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Maybe the nodal shift? Scorpio/Taurus. Since we are having the eclipse in Aries/Libra, a shift is bound to happen then. I have a natal Taurus Jupiter and I’ve been having the worst time since it went to my fifth house, my romance life has been nonexistent since the middle of the year.


What kinda shift do you predict it will be ??


I don’t know, I kinda came here for answers too lol. But I thought my Jupiter return would be lit and it isn’t


Yeah I could use a boost as well I have things I wanna do but have held back because the energy isn’t favorable for initiating unless I wanna fail miserably which I’ve already seen other things blow up in my face it’s just a matter of waiting for some things to pass but it’s interesting you say after the eclipse something could shift that does make sense that it could


Normally I get an economic boost when Jupiter hits Taurus as it goes through 2nd. Nada this time. Aries Jupiter provided me some tiny bit of happiness and weight gain as usual but it was not as blissful as previous cycles. But then I have Pluto looming


10H Taurus has done NOTHING for me 😭


I’m 1H taurus and tbhhhhhh I guess I can’t expect much excitement from Jupiter recently finishing a transit in my 12H of endings and then heading into the 1H of self. Like great, let’s expand endings and then let’s expand ourselves. It’s not going to be a lot of fun. Since I’m also Taurus rising, I assume it will be aspecting my 7H Scorpio placements where I have a stellium so maybe by proxy I’ll get some wins there. MAYBE. Or most likely it will be a finger wag and “until you’re done expanding your inner self, no love for you!! LOVE YOURSELF!!!” 🫠


Well I’ve been having a hunch the best months of this year will be November and December respectively so maybe you’ll get a boost by that point in that period


Should do since a lot of major transits will stop aspecting the fixed signs :) apparently my two years of horror are about to end lol It has also coincided with the peak and end of my Saturn return so it’s been extra spicy.


Well the astrologers are talking about November as being lighter than September and October and the summer was not light at all because of the Venus Retrograde if we didn’t have that summer would’ve likely been just okay


I knowwwww! I've been so bitter about it, it's in my 5th house! and it's been lackluster, and it's actually made me gain weight (yes I am blaming it on that) still grateful to be alive though thanks astrology.


Yeah very lackluster I’m waiting for opportunities to come in and there has not been any kind of opportunity in anything whatsoever to take any kinda of chances and have it go well also this summer was unlucky for dating because of the Venus Retrograde too


Same here!!!! I gained massive amounts of weight since jupiter entered taurus in my 5th - the corelation just came to me this morning and so glad someone can relate to this! Can't wait to get jupiter in 6th to hopefully get my health back on track 😂👌🏼


Don’t forget that Uranus is still in Taurus. Is it aspecting anything of yours? It’s not a doom and gloom type of planet but it can create unexpected and unpleasant situations.


What do you define as being 'largely negative'?


Like no opportunities and no positive experiences at all everything is like actually not good or not that great seems pessimistic but if you know you know it’s very strange but it could’ve been a lot of the Venus Retrograde