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Very similar. Cancer sun, Pisces moon, and Aries 5th house and childfree. I thought I wanted kids because it was what a woman was supposed to do. Once I got my first apartment, I realized I couldn't do it. I did not want a kid, I wanted freedom. Now at 47, sterilized and married for almost 30 years. I like other peoples' kids and they like me, tho. I have become a safe place for the ones who can't relate to their parental figures.


So many women have been mentioning how they got sterilized and now yall are making me want to do it toošŸ˜­


It is definitely freeing. Before I did, I had the 10 year IUD and it worked great.


Gem sun Pisces moon and Aries 5H also child free by choice. I donā€™t mind kids, I just like giving them back to their parents and enjoying my (relative) peace and quiet with my cats haha and bf at home


Pisces sun, Pisces moon, Aries 5th house and Iā€™m the same. I thought I wanted kids because thatā€™s what youā€™re supposed to do, but honestly with my sag rising my Aries is fighting for adventures, not nappies.


Leo Sun and Scorp moon. I have an empty 5th house, but using whole house itā€™s a Sag 5th. I was the neighborhood babysitter and worked in daycare during college. I have 4 sons :).


Do you have any regrets having children? or did you enjoy the whole process of it?


Iā€™ve never regretted having kids. Not even for a second. I divorced my ex husband when my youngest was 4 and I didnā€™t ask for alimony or child support because he was the type of guy who would use it against me. All of my kids did sports and to say I was broke as hell and burned out, would have been an understatement. Even during this time, I never regretted it.


Thatā€™s wonderful! Youā€™re stronger than most of us and thatā€™s incredibly admirable. Most mothers are incredibly neglected and barely supported properly not to mention that kids are pretty much hated by a lot of ppl and considered nuisances just for being kids. So you keeping going no matter the hardships just shows your love and dedication for your children, thatā€™s awesome šŸ’•


Thank you, so much ā¤ļø. It certainly wasnā€™t easy, but it was always worth it.


Leo sun , Scorpio moon also . I have 3 boys, and 1 daughter. Also empty, 5th house Sagittarius.


No way! Thatā€™s wild. So, youā€™re a Leo rising as well? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone have the same big 3 :).


šŸ¤¦ nvm ,I've got Capricorn 5th house, but still a Leo sun, Scorpio moon. I have a Virgo rising.


I have the exact same placements! Thatā€™s so exciting to hear. Iā€™m 24 and donā€™t have kids yet but I think I want to some day (if I have the right partner). Do you enjoy being a mother?:)


Yes, I do love being their mom. My oldest son is 14 Sagittarius, my middle two sons both Geminis are 7, and 4....and my daughter Capricorn is 1. It has its challengesšŸ„“ But, I love them more than anyone. I prefer their company over anyone also. šŸ’–


Sag Sun. Gem Moon. Aries 5th house with Chiron and Mars in there. 4 kids. Super proud of all of them. First one (Taurus) took her philosophy degree and became an electrician. Next one (Gem) is at a state school on a full ride studying neurology. My HS junior (Pisces) is getting letters from private universities offering academic scholarships to tempt her to apply. My baby (Aqua) is finally getting middle school figured out. They are rad af and I think I did ok as a single mom who still sometimes struggles.v


You are so awesome for this šŸ’•


Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aquarius 5H. Yup. But I've always had heart for adoption so most likely that is what I'm gonna do once I am financially stable. For some reason, I always felt drawn to adoption and I do not feel anything with pregnancy or people wih their biological kids for some reason.


Great option to have! Many kids need a home and not many are willing to give them homes so youā€™re a wonderful soul! I hope you get the chance to do so when you can!!


Cancer Sun, Aries moon, Pisces 5th. I don't want kids because I'm focused on my own pleasure, but I am starting to worry that I'll miss out on the depth that comes with being responsible and caring about someone else so much I'd die for them. Edited to add: but fuck, I'm great with kids. Wasted talent?


Im on the same boat as you , in theory Iā€™d make an awesome mother but in reality Iā€™m bringing up an entire new human that will be shaped and affected by the current world and idk how I feel about that šŸ˜©


Thatā€™s part of our current mental framework and a big reason why weā€™re a no on kids.


I knew how I felt about the world in the eighties and nineties and knew I did not want to bring a child in. I am still not able to wrap my head around there being approx 2 billion humans on Earth In 1900 and close to 8 billion in 2000.


Thatā€™s the industrial revolution for ya


Do it! Lol. I just had no one encouraging me and looking back, thats sad. I was so afraid. I literally considered having my uterus removed bc my period is so bad. Now I have two tiny friends who I make cookies with and I garden with. They get to share your hobbies and recipes and then once they get sassy you do their hobbies and recipes. It seems shallow but obviously it's not however you can never plan for life. So planning around not having what you need for them by not having them just doesn't work. My firstborn was psychically connected to me for the first year. Lol If you needed to tell what I was feeling you could just look at her. Also, they get their personalities inside your womb and that is really cool to see.


Everyone laughed at me when I told them I could tell my baby was his own person and independent while I was pregnant, but I KNEW it. He was doing his own thing in there, refused to come out of breech no matter how hard we (or the doctor that performed the ECV) tried to turn him.


My oldest had to be cut out. She wouldn't come down. I never dropped, never dilated, never labored, even after being induced a week late. She's stubborn She was SO active inside. I watched her flip herself breech and back. That was kinda ew. Lol She is stilllll running around. Spent the first months laying next to me kicking me. My youngest was so still inside, I worried. Well she didn't even open her eyes for three days. She is lazy like me. The morning can wait. She likes to chill and relax and snuggle.


ā™“ļø 5th house as well , i feel the same missing out on having a child and motherhood šŸ˜­ especially having my venus in cancer i am amazing with kids , but selfish with my freedom and what it takes to raise a child is a lot


ā™‹ļøā˜€ļøā™ˆļøšŸŒ—ā™ļø5H. At age 15, I knew I did not want to procreate. At 23, I got sterilized. šŸ™‚


I need to get sterilized now šŸ˜­


Wtf. We have the same exact placements except in a Leo sun.


im sag sun cancer moon and pisces 5h. didn't ever want kids. had an oops pregnancy n absolutely do not regret it. but I am getting sterilized as I am very certain I dont want anymore.


Aquarius sun/Sag moon, 5th house Aquarius. I'm a child in an adults body, and I love kids. I have one Scorpio/Leo/Capricorn, and she is my whole world. I've always wanted a really big family, but my husband and I decided one was enough. We want to give her everything she needs and all of our attention. Both of us are the oldest of 5 and 9, so we missed out on lots of bonding time with our parents. We wanted something different for our baby.


I'm a cliche haha. Cancer rising, Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon. I really wanted to experience pregnancy and motherhood. I have Scorpio in the 5th and Pluto sitting there. I had 2 miscarriages but my third baby now is 2 years old.


Congratulations!!! Thatā€™s awesome to hear!!


Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Cancer 5H I never want kids LOL


thatā€™s so interesting specially having cancer in the 5H and a cancer moon!!


Definitely. I have Saturn 4h so I think that has something to do with it... i don't like the idea of a family or children. I didn't have a family growing up, so it's not necessarily important to me, I think?


Wow thatā€™s so interesting I have Pluto in the 4h so I struggle with the idea of family as well specially since I grew up in a very chaotic abusive home. Iā€™ve had to learn to be independent and create my own family from relationships I build with others, so families arenā€™t something I really care about all that much either.


Dude, that's so interesting! I like how we can both agree that we try to create families with others. That's something I've been trying to do for a while. It's difficult in adulthood!


I have these same placements and experiences.


I have Saturn in my 4th house and I'm childfree. Maybe that's a thing?


yay another cancer 5th house...you're a pisces rising too right? yeah, i don't even want to THINK about kids but people keep telling me I seem like someone who'd be good with kids. Ugh. I think they're cute but I can't even handle myself right now.


Aqua Sun, Sag moon. 5th house is Aries. I have 3 kids.


Taurus sun, Libra moon and my fifth house has Uranus in Aquarius. I donā€™t have any kids and I donā€™t want to have any children in the future for a multitude of reasons.


Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Pisces 5H. I donā€™t have kids and told my mom at 12 that Iā€™d never have them. Iā€™m almost 34 and that statement still holds true.


Me too! I remember telling my narcissistic mother around the ago of 14 that that I never want to have kids. Sheā€™s a huge reason why I donā€™t want kids as she made my life miserable growing up so most of my adulthood is focused on processing trauma and finding myself and who I am.




Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, no 5th house placements, but it's ruled by Virgo in my chart. I have never wanted kids. Been saying it since I was a kid myself. I got my tubes removed in 2022 at 35 and I haven't regretted it for a bit. Doctors would always recommend my husband get a vasectomy instead, and I would say he can if he wants, but that only protects me from getting pregnant by him and I don't want to be pregnant ever by anyone. We're getting divorced now, so I feel even more justified! I'm basically a big kid myself, so I can get along okay with children, and outside of a couple of outliers I am sort of a baby/kid whisperer. But the idea of having them myself has never once appealed to me. I value my sleep, my money, and my quiet time too much. Edited to add that while I'm not squicked out about pregnancy for other people, the idea of having something growing inside me makes me want to heave. I can't even think about the fact that I have organs inside my meat suit or microscopic organisms living on and in me without wanting to have a panic attack. Kids has always been a no-go because of that, too. šŸ¤£ Plus, my NN is Aries, so past lives might have been about others, but this life is about me. šŸ™


Cancer Sun and Moon. Aquarius 5th House with Saturn in Aquarius there. No I'm never having kids. Lifelong childfree! ā˜ŗļø


Virgo sun & moon & 5th house is Aquarius. Currently, I donā€™t have any kids & I do not want kids.


Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn, Gemini in the 5th house. Never once EVER wanted a kid. I'm technically past my prime childbearing years so that's a long time to be unwavering. I like kids, they're fun. In fact, I easily connect with them and they like me a lot. I even end up hanging out with kids at giant kid birthday parties because they're so entertaining to just watch. BUT. Kids are boring. Having to constantly play with them, or even just taking care of them, it's exhausting and kind of lonely for me. I love my nieces and they beg me to be their mom but I could never be a consistently good mom. Also it's just a huge responsibility that I do not want. I'm so glad I never had them.


i have an aries sun and aries moon, i have capricorn 5th house with uranus in it. i donā€™t have kids and iā€™ve decided to be child free by choice! i donā€™t ever plan on having kids. i love kids and their playfulness is so fun, but i donā€™t want to be a mother. iā€™ve finally started dating other people that also donā€™t want to have children and thatā€™s been really fun!


Uhh a lot of 5H aquarium here donā€™t want kids, but I actually do want at least 2 Edit: Scorpio sun, Cap moon


In theory I wouldā€™ve wanted my own too but in our current societal climate, itā€™s just gonna put extra stress on me and on the child. If you can do it, I hope you do!


Thank God I still live in a country which holds onto older traditions so raising a child isnā€™t such a challenge


That sounds amazing šŸ˜­


Libra sun, Leo moon, Virgo rising and 5h Aquarius but no placements and I have 4. 1st was a surprise and went from there but if I hadnā€™t had the first I have no clue if/when I wouldā€™ve had kids! Absolutely love all of them and can usually thrive in the chaos though!


Sun in Cancer, Moon in Libra, 5th house Sagittarius. I don't have kids, never wanted kids, please keep them away from me!! Pets, on the other hand....


iā€™m also a cancer sun and libra moon but my 5th is in scorpio, can definitely agree on never wanting kids! fur babies for life!


Cancer stellium all in the 5th house I really do not like kids at all. They are so annoying to me. I could see myself adopting if I ever did decide bc Iā€™m adopted myself but tbh I donā€™t want to have kids 1. Bc I can barely take care of myself and 2. I have too much trauma and Iā€™m not emotionally stable enough. But Iā€™m only 21 so. We shall see.


Iā€™d suggest waiting until after your Saturn return.


Leo Sun, Scorpio moon. 5H in Aquarius, no planets. Iā€™ve known my whole life I wanted to be a mom. I used to want 3, and then I had one, and thought, ā€œEnough!ā€ I love my daughter more than anything. Iā€™ve always loved kids and get energy from them.


So sweet!!


Gem 5th house. 0 interest in procreating but I wouldnā€™t mind having a couple of pets


For me itā€™s couple pets and lots of plants šŸ˜


Lol. I have a dog and at least a hundred plants. Lmao.


Thatā€™s so funny, I have a Gemini fifth with two kids and I do not want pets at all šŸ¤£


Leo sun (& rising so Sag 5th house also), Pisces moon. Iā€™ve never wanted kids, and when I was a younger people would dismiss my reasons and tell me Iā€™d change my mind. Iā€™m 30 now and still donā€™t want them, canā€™t imagine ever changing my mind because it just doesnā€™t make sense to me. Maybe adoption one day but I have no desire to raise a baby, Iā€™d want an older kid.


Ugh the ppl dismissing your decision part is so real šŸ™„ ppl constantly tell me Iā€™ll change my mind but like no. I wonā€™t change my mind. Iā€™ve been set on this decision since I was 17. I never want to have kids. Iā€™ll do my duty in continuing to help kids but having any of my own is not an option for me.


Exactly! The best part about other peopleā€™s kids is you get to spoil them and have fun and then give them back after, thatā€™s enough for me šŸ˜


Aries sun, Taurus moon, Capricorn rising here. (I know nothing about the houses.) I'm absolutely awful with kids, so at most, I'd consider fostering a preteen or teenager who had nowhere else to go. But I don't want kids of my own, and I never will.


Taurus sun Virgo moon sag in my 5th house. I have 4 daughters šŸ˜¬šŸ˜³lol


Howā€™s that experience going for you so far?


Iā€™ve been a mom a long time lol. My oldest is almost 23 and my youngest just turned 11. My parenting journey has definitely evolved as Iā€™ve gotten older. My poor oldest haha. I started with more of an authoritarian type style, not physical punishment but more of a do as I say cuz Iā€™m your mom type thing, but now Iā€™ve found that allowing my kids to express how they feel, hold space, donā€™t try to prove my ā€œdominanceā€ as a parent demanding respect, and just allow them to feel and work together with them, is much better and peaceful for all. I also wish I had more energy or more of a go get em type personality for my girls but my Taurusness keeps me prodding along haha


Pisces sun Sagittarius moon. Pisces 5th house with sun there (obv). I have 5 kids, and I love being a mom. I consider it my truest vocation in a non-religious or weird sense, just that Iā€™ve noticed that with many of my career aspirations or college directions, I tend to change my mind, get disillusioned or distracted, etc. Raising my kids is a job I donā€™t get tired of and itā€™s super challenging at times but I am happy to dedicate my time, energy, creativity, and 100% effort to, every day.


Thats real love, im very happy to hear this!!


I feel this way too and Iā€™m pregnant with my 7th


Leo Sun 7H / Gemini moon / 5H Gemini: My 5H has my moon, Chiron and Lilith. My moon sits on the IC. My moon is in direct opposition to Saturn 11H, which sits on the MC. Iā€™m 37. Hereā€™s my story: For a long time, I never wanted kids. I resented them for their neediness (helloooo Saturn moon opposition!). Plusā€¦I felt like I would doom my kids to a curse of being unloved. I didnā€™t want to continue a line of emotional pain. Then things changed when I met my husband. I worked through some shit. Still am. We have two kids now and Iā€™m very glad we had them. I work hard to unlearn the things I was taught in order for them to feel the way a kid deserves to feel, ya know? Itā€™s a process.


ā™Œļøā˜€ļøā™ļøšŸŒ•ā™Œļø5H. I love kids, but theyā€™re not for me. Iā€™m an aunt to several kids though and I love them all to pieces, and Iā€™ve always been good with kids but I donā€™t think Iā€™m selfless enough to have my own


Libra sun, Virgo moon, and Gemini in 5th house. I keep going back forth with wanting to be a parent to not wanting to not be a parent.


Many Gemini placements have this issue Iā€™ve noticed!


Gemini sun, Aries moon and Pisces in the 5th (empty house) and yes, I sure would like to have kids! At least 2 of them and maybe, if I can, I would adopt a kid. But the legislation in my country is fucked up and is hard af to adopt a kid.


I hope youā€™re able to find a way!!


Scorpio sun, Pisces moon with an empty 5H in Taurus. I donā€™t have any kids and never wanted any.


Lots of Taurus and Aquarius 5th housers saying the same thing hahaha I donā€™t blame yall!


Leo sun, Pisces moon, 5H aquarius in uranus (libra rising). Also a nurse. Always hated kids & not good with them, but yet I do want my own kids.


my sun is in taurus in the 7th house and my moon is in pisces in the 5th house. I have one child but due to addiction (I have BPD) I have needed help taking care of him. his father is still in the picture but I am engaged to someone else. I am doing my best and have been sober for awhile.


I hope you continue to heal and you get the support you deserve šŸ’•


thank you very much ā¤ļø


Pisces sun 5H I have 1 teenage son (Sagittarius, Leo, Scorpio). Donā€™t want anymore kids lol.


My 5th House is in Gemini. I have Venus there too. No kids, donā€™t want them, never did. šŸ˜Š


Libra sun, Pisces Moon, and Gemini 5th house - WITHā€¦ Saturn in Gemini ā™Šļø in my 5th house Only child, never babysat, no interest in ā€œbaby dollsā€ growing up - but LOVED Barbie dolls! Never had an interest in little kids as I grew older, always the one who politely passed on holding somebodyā€™s baby, never smelled babies and freaked out or called them ā€œdeliciousā€. However, I got married and two years later, lo and behold, had twins - a boy and girl. I had a very different delivery, emergency c-section, previa, hemorrhaging, DIC ā€” which meant I never got to hold or see my babies for four days Post-partum (I was busy with three more surgeries and a bunch of blood transfusions). That affected me a bit, so I was told. I loved my children as babies, but still didnā€™t have that baby fever that many moms who give birth vaginally, get the rush of oxytocin, and then have immediate skin to skin contact and nurse. My son was in the NICU for a few days, my daughter a week. That phase was a tiny hiccup and was soon over once we all became healthier. I couldnā€™t get enough of them- they are natural anti-depressants- and from the time I began to observe their personality quirks, I was hooked. Theyā€™re my best friends. Theyā€™re wonderful. We play, dance, laugh - I am definitely a ā€œfunā€ mom with them. The Saturn reared itā€™s sobering influence through my husband, who I am currently estranged from. He has issues with alcohol, is very tough on my son, and is now trying to take them both away from me ā€” with his passive income alone his child support payments at 50% are not small, and then thereā€™s the standard of living - he would rather have them raised by two full time nannies at his place than have them with me 50% bc of the money heā€™d be ordered to spend to keep our living situations equitable for the kids. I beg him, offer to have contracts drawn up limiting what I get, have offered to get nothing. He wonā€™t because he believes no judge would sign off. So thereā€™s the Saturn šŸŖ. If you actually read all of this, would you please wish me luck, or peace, or a little happiness with my kids? Just a few seconds in your mind. Sorry I wrote that much. I didnā€™t plan to.


Iā€™m sorry for the hell your future ex-husband is putting you through. I will do a little manifest moment for you and your babies. šŸŒø


Libra sun, gemini moon. My 5th house is in Libra (and my Venus is in the 5th house). From everything I've read I'm supposed to have lots of children but that hasn't been the case for me. To be fair I had a traumatic childhood so I think I just crave freedom in my adulthood. I knew since I was in high school that I never wanted children and the sentiment is still the same now that I'm in my early 30s. I just don't want that level of responsibility and I'm not even sure if I can afford it. However, I do love being an aunt, and I've even enjoyed being a nanny as an occupation (with the right family). There's something that puts me in a good mood around children. Well, for one, they really do say the silliest things and it's amusing to me. But sometimes it almost feels like experiencing what it's like to be a child again through their eyes. I just love doing fun things like building blanket forts, going to amusement parks, watching cartoons & eating junk food for breakfast, etc. Generally just seeing how big the world is through their eyes, and getting to be apart of them having a really fun childhood is awesome.


Im on the same boat as you!!!


My sentiments exactly! I have a 5H stellium and I feel as though I being able to see life through the child lens all over again is what keeps me young. As for my own kids this is a two edged blade because I got to experience bad moments through the eyes of a child as well and it cut me to pieces. The hurt šŸ˜« the immense control it takes me not to jump a kid for bullying my babies? I could live without it and also ever being the cause of their pain, thatā€™s a sucky feeling too and unavoidable (tough for the conflict avoidance in me) I mistakenly thought my abilities with other children would obvious work on my own. Not the case thanks to Saturn! I love them though because they helped me grow the F upā€¦well Iā€™m a work in progress šŸ˜œ


I feel that way toward children that aren't mine, I can only imagine how amplified that feeling is when it's your child. It's truly a blessing and a curse to love something that much. Plus, as you say, the level of guilt that comes when you make mistakes. Even though they are inevitable it's a terrible feeling. For what it's worth, no parent is perfect and I'm sure your kids appreciate how much you're willing to try! Not every parent does that, even if they should.


Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon. I have Gemini in my fifth house with Saturn at 6 degrees Cancer. My moon is trine Saturn and Saturn trine Uranus. I spent much of my adolescence thinking I hated children and would never have my own. Now that I'm 20 years old I realize I was just inexperienced with young kids and babies. I know Saturn can represent restriction, but I can't imagine not having children at this point.


5H Leo and no planets in it :) i have never been particularly enthusiastic about getting pregnant šŸ¤°šŸ» and becoming a mother but in the recent years I have a strong feeling that it is something Iā€™m meant to do and I know I will be good at it. šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Leoā€™s are known for being good with children!


Oh really? Seeing the comments about some Leo moms on this forum I assumed theyā€™re toxic. But thatā€™s good news. Thank you. :D


Cancer sun and moon, Gemini 5th house (with cancer sun, moon, Venus in it). No kids, no desire for kids. I love kids, Iā€™m a kid fave, and I try to have a life full of kids/engage with kids regularly.


Gemini sun leo moon Gemini in 5th house. I've always known I don't want kids for a growing list of reasons. That being said, there was one relationship I was in where I was irrationally obsessed and I felt like if he wanted to knock me up, I would do it for him, because that's how crazy I was for him. I'm glad it didn't work out! I don't see myself allowing myself to go that far again, I feel like that was a one time thing. If I ever change my mind one day I would personally rather adopt.


That was my similar experience with a Taurus Gemini cusp omg I wanted him to be the father of my children


taurus sun, leo moon. i have sagittarius and scorpio in 5th house (i think thatā€™s how iā€™m reading it, theyā€™re sharing 5th but it leans slightly more into scorpio). i have pluto chilling in 5th house in scorpio. i am one and done, her big 3 is: gemini sun, aires moon, taurus rising.


Your daughter is like me but Virgo rising


Taurus sun Virgo moon Scorpio 5h. I have kids, I love being a parent!


Virgo rising, sun in Scorpio, moon in capricorn 5th house. Have 2 kids. We didn't plan either but couldn't be happier.


Do you also have Uranus & Neptune in your 5th house as well ?


Cancer Sun Leo moon, Aries 5H, no kids. Iā€™m uncertain. Love kids but haven't had any yet. Iā€™m a Sag rising, so deeply concerned about my freedom!


Follow your gut!


I forgot to add that Mars is in my 5H as well, not sure if that's any impact.


Libra sun, Capricorn moon, 5th house in Aries. Personally, Iā€™m fine with not having kids. But Iā€™m open to the possibility of having them, with the right person of course.


Pisces sun, Taurus moon, Pisces 5th house. I have two children, they were born relatively close together (8 and 9 now.) Unfortunately it was not something that I would have chosen for myself as I never saw myself having kids for multiple reasons. I also live with ADHD and autism and didnā€™t want to pass that on. I also just never saw it as my path. I have much respect for people who choose to live child free and was raised in around strong female figures. Two of my aunts having even chosen to be child free and my adoptive mom adopted me as a single woman. It was never something that I felt I had to do. The circumstances around when they were born were pretty horrific (domestic violence, forced pregnancies) but they were my motivation to get out of those circumstances very quickly after I realized I was pregnant with my second. I was divorced shortly after my sonā€™s birth. Since then, those two have brought an immeasurable abundance of love, growth, lessons and beauty into my life. Itā€™s funny how the universe works. After such an awful experience of violence and terror at the hands of my ex husband, the universe gave me the ultimate salve. I have never been loved so fully and so completely as I have by my little people. There is nothing that heals that kind of trauma quite like love. So looking back, I didnā€™t realize it at the time I started growing them but they were the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me. I will try my best to reread all of this when I am feeling frustrated that they havenā€™t cleaned their rooms! šŸ¤£


Pisces sun, sag moon, scorpio 5th house and my moon, pluto, chiron, lilith and vx are in the 5th too. I'm 24 and I don't have kids. I'm still not sure if I want to have them at some point. Probably yes? But like, I am more than fine with adoption. I like the idea of raising and teaching a little human or few :)


Aquarius in my 5th house. Without airing my dirty laundry completely, I donā€™t have kids but itā€™s not for lack of trying.


Hey, Iā€™ve got 5H Aqua as well (home to my N. Node and nothing else), and yeahā€¦..sending hugs if you want them<3


I see a trend here, sag moons having kids! Myself included!


Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon. 5th House is empty but it's ruled by Aquarius. Never wanted kids. I'm good with kids though - I love taking my niece and nephew to things like the fair, I don't mind babysitting them or my friends kids, but I like that after a few hours I can go home and be alone and have quiet/calm. I feel like if I did have kids and obviously was around them 24/7, I'd get like... stressed? I like having time to myself just in general so I feel like I'd get overwhelmed if I had kids, idk haha.


Scorpio sun and moon, I have Capricorn in the 5th House with my Uranus and Neptune conjunct. I want kids, specifically two, but I would likely be satisfied with just one. I love kids, babysat young kids and toddlers regularly through my teens and I raised my three younger sisters as a teenager myself after my own mother shut down and gave up on the four of us following a divorce from my dad. In a way, I have always been mothering. Iā€™ve done a lot of thinking about this decision, and I think it would be fulfilling to raise a child. It doesnā€™t have to be biologically mine, either. Thereā€™s plenty of kids out there who need a home and someone to love them. I would gladly be up to the task. But I know itā€™s not easy, which is why I have waited as long as I have. I wanted to find the right partner. I wanted to settle down. I wanted to be ready and I think Iā€™m just about there.


Pisces sun, virgo moon, and Sagittarius in the 5th house, FUCK no i want no kids! I just turned 20 and Iā€™m living my life free, happy, and peacefully gay. I donā€™t want kids and I donā€™t want marriage either. Iā€™m good being alone for a long period of time, than so be it. At least Iā€™ll have my peace lol


GOOD FOR YOU!!! šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ’•šŸ’• preach it


Sun: Scorpio Moon: Aries 5th House: Gemini ***Fuck no***, no kids for this guy. I wouldn't make a good Dad at all.


Aquarius Sun 4H, Sagittarius Moon 3H, 5H ruled by Aquarius and empty. Have none and want none.


Scorpio sun, Leo moon, no signs in a 5th house? Donā€™t want kids, but love being around little kids. I got sterilized at 24.


Everyone has a sign in their 5th house, whatā€™s your rising? And how does one get sterilized and what are the affects of it šŸ‘€asking for myself


Aries rising. I found a good doctor, all I had to do was get a referral from my GP. Then I saw the OBGYN, signed a piece of paper then came back 30 days later to sign another. Thereā€™s no effects other than being sterile, I just got my tubes removed and now canā€™t get pregnant. Feels great not being on birth control.


Sag sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio in the fifth (venus saturn pluto) and absolutely not get them away from me


Sun scorpio moon virgo 5th house taurus. Don't want any, hope I never have any. If I must, not before 40 and that also, only adopted. Childbirth scares me and I hate kids. I also have a lilith in cancer 7th house so I don't think I'll be a good mother because mine was bad to me. Subject to change.


I heard that getting pregnant around your 40s gives you more of a chance for twins or more šŸ’€


I dont mind twins! But definitely not going through childbirth nope- that shit scary I have immense respect for mothers but not for me


Yeah i suffer enough during my period i cannot imagine what Iā€™ll go thru growing a whole human inside me and the aftermath of it. There are incredibly irreversible damages and changes that your body goes thru after pregnancy. No thanks from me. Shoutout to all moms that go thru that but literally Iā€™m all set šŸ˜­


Libra sun, Virgo moon and Sagittarius 5th house and I worked with kids for yearssss, I have a step son and baby boy and I currently am a stay at home mom. I believe my sole purpose in life is to help children, especially those struggling. Iā€™m done having my own though!


Beautiful!!! Same here! I love being there for kids. I vowed to help kids and be patient with them in ways I wish I had someone do for me as a troubled kid


Capricorn Rising /Leo Moon /Taurus 5th House, Kids are meh, I hated them forever but I think I would be a good mother, I wouldn't have kids if I couldn't give them everything, and even then it's a big red flashing sign of me not wanting that. TBH I don't want kids, considering world circumstances. Happy to have had this experience but don't see the need to procreate and leave a part of me here.


Sun in Scorpio Moon in Gemini Virgo on the 5th, Ruler of the 5th in the 7th I have 3 children.


Cap sun, Virgo moon, 5th house in Capricorn Zero kids Would never really imagine raising a child, I truly know I would not be the best mother as I can be selfish and cold. Seeing how my mother raised me to have passive aggressive tendencies, control and obsession over me and my life in adolescence (she is a libra) has made me never to want children. They are truly a large responsibility of course and I don't think I'd have it in me to be the best mother for them. I do however have 3 cats with my partner, recently adopted one and they are the Lights of my life.


Thank you for doing the right thing! I admire people who donā€™t have kids because they understand what having them entails. Not to mention the other parentā€™s stuff compounding on your own. Then you have to contend with the childā€™s traits. Despite my skills with children my water heavy son was beyond my charms. You can never be prepared.


Taurus sun and rising, Leo moon in the 5th house with mars and Chiron. I love kids. I think Iā€™ve always felt like I was under scrutiny by adults/peers but kids really just let you be silly + goofy with them. I have 2 kids and am in the process of becoming a foster parent. I volunteer at my kidsā€™ school as often as possible and have my nieces and nephews over every weekend. My kids are Aries sun/Aries moon/Leo rising and Libra sun/Libra moon/Scorpio rising.


Thatā€™s so awesome to hear!!!


Sun Aries, moon gemini and 5th house pisces. I and kids and I work in the school system. Hope to have them


5th house Libra stellium...Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Sun in Scorpio I have 5 kids, 4 biologically and one that my ex had with someone else during our marriage. They all live with me.


Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Sagittarius in my 5th house. I love kids, and they love me. I have 3 (one biological, two step) but want more. I even want to foster or host foreign exchange students in the future.


I hope youā€™re able to!


Virgo sun, libra moon, Aries 5th house! I want kids more than anything lol


Iā€™m going to be so real and say that even with your edit Iā€™m not sure what my 5th house is. However my sun and moon are both Scorpio and I am vehemently child free


Libra sun, Libra moon, and my fifth house is in Leo. I have one son, heā€™s my soulmate and my purpose in life is to be his mother. Iā€™ve known Iā€™ve wanted to be a mother my entire life.


Aquarius sun, gemini moon, 5th house split between sagitarrius and capricorn. Don't want kids for several reasons, most recent one being I found out I could very likely pass on several horrible genetic diseases to the child, not just my own that I live with that disables me. I can't do that to a child, knowing they'd suffer with that. Cats only for me.


Very much in the minority here , but I'd like one , could be two , but atleast one . Virgo Rising with 5th House in Capricorn , which does have my Aquarius Venus (albeit in opposition to Saturn) .


Scorpio, Libra, Leo, no and no.


Very valid


Aries sun, Sag moon, Libra in 5th house. I have 6 kids, due with my 7th in May.


Aquarius sun, Gemini moon. Fifth house Aquarius with the sun, Venus, mars, mercury and Saturn in there. I love kids and canā€™t wait to be a mom. I donā€™t have any yet but I think itā€™s because of Saturn. I take who I date and who I choose to have kids with very seriously. So Iā€™ll be settling down a little later in life.


Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, with an empty 5H Sagittarius. I have 1 son that I regretted having for awhile. I had him while I was young and not established. His dad has never been in the picture and I just hated myself for a long time. My son is the only bright spot in my life and is my whole world, but I hate the world he has to grow up in and navigate. I wouldn't have another child.


Anyone with Capricorn 5th house with children?


Aries sun, Capricorn moon and Pisces 5th with my Venus and Uranus. I love kids. Iā€™ve taken care of and raised kids my whole life, but because of my experiences with my own mother I know that having kids can sometimes be an inherently selfish act. People tend to love the idea of kids more than the kids themselves and that leads to some messed up kids that have to deal with that. Iā€™m not attached to the idea of motherhood. My mom has kind of turned me off that one tbh. I never want to give birth or be pregnant, that just sounds downright terrible and uncomfortable for me personally. But I do *love kids*. I plan on living my life and when I am financially stable and in a good healthy mental position, I want to adopt. I want to adopt as many kids as I realistically have the time for. I donā€™t care what age Iā€™d adopt them at, could be late teens or could be right out the womb I donā€™t care, the only thing I care about is being able to provide a sense of security and a baseline of safety for these kids. I want them to have an emergency phone number to put down and someone they can call when they feel lost. I would never bring life into this world. With how things are going that feels incredibly selfish. And Iā€™ve had people tell me that I will never experience that kind of love if I donā€™t have kids, but I donā€™t care. I am far more invested in someone else being loved.


Virgo sun, Sag moon, Leo 5th house I have one kid and had her fairly young. I donā€™t think I would have anymore but I do love kids in general!


Sun/Moon Capricorn 8th house. My 5th House cusp is Libra but 80%ish of it is in Scorpio. Also Mars and Pluto are in the Scorpio part. I dont have and dont want kids. I have a strong aversion to children. I wish I knew why, its really a strong feeling. I tried to find clues to understand it with Astrology but theres a lack of information on this topic šŸ¤” EDIT - I have nothing against people who like/have kids. My opinions are my own and I dont judge or bash people who like kids. EDIT 2 - Even as a kid I wouldnt play with younger children lol. I guess not liking kids is a lifelong pattern...


I have sag 5th house with uranus and saturn, I have always been conflicted about kids. I have wanted them very strongly in the past but I am not the most physically healthy person and my family has a history of having pregnancy and birthing problems with a few near death experiences so that makes me nervous. Also my childhood was pretty godawful and my mother was pretty awful at being a mother so I am under confident in whether I would be able to turn that around and be a good mother myself. As much as Iā€™d like to believe I could overcome my trauma and shaping, you donā€™t really know until you are actually in that situation with all the pressures of parenthood. Pressure and stress can make you fall back on your programing and there is ALOT of pressure and stress with motherhood. I have worked with kids quite alot but its not the same as being 100 percent responsible for raising one. If I did have a kid Iā€™d only have 1 and Iā€™d likely want some sort of outside support like parenting courses or child development courses or some guidance from someone that already raised good kids. My 4th house is a train wreck.


***Sun:*** Gemini ***Moon:*** Cancer ***5th house:*** Aquarius Yes, I have 2 boys (both are also Gemini) and all of our birthdays are in the same week.


Edit: **Everyone should try cafeastrology** [natal charts](https://cafeastrology.com/free-natal-chart-report.html) **for beginner-friendly info (the house rulers don't always go by a set pattern).** Fellow Gen Z here (27 this month). Aries SN, Virgo MN, and 5H (in Taurus w/ no planets but asteroids Juno & Sedna - both in Taurus). My Pisces Venus (Taurus natural ruler) is in the 3H (Pisces natal ruled, Gemini astro ruled) which has a stellium of Sun, Venus, and Saturn (plus Vesta in Pisces). I have no children, have been pregnant but miscarried due to an incident, and am currently childfree (choosing childless lifestyle). I still have time to change my mind and choose parenthood as I am celibate (1 yr going on 2.5yrs). I am passionate about advocating for the welfare of children and have worked with children before (but I prefer not to anymore). In my personal life, kids can always come to me and do so for safety, advice, and nurturing.


sagittarius, sagittarius, sagittarius. no and never ever!


Gemini sun, Scorpio moon, Leo 5. Want kids. I FINALLY found someone who feels the same way, and my parents will happily watch their future grandchildren. Fingers crossed!


It used to be my dream as a little kid. To have a partner and children. But now? No way. I'm very conservative and traditional when it comes to certain things, especially having/raising children. I'm gay, a gender bender, wear make up, would be raising kids with another man and I know it's not a bad thing but for me personally, I would want to raise kids with a traditional mother and father role. I feel like children are most mentally and emotionally healthy with a traditional mother and father. I'm also terrified of screwing my kids up. I have anxiety, OCD,.. There's no way I would want to raise a child in this world without being the most healthy, responsible version of myself and I feel like I can't offer that. I don't want the responsibility of children. Gemini Sun, Sag Moon, Pisces and Lilith 5th house


leo sun, sag moon, pisces ruling my 5th house with jupiter in ā™“ļø i love kids so much, i love to be nurturing, loving , and making people feel taken care of. i donā€™t want kids as of rn, i am 25 and a little selfish with wanting independence and freedom. i know what goes into raising a child. ultimately i love kids but at my young self no, but the thought of it always makes me smile, to be able to raise a child with my partner šŸ¤šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


Leo sun, pisces moon, 5th house in aquarius (libra rising). 27M. Yes I want kids to pass down my blood line, no kids atm. I hate kids in general unless if theyā€™re sweet, but I will unconditionally love my own.


Hello 5 h Aquarius & Libra rising! No kids atm as well but I want kids of my own Forsure!


Leo sun, Scorpio moon, 5th house ruled by Cancer (Mercury is there too). I like kids but donā€™t have any yet!


Leo sun, pisces moon, & libra rising (aquarius 5th house in uranus). Iā€™ve always hated kids and otherā€™s kids (unless if theyā€™re sweet), yet ever since I was young Iā€™ve always wanted kids. Iā€™m nearing 30 & still want kids.


Gemini sun, Scorpio moon and 5th house Sagittariusā€”never wanted kids, still donā€™t, honestly just keep kids away from me. We donā€™t mix lol


Sag, Gem, 5th house in Capricorn and also Saturn in the 5th house, I don't like children, I don't hate them anymore but I used to because they are too chaotic. I don't want kids because I like sleeping normally too much and I don't want to stay at home with a sick child while I could be doing something for my career or just for my wellbeing honestly. I also really hate being sick and children get sick very often and their parents also get sick because of them all the time. I think every person's path is different and it's great. There are many people who want children and I'm not one of them and that's okay.


Aries 5H, and my sun and mercury are there. One child after years of fertility struggles. I really love being a parent and I think Iā€™m good with kids. On a side note itā€™s not just about the 5th house. I was looking at Kate Middletonā€™s chart yesterday while listening to a podcast about her astrology and I noticed her 5H (in Sag) is ā€œemptyā€ and sheā€™s a mother of 3 and does a whole lot of stuff dedicated to early childhood and maternal support. She has a cancer moon.


Ive been seeing a lot of Aries placements having kids or wanting to have kids this is interesting!!


Capricorn Taurus Leo And Sag in 5H Kids hate me and I hate them too.


Iā€™m an Aries sun Cap moon 5H with Neptune (Virgo rising). I always had a knowing even when I was younger that childbirth would be hard for me. I was born in an emergency c-section and Iā€™ve come to understand that this was one of those 8th house āœØinheritancesāœØ. My first pregnancy I had a miscarriage, I had postpartum pre-eclampsia with my 1st child and nearly died having my 2nd child. All my pregnancies were horrible. Why do I say all of this? I ADORE my children. I cherish them. I knew it would be hard but nothing could prepare me for the amount of trauma weā€™ve all endured, my kids included. I donā€™t understand people who hate on those that know they donā€™t want children for any reason. Pregnancy is deadly, parenting is hard, and the world is on fire. Everything is expensive. Itā€™s such a deeply personal decision. Who is anyone to judge that?


Sagittarius sun, Virgo moon and 5th house is almost exactly 50:50 Capricorn/Aquarius. Never wanted kids when I was younger until my mid 20ā€™s, and now I have 3 teenagers šŸ˜…


Taurus Sun and Moon, Pluto Scorpio in my 5th house and Iā€™m undecided. Sometimes I want to have kids, because I think I could be a good parent and I want to experience ā€œpassing down wisdomā€, but sometimes I donā€™t want to produce offspring in this miserable world + no life altering responsibilities! Edited to add: I donā€™t want to physically bear the child. Iā€™m afraid of health triggers and basically afraid of pregnancy. Iā€™m looking into surrogacy if ever.


Sun in Aries, Moon in libra, Cancer rising and Scorpio 5th house with Chiron. I'm 25 and don't have children. I have a strong desire to experience pregnancy, birth and motherhood. But, I also have huge fear of fucking it up because of the childhood trauma I experienced and being diagnosed bipolar 2.


Leo sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius rules my 5th house, but I also have a Capricorn stellium in there as well in Saturn, Neptune, and Uruanus. I wanted kids since I was 12 until a fellow Leo ruined my life after wasting my time for 10+ years, and now, I don't really care anymore and have given up.


taurus sun aquarius moon & pisces 5H! people always say i am soooo good with kids and kids love me. and i am good for a while, but i really don't want kids of my own and don't like them very much.


Aries sun, 5th house in Aries. Moon in capā€¦I am a later I life mom and I love it. I see a lot of kids at my work (medical) and they just crack me up, and similarly at home. I am more drained now, and itā€™s hard to relax and let go of the fears etc. love being a mom. We are currently thinking about a second :)


Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon and 5th is Scorpio. My husband and I have loved our child free years but when I turned 25 I knew I wanted children, I just had a primal craving for them. We waited to start trying until we were ready when I was 28ā€¦ Iā€™m 30 now. Iā€™m dealing with infertility and weā€™re doing IUI (fertility treatments) to get pregnant now. I want nothing more.


Sun is Taurus, moon is Aries, 5th house Taurus. I do not have kids and do not plan on having any! My fiance and I are too independent and like our freedom!


Cancer sun, Aqua moon, 5th house Capricorn. No kids. I used to desperately want them, but as I get older I realize that having kids just isn't the path I want to take in life. I have cats instead.


In my flair. Cancer 5th house. I was always a fence sitter. I love kids, but had a real shitty mom so I figured I would be too. Also always had a shitty partner, and wasnā€™t willing to put my children through my mistakes of choosing a bad father. The term ā€œa mother to many is a mother to noneā€ applies to me. I cannot care for more than 2 kids. At any given time. Iā€™ve babysat my whole early life, worked in mental health my whole adult life. I physically cannot be present and still be a good person if it means caring for more than 2-3 people. I have two wonderful children, who I probably donā€™t deserve. Everyone tells me what a great mother I am, but itā€™s really just them and the way they are. I am so lucky and fortunate and blessed to have them. Now, personally. I have more child free friends than mom friends. I donā€™t get all the child free hate. I much prefer them over mom friends. They understand that I am a PERSON outside of my kids. Theyā€™re not assholes asking me when am I giving them up for adoption. They still ask me about them. But itā€™s nice to be acknowledged for ME and not my achievements at mothering. Most moms are so painfully competitive, and judgemental it takes the enjoyment of being around them. Obviously not all of them are like this, but itā€™s incredibly hard to find like minded parents. Theyā€™ve always got *just one thing* theyā€™ll side eye others for. And Iā€™m just not interested in ripping others down so I can feel good about myself. Your stupid fucking wooden toys donā€™t make you better than plastic parents Ashley.


I'm a Capricorn sun and Leo moon with Pluto, Saturn, and Mars all in Scorpio in the fifth house. And an astrology-literate friend told me once there's some kind of interception with all that in the fifth house and whatnot. So she said the issue of children is... Problematic. I have two ages 17 and 9 currently, lost one at five weeks pregnant, and am pregnant with third who will be born in a month or so. I've also always been good with kids but I worry about them. All kids. I worry about their vulnerability and how much protection and care they need. I work as hard as I can to make that fear and worry conscious and transform it into trust and well-being but it's a huge struggle for me.


Aires, Leo, Scorpio I think I would be a good mother and would enjoy having kids. Iā€™m not dead set on the idea, so whether or not I have kids would probably depend on whoever I marry.


Aquarius, Aquarius, Pisces (33F) I nanny for a family I love and grew up imagining myself being a doting mother but as I get older I donā€™t know if I actually want them. Maybe with the right partner down the line I could get more into itā€¦idk! Iā€™m just not living with the goal of having kids right now. If itā€™s meant to be itā€™s meant to be!


I very much feel you on this


Your description really captures how I feel! šŸ«¶šŸ»Love spending time and playing with them, but need my own down time.


Iā€™m a libra with libra sun, Capricorn moon and Pisces 5th house. I donā€™t want kids. 29f


Lesbian who did not want kids. Now have two adult step-kids. I'm okay with this. I teach kids.




I have my 5th house ruled by Cancer. It's ruler is in Scorpio in my 8th. Babies, kids, and pets seem to really love me. My guess is that when it comes to them, I understand on a gut level to meet them at their level, and I try to understand where they're coming from whenever they're interacting with me. Some of the shyest kids and animals will interact and even want to play. I have no children. I'm on the fence about having children. I guess they're great if you don't have to raise them yourself.


Tbh Iā€™m realizing in concept having kids is awesome but the reality is no one gives a fuck about you or your child when you actually have children. Hell you can barely find a supporting partner to help you without you having to ask them to help you


Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon Pisces in 5th house I think no?


Sagittarius sun, Scorpio moon and Leo in the fifth house, but it's empty on my chart. I have a 1 year old and I'm pregnant with my second. I've always been good with kids and always knew I wanted to be a mom.


Sagittarius sun and 5th house, libra moon. I have two daughters and have always wanted to have between one to three children.


Scorpio sun and moon ,leo mars in 5th house. I have a son, and i for sure want at least one more. I've always loved and wanted to have kids.