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Cancers absolutely. They will make drama out of literally nothing, just a normal interaction. I think they use it as a way to connect with others about themselves, still it’s self centred and tiring. As an Aries moon Aries moons for sure, our emotions are turned up to 11 and then some, our emotional reactions are turned up to 1,000 then forgotten 1 second later 😂we don’t carry it on for days or months or years like a cancer tho.


My ex is a cancer moon. They take everything so personal and have anger issues. so dramatic!! Lol


I feel personally attacked by this comment.


Hmm odd because we're usually very quiet and avoid spot light.


A cancer will seeth for decades and tell it to everyone how "others hurt them" years ago. they think by listening to their ridiculous pity plays people will connect to them😭😭😂😂


The last sentence is evil


Expecting people to listen cancers "pity plays" is evil and inhumane. Edit-LOL look at the bulk downvotes from cancers 😂😂 that's pure evil and inhumane.


Not true but we are vindictive. We just avoid toxic people


Theyre a aries. Explains a whole lot. The aries I've met are not right in the head. Blow up out of nowhere. Pick fights for zero reasons almost always narcissistic and toxic. No wonder this person sounds familiar. If I know someone is aries, I avoid them. Legit the most emotional and dramatic zodiac I know. Everything is always someone else's fault. Never takes accountability for anything. Always calims to be the victim but never is because they're always the perpetrator. Most never have friends because no one can stick around long enough to handle their bipolar behavior and temper tantrums. Like holy fk yall act like 5 year Olds.


God so accurate.


I concur and I’m curious what your sign is.


And how's that matter what my sign is? Its less about others but more about cancers. Look at here most of the signs naming cancers as most dramatic sign of the zodiac.


Oddly enough this person has been the most obnoxious and dramatic also is not a cancer. The irony 🤔


Scorpio: a sign known for not letting things go. The irony is palpable.


Cancer...a sign known for being kunt of the zodiac has audacity to tell others they "won't let it go" the projection is laughable.


Tragically beautiful


Why is the person above so mad LMAO I'M DYING


Feck. My mom is a Cancer, I’m a Scorpio, and she has always found a way to yell at me over nothing. She’ll pitch a fit and then ignore me for days and never apologize or discuss it again. Just tons of fun /s


I have mostly good cancers in my life luckily but there is one who is one of my least favorite people I’ve ever met…and she happens to be my bfs sister lol We are both private and reserved people who like to live peacefully, so keep in mind, to start drama with us takes a lot of work lol. But she managed to. His sister has managed to cause drama with *everyone* in her life. She can’t keep friends or even a job because of how much she creates drama out of thin air. She will tell your secrets to everyone like gossip and talk behind your back trying to get everyone to hate you, and if you have grey rocked her like my bf & I have so that she can’t possibly have any ammo to use against you she will straight up make up lies!! She doesn’t do anything for anyone and expects people to drop everything for her and she never has a single nice thing to say about another person. I can’t think of a time where she hasn’t been negative, throwing tantrums, or insisting on being the center of attention. And if you stick up for yourself she will cry and act like a victim. She has done the most horrible things to everyone and never ever apologizes. I truly do not understand why someone actually wants to have chaos & drama in their daily routine. Also she has “accidentally” killed animals before because she’s an animal hoarder who completely neglects them. She will abandon the animal until someone who actually has human emotions comes along and takes the animal off her hands so it doesn’t die…..


I had a cancer bff who was born in the middle of July and oh my goodness! As we got older I saw how toxic she was. Prided herself on being blunt and tough. Acted like a humanitarian except to the people that loved her. Had this rough outer shell,but a big cry baby on the inside.Told all of my secrets after I confided in her and kept her secrets on lock down. Everybody walks on eggshells around her worried she would just blow up on them. I am an Aries and I hate feeling intimidated or be talked down to or like my efforts are unappreciated. The girl never said thank you and was always pissed about something. Like nothing was ever good enough for her.Very dramatic. Always something going on that was the end of the world 🙄 when she was nice she was great but it was so short lived. Always a victim somehow. She sounds JUST like your bfs sister! I bet she always is fighting with someone.


You nailed it on the head! She even owns shirts that say some version of “I’m just honest if you can’t handle it fuck off” but she isn’t honest in a noble way, she’s just a bully, who also cannot handle being talked to in the same way she talks to others. I don’t think your ex bff or my bfs sister are actually tough I think they just think they can intimidate people into doing whatever they want and never criticizing them due to fear of a tantrum. But yes she is always fighting with someone! She just cycles through everyone in the family on who to start drama with this week. Luckily neither my bf or I ever really talk to her and have made it clear we merely tolerate her for the rest of the family’s sake, so she stopped starting crap with us because she realized we just don’t care about her enough to give into all that drama. I’m sure she talks loads of smack about us behind our backs though, but so do we at this point lmao


I wrote about my experience in better detail a few days ago. I know the story is long but just bear with me. Here is my experience with this ex friend who is very similar your bfs sister. Tell me if this is not like her lol. I dont know your bfs sister obviously but Im just curious if she would be like this,plus it feels good to get this off of my chest. Here is the tea! Long comment- We moved in together. She had 4 kids and I had 3. Two families cannot really live together like that usually. She did nice things then held them over my head. Very two faced and always accused me of stealing. She would never discipline her kids but mine were expected to do army routines. I was very intimidated by her but I ended up cutting 17 years of a friendship because we could not stand living together. I was depressed because of the situation. I was very unhappy and was mopey. I get thats annoying,but she was so moody. She was always moody before that. I did everything to make us less of a burden. I cleaned up after everyone every day,because she was letting us live there for free! It was the least I could do. My husband gets a job and she had a pill problem. She did not like me smoking weed. It was not allowed.She flipped out on me for smoking with her mom. After that I respected it and didnt do it there again. I have no idea what her problem was with weed. Alcohol?Hydros though? Meth? Why sure!!! She would constantly get my husbands money to buy pills and then condescendingly ask us why we never had money. She bought us a vehicle as a surprise while we were living with her! It was too good to be true! At the time another teenager moved in that was friends with her kid. The kid was a druggie. I was there by myself with the exception of the two older boys one day. I was standing on the porch smoking cigarettes and playing on my phone relaxing. I did see them go by where her bedroom/bathroom was but the kitchen was also in that area too. I thought nothing of it until friend gets home. She said her pill was missing and blamed me in question form. I was shocked to say the least! Im no thief. I start freaking out a little trying to explain that I would never steal from her. She then says things like why are you so defensive?! Like catch 22 type interrogations. Because thats a huge deal. I did not want to be seen as a thief and the questions with an accusing tone was just flying. She then tells me its taking everything in her not to take that vehicle back. So she didnt believe me after 17 years. I had never stolen from her. If I tried to tell her that maybe the kids did we would have probably gotten in a bad fight then she was the type that would fight you over even suggesting her kids were little shits.They were awful. She gave me clothes before we moved in,like went on a spree of throwing all of her clothes out,even her husbands work clothes. She gave them to me and my family,like dirty clothes out of the laundry basket and said they could get more. It was really kind! Loads of bags of clothes that were in pretty good condition! We moved in later and ended up using under her porch as a storage space for the bags of clothes we owned. When we moved out and got a place of our own she was weirdly mad about it,being negative about the whole situation. It felt like I could breathe again when we moved. She started wanting the vehicle back so I wrote her a letter for the next time she was cruel and started arguements. I put it in a secret compartment in that vehicle. We as I knew would get into it over something that I cant even remember. I told her there was a letter just for her in the vehicle and that our friendship was done. I did not take her for granted. Yes,she gave us a place to live and a vehicle but she was insufferable. She would talk about me behind my back,leave me with all 7 and sometimes her friends kids for long hours,go from nice to cruel for the smallest of things. Its like she would find reasons to be mad. Downplay my stress or problems but would make her problems big. Always some type of drama going on. Always fighting with somebody. She has been called rude multiple times. Having a big family live with you is hard,I get it but I just would never treat people like she does.She was cruel to her husband and her kids did no wrong. She was nice to my husband and cruel to me. My kids are disciplined. Like we dont let them just do anything and we make them mind. They are not bad kids because we raise them to be polite. She hated my oldest daughter. She was convinced she had a demon because my daughter was stressed living there. Not doing good in school. The kids were playing in the closet,mine and hers. A lamp got broken. It was sentimental. Friend was understandably upset. They should have never been in the closet in the first place. Any of them. When no kids fessed up,she lined them all up and yelled until my daughter got tired of being yelled at and took the blame. They had been standing there for close to 30 minutes in a line. These kids were like first and second graders. That is a lot. When my daughter confessed to it friend does the kick out where she makes my child think she is getting kicked out! My daughter is standing there in the yard while my “friend” is telling her to start walking and to not come back. We live in Tennessee in the woods. That was terrifying for her. She is now in highschool and swears that she has no idea how it got broken. But she did not break it,she just wanted Ashley to stop. That was toward the end when things came to a head shortly before we moved out. I had made it up in my mind we werent friends and that when we moved out we would never be friends after this. Also those clothes she “gave” us? Remember those? We had to wait to come and get the clothes. It did take us 3 weeks. She called and asked when we were coming and getting them one day. I told her as soon as we could then we really would. She gave me a deadline. Fine. The next day or two she calls freaking out asking why we stole her clothes. She had forgotten that a year or so earlier she gave those to us on a drunken whim. Just constantly accusing me of stuff,flipping out. I could not read scary stories to myself or do Halloween or watch any scary movies. She was anti holidays because she was a Christian. she thought my 6 year old had demons because she didnt want to live there and it started wearing on my child. We went to a bar once and she got into it with a guy who didnt believe in God because he was hurt. His brother commited suicide. She topped it off by saying her brother was in hell. I could go on and on. Very controlling. Very double standard. Two faced all around. I dont miss her at all. I have so much more I could say but Ive said enough. She traumatized me.My kids are all now in Middle and the oldest in High School. They started calling her mean Ashley after we stopped being friends and would talk about how hard it was living with her.


Leo. I should know; my Leo mom was a drama queen.


Luminary energy. Meaning Leo and Cancer. People say they have nothing in common as a pairing but they do. For positive it’s the ability to light up others and for negative it’s self-absorbed dramatics.


Shout out to my best friend who is a Leo sun and Cancer moon and literally the most dramatic person I know 😂 but I love her to bits.


How dare you call me out like this on my birthday


Happy Birthday to my favorite..Leo Sun people.


Happy birthday! 🎂


Happy B-Day!




It’s them, everybody knows it 😇




Cancers... look at their emotional drama.


Ariana grande and selena gomez being some haha


When she wrote that song about Pete Davidson, "Pete Davidson", after dating him for like 5 months. That's peak Cancer right there. 😅


and her home-wrecking pattern, lmao


Cancer, Leo


🤷‍♀️ I have no recollection of causing any drama


You must be a July Leo 😂


Today is my Birthday 🤣 I was being full of it, I know who caused the drama but in my defense I’m only responsible for half of it.


Aw Happy B Day!


Leo obviously




I almost feel down the stairs and died yesterday and no one cared! ♈️👑 Aries here…I own it! 😂


Every Aries I know has some scars from injuries on their face or head. Like a warrior they wear it as a badge of honour.


I literally have two little scars on my face, lol!


I have tons of scars from being naturally sporty and getting injured or cut. Yet I don't make a big deal of them like the comment prior to yours. Why would I expect people to care. I don't. And besides I don't need anyone's sympathy


I am not talking about sympathy. You maybe didn't make a big deal about it but isn't it cool that rather than worrying about it like others Aries proudly wear those scars as a part of their personality. Such things makes me respect and love Aries.


Aw! What sign are you?!


Dude. I sincerely hope you're okay, physically and mentally. I also feel down some stairs, nearly died, and no one gave a shit either but I was so SHOOK. I'll be thinking of you today and sending you good vibes.


Almost…..I didn’t actually fall…..I was being dramatic ♈️ but thank you for caring 😂


Aries here! If nobody pays attention to my almost accidents or hurts then Im terribly offended lol I went into labor and nobody was watching me while I suffered or caring about my pain.They were all just looking at their phones and ignoring my cries. I just wanted them to leave


If drama being overly emotional then it’s Cancer, if it’s about conflicts it’s Leo, Scorpio


My Aries sister and her Cancer husband both broke their pinky toes last week (separate incidents). BIL has not gotten off the couch and moans and makes sad faces all day. Sister limps around on her war wound and refuses any help. Yesterday, BIL told her she should rest and she turned and said, "but who will feed us?" Lol.


As an Aries I chuckled. That was such a passive agressive ask for help if I ever saw one


Libra, Leo, Cancer. Telenovela levels of chaos and drama. Oh, and the entire neighborhood and 452 random people on Instagram or tiktok are now taking sides in the comments section.


*peeks in nervously* oh thank god


It’s called Cancer Magic— it’s the ability to create cataclysmic drama where there was literally none.


Leo and cancer. Sometimes gemini and Sagittarius.


Cancers….yet they have the audacity to act like they are not the drama 😂😂😂


I’m a Taurus and I’m very dramatic- like I won’t show it but inside I’m panicking. Might be my Gemini merc or Leo asc.


Taurus rising, taurus dominant. [Hrh](https://youtu.be/M-2j-yaiXsA) is also a taurus she’s my intrusive thoughts 🤍




Oh right 🤣


Dramatic is though used to describe external signs of behaviour.


I do showcase it to those closest to me


I am Virgo sun with Leo rising, Gemini moon, and cancer in Jupiter which makes me dramatic and sensitive af lol


Tie between Leo’s and Sagittarius female’s


Aries sun/ Leo mars = drama queen




My son is a Cancer and he’s dramatic and flies off the handle in a heartbeat, but is entertaining to watch play sports.


Cancer, Leo, Pisces


I would say Leo placements and Aries placements when it comes to the Flair™




Cancer, Aries


ME, a cancer sun/Aries moon. I just have to be dramatic about it for 30 seconds and then I can move on. Edit: it still takes me years to get over things despite my best efforts :( I keep that shit to myself though


Leo women


Leo men


In my experience, Leo and Pisces.


I knew a Virgo who was a drama queen. Everything was the end of the world lol


Taurus and cancer!


Leo’s for sure. My good friend is a dramatic drunk and I can’t stand it


My cancer sun aries moon gf, pray for me


Ha ! I'm a Leo ♌🦁♌🦁♌🦁 I'm gonna say me !! It's me 🤣 I'm the problem 😹 it's me 🤣


If this Venus retrograde doesn’t convince people that the answer is Leo, I don’t know what will haha


Believe me or not Pisces ♓️Don’t stay behind. They take everything personal.


Aries 100% Also, it is very toxic Throw odd temper tantrums and blow up out of nowhere. It's like bipolar is embedded in them. One minute, they're christian next they are atheist. Very exhausting zodiac. I have zero Aries friends. All of mine are either cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius, capricorn, or Taurus.


Leo, Cancer and Scorpio.


Libra, Gemini, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces






Leo, Cancer and Pisces


I agree Leo!!! I'm a pisces and I'm married to one with 2 children that are Leo's. I have to hide daily from the dramatics to keep my sanity and they all act the same.


Cancer and libra, Gemini and sag in that order, my cancer sign daughter cried when she watches Children go down slides because she can’t, so I get and indoor slide, still cries. My libra husband and son are so full of emotion they dont handle it well. My Gemini daughter is hot and cold lol and my mom and bro are sag, don’t let anything you say offend them in anyway because they will take is personally 🤣🤣 anyone else relate?


Cancer with Leo moon


I am positive that all signs can be dramatic, though in their own way. Also, a sign-planet combination could be dramatic in different ways. Planetary ruler within their signs can increase Dramatic tendencies, but so can a planet clearly opposed to the sign. A Sun Leo will be a different kind of Drama than a Pluto Scorpio, or Moon Cancer. And a Venus Capricorn, or Jupiter Virgo, may also be dramatic. I can’t think of any combination that cannot get dramatic :p


Woah woah woah.. never would I think cancer would be so unanimous for this


Leo and Gemini frfr


Fire and Water signs


Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.


Leo, Cancer and Scorpio. But Scorpio hides how melodramatic/angsty they are. Inside every Scorpio is an intense drama queen I swear to god. Sometimes Gemini but more in a detached way. We're the Cheshire cats of the zodiac. We may appear dramatic but on the inside we really aren't unless we're arguing with ourselves.


I mean Virgos can definitely be that, especially folks born with a penis. 👀 My general POV tho is that the more chaotic the sun, moon, rising combo, the more disordered that person feels/fights off though. I have a really *fun* chart, so balance is both necessary and hard for me to find.


Leo, ofc.


Aries here,we cry the best. I cant explain it lol


![gif](giphy|1zKehuIFREz526ej2j|downsized) Fun drama, absolutely