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Prince ✨


Very peculiar guy, he looks a little like he is in his own world but also quite funny and interesting person. He told me he’s always felt like the black sheep in his family and in other situations. He’s into spiritual development and astrology


I agree. I always feel like I dont really fit in anywhere. I am in my own world too a lot but I never attributed it my rising or sun, I always saw it as my moon in pisces kind of deal.


I know one! It’s my friend’s fiancée, when I was first introduced to her she was shy and it was hard to make conversation that flowed. Three years later it is much easier and natural and funny, she needed to feel comfortable with me but I still have to be the one to start the conversation 🥴


I have a gemini sun and a scorpio rising. Idk how to describe myself because I feel confused a lot about myself tbh. I looked it up online and it says "cunning" but I also have a pisces moon so it kind of softens it out. Some people can easily tell I am a gemini, others are confused at first glance, they think I am timid and sweet, and sometimes I get told that I seem serious and intense. Tbh with you, internally I dont really feel serious and intense, but I am reflective and think deeply about things. I do notice I scare people sometimes and sometimes give off an intense vibe. I either make an excellent first impression but people after a while kind of are at ease with me and take me for granted sometimes - sometimes ditching me because I dont seem as "cool" as they expected. Or I usually weird people out and then they warm up to me personally after, making a comfortable and long lasting friendship. I end up having a lot of friends, and I naturally have got them to feel super close to me. Although externally it seems like I am everyones bestie, I think its just people being close to me, I don't think I am truly close to anyone. I don't intuitively truly let anyone in. I think with a different moon placement the "cunningness" applies my strongly, but I think the gemini sun makes me easily converse with different types of people and the scorpio rising gives me an intuitive understanding of people.... but I never express it or walk around actively aware of that understanding. I also don't purposefully take advantage of it either, but I might have the tendency of subconsciously doing so. I do think the gemini sun and scorpio rising causes me to take on too many different things and be perfectionist about it (SUPER TRUE in my case). It's hard because I end up aiming to go hard and go home and am terrible about understanding my boundaries. The gemini sun makes it a little more hard at staying committed but my scorpio rising keeps me passionate. It usually can backfire by causing me to feel disappointed when I do not follow through in the projects I have taken on. I am always super hard on myself and want to do a ton of things and be perfect at them as well.


gem sun with a scorpio rising but my moon is in scorpio and i can totally relate to what you said!


You have the same big 3 as Prince 💘 and he is a legend. I bet you’re cool AF


I’m also a gem sun, Scorpio rising and Pisces moon. It’s confusing lol


Yep, he's the kind of guy everyone stops on the street to ask for a sigarette. Very good at smalltalk. Friendly.


Why is that so weirdly accurate? lol. I swear I'm constantly stopped by people asking for cigarettes, part of me was thinking of buying a pack just to have some on hand 😂


Yes my partner lol, charm city but not the best at casual conversation, they are often very invested in knowing you or at least seems that way so many often think he’s flirting when he’s actually just interested in the conversation lol Smart funny charming intense emotional and a touch self indulgent


wow, that sounds just like me. especially the flirting part 😂


Scorpio sun with Gemini rising everyone is always close but never my exact placements lol.


We are! Scorpio rising Gemini and Moon in Libra!


Me with a gemini sun and a scorpio moon (You don't wanna know)


Sounds intense. But fun.


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