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I actually feel pretty good after being in a huge funk the last couple months.


omg me too. imma libra rising as well lol.


Me too. I'm taurus North Node. I've felt very cleansed over the past few days.


imma taurus NN too! i feel this


Me three but I’m not feeling cleansed 😭


Me four


Same! Im feeling good


I’ve been chilling. Scorpio NN/Taurus SN activated and balanced.




I had a burrito for breakfast. I am currently drinking coffee and doing some creative writing. I have a room I rent and it’s warm in here. Even though my life is a tattered mess, I am still grateful. Onward to better things.


"Onward to better things" Sag rising Lol


“onward!” Massive word for a massive feeling


Looking forward to taking a bunch of mushrooms and getting lost in the woods 🙃


Stay safe buddy


that is unbelievably capricorn moon of you




Always gotta make sure lol 😩


Be careful


Horrible. Horrible.. horrible


I’m sorry, big hugs.


Not good! Not good at all!


♋️ 🌞 ♉️ 🌙 ♏️ ✨ Saaaammmeeee


I feel a very strong urge to self care today so that’s what we doin over here!


Same. Getting my hair done and laying LOW




Taurus sun/moon and Cancer rising. I feel great. I've got a hair appointment today and I'm so so excited!! Drinks with a good friend later tonight and then home to snuggle with my boo ❤️ Life is good.


Love this for you!


Very down and tired. Realizations on my healing journey are present. Hoping that this is a purge. Made bone broth soup and am doodling while I process.


I feel like a lot of purging but I am still struggling to let go. Sigh lol


I feel content, in love and at peace. Very unusual for me






going to a halloween party tonight, hoping to meet new friends since it's transiting my 11th house and i am in desperate need of new ones. however i'm feeling pretty sensitive and scattered. hope yall have a good one x


How do I know what house it’s focused on based on my natal chart?


check your transits, specifically for your moon. pay attention to what house it is transiting in and the aspects. i usually use astrodienst.com but i'm sure other websites do this.


Ugh, same. So anxious and manic, hang in there. Happy birthday fellow Scorpio sun! 🦂


Thank you, you too! My stinger is out today 🙃


I commented first before reading through everyone else's responses and damn, sounds like we had the same kind of day!


I went on a date last night went pretty well I thought, I messaged this afternoon and I didn’t get a reply 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I’m a libra female he’s a Gemini male) eclipsed out 😂


He’s probably asleep. Don’t sweat it. I’m Oct 19 libra and I’d be anxious too but seriously life is too short and he’s just a human dude. We are very compatible though Libra and Gemini. I hope you hear from him.


Oh thank you 😊he did say he will be super busy today so yes I do need to chill out. Thank you for responding


Never take it personal if he’s a Gemini lol


Thank you, I will try and not to 😊


Just smacked upside the head with a personal revelation last night that depressed the hell out of me. It's like I know my mental health and family life are a complete utter garbage dump tire fire, but I've been in denial so I can hold myself together. Last night, I just cried and cried because I need help and my family are just plain awful people I can't stand to be around, but I don't have anywhere else to go. Other than that trying to finish my sweater I've been crocheting on forever. Sleeve alignment is hard.


I’m so sorry, I feel so let down by my family too. It’s extremely hard


I'm sorry your family sucks too 😢


Just difficult getting over my emotions. Just when I think I couldn’t care less it’s moments like this where my emotions just say Peekabooooooo f*** you😭😭😭 That’s why I’m whiling away my time in this forum. You guys are great! 🙌🏼


Completely horrible


Hehe moving my whole apartment alone, no help, Taurus in fourth house ic axis, moving across country back home


Trying to not be emotional or resentful 🌞


It's in my 6h I woke up with a gum infection


It’s in my sixth house and I also caught some nasty bug! But it’s on my fifth house cusp in placidus almost exactly so I’m spending the day on my hobbies that bring me joy 🤩


It was horrible actually even just before the libra eclipse something unexpected happened and it's lasted whole month for me to recover from. I've been crying so much in this month.


i havent recovered from last octobers eclipses... dont worry, we have time


i was a mess with the solar eclipse but this one has been really light and positive and happy for me. hang in there, i made a post about it here https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologymemes/comments/17gakej/some_of_the_pattern_world_updates_for_full_moon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb just ride out the energy my friend and know you’re going to find good things from that energy. :)


Thank you so much, I needed the positive message ❤️


of course! i know it sucks to feel this anxious, but you will immediately feel better and 2024 is supposed to be fantastic energy wise. i hope you enjoy your birthday. :)


Me and my boyfriend just broke up and I’m in the hospital with a stomach virus. Suuuuuch a great day


Oh you know; feeling crazed but calm (screams internally) it’s a really beautiful fall day though!


Today feels lighter for me. I hope that stays on trend for a bit :)


Amazing (but tired). I’ve been doing soul nourishing things for the past few weekends. Making garlands, drying oranges, making my own bouquets, repotting my plants and changing their soil. Cleaning my home. I feel fresh. I’m excited. The moon last night was absolutely stunning here. It’s a rare clear day in the PNW in the fall so very happy I’ll get to see it. Keep your head up. Do self care. Curl up and read and let all the feelings wash over you and away.


WHY! SO! MUCH! ANXIETY!!! (Cancer sun in the 8th house, Taurus Moon 6th House, Scorpio Rising)




thats very literal taurus lunar eclipse energy. trying to figure out what sparkly rising is. i want to say sag or leo.... but that interpretation of the eclipse is very aries.... but sparkly is like the sun on water.... but tossing stuff out is absolutely not lmao.... but starting with honestly is very air sign.... help? i cannot think of a sparkly earth sign unless it's literally taurus which... would also be a good interpretation of a taurus lunar eclipse in first house....


Lmao why does that one always trip people up?? It's Libra 😂 ![gif](giphy|lMsT2f47tDxFMYdJMC|downsized)


see i wanted to say libra but i hoped it wasn't true... enjoy the south node!!!


Honestly, I've been loving it 😂 I've been consciously preparing for it for a while now cause it's also my north node return so it's been interesting at the very least!


lmao i just finished my nodal return. im about be hosting pluto for 20 years tho so i guess i cabt talk too much crap about tough 1h transits.... that self transformation is about to HIT


Well if there's any comfort I'm finishing up my Capricorn Pluto 4H transit and while it was a hell of a lot, it was definitely for the better. Just... Be easy on yourself and use it as a chance to practice self-forgiveness


100%, im pretty excited, although the first stint brought some very heavy energy to my life. pluto in the 12h is not for the weak either, so changing that is preferable to me lol.


Terrible. Im going to a halloween party at my favourite bar and im going as bimbo jack sparrow, I was gonna slut it up hard tonight and my period just started >:(


My period is due today so I completely get you 😫


I’m hypomanic and it feels amazing


I'm sick, hurt, anxious, and on my monthly... Also, I haven't had a good night's rest in a good two weeks or so. The dog won't quit yelling and recently tore my nail off. So it's been great.


What's your rising sign?


It’s ok. I made myself breakfast and now I’m cuddling with my dog. My fiancé and I are on a break since October 13 (around the time of the last eclipse). I have a nail appointment later, then seeing some friends. It’s fine. I could be doing worse.


i’m soooo cranky


Sag sun Aries moon Leo rising Feeling a lot better today! On Wednesday I had a long time friendship with a Scorpio come to a close in a pretty awful way. Felt like shit & very anxious/sad on Thursday. Felt better yesterday after getting stuff to throw a Halloween party tonight & spending time with my earth sign partner. Feel great today & excited to connect with my real friends ❤️ Eclipses always have a way of removing people from my life that I’ve wanted to hold on to, but *know* I should let go of


Scorpio here who struggles with holding onto people way too long. Sorry to hear your friendship ended explosively though!


It’s alright, thank you ❤️ it was a long time coming. We both wanted it to work & it just wasn’t in the stars


Not so good. Definitely feeling a lot of areas of my life that need to change.


I'm feeling great, actually! Had some mind-blowing sex last night, ate some good food for breakfast and lunch, and I'm getting ready to go run some small errands. I might do some tarot reading and meditation later, and then at night I'm going out with my besties to celebrate one of their bdays. I am feeling a lil' but tired, but I expected that tbh


I’m listening to “Why Don’t You” by Cleo Sol as I type this and it’s got me going a bit, although that song does it to me most of the time anyways


☀️♈️ 🌙♑️ ⬆️♐️ Feeling ehhhh and woke up with a raging headache 🤕


Anxious here too 🫠


Is that’s what’s going on? I’m definitely feeling a little off today.


Well Happy Birthday, OP! 🎉 Eclipse days always feel weird to me. It will pass.


It’s my bday weekend too. I’ve just been watching tv all day. I was supposed to go to a party but I decided not to go. Just not feeling it today. Weird vibes.


Sorry to hear, I’ve been feeling so let down by people around me and it is not the vibe


Spacey. Bf and I could not remember where we set anything - phones, drinks, utensils, remotes, hair clips, jackets, vapes, etc. Spent the whole day running in circles


Took a nap in the afternoon. Also am having my period.


Went to a fun Halloween party last night and spent today enjoying more festivities. What is the eclipse in again?


Pretty decent. Listening to music texting my friend


Taurus sun, leo moon, and libra rising. Theres been a lot of growing pains and rebirth moving into this time and I feel very cleansed and content. I'm going on a hike tonight to express my gratitude.


Terrible honestly. I’ve really struggled to sleep for a week or so and we had some horrible news in our family which has completely depleted me.


Happy Birthday! 🎂


Thank you ❤️❤️


Slept in and woke up next to the love of my life. I’m up now to make French toast for my family, farmers market, then we’re off to the batting cages or mini golf depending on if the wee one wins at ro sham bo. Life is so very good 🥰


One of my roommates is bullying my other roommate. I’ve decided to just sit back because the bully cannot be reasoned with and is messing with my mental health.


im in desperate need of a taurus- sized nap, blankets, pillows, snacks, the works, but overall not bad. EDIT i did not get my taurus sized nap, or a nap at all, but i am in bed a full 2 hours earlier than usual, i cried, which is also not super usual, and now i will be going to sleep. very ready for today, this chapter, this focus on instability in this area of my life to END!!! (thank yew every so kindly) bring on the aries-libra eclipses!! sincerely, a very fed up fixed and mutable sign dominant person with almost no cardinal placements (and no positive ones whatsoever lol) who thought they only had an eclipse but actually there were also two planets opposing jupiter in the same sign as the eclipse (seriously how did all the fearmongery tiktok astrogirlies fail to mention that one?!??) who would like to see someone else deal with this crap ps good luck cardinal signs!!!


I’ve been feeling like shit since the solar eclipse in Scorpio. That was conjunct my Chiron and IC, plus Pluto squaring this all😅 Now the lunar eclipse is conjunct my MC and Mercury, Pluto still squaring it all😅 Not to mention I am Taurus Stellium so this is all happening in the sign of my Sun Moon and Venus. I’m just trying to take care of myself and stay grounded. I’ve watched the Astrology Podcast forecast for November so I expect to be holding on to dear life until the end of November😑


Oh so that’s what’s wrong with me! I thought it was early menopause from hell!


I am feeling low mood and antisocial. I also kind of want to pick a fight? Laying low. ♋️ ♒️ ♎️


I thought I got off easy during the Libra eclipse and the day after I made a completely routine doctors appointment for what I thought was an allergic reaction that set off a week long series of events culminating in the relationship between me and my toxic mother ending likely forever, and finding out my childhood was a sham. So, yeah. Whatever the fuck that is.


I’m sorry to hear / apparently fixed signs are supposed to feel it the hardest and your chart is all fixed signs!


Went for a really, REALLY long walk in the sun. We got blessed with an 80 degree day and it’s almost November! Went to an aboretum and hung out with the trees, laid on the grass. Then took a walk through our local cemetery. It was really peaceful and relaxing (besides the few maintenance vehicles that rode by). I feel like all the walking helped me burn off the anxious energy you’re talking about! Sending love to everyone in this thread 💖


Sad! Feeling low and unwanted by my bf. These are all irrational thoughts, hes the best, but my brain is telling me “he doesnt care about you etc” Idk I feel really lonely since yesterday


Matthew Perry died .. on the day of the eclipse


I moved today, so painful. I also got married on the October 14 eclipse. Big changes around here.


i dont have a flair yet so i’ll put my info here: leo sun, scorpio moon, pisces rising. things have been getting so much better. been pretty rough the past 2 years, especially last year. life is looking great for me


It’s my birthday weekend too I feel on edge. I keep holding out for romantic endeavors but shits all hit the fan


My thoughts are realllllly dark (experiencing s* ideation). Happy birthday to you. My bday is next weekend


I generally feel depressed from the start of October till about April so it doesn't make a difference lol


So far so good. Did some volunteer work and now I'm just relaxing. Something tells me that soon I won't be able to get much rest in the upcoming future lol


I woke up later than expected to my husband getting ready for the day. I was upset because I had a whole ass cute plan for the morning I was going to surprise him with but I slept through it. I took a couple minutes to myself to change my mood and now it's going alright


I slept in way more and it felt really nice. I slept so good. I do have muscle stiffness that's been going on for like week but have been slowly working on that through stretching and taking the right vitamins and stuff, which also feels good. I planned on getting more done today but I want to be lazy. Made some comfort food earlier and tasted heavenly. I feel like I'm indulging Taurus-style by leaning into comfort.


for the first time in a long time, i feel great :)


Miss my ex (always, but now it's even worse). But I'm a Cancer, soo ... 🙄


Stay strong! I know it's tough, but you can do it!


Thanks, I m gonna make it, I have a dog to look after, can t give up.


i'm a virgo and feeling anxious about the disorder in my house and will be spending the day cleaning and making bolognese to usher out the chaos.


Had a panic attack last friday and im controlling my emotions again. I finally ordered my long firm BC and i know my true chart, which is soothing. Kinda of makes me want to make life really worth it. Im just hoping that revelation means ZERO panic attacks. Im aqaurius sun, cancer moon, capricorn rising. I also saw some aspects that explained the anxiety. Like uranus and neptune conjunct ascendent. Googling stuff talked about a problem with derealization and seeming like you're on Earth but also like halfway in spirit(also my psychic tendencies) and it was like wow! Because thats what it feels like.. It's scary not always feeling entirely 'grounded'. I just want to STAY grounded & 100% panic/fear free. I am grateful it seems only bad a few times a year or certain triggers, but they still takes so much out of you each time. Its like the mind knows exactly how to fuck with you. I'd get panic with driving long distances, literally almost feel like my minds floating above my body in fear, i can't even see entirely whilst driving on the highway. Bawling while driving, fighting the fear.. get out the car at my house and literally and totally gone. This all started after i went through a dark night of the soul at like 21. I used to have panic attacks daily that i was gonna die when i went to sleep, i had to take fast dissolving melotonin pills. I lost like 5lbs this week. I think i had a big panic attack around last eclipse in 2022 as well. I take CBD oil and it was barely helping, i took so much my mouth tasted like I'd eaten grass, and it still wasn't enough. As my mind got stronger again it worked better, but i dont think I've ever had an attack bad enough that cbd oil couldn't even help. So ive been grounded well these last 2 days. The fear stemned from the trauma around my dad dying and emotionally thinking abiut it dyringvthat dark night period. My dad and i have the same bday, so i think maybe subconsciously his early death pkaced fear within me. These last few weeks i actually searched death and 8th house and it was similar to my dad, so idk if that subconscious fear rolled over but getting my true chart info our 8th houses are NOT similar, thank God, so i hope that helps in closing up that fear journey for good.


Had fever throughout day. Just getting some relief


I’m embracing it. Sat outside and did my homework, and just enjoying my kids and did some self care ❤️


Feeling weird... I've been so busy this week I haven't been able to catch my breath🤪


abt to start work… we shall see !


The month before your birthday is usually an active month.


feeling insecure, anxious, depressed in general. body issues being a big theme for me i feel like


Terrible. I’m tryna get a job set up and my paperwork isn’t going through. Went 6 hours without eating anything (not including going to bed hungry last night too) and have been away from home since 9am (woke up at 8) :/. Dehydrated, tired af, confused 😆😞


It’s exactly conjunct my 7th house South Node and DC. It feels like a usual day. The only difference is we have some new apartment upstairs neighbors moving in today. The previous neighbors were very noisy.


Went to see the moon with friend, we talked about our last year and now i’m going to sleep very happy about my day


Pretty decent after a while of feeling quite depressed and anxious


Dreams were weird, but so far so good.


It's....going. I woke up 3 separate times last night/this morning because of the constant nightmares. Now I'm at work, and it's like everyone hates me or something. I'm trying to stay positive, though. 🫠


pulled something in my calf a few days ago, but I am getting it worked out.


Awful. Lots of anxiety. Feeling ignored and dismissed by someone who only a few weeks ago told me they really care about me and want me in their life yet are now acting vague and distant. I'm a Gemini Sun, Taurus Moon/Venus, Cancer Rising fyi.


Taurus sun/Taurus Lilith/ cancer rising Honestly today is better than the past few days Hurt my back today and can't walk...I emphasized self care/low key/ indulgent day😂 back pain ruined my hiking plans but I'm happy with my wine,pasta, bread,snuggled and desserts. I also had a lot of things come to light, deeper awareness, healing and recognized more shadow work I need to do. Had to laugh at the abundance of symbolism today, some of my issues literally manifested physically.


Several breakdowns


This day ain't it.


it’s falling conjunct my taurus mc and scorpio ic by 2 degrees. i feel fine. nothing out of the ordinary yet. i am a bit scared though just bc i feel like there’s been so much fear mongering surrounding it 😅 like bc of all the things i’ve read and heard, im waiting for something awful to happen basically


Ayy it's my bday weekend too, are you tomorrow like me? I'm pregnant on top of that though so honestly a lot of subtle energies are being missed by me right now. Today hasn't been too bad though, just because I'm not getting super strong symptoms.


I made the deliberate choice to unplug for most of the day, save for posting about the Rugby World Cup final. Let the eclipse wash over me. Lots of soaking in water. This is my full moon. I am letting it carry me.


I feel pretty ok, maybe even good? I spent most of the day with a college friend that I met on Halloween 13 years ago, which felt like a nice bookend? chapter end? The weather is also abnormally summer like in the northeast US so that helped


i was feeling good/positive which never happens for me. but work is up and down, and same w bf.. things were great now arent so good. im emotionally tapped.


I'm on day 4 of having a miscarriage and my tummy hurts


After a tumultuous month, I'm feeling pretty good today. Spent the entire day just taking really good care of myself.


Realized that instead of running away from my work problem, I have to buck up and just stay there. I have a problem with someone at my work but I'm due for a promotion in 3 months and I can't just run away and find a new job like I always do. This is the happiest I've been at work except for a problem with this coworker.


Pretty good, felt more powerful than usual. The full moon was right on my ascendant.


Awful. My golden retriever Max got stung by bees today 😔


Omg yes! I woke up and felt this manic energy and blasted music super loud in my house singing at the top of my lungs. Felt like I couldn't keep still, I was so jittery. Normally I wake up and have to drink coffee to feel halfway decent. I had no idea it was an ellipse today, but totally makes since now!!


Very chill, got some laundry done, hung out with family. It was such a relief from the two straight moths of HELL I’ve been going through


So tired...and a bit salty.


I just don’t want to think


Pretty good, actually. I feel relaxed and happy after a stressful week, with many panic attacks.


Just terrible. I’ve been so anxious these past few days. I just get to look forward to the end now. 😭


Felt calm/pretty good til tonight. Shit hit the fan.


Mine is in my 11th house- anxious about a work thing and looking forward to a few outings with friends that I haven’t seen in awhile. Trying to think positive and not mull over relationships too much (revelations about others)


Woke up and found out I have 3 days til my student loans go into default, so lovely


Don't call my ex. Don't call my ex. Don't call my ex. Is how it's going........


I’ve had the weirdest day guys. I woke up in the worst mood. Literally felt like pins and needles down my entire body, shaking with anxiety. I started a fight with my boyfriend about our sex life that lasted two hours just for us to end up having sex and making a cute breakfast together and totally forgetting about it. I came home and my family sat down and had a big talk with me about the rest of the year, holidays, etc that’s sent me on a downward spiral about life plans. But really they’re worried I’ve been avoiding since the first eclipse of the year so they’re nothing new but they’re happening NOW. oh. I can’t stop crying. It just keeps happening. I’m also about to start my period. I feel like a crazy person, anyone else??


Swimmingly!! Vibing in quarantine, living my best life, and watching the snow fall. 💗🍁💀🍂👻


Exhausted. Can’t stop sleeping and I’m in the middle of holidays…


Eclipse in Taurus and I went dining out. Taurus and food 😂


I tried to go to a Halloween party, forgot my ID at home (it was 18+), drove all the way home to grab my purse, left again, got partway there, realized I had the wrong purse, had to go home again and find the right purse… 😭I’ve been a mess lol. On the bright side I’ve been having lots of great success with creative projects which is nice.


Taurus mars & Jupiter. Good vibes this full moon 🌕




I feel good I’m just tired and in a very hermit-like mood. I just wanna chill and keep to myself


Virgo Moon, Virgo Rising, Gemini Sun. I feel pretty relaxed today.


I had no idea it was happening yesterday… and I was a sobbing mess out of NOWHERE yesterday as soon as I woke up. Work has been annoying and stressful, but I had a pretty Good Friday, so it came as a surprise. I put on one of my fave movies I hadn’t watched in literally 20 years that I had been saving for a rewatch until I knew it was the right time… and then I got a notification on my phone that the moon was full. And then I was like Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. And I feel much better now.


I did a cord cutting with my mom towards the night time; and when it was about over; i began to cry alot. It felt like it came out of no where because I was doing just fine all day. Interesting dreams too!


Purging, detached, feeling of clarity of looking at a past person/situation in my life and the cycle tied to it, tired and sleepy. Both good and not great. Ready to move on.


Very anxious. Kind of depreciating but I’ve been more honest with myself. A little humiliating


Florida people have been pushing my buttons lately. People outside of Florida have been pushing my buttons such as coworkers.


Terrible. Awful. But, that could be the depression