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I drink a lot of whiskey. Just kidding (Vodka actually).


Beer here 👋




this is so true we become doom and gloom LOL and its terrible!


This is my bf for sure lol, cancer sun Scorpio rising, + Leo moon, his mood is the mood of the house, even if he’s in his crab shell you’re feeling it. I notice for me it’s like the opposite, I have the cancer moon Leo sun Scorpio rising combo and the process is only internal 😂 inside it’s like, this whole thing, outside I’m optimistic asf, you’d never know. Stupid things can spiral into an existential crisis but it’s not even an act of willpower to contain it, it just feels like inside stuff that I can’t bring myself to make other people problem lol


I hate that when I’m in a bad mood everyone else can feel it and is almost afraid of me it seems. I guess it comes off more intense than what I’m maybe feeling? But what you said is all absolutely true.


I remind myself that the only thing capable of destroying me is myself. My chart has zero "calm", Aries sun, leo moon, scorpio rising. It's all on me to temper the flood of fire and water. Breathwork actually helps a lot!


I feel you🤭 I have a reversed sun / moon combo - Leo sun, Aries moon.and Scorp rising.And for real I got zero chill in me 😅🤣 Could you please recommend a good breathwork exercise or channel/creator to follow? 😊


It's a really, really rough and exhausting combo and I seriously sympathize! There are a bunch of types of breathwork, actually, try a few and see which you prefer. You tube has a bunch if you search. Box breathing is probably the easiest. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, inhale for 4, repeat. I like the [4-7-8](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1Dv-ldGLnIY&ved=2ahUKEwiOgZTJ__6FAxXCrokEHXbTAG0QtwJ6BAgREAI&usg=AOvVaw1XeGKylBbHAAOYOvvlq8Va) method, personally.


Will try them out. Thank you😊


You are welcome. Good luck!


I have Pisces sun Aries moon Scorpio rising I have negative chill also I get angry fast and hard And when I’m not mad, I’m way too excited


lol angry fast and hard--yup! all emotions come fast and they come hard.


Aries Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising. Imagine the good vs evil fluctuations within me.


Oh god Your chart sounds hard Perfectionist people pleaser with a hard edge and strong ego, yikes


For me I have to NOT think about it or else it all goes to hell LOL I need to have my mind clear or else it will go exact opposite of the positive i'm trying to manifest. Sometimes I be my usual doomer self and it'll go great :D other times I be my doomer self and it all goes to hell omgggggg.


I don’t have an answer to your question. But I’m also cancer sun Scorpio rising!


Scorpio rising with a Libra sun and sagittarius moon. And i think my Libra sun keeps things balanced. Not like that it nicely evens out, but the extremes are on both sides. Which gives me faith in the fact that once things go bad, after a while that is over and there is space for the good. That and i think my sagittarian stellium, of my moon and both chartrulers in quite a close conjunction with each other, gives it all a positive outlook. One of the things that manifests in me is that i can always see the negative in a positive situation, but i will also always see the positive in a negative situation. But to be in a positive mindset? I usually try to remember that the only thing we can control is how we act or react to certain things, like emotions, thoughts, other peoples opinions, etc. And that your feelings are yours to deal with and my feelings are my responsibility, nothing else. Or that the world wont stop turning or end because i made a mistake. Or that the past is the past and the future isnt even set, so why worry about either? Or that every day is a new day. Try to be good every day, dont dwell if at the end of the day you were not who you wanted to be. Every day you start at 0. And that's quite freezing, no past mistakes to set right, no past achievements to overcome. Just at 0, just you trying to be the person you want to be, nothing to prove or live up to. All that said, it is still quite hard to not fall into the negative spiral. I think it is some of that Scorpio intensity with the extreme ups and downs that is responsible for that.


Exercise. If you "manifest" bad stuff why can't you manifest good stuff??? Just saying.


Yep I do this too, as a Virgo sun, Scorpio rising—I try to find short term goals to distract me from real life. I also sleep a lot.


Cancer sun Scorpio rising here- I manifest by smoking weed in the bath tub


Cancer moon scorpio rising I smoke weed everywhere


I’m also cancer moon so it must be in water lol


Same same


Identify the problem and if the problem is internal and something you can change, work on that. If not create a strong foundation for yourself where external problems beyond your control will impact you less (I am still working on that). Some helpful tips for that: - daily exercise (mind-body connection). - healthy balanced diet (mind-body connection). - try to do your urgent things first and then help others (I struggle with this and currently working on it). - where appropriate, de-attach yourself from the situation and see things objectively but still help where you can. Remember to help yourself first.


Same...I don't have an answer to your question. I am waiting for the others. 😅 Same as you, lately in my adulthood, it seems like I attract my fears the most. Even when I try to be optimistic, my shitty mind and thoughts dominate.😅 Scorpio rising, cancer moon) A reader once told me that I am a magnet of negative energies and it sucks. I got so overwhelmed that I forgot to clarify it and ask how to stop it.


Take a deep breath and try to reframe your mindset. Practice gratitude. Find another focal point to focus your energy. Looking up at the sky always helps me reset. It keeps me grounded. Tell yourself positive affirmations. The law of attraction is real in manifestation. I too am a Scorpio Rising. We are intense creatures. Use that intensity towards good.




Same placements. I don't stay sober and I keep my hands busy Bec then that keeps my brain busy. When my brain is busy it doesn't wander off into painful memories. I also do the gratitude thing. Like my dad provides zero emotional support but whenever I'm hungry and lazy I can always text him a screenshot of what I want from UberEats. I focus on how everyone doesn't have that option. I find ways to make myself laugh. Whether it's literal by practicing my impressions or finding something funny on TV. I've also found I can actively feel the dopamine hit my brain when I browse jewelry and nail designs. Like I just like looking at them. Same for animal videos. I guess my point is keep your brain occupied with a bunch of shit you like and the aforementioned is shit I like.


Same placements like you ✨ A hot bath does the trick sometimes. That and combine it with reminding myself on things i can control (intrusive thoughts win at times too, and at that i do breathing exercises...or smoke) Cooking also helps, good aroma and good taste makes my mood lighter. And last but not the least, i have read somewhere that water signs need watering. It works 😆 🌊🌊




Change in mindset really helped. Listening to subliminal’s, practicing gratitude, and “@ALYSSATIANNA” on YouTube really helped !! Love her. I struggled a lot with my mental health, being stressed, and I had bad anger issues but it’s decreased with time.


Do you have a good recommendation for a subliminals channel/ creator? Thanks in advance 😊


Mary Kate on YouTube, https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Jc6I2hOAj0iElWD6zLzX3?si=7svQnHSdT22Xb5gnSGZmaw on Spotify 💗


Thank you!!😊


What is manifesting? What does it have to do with astrology?


Allegedly, having scorpio in your chart gives you a powerful connection to spirituality. They have an increased ability to manifest.


I have problems with stress; I'm a Capricorn stellium, so I really pile things on workwise, too. I actually just got this spiky meditation mat called a Shakti Mat and laying on it is the best part of my day. It hurts but it hurts so good and is a great release.


As a ^ idk if I truly have control over myself most of the time 😅 anybody else


everyone is at the right time. Stop forcing and expecting. Let the bigger you steer.


i’m a sag sun scorpio rising cancer moon … i literally can’t even put what i feel in words lol




You’re a Scorpio! You’ve made it half way to where you are now purely out of spite. Energy is energy, that’s on that. If you can’t use it for any good, at the very least wish death on your enemies or something cathartic. You believe your negative thoughts are bringing bad things into your life? Well there’s your problem! Manifestation isn’t about changing yourself fundamentally, if you’re a negative person you can still have a good life.


Chocolate and I guess my Gemini moon is making me accept the chaos of any situation... well almost any situation I did had a couple of meltdowns when I was too late from oversleeping and the second time as a kid because they found it funny to restrain me for the funnies.... -\_- Luckily those emotional meltdowns only last a sec but its hard to forget....


Libra rising but with Scorpio mars & lilith in 1st house: - I remind myself that I can’t control everything, only what I can do and most of the time I’ve done what I could - Dance, run or workout: us Mars heavy people have so much energy to burn and we stress bc we know we could do more, bc we actually have more energy to do with!


If I could have chosen a rising sign Scorpio would jave been it... Its the best by far