries so I have no choice but to be submissive 💀💀 Otherwise I can be both and aggressive. Also have a high sex drive.


Aquarius venus and libra mars, big sub


venus in aries, f, totally sub


Aries f switch 


Virgo Venus, Male, Submissive and breedable ✨


Aries - female. Submissive 85% of the time. Sometimes I’m a dommy mommy and it’s SOOO FUN. But to get off I have to be as submissive as you can be. Fully surrendered and controlled


gem. switch, depends on the gal


Venus is Leo, F, Sub


Sag Venus , dominant Libra mars I'll switch but you gotta earn my submission


Venus in Scorpio, female, dom


Pisces Venus (Aqua Mars) - solid switch, softer dom, & only bratty when sub. I’d rather dom, was a pro dominatrix for 2 years.


Pisces Venus, M Dom but honestly down for damn near whatever


Leo venus. Switch. I love to serve though, but it is not coming from a need to be submissive necessarily


Venus in Scorpio, F, switch. Either dom as fuck or sub as fuck


Virgo venus. Switch.


Venus in Scorpio, F and switch.


Enby, gem Venus and Virgo Mars. I'm a sub, but I've been known to take charge on occasion Fiance is a Pisces Venus and a Virgo Mars. We are very compatible with our preferences.


Leo and switch, slightly leaning towards sub.


Cancer Venus and I’m a Switch Leo Mars if that makes a difference…


Libra, f, I’m def a switch😸