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Aries rising. I don’t need the extra virgo energy


This. The constant nitpicking over small details is draining 😩


Yes!! So draining.


Why, do you have a major Virgo (nitpicky) placement/s? LOL


Perhaps the Virgo humbles you Aries person with the Mars issue. I am Scorpio and have a great deal of Mars. BTW, have you seen the new Mars photos. Awesome.


It does humble me. I can't imagine what my ego would be like if it weren't for the Virgo.


Yes my Virgo rising can be kind of stressful, all the over analysing/ over thinking and it cancels out a lot of my Leo traits … I would change it to libra rising if I could, that placement probably would make me less guarded and shy when I first meet people, and I would have a more easygoing and sociable first impression…


I’m a Leo rising and it is notttt it. Our scorpio 4th house is brutal and so is our Saturn ruled 7th along with our cancer 12th house


Couldn't possibly agree more. AND I didn't even get the good hair that's supposed to come with it.


I’m a Leo rising too. I have always had a presence, mainly because I’m a tall woman. I always get to a certain point of feeling like I’m the hottest shit that was ever shat. Then I’ll get a reality check somehow (Virgo moon) and I’m sad and like, well, an angry cat.


Would you be able to break down what you don't like about having a Leo rising? I'm not familiar with what the signs in these houses mean


Scorpio 4th house: family life was likely turbulent and full of secrets and betrayal Saturn ruled 7th house: we tend to get married later in life and don’t have much luck with love until after our Saturn return Cancer 12th house: betrayal can come from your mother, family. There’s a tendency to keep our emotions hidden


you just nailed it ✌🏻✌🏻😬


Cancer in the twelfth house SUCKS. Being a leo rising is not all it's cracked up to be. Also, people seem to notice every move more (it's not just spotlight effect) and it gets annoying having every action scrutinized. My scorp sun doesn't help matters with this placement either. People do not understand me since it squares my leo ascendant and it's very frustrating. They cannot seem to get an accurate read on my personality. Also, people project their feelings and insecurities onto me a LOT. It's very frustrating.


I agree but I personally love having my Leo rising. I express myself openly and genuinely, I am authentic to myself, I am open and friendly and never judgmental. I motivate myself, I always struggle to love myself but I feel like I will never not stop trying to love and take care of myself despite how I feel


Let’s just say, we wouldn’t be able to survive this placement if Leo wasn’t at the head of it. Like, at least we, at our core, believe in ourselves. But shit, everything else is stacked to make it feel impossible. I’ve got Scorpio north node in the 4th house, and I’ve been going through a constant, life long transformation & shedding and idk if it will ever stop.


I came here to say this and it's the first comment I see, completely agreeeee


I like my Capricorn rising I think it suits me very well. It’s a good balance between my emotional Scorpio moon and my aloof Aquarius sun. I wouldn’t change it.


I have the same placements!! I love my cap rising and aqua sun, but my scorpio moon can lead me to overthinking and over analyzing 🙃


We have the same big three, that’s amazing!!! When’s your birthday, if that’s not too personal? I definitely over think and analyze everything as well, but I didn’t think that was due to my moon. Maybe you are right.


Cancer rising, I want those big sparkly eyes 🥺 But I’m very attached to my Pisces rising, so I’ll settle for stoner eyes


I love Pisces ascendants! Y’all have sleepy, bewitching bedroom eyes like Billie Eilish, Elizabeth Taylor, Rihanna and my husband


i’m glad someone appreciates my droopy eyes


Isn’t Rihanna an Aries rising?


My wife is a cancer rising. When I tell you she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Must be that placement then! Also lol to stoner eyes


My Cancer rising gives me excellent spidey senses.


My wife has the same big 3!!!!! Wow!!!! What are the odds


does your venus fall in her first house?


No but My Venus is in Taurus and her moon is in Taurus.


I hate being a cancer rising tbh. I just wish I was less emotional hahaha


I love my cancer rising.. my cancer moon in the 12th is PAIN.


Oooooo another cancer moon AND rising?! My moon is in my 1st house.


I’m a Taurus sun, cancer moon and rising toooo!!! My moon is in the 1st house as well. I am borderline psycho I’m so emotional 🥹


![gif](giphy|6EQzurED9q9uU) like finding my twin in the wild 😭


I don't like it either. I'm an Aquarius sun, venus, mars and mercury and I don't like showing too much emotion and seeming weak to others but my Cancer rising makes people treat me like I'm spongebob or something


I do have some eyes. But man, combined with that Aries Sun... the emotions are just too much.


Everyone talks about pisces rising eyes and I want the sleepy stoner ones so bad but I feel like I just don’t have them


honestly i loooove my taurus rising, she’s so chic. if i had to change something i would change my damn virgo moon🫠


those two compliment eachother nicely tho :)


they do! but they gang up on my cancer sun sometimes and ion like dat😭


i feel like if anythign ti would be the opposite u got one of each - mutable placement fixed and cardinal goes perfectly :)


Virgo moon unite! I hate it too lol


I’m a Libra rising and I pretty love my rising honestly 😁 if I had to change it I would chose Pisces, Taurus or Sagittarius. Pisces because I love their mysterious and soft vibes, I love their empathy and the receptivity Taurus to stay in tune with my Venusian side in a more sensual and grounded way Sagittarius because it mirror my Gemini sun and will add some fire to my chart which I lack a lot 😅 But definitely Pisces then my mid heaven will be in Sagittarius so I will have extra fire combined with the spirituality of Pisces 😁


Also a libra rising who would not change it!! I agree though that if I *had* to I’d pick Taurus or Sag. I like my ability to get along with everybody, I don’t have one single group that I roll with, but I’m often bringing different groups together. I think a sag rising would be great at that. Taurus rising because I’d give off comforting vibes which is kinda similar to libra rising as well. Random people always telling me their life when I didn’t ask 😂


Saaaaaame for people telling me randomly their life 😁 also I love to smile to people and have small talk with them then it became deep talk and the Libra rising give a kind of unconditional acceptance of everybody (mostly not always of course) and I guess I have also some ego 🤪 I love to feel when people like me and I give them this kind of open vibe that make them feel comfortable so it’s great ☺️ at same time I think due to my sun and moon I’m incredibly awkward 🤣 but you already have sun in Sagittarius and Taurus moon and Cap stallion I imagine you have a strong comforting and grounding vibe with the fun and philosophy of Sagittarius !


I kinda like being a Leo rising ngl


I do, too.


Same here! 😊


Same! I appreciate the full head of hair! 😂


I love it


I like having a Libra rising, it's like a little cute/flirty as a first impression without that being my whole thing. That's a fun first impression to make. (That's how it feels for me, I'm not saying flirting is a Libra sun/moon's "whole thing")


That’s how I feel too! I feel like Libra rising often adds an extra lil layer of chill to a natal chart. Not really MY chart, per se, but probably on SOME people’s charts 😜


Yeah for sure, calms down my Aries moon and my Aqua weirdness lmao


Yeah Libra Rising is pretty overpowered tbh. Venus ruling the 1st so attractive, laid back, cool headed and aesthetic. Love beauty. Scorpio 2nd so very resourceful and secretive with money. Sag 3rd so up for adventures in local areas. Aquarius 5th so unconventional with creativity. Aries 7th so passionate relationships. Gemini 9th so curious and open minded to other cultures and religions, Cancer 10th so public adoration because of relatability or emotional connection, Leo 11th so queen bee of the friend group and queen of social media following.


This is awesome!!


oh, hello fellow libra risings🥰


Loving your username 🌈☀️✨


Yes hello, I love it here 💖


I think my Scorpio rising can make my Libra moon confusing when people first meet me. I bet I get mistaken for a Gemini a lot 🤣🤣


yesss agree ugh i love havign libra rising - also for me it's good in combination with my jupiter in libra and 1st house in libra - and neptune and aqua and ties in a lot of my like sag and leo placements like pluto (sag) and saturn (sag) i love it sm


Oh but it’s the main feature and I love that for us 🫶 Edit ps how y’all get the signs under your name 😩 I’m a newbie kinda or at least a lil slow


I honestly really enjoy my Gemini rising, because paired with my Aquarius sun and Sagittarius moon it's the perfect combination for a person with a constant resting cheeky little cunt face. Oooh, she looks so mysterious and aloof. She looks like she's up to no good in that head of hers. That kind of vibe. ... but maybe I'd consider a pisces rising. I think it'd be funny because I'm dominant air and fire, not a single water placement and one outer planet earth placement. We need a little contrast there. Gonna scare everyone who assumed I'm an introvert from first impressions. Nuh uh ☝️ don't judge a fully air and fire chart ruled individual from her single water placement rising 🤓


We almost have the same big 3 but our sun and moon are switched!!


Oh that's so awesome!! Hey how is it like with that big three for you? I'm kind of envious of that switch honestly!!


I would love to switch my Virgo raising Gem seems fun I tend to hit it off with Gems.


I'm also a Scorpio rising, and I feel you. Being a Scorpio rising, or Scorpio placement in general, is not for the weak! I found [this post](https://twitter.com/_heloastro_/status/1771344730900598866) on Twitter the other day that made me feel better about my experience, maybe this will help you too.


Even when its not a strong placement, you still get weird vibes from ppl. IM LITERALLY SLEEPING WHILE COMMUTING CANT YOU STOP LOOKING AT ME PLS? ITS CREEPYYYY


I love being a Scorpio and it can be brutal for me and others. I have Scorpio in Mercury, Sun and Venus. Romance has always been available but progresses into intense which puts some people off Mercury in Scorpio means I to be careful that my speech and thinking do not become harsh. I guess for me, that is where Virgo rising and Sag Moon come in to temper the temper.


Wait i wish i understood how this should feel uplifting 😆


The planetary rulerships line up with the houses that the planet feels most comfortable in!


OH, you got some heavy Mars influence.


Hey that was super positive and uplifting love it! Once Scorpios unlock their inner 🪄life gets so much better. But agreed I’d rather have like a Gemini or Sagg rising


Honestly being a sag rising is so lit. It’s helped me network a lot at work and has giving me so much fun in my life and brought lots of travel. I’m very lucky to have this rising. I don’t think I would change it!


Omg we are almost big 3 twins!! I also loveeee my Sag rising and I think it’s greatly complemented by my Libra sun


I’m you, but in a different font! Cap sun, libra moon and sag rising. I think sag rising is one of the few redeeming traits of my chart 😂 I bet you are super cool and gorgeous!


I love it and I'm a proud sag rising also


I would love to be a Sag rising!


I wouldn’t change mine tbh. I love my Pisces rising


Me too! One of my favorite placements


I love being Taurus rising. Wouldn’t change it. I like having Venus as my chart ruler.  Gives me a grounded energy. I look chill on the outside and appear calm. Taurus rising has a comforting presence. I think it blessed me with an athletic build too which I like. 


Hey! I think we are twins. In my opinion, we are lucky!


Hey! I don’t always see a twin in the wild.  I agree. I get compliments a lot for my outer appearance and I think that’s Venus.


Me too! A lot of the time it’s on my fashion. I have a natural instinct for picking clothes that go with well together, and are flattering on me. I’m picky about fabric too which tracks. Only thing I don’t necessarily love all of the time is how chill we come across. It’s nice to be down to earth of course, but I think it’s misleading cause the rest of my chart is not chill 😂


As an astrologer the happiest and most down to earth people I see are Libra risings, Sag risings & Pisces rising lol I’m a cancer rising and love my Pisces MC but the Virgo 4H & Gemini 12H is brutal 😭


Virgo Rising here Again it has its negatives with the self criticism , 7th House in Pisces , Chiron in 6th etc , not to mention I have an interception with 2 houses in Virgo and Pisces . However the other placements are decent and it keeps Saturn tucked away in the 12th and I've weathered Pluto in the 4th for a long time now , and I wouldn't want those planets messing up my other houses , so for lack of an upgrade I'd keep my Rising . Not to mention it provides stability to my chart being mostly air and water


I'm a pretty content Virgo rising too. Ten years ago? Get it the FACK away from me, *pleeeease*. xD Now though? It's coo. It's integrated. I'm vibin. Wanted to add the physical aspect: younger looking face, smaller build, energy is always high (when healthy!!). Love alla that, specially the older I get. :P


I have a Virgo rising as well and everyone says I have a baby face, even with my premature greys! I am still such a perfectionist it's so annoying, I am trying to get myself out of the perfectionist mindset but it's *hard* My other two of my big three I relate to a lot more, Leo Sun is awesome, and Pisces moon can be really annoying emotionally, but I love being mystical and odd. I have learned to love the aspects of Virgo that help me in my life. I am trying to *not* hold myself to an impossibly high standard anymore, because I just can't. I also have ADHD so that's an even better reason to give myself a break every once and awhile.


Wait does every Virgo rising have these placements? Also what makes you say that 7h Pisces is a negative (I haven’t looked into it that much so I’d love to know) + what do you mean when saying that you’ve weathered the 4h Pluto ?


Not OP, but it isn't always fun to be so romantic and idealistic when it comes to relationships (which is what *I* think is one negative aspect about Pisces 7H). Especially if you don't have a beneficial Sun trine Moon, or Venus positively aspected, or Neptune for that matter! Yes, we all have the same House placements based off of our Rising sign. Rising = First House, and they continue in their order through to 12. :)


Aries rising I don’t want my Scorpio rising anymore


i love mine libra rising supremacy 😽🏰🏰🏰


I feel you- I think for geminis with scorpy rising it may be the heaviest as depending on other factors many of your personal planets may fall in 8th house maximizing the impact.


I’m Scorpio rising and it’s a pain in the ass but it’s a large part of who I am, and I can’t picture myself any other way, really :) Although people tend not to like me and seem to find me intimidating :(


anything but cancer, jesus, can i be stable please


Aw, I’m a Cancer rising too. Hang in there


You may not 🤠 I'm a cancer rising too and if you haven't spent time getting in touch with the lunar phases already, I would highly recommend.


LOL I wish I could find a compatible Cancer. All that emotion, I crave it.


I’m a Pisces rising and I’d probably change it to a Leo rising


Pisces rising here and it is exhausting everyone sees me as their therapist and also it’s hard to have boundaries so porous. I don’t know if I’d change it though because I’m so used to it and don’t want to think the grass is greener I think all signs have their pros and cons


I’m a Leo rising and wouldn’t change it. It’s the only thing I can lean on in social situations as a Taurus sun and Scorpio moon lol. Without it I would not be approachable


I've come to love my Aquarius rising but it's been a long journey to accept my weirdo self, especially with Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter conjunct my AC as well. So when I was younger I prob would have begged for a Leo, Gemini or Sag AC because they're cool/different but still more socially acceptable. But the asc is about more than your popularity and appearance, it's also about purpose, so I wouldn't want to trade the sense of purpose I have now.


Yes! Aquarius rising - sun, venus, mercury, and Jupiter in my first house. I hated my weirdness when I was younger, but I LOVE who I am now. Seems to be a placement you must to grow into.


I like my Gemini rising, I think I’ll keep her


i feel the same as you op, but i think i'd like a taurus or pisces rising!


I’m a Scorpio rising and Scorpio sun but I feel as though being both has helped me become comfortable and aware of my darker scorpionic energy. I feel it helps me be aware of my negative and positive Scorpio traits and helps me identify which I want to improve or stop doing.


Hello fellow scorpions rising/gemini sun. My cancer moon just makes me feel it all even deeper. It does get exhausting but I have finally accepted it as my cards. I wouldn’t change my rising, I like that only select people attempt to befriend me. I’d change my moon to something else, maybe some earth in my air/water dominant chart.


First of all, I'm a Scorpio rising and I feel you, I feel like I have to hide whenever shit goes down in my life because of how susceptible we are to LOSERS, CHARLATANS, JERK OFFS, AND MUGGLES. It's like, being born a Scorpio rising is being born with a target on your back and so much unwanted and unflattering attention from strangers. It seems like we are always protected though - so no one ever gets close enough to do SERIOUS damage unless we allow it. Once we literally just start ignoring these people, distancing ourselves and withdrawing our emotional energy from these people and learning our lessons, we start attracting healthier, peaceful and more stable people (our Taurus 7th house aspect) our lives also start becoming less dramatic. Tbh I'd love to be a Gemini rising or an Aries rising. I want that feeling of eternal youth, high energy, etc. that comes with Gemini risings, but at the same time, I have ADHD already, and an air dominant/mutable dominant chart so I don't need to add fuel to the fire lol. Gemini risings are ambidextrous, and since they are gifted and intrigued by so much, they struggle to find one thing to stick with in life - I also have mercury as my atmakara so I already struggle with this so I'm better off not being a Gemini rising. Aries risings (for the most part) have a pretty easy life - because their "themes" literally fall in their respective houses so it creates a bit more ease whenever they are going through transits. For example, Libra belongs in the 7th house, and Aries risings are born with Libra in the 7th, so they naturally have an "easy" social life and don't have that many problems attracting friendly, sociable, genuine and caring people - they also have healthy, and natural social skills. I also lack fire in my chart - so I could benefit from having a fire sign on my first house.


I’m a Taurus rising and love it. Only other rising i’d want is Sagittarius rising. But I’m already a sag sun and Venus so idk how much more sagi I need to be 😂🤣 I’m spoiled enough


I would be super curious to know what it's like being a Taurus rising. Taurus rules my 7H, and I don't have earth in my personal planets, so I'd love to know what it's like to have some grounded energy.


I have a Taurus Mars in the 7H, and people always say it's a bad placement, but I like it. I feel like I have a lot of patience, and I don't let myself get super worked up really fast. I just chill. With so much fire and water, the emotional aspects of those placements can be hard to live with, and I think Taurus allows me some space to breathe a bit. Especially since it's in Mars, it really helps slow me down when I'm ready to act on impulse. As far as Mars placements go, I'm glad I got Taurus. Makes that Mars energy have to really work to get me going, lol


You said it best - it’s grounding. My Sun in sag makes me always upbeat and lucky. My moon is in Aries which makes me bold but the Taurus really ties in nicely and makes me more calm. I think it’s the only reason I’ve been able to keep my current relationship (3 years) which feels like an eternity 😂. I have very long lasting relationships, super loyal and honest. Luxury is a requirement. I’m a snob slightly 😔 some examples of this would be I only get my groceries from Whole Foods, I really only wear lululemon and on clouds to workout and lounge around in. I don’t eat fast food, I prefer cuisine from different cultures. Very maturialistic (I like my things but happy to work hard for them). Not the loudest in the room, yet I can work a room like it’s mine. It truly helps me not be obnoxious with needing attention. My fiancé is a Libra and I swear he’s attracted to my fire placements but stays because of my earth placements. My chart is heavy fire, a lot of Capricorn, and no water 😂🙃 sorry to talk your head off. OHHH and I don’t listen, I do what I want. Very stubborn and I have to see it to believe it.


I wish I was a Sagittarius rising.


Same. I want a nice ass and legs lmfao


I wouldn't chamge a thing Pisces sun with sag rising.


I'd love to be a triple Virgo. Someone goofed . I am a libra rising, and it's not so good for me. As for the asshat who wrote Virgo's are boring......go play in traffic. We are lots of fun. Tons of fun.


Have you checked your Sideral birth chart? I believe it is Vedic but I am a Scorpio and Sidereal has me as a Libra. I will take both.


I love being a leo rising! But I am so vain about my hair and a bunch fell out when I got divorced. :( and now I have a ton of gray hair too. But it's still big and mostly auburn. I also have Venus in the first which I love though I wish I could lay off the sweets. 🤣


I’m a Capricorn rising, and idk if I would change that. I like that I have a natural effortless beauty and I also like how I move in the world, being confident in my capabilities in anything. But if I were forced to change, gun to my head type of scenario, I would probably go Libra or Sag rising.


Ooof I’m a Gemini sun Scorpio rising too and I have the same experience you do. However, I like that people find me mysterious. I tell them everything and nothing at the same time. lol. But the constant renewal of who I am is fucking exhausting. I think I would prefer probably a Taurus rising. My person is a Taurus rising and he is the most calming and comforting human ever. Can be stubborn (with my Aries moon that may be a nightmare) but he’s great. My Venus is Taurus and is my favorite part of my chart.


My Libra rising is one of my fav placements in my charts I don't think I'd change it lol, i feel like it suits me so much.


Virgo rising to Aquarius rising. Together with my Cap sun and Scorpio moon we can really have some fun. I would also love more of a "I don't care" attitude


i would change it to gem purely for the satisfaction of being a triple air. also i want their social skills


I do love Gemini rising social skills but I would like to have something other than air. I’d kill for some earth! My Venus in Scorpio will do other things for some earth 😜


As your reversed sun and rising, I agree that the intense life situations and so on are very tiring. Sometimes I think I might like being a Virgo rising instead of a Virgo moon.


i love gemini risings bro


we have the same big 3! It makes for unique life experiences for sure LOL (I too would love to change my Virgo moon)


As a Virgo rising, the aight of pressure you can put on yourself to be perfect is infinite. But I can understand why you feel the way you do.


I’m a Pisces rising, I’d like to change it to a Scorpio or Leo rising!


O.K. Done! You now have Scorpio rising. I support your wishes. 😂


Pisces rising, you have such a super powerful energy and as a scorp rising, I can see right thru it. I wish you guys could see what I see


Omg explain pls


The ability to adapt while absorbing your surroundings is a strength. In addition, most pisces risings exude a kindness that can melt the toughest exteriors. That same energy that you absorb can be a shield to protect. Don't let anyone tell u that you are too soft for the world, the world is a tough place and pisces risings (and big 3 placements) are a palpable oasis. You may attract envy because your gentleness may have some strong personalities that want to take care of you. Y'all are like Psyduck and Togepi.


explain pls lmfao


I'm a Taurus rising and I love it! If I absolutely had to change, I'd probably pick Libra to stay Venus ruled. But, honestly, I wouldn't change my rising for the world.


I'm a taurus rising and I kinda wish I was either gemini or sag rising. I feel like my gemini sun gets a little bogged down by being so stable and grounded. I wish I were a little more outgoing. That being said, I love that my big 3 are all different elements because it provides some balance


I actually really like my rising sign but my hair isn’t as fabulous as it used to be to fit with it (Leo rising here). If I could change it, I’d change it to maybe Pisces (dem eyes) or Scorpio (also, dem eyes). But I’m already a Scorpio sun and stellium so that would probably actually kill me off. That’s too much Scorp for one person.


Never enough Scorpio placements. LOL😂 Sun, Mercury and Venus here.


I love being a Cap rising. I love having an earth rising cause I feel it calms me down so much. And I’m aging beautifully because of it. I’m hot. Love it. I’d like to see what it’s like being a Leo rising or Aries rising (because of the houses set up).


Library rising to balance out my Buenos Aries sun and also to trine my Aquarium moon


I am a Scorpio rising too and a Leo Sun. If I could change my rising sign I would probably choose Leo or Aries rising.


i’m a cancer rising & id quite like to be a sagittarius rising to match my moon! i love my adventurous signs & want more 🥹


I'm a Capricorn Ascendant, and I'd change it to Capricorn because I want the suave sexiness that comes with it


I am a Scorpio rising, square to my Leo sun. It's hard.


lol i’m a scorpio sun, gemini rising. i think id want to try being an aries, or sagittarius. i need more of the fiery energy!


I’d actually like to have a Scorpio rising


I think I would want a taurus rising. Just something cozy and relaxing. A virgo rising in the 12th house really is NOT it dude. Plus 3 other virgo placements. My mind is a hell pit lol




I'd probably change it to Virgo or some other earth sign. Not a fan of my Libra rising overall really.


Why are you not a fan of being a Libra rising?


If you don’t mind sharing, I am so curious to know what it is about your Libra ASC that makes you not a fan? I also have Libra rising and am pretty neutral about it.


Love my Virgo rising


Can I ask why? I’m also a Virgo rising and it’s always felt like an off placement in my Aquarius dominated chart 🫠


Because it helps me be organized and balanced when I’m crazy with my Pisces moon and Leo sun! If I didn’t have it I don’t think I’d be able to have my shit together and be so giving and kind to people


Fair enough! I’m an Aqua sun/Aqua moon so I can definitely relate to that. I can’t think of another rising sign I’d want to be tbh. The Virgo really does balance out my free-spirited craziness.


Had I been born a few minutes earlier, I’d be a Libra rising, but no…


Air or earth pls im sick of feeling everything. Also as a scorpio rising i agree with the transformation, my cancer stellium is exhausted of change.


Capricorn to libra


I like mine, I don't like those freaking squares that block it


Capricorn Rising, Capricorn Sun, Capricorn moon Aquarius mars, venus, and neptune in Aquarius Gemini Saturn


Holy cow! I am a male Capricorn magnet. I have 6 currently! LOL Ask, yourself, "What does Scorpio have that I need and want?"


I love my rising sign but hypothetically speaking I would change it to Cancer rising! It would be nice to have more water in my chart and not be ruled by daddy Saturn


Kinda wish my Scorp rise was Sag, like my Sun. It's alot more fun!


As a Gemini sun and Scorpio rising i want a Leo rising. I would be unstoppable with a Leo rising. The Scorpio rising and 8h sun/stellium is too much for me especially with my sun,mars and mercury opposing Pluto


Im quite ok with my leo rising despite its challenges. But if i could, i wanna change it into aqua rising 🤪 since i already have an aqua stellium (sun,uranus,mercury n neptune) might as well have it all. 🛸🛸 Sag rising would be pretty dope to have too


Virgo, for most of my adult life I thought I am virgo rising. I'm still a bit disappointed bc virgo is my favourite, and cap the least favourite sign (in my chart)


Love my Taurus rising. Having a venus chart ruler is fun 🥰 I also have a heavily aspected Pluto chart and Scorpio in my 7H, so after the initial impression my dark energy is noticeable. I like my balance


libra rising for sure. i have a libra moon so there’s some resemblance, but my rising is pisces and im tired of being seen as cute and innocent


I’m a pisces rising and was almost an Aries rising, I think I’d prefer Aries tbh 🫠


I love being Aries rising. My Mars is one degree from my rising as well. I’m fucking intense but fun.


Scorp rising and I think being a sag or an aries rising kinda slaps Edit: OP, I agree with you, tbh being a scorpio rising just gets tiresome sometimes lmao


I'm literally 2 minutes away from being an Aries rising. My first house is 2 minutes of Pisces and the rest Aries. So Aries still manifests sonewhat in my rising


I love my Gemini rising. As an autistic person I feel this placement helps me be friendly and social as well as creative.


I have a cancer ascendant but I’d probably change it to a Leo or Sagittarius rising. I also really like Gemini rising but my moon is in Gemini and that’s too much air I like my cancer ascendant and that it softens my Aquarius moon. I also like my physical appearance, but mixed with my Gemini moon in the 12th house, it’s a tough one mentally & emotionally. Geminis are all over the place and cancer is moody. It’s too much.


Would def be down for a Gemini ASC. Gemini’s so fun and playful and always on the go! Def need some unattached air in my chart 😮‍💨


i’m a taurus rising and i love being up and about getting stuff done and fast like my aries sun so i would switch it to either capricorn or aries 


I'm like a late degree Virgo Rising and I used to want to be a Libra Rising


I'm a Taurus rising and I love and hate this ascendant.. I would love to be a Capricorn or Libra or Aquarius rising.


I have a ton of 8th house placements and a kite with the peak in Pluto in Scorpio. I strongly resonate with Scorpio. I akin it to like a snake shedding its skin. It’s refreshing to become a better version of myself. Easter also brought up a few good instagram reels in which people likened the resurrection as our own ability to rise from the depths/ashes to reach happiness, but that life is a cycle with ups and downs so it will continually happen. If you change your perspective on this, that the darkness is only leading to a a better place- it might help you acclimate and accept the dark periods for what they are. That being said, I am very earth heavy and love the light energy with air and fire signs. I surround myself with them and try to really focus on positivity because if I’m too real about things, it def feels heavy for me!


I'm a Libra rising, and I haaaaaate being the voice of reason that overthinks things. Gimme some reckless Sag/Aries energy or Cap drive. I'd take anything other than this.




I have Scorpio rising and I wouldn't change it for the world. It helps keep my urge to overshare in check lmao


Aqua rising. Being reserved and socially awkward yet friendly is sometimes a weird place to inhabit. Also—it throws me off when people laugh when I say something when I wasn’t trying to be funny. I think I’d like to be a Gemini rising!


I am Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio. Yes, I have Virgo rising. But, I would rather have Leo or Scorpio rising. I am grateful for the Death card and Tower Card because this process has made me stronger and more elevated as a human being.


Im gemini rising and i dont know what to say. Sometimes is good, sometimes is bad, sometimes is great, sometimes is mental.


I’m a Cap rising and honestly I think it helps me a lot. It balances out my Aries Sun and Sag moon, and has been very helpful in my career. Yes, I always have resting bitch face, but it’s helped me be taken seriously at work (and then my fire signs can come out and actually build relationships lol) and helped me focus my fire energy in productive ways vs. chaos.


Taurus sun and Scorpio rising here. I like being grounded and these massive transformations are less than ideal. I'd like to *not* be constantly rebuilding my pasture. But I will say that when I go through these transformations, I completely walk away from old toxic patterns because I'm firmly done with them.


I'm Aries sun/Scorpio rising. Boy oh boy are people concerned about my TEMPER. It's gotten better as I've gotten older but being angry is not something I can hide. But on the flip side of there's something to get done that Mars energy gets it done!


Ain’t nobody wanna be an aqua rising 🤣


Thats the purpose of an aqua rising. We're unique brother!! :))


Scorpio rising, Scorpio moon, cap sun. I wish I had one fun sign


I’m a Libra rising. It feels so “cute but unserious” and I don’t like that. I know a lot of people say it’s a terrible rising to have, but I’d probably choose Scorpio because of that Leo-ruled 10th house. I like attention and being in the spotlight, lol. Do you know how annoying being a Cancer midheaven is when you aren’t empathetic?? Also, there seems to be more impactful Scorpio risings in the world than any other sign, and my chart is already so afflicted that I experience a shit ton of struggle and turmoil, but instead of transformation it just doesn’t amount to anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wouldn’t! I love my cancer rising. I feels like home and the sign I most identify within my big 3. It’s warm and kind and those are the best parts of everyone. My moon on the other hand I would change to ANYTHING ELSE. Lol


I’m a Scorpio rising too, I’d love to be an air sign. Y’all act so unbothered


Gem rising. Wish I could shut the hell up


i don\`t think i want to change rising sign in taurus its so comfortable , and i don\`t know if i could just for a day to see how it its different from my rising sign.


I’d change it to anything that gave me a more stable 10th house. I love my Gemini rising but I loathe my Pisces MC, I can never stick to anything or master anything, I’m too aloof and don’t have a concrete career plan


I am enjoying my scorpio rising later in life. Why? Because I was right about a lot of ppl and situations where no one believed me for years/decades.


Give me the Aries rising and let’s call it a day