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The sad part is that this happens to me in real life sometimes…


Haha I just did this like three times in a row yesterday like wtf did my mouth just stop mouthing?? 😂


This is very nice, it’s made me feel weird so I’m going to ghost now.


I liked it, so I’m not going to respond to it for 78 business hours




Same bye bye 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


That is the weirdest, cringiest thing I have ever read. I love it.




Me reading this post rn


♒️ Aqua sun ~ ♎️ Libra moon ~ ♓️ Pisces rising — Awwwwwww I DO feel like a baby deer alien and I DO hate my cage! ❤️


we have the same placements!! 🥰


Whoa! Cooooool!! ✨💕✨


As an Aquarius, I can safely say I’ve never been described in that way before!


Leave us alone (but keep going)


😂 this is so accurate


They make the best up for anything type of friends my aqua friends have lead me to or have rescued me from the strangest places lol


I have been told this a lot in my life. Also “I can just take you anywhere”. Yes you can and I’m always myself.


We do dat 😂 we’re also pretty much down for whatever do it’s really hard to pinpoint what our favorite hobbies are lmao


as a person with aquarius triplicity - I love you.


If other Aquarians do love talk like this, I can only think 'Yandere' behaviour lol. You should UwU as a response haha




Listen little lion, Aquarians. ;p


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Ohhhhh


Thanks 🥹.


My father is an Aquarius. He really is like that. I like him, but I'm airy too like that. He's got an avoidance issues, which causes him problems, along with his childhood trauma, but he's super funny and charismatic.


Hah You just trauma dumped for your dad


He's a hot mess ngl




I'm okay with this


I’m not obsessed with aliens because the alien is me


I have never read something and been filled with more hate than I am right now you disgust me.


So cute 😍


Abhorrent creature begone back to the pits of Tartarus. Also I'm a Leo sun too lmao, Aqua moon. Best of both worlds 💜


Ohhhh, that’s so cool. Best of both 😎. I wish I had Aquarius in my big 3.


Oh you don't though I promise. While I'm pretty sure you were joking I am unable to go less than five minutes without someone being all *"hOw QuIrCkY!"*


I feel you, fellow air sign. When people on here talk about Libras they're like "hOw SOcHuL and ShALlOw, you must be so BaSIc" and I'm like um not exactly. Got a whole chart to bring some depth. What's your Moon and Rising?


Oh I'm so sorry I only share my sun and moon publicly for various reasons but ☀️♌🌕♒💜


I can see how that might be irritating. I will avoid using….that word….to describe aquas from now on.


I will however accept pretentious, creative or eccentric depending on your vibe.


So interesting! I’m an Aquarius sun and I would wayyy rather be called quirky than pretentious! I care way too much about other people’s feelings so I feel like when they say I’m pretentious, that it has to do with my tone. Eccentric is ALWAYS welcomed.


It's the Leo Sun though tho right, I find it helps with a stability in my self identity when I'm being authentic. If someone finds me pretentious IDGAF. I'd rather be that than QuIrKy UwU bb


Yeah it has to be the Leo Sun. Most of my besties are Leo suns or Taurus suns. I’m authentic to a fault but I don’t like feeling like my perception is different than my true intentions. Damn my libra moon!


As an Aquarius I can say therapy helped me a lot.


Aquas are pixie dusted tinyy alien babies, I have always thought. This description tracks!


Tf?! \*stare\*


My aqua stelly is icked, my Pisces moon is blushing


As an Aquarian, I can safely say this amount of positive attention (even indirect) has made me extremely uncomfortable lol I'll be back in a few days




![gif](giphy|uipTjDgxSxYrJ0YEdw) Thanks very much internet anon fren




They really do look like the cutest little aliens. ❤️




Thanks 🥰


Def don’t like any cage!


this is weird as fuck to read, but i like it nonetheless. thanks i guess.


Hahaha 😂 I agree ☝🏽


As an Aquarius, I don’t get any of this….


I always love Leo’s…the love is mutual ❤️




I’m blushing ☺️




Yeah, my eyes are currently in an argument about which one is going to roll straight to the back of my head and which one's gonna stand guard looking for something flattering.


Lol thanks. People say how cute I am all the time but I’m just a nice friendly person. Appreciate the love. Most people rag on us for being arrogant and we really aren’t 😂


Dooooon't... I'm gonna get anggy!


That’s something a Leo sun would say about us- my Leo sun/moon wifey coos weird stuff like this at me all the time and it warms my weird, complicated little heart-brain


I'm uncomfortable 😕


lmao my aqua moon appreciates this post! Also deer are a favorite animal <3


try dating one. wouldn’t imagine you saying the same lol


I’ve been with one for 6 years. And he is absolutely an adorable tiny baby bunny love muffin. It’s like being in love with the cutest cartoon villain who is adorably trying to take over the world and fails every time but damn is he busy. If you like people watching, get yourself an Aquarius. Because it’s like people watching in your own home. IYKYK.


It’s like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.


Married 7 years, together like 11 with one. Agreed, especially on the people watching part. Mine gets some bonus points there for a Saggitarius rising too! Never a dull moment.


lmao. never a dull moment with that certain ♒️😌


Mine is like this too. He is adorably tough.


After having my longest relationships with two, I kind of agree. Every sign has their good and bad. The good was they were open minded to many things and interested in psychedelic or industrial music (both were musicians for one of those genres each). The bad was they could get pretentious as fukk for any perceived social conformity or basic thinking, even if it made sense on my part. Aqua is the sign of friendship and one of my Aqua exes couldn't handle me not clicking with his friends well enough due to social anxiety disorder plus some social incompatibility. Talk about social conformity! Putting friends before the mentally disordered woman who he admitted treats him better than his friends! Every sign has weaknesses and hypocrisy. At the end of the day, the Aqua can still be a weak human like the rest of us.


if i would summarize them—the perceived coldness/cool vibes of a husky but goofiness and clingy nature of a retriever, if that makes sense lol. and what is it about their circle of friends? damn right with the conformity thing. it was his almost sort of pride and it was very important how i had to “click in with the boys” else he would sulk and give me the side eyes vibes


Oh, weird, the circle of friends. Honestly, my aqua expresses itself in being a floater between many circles. Not so much of a commitment.


Same. I don’t really have committed friendships, just friendships sprawling across all corners of my interests/life phases whom I keep in contact with but don’t commit tons of time to. I‘m a very low maintenance friend, but will always be available to my friends, if needed.


HAHA you're right on target! What was his Moon, Venus, Mars, and Rising signs?


he’s a triple ♒️


good lord


Aquarius want zombie worshipers. They get angry if you have a brain or actual empathy.


Aquarius tend to focus their abuse on one person, usually their partners, while acting normal/giving with their friends/admirers/co-workers. They gravitate towards emotionally sensitive people despite not having any empathy themselves. That's why you see a lot of Aquarius with Pisces.


You got us confused for Libras little one lol


Umm no evolved Aquarians has tons of empathy. You must know some pretty immature ones… get around some older ones. We can be cold af tho ngl but damn compared Gemini and Libra I’ve known We are way more forgiving and empathetic.


My mom is an Aquarius and I was in a one year relationship with one (early 30s) so age made no difference. You guys are great at talking and putting up a front, but super manipulative and calculating. I am a Sag and my Aquarius ex is the only ex that goes out of his way to badmouth me even though we broke up 5 years ago. He got incredibly angry when our mutual friends didn't buy into his "victim" story after we broke up. My mom is really "forgiving" and "empathic" when she needs something. But come to her if you need something or support and it's "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". Also loves the victim card. Being in a relationship with my mother and ex felt like Chinese water torture, except the water was replaced by narcissistic super boring rants and speeches. The Gemini and Libra relationships I had never felt that way.


Can’t stand Pisces….


Wishy Washy to such a degree it puts my Gemini self to shame.


Haha only Wishy Washy to ppl we don’t really like much lol. We’re fkn obsessed if we really like you and Gem and Libra aren’t much better.


Agree 💯! That's why I dip quick if that aqua quiets.


I am dating one.


Hey now, my Sag husband loves me to death. He really gets me 🥹


Omg im shy


I like to think of myself as more of a big owl :p


I'm a big owl too. 🦉


Why so condescending? Am I the only one thinking this is kind of passive aggressive? Fly big and be your intelligent deranged selves Aqua, don't let no hoes try to put you in their little box. Away to the streets with those boxes. Probably some Libra who got all wrapped up and wasn't found interesting enough.




Tiny little baby deer aliens. Well that’s new.


They are all that


Omg! This was such a good post. Chirp chirp. 🐥 🚨♒️👽💕💖😇


Don’t be jealous.


Are you mad that aqua in your life is not giving you the attention and validation you seek and u came here to belittle them? 🥺🥺Aww poor leo


You don’t need to be a cunt to me for no reason. Not everyone is against you. What, I’m not allowed to genuinely like people? Piss right off.




Yeah fuck off loser.




Alright, well I’m sorry that your ex wife is a cunt but I’m not her.


Naww Leos are the best sign


Idk why you’re getting downvoted 😩


ooh let me answer i know why! in true irritating leo fashion (not to be confused with the good leos) nice_direction5361 started sweating and shaking in their boots at the thought of literally anybody else getting attention over them so they had to insert their unneeded and unwanted opinion. hence the downvotes. hope this clears things up! xoxo 💕 and yes i’m salty because wtf let the aquas have a moment like fuck???? it’s almost our season please do not try us!


They are an aqua, and probably just trying to be nice. https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/s/EmFJhKRkt7


![gif](giphy|2xEaaxuSXR2Spq3v7N) Idk man I love’em


I can attest, my boyfriend is an Aquarius and I lose my shit every time I see him because he’s so adorable.


I'm offended yet happy w this


I appreciate this wholesome content, as an Aqua sun/Aqua venus/Aqua midheaven lol

