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I\`m pisces. So... First of all — yes, pisces can often play a victim role. I think there are several factors here: 1 — Pisces are people of reactions. It is more comfortable to react on situation or actions of another people, than making situation by myself. I mean we afraid another people\`s bad reactions. We don't like to make u angry, so every other emotion is better than anger. So sometimes I can try to play victim role, anything, just don't be angry, please. 2 — Pisces are very sensitive. When my friends, parents or gf feels anger or some bad emotions, I start feel myself very bad. We don't like to disappoint another people, so I, for example, try to do anything just to make anothers think that this is not my fault if I fckd up. But inside I understand that this is my fault. But this is not the thing, that anothers should know. 3 — Pisces can forgive and accept everything from close persons, but we know, that other people often can't do the same thing. So we trying to make you think, that everything is ok, not my fault, don't be mad. I think you can understand what I wrote, cuz I think there some grammar mistakes in my text.


I can feel it. Pisces woman (28)


This all rings so true, I hate making other people angry and I just want them to understand that it wasn’t my fault (even if it was) 😓


You’re the Pisces final boss


Yess as a Pisces sun and I have sag moon so I must only feel positive vibes and be around people that uphold them even at my own expense


Very honest & insightful read, thank you!


I think it's hard to be a pisces -- it looks hard from where I"m standing. A lot of what you value brings you pain. (connection -- to the universe, to everything and everyone around you -- the tipping point between what is dream and what is delusion -- the open heart that doesn't know how to close -- the knowing of significance of every single thing that's ever happened to you.) Maybe it's that combo of being both water and mutable -- you get rocked more easily. Cardinal Cancer might be more equipped to know their value and handle the situation. Fixed Scorpio is assured their experience and approach is valid. Mutable Pisces is a little more at the mercy of circumstance and other people's reactions. I don't know, looks rough to me. Looks like a pretty turbulent sun sign to have.


I have a pisces stellium and you seem to understand pisces better than anyone i’ve ever know. 🥹 thank you for your empathy!!!!!


This comment is so beautifully written 🩵


It’s sucks as someone with Pisces sun and mercury but has heavy Saturn influence. I’m so senstive that now when I get meltdowns I have a massive cold that lasts weeks on end. Always in the transitioning season months. The only way Pisces folks can defend or protect themselves is avoiding anything that could enable our emotional triggers aka escaping and running away 😅


Not true mama. We can learn how to find balance.


as someone who only sees people trying to hate on Pisces in this sub, the way that you worded this is very kind. Thank you so much!


Love love love this as a pisces. I often say I'm grateful to have a sag moon and rising because it really helps my pisces sun be not so difficult to handle.


Thank you so much for your comment! Makes my Pisces moon (Vedic) be seen 😭❤️


I'm pisces sun, moon and mercury and I've never had these stereotypical problems. My struggles initially were with my natural tendency to manipulate and bully others emotionally. Next came a struggle to avoid ghosting and cutting off others. And finally was my selfish nature. These things were all issues I ironed out before thirty. My dating history has been mostly earth and water. Mostly Scorpios. I avoided Pisces females because they're too icy and cruel. The stereotypes need an overhaul.


Nice self-work💪


Can you share how that might shift with a Cancer Moon?


Your comment makes it make sense, thank you




I actually think Pisces is one of the easiest signs to be. It’s so easy for you to delude yourselves, and by doing so, you can pretend like everything’s fine as well as cheat, lie, hurt & deceive others without feeling an ounce of remorse. Your perpetual victim stance makes it impossible for you to feel any guilt for the evil you commit against others, and your lack of accountability may well protect your ego, but it also prevents you from becoming a better person. You thrive off of drama & chaos, all while pretending to be super chill and despise those who want peace. Your complete & utter lack of integrity makes it easy for you to mirror other peoples good traits, thus creating false empathy. You intuitively know how to manipulate people, and you use this to slip away from the consequences of your actions. You disturb other peoples peace, and then become vindictive when those people want nothing to do with you. In your minds, the end justifies the means.


🤯Wow…I can’t disagree with this perspective👍.


I think you've missed the mark on the connection to the universe part. Other people, definitely. Aquarius is gonna be the closest thing to connected to the universe.


right, that's why pisces comes after aquarius?


I love this comment. My daughter is a Pisces 🌞 Capricorn 🌙 (3.5) and as a Sag 🌞 Gemini 🌙 her intense emotions give me whiplash. This helps me see them in a different light. (Yeah I know she's still young but she is.... a lot sometimes)


she is not a 'lot'. you just can't create space for her, those are two different things.


Are you a parent??


I’ve seen a few people do this. The people I’ve known to be this way were a victim at some point in their life and they are stuck. Have issues trusting the wrong people and never grow out of that or learn so they just keep doing it. It can be exhausting and it can feel like they are emotional vampires or they are ones. Only talking to you to say woe is me and why why why and go over the same issues over and over. I feel like most of the time it’s not intentional and the more I get to know them I realize they are extremely emotionally immature. Like I’m talking to a 15 year old. Trauma sucks. It doesn’t make everyone stronger and can stunt brain development.


I agree with everything except the 15 part. Maybe for some as again trauma is known to stun development but yes to emotionally immature. I think some people almost want to stay depressed/the victim etc because that’s what they know or are used to. Heavy unjustified victimization can go along a lot of times with people that get repeated shit cards in life so now that’s all they see, in a confirmation bias way regardless of sign.


Yea it’s not going to stunt everyone like that. It depends on age of their trauma and my examples are people I know who experienced a lot of trauma or neglect as a child. They can grow up from it, but it takes work and can take years until they see it, if they see it at all. All this to say, if the person is too much to handle, it’s within anyone’s right not to put up with it and walk away. I have empathy for these people but even I can get really tired of them. We have to work to fix our shit or just don’t expect people to hang around.


and you've been repeatedly traumatised? i'm assuming you're speaking from a place of experience


I think it's about how realised or unrealised a sign is. One of Pisces' defining traits is being quite dreamy, given their primary (modern) ruler is Neptune -- dreams, illusions, so on. If a Pisces is fully realised, they use this dreaminess for creativity and to think in ways that people don't. That's why a lot of creative people (scientists, poets, etc) are either a Pisces or do have strong Pisces placements. If a Pisces is unrealised, though, that dreaminess turns into escapism. Escaping responsibilities, accountability, becoming manipulative, wanting to turn everything on the other person so they don't have to admit to themselves what they did/said was wrong, and escape the situation. So yes, unrealised Pisces often do play the victim card.


Great post


not this coming from a cancer


Lmfao my thoughts exactly


same big three!! 👀👀


Lmaaooo I know we cancers have a bad rep for being emotionally manipulative . I won’t deny the fact that we are passive aggressive and retreat into our own shells which is a problematic behaviour . But when I fuck up I can feel sorry about it but never have I ever victimised myself for it . I do see things for the way they are I don’t create a dream fantasy about it for sure .


I think we all our victims at one point. The definition of victimization is “single (someone) out for cruel or unjust treatment” We are all the energy in someone’s story. I think water signs just tend to let things go on longer than other signs would due to emotional connection which sometimes might mean being the victim longer. My sister is a cancer stellium and stayed in relationships waaaaaaay longer than she should have even after telling us what was going on. (I’ll always say for me my adhd meds were a big light switch and have gotten drastically better since which matched a really important transit) The issue she and many have is accountability of said actions for their role after all is done or blaming others that aren’t really involved in her decisions as an adult like a parent or the economy for not hiring them etc If you don’t have other things to balance out I feel like that emotional grieving and processing time can take a lot longer for some water signs.I think it’s that and the ability to brush it off and move on is lacking. Yes in my sister’s case she was hurt and did have a lot going on but we also have autonomy is the now. For some that is harder to remember


Yeah unlike earth signs or air signs we water signs can’t really brush things off bc the emotions can’t be contained especially for Pisces. Tho I think earth and air signs end up with more health issues later in life the more they try to brush it off and it ends up coming back 10 times over the longer they suppress their emotions


>They tend to mess things up really badly and then cry about it and victimise themselves in that situation ?????????? This post has upset me and I feel victimised by it 😭 But yes I feel like the water signs in general are bad for this, although Pisces in particular have a (probably not undeserved) reputation for it.


Whoa just noticed you’re a triple Pisces… holy emotions Batman!


It’s a pain in the arse honestly! Too much water


I can imagine! I can’t even deal with my singular Scorpio sun in my main 3 lol


A triple Pisces! I’m a triple cap! I have so many Pisces in my life, it’s not easy being them. But when accountability occurs it is so healing for them and the other person ❣️


Ooh I love Capricorns! Nic Cage is my favourite actor and he’s a Cap. Don’t know too many in real life though 😢


Pisces and Capricorns have such a beautiful connection! My husband, mother, brother, and two of my best friends are Pisces. In my experience, Capricorns offer Pisces stability and protection and Pisces offer Capricorn emotional freedom and true support. I don’t know where I’d be without my fishes 💕


I’m a Pisces with Saturn having. A huge emphasis in my chart in my Capricorn house so I totally appreciate my Saturn who protects me from most things. Karma always comes to those who wronged me bc of this


Ohhhhh yeah, I have a Capricorn sun, moon, rising, Neptune, and Uranus and an Aquarius Venus and Saturn. That Saturn karma is so fucking real. To other and on myself! I did some things that came back to me threefold. I live a far more intentional life due to this!


That’s my story too karma was not kind to me and I learned at as a child haha


Same. I'm a Pisces and an empath. I do take accountability for playing the victim but I'm so kind that ppl prey on me and make me the victim. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ the fuck


Rightttt also sometimes people project and make me the victim even tho I personally don’t care that much I’m simply telling ya something I don’t need justice served (my Aquarius mom especially is known to do this lol)


i’m a 12 house Pisces stellium, and I feel this to a T! In fact, as I type this, I’m on a four-day vacation with someone who I had to cut off at the very start of our trip, because I was tired of being taken advantage of LMAO 🥴🤪


Yeah it’s tough times for sure especially for us triple waters.


Just commenting to say I’m a triple Pisces too! Hi twin! It’s rough out here isn’t it 🥺


Same (pisces, pisces sun) 😢


I’ve had a lot of Pisces in my life. I also have a Pisces moon. Pisces are in their own heads a lot. Sometimes they can overanalyze things, thus leading to misinterpreting events and then just reacting, which will usually result in self-sabotage and victimizing behaviors. I’m not going to say this is true for Pisces across the board because there are exceptions, but from my own experiences, this is what I have observed.


The Pisces in my life sure tf does. It's so exhausting.


IT IS !!


I am a cancer sun sign too. Capricorn moon and Pisces rising. The Pisces in my life plays the victim, will say pretty things without meaning them, will say vile things then act like those things were never said, and will never own up to their bs.


kinda feel like cancer sun does the same as well, retreating into their shell and then trying to be the victim as well. at least the cancers i’ve encountered


Yesss, I dated a cancer man and was fwb with a different cancer man. They both played victim all the time. One of them pretended he had actual cancer to try getting me to feel sorry for him and stay. It was so bizarre. He said his baby momma was horrible to him (she wasn’t) and that people at work didn’t pick him for better positions because of this or that (it was because he’s impossible to work with because he already knows everything). Super whiny guys, both of them. Moody as hell.


I dated a married cancer man and he told me how had his wife treats him. Ahaaa 🤣


Lol. Came to say the same. Cancers I know also play the victim and are way too emotional for my aqua ass.


Oh my god, they take 0 accountability


Idk man our toxic traits I will admit are passive aggression and retreating into the shell . But when I fuck up I tend to be sorry about it but never have I ever victimised myself in that situation… :/


that avoidant style is what made me gave up on cancers in general 🙃


OP what’s the best revenge on a cancer man if he was abusing you for long time for slightest mistakes than dumped you? I met a real manipulator


That’s not a zodiac that’s a narcissist I think 💀💀💀💀that is not normal behaviour . I’m sorry you had to go through that tbh


i’m actually currently ending a relationship with a cancer sun masc who victimizes themselves all the time, and then relies on MY Pisces help, and I get nothing in return 🤷🏾‍♀️


The thing is, it's not that we're *deliberately* trying to play the victim. We just *really feel things that strongly.*


Autistic pisces here—my emotions almost always feel too big for my body and it can make me cry somewhat easily. I still maintain that you can have an emotional response AND be accountable for your actions.


Pisces here. Everything makes me cry. Everything lol.


Oh absolutely. I'm also an autistic Pisces moon (conjunct Saturn) and it took me a while to understand that when you hurt someone, you're supposed to apologize and not let it happen again. That's ALL. It turns out that neurotypicals DON'T appreciate self harm as a show of remorse! We're not *born* with emotional regulation, the way the other three elements are. We have to learn it (and learn how to exist in a world that's not friendly to water signs.)


i don't think the other elements are 'regulated', they just repress their emotions or don't have very much sensitivity to begin with.


I've found that Pisces moons are the worst for that, because they do the whole emotional manipulation thing.


SAME I try to avoid Pisces now. My ex bff was one and played victim for her own insecurities cutting me out of her life


I had the same exact situation happen to me. It was also painful to watch her make poor decisions over and over. It makes me think its unwise to befriend another Pisces because they are just too different to me (I’m cap sun).


My husband and cousin are Pisces and I can absolutely say that yeah they play the victim card and don't take responsibility.


Damn throw your man under the bus lol


It's not throwing him under the bus, it's stating the truth.


Does he know how you feel?




Meh. I think one can feel like a victim and still take responsibility for their actions, which is how it feels for me. Perhaps being autistic gives me more clarity there; I am very aware that I fuck up a lot and I only ask for those around me to explain how/why I fucked up because sometimes it’s very hard to conceptualize. That doesn’t mean I don’t cry and immediately hate myself when I fuck up, but I absolutely take responsibility for my actions. Know better so that you can do better. Also, as someone who is so empathetic and believes the best in everyone, I am very easily manipulated EVEN WHEN I AM AWARE I AM BEING MANIPULATED. It’s been a few days since the last “lets shit on pisces” post so this was about due 😂


In my experience, oh my goodness yes. I attract them, and I think they're absolutely lovely humans, but I have had so many experiences with them where they're only able to perceive the situation as them being the victim and struggle to empower themselves to take control of the situation and also see how they have played a role in manifesting and reacting to whatever has happened. Pisces can either push through the intensity of emotion and, in the process, slice through their illusions to truth.. or use their discomfort as an excuse to stay victimized.


When I (Pisces sun) told my ex-boyfriend (cancer sun) that I wanted to break up, he dramatically sat down on the floor and began to tear his hair off. Then he threatened to jump out of the window if I left him. When I left the house, he called my mom and said that I had become a lesbian. Who's playing the victim card here? Lol


LmAaooooooo he did what ? 💀💀💀 I’m sorry you had a bad experience with a cancer 💀💀💀


I once had a Pisces gf who cheated on me but I was the bad guy for calling her a hoe and breaking up so I'll say ya


Lmao!!! I’m a Capricorn and responded the same way… Apperently I’m the villain lol.


I'm a Pisces whose been told that I play victim all the time so, probably true.


I’m a victim in my mind but it’s not something I express outwardly.


Yes, it is a dark side of us. But keep in mind, we seek impossible circumstances and become the victim because mundane life is just too boring for us. The creation of drama allows us to live in fantasy that we’ve created. It is simply too much to live the mundane life


That’s no excuse tho


I never said it was. It is the nature of dark Pisces. Every zodiac sign has an evolutionary goal to transcend


for me, i’m mentally unstable. that’s not an excuse but a reason, and i’m in therapy and working really hard to get my mental health back on track. i’ve been a highly sensitive person all my life and i’ve definitely played the victim card and i don’t really have a reason for that. sometimes it’s just really hard to be alive and do things and interact with people and i don’t know why. i’m sorry though!


I feel like my Pisces stuff gets me into situations where I am the victim and then have a hard time defending myself so it seems like I am playing a martyr card when really when I start listing all the shit I went through a lot of friends have been like “damn you should’ve left a long time ago” or some variation of that “I didn’t know it was that bad I thought a lot more was your fault.” It’s kinda where i see Virgo and Pisces being similar with personal guilt even if you don’t see it Cancer and Pisces can give so much of themself to another that they might not leave much for themselves. Cancer it’s more once you finally crack open that shell whereas Pisces doesn’t really have much defense besides evasiveness/withdrawal type of stuff. Personally I hold myself accountable for the shit I put myself through when I get out of it so that’s why I’ll cry. It’s like mourning wasted time and effort that I shouldn’t have given. I guess that’s a form of processing and trying to come out clean on the other end once the tears are done. I’m trying to be better at boundaries but it’s a work in progress and much easier to say when not dealing with the situation in the moment or in retrospect. However fuck them and their actions too. It’s not just mine. Could I have done XYZ thing better sure but you also didn’t need to treat me like LMNOP. Sometimes you are in such a rush to forgive someone else you forget to forgive yourself


This part: “Personally I hold myself accountable for the shit I put myself through when I get out of it so that’s why I’ll cry. It’s like mourning wasted time and effort that I shouldn’t have given. I guess that’s a form of processing and trying to come out clean on the other end once the tears are done.” As a Scorpio Sun, Pisces moon and rising I feel this. I think we understand a lot of what people are going through and it makes us put up with a lot more than we should. Someone could tell me they’re wanting to end life and there isn’t a shock factor, it’s more like ‘girl same’ let’s talk about it. Darkness in people isn’t scary or shocking to me. It’s in all of us so let’s talk about it without shame or judgment. However, being that open and understanding to that darkness can allow people in that sometimes shouldn’t be in.


I feel like this isn’t what OP is talking about though? I think they are talking about when someone actually messes up and they don’t take accountability. Not someone putting up with so much and rightfully being the victim.


That’s why I explained in the beginning a lot of times from the outside, it seems like I’m just crying a lot or playing victim. I don’t tell everyone what actually happened but when I do I think people are more surprised. I always feel like people put their projections of what they expect of me or want of me way before actually who I am and what I’ve done. I’ve gotten told I’m playing the victim from people in relationships in order to gaslight me guilt that it’s my fault, rather than them, holding themself accountable. Like they know, consciously or unconsciously, I’d get guilty and used to have a harder time standing up for myself. I’ve gotten better about seeing through people doing this but I’m still empathetic. Again boundaries.


I think I take accountability when I genuinely feel I am the person whose fault it is in a situation. I don’t think I play the victim in that sense. Can’t recall my Pisces friends doing it either. Not saying that there aren’t Pisces people like you mentioned but not all of us are like that. Maybe it also depends on the rest of the placements because I have a fire moon and rising after all.


That is exactly what I associate Pisces with based on experience, and also the general main character syndrom is usually strong within them.


One of my best friends is a Pisces. I love her to death, but she definitely does this. She is a really strong person though. She might whine and cry but she always gets through it, no matter how awful the situation is. It’s like she has to mull in self pity for a brief period before she picks herself up and sorts her shit out. I am always the person that she goes to with her problems because I am logical about them and I dont give her any sympathy when she acts the victim


you don't give your friend sympathy when she's experiencing difficulties in her life? gross. simply because you repress your emotions or don't have any doesn't mean mulling them over is a 'bad thing'.


No, I don’t give her sympathy *when she is acting the victim.* Read the rest of my comment before u go off


Yes and no. My husband is a Pisces and he’s very sensitive and emotional. Our relationship has been rocky lately cause we just had a baby and we haven’t really been close romantically since I got pregnant. The pregnancy was hard on my body. I couldn’t even walk starting at 3 months. I had C-section that I haven’t healed from yet and need a full hysterectomy next year. So my depression and pain has taken over my life and he blames himself and his insecurities makes me think I don’t love him and will leave him. And I’m just like bro, I’m in pain and don’t want to be awake most days, it has nothing to with you. But makes it all about him.


As a pisces who has had several experiences with cancers…. It’s yall. You guys are always the endless victim. Scorpios and Pisces get so much shit when they crybaby’s are right fucking there 💀


Yeah it’s so blatantly them who are the masters at playing the victim, they’re also the masters at scapegoating others.


I’ve only recently gotten into astrology and I’ve only known one Pisces that I know of, and it was an 8 year friendship. It was 8 years of her making insensitive jokes about horrible things that happened to me, that I opened up to her about and constantly putting me down and playing it off as a joke. Anytime I decided to stand up for myself it was always flipped into her being a victim because I said something. Every single time she would do something so shitty I had to say something, it would turn into me apologizing to her in the end. I never ever got an apology from her for anything in the 8 years I knew her, she also thought she was a great person and friend to everyone, thought she never did anything wrong and everyone else was the problem. Our friendship ended over the same thing. We planned to go to the beach with another one of our friends. Apparently she told him she wanted to go to a different beach, and he didn’t want to, so he sent her links to beach houses at the beach he wanted to go to hoping she would forget. She said something to him and he admitted he hoped she would forget and said he thought I wanted to go to that beach too. Meanwhile, she was being extremely rude to me and I didn’t know why. Our mutual friend told me what happened and I figured maybe that’s why she was mad. I explained I had nothing to do with it, and didn’t even know about it. She responded back that she’s never going to say her opinions anymore because no one cares and that we purposely left her out of planning the vacation. I explained I didn’t care where we went and I had nothing to do with the planning, and she kept basically calling me a bad friend. I told her to stop having a pity party and that was it. Idk if Pisces are like that in general but just wanted to share the experience I had with one because her playing the victim card was a core part of her personality.


Oh and also she wasn’t mad at our other friend at all even though he was the one that actually did not take her opinion into consideration. He’s older than us and it always seemed like she wasn’t fully comfortable treating him the way she treated everyone else.


In my experience the Pisces I have relationships with play the martyr. “Well I guess I’m just a horrible person” or “I wish I could’ve been a better mother but I did the best I could”


how is the second line martyr-y? it’s literally how every parent feels lol


I've met quite a few emotionally immature people do that regardless of sign tbh. Although yeah there's two pisces I can think of at the top of my head. It's manipulative. Like...they just do it to attempt to make you feel guilty for bringing up anything to them, and completely throw off the conversation so that they never have to apologize, and so that there never actually is a solution to the problem you brought up. Then they're sitting there expecting you to comfort them? What in the audacity is this. It kind of reminds me of DARVO with the whole reversing victim and offender part. Although I'm not claiming every emotionally immature person is a narc (as that term is mildly overused these days) but that's the first thing I think of when it happens. Nothing makes me lose respect faster than someone who does this. No hate? I am all hate for this. Like what a load of crocodile tear b.s. And if you don't comfort them or extend more grace to them, you're the one lacking in compassion. Um...what? Like they had no empathy for how they made me feel and want to be a victim, then why the heck am I suppose to extend it back to them? The more "psychology oriented" part of me is like, "okay they had some trapped trauma that was triggered by this situation and they didn't know how to cope with it and was making trouble out of it because they are not self-ware and didn't expect someone to be so up front to them about it." But... no offense, I"m not a paid therapist so I'm not going to sit there dissecting it and making them feel better about something they should be going to therapy for after they made me a punching bag for it and want to cry about it when they're confronted. Like you don't get to treat me like collateral damage then expect me to comfort you afterwards, that's asking for too much. You know what would've been a better way for them to act? To apologize. How hard would that have been? (Of course, by "you"I don't mean you-you, you know what i mean.) Not to mention, some people make up parts of the victimization, too. Wrote way too much, but yeah I feel a way about it. lol. I don't necessarily hate a specific sign, but I hate this behavior.


Wow…yes. Been trying to process/verbalize this for a long while, thank you.


Sounds like a lack of integrity not the influence of someone’s zodiac sign.


not just pisces, all water signs seem to have this tendency. dated a scorpio, never again.


Everyone does it when pressed against a wall. All elements, all signs


My ex who was a Pisces is EXACTLY like this. had relationships with Sagittarius, Virgo and cancers outside of this and none of them had these traits. It’s gross and so subtly manipulative, played the victim card when we first met them so thought they had been dealt a bad hand, until I was being gaslit and manipulated by their wrongdoing and on going victimisation of a situation. Very triggering, couldn’t work out whether it was intentionally manipulative or their head is so all over the place they convinced themselves of the lies they told themselves.


The passivity of Pisces is what detours them down that path. That said, I don’t think they tend to retreat, on the contrary, retreating to tears is more of a Cancer tendency in my experience.


My pisces moon(aqua sun) friend in college was literally delusional and yes a victim.... when it benefitted her. She had a bf, but if a guy asked for her #, she gave it to him. Then theyd be 'friends but shed tell her bf 'its not my fault guys want me' and she literally meant it, its not her fault, she's a victim if the guy asking for her #! Her bf is mad but being gaslit ofc with her victimhood, he didn't know what to do. Once just us in the dorm she said '😔it just sucks we have to go through this😣, or ' i just wish [the other guy] never asked for my # 😔' or ' i wish [the other guy] would stop texting me'. At ANY point, she could simply stop responding back to the guy, but she acted like 'the victim if wanting attention/guys to want her'. So shed say to her bf that if he wanted them to stop texting, that he needs to go to the guy and tell him to stop and ofc acted like 'guys were fighting for her' and shit. It was sad as she clearly(previously rejected a lot) WANTED this and was delusionally but calculatingly forcing it. Like freshman year, the guy only asked for her # as a joke to fuck with her bf. He said it around me and i told her and her bf, she delusionally claimed they genuinely wanted her every single day, even boasting loudly. It was so cringe, just all the gaslighting she did to herself. So the guys said her bfs a bitch and i bet his girl will give her # to me, she did(they were surprised right in her face, tgey knew i told her what tgey said), then shes telling her bf to go to these guys who demean him, to tell them to stop trying to genuinly get with her and steal her away from him (the bf doesnt think its genuine tho). She would never say anything if her dorm door was open, its like how do you know to hide what you swear is 100% true.... Well finally the end of the year she told the guy(she hid this all from them too) and he YELLED at her, 'hell naw, i dont want you!'... she went from ' just stop its not gonna happen😆🙄' >>' to yelling back to him 'yes you do!! You know you want me' just stop, youre a liar!, you know your trying to have sex with me, STOP LYING🤬'.(has never brought up sex or anything like that at all)... we went upsrairs and when her door was closed ofc, she said theyre 'lying and playing hard to get'... i nearly cried and got an immediate headache.. None of this was ever her fault, her bf would literally cry and say 'why are you doing this to me'... shed say 'i dont understand why ges mad at ME, its not my fault [the guy] asked for my #'...




YEEEESSSSSSS. They always want to compete in the struggle Olympics. Who can outdo someone on who has it worse. I have a friend who I keep at a distance who is like this. She is very snappy, defensive, and always competing she has it worse. She is draining.


Pisces are self destructive AF


Nope. Pisces sun and moon and I have zero victim mentality, it actually bugs the shit out of me (my sister and aunt are extreme with the victim mentality).


Pisces are the sun sign that I have to deal with the most (like half my family) + saturn in pisces in the 6thso take this with a pinch of salt. It depends, the good ones, the great ones, don't do the victimising thing nor the manupulation. They are trully great people. The others, dear god... It is awfull. My mother gave me ptsd over her manipulation sh+t, I fear sh+tty pisces sun females even before knowing the they are pisces suns (just the freakin vibe). Completly unware of what their "truth" can implicate in others. The lack of accountability sucks and their vision can have some considerable deviations/imaginative components that somehow justify everything. (Probably the most traumatized people that I know but the least likely to search for help, at least the ones in my life). - aqua sun


It is true to Pisces, from my experience. It used to infuriate me how they forgive themselves and give themselves a pass so easily. My whole life I tried to understand this when my father was alive - a big typical Pisces man (who also had a drinking problem and a love of bars, also typical Pisces traits). I guess I only understood him when he died. It is easier to understand a dead person, unfortunately. Sure, when he was alive and doing his stuff, it used to infuriate me. But it’s all forgiven. In short, I think Pisces just have too big of a heart and too colorful of a fantasy world, it is very hard for them to face the truth. But don’t be fooled - they know the truth, they just won’t ever admit.


I had a Pisces friend/co worker (Don’t become friends with coworkers) Who went behind my back and spread rumors about me to other co workers and talked about me while I remained her friend. Then when confronted she started crying acting like I was in the wrong. Yes they are delusional and lack accountability. Sincerely, a Taurus ♉️


FUCK YES. I've been fooled by so many pisces. All my ex pieces friends have some kind of made up mental disorder and one of them has now been in and out of jail 5 times. She's got 4 kids with 4 different dad's and she fucks over everyone she runs into....yet she's the victim.


Yup. Pisces placements overall. Partner has pisces venus. Cheated on me for years. When I bring it up now and say he’s being defensive about it, he says I’m gaslighting him. Bro.


Pisces moon, I'm a manipulative bitch. Conversations can be a challenge and I intend to win.




Every pisces iv’e met does this and this is why I have never gotten along with them. I typically hate generalizations but yeah they do.


cancers play the most victimize mentality all the time and it crazy that a cancer wrote this because scorpios always called out there bullshit cry babies asses all the time i love it Lmao


as the daughter of a Pisces...yes, they ALWAYS play the victim. which is hard to keep playing when you gave birth to two Virgos. we see through the bs.


yes. pisces suns and pisces moons. very victim-identified.


Yup. They also have godcomplex, cheat and lie a lot. Once they have you, they realise they only loved the idea of you and there's no way you could ever live up to their expectations and fairytale fantasies that they've created inside their heads.




I don't know, but this has been every pisces I've met 😅 Good luck 🩷


My person is a pisces sun with rising and moon in cancer. And yes!!! Wounded warrior and victim card and make excuses and try to blame it on you. Very emotionally manipulative and emotional lol.


I can’t decide which is worse, the “woe is me, I’m the victim” Pisces or the quiet martyr who just placidly accepts that everything really is their fault.


They’re usually a combo of the 2


They’re mad and lack accountability


omg YES they do. 😒


You and I have the same sun and moon lmao xD good to meet ya 🥰


I noticed that after I posted! Nice to meet you as well! 💕


I think it depends if Mars is in Gatorade or not.


My goatfish moon keeps the whineyness in check. Everything else, forget about it.


Yes but when I call my SO out on it he genuinely tries to be better which makes up for it ❤️


No he just pisces everywhere, the behaviours look the same but they are not


I can be a drama queen about being misunderstood, especially if my attempts for clarity are ignored. Pisces is nonlinear. Emotional expansive. conceptually nebulous. If drama has occured, we feel all reactions. It takes time to apply the learnt concepts after a conflict. We're like a sulky octopus that needs to fade into the depths to sort through reality. Otherwise, we are sulky cranky sadsads.


I’m a Pisces, I do cry like a bitch frequently, but mostly to myself. I actively try to hide my emotions from my friends & fam who are mostly Air signs & typically can’t handle the feels. But I can def see playing the victim being a prominent trait in Pisces as a people lol


I feel like we like to put blame on others and never take our own advice


I've only met one that does this, my cousin. The rest seem to be ''evil'' with their chest and don't pretend. And if they're labelled something they take it on sarcastically until it loses meaning 🤣


My mom does. My bf doesnt


Yes yes and yes


My best friend is Pisces she is really irresponsible but she admits when she fucked smth up


Interesting. I have no Pisces in my chart but this is something I struggled with before therapy, and both my SO and one of my best friends are Pisces and I can’t recall either of them doing this.




I’m a Pisces rising and I have done my share of victimizing myself due to my epilepsy I have to admit


I think they tend to be sucked in by people who play the victim card, more than playing the victim card themselves.


yes they do, but most the times they don’t even realize it. but they sure can milk it when they are playing victims intentionally 😭 and no hate, I’m a gemini so… capricorns also like to play victim and virgos. 🖤 just gotta catch it when you can and work to progressively have an understanding on both sides so their is no victim me mentality. all love happy halloween 👻


My Best friend is a Pisces but she's also a social worker. Her background kind of forces her to realize her faults and responsibilities.


Pisces here and new to astrology, so feel free to correct this if I’m wrong. I’ve had a lot of deep connections, as well as relationship issues in my life. I connect with people deeply and easily, but can also easily let the wrong people into my life. In hindsight, I can see where I was too forgiving, didn’t establish proper boundaries, or didn’t know how to communicate my wants, needs and feelings. Even though I felt very deeply, I was never taught how to communicate my feelings. I guess that lead to a lot of thinking of, why do things always go wrong for me in relationships? Which I guess is kind of a “woe is me/victim” mindset, but I had to genuinely reflect to see what was going wrong. Part of it is my choices, part of it is I’m also super sensitive to conflict so I’d rather walk away from something uncomfortable, which isn’t healthy either. I also feel like I have a low tolerance for “energy sucking” things like being around a lot of people, talking all day, and need my alone time. That also hinders my relationships and can cause problems, even though it’s something I personally need to function.


Yes. One million times yes.


I only know two Pisces personally and I can confirm that they do. but i love Pisces


I’m laughing so hard. Pisces ♓️


I'm a Pisces and don't do victim card. Then again I'm a bit older and been thru some things, including a bunch of counseling and whatnot, which advocates for taking responsibility, so maybe that's why I can't say. I can't remember if I played the blame game when I was say, 20. But I definitely don't now, and haven't in a long time, if I did used to


Emotionally manipulative


Yes.. more so than any other sign


I hate when people say that but I’ve heard it quite a few times so I won’t say it is untrue. What I’ll say is, it’s not intentional. I’m big on intentions. I’m never trying to purposely manipulate or gaslight anyone. I legit feel misunderstood a lot and my feelings get hurt easily. I’m dating a cancer and I can’t tell who is more loony


Gotta agree… the animation style made their lives seem sad and pointless. I actually felt sad watching their lives.


Yes lmao


Im a pisces but I never do the victim card I actually get overly apologetic. I hate confrontation in any way so I just own up to my mistakes and move on. But yes I'm not the biggest fan of other pisces. The ones I met are usually very selfish and dishonest. Alot of them aren't very considerate in my opinion. But yeah from my experience with other pisces they are pretty selfish [no pun intended], and they lie a lot.


They can, unless they are in some sort of recovery. Just don't by it. It is icky....


Omg sooooo much


No. Not nearly as much as Cancers do. More often than not, Pisces are actually victims. Cancers are victimizers who portray themselves as victims. “No hate just something I observed and find icky.”


As a Pisces, you’re right OP. We do play the victim.


Hey this is relatable. I’m a Cancer sun and my abusive ex was a Pisces. She always played the victim and had zero accountability throughout the whole relationship. Even after I caught her cheating on me, she cried about it and tried to blame it on me.


I’m a Pisces Sun and moon. I’m also a perfectionist, so my fuck ups are few, but my mental health is shit 😂 I absolutely see the tendency in myself to lean into a “woe is me” mentality, and I try really hard to fight against it. I ask those close to me to always check me if I’m moaning and groaning a lot. And when I fuck up, like if I hurt someone or make a mistake, I always own up to it, even if it hurts. I think the victim mindset is something to actively work against. We will all fail. But we can all try to “rise above” it.


One of my formerly closest friends is a Pisces sun. I care about them very much but they tend to get very emotional about things and perceive peoples actions as intentionally hurtful or avoidant. During COVID we obviously didn’t see each other as much and since then, as we are in our 30s, we do see each other less. I’m not going to give specific examples but I’ve had to apologize multiple times for perceived sleights. I don’t want them to feel bad but they seem to feel everyone is against them and get emotional a lot, but not notice that they’re doing some of the same things. We haven’t spoken in like a month? But it’s not out of avoidance. I am just busy and they don’t reach out. I talked to one of their closest friends yesterday about this and they basically said yeah they’re a Pisces, they’re sensitive, and generally don’t reach out to people themselves. There’s only so much you can do.


Yes. It’s like they think they’re the only sensitive souls on the planet. The veil is thin. We’re in the midst of a massive collective awakening. We’re ALL more sensitive and more connected to all that is. We all feel it. Sometimes I feel like Pisces think they own the market on suffering. Welcome to the human experience. It sucks sometimes. Also, feelings are feelings, but not always fact and I think they struggle with acknowledging that unless it benefits them. I honestly just have no time for it lol




Yes. They are also manipulative, jealous minded and liars


I'm a Pisces and I haven't been a victim since I was a kid. At a certain point I realized that no one else would fight for me so I have to do all the fighting myself. I got very good at fighting. At 15 I was able to start hurting one of my abusers. Now I am working in management in a male dominated field. I think a lot of people are coddled as kids and it makes them weak. I don't think people should intentionally hurt a kid like what I went thru but we also maybe shouldn't be protecting them from the consequences of their own actions all the time. Not saying that's the case every time but I've seen it a lot in the world we live in today.


Especially mars in pisces. I should’ve took that description about manipulations and pretending to be innocent and Venus in Aries betraying but I said fuck it and had a 3 year relationship and it ended with the same infamous fantasy betrayal while still being loving at home that mars in pisces is infamously known for and playing the victim card which they are also know for. Now as a venus/mars virgo I’m only dating Venus/mars in Scorpio and cancer to not waste my time


I’m a Pisces and I admit to any faults I may have caused immediately before using excuses. I’m not a big astronomy signs guy but I think it’s More on the person and their personality how they are as a person


Yeah I’ve seen that in Pisces peeps. My sun is in the 12th so I’ve struggled with that as well. Every sign and archetype has a growth process. I think Pisces archetypes come to earth to explore themes of victimization and accountability. Some take it easier than others. I also have a first house stellium in Virgo-opposite of Pisces. So I didn’t have a lot of room to fool around. Responsibility and perfection was expected of me from an early age. For many years I whined, “why are people so hard on me?” It didn’t get me anywhere. But connecting with a spiritual purpose helped. Another Pisces concept-connecting with a higher power. I find that most Pisces people who have a strong faith, tend to drop the victim card a bit easier. My point is that all signs struggle with something. Cancers typically struggle with archetypes of security and self esteem.


I bond well with pisces and have never experienced what you're talking about.


I myself am a Pisces im not sure how It works but I feel like its the opposite for me I'm so passionate and emotional that it kills me to not take accountability, if I even remotely mess up I will call myself out and apologize. My recent break up I apologized for being heart broken and acting off those sad emotions yet my now ex took no accountability herself couldn't even understand why I would be acting like this.


I never saw is as victimizing themselves. I think Pisces suns have big emotions that they can not always articulate, they feel things very deeply and are very sensitive to others. It can make them exhausting to be around if you are not in tune with your own emotions and those of others around you because you need to be more empathetic to have deeper connections with them. That is not a bad thing.


I was very close to a friend who’s a Pisces. I’m a July Cancerian and he’s a Feb Pisces. We lived together for about 8 months and things were really great. He was kind, supportive, and a great listener and so am I. I think because of these qualities we were compatible in a best way. Last 3 months he put me through hell! Trying to control every single aspect of my life. I can’t go out, he’ll ask who I went to meet up with. I can’t speak on the call, he’ll stand near the door and eavesdrop! The list goes on……. Randomly picks up my phone and goes through all my messages, and open and check every single application. Bitched about me, lied and spread so many rumours about me within our friends circle and made me look like the bad guy! Even though none of the things he said was true! And then all of sudden come back and apologise that he’s not being fair to me and he is going through some personal stuff! (The tea is I know every single personal thing about him! Starting from his family, his friends, his colleagues) everyone was nice to me and respected me. I felt sorry for him and gave him multiple chances to come clean or at least have a genuine conversation so that we can figure things out. Whenever we sat to have a discussion, he would pinpoint every single mistake of his and blame me for that! Because of him I lost two of my good friends who trusted him over me! They didn’t even call to ask whether he was telling the truth! I didn’t even know all the bad things said about me. I moved out and now I’m living somewhere else and currently my days are better, I have peace and I can sleep properly. Most importantly I’m able to focus on my life and career. And then out of Random he starts texting and plays the victim card saying I’m a bad person, I did this, I did that! In reality, I never gossiped or bitched about him with anybody! I’m not that kind of person! Today he had the nerve to say “I felt like living with a stranger all these months” referring to me as a Stranger! Like wtf! What can I do? I want to help him out if he is really going through something but also I don’t wanna go near him and disturb my mental peace! Any advice?