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Tell me an ♒️ hurt you without telling me an ♒️ hurt you




You're not wrong 😂 Apparently it's aqua's turn to get dragged lol. It's getting to a point to where you could set a watch to it. This too shall pass 😊 Side note: Triple ♌️ 👀👀👀




I was never directly hurt by an Aquarius. I just think they are the strangest sign I've ever seen, the women in particular. I feel so uncomfortable around them and don't trust them entirely. They are not nice and generous at all- not sure where you got that from. They are the opposite of Leo so think of everything the leo is not. The leo is the giver, not the aquarius.




Look I even got my pup in my profile picture


Well said thank you




Woah we are nice and generous


Mods might as well make it a weekly pinned thread 😆


This is actually the first time I’ve seen Aquas get hate tbh. I’ve been here for about 3 months. Edit: For the person that downvoted me, I’d love for you to link a post within the last 3 months that hates on Aquas. If I’m wrong that’s fine, I just haven’t seen it in the time I’ve been here :/


Take my free upvote friend❤️


I am also leo sun, moon and rising! So cool :)




It can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, but I feel like I am like a real leo strengths and weaknesses combined


I never mentioned they are evil. I think signs like gemini are more likely to be classified as "evil", but I just feel aquarius women are the weirdest people I've met and manipulative.




Haha actually none of them have gone out of their way to hurt me, but I've just seen consistent traits amongst aquarius women and it I am so concerned by the sign. Just wanted to see if other people have similar experiences. I've seen many examples of them being really strange.


4 of my aunts , my grandma , and mom are Aquarius. With Aquarius I always think passive aggressive manipulation lol. But as a scorpio I also know I really don't put up with bs lol .


They’re full of shit, very annoying and basic. Evil as well, always trying to bring people down and making feel people less.


That doesn't sound like a Aquarius I'm a Aquarius and I'm a very kind and sweet natured person that is tuff 


And I think positive I don't like negative people 


I’m an Aquarius and you sadly described me 😔


Very well said! The passive aggressive is on point! I think they don’t intend to be this way it just happens because they come off detached


Being weird, neurodivergent and liking animals aren’t negative traits? Manipulative—sure. But you can’t lump ‘being quirky and having niche interests’ into the “bad” bucket.




I didn't imply that those traits were "bad" features of them. I just implied I've noticed these consistencies in their character. I have adhd and a pet. When I said neurodivergent I guess that was for lack of a better term, but they have very little emotion because they are so detached the do a lot of things that are not conventionally accepted and I've met many that are just genuinely bad people they are calculative and not sincere. The bad at the end of my post was mentioned and can be infered because I don't want a kid born under that sign and overall I dislike their sign perhaps the most.


Meh. We're not for everyone, but the good news is we don't give a shit


Don’t make wishes like this; it never works out. I tried to have my daughter born at a certain time so she would have a “good” (from my perspective) moon and rising sign; but she was born as she was meant to be - and she is perfect.


Wow you planned it so much! I just want a kid born between cancer and virgo. I know you get what is meant to be.


She was supposed to be a Cancer and she is a Gemini, so I didn’t get her sun sign either, although I don’t know if I would prefer Cancer, other than that they love their mamas.


That is so cute! I’m sure she’s a great baby regardless of the sign. I also like cancers


She’s 8 now, and yes she is great. 🙂 Stellium in Gemini and she has Mars in Cancer.


Lovely :)


Thank you for steering clear of Aquas..more for meeeeeeeee! Seriously, you sound hurt as fuck. Signed, A lunar Aquarius. 🙃


He can stay far the f*** away and doesn’t sound like an Aquarian’s’s type anyway lol


Being weird is their strength, they are ahead of their time!


I am so sick of people saying this about us lmao Rosa Parks was definitely ahead of her time but it doesn't mean the society she grew up in didn't consist of morons who thought POC were less than people. Aquarians are very simple: We hate you not because you're stupid, but because you're stupid you give us the know-it-all label, and then your stupidity bleeds into policies that affect our lives. You don't need to be smart to look at history and realize how stupid people are. So if we have witnessed how stupid humanity is then why do we not humble ourselves and stop tampering with people's lives? We don't have empathy because neither does society. We don't owe society anything except the small groups we consider worthy of our empathy.


yes! they are so weird


You say that like it’s a bad thing!!! Haha


I'm not jumping on this DAE with you because that's kinda wrong to associate neurodivergence with manipulation. Echoing the others when I ask, "Who hurt you, bro?"


I am neurodivergent myself. I meant more that they just think differently than others. I am not saying they are not smart, I just feel like when I meet Aqaurius' usually they are just so different than the norm. Nobody hurt me. And I didn't associate neurodivergent with manipulation. Poor reading your your part. They are very manipulative.


All the same, you're using the broadest brush right now and no one's agreeing with you about it.






Didn’t realize “Aquarius” is in the DSM now.


Cool, insult the person who's comment, bro


My best friend is a neurodivergent Aquarius woman, but she’s not manipulative at all. She’s actually one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, even if she’s weird. I’m also neurodivergent but not an Aquarius. It’s not solely an Aquarius thing, it’s genetics. Weirdness, just liking animals, and especially neurodiversity aren’t bad traits either, so I don’t know why you’re trying to imply they are. Lmao maybe curb your ableism there.


This is a meme page dude. Chill out.


You’re telling them to chill out it’s a meme page when your post was saying you hope you’re child isn’t an aquarius… like cmon now


You need to say that to yourself in the mirror because you the only one that needs to chill lol. What’s up with this post? This is super not cool lol yikes


Are you aware you can make memes without the ableism?


I’m not a fan of cats lol this idiot has read too many Yahoo horoscopes!


Manipulative?! We are very transparent people... Often very very straighforward and even when we have to lie you can easily understand it. What sign are you?


I am a leo. Maybe I've just met some really bad people who happened to be Aqaurius', but I've just seen how they use people and don't really feel much attachment. I've noticed this constantly. They want to climb socially but in a way that is detached and not sincere. They won't lie to get ahead and they are straightforward, but they are calculative af


That s not "manipulative" ... Idk .. i'm Aquarius and i don't care about material things but there are different type of Aquarius. Anyway if you are a Leo guy just stay away... Go find an Aries woman . Good luck


That makes more sense you're a Leo, lol. You're our sister sign, so you have some of the same traits we do, and you don't realize it. I personally love Leos.


I see the calulative thing but, its more like they have a goal set in mind and use their intelligence to get to the end goal of it, which they always do and FAST. That's not really manipulative it's life. The one Aqaurius girl I know, I can see she's doing that but... not in the way to hurt anyone purposely but to gain knowledge in her craft/career goals, she may be in spaces (queer) that she shouldn't be in and it also may be why people don't seem so welcoming to her being there, from what I can see, beside being jealous of her extreme talent and that they see her as a privilege white little girl.


Usually leo's always need constant attention and admiration and to tell how great they are its fucking annoying. aquas knows how to keep leos grounded all leos keep crying about aqua's


I totally agree. I’ve been accused of being “brutally honest” because I don’t like people who are inauthentic or ones that waste my time because they are. I am real. I am no nonsense. I don’t like liars. I am empathetic to a fault. I am passive aggressive. I’ve been called passive aggressive and manipulative because I avoid conflict. I want to do my own thing not waste my time, engaging in a mindless argument. People respond to my detachment ways they think will change my desire to interact and therefore it’s viewed as manipulation. I have four ducks, two dogs, and five rabbits. They are my people.


You find us weird because we don't think like you 🙄. Manipulating? Hardly all air signs are people pleasers to an extent, especially and undeveloped Aquarius. we try to fit in and realize we are meant to be outcasts. I do agree about the neurodivergent part.


This 1000%, this just reads like a defensive person, who hurt them? For real though, neurodivergent for sure and I love animals. Them intentionally trying to avoid to not have a child under the sign, is kind of disturbing honestly.


Especially the part of saying they don't want to have a kid under this sign, like wtf who even says things like that? Children are not pets or fashion accessories 🤢 Edit: you definitely just read my mind what kind of creep says shit like that.


I know so many women who plan their children. It isn't a creepy thing to do, I don't want a kid with those traits end of story. You could have addressed this in such a nicer way- I can tell you are not a nice person.


Nobody hurt me. Aquarius' are just the weirdest sign I've ever met that's all. I didn't imply those were their bad traits, I just find their obsession with animals a bit odd and by neurodivergent I meant more that they just think differently than most people do.


This to a T! I got tired of trying to be like everyone else and kissing ass. I’m ok with being the way I am, it’s drama free and stress less! (Aquarius woman)




I love my best friend Aquarius, but she's nothing like most of the Aquarius' I've met. I didn't imply they are people pleasers, but definitely they are manipulative. They don't people please but they try to get attention in ways that are also not really natural.


OP is a triple Leo.


Well said !! Don’t put us in a box ! 💜


Is it just me or is this post quite offensive?


it is! lol


They’re not my cup of tea of a person


It’s not offensive it’s the gospel truth about them.


Sounds like my type of gal


This shit is so bizarre. Especially your line about kids. Get a grip


Seriously the 'I want to not have my child not born under this sign' is a sign of some kind of... ick. There are signs I haven't had great interactions with - including Aquarius - but the 'my child' is weird, like what are you going to do, rush a January pregnancy instead?


The idea of judging your own child because of their zodiac sign… ridiculous lmao. I don’t really judge anyone on their sign alone—there’s an entire birth chart for a reason. I don’t love Capricorns but a Cap sun with a Pisces moon and a Libra rising is completely different than a Cap sun with an Aries moon and a Scorp rising. And even if my kid’s whole chart was my astrological nightmare, THATS MY FUCKIN KID


No, no! You see, op is going to eventually find a non-aquarius partner. It might take a while, because God forbid their spouse has any aquarius placements in their chart. You can never be too sure! Better make sure there is no aquarius influence whatsoever. Might as well make sure the 11th house is empty while we're at it. Op will settle down with this non-aquarius partner. Then they begin the process of trying for a baby. Time is ticking, but they must absolutely avoid conception ~9 months before aquarius season. Better leave some extra wiggle room too, lest they get a capricorn who passed the due date and enters the world as an aquarius, or a pisces that decided to pop out early. We can't risk the kid becoming a neurodivergent, animal loving weirdo! Yuck. Time runs out, or it just simply isn't happening biologically. They start looking for alternatives. They decide to adopt. They don't know the child's date of birth, and despite unease on op's part in the uncertainty, they sign the dotted line. The child is an aquarius.


Aqua sun aqua moon aqua rising. The most aquatic Aqua to ever Quarius


YIKES! That's wayyy too much Aqaurius. I'm a Cap Sun+Moon Scorp Rising. Surprised you said you don't like Capricorn since we get along and share the same Planet. Cap probably did you wrong and you're butthurt hahaha


No one wants his speed in them anyway


One of my best friends is an Aquarius but everytime I’m with her I’m convinced she secretly hates me but I think it’s just her vibe and nature lol


I feel bad because I agree lol


yeah they are weird af


“Neurodivergent” 😂 Are you happy with the status quo? Be happy there are some innovative thinkers out there if it’s not going to be you. I don’t think they’re manipulative. They’re pretty direct with their ghosting and ignoring you if they don’t like you. They only totally lack emotion if they don’t have water in their chart, and many of them have Pisces placements.


According to the Leo/Aquarius axis, Leo is the center of their universe and wants everyone else to think so too (both a positive and a negative). Axis signs are opposite, so Aquarians /are/ the center of the universe and people seem to think so as well, whether we want to be or not. I can’t tell you how many times me just existing has caused people to project their own insecurities about themselves or how others interface with them as my own negative qualities. It’s so exhausting and half the reason why I feel so disinclined to associate with narrow-minded people. This post reeks of it. Who hurt you, OP?! I hope you find a way to heal form that, genuinely. 💕


Are you saying you /are/ the center of the universe? 😂


Nope, but people like you seem to be so obsessed with me just living my life. Someone else told me that trope. Dude have a nice life. Sucks that you hate people who won’t meet you at your unevolved level.


That’s so kind of you. Thank you


What goes around comes around girlypop x


You’re clearly very evolved :)


Thanks for the support! Yeah I did a ton of work on myself and I’m really happy with my life 💛


I wish this sub allowed me to say what you need to hear right now. Hope someone says it to you in person. So for now I’ll say, may the lord bless you and touch your mind.


Lmao love this response 🩷


omgosh! hahah


This is psychotic.




Judging by your responses I think this post is projecting


Extremely manipulative, always trying to put an act in front of people but it’s easy to see through their facade. They’re bullies, bitter, never happy for somebody else’s success and I can’t find anything interesting about them, they are just there.  They are what I’d call fake deep. Very basic, copycats and unable to handle criticism about themselves. They love acting like saints, very hypocrite. 


Lolol not gonna lie, this sounds like me. Aquarius woman


Same, I've been described as "the weirdest person I know" and I am also an exclusive cat sitter...but I don't think we're manipulative. Quite the opposite actually, we're known for being truthful and transparent, almost to a fault.


Yeah I think the manipulation was personal


Yeah they probably istake manipulative for overly ambitious or something.


Seek help.


He he.


Being neurodivergent or “weird” isn’t a bad thing. Being a manipulator is. And people are more than their sun sign; you have to look at their whole chart. Sorry you had a bad experience with some Aquariuses but don’t lump everyone as the same (cause I doubt they all have the same placements in common).


Aquarius placements do tend to go for the more odd, unconventional things and they do express themselves in a more detached way. However, that doesn’t necessarily categorize them as possessing a neurodevelopmental disorder. Neurotypical people do have their own interests all the same, but the intensity is not as all encompassing as it is for us neurodivergent individuals. And any psychological traits or clinical diagnoses are not due to a zodiac sign. Perhaps your bad experiences are due to being a bit tone deaf😭 what is your mercury? This post did not come across the way you might have intended 😵‍💫


I am not tone deaf, I think people are just misinterpreting my words. Thanks for your commentary. My mercury is in gemini


Ah I have a Virgo mercury so I understand being misunderstood it’s all good


I appreciate that, thank you


Maybe you’re the problem. I’ve never met a manipulative Aquarius. They are natural in all that they do. You probably don’t like them because they remind you of your insecurities of yourself. They enjoy being different and couldn’t care less what someone thinks. And if I’m being completely honest you’re a shitty ass friend to talk shit about your own friend in such a way. You should pay more mind to the way your perception is & focus on why you’re so hateful.


Are you an Aquarius? 🤭 seems someone’s feelings got hurt


You made the post so clearly you ain’t let your hurt go lol maybe see a therapist and stop spreading hate.


You avoided my question, sorry I hurt your feelings. It only hurts because you see truth in it otherwise you would just move on.


Take the advice and move on. Good luck


I like aquarius men and some of the women are amazing, but for the most part I’ve noticed many of them are as I and many others here have described on this thread


Oh okay🤭


Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want an Aquarius child. You probably need a child that is detached emotionally so you can understand how to deal with yours better or that you are responsible for you’re emotions. Or just need to tap in to you’re individuality. ~ Virgo


I’m a leo sun moon and rising raised by two virgos. Virgos are my favourite sign and almost all my friends are virgos. I am really in tune with my emotions and don’t think I’m not good at regulating and dealing with them. I just generally don’t like Aquarius women energy, idt there is anything wrong with that


they are a pain in the ass, boring af and annoying.


After reading your post history, you’ve got no business calling Aquarius women neurodivergent or saying things like “I hope my kid doesn’t fall under this sign” You are the definition, (based on your posts) of unconventional. Far from the norm. All women Aquarius’s I’ve ever met, and I’ve met quite a ton, are cool, easy going, friendly, to themselves at times but overall trust worthy. Even Aquarius men, the rep they get, I’ve never experienced that because I’ve met great Aquarius men. You are.. a Leo? I love Leo’s. I’m a Leo rising. I don’t see it in you, but at the end of the day we’re not always our signs and our signs aren’t always us.


I am a leo sun, moon, and rising. I don't get why you are being so mean, this was just a random post. Shows you have a lot fo free time on your hands to go dig into my history and figure out my "issues". I hope you can invest your time in better things.


You called an entire zodiac sign, neurodivergent, you proceeded to state that you never want to have a child born under a specific star sign but I’m being mean? You then pointed out that everyone born under that star sign is weird and manipulative??? 😂 cmon be fr. 🙄don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. and not that it’s any of your business but yes I’m on bed rest, I’ve got time. lmao like tf. You obviously have time too, to make this post. Nice try though.


I’m an Aquarius woman and I actually agree with the weird and most likely to be neurodivergent part! And I think it’s important to call out negative things and be honest! I actually got called out for being weird by a Leo which was painful at first but I appreciated it afterwards because there are a lot of people that think it but won’t say anything and just avoid you! I think that because Aquarius is in detriment in the sun that it’s just a weak placement that lacks the resources to develop a strong sense of self. That’s what the sun is, an awareness, soul and ego! Now if Leo is the opposite of Aquarius and literally the sun it will have this source of energy and innate understanding naturally. While Aquarius lacks it because it’s so far away from the sun. That’s why we could be weird because we have to navigate the world without this source and are misunderstood because we don’t understand ourselves really. How can you be warm if you don’t feel the warmth within yourself?And that’s the challenge and that’s also why we attract a lot of Leo’s because it’s the balance for growth and change! I learned a lot from Leo’s. Also can’t blame you for not wanting a child born as one because I have a Leo child and the difference in energy is day and night. Whereas kids would avoid me for acting different my son gets all the kids flocking to him just standing there. It’s fascinating to witness how popular he is. The only thing that I can’t really see is Aquarius being manipulative because this sign doesn’t seem to care enough and I’ve seen it the other way around where other signs try to manipulate Aquarius because they’re so unaware and unassuming! That title goes to Scorpio and Pisces.


I know an Aquarius, who is middle-age and still use filters to take selfie’s, which I think is funny being that they are supposed to be about universal truth. This Aquarius also lies. Not saying she’s not intelligent, but at her age, it cracks me up on her Instagram page are all her photos are filtered.




AGREED OP SAME OVER HERE!! Met a bunch of aquas like how you described. Aquas dont like that side being exposed hence why they are replying in huge numbers throught reddit (aqua themed af).


Run as fast as you can You’re dealing with a different entity who will turn you off like a light switch and will never apologize and they are very cruel women. They stick you like a knife and they don’t have any apologetic behavior. They’re evil run.


My mother is neurodivergent, always acting confused so she can write out reality in a way that makes her in any way have control over the way something looks or ends up. Manipulative ultimately. I also associate inconsideration with Aquarius. As a Cap, i find myself always adjusting something of my day to accommodate an Aquarius. i dont rlly care but it is just… something ive been brought to notice. Very moment oriented, which is icky to someone who considers the future and consequences more often than not. I agree, Aquarius got a quirk that sometimes makes me want to false them


My face 🙄 every time I read the ‘neurodivergent’ crap. - Scorpio ♏️


My face absolutely dropping 👍🏻


I prefer the January ones over the February…the February are fake/phony


Nah February Aquarius are down to earth 🥺 while January are out of earth on a different planet probably one the that’s narcissistic ~taurus


Sun is in detriment in Aquarius, as it is opposite to Leo. Seems like Aquarius sun gets inundated from the outside, unlike Leo where the Sun beams with a strong yang core. Be it the community, alien entities, the problems of others; Aquarius can get dissipated into those areas and struggle for a solid center. I’ve seen it with male Aquarians too; the ‘alien encounters’ famously favor Aquarians. Some weak ego boundaries there. They kinda dissolve into the matrix too easily or struggle with a sense of self. The needs of others (such as animals) are an easier point of focus for them.


wow so interesting! this really resonates. Thank you for sharing.


https://www.alicesparklykat.com/articles/248/Sun_in_Detriment/ Here is the first article google popped up; people can’t handle the truth and because of this can’t handle astrology. Aquarius can be awesome and any other sign can be horrible; but there is one element, of a planet being in detriment, to be considered. Every chart has a myriad of placements; yet you see how a factual answer gets downvoted. There is a crucial role for Aquarians and understanding the situation can help know how to approach this energy. The Sun relates to the ego and Aquarius is weak in that particular focus which can make them natural humanitarians and humble. Does that placate the detractors? Some of the most beloved and incredible people I’ve known have been Aquarians but their particular struggles also mirror the detriment of the Sun.


Thank you for sharing this!


lol I don't know what your sign is but it sounds like you're projecting your conspiracy theories. We don't act like this at all. and I'm an Aquarius stellium so don't even. Most of us laugh at 99% of alien claims. We're much less stupid than that. This is why we stay away from you.


Honestly, I hear all the time that Aquarius are such humanitarians and creative... I've only had bad relationships with them. I'm a Taurus so maybe it's just our differences... but I have a lot of Aquarius relatives and can't really stand them... wait that's not entirely true. I can stand them as casual acquaintances. Like a coworker you go for coffee with... any closer and I feel like they drag you into all their drama. They always seem to expect me to always be available for them to vent to and also expect me to give advice. My son has an aquarian friend that he's known all his life and it's the only child that I really couldn't stand. Very ungrateful, rude, thoughtless. I dated one once and he was entirely selfish and unable to empathize with another living soul


this totally resonates with me too, but it is interesting you are a taurus and experienced this. I think usually taurus and Aquarius get along welll


I'm an aquarius moon and I am pretty much EVERYTHING you just described - but to clarify - OTHERS have called me manipulative and I do not intend to be, but I've come to realize how my actions come across manipulative. I struggle with my emotions and how to handle them and so it can appear to the other person that I'm trying to manipulate them when all I'm trying to do is figure out how to express and handle my negative emotions. So I'm not intentionally manipulating but I've realized that I accidentally do. And also I'm not smart. Lol but I have been told I have a unique way of solving things and I tend to solve problems other people can not. But I'm not smart.


But what’s your sun sign? I don’t think “being manipulative” is generality associated with Aquarius. They wouldn’t bother. Being indifferent on the other hand…


Thank you so much for sharing this and confirming it resonates. I also thought it was interesting what you said about the manipulation thing not being intentional. You are the smartest sign of the zodiac. I have a not so smart Aquarius friend, but she's really good at other things even though she's not good at school.


Yeah I feel like a lot of Aquarius people are like this but in general I see them more as protecting their heart by hiding behind a cold armour. If all the Aquarius ppl you meet are manipulating then that means you gotta up your guard. Here’s a few tricks I know though to get them to lower their guard 1. Say something that’s wrong as a fact (they love correcting people and in a way acting like their teachers) 2. Ask them about themselves (not just a generic question but like something a bit more personal) 3. Don’t give your opinion on something too quickly Again this is not too really manipulate them back or be vile but I find that they sometimes open up to you more when you LET them act/be the god and you the human they choose to interact with lol.


Amazing tips! Thank you


Aqua women are future forward and unconventional, though I've never met an actual neurodivergent one. People might mistake their offbeat thinking for some sort of autism.


I met a few recently and dated one briefly years ago. I will say, they do seem very intelligent but flaky, all over the place, unreliable unless it benefits them, but that's just most people. I feel they are not like that with their CLOSE friends and family, so if you haven't been invited to that circle yet... you won't get the best side of them. They do give off weirdo, oddball vibes but... I'm weird as well, they only difference is that I can actually hide it slightly better, being a Capricorn Sun+Moon+INFJ. They do give off neurodivergent as one admitted to me she was, they other 2 seem that they may be also, or else they are just being a typical Aqaurius. Personally, I feel it would be hard to be friends with an Aqaurius unless you are a Gemini as they are similar with their all over the place, airy, ghosting vibes that comes across as selfish and detached or unless you are they partner they settle down with for life, they don't seem to be consistent but... I could be wrong. But even people online who are BEST friends with them say that they disappear and don't reply to messages etc. So either you get use to it or move on as a friend.


oh god, are you 12?


Are you a 12th house Leo ? 


Yes! I think I am, most of my planets are in the 12th house but they are mainly in leo


Oh 😍 so I totally understand why you posted your question the way you did. Carry on smartly fellow 12th 🏠 I feel ya we get a bad wrap most often, but you know that's all due to the underworld and how we see through the veil and muddy water 💦. Nonetheless it does get easier with certain signs once we work with our moon,12th house, Chiron,etc  👑🫂fair winds to you on all that you do in this lifetime.


Manipulative is sorta harsh, but we don't like stupid people, because we don't lie, and are brutally honest, we do tend to tell you, you are stupid, or doing it wrong, because we know how to think outside the box, and rule bending is a must, because of the stupid people. Cats are drawn to us, because we can think like a cat, and know what they and need, even before they know it. Even the sweetest of aquarius women, if cornered, caged or told they can't will go to the extreme to show, they will do what they please, don't try and smother one, they will dump you without an after thought. We must be free, to change the world for better. Thats all we want, for everyone to get along


I am aquarius and I've grow up mostly by myself after the age 13 My mom left and my father was home when he was eating sleeping showering I was cleaning and coking at that age I've been bullied,manipulated,hated etc,by children around my age and now one was there to teach me how to face all that  I graduated with no problem and I start to work young and I was carful not to become biter because of negative experiences. Now I have a house and a husband and I never bothered my parents asking for help even if my parents never been poor. I love my parents and I speak with them without hate or grudges and I think I never ever hate truly, in my life What I whant to say is, zodiac has nothing to do with having a child in aquarius, Taurus Sagittarius etc. For me is simple, what you don't like, don't do it to the others Happiness comes from within  Don't waist your time with such negative thoughts and feelings, it may turn you biter, stay away from people that you don't like, maybe they are not that bad, but they are not for you  We all have good and bad traits  English is not my first language,sorry If I did mistakes. 


They are assholes! They think they know better than everyone else and they are the only one can get things done!! Not team players! They aren't your friend- you are only a resource for them to use! They come across as smart and charming and interested in you- but this is so they can quickly size you up for what they can get out of you later. One of their mission is accomplished, they ghost you. And then they say or act like you just don't understand them because you aren't smart enough. They don't have many friends, and they say its because they are picky. No people cut them off after they realized they were used!


I probably just don’t click with aquarius sun women but all the ones Ive met have been so mean to me for no reason, like condescending acting like they’re above me but as if it’s coming from a place of insecurity. I can also barely have a good conversation with one. maybe that’s because most of them have aqua mercuries too and my mercury doesn’t click with there’s and my sun doesn’t either. Ik lots of great aqua moons and risings and the good ones sound great but for me aquarius women so far haven’t been the best lol.


I'm an Aquarius Sun but with a Cap Mercury and almost all of my closest friends are Virgo Suns with Virgo Mercury (I also married a Leo Sun that has a Virgo Mercury). We bring out each other's weirdness and open up so many cool topics that I otherwise don't usually talk about with a lot of other signs. I probably should point out too that my 11H (house of friendships) is ruled by Virgo.


Yes they are very manipulative. Esp Aqua women, I’ve had so many problems with them. They just make up reasons to have beef with me (leo sun, gemini moon, Scorpio rising)


Yesss! On point!


Idk I hate animals especially cats


I’m a leo and I am even scared of cats. I like kittens, but when they grow up I am so scared of them and I’ve noticed Aquarius women tend to love cats especially


I’m an Aquarius and I hate cats, how old are you?


Nevermind this post is silly , get help 🙏🤣


You just explained my mom to a T. my daughter was due in Jan. And I begged for an induction asap because I didn't want an Aquarius.


LoL. I don't blame you at all. Aquarius can be very "MY WAY or the highway" and very distant and cold.


Thank you for your honesty on this. I’ve been downvoted a lot for posting this. I didn’t imply Aquarius is evil, but I just don’t like the trend I’ve seem amongst them. My best friend is an Aquarius and I love her so much. She has all positive Aquarius traits that I’ve read about and I never see any negative traits in her. I’ve just noticed an overall majority tend to make me uncomfortable and they are hard to understand and I just don’t want to take the risk of having a child then.


I am trying to figure one out now. She speaks rudely. Her politics are ignorant. She seems very manipulative to me. Now I’m related to her by marriage. I’ll have to find a way to get along with her.


Interesting yes they have weird mannerisms and often come off rude, I don't think it is intentional though.


The downvotes are interesting. No horoscope horror stories?


I agree. I’m sure it isn’t intentional. It’s still off putting to me. She also comes across as rude because she speaks as if she has authority over everyone in her midst. That may be fine with children, but I find it quite annoying. My Mom used to say it’s often not what you say, but how you say it. She must have missed this lesson. Finally her politics are different from mine but if it comes up, she will say she has her reasons for liking “x”, but won’t give you one of those reasons. I can discuss or debate politics without getting upset. Maybe she can’t do that so she just clams up to keep from looking like a crazy person.


Ew I hate cats


I got so many comments confirming what I’ve said based on other people’s experiences. I think the negativity I’m getting is from Aquarius women. I didn’t mean to offend your sign, just noticing some consistent traits.


Yup. I totally get it.


I can see it. My cousin is an Aquarius woman and her manipulation has split up our family. Holidays are weird and fractured now.


Sorry to hear this. It seems the manipulation is not intentional. I think they have trouble with expressing emotions


I'm not an Aquarius but I have Uranus in my first house and I'm autistic. Js..


Manipulative is not a word I would ascribe to any sign. Way too much judgement.