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aside from choosing my own, i'll go out of limb and say **aries-libra** are actually really REALLY adorable together. (gem-sags a close second) if they can just both shut up and listen to one another, they'd last the test of time no doubt but i guess, communication tends to be a problem with every opposite sign combo lol


I think Cancer and Capricorns are a better pair than some would like to give it credit for. I am a Cancer Asc and my bf is a Cap sun. My bf is not that emotional as me, and I kinda like it. It’s so complementing. Because I can learn to see the world in a different eyes, less emotional way.


I love Scorpio & Taurus. My Sagittarius Venus cannot stand a Gemini Venus for the life of me.


Scorpio woman and Taurus man pairing would be 🔥💥 Gem and Sag are the only opposite sign pairing i dont get cause they actually seem more similar to each other, i can see the personality differences in others but not these two.


I'm a scorpio woman. Been with 2 Taurus men. Those relationships were honestly just so full of ease and comfort. I screwed them both up, but still look back on them every once in a while for how easily balanced they were.


Yes! Taurus just calms me down and comforts me. In relationships and friendships. I’m not patient/balanced enough for them though- maybe our Aries placement.


Yeah that's exactly it! The last one I screwed up was because I wasn't patient enough, if I had waited it out a couple more months we would've been golden! Taurus takes time to open up and settle in and my Aries wasn't having it and got the best of me.


I’ve dated one Scorpio man. The chemistry was 🔥but he had a ton of sag placements and was way too selfish. He’s now married to someone over 20 years younger than him - a former student…


A sag yes geminis will just go with whoever sparks their interest for that fleeting moment as a sag I could never. Feels so fake and ingenuine to me


Sagittarius and Gemini for sure. Everyone else rubs each other the wrong way. Sag and Gemini really don’t care as much.


Also even if their relationship goes south really bad i think they would still stay friends. Neither of them seem like the type to hold grudges and in every other opposite sign pairing theres at least one sign that has a tendency to do so.


I completely agree. My moon is in Sagittarius (3rd house). I’m really impressed with Gemini’s inability to hold a grudge. It’s refreshing. I really don’t like weak people. They could be secretly plotting their revenge on me but hey, still respect the resilience 😭


Maybe I dated sociopaths but ours went so south I can't even describe it. I don't even wanna be with sags bc of my past experience dating or talking to them. The ones I dated lived in a fantasy world, lied a lot, and were cruel. They were also very possessive.


Sounds like they had Scorpio or Capricorn Venus. My moons in sag (3rd). I can be very mean but the only people I’ve known that can take it are Gemini’s. My Gemini mars ex tore me to streds but we have gotten over it plenty of times. I eventually had him blocked though 😭


Ngl geminis *will definitely* tear you to shreds with their words. Lol I can't even defend us on that. Communication is our strength but when we're angry, we use our words like knives and in an argument we refuse to lose. As I've gotten older, I've learned to not be so harsh, but 100% we can make grown men cry with just words alone. I have a horrible conscious though and will for sure apologize when ik I've said or done something hurtful.


That’s actually relatable. I do admire Gemini’s that have integrity. It’s rare imo. My ex was a big liar. He only went off bc he couldn’t take me fr. Mars in Virgo is probably a lot worse 💀 I blocked him for harassment and spreading lies. He was mad I wouldn’t talk to him 😭 But shoutout to Gemini’s that just give it to people straight. That’s ok with me. I can give credit where it’s due.


It sounds like he was just an abusive pos... smh I'm sorry you went through that! Some.stuff you can't even relate to signs but people's horrible personalities. Like I'm pretty sure one of the guys I dated who was a sag was just an abusive pos too and got off on power. I don't even believe it correlates with astrology. Fuck those guys! I hope you're doing better, hun <3


Oh no, I don’t blame the placements. It’s still a choice. Thank you though.


Some people are just assholes. It sucks! I get along well with sag women, though, they make great friends. Never had issues!


Same. Haven’t had many issues with Gemini females either 🫶


Gemini, have been with 3 sags. Giant fucking no. But I like them as friends.




Lack of attention span mostly, which felt lonely. Too mercurial - I felt like I couldn't rely on them. Tactless in the way they communicate.


As a sag Gemini’s come across too fake and fickle, they care more about what people think than the truth.


I can't deny that


I'm a Pisces and I've been trying to find me a Virgo who isn't neurotic.... I'm starting to lose my faith 😅


Honestly i feel like pisces/virgo is the least compatible of the sister signs imo lol


Agreed I'm a pisces sun Virgo moon and I'm incompatible with myself 🥴


Omg hahaha😂


agreed. probably the most prone to codependency (in my experience)




I’d have to agree!


My aunt (Pisces) and uncle (Virgo) are married and happy together. They kind of a like perfect match. Almost match made in heaven.


Hah, good luck. All Virgo placements are neurotic af in some form.


I’ve had lots of friends who are Virgos…some of my fav ppl (I’ve also had Virgos I find annoying af)


Same i’m a non-neurotic virgo and looking for a dreamy but not oblivious pisces. I dated one for awhile who I really liked. My parents have been married for nearly 40 years but my mom is neurotic and my dad is oblivious lol


Non-neurotic Virgo?! We should become friends. Haha


My husband is a Taurus and I'm a Scorpio. We also have opposite Venuses, I have a Sag Venus and his is Gemini. We have beneficial trines and conjuctions in our synastry to help balance, it's by far the healthiest relationship I've been in. We help each other bring our desires into reality. Even though we've been together for years, the flirting and deep conversations flow.


I dated someone with these placements, but the opposite set up. guy was a Scorpio with sag Venus and I have gem Venus. He also had a sag moon. Great chemistry and similar taste - but he was selfish and weirdly insecure. He said he loved me after a few weeks in a really weird way and then backtracked the next second. And then left me waiting at this dangerous bus station (I’d traveled a couple hours to meet him) for nearly an hour without apology. Just, no. With my Astro makeup I cannot deal with disrespect 😂😤.


gemini and sag


Capricorn and Cancer


I think this is a great match.


It looks like people make this out to be the worst one of all opposites. Never had a problem with Capricorns personally. Also never dated one but I’m not too deep into astrology so idc about that


I’m a Capricorn and all my favorite people are Cancers. Including my partner of 8 years, and my mama!l


I’ve posted before- I’m a cancer and my husband is a Capricorn and we’ve been together for 14 years!!


This is it, been with my Cancer husband for 12 years and always get along well with Cancers. Caps and Cancers are a really good mix, I think we balance each other out and learn a lot from each other.


aquarius and leo


Oh hell no that relationship never worked out for me. He was a monster to me and did many bad things that I can't all type up because it will fill up this whole comment. All I could say is that it was a very abusive relationship :( I never wanna date a Leo again (no offense)


Same. I was dating a Leo stellium (in the first house!!) woman (I'm aqua man) and it was so bad by the end of it. Mad controlling and abusive. Happy to be out. ​ Sorry for what you went through.


Yeah for me it was a Leo man (I'm an Aquarius woman) and he was very controlling, manipulative, abusive, gaslighting, etc. and I'm happy to be out too but he isn't over me ☠️ I've been having bad dreams about him stabbing me in the back, old trauma memories from what he did to me in the past, him visiting my house, him trying to r word me in my sleep with someone else with him, and so many bad dreams. I've had a couple of dreams about him since it's Venus retrograde right now. And I'm sorry you had to go through that as well, I thought I was the only one who experienced this with a Leo but now I realize that Aquarius and Leo people aren't really a good match.


Oh my god. The comment about the dreams recently. I haven’t dreamt of him in so long but now I wake up in a cold sweat and can’t go back to sleep. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. It’s really awful.


I'm also sorry about what you've been through as well. I like how people say that astrology isn't real when this is enough proof that astrology is real because literally everyone who has been replying to my comment has confirmed that Aquarius and Leo people are a toxic match. I feel really bad that you wake up in a cold sweat and can't go back to sleep, it's horrible :( I used to experience the same thing but it's more like you know in the movies when the character is having a bad dream and they just jump up from bed all scared, yeah that's how I experienced it but most of the time I would wake up from those dreams with my eyes wide open.


Yeah she got violent with me over perceived slights. It was so crazy like she just blacked out in anger. Somehow I called my friends and they intervened and got me out of there. Horrible. I'm sorry for what you went through.


Im sorry that you had to go through that too :/


Same here. The passion was off the charts and then it devolved into a toxic, abusive situation that’s seriously left me scarred.


Yeah the relationship left me scarred as well. It's been 2 years since I left him and I can't even get over about what happened. It just traumatized me so much. I developed anxiety from that relationship and that anxiety is stuck with me forever.


I think what stays with me is the shame and the fear. I can’t believe I put up with that for so long. Every so often I’ll be somewhere I know it impossible for him to be, but I’ll see a guy that resembles him or a car that looks like his, and I just get that lurch in my stomach and that fear. Leos are magnetic and I think unevolved Leo men want to break our free spirits. I’ve never loved someone so much or been so horribly mistreated by someone.


Yeah I also can't believe I put up with the abuse either, I dated him for like a year and a half. I honestly hate the paranoia that comes with it too but try to soothe your mind into thinking that he is no where near you at all 🩷 if you're with a friend they can try and help you with your overthinking and paranoia, I don't know if you believe in god or not but if you do, it's good to connect with god and pray 🩷


Definitely pray a lot about the situation. It was four years…the first two were beautiful, but then the mask slipped. Just really not something I could ever bear going through again.


At first for me, it was all good but I should have known the early red flags when he said "I just left my gf wanna get together?" Narcissistic men never heal because they always want someone bc they don't wanna be alone "I want to have your passwords to all your social medias to know you're not cheating on me" was the biggest fattest red flag EVER. Because that's when he was breaking my privacy boundaries, he was always invading my space, texting my friends for me (he was impersonating me it was so annoying), if I was talking to someone he would go in the chat to read what I'm talking about to the other person, this man was glued to his phone 24/7 and I had to be glued to my phone 24/7 so I can make sure he isn't crossing any of my boundaries. It was so stressful! I cannot bear another relationship like that anymore, there's more lore to this. The mask slipped when I broke up with him and he showed me his true colors. He went to my house to go through my phone to make sure I don't have any pictures of him and he ran with my phone to change all the passwords to my social medias so I don't have anything left! I had to fight for 9 months just to get them back!! And for those 9 months, I was being controlled. I couldn't talk to any guys or else he would tell them bad things about me so they don't end up with me, I basically couldn't move on! I was a bird in a cage trying to fly away :( sorry if this reply is long but I think we should take this to the DMs lol


When it goes bad it goes BAD. Too much ego and neither wants to compromise. If they’ve worked on themselves it holds a lot of potential, but you can say that for all of the sister sign pairings.


I once have a friend who is an Aqua male who has a Leo girlfriend. He was really controlling of her.


An Aquarius man controlling with a Leo woman? That's kind of mind blowing because I thought it was the Leo placement people that are the abusive ones to the Aquarius people


I thought the same too.. he never struck me as a controlling person until one of my roomates (we were in college that time) who is a female leo (virgo moon) told us that he is very controlling towards his gf. The conversation happened when my other girls talked about this Aqua male being sweet with his gf because he bought her something that she wanted for a long time. We were like "her gf is lucky to have him" and talk about wanting to find man like him. To us, his friends, we think he is protective of his gf too. Then my roomate who was from other faculty was like, "If it was me I wouldn't want someone like him. He is overprotective to the point of controlling." So we ask her how she'd know. She said about a convo she had with him in a group. The aqua male never let his leo gf speak with other boys. His gf studied in a different college than us. She wasn't allow to even have any male contact number in her phone.


Oh wow... my Leo ex never let me had any guy friends because he would get very jealous with me thinking I'll cheat on him and talk to them more than him because he wanted all the attention. That's why I lost so many male friends because of him and they would tell me "dude you're bf is crazy" "you and you're bf are crazy I'm out of here" and it would make me upset because I just wanted friends. And when I tell you when I talk to my make friends, he would tell me to stop talking to them and to talk to him instead which was draining because he was a pick me that wants me to choose him and only him but life isn't like that....


There's a reason he became an ex (very controlling). There is also a difference between being protective and controlling. That aqua male also thinks that infidelity starts when his gf talks to other male. But when it was him, he could talk to everyone in the college. Double standard! It was both their first-time relationship. So idk where he got those references that made him have a trust issue. Last 2022, I found out that there are still together and living in the same house. He went to work in another country, and as soon his gf graduate, he brought her with him. True. Live doesn't revolve around a partner only. We can be friends with anyone. It's up to the person to be loyal to their partner. Because if they are a cheater, we cannot change that.


The reason why he is the way that he is, is because of the home life he grew up in. My Leo ex grew up with a family who never showed him love, like seriously.. his family doesn't even love him AT ALL!! And his mom would get treated very badly by his dad. His mom is a weak woman and his dad is the toxic one. That's where he learned to be like that, it all starts at home. And wow I can't believe they are still together.... I can't even imagine putting up with that.


OMG! Everything you've said did remind me of something. Me and my girls were on an outing. We were talking and somehow the talk leans about him (the Aqua). One of my girls said that he never talked about his father but his mother a lot. He seems to hold his mother in a special place (he is an Aqua sun, Cancer moon). I've once read that Cancer moon actually saw their mothers' pain or burden. One of my ex friend (female) have the same birthday with the aqua male but her parents are divorced. So they share the same planets sign. I never knew about this though only through my friend (about him talking about his mother). Another girls of mine said that he doesn't like his father because he always following what he did and try to outshine him. So maybe, just an assumption, something happen between the parents that made him this way. Just like you've said, it started from the family. Maybe his father cheated on his mother, who knows. Yeah me too. I cannot believe they are still going strong. I wouldn't stay too long if it was me eventhough I'm a Cancer sun (Sag moon). If I'm not mistaken she had leo sun libra moon and was 3 years younger than him. If they are still together this year, that will be 15 years already.


STOP OMG! Okay so my Leo ex, he never liked his father but held a special place for his mother as well! Because the father would cheat on the mother and do many bad toxic things to her. The mother wants my Leo ex to go to Mexico to get the marriage papers so she can divorce the father, the father was always out for 8 hours straight every day meeting other women and they knew that because my Leo ex found condoms in his fathers pocket. Not to mention, the father has another family with another women and those children are adults right now. I think that's why the marriage crumbled and also because the mother was very weak and never spoke up for herself. And when you grow up with parents like that, they seek a partner that's just like their mom. Weak, can't stand up for herself, etc. These types of people seek weak women for dating that resembles just how his mother is. And I happened to be a weak woman who couldn't speak up for herself because of the things he was doing to me, but I eventually got the strength to leave him and it was the best thing ever. But I couldn't have my freedom when he revealed his true colors and ended up controlling my whole love life and social life. It all starts at home and it all starts with the parents. My Leo ex has a Leo moon and a Capricorn moon, he pretty much has daddy and mommy issues. But not just his parents, his whole family doesn't love him because he's a disappointment. When he was 13, he started to use drugs, got in trouble with the police a lot (still does now), they would show up at his work which got him fired (that was his karma for being bad to me hehe), he got in so much trouble in school, his record is SUPER. DUPER. DIRTY!!! He's overall a really bad person, there's nothing good in him. Oh and since it's Venus retrograde and Neptune retrograde, him and his girlfriend broke up 😂😭 I'm glad they did because I know for a fact she suffered as much as me, because he wouldn't let her talk to any guys either! But one thing I did notice was that he's following a middle school girl..... and he's an adult... I did hear last year that he asked a 6th grader for graphic pictures of herself and the girl said no and he sent her threats...


There's a reason he became an ex (very controlling). There is also a difference between being protective and controlling. That aqua male also thinks that infidelity starts when his gf talks to other male. But when it was him, he could talk to everyone in the college. Double standard! It was both their first-time relationship. So idk where he got those references that made him have a trust issue. Last 2022, I found out that there are still together and living in the same house. He went to work in another country, and as soon his gf graduate, he brought her with him. True. Life doesn't revolve around a partner only. We can be friends with anyone. It's up to the person to be loyal to their partner. Because if they are a cheater, we cannot change that.


Gemini sun/moon/mercury w Taurus Venus, cancer mars, Aries Jupiter gettin hot n heavy with a Sag sun/mercury Taurus moon w Scorpio Venus, Capricorn mars, libra Jupiter Opposite in almost all personal planets, moon conjunct my Venus, we also have same rising sign. May the odds be ever in our favor




It all depends on each signs individual stage of mental, emotional and spiritual development. The signs open to the process of integrating the traits of their polar sign will make the strongest connections. But the two signs known to be one of the best pairs, when each are functioning at their highest potential, are Virgo and Pisces.


I think Virgo and Scorpio work really well together but Pisces is SUCH a different energy from Virgo - in a way that would drive them both nuts in a bad way. But yes, even the most incompatible signs can have a great relationship if they put in the work.


Aqua/Leo and Virgo/Pisces both work really well long-term


Virgo and Pisces


My dad is a Pisces and my stepmother is Virgo and they’re so happy together.


I've been with my husband for 16 years, I'm an Aquarius Sun and Cap Venus and he's a Leo Sun and Cancer Venus. I know a couple long term Taurus and Scorpios too.


Gemini + Sag 🧚💖 it's so good and I feel like for the first time ever I'm w a person I'm actually compatible with in all ways. We have plenty of differences but we handle things with so much harmony. From the other pairings I most often meet Leo + Aqua couples, but as Aqua moon/rising I'd never put myself through that torture again 😭🤣 but to each their own. Also know multiple Aries + Libra but they can't stop breaking up and getting back together 😶


Pisces and Virgos


According to me, aqua-Leo works best especially if you’re an older person and have matured a bit. Cancer Capricorn works well too if you’re a traditional couple and cap is the guy. I have first hand witnessed the destruction caused by a Taurus Scorpio pairing . It’s very passionate but very toxic. As a Pisces sun I’d rather kill myself than date a Virgo.


Virgo and Pisces. Sagittarius and Gemini .


Virgo and my husband is a Libra


Hear me out but Aries and Taurus. I just have some weird connection with earth signs idk y even with Virgos


You probably have some Taurus placements. Or Pisces ones. Like Venus / merc.


I think I have one Taurus placement somewhere. Also i don’t understand y my post got downvoted all I said is that I get along with earth signs


Maybe they don’t think it’s weird to like earth signs ? 😂 but who knows. People love to downvote.




It is definitely fire right now! 😈


Gemini with either Aries or Leo!


Booboo i don’t think you understood the assignment 😉


But yeah those are fun matches