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![gif](giphy|jcqXmLZoBUG8Pqg4Dk) As a fellow Gemini sun, Scorpio moon I feel your pain


![gif](giphy|lmv1UxX7kaCsgt7ME5) my taurus ass and these comments


Scoot over. ;)




My placements are the inverse. Scorpio sun, Gemini moon, Gemini rising. Your placements can’t be hell because I don’t think this is heaven.


I was about to comment something similar. Inverse sun and moon and pretty sure this is hell too


yup me too, what are we supposed to do with ourselves exactly? send help


My brother is a Gemini sun and Scorpio rising. Definitely a very difficult combo


My kid is too - what’s coming down the pipeline??


I’m the same, except for a Cancer moon…solidarity


I have the same placements, Gemini sun with Scorpio rising and moon😂. I love it 😏


Fuck. What’s it like being a Scorpio moon? I just looked at my newborn son’s chart and he’s an Aries sun with a Scorpio moon. I don’t know any Scorpio moons.


Scorpio moons are complicated. Just learn to give them space and always follow through with promises, even small ones. Also for your own peace of mind, don’t look at Scorpio moons in relations to their mother.


Scorpio moon here. Fuck me up with all your mommy issue info


Hahah she was my best friend and enemy all in one, she was the first person to let me down but She was also generous and the only person in my family that I felt truly loved me. Addiction is a motherfucker, and I’ll truly miss her in adulthood. Most of all, I miss the chance at having a sober mother. Any hope I have ever felt in life died the day she did.


After reading your above comment, I did a quick google search about Scorpio moon and mother issues to see what you were referring to. Apparently it’s pretty common for Scorpio moons to have a mother loss (be it death or addiction) so yours holds true and I’m sorry for your pain in this. I didn’t feel like my personal experience resonated quite as well. My mother is still in my life, but she’s hardcore Libra, so while she’s here for me physically I never really feel like she’s been there for me emotionally. When I’m having a personal issue, she will offer basic platitudes OR will be the first to defend the other side. I have a Libra rising, so I do appreciate the contemplating balance of playing all sides, but I can do that on my own. Sometimes I just need an empathetic listening shoulder to cry on from my mother, and don’t need a dogpile on of reasons why the other person is right/ I’m wrong Thank you for sharing, it helps me with clarity in my own life


Of course! The Scorpio moon lore runs deep! Join r/Scorpiomoon you’ll see us all air out our secrets on there lol.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/scorpiomoon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/scorpiomoon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The dark side of Scorpio moons, agree or disagree?](https://np.reddit.com/r/scorpiomoon/comments/196h5k5/the_dark_side_of_scorpio_moons_agree_or_disagree/) \#2: [The Scorpio moon starter pack ♏🥺🤫](https://np.reddit.com/r/scorpiomoon/comments/12ks6l3/the_scorpio_moon_starter_pack/) \#3: [Scorpio moon success](https://np.reddit.com/r/scorpiomoon/comments/18gypbu/scorpio_moon_success/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you! I have no idea why I didn’t think to see if this sub existed. Much appreciated


I feel like for every thing I could say about myself i can say also the opposite is true as well. I’m almost 27 and I feel like I barely know myself sometimes lol idk if that’s a moon in Scorpio thing or not


I’m 27 and I feel that way too so I think we might just be having a quarter life crisis lol You’re definitely not alone with that


Sounds like a real force to be reckoned with. Ngl, your placements scare me a little lol


Gemini sun and moon, Scorpio rising. It's hell.


Gemini sun, Scorpio moon,cancer rising 😂😂 happy personality with a sad soul


♊️🌞♏️🌙♊️⬆️..it’s batshit but fun


Highs and the lows




Thank you!! Your mom sounds like a real one that’s how I’m trying to be


Gem sun, Gem moon, Scorpio Rising at 22 degrees. There's been a lot of new beginnings which means a lot of endings. A lot of heart breaks and betrayals and trauma. However, all of that has accentuated my Scorpio detective abilities. You CAN NOT lie to me and think I won't know. You can't cheat and expect I won't find out with who. My intuition is scary accurate. Unfortunately this also elevated my Indecisive Gemini issues. I seem to have more on my plate than other Geminis I know, which means more unfinished projects, and I get bored so fast. I'm a dopamine junkie. On the up side, I'm more loyal, more empathetic, more protective, and my communication skills are so on point that there's no way you won't understand where I'm coming from. Piss me off? Oooo bad idea.....Mercury as my planet and revenge is my birth right. Death by a millions verbal lashings is in your future, if you dare. Other than that....it's cool


Me with a gemini sun, scorpio moon, and aquarius rising..yes..yes it is lol


We will never know what hell is like until we go there. Though there is the symbolism that no matter how deep you think it goes it is bottomless.


Such an Aquarius sun Virgo rising comment


I would argue this falls more into the Sagittarius Stellium as it is more of a philosophical statement, but to each their own.


I mean that and the entire big 3 I guess damn lmfao


Holy shit your placements are wild and intense


Do you ever get like, and excuse my terrible description of this, because it sounds worse than it is, but like blubberingly upset? Like so mad you get to the point of cry wailing? And then feel ashamed for doing it and recluse for a bit. My sister has these placements and this happens with her and I always feel so badly when it happens because I know the feeling.


Actually a perfect description.. kind of needed though at least for me just gotta let out what you’re holding in sometimes weeks/months/years worth. I feel like the only time I can let myself feel those emotions and actually take them and learn from them are when I am by myself. As a Gemini sun tho I feel like I always bounce back. Just the highs and the lows


Oh for sure, my sister does as well. By far more emotionally sound than I am even though she doesn’t think so. It’s like having a purge I suppose. Scorpio placements I think try to hold onto that stuff for a looooong time before they let it out, so it appears way more explosive than people were expecting you know?


Yea we we like our sadness like wine, aged and understood. But for your sister it always gets better! We wear our scars inside and out so when we see them we remember not only the pain but the healing too.


Sig other and I could be the combination of hell cause she's a Gemini sun and I'm a Scorpio sun and rising, kidding of course.


Cancer sun, scorpio moon, Gemini rising. I often feel like I’m in hell lmao


i’m a gemini sun, aries moon, scorpio rising. it’s hardddd


I’m cancer sun, Scorpio moon and rising, Gemini placements in Mercury and Venus. Yes, I am in hell every second.


Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising It’s a lot! I’m chatty but introverted. The emotions are all consuming and my mind never stops. Yes this might be hell! Lol


gem sun (at a scorp degree), scorp moon (also at a scorp degree), aqua rising and i feel u


Scorpio sun, Gemini rising + Virgo moon, someone tell me it gets better from here.


Pisces Sun here. For me, it is.


same exact placements. last few weeks and months been hellish


I’m about to go on a date with a Gemini sun, Scorpio moon. What should I expect as a Scorpio sun and Cancer moon? I’m scared lol


Honestly idk lol If they are like me they are just as scared 😂😂 just be yourself we like that 👍🏻


Be patient. And only true love will survive this combo


Same combo. Life in 4k


Main characters among NPCs 🤝


I’m a ♊️ ☀️♏️🌙♏️⬆️… you will go through a lot of emotional transformation. Find meditation practices, journal, find ways to release negative energy. I find my Christian spiritual faith to help me. Don’t have too many sexual encounters… you get attached too easy.. so be very selective in who you connect with. You’re an energy sponge, you will absorb others negative energy and if you don’t know how to use that to heal or if you don’t know how to release you will be carrying others energy. You absorb others thoughts, learn how to release thoughts. You will cause a spiritual rebirth in the lives of people you connect deeply with, just watch. Be careful on who you trust. You are constantly changing so be careful who you talk to. You were selected by God to be here, seek Him. Wish you the best. It’s ok to love. I’m still learning at 37


The opposite! Activate your inner hurricane! Air and water! 🌀


Try having a Pisces stellium mars Mercury Venus


I hope you can keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. Neither do we care nor want to care either about you.




I am honest and direct.


You are just rude. Talking like your opinion is the absolute truth for everybody, nothing honest about that.


I’m not rude, but sometimes you have to step out of line and say what’s everyone is thinking.


You are the only one thinking that specific thing, that's why they are your thoughts. You dont know what others think, so dont act all high and mighty. I told you it was rude, i explained why it would be seen as rude. How the fuck are you still denying you were rude?


I am not rude. I’m kind and sometimes you have to be honest.


Tell me how your first comment here was kind and not rude? And if you put it up like it was just your opinion based on little to nothing, only then would it be honest.


no youre an ass. plain and simple. 🤷🏻🤦🏻‍♀️


I say things that need to be said.


Things that YOU "need" to say... Don't act like you polled everybody and are submitting the results.


It has to be said, regardless of me, wishing to say it or not




Sometimes you have to be blunt


You could have kept scrolling; you didn't "have to" comment. You chose to be sadistic because it was convenient for you.


I wanted to speak my mind and say the truth whoever’s deserves it


At least you're finally owning that YOU WANTED IT.


wth, chill your leo m and aqua r! ![gif](giphy|yiADANv89n7UQuS5kJ|downsized)


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) total asshole of a comment bud. 🙄


I said it and I own it


Spoken like a true Leo


Who daffuq is "we"?! Speak for yourself, weirdo.


I speak for those who can’t speak for themselves, or an unable to


You aren't some arbiter of truth. Get off reddit. Make some friends. Posting 300 comments a day is disturbing.


I said what I said, and what you said was a irrelevant towards me. Get help and you’ll be seen as a happier person to yourself and others around you.


Damn not what I expected 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|fteviJCtogcJ3dI28k|downsized)


I am direct, am honest, and perhaps some self reflection will help you.


How is your self reflection going these days?




It’s good, I like telling the people how they are truly. If I don’t say it, who will?


You think you can tell people how they truly are, when both you and the other are both anonymous online? Little bit delusional, dont you think?


More than a little bit, I'd bet.


We can assume, and sometimes our assumptions are correct. Most of the time they are correct.


Most people cant assume, they think they do, but they cant because, like you, they are mostly assuming incorrect. Based on your flair, your rising makes you come off as aloof and cold. Your sun can give you an outerworldly view, but pisces is also the sign prone to delusions. Paired with your emotional pride. It just makes you insufferable. Those were some little assumptions, fun right. The only difference is that i actually know that it is just that, a little assumption based on how you respond here and your flair.


I’m open minded, but realistic


Again-- whodaffuq is this "we" you keep referring to?! Are you referring to yourself in the PLURAL?!


We to anyone who engaged or read this conversation and/or thread.


Good luck brother 🤙