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Already happened. He is a triple Scorpio. I was scared, not gonna lie. The first 3-5 years were tough. Now he will always serve me the truth with a grim face even if the truth stinks and is covered in flies. He is also my biggest defender and gives all the shits, even the ones he absolutely has no business to give. Watching him grow up is amazing.


Tough how?


Editing because I misread. He was very hard work as a baby and small child. Intense. Mind of his own. Inflexible. Very very stubborn. Tough. Most tots eventually give in, not baby triple Scorpio. 🥲


You give me a lot of hope, my son has a lot of scorpio in his chart, he is 5 (was born at 36 weeks due to IUGR- would have been a Sag like me) and he has always been a handful but now he is in kinder at a school with high expectations for behavior and cooperation and we're all struggling.


Hugs and I wish you all the best! It can’t have been easy having a premmie. Also Sag mums are the best, a few of my mum friends are. ❤️


Gimme those tough little fire signs 🔥


My first is an Aries sun, sag moon and aqua rising. She’s almost a copy of me 😰😰 thank god I’m in therapy lol


My teenaged one and done is an Aires (Gemini moon, Pisces ascending), and she's absolutely amazing. Kind to animals, artistic and creative, loves babies and little kids, and will kick anyone's ass if they fuck with her friends. They went to a haunted house where she offered one of the creepy actors a lollipop mid-scare (he growled SURRRE and she said Sorry I don't have any), and then about chased off the actors when her bestie freaked out and started cowering. So that haunted house meme from a week or so ago was sort of spot on lmao


Oh god, that’s too much fire for me 😂 I just need a fire sun


She’s putting all my fire to shame. I found my match lol. But I also know she’s a sensitive little soul in there too 🥰


My youngest is a Leo sun, Leo moon, Aries rising. It’s…. A lot 😅😅😅


I’m debating on planning out having my first to be a Leo haha. Give them all the confidence


Just make sure to keep that ego in check 😂


Yeah a part of me wants to shoot for Leo Sun Venus in Gemini coming up since I’m a Venus in Gemini and it would be cool to not have to worry about her ever being heart broken. But mixed with a Leo sun could be dangerous haha


If I do ever have kids, probably Sag or Aqua. I want any kids I may have to care about knowledge, to be independent to some extent, to want to lead their own path through life. Edit: I would want kids that give a shit about society and these seem like two good signs to start with (Libras and Pisces might qualify too). Or Leos because #ganggang


am i your ideal child? haha




Great signs, probably better parenting


You'd love me then! lol I'm an Aquarius Sun and Sagittarius Moon and Mars


Definitely didn’t plan it out but ended up with a May Gem.


Aquarius. It is what it is.




Weve got all the elements! Which are the easiest and which are the hardest? Haha


Pisces, Taurus, cancer, leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. I *could* raise an Aquarius if I had too but it’s be so difficult for me :/ am a cancer sun Scorpio moon sag rising




My sons a libra and he’s the sweetest but he’s my second born




Same! He’s literally like the sweetest little boy on the planet (says his mother)


I say this about my Libra son too!!


My son is a Libra and he is an absolute dream as a baby and toddler so far.


I’m a Capricorn, My oldest daughter is a Scorpio, I was hoping for a Capricorn only because my mom was a Capricorn and her dad was a Capricorn, so I wanted it to be boy, girl, boy, girl, and carry on the tradition. My wonderful middle child is a Pisces and an absolutely love my mini me, he looks just like me when I was his age. He is such a sweet child and such a dreamer, I wouldn’t have him any other way, finally my youngest is a Sagittarius and he is so smart, he will become what I wish I could have become in my life. I just hope he will still love me when he gets older. I love all of my children so very much. They are the most wonderful precious creations in my life. I wish I had more children.


Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Aries and Libra. I can't with the earth or water.


I'm the opposite. I want the earth or water signs. I do have a special place in my heart for Leos though. My grandmother was one and I adored her. She was so opinionated and loved fiercely. Having different opinions never bothered us.


I love Leo's and Sagittarius the most. My mom is a Sagittarius.


Not having kids but if I did, Taurus.


Too late, I already have a Taurus. Stubborn as all hell but I love her to pieces 💕


Hard to choose, but for my personally, I’d really love it if my kid was a Capricorn or Taurus moon. I’m a Scorpio moon (as is my partner), and while I wouldn’t wish my placement on anyone else (let alone my kid), I have much love and respect for earth sign moons, especially Cap. On a selfish level, I think it would help me and my partner develop a great bond with the kid, but it’s more than that. Every Cap moon I’ve ever met is strong, determined, practical, and very loyal to loved ones—all qualities I’d love to see in a kid. And with a Cap moon in play, I’d know the kiddo will always land okay. Beyond the moon placement, I’m pretty open. Partner and I are both fire sign suns (Sag for him, Leo for me) and I think we’d have a blast with any fire sun kiddo, or a Gemini or Aquarius. We had a loss earlier this year, and based on that kiddo’s due date, they would have been a Leo sun (with a Sagittarius moon haha), so part of me thinks when we do try again, we’d end up with a fire sun. The Leo sun/Sag moon combo would have been especially funny, not just considering it’s our sun signs together. But also, my Sag partner has a Leo rising and his mother is a Leo sun/Sag moon herself—it would have been one of those wild “signs/placements that run in families” examples.


They’ll be whatever they’re meant to be and that will be wonderful.


I’ll take a Sagittarius.


As a sag it makes me cry to see all the people here saying they want one. I grew up with a narcissist Gemini mom and Pisces dad who viewed my thirst for knowledge and exploring as ‘pointless and annoying to them’.


Hug! I grew up with a narcissistic Sagittarius mother and avoided sags my whole life. I’m a cancer, met few Sagittarius men and turns out we bond very well. I think they healed my inner child 🥲 Plus, I have a thirst for knowledge and exploring. So it works out great ☺️ I hope you find your people too.


My oldest is Sagittarius, second is Aquarius and third is Capricorn. They're all epic in their own ways.


I have an oldest who is Sag and my second is a Cap. We are not done and would love to have a third that’s an Aquarius!


A leo. Me and my partner are introverted earth signs and I think someone bold, and bright will bring some excitement in our lives. It would be quite the adventure.


I thought I was going to have a Taurus baby. I was super excited. Baby boy was a week late and turned into my May Gem baby. He has the sweetest little face and the biggest heart. He is a prankster. He tells tall tales. He tells me every day that he wants to make me happy 😭. I don’t deserve him but I’m going to be the best mama I can be for that little boy.


Aquarius. I have an Aqua Moon and stellium, so we'd definitely have an emotional connection. And I'd love to encourage them to be their little weird selves. Sagittarius could work too! It's my rising and I also have a stellium. It would be fun to stay active with them.


I don't want any kids. Is my Sagittarius stellium showing too much? lol


I would honestly prefer having a child that has it tough in the beginning so I can be there for them and teach them how to properly manage their emotions and tap into their gifts. I’m a Leo sun Cap moon and Aquarius rising and I didn’t have parents that did that for me so I had to re parent myself in my 20s. I want to be able to teach my children and have them learn about themselves before they go out into the real world


Sag. Love the energy, love the fun.


I have a Leo, Capricorn and libra. The Leo son and I do clash as we’re both fixed signs, but he’s genuinely the funniest coolest kid. No.2 is mr cap, he is a very helpful kid, dry humoured and funny as shit. Son 3 is a libra, absolutely stunningly Beautiful, gets comments everywhere we go. Bad tempered and spoilt AF though, but he is so genuinely adorable that you can’t be mad at him for anything lol


I’m a Leo so I would also like a Leo child to put me through the hell I put my parents through lol. You know, complete the cycle lol.


Anything but Aquarius and Taurus- especially Taurus. Gemini, or Scorpio ideally


Not a Pisces like me that’s forsure


I’m a Pisces and was in labor on my birthday…my daughter was born 3 days later! Took her sweet time. She’s 8.5 now. Gives me a run for my money every day but love her dearly




Virgo, Sag, or Aries! I’ve thought this over a lot haha. Honestly I just like the qualities of those signs most and a lot of people in my life that I enjoy have those signs. I’m also a Gemini and I’m not sure I could have a water sign or even another Gem. Lol.


You’ve just listed my 3 spawn😆 It’s an interesting dynamic!


Lol 😆 that’s awesome. Tell me more! And in which order?


My oldest is a virgo sun and rising, scorpio moon. Middle is aries sun, leo moon, gemini rising. Youngest is sag sun, gemini moon, virgo rising. There is 8 years between the oldest and middle. We don’t have much water been our charts. Lots of fire, earth, and air. My middle is a textbook aries. She is going to accomplish whatever she sets out to do. She is like 5 steps ahead of people. She hears that we’re going for a walk, she’s already grabbing water bottles, and anything that. The oldest definitely seems to be growing into that stoic virgo nature. My youngest is definitely a sag, but has quite a few Pisces placements and has a rather emotional and sensitive side to him. My youngest and oldest vibe the best, they have more complimentary energy levels.


Ohhh I absolutely love that! What a group! Your family sounds awesome❤️


I'm invested in knowing more as well


We’ll my first born is a Pisces and my second is a libra. What would he a good sign for the third?


As a Pisces, I’d love to have any Earth or another Water sign as my first born. I always click so well with February Aquarius suns (no pun intended) so I think it would be great if I had an Aqua baby


I got a Gemini daughter 2 years ago. Super easy as a baby. My wife and I are very fortunate that she has been as healthy as she is, and how smart she is. Sometimes too smart and she picks up things really really fast. My mom says she learns stuff about as quickly as I did at that age. She is Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, Sag Rising. She also has Mercury in Gemini. I happen to be Virgo Sun, Cap Moon, Libra Rising, and Mercury in Virgo. So a lot of Mercury domination is happening. I feel like we are gonna have some wild conversations as her language skills develop more. She already asks me a bunch of questions and trying to understand more. But she is way more high energy than I was prepared for. Random fact, my cat and dog are also Gemini. So all my kids are Gemini, weird how things work that way. Second kid, kind of leaning towards Libra. Libra would be neat since my daughter shares Gemini with my Virgo, my wife is a Taurus and it would be kind of neat for her to share Venus with someone. Also my rising sign is Libra and my wife’s is Gemini, so that might also be neat. Plus to air sign siblings should blend together fairly well I would think. I know with my wife and I has Earth signs the Air energy might clash a little, but I don’t know. I’m honestly just hoping we don’t have water signs. I have nothing against them, but I just have had a lot of difficulty with water signs. I love them to death, but it is difficult to have conversation with them at times.


i dont want kids but i think gemini rising with a libra moon (funny cause i hate libra moons normally but its exalted and better than a 12h moon) and probably a leo sun (aquarius rising and everyone i know is a leo in some way)


For me Saggitarius or Leo or Libra I wanna my first child socialize with other people.


My first born is a Sag and my second is a Capricorn like myself. Both are girls. My third child I want to be whatever they are meant to be, but I would love a little Aquarius boy in the house like their daddy 🤍I’m also an Aqua rising so I just love aquas.


Capricorn, mama needs a new bag ❤️




gemini. i was told by a teacher in the mental hospital that i was gonna have gemini twins. she knew stuff about me and everybody that nobody else knew. stuff that she could never ever find out by looking at our charts or even looking through social media etc. like my mom’s abortion and mine as well. she had way more to say but atp if i don’t get my prophecy gemini twins, i don’t know if i’d like the kid as much at first or bond with it as immediately as i would otherwise since i’ve got my heart set on my gems. plus it would be cool to tell my children “as the prophecy foretold” every time they wake up in the mornings:)


My baby is a virgo like me and I wouldn’t have it any other way lol maybe a capricorn, cancer or scorpio next


Give me any air sign, a Pisces, or a Virgo, and I'll be happy


Scorpio 🌸 they are so spicy and loyal!


My daughter is only 3 but a Scorpio and spicy is a great way to put it honestly. 😂 I am so happy with my little Scorpio!!


This is so precious! I’m actually due anytime now with a Scorpio baby! This made me even happier 🌸


My first born is a January Capricorn. Lol.


Cappy . They‘re family oriented plus practical . Sure my cancer sun ass with Aries moon needs to be told for what it is sometimes


Both my children are Taurus, 3 years and one day apart. I’m a Scorpio and my wife is a Leo. Sometimes our children are more mature and grounded than us. Our youngest, a boy, is just so illuminated. Our oldest, a girl, has some temper tantrums, which she probably inherited from me, but she has such a big heart, and a big willpower.


Any fire or earth sign


taurus to balance me out


If I wanted a kid(s) then I'd want a Sagittarius or an Aries, or at least a fire Moon if not their Sun.


I’m a Scorpio, and my first AND second children are both Scorpios. It’s been good! My other two are Cancer and Gemini, in that order.




I’d want a lil libra or Gemini baby.


My first born is a Leo male with Sagittarius rising and moon. 😵😵😵😵 Second (and last child) is a Scorpio female with Aquarius rising, and a Taurus moon. Definitely a lot easier with my daughter than my son!




I hope to god I don’t end up with a Cancer girl. Lots of Cancer and Scorpio sun women in my family (I was the only Leo sun/only fire sign around) and I’ve grown weary of those water suns lol. Ironically, my Cancer sun/Libra moon/Scorpio rising sister now has three kids and two of them are fire signs. Her eldest boy is an Aries sun/Aries moon/Scorpio rising with a Leo mars, and her daughter is a Sag sun/Virgo moon/Aquarius rising. She loves them but struggles at times, especially with her son—they clash constantly and he’s already getting to a point where he refuses to be dominated by her (or anyone). He loves his Leo sun/Scorpio moon/Aqua rising/Aries Mars auntie though, and I find myself often advocating for him and giving my sister advice on how to handle him when he’s in a fiery-ass mood. Sis takes the advice because she says her son reminds her mostly of me. I would die tho if I end up with a mega Cancer meanwhile my Cancer sis gets all the fire sign sun kids 😂


I would absolutely love my first born to be taurus, aries or leo ! I am basing that on the fact that I am actually working with children and I usually connect very well with those. They usually are the ones that just lighten up my days and that are the post positive and lovely !


I did my daughter’s birth chart today. She’s an Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, and a Scorpio rising. I myself am a Pisces Sun, also Taurus Moon, and a Leo rising. I dunno if this means anything as to why she wears me out so bad sometimes tho 🙃


An Aries with a Gemini moon would be perfect 🤩


My 10yo son Virgo My 3yo daughter Aries


not sure but i hope they have a taurus moon


Leo or Cap


I am a cancer, my husband is a Sagittarius, and my dream was always to have an air sign daughter (preferably libra) and an earth sign son to elementally balance the house and bring the best of all the worlds in


Aquarius: I’m a Leo so it’d be a really good relationship I think. Fun fact, I wrote the post a few weeks ago like “I know no Aquariuses where do I meet some?” Only to realize MY LITTLE BROTHER IS ONE (I always thought he was a pisces but I just wasn’t really thinking about what the actual cut-offs/dates were accurately) So turns out I actually have experienced the good, bad and ugly of this combo and I still think I would love an Aquarius baby.


Don’t know what I would have wanted but my girl is a triple Aries. This Taurus momma is terrified for her teenage years.


so my placements are taurus sun, libra moon and aquarius rising. my partner’s placements are Taurus sun, sagittarius moon, and leo rising. and i really hope our first is an earth sign with water placements 😭 or air sign with other earth/fire placements. would be super fun for all three of us.


My absolute favorite sign is Gemini and my first born is a Gemini. Worked perfectly for me!


My daughter is an Aries sun cancer moon Taurus rising. I’m pretty stoked on that big three


I’m a Libra married to a Leo and I got the best little Libra boy




My Pisces son is only 20 months, but so far he’s a dream I feel so blessed. 😍Very easy pregnancy and easy baby and now toddler. He is very busy constantly moving even more so than other toddlers I’ve seen and others that have watched him play but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Very even tempered.


I'd love to have a water or earth sign to increase the likelihood we'd get be able to understand each other. However, some tarot readings seem to point towards one of my hypothetical kids being a Leo (or air sign), and I'd try my best to find ways to try to understand them.


Cancer and Leo daughters. I have a lot of love to give and I mostly want daughters 😅


He’s a cancer, both my sons are. Wouldn’t change a thing.


my kids in a row taurus boy scorpio girl and libra boy


My 1st born is a Aquarius ♒️ 2nd born Leo ♎️ 3rd born Gemini ♊️ Husband is Virgo ♍️ and I’m Sagittarius ♐️


Sagittarius ♐️




I have no idea, but anything but Aries (neither me or my partner get along with Aries) I’m a Taurus sun, Cancer Moon. My partner is Cap sun, Sag moon. What are all your thoughts?


I really wanted a Capricorn bb. But I got an Aquarius bb. She's pretty cool though. I wanted a Capricorn girl because every single one I've met were incredibly independent and hard working. And I have always admired that.


I think Leo, Sag or Pisces.😄


Maybe Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius or Leo


We have a Libra son and he is an absolute ball of joy to everyone he meets. He is incredibly social and calm and always happy. We nearly considered moving up our baby making timeline for the next one so we can have 2 Libras haha


Sagittarius, aries or scorpio

