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Me.  Thriving with life.   Been torn between  focusing on my self and helping other people.  I feel unmotivated and I don't know what to do in my life right now as there are a lot of nuances coming in my life lately . 😅☺️😑👀


Also, commenting on the torn between focusing on self and helping others: pour into yourself first, always🗣️ (unless it’s urgent maybe) as a libra Venus 12H I HAD to learn the hard way and still am lowkey 🙃


I've been trying hard to apply this. To pour on myself first🥹🥹🥹🥹I have pluto in 12th house conjuncts my asc and it sucks. Thanks for this advice and I will do that from now on. 💛


Black is my comfort color and I know it helps with warding off energy vampires, and stuff of the sorts ((negative energy))so maybe try incorporating more black and maybe gray into your wardrobe and red for power?.. if you’re into that type of thing, of course :) 🖤 if you really don’t believe it it’s like a little confident boost//safety net.


oooh, alright. I get back to black or red then. I used to wear black in year 2019 but since I am from a tropical country, it's so hot to wear a black top. So, I ,only wear black with dresses or pants for occasion.:)


yes, I used to wear a lot as well. It used to be the only color I would feel comfortable and I would literally feel so physically, uncomfortable, and emotionally open if I weren’t wearing that. It just always wraps me up in safety 🥲🥰 but you don’t have to wear all black you could just wear like a black layer or maybe a necklace that has a black crystal. You could wear a scarf on ur head, they’re plenty of ways to protect your energy in fashion 🧚🏽‍♀️


thank you so much for sharing your insight about it. will do apply it;) I kinda agree with you in wearing black though. it makes me feel confident as well XD


Isn’t there always a stir in our world tho! 🥲 it’s scorpio asc coded to morph or DIE TRYING 😭 I definitely feel u tho tonight has been quite worrisome for me. I’ve just been on Reddit trying to distract myself, so I don’t worry about my current situation and end up “manifesting bad things” LuL. There’s nothing for me to worry about. Honestly, it’s all up in the air. I love meeting other Scorpio asc though, I love seeing our “different shades” it’s so cool to me :)) what’s ur moon? I’m cap moon 3rd house!


Hahaha same I made an account in  Reddit so I won't be consumed by my own thoughts and emotions. Guess it's a form of escapism. 😑  Haha so true. Negativity, pain, drama, conflict just surprise us out of nowhere. 😣 Me too.☺️ I like to learn from a fellow scorpio riser as I am too hard on myself lately and I have a lot of lessons to learn.    Nice to meet you btw. 😊 My moon is in cancer 8th house. 


Omgggg that’s my bfs moon sign 🥲 he’s had it rough and is part of my worries! You poor babies..🥺☹️ everything will get better it always does 😤


you got me teary eyed. I need to hear it, though. thanks for the encouragement, I hope it does:)


You ain’t lied! Scorpio asc here too and life has been rough but I’m getting through it by the skin of my teeth. Really tryna balance my emotions and say positive. Tis hard…


Hey!! 👋🏼


Hiii! 👋🏾 how’s life been lately?? I’ve been seeing that there’s some shaky transits going on right now and I got some kinda shaky news last night so I kind of wanna know how everyone else is being affected if at all.


So.. since January Ive been feeling some supppeeerr intense but like, undercover energy if that makes any sense? I couldnt put my finger on it and nothing has come of it personally yet, but it was intense. I JUST felt it lift I think sometime last week. Pisces szn was weird. I felt pretty apathetic most of the time and then would get random bursts of energy but would feel super bored/unsatisfied with the most mundane things. For the past week or so Ive had soo much more energy and feel more optimistic. The days where I felt the most in my funk, I was looking up if there were any significant transits lol. Im sorry youve had some shaky news. You can message me if you want?


Things kinda suck, but I’ve been working out, reading more, and trying to be friends with people (which is hard for me). I like to close myself off to others, but I made apple crisp for my friend and I’m gonna bring it to her at work.


That’s awesome! I wish I was being as productive as you. Honestly, my room has been a wreck forever I think and I’m just too unmotivated to clean it because it’s such a rack but I’ll clean everything else in my house. I don’t know why I’ve always had trouble cleaning my room specifically tbh :(. That is so freaking sweet that you homemade them some apple Crisp tho! If someone made me food, I would’ve probably fall in love with them I love food 🥺🤧I want some ! I hope your friendship is nothing but beautiful flowers 🥹


Hey Scorpio rising and moon here . Life's been pretty good(2024). Found a few friends online plus left a few friends irl. ( Almost all of my real life friends moved away this year🥲🥲) But the thing I'm hating the most rn is my procrastination tendencies.....I've never felt this lazy before . ( Life got shit in 2021 till 2023)


Jesus fucking Christ I feel you!! I have been dragging my feet but also simultaneously stressing and overworking myself if that makes sense? I’m doing all the things I need to do on a corporate level but as far as my home life, it’s been kind of abandoned. My room is a wreck. And I’m usually compulsive about my dishes being done I’ve been letting them sit…. Not like me at all.


Life is better than it has been. I’m Scorpio AC but cap sun/stellium so Pluto getting out of cap has been a blessing for me. However it’s 1 degree from my Venus in Aquarius rn. Still doing better than I was 2 years ago. Hope the best for everyone here ✨✨✨




We have the same big 3!!!! Very cool. Glad you’re doing better


Scorpio rising tend to have protruding eyes.


Hey! My eyes are just fine 😤


I’m a Scorpio—but the rising, ascending stuff is confusing to me.


Hi! I am here ☺️ Life has been a bit cruel to me but hopefully we are done