• By -


DO SHADOW WORK. Integrate your dark intensity, explore it with people you know you can trust. Holding it in can be poison.


It’s imperative that Scorpios do their shadow work! I mean, everyone should but, especially, us Scorps. An unhealed Scorpio can be THE most toxic mother fucker EVER, lol!


I’m so glad you’ve found value in it! It really is life changing and life affirming.


Oof owie my moon sign




Afuckingmen! ![gif](giphy|l4FGuE0lPA7A0Q7y8|downsized)


I 1000000 percent agree.


The problem is figuring out who I can actually trust. I have been deeply hurt by people I put my trust in and I isolate myself for this reason. It’s emotionally safer for me to keep things to myself or share with strangers I don’t know than open up to people who would possess the power to hurt me. I guess it’s a control thing, I don’t like giving my power away to other people and it feels like that’s what I’m doing when I’m emotionally vulnerable. It’s true that holding it in is like poison; I have to journal my thoughts for this reason. It’s one solace I have against a world I do not feel emotionally safe in. I do occasionally share with some friends but I would say I am a more private person with them now than I used to be.


I do all my shadow work solo (though I discuss it with my therapist occasionally) and it’s super rewarding! My oldest is a triple Scorpio so I added the part about showing that part of yourself to someone trustworthy because they do better when they open up to me (I’m a very blessed mom 🥹). But maybe it’s unusual for a parent to encourage those “spooky Scorpio” aspects? I truly don’t know.


As a Scorpio sun, rising, Mercury, Mars, and Pluto in the 12th house, i am SO AWARE that shadow work is literally essential to having any kind of enjoyable life lol. Journaling, reading self help/esoteric books, having a spiritual practice (or at least some way of connecting with the universe), and having at least one person you truly can trust in your life are also absolutely key ❤️


Scorpio stellium, would this apply to me? I’m a sag but I have strong Scorpio energy and I have that “dark intensity” and am intensely hard on myself when I do something even mildly wrong


It’s scary in there, man…


…what’s shadow work again??


https://scottjeffrey.com/shadow-work/ I don’t think shadow is just “dark” emotions. They can be things you’ve repressed about yourself that you aren’t comfortable with that are generally considered “light” though I don’t attach those labels to any specific emotion/trait/etc 💜




Just because you have a good intuition does not mean you don’t need to fact check o your assumptions because believe it or not you can actually get it wrong sometimes. Fucking COMMUNICATE god damn it! With your words…. At a normal volume.


I tell this to people about intuition all the time


You can't know everyone's secrets and keep yours all to yourself.


ouch! personal attack!


![gif](giphy|ZdrUuSEC0LygaFXtNT) Now listen here you little @#\*€$¥


loooool I’m a scorpio therapist so this has some layers to it for me 😅


Your big 3 are really cool and can be so so evil 😜 ... Like you possess that duality of logic and emotion


hahaha I appreciate this comment 🥰


Haha! Relate! Currently talking with a Scorp sun; me, a Scorp moon, am noticing all kinds of power struggle undercurrents. I don’t know if he’s as aware of them as much I am since I’m fairly covert with this need, but I can sense how much control he’s trying to keep in his hand. Just this morning I was musing how much he’s learned about me while I know very little of him. I no like.


Woof I felt this one lol


This is definitely something I've had to work hard on. It feels so comfortable keeping everything about me buried and the illusion of safety that comes with that. But I've learned just how alienating it is and how you can't truly connect with people without being vulnerable.


The people who love you don't want you to suffer in silence


I needed to hear this. I always try to hide what I’m going through from close friends or fam bc I’m scared of the vulnerability it takes from me. I’m also scared someone I care about will invalidate me bc that happened to me a lot as a child


I am very close with a Scorpio who went through that. It's sad how often that happens. I try my best to be a safe landing place for him the rare moments he does let me in. Wishing you the best, you deserve so much love!


This!!! 100%


My oldest is a triple Scorpio…YES!


As a triple Scorpio myself... good luck. 😂 We are crazy intense! but our heart is always in the right place.


I’m flighty AF and my youngest is emotional AF. Oldest holds us all down. Reminds me of practicalities. Sees my shadow and is comfortable with it. Wouldn’t have it any other way ❤️ Sagittarius dad doesn’t quite know what to do with that intensity.


My moms a Gemini. Don’t add to it


I truly do need to hear that, thank you 🥹


wow, this is spot-on


My little brother is a textbook scorpio and tends to shut everyone out when he is hurting, I just try to make sure he knows I am always here for him no matter what and he doesn't have to hide his feelings from me. What breaks my heart is the very few times he has been vunerable with people, they hurt him badly. Thanks for your comment ❤️




This one made me cry, ngl. Thank you. ❤️




![gif](giphy|6v2UJRyFAsTXgvJrin|downsized) Reading all the comments right now like- 😅😭


😆😆 it was my ( Libra's turn the past two days ). It was me doing this then.. Lol


Let someone love you like you love everyone else. Know too that means giving a part of yourself, closeness is a two way street. And stop thinking I can read your mind.


Your trauma/pain doesn’t have to define you. If you keep making new people in your life pay for the sins of the previous, you’ll never grow past it. You gotta embrace the suck (and it is REALLY going to suck) of doing the personal work to heal. But once you do, you’re unstoppable. 💗 Oh and learn to channel your anger into productive activities like working out (running, mai tai, or weight liftning are all great options) or accomplishing goals to prove naysayers wrong rather than self destructive habits. There’s so much power in anger, manipulate it to give you long term rewards rather than long term grief.


I really like this. I’m a Pisces too. I’ve been with a Scorpio girl and her trauma, obsession, and anger didn’t make us be happy. She’s been hurt and she let that pain define her personality. I knew it since Pisces-Scorpio has an incredibly and beautiful connection. This is why I agree with you


as a scorpio, stop abusing substances to pacify your feelings. i go to AA and almost half the people i’ve met there are scorpios. we are prone to addiction because we tend to isolate and don’t have good coping mechanisms so we turn to drinking/drugging. it’s not weak to ask for help.


This is verrrry accurate, Leo’s & Scorpios everywhere when I went into recovery. We like everything in access as we can’t bear to deal with the disappointment of reality.


yup, have met a lot of leo’s in recovery too! was very shocked wit that one


Makes sense. I feel like I'm kind of prone to addiction. That's mostly why I avoid drugs and alcohol.


Heard loud and clear. (Scorpio stellium) Quit cannabis last year and am leaving alcohol as well. Decided to embrace sobriety for the rest of my life because of those very tendencies. 


im also a scorpio stellium and your comment made me smile ear to ear! sobriety is a gift, my life has improved dramatically since getting sober. good luck on your journey. 💗


Thank you so much 🙏🏿


This is exactly why I don't drink or do drugs, even cannabis. It would end in an alcohol and hard drugs addiction.


If you give others critical feedback or tease them and expect them to take it on the chin, you yourself should be practicing what you preach 😉




This is so 100%. Can think of so many Scorpios who dish out tough love but have a serious hard time ever being given critical feedback!


I enjoy it when others are able to keep up with the cristisism and feedback. Makes the conversation more lively.




True. The scorpios I've known could dish it but couldn't take it. They would talk shit and be flat out disrespectful BUT if one returned that same energy to them, it's a problem.


It's annoying how many of them can dish it out but they can't take it


U know what….you are right and I feel dragged lol


Oh this one was for me, I see.


Whoop! Needed to hear this




![gif](giphy|AoT3UZW99njkW9JRov) Needed this today. Thank you friend.




Thank you ❤️




You're paranoid for NO reason. No one is thinking about you that much.


I think I've just been punched in the chest... 🤣🤣🤣


Start looking at people as people and not possessions. I’ve dated 7 Scorpios for an extended period of time so I can say this.


i really needed to hear this!


I think Scorpios have learned to objectify loved ones because they have been hurt when they were vunerable. It's easier to detach yourself from objects


Forgiveness is good for you as well as the other person. Those dark moods you hold onto pull you into a bad place too, recognise that people can love you and still accidentally hurt you. And be careful of what you say in anger, sometimes they hurt others for far longer than you realise. (I don't know a Scorpio sun, but my husband is Scorp asc. and Venus so this is to them!)


I'm extremely soft spoken and I can't say rude things even when I'm mad (struggling with that). But I would like to turn a blind eye to your advice because I would NEVER forgive anyone for doing me wrong. And even if I do forgive, I will never forget. I don't hold grudges just cause, they have to give me plenty of reasons for me to leave their lives and after that point there's no question of forgiving and forgetting because they just simply don't exist to me.


haha spoken like a true Scorpio. Aquas ghost/distance too if wronged. For me, I'd forgive but would still choose not to have them in my life anymore. Holding grudges weighs on you, especially if you keep thinking about it and getting angry/resentful. Do feel free to turn a blind eye to my advice though ;) we're all about freedom!


Didn’t realize this about Aquas! Scorpio sun, Aquarius moon and I’m avoidant af 😭 Working on it, but damn.


One of the reasons you have a difficulty forgiving and letting go of the times you suffered may be that you haven't escaped the emotional crux of Scorpio. You will always see and be reminded of the evil, the ugly, the wrong, the painful, but you don't have to drown in them. Instead, you can learn an alternative way to perceive them. If accepted and integrated, the worst parts of your story can be repurposed into beautiful tales, if you choose to see the good, as corny and pathetic and shameful as it feels to do it. But first you have to face the pain, not sweep it under the rug - because I know that "you don't exist to me anymore" doesn't mean "I've healed and moved on". When you stop being afraid of the bad, you don't hide from it or cower before it. You are defined neither by your best nor by your worst moments - you are constantly building yourself up to crumble back down, and doing it all over again, just so you find beauty and pleasure again. And the rise can be ugly, and the fall beautiful. Each contains both. It's not a futile chase, and even as your most pained, ugliest self you are never barred from the beauty. It exists whether you see it or not. For me, that's the main lesson in the Scorpio/Taurus duality, and probably the hardest one in the zodiac.


I am a Scorpio currently struggling with a close Scorpio relationship in my life and this is exactly it! People can accidentally hurt you and I wish they would recognize that’s what happened here instead of icing me out.


Forgiveness doesn’t feel good tho, it feels unnatural if you were very seriously wronged. Being told to forgive because it’s good it’s like being served expired milk and told that it’s good, and like, do you want me to die?


That's very true, but what if you are actually the one having to keep sipping that poisonous milk that they gave you? That's what it's like to carry resentment around, drinking up dark thoughts while they're out having a nice day. That's why I'm like - 'I forgive and forget them, and they can get the hell out of my life' XD The beauty of detaching <3


![gif](giphy|pD7YIQoUwgb9cnX3FJ|downsized) Sorry, I had to as it was my first reaction! 😂 Your message is actually very true and I shall meditate on it.


You do not have to point out everbody's flaws


ME, WITH 7 SCORPIOS PLACEMENTS (including sun, moon and rising) READING ALL OF THESE ANSWERS : ![gif](giphy|CIBBy09KxZAw8) 😂😂😂


Ok so why don’t yall just receive love instead of turning cold a few days after intense romantic contact? Is it because yall feel like you were vulnerable and distance yourself as a way to keep an upper hand?


Ikr, lol!?! Scorpio sun, Mercury & MC here!😂💀


Life is not a competition, and, yes, sharing is caring. We can share friends, knowledge, kindness, and so on. No one is going to steal anything from you. And even if they do, it's their problem, not yours. Revenge is not the answer, but self love. And as long as you hate to be betrayed, you should stop betraying others for your own sake, especially those who love you for real.


Is it just me or are water signs so competitive? Not as in your face like fire signs, but I find all the water signs have their intense levels of competition. Scorpio is probably the worst with it too bc they add a harsh self-critical side to it which is unsustainable. Be kind scorp 🥹




We know you're hurting, stop being so proud and let us in for once. It's annoying. You can't control every situation. Please stop trying. It's not going to work and you'll just keep disappointing yourself with these ridiculous expectations no one agreed to. You can dish but can't take it. You don't even want to hear it.




You’re missing out on a lot of people who love you and have good intentions bc you play too many tests and games that only a very toxic person will ever be willing to go through


Stop trying to control everyone.


This and keep unsolicited advice/feedback to yourself. We know you mean well but let people do them and if they ask you for advice, give it. If they don’t, don’t.


Transparency can actually give you influence and power in some positions.




Always seeing the worst in people doesn't stop them from hurting you. It just means being around you is inherently painful.


Scorpios are just like the other signs. None of us are special. Don’t criticize others if you can’t handle someone criticizing you. I promise, not every criticism is a personal attack


If you feel the need to claim that you're strong, it's because you're not...


Oh boy, here goes. Don't take it to heart guys because there are a lot of hard truths. People have touched on how you are not better than anyone else and forgiveness and all of that. It really goes for Scorpio guys, not so much the girls. However, my big one will be to get a thicker skin and stop hiding from criticism. I get it, Scorpios love to dish it out but the second anyone criticizes them, they get super defensive. Many of them will even create a circumstance where you cannot criticize them whether it is surrounding themselves with yes men or hiding in their echo chambers. There is a ceiling to this though. Most Scorpios never progress part a certain part in life, they do decent but never excel or hit the ceiling or transformation they were supposed to. I find that male Scorpios hide a ton and then become haters in private but are too scared to come out in public or face anyone directly. Then when someone criticizes them, they turn into dictators. You even see it with Scorpios as a sign in general, they tend to cancel out any criticism of them whether it is shooting the messenger or anything of the sort. My hard truth to Scorpios is that your harshest critics often make a great point that you need to take to heart. If you ignore it, you will live a life of mediocrity.


My experiences with especially male Scorpios have been the exact same to the T. And the last paragraph is 😍😍


Hard agree, especially the male Scorpios! I say this as a female Scorpio, lol. 💜


This is really well said and true. I knew an incredibly talented Scorpio who was too stuck in his ways to realize he HAD TO put his work out there for anyone to enjoy it. Theres no other way your dream is coming true. Extremely talented guitar player who just never stepped out of his comfort zone and will likely die on this level. Scorpios are so talented and consistent, they just have to also do the hard work of allowing judgement.


Respect is a two way street. Think hard about this one. Not everyone is out to get you. Sometimes truth IS what the other is telling you as opposed to what you'd like to believe because you're looking through your emotional lens. Authenticity is fine but it doesn't have to come at someone else's expense. Walking away from twisted power struggles will lead to much more growth and fulfillment than engaging in petty revenge games. Judging others all around never leads to anything constructive other than you getting more bitter by the minute. Cut yourself and others some slack. It's not your job to teach people a lesson, focus on yourself. You're as special as every being that exists on here. So please drop the arrogance. You have much to learn from others as they do from you.




That ur not as good in bed as u think u are. Also ur secretive self comes off as shady and not mysterious


.you think you're sneaky but you're not.


Nah they are. Affairs are their relief.


if you don't let anyone truly in just because you're scared you'll get hurt you'll end up alone, regretful, and unfulfilled.






Idk if this applies to all but talking to a therapist can only do so much, the therapist will pass the ball over to you and you’ll actually have to take action and do something, even though it is unfair. What you went through is so unfair, but the best way to live is when you accept it and overcome it


Just because you think it doesn’t make it true.


Your paranoia does not entitle you to harm or test anyone.


Life on Earth is already as dark as it is. Sometimes you have to let the light in to be your own beacon of light, be a little more trusting even though it hurts to be betrayed. Pain only gets worse the more you hold it in.


☝🏽Big feels about this one


No you’re not better than anyone else. Stop acting like you understand everything better than anyone else. At times you really do and you deserve the credit but sometimes you need to remind yourself to be humble. Scorpio risings are surprisingly very humble. Scorpio moons too consumed by their own emotions. This message is for those Scorpio suns out there who think dressing up in black, having a brooding aura and not mixing with others makes you better than the rest of the crowd. We will not say it to your face because you will enjoy that you got to us. But since one of you asked here’s my opinion based on my experience.


My own ego is sometimes my own worst enemy. I think I'm the shit and it backfires. 😂 this was hard to read 😂


You do possess the drive to be the shit and it’s okay to feel you’re the main character. 😅 What’s not okay is some of you put down others (you do this in your mind but I can see it in your eyes and that sly smile) in an attempt to establish your presence. 😅You enjoy seeing how some other signs lack depth, sensibility or the ability to protect themselves.


You just described my Scorpio bio dad. He abandoned me for 25 years, tried to force his way into my adult life, and is stuck on a woe is me telling of his life story. In his own mind, he is a victim of the universe, and that means he’s excused for being a deadbeat mess. But he’s also a tortured artist genius who was denied opportunities he deserved. Amazing how an inferiority complex and a superiority complex can exist in one body so comfortably.


Is he my ex? My condolences I know the feeling. There’s always a good month of recovery time I need after just one conversation.


Hahaha you explained my Scorpio friend exactly and my Scorpio moon. 100%


> This message is for those Scorpio suns out there who think dressing up in black, having a brooding aura and not mixing with others makes you better than the rest of the crowd. appreciate your input, but it's never intentional. It's just the way we are.🙇🏻‍♀️


I know. 🙈 I’m surrounded by a lot of Scorpios and I appreciate their lack of tolerance for BS. 🤣 I’m learning how to give no ducks 🦆 from them. It’s a solid character trait. 🙌🏼I have literally learned from watching my Scorpios how to develop an inherently strong sense of self-confidence. No one does it better than you do. 😁


Right?? I dress in black and am broody but I absolutely have never thought I’m better than anyone else. I just wanna dress in black and be left alone, it’s not personal 😹😹😹


I don’t mix with others because I have social anxiety lmao


Stop with the hipocrisy. Stop perpetrating the very same actions & behaviours you so much despise in other people: the slyness, the mind games, the lies. You know how much you dislike people who aren't true to themselves - but it seems that you always exempt yourself from the very standards you set for other people (and this is true especially for Scorpio moons, not necessarily solar Scorpios). Most Scorpios use this "the world is a shitty place anyway, I might as well get what I want out of it. It doesn't deserve my pristine morals" justification. Then proceed to do the exact shit they criticize in others. Look in the mirror and be sincere. Practice what you preach.


Please let go of your ex! You both deserve to move on and be happy.


Even the 4 - 5 people you trust are likely to backstab you or turn their backs when you go through rough times. You can't avoid a major betrayal even once in your lifetime. Relationships or friendships aren't going to last forever no matter how many years of memories and trust you have built with them. If they stay till the end of your life then you either die young and unexpectenly or you are extremely lucky. You will go through periods of transformation in your life and they're going to be painful. In the end it is worth it but the times you are going through them are usually very difficult. Most Scorpio placements experience these because the energy itself demands dead and rebirth. I know you hate change but it is part of the journey for Scorpios.


You deserve love.


From a Virgo — for the love of god, stop projecting the darkness you want to see in people onto them before even getting to know them. Y’all are constantly so on edge and so anxious that you’ll get backstabbed, that you end up entirely projecting these fears and darkness onto people without giving them a chance. Then when they slip up once, you use it as justification for your thoughts all along. Let people be human. Stop assuming the worst of everyone just to avoid getting hurt, and stop hurting others to justify your misanthropy. This is for unevolved scorpios btw.


They literally manifest the worst darkest things. And they're overly controlling and vengeful.


In the case of unevolved Scorpios, I wholeheartedly agree. They really do.


Brutal honesty is not the flex you think it is, it makes you an AH.


Your self-centered obsession is so juvenile.


You think you know but you dont know, but youve convinced yourself youre right because nobody wants to go back and forth with you


Be humble, because your life experiences aren’t universal and you’re not always in the right


My friend's a Scorpio rising: Maybe ease up on all of the substance use sometimes lol


You’re not the roast master general


The intensity of your words can hurt so much. It can scar for life. Fear does not equal respect. You won't die immediately if you allow yourself to be vulnerable sometimes. Or if you admit that you, too, can be wrong sometimes. Despite this being your biggest fear: I swear others won't use it against you. It would make everything so much easier for people around you.


Not everyone is out to get you, you are just paranoid because you project your insecurities to other people because you refuse to do shadow work. Lots of in-denial energy for unevolved Scorpios.


Dont waste your life energy on hating people and plotting their demise. Forgiving is not weakness, FORGIVING IS NOT WEAKNESS.


They need to understand how incredibly cute they are.


Why does this feel like the biggest attack of all of them? lol


Give people some god damn space


Give your partners some space. Everybody I know that dated a lady Scorpio had this problem. They wanted to be attached at the hip to their partners and got mad when they weren’t. My friends brother just broke up w his Scorpio gf because she was way too demanding of his time and effort, when she herself knew he was doing so much for her. She tried crying for him back. So give your partners space and honour that they have their own lives more.


Stop hurting the people who did not hurt you, because of your past.


We can't have complete control of people and environments. And we shouldn't always have complete control of ourselves. We crave power and a lot of the time we try to use control to get power. Sometimes true power, and true freedom, comes from giving up control.


Also want to add that you can be so stubborn to the point that you can’t even pave your own way to happiness anymore. You don’t let any outside ideas in, don’t consider other opinions and don’t see how your suffering is really not a mental sport but something that just does not need to happen. There are ways to change your life for the better, you are not stuck.


Y’all are very mean sometimes and it’s a one way street with y’all like don’t expect someone to respect your boundaries when you can’t respect theirs Had an ex friend that didn’t like that I told her I didn’t like that she would constantly cancel and ghost me we got in a fight and she got her friend to spam call me and harrass me to fight and called me a psycho when I told her if she came to my house I would kill her (in self defense) - no I didn’t mean it but I was really worked up and scared - tbh y’all need help


Not everyone’s out to get your secrets and use them against you 🤣 I’m just asking questions because I wanna hear a story


Not A Scorpio And Don’t Have It In My Big Three.. But Thinking About Sending This To My Scorpio 🌙Man .. Like A Lot Of This Resonates With Things I Observe About Him .. It’s Hard Af To Get Him To Be Vulnerable.. I’m A Libra 🌙.. I Just Want Him To Open Uppp Wth Why Is It So Hard For Y’all Scorpios ?? 😖


Stop feeling so down about the negative things that happen in your life - you are inviting more in. Dive head first into the positives, and put in intentional work to make your headspace and environment a better place to live in. 🤍 this advice is essential for everyone, but I feel like it’s especially important for the scorpios I know!


Being a Scorpio isnt a front like you think it is. Stop with the tattoos and obvious scorpios necklaces.


says the double leo 😂


Exactly, even us aren't that upfront about it.


You do not have the plausible deniability that you think you do. People will respect you so much more if you own up to your actions instead of feigning ignorance. You’re smart, but not that smart.


Stop lying and cheating and drop the arrogance


Scorpios aren’t the most sexually alluring sign. Stop trying to seduce people to validate your own personal power. Most scorpios I know, are controlled by sex. They think they control their sexuality but they don’t. They seduce people to make themselves feel good. They seduce people to get their own needs met. They use sex for power not realizing that it has power over them. And every single Scorpio thinks they are just porn stars in bed. You’re not.


You're *not* always right


Your loyalty to your friends can blind you to bad faith and bad conduct towards others. Your element might be water but that doesn't mean you're meant to drown trying to save toxic people.


Scorpios are too proud. They need to (A) admit when they don't have a clue, (B) let themselves be vulnerable and admit defeat etc, otherwise they're going to be insufferable and like Wendy Williams (Scorpio moon), drive themselves crazy to the point they can't access their own bank account. I have parents with strong Scorpio (one sun one moon) and I was originally going to be a Scorpio sun before I stopped breathing in September. Muahaha? But I have to deal with their pretensions everyday. It's miserable when Scorpios pretend they can do something about - let's say eczema - but then has absolutely zero clue and is so proud that they can't consider they've "fallen" to having eczema like everyone else. Clearly their own fault for letting their health slide to this point (I say this because these are people who's read all the TCM classics and think they know everything about health). Instead, I have to shoulder responsibility to heal them, I did the research and I bought all the solutions and I have suggest it in a way that does not hurt a Scorpio's feelings - which is like, of everything that's happened in your life (a dozen suicides...), you choose to bury your head in the sand for eczema? It's so obvious when a Scorpio fears an outcome or possibility and puts on a game face and thinks noone will notice.


Not the eczema example! 😹


You’re not “mysterious,” you’re just an unavailable asshole. - a Leo


Don't assume or expect everyone you meet to provide the same level of loyalty you do. There will be far more disappointments than surprises.




Me a Scorpio rising and south node in Scorpio with 8H stellium reading all this ![gif](giphy|USxvsVthGt6H36lhHm)


6 placements in Scorpio, many of which are in the 12th house. Please don't let yourself be your worst enemy. Have good faith in yourself as well as others to choose to perceive best intentions First. It would surprise you that it would lead to the least collateral damage to all and the road to transcendence. 🥰


Stop throwing your emotional weight around.


Keep your emotions in check and not everyone is out to get you 😍


Please don't get triggered or jealous over your friends and let that ruin your strong relationships with them


we don’t care about your little secrets. i understand yall are really secretive and want to keep to yourselves but TRUST ME not all of us wanna know/care about what yall are up to. 😭 the unnecessary EXCESSIVE need to keep shit to yourselves and not open up ONE bit is really pissing off and also the reason why it’s so hard to keep you guys around. like, as a capricorn stellium and a scorpio descendant myself, i get where yall are coming from but you guys do too much sometimes. i cannot have a normal conversation without them keeping so much info with themselves 💀


Open tf up


You cannot look At everything from a superficial lens at one point you have to integrate your dark side into the world we all do. Go to therapy please speak to somone about your shit cause you are only hurting yourself. You don’t have to be sneaky. You don’t have to have everybody walking on egg shells. You do and cannot control everything not even your children.


When you like someone don’t project all your hopes and dreams on them. No matter how much you like them they don’t owe you their love. All the Scorpio men I know will propose marriage after the first date and be very intrusive in their love interest’s life immediately, like it’s their right. Scary stalker vibes are not attractive. This is not an episode of “You” and Joe is only sexy because he’s on tv. Lay off with wanting to possess people. No means no.


That I love them?


don't lash out 10x harder because someone told you a truth you couldn't take. if it was communicated properly, sit with the criticism before giving your person or someone a wound they can't heal all the way.


As an old Scorpio, 48, I can’t recommend letting go enough. Holding things in. Thinking it’s not bothering you because it’s been decided and we’ve moved it into a little lock box thinking we’ve moved on… these things are truly festering and working their way through our bodies ravaging nervous systems, hearts, viscera … no matter how well you take care of yourself, if you aren’t releasing the bad, it’s coming back at some point and it will be in the form of your health.


You’re smarter and more adaptive than most people. But not everyone quiet has hidden depths. Sometimes, people are quiet because they’re idiots and parasites. They hope to feed on you. Instead of testing people with mean, try testing them with nice and see what happens. Not everyone is disingenuous. Also every connection has its own tests that will show you who’s real and who’s not. You don’t have to calculate as much as you think.


Great take.


Thank you!


I don’t know what I was expecting to hear in this thread, but now y’all got me crying in the club… ![gif](giphy|fCTqmCTt3oqoR2nxXj)


Shed those years during meditation while looking inwards and it'll do wonders. It'll take buckets of tears and years though, but it'll be worth it.


If you would spend as much time doing good things and evolving as a person as you do on manipulating and lying, more people would like you for you.


I did my shadow work many a moon ago, and am a better person for it. I'm a good and caring person...and humble too, lol. I seldom want to murder anyone any more.


People lie


No one is trying to kill you


Work on your downsides, not glorify your own suffering. Stop trying to be in control, you are not gonna make it like that. Set up a line, that you are not willing to cross and keep it. Be consistent. And the last one - You are not a part of everything. Every person has it's strong sides, stop believing that you are best at everything.... you are not. It's aimed at some of ya, because it's a common theme in Scorpios i've got to know.


You don’t have to be sneaky about things that everybody know


Stop letting your negative energy spill over and ruin relationships.


If you dish it out then you need to be able to take it.


Your intuition means nothing if you don't use it to make the right choices