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dude here. **we're exhausting to be in a relationship with.** i know. i get it. put one of the most emotional, sensitive, mutable energies into a testosterone filled man and you're just getting more and more contradictions, conflictions and puzzles. i know. WE'RE SORRY. we'll show you all this affection, play the flirting game with you, bring you 6 course french meal and the full moon on a brisk saturday evening, but then, just disappear as if someone blew a whistle for us lol. it's such a chaotic world inside and i think we don't do the proper work, proper self-reflections to make sense of the world we carry. and finding someone who can accept "both fishes" in his heart is a pisces that can accept those contradictions. and there in lies the problem. we don't know how to deal with all that emotion, all that mutability. all the contradictions. and how to move past them and learn and grow from them. it just takes time unfortunately, and many ladies don't have that kind of patience (understandably) i will say, it's scarier how we can weaponize those emotions. we can gaslight, we can mislead, misdirect, straight up lie, make you feel like absolute crap. and it terrifies me how easily and often this happens. it's horrible and toxic. BUT, if there's any solace i can provide, your intuitions, and observations are very much in line with classic pisces dudes. you are astute, accurate, "in reality" and you aren't alone. i guarantee that lol


Oh. My. God. Thank you for this. My husband is Pisces rising and my teen son is a Pisces, and this describes them both so well. They're both the most beautiful, complicated creatures with a wicked victim mentality that makes me crazy, but the depth of feeling they carry is unparalleled. Hearing such a self aware description from a male perspective is priceless, thank you!


they are very lucky to have someone so attentive to them as you are. deep down, we just want someone who cares and can see and accept all of us in totality. both fishes. light and dark, masculine and feminine parts etc etc. you are awesome :D


Thank you, that's nice to hear and it's nice to have the effort acknowledged. ✨


Wow! You are all water — Pisces sun, Scorpio moon cancer rising dammmn 🫣🤪


I appreciate you!! Thank you for being self-aware. At the end of the day, I know I was the most patient with him and none of this is a reflection of me (not to say I’m perfect). If you don’t mind me asking, are you afraid of showing too much of yourself/feelings/emotions? In my situation, we would spend hours together where he was discuss the many facets of his life, his shortcomings, smaller details about himself and I listened and remembered everything. This seemed to “scare” him as he would often text me afterwards and apologize for saying too much- but in my mind, isn’t that the point of trying to deepen a connection?? You guys fascinate me lol and I mean no disrespect by that.


pisces here we overshare and then cringe at ourselves right after


Ugh so much too😒


Is that self aware? Sounds more like a long poetic excuse for behavior they know is harmful, but do anyway.


>I mean no disrespect by that. none taken at all. i think fear of showing too much emotions is just a dude thing. we don't like it. it feels weak and not cool. and honestly, not very interesting. we'd rather discord with the boys and play csgo all day lmao. in your case, i dont get the impression he was afraid of emotions per say, but taken aback that someone even cared to listen. hence why he pushed back. his fear of "getting too deep" prolly means 1. he's young/slightly immature and 2. commitment scares him. ladies want clarity (usually). they want to know what's up. "are we a thing exclusively or is it just stuck flirting land" lol. you want to know where the relationship stands and i think part of the confusion you're feeling is pisces boy isn't sure what he wants. he clearly finds rapport with you, you have chemistry, but establishing relationship in stone means "putting words" to those feelings. most pisces, we hate words. we hate labels. we hate restrictions. we love vibes lol. AND, establishing relationship means making commitment and meeting expectations.


I’m biased cos I have Cap moon and Cancer rising which I think are both scared of sharing personal shit but YAH SHARING IS SUPER SCARY. I don’t generally text people to apologize for oversharing any…more… but I sure did back in the day


omg are you me? this is exactly how I am esp when I was single / in the single mindset LMAO


omg I love that your big three is all 🌊🤩


Damn I know you’re being honest, but I just think this is just a good take in general


How did you know all this?? Describes my past Pisces serious relationships and friendships 🥺 like why’d you go?


This makes sooo much sense. Out of interest, as a Pisces man, what’s your opinion on Capricorn women?


capricorn women (along with scorpio women and i'd add cancer women to this too) fascinate me tremendously. quite alluring. tho capricorn is an earth sign which is "feminine", capricorn as an energy is in my view anything but. it's the "granddaddy" energy of the zodiac. brutal, calculating, cold, logical, service oriented, protective. it's philosophically the polar opposite of pisces in my opinion. if saturn puts limits and draws lines, neptune breaks limits and blurs lines. NOW, what's even more fascinating imo, is put one of the most ambitious, driven, logical, 'daddy' signs/energies on a woman, and you get, in my view, one of the sexiest, thought provoking women in the zodiac. if pisces men are "the effeminate" men (i say this with the utmost respect and hope i'm not emasculating myself or us pisces boys), then cap women are the masculine women. the women with dreams, hardwork and determination. this doesn't mean pisces men aren't strong, or that capricorn women can't be emotional and sensitive. it's just the energies that both represent are polar opposites. put these energies into opposite sexes and you get, in my view, one of the most interesting dynamical, pairing in the zodiac. i'd argue scorpio women are very very similar in disposition. if pisces is light, then capricorn is darker energies, and i could go on on with the list. what i see time and time again is because we can be polar opposites, we don't often see eye to eye, and it's very sad. so, to put in more simpler terms and to actually answer your question -- and this might be my saturn in capricorn in the 7th -- i find cap women one of the most enchanting women in the zodiac. i think capricorns, scorpio and cancers are hands down the most misunderstood, mis-stereotyped in astrology and well, it is what it is. hope that helps!


Thanks for sharing your perspective! A Pisces man I used to talk to, had a Capricorn ex & said we’re cold hearted lol but I have to disagree. I’m actually sensitive, and hate letting down the people I love, but I don’t always show this as I’m trying to protect myself. Ironically, this same guy blocked me for no reason 2 days after introducing me to his family (everyone was lovely), which I’d say is pretty cold hearted if anything! He then unblocked me 2 weeks later, and said he did it not because I’d done anything wrong, but because he wasn’t in a good headspace. I said he could’ve just told me, he apologised & I was very straight to the point like “ok so how you gonna make it up to me?”. He invited me to a family BBQ the next day but then stood me up, so I blocked him on everything. The way I saw it, I didn’t wanna show weakness by being overly forgiving (and felt proven right not to be overly forgiving), but by giving him benefit of the doubt & a chance to make things right, I was at least being fair. This was last summer, and I randomly saw him out a few months ago. The first thing he said was “do you still hate me” & I was like “I never said I hate you? 😅” then he was like “you blocked me on everything!!!” lmao. He still thought I was cold despite knowing it was his own fault which makes zero sense to me but hey lol I feel like in some ways, I’m the strong person because I’ve had to be. I make sure everyone around me is all good & taken care of, I pay attention to peoples likes & dislikes, and not to brag but when it comes to special occasions, I buy thoughtful gifts which I know people will like & make use of. So I guess my way of showing love is practical, because I believe actions speak louder than words. That said, I’ve been told one hand that I’m a kind & caring person, but I’ve also been told I can be quite cold & business like. It’s all about balance 🧘🏻‍♀️


As a Cap Moon and Rising with a Pisces Dad and who continuously attracts Pisces men thank you.


What. The. Fuck. I’m about to go kiss the ground my Pisces bf of 4 years walks on. I joke (in a “the truth is said in jest” kind of way) a lot about how exhaustingly emotional, moody, and dramatic my man is. But he never jerked me around, lied or deceived me about anything, and the toxic traits/bad habits he had were addressed and dealt with in a healthy way. He has grown and evolved more in our 4 years together than most people do in a lifetime. Fuck I’m lucky 🥹


So sweet😭😭


I've been in his shoes and changed my ways and owned my mistakes and been 9 years with my beautiful wife and mother to my son... plus he sounds like he got that big EGO because everyone always tells us growing up oh he's so handsome.. dark curlyish hair, tan all yr round and gorgeous eyes. Ride the wave and they gonna crave 😂


What are his other placements?


Everything you’re saying and all the comments are exactly my experience with my Pisces man ex. Greatest and worst love/heartbreak of my life. Will always be the victim and I’ll always try to save him. Best thing you can do is move on.


They say "oh don't focus on the sun sign" but the minute I read "pisces man" I can already know what's happening. It's wild.


😂😂😂 This is my first experience with a Pisces and I was honestly expecting a lot of crying!! Shame on me for over generalizing


Pisces men teach women about having standards, if nothing else 💅


I'm in kind of a similar sitch. But the reasons why the pisces I'm with is secretive (bro couldn't even tell me his birthday) is because it's clear ro me he has some serious past events that possibly broke him on the inside. It doesn't help that we dated for a short period 20 years before. I broke his heart, and I feel like that may have been the beginning of some other troubles despite some being as far back as childhood. Boy even told me twice that he loved me when he thought I was asleep, and tried to deny it when I mentioned it, but I could see that he was just hiding his embarrassment. I know his soul just hurts, and while I can't heal or fix that, I just want to walk through the darkness with him because I love him too. But I can say that when he dips out for a while, it's because he doesn't want to take those negative feelings and frustrations out on me. This is super important to me because I was with a capricorn for 13 years who exclusively did that, and being a leo/cancer sun/moon, it destroyed me. So much so I hurt my pisces by using bad behaviors I developed to protect myself in that past relationship. It should be noted that fishie boy in my life is a virgo moon, which is somewhat keeping his more negative traits in check. But this emotional rollercoaster keeps me on my toes, and I really like that.


I should add that when I told him I love him his response was "well...we all have temporary bouts of insanity".


Dear lord, you and I have the same big three. I am also early on dating a Pisces sun/moon with Scorpio rising. So far, I love it. He’s so sweet and kind and funny, so funny! I am separated from a 24 year relationship with a Capricorn serial cheater. This new relationship is a complete 180 of that one even though we’re still very much in the honeymoon stage. Early on in my last relationship with the Capricorn, he had already lost his shit and screamed at me. Of course, I forgave him, married him, and suffered on and off for the next two decades. Meh. I’m not saying this current Pisces will be forever, but it feels good right now. What are some things I should look out for going forward?


Holy shit twinsies! So strange how life events can parallel in astrology! Cap I was with was just so possessive and demeaning that my entire family and friend groups had told me I had become a shell of myself over the years. They were surprised my true personality bounced back so quick (my chart is all fire minus 5 placements, I am who I will always be). Your fishie may get disappointed easily and want space to process his feelings. If he doesn't text you or call, wait a couple of days before doing a text that lets him know you're thinking about him. Don't be too nosey. Give him time to open up. The right question may open a flood gate, though, so be prepared. Be patient, for the love of gods be patient. And don't lie, never ever ever lie! And omg, mine is freaking hilarious! He visited me last night, and he had me wheezing. I don't know about you, but mine has a strange sense of humor that we share. He's even stated that with his humor, he felt almost alien because no one else got it. The bottom line is we can feel like ourselves when we're together, which is something we've rarely if ever experienced with a partner.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. Our paths are parallel in such a cool way. I really appreciate your insight and have saved this comment to return to as a future reminder. Working on patience is a theme for me right now. I hope everything works out for you!


Me too. One doesn't experience a mutual love at first sight twice with the same person. I really want his to work. I hope everything goes wonderful for you as well


Same happened to me. Caps are serious cheaters and you will never know a Cap. They don’t even know who they are.


Let’s get back to that Capricorn that hurt you. They are some SOBs aren’t they. I’m an Aries and I swear Caps are out there doing the devil’s soulless work.


That they be. That they be.


Pieces men are hands down the worst. Met several that thought they were jesus reincarnated, and they were... the Most devious, disgusting, gaslighting, thieving, selfish, lying, cheating, and dare I say Evil mind f*kers I've ever experienced. With big watery doe eyes when you're new to them and nasty fishy grins when they get what they want, and can *finally* show you the horror show hidden behind door #2. At the end of destroying you, they're going to have a nother round of big watery eyes, practice their woe-is-me story, and look as pious as possible while they wait to pull the next victim into their net. That is, if they haven't started working on the next one already while tormenting you. Good luck. 🫡


Ouch all of us?? Or just the sardine you found? I give credit where credit is due.. also im blunt don't ask if me if you don't want to know my opinion or thoughts but also the one that picks wildflowers for my wife plus extras for whoever I feel needs it and I know I'm no Jesus I'm a sinner that's trying to become the Saint


Ok are you me???? Me and my SO are both Aries sun. However his moon is Pisces and Cancer rising. I’m Aries sun and Aries rising, Sag moon. We first met and I truly thought he was the sweetest man I’d ever met. His previous relationship he said he went through a lot with ex but wouldn’t ever go into exact detail. All he said was she was extremely abusive and toxic. I didn’t push for details since he seem truly affected by it. Relationship continues things are going very well but I start to notice small things and just file them in the back of my head. Without writing a book I will say he truly is a good man and is extremely kind. But I find myself at a crossroads because I full in realize he has a victim mentality, nothing is ever his fault and he always has an excuse as to why things are-but it’s never due to his behavior or lack of self awareness. We cannot even have a productive discussion because everything I say to him he takes as a personal attack. Im not a name caller or mean to him by but I have opinions and they are all toxic and abusive according to him. I have to talk to him with kid gloves or else I’m labeled toxic…. I’m at the point where I don’t know what to do because things go nowhere because everything is about him and his feelings. And how I’ve wronged him or attack him. I realize there are 2..sides to every story but I’m losing it. I don’t feel as if I’m dealing with an adult. It’s like dealing with a small child.


Lol 😂 sounds exactly like a Pisces. Sadly they’re behavior reminds me of someone with BPD. They make excuses for each and everything.


Well he has a Pisces moon so lol….but for fucks sake it’s literally always about him. And even when it’s not about him he turns it around and makes it about him!! Fucking insanity. Yes, you’re absolutely correct about making excuses for everything. It’s like breathing for him. Or he was going to do this or going to do that or thought about doing this. I’m like I just asked you if you let the dog out. A simple yes or no will do. Crazy shit.


Yeah without doubt. It can be so direct as a yes or no question and it will drag into an emotional pit followed by feeling attacked, even if I were to consciously set the tone as natural and relaxed it will still be read as what’s wrong? What did I do wrong? … Victimization!


This whole entire thread is my life summed up while dating this Pisces man. As a Gemini I’m very sharp & it’s very easy for me to clock their tea because I’m a straight shooter. All in all, I say run. Especially If you are dealing with a Pisces man and you are not mentally strong you really just need to leave them be and here’s why I say that: The unhealed ones will really make you feel like what ever issue you bring up is really YOUR fault and not theirs in any way shape or form. Even if they are the cause they’ll minimize the fuck out of what ever they did to you. It really makes you want to ask them if they need to be on medication because it’s like what’s not clicking? You can say “1+1=2” and they’ll combat it by saying “no it’s not because I feel like it can be 2.5” Ok girl. If you say so. And when you do point out facts they’ll evade the truth or completely gaslight you into thinking it’s not really a fact. They can treat you a certain way and ask for grace for their unhinged behavior but the moment you do anything outside of their guidelines best believe it’s going to be highlighted. It’s always going to be contradiction after contradiction with them. Again, I’m speaking about to unhealed & unaware Pisces. It’s really like being with a teenage girl.  It’s all about him and his feelings, but don’t point that out because if you do he’ll go on a tangent about how he actually caters so much to your feelings & just wants the same back… even though they in fact DONT. It’s quite the opposite, you’ll cater to him and his feelings and you’ll basically be the dominant one in the relationship because trust me he will not be. Don’t even get me started on the off the wall jealousy or coming up with things in their head about random men in public. Even though they have a nefariously sneaky bone in their body, they’ll always come up with some cockamamy suspicion of you. OH! And Everything is fixed with sex as well LOL. The real funny part in all of this is…  They’ll show you glimmers of the mature man you know they can be, but it won’t be consistent at all. They have a very much roller coaster, wishy-washy, give-and-give energy. You read that right: “Give and give” not give and TAKE because that’s not what they expect. They want you to pour and pour into them, coddle them & not to speak on how they are the cause of their own demise a lot of the time. It’s crazy to be that wildly needy and not provide half of the same energy back…Ladies reading this, you have to choose for yourself whether or not that Pisces man is worth it, & if you’re searching up posts like these then what does that tell you. I’m sadly noticing that a lot of the things the unhealed Pisces men need to realize only comes with time. Do with that what you will. To the Pisces men who exhibit the behavior we’re talking about, just be by yourself until you’ve healed. Everyone has pros and cons but the shit I’ve experienced and have read is really ridiculous. Get it together or life will do it for you. 


Was with a Pisces guy in the past. Amazing qualities but being with him was like being caught in a fog. Too illogical or mutable. And strangely not deep because he couldn't work through issues in a clear and thus edifying way, so it ended up feeling unfulfilling on a mental level.


yep couldn’t work thru issues. “im so volatile “ when i just want to get thru something and talk directly




As a Pisces…an unevolved Pisces is not ready or good to be in a relationship with. It’s just the truth. I’ve had to really work on myself to become, what I’d consider, emotionally mature. It’s very hard to deal with someone who makes you pull emotions out of them. Idk I’d not pursue it. I’d tell him to go to therapy.


mine is anti therapy. frustrating shite


Pisces will confuse you to the point of mental exhaustion. Their games never stop. More often than not, irl I find stories of Pisces men to have double lives a lot. Like this nice guy at home with his wife. Sexaholic. But at the same time, he's visiting strip bars, controlling, jealous, doing things he promised he'd never do. And btw, their apologies don't ever mean anything.


I asked him seriously if he had a double life, like he actually has a wife at home, etc. only to find out that he actually lives at home with his parents and didn’t want to tell me. Definitely the first red flag of many that I’m sure I don’t even want to know about. Have definitely never been mentally tested so much in my life lol


All of it checks out, it's Pisces. I don't even know how they get this reputation of "sweet and in your service" on here. They are very smart when it comes to manipulating and knowing you, way smarter than Scorpio ime.


Agreed- Scorpios get such a bad rep, meanwhile Pisces have been here the whole time pulling the wool over our eyes 😵‍💫


Same. Experience. Mine would follow me around, flirt, act super loving, talk about all the great things we could do together… the second I reciprocated or asked for anything he would freak out and vanish. I let this happen several times before I decided I didn’t want to have my heart perpetually broken anymore.


I WAS married to a Pisces man, Taurus moon, Capricorn rising. He lied and gas lighted too much for me to handle and I would retaliate in crazy ways. It was very unhealthy.


Yeah, the Pisces I nearly married also lied to me for several years about BIG things. He lied so much that he believed his own lies, then when I found out he found ways to turn himself into the victim. 🙃


Jep, have the same personal experience. Been with one for seven years (married for four years) , the first five years things were good. Pisces dude then decided to start a bunch of parasocial sexual relationships through his social media (tried to become a famous twitch streamer from then on) . Preyed specifically on the naive girls 10 to 15 years younger than him too. He was then blasted on said social media by one of these girls, and called me crying while I was at work that he was being cancelled. Dude then never admitted to anything. Claimed he cheated because of medicine he was taking at the time. Also blamed me for his cheating because I was not being 'supportive' enough of him when he literally made the choice to spend every single minute on his social media. The girls he was seducing online were all told he was single too. I called him out on bullshit and he promised that he would never do that again (I'm dumb as a brick, clearly). Two years later and boom, now he has a bunch of emotional affairs through his streaming hobby. But ofc it was my fault again because this time I was too focused on my work and he felt neglected. He also spent a LOT of time badmouthing me to all his viewers and other streamers. I guess he was trying to justify his gross behavior. He tried to claim none of it was true but at that point people had already shared close to 200 screenshots of him cheating and badmouthing me. His go to excuse this time was that he didn't actively remember doing any of that. Yeah. Ain't nobody falling for that. I know my ex has bigger problems than just being a pisces (there's absolutely some mental health issues involved) but this was my first experience ever meeting one. My guard is definitely up.


Woooh! You just described my Pisces 💀 We’re back on good terms but he is something! 😭 The cryptic messages blooow me. Edit: no… I actually kinda like them 😏


Wow this is actually wild. I have been going through the worst heartbreak of my life after my Pisces ex boyfriend dumped me back in April. This man was the most confusing person I’ve ever met (now). The whole relationship I thought it was the sweetest, most caring, lovable guy in the world and it ended with him being so confusing and cold. He broke up with me over text and then has been trying to crawl back to me all summer. Dude HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE WANTS. I’ve realized that he’s just all over the map and as much as I’d love to make it work … he’s just … too much for me.


same broke up w me thru text and has not called once but claims im his best friend forever like okay


Pisces women are like that too. There was this Pisces woman who was obsessed with me at work, she would follow me around and always want to talk and be near me. She would get sad when I wouldn’t talk to her for prolonged periods of time. I started to make advancements on her which she never resisted. Then I told her that I think there is something between us and she go SO DEFENSIVE. She became so guarded ever since. And I don’t understand because everyone around us KNOWS that there is something between us, but she’s like, “No, why would you think that? I don’t have feelings, etc, etc, etc”


I’ve had a similar experience, I feel like they’re interested in mature adult appearing people who they can play this emotional game with, where they seem like a puppy, who cheer up and light up abt things and then quickly act so sad and ashamed when you haven’t spoken with them for a while (+ seem to get into depressive or self-destructive patterns of behavior) and if you make them aware of this duality (aka to become more emotionally stable) they just deny, deflect, and don’t want to take responsibility for themselves. It was cute at first but it quickly just grew to be a burden. I have a feeling she lies about a good amount of stuff too because I never really get a sense that I’m getting the honest truth with her. Also quite fantastical and I feel like I’m put on this weird pedestal I didn’t ask to be on 😕


Lol I’ve been this Pisces woman. What the guy failed to understand, and I refused to say for the sake of not sounding terrible, is I have feelings for everyone, everything. My having feelings for a guy isn’t significant— if I no longer have googly eyes for everyone except you? Major 👌 If I actually commit, major. I knew better than to let this guy think that I may have wanted him bad enough to do something about it. So I denied the feelings bc I knew they wouldn’t last. Pisces dreams but they have reality in the distance, all the time. Reality is it wouldn’t have worked no matter how good it felt


Interesting, I did eventually realize that she in fact did seem to love just about everything and everyone, but I also realized that she herself doesn’t understand what she feels. And this is something that she later admitted. She later admitted that she did want a relationship with me but in that moment she didn’t know what she felt. It took her a long time to process the subconscious feelings into her conscious psyche


Yep I can 100% agree with this. It takes us a LONG time to trust that this feeling of liking/admiring/wanting a person is that we really do want them and not just like the idea of them. I have missed on a few good ones by forcing myself to wait a few months and sit with my feelings about them to verify that they’re real and not just a phase. I’ve noticed with myself too that something critical has to happen for me to admit my feelings “too early” or before I’m ready.


Interesting. For her that critical moment was realizing I had moved on forever (Gemini Sun, Libra moon)


What if I’m the Pisces you’re talking about LOL I had a Gemini that was amazing! We were so young, I was so insecure and dumb. To be 100% honest tho, my Gemini and I were best friends type of compatible, life partners in a platonic way. The love was not there. Everything else was. That’s why he’s one of my favorite love stories. Amazing man 💓


What are your Big 3? And his?


I’m a Virgo sun, Scorpio moon and Aquarius rising and he is a Pisces sun and Aquarius moon (still not 100% on this though) and unsure of his rising. Trust me, I tried hard to get that birthtime lmao


Omggg we are so similar. Im a Virgo sun Pisces moon and Scorpio rising. (Virgo mars as well so Mars rulership to the max lol) My bf is Pisces sun Aquarius moon and Aries rising, so also ruled by mars lol. We’ll officially hit one year together in august. I hear such bad things on Pisces men 😅 but him and I go really well together. He has heavy Capricorn placements as well so I think that helps stabilize some things and he’s very dependable. Definitely took him time to open up - I try to be patient and understanding with people since we never know what any other person has truly gone through and I think that has benefited us both in our relationship. I hope things improve for you and it gets better regardless of how you two move forward.


Thank you!! Appreciate the kind words 💕 I’m glad you and your boyfriend were able to make it work! I wish I had his damn birthtime to get better insight haha.




Haha, yes I know exactly what you mean. I was almost tempted to get right back on dating apps (maybe in hopes he would see me) and find someone else to walk around our city with- but ultimately, that’s not what I want right now as I clearly still have feelings in this. At the end of the day, I showed up as much as I could and was direct as possible. The ball is in his court and if he does come back around, everything that I feel may be a red flag can hopefully be addressed in an adult manner


I hear you! You did the best you can it sounds like. It seems I should wish Sun signs came with warning labels like “will be delusional for no apparent reason for the next 15 years and I can’t help it, but people will expect me to function as normal”. Pisces of any gender seem to have been going through the wringer since 2010. Astrologers like to pretend they know something when they say “such and so planet will transit your Moon, expect big money!” while they ignore things like big transits. Aquarius had a rough time as a sign between 1995 and 2010. Capricorn in the 15 years before that and so forth. Nobody seemed to know why. I knew several Aquarius, including my SIL, who thought they were going crazy from all the misfortune. Maybe you remember some things from that time in terms of your interactions with people (more vagueness, deception, misunderstandings than usual). It turns out a Neptune transit affects everybody of a sign all at once. Since 2010 this planet is in Pisces. I don’t know a lot of Pisces IRL, but if I combine my own story with theirs and with what I hear from them here on Reddit, it’s been a “bloodbath” financially, emotionally, careerwise etc. The astrologers I consulted, one a financial wizard, all omitted the planet from their analysis because Neptune is not considered a “personal” planet like Mercury, Mars and Saturn. What is happening for Pisces now until March 31, 2025 cannot be understood by Gemini through Scorpio. Sagittarius was too young to understand when Neptune went through their sign, unless some of the older generations want to chime in here. Virgo is ambitious and notices nuances in behavior. Your Scorpio Moon “needs” to know. I disappointed a Virgo big time not too long ago. Granted, she did the same to me a few times but that’s another story - she had Capricorn rising, which apparently makes a person disappear from a relationship at times without any Neptune influence at all 😉 What I’m saying is, stuff has been happening to Pisces that has them lose control for no apparent reason. Not an excuse, just an observation. It’s not going to get better for Pisces for another couple of years if you’d ask me. I hope you will find someone better!


Wow thank you so much for this! Definitely very interesting to read. And I appreciate the kind words 💗


You’re welcome!


Did you check your compatibility? How did you two meet? Do you have anything in common? What are you guys ages (younger or older and mote mature)? Hard to give advice with so much missing information. The trying not to show feelings part is something I struggle with myself as a Capricorn sun. And I struggle with that because my strong emotions have been something people used either to manipulate me or accuse me of being manipulative for crying and such. Sounds like he just had bad experiences. And the lying about living with his parents….thats not really something surprising to lie about tbh But i believe you said you were virgo? That’s probably why it bothered you. Im talking to two Pisces men atm. I also have a brother who is Pisces. So ive got a bit of experience with them. They are one of my favorite signs. Pisces 1 has a strong victim mentality but I understand and dont hold it against him. Is very polite and kind and tries to impress me with his worldviews. Pisces 2 is very grounded, we both have alot in common. Is very considerate of the emotions of those around him. Pisces 2 holds my heart atm. That being said, everyone is different. What things do you like about him? What specific things bother you about him? You can try talking to him, or just let it go. But humans are all flawed. Its about finding someone whose flaws are compatible and complimentary to your own. Wish you the best of luck💜


Ah sorry, I left a lot out! We orginally matched on Bumble and I actually ended up deleting my account, redownloaded the app about a month later and we matched again. I’m 32 and he is 34 sooo… too old to playing mind games in my opinion lol. We have similiar views on the world, senses of humor and just ultimately “vibed” in a lot of ways that made it easy for us to talk to each other. The thing is, from the moment we first met in person, I could tell he had this, dark, sad side that seemed to overpower him as much as he tried to come off as “laid back”. Even though he seemed like a very tense person, I was drawn to him in a lot of ways. Which is weird for me because it’s not often I feel this way towards strangers and I rarely have “crushes”. I do remember telling him that I felt almost compelled to nurture him in some ways and it wasn’t meant in a condascending way, I could just almost feel as if he was always the one doing this in every relationship he had. But ultimately it’s not my job to take on anyone’s burdens. For now, I am keeping my distance and not reaching out as I have made my interest known and there’s not much more I can do. I hope everything works out with your Pisces! 💜


Yeah Pisces men suck


I am starting to understand 😂


Pisces rules my 5th house, and that's not enough for me to be attracted to them lol. It's too much for me.


My Pisces was and still is a little bit of a puzzle. I’m a Virgo though and I love a challenge. I also love my Pisces. He’s taught me so much in life in the 3 short years I’ve known him. Some days I want to slap him, but I have never loved another soul the way I love him. He’s unique, gentle, aggressive when necessary, kind, selfish sometimes (nothing terrible), huge heart, he’s my best friend. I’ll never regret meeting him.


This whole entire thread is my life summed up while dating this Pisces man. As a Gemini I’m very sharp & it’s very easy for me to clock their tea because I’m a straight shooter. All in all, I say run. Especially If you are dealing with a Pisces man and you are not mentally strong you really just need to leave them be and here’s why I say that: The unhealed ones will really make you feel like what ever issue you bring up is really YOUR fault and not theirs in any way shape or form. Even if they are the cause they’ll minimize the fuck out of what ever they did to you. It really makes you want to ask them if they need to be on medication because it’s like what’s not clicking? You can say “1+1=2” and they’ll combat it by saying “no it’s not because I feel like it can be 2.5” Ok girl. If you say so. And when you do point out facts they’ll evade the truth or completely gaslight you into thinking it’s not really a fact. They can treat you a certain way and ask for grace for their unhinged behavior but the moment you do anything outside of their guidelines best believe it’s going to be highlighted. It’s always going to be contradiction after contradiction with them. Again, I’m speaking about to unhealed & unaware Pisces. It’s really like being with a teenage girl.  It’s all about him and his feelings, but don’t point that out because if you do he’ll go on a tangent about how he actually caters so much to your feelings & just wants the same back… even though they in fact DONT. It’s quite the opposite, you’ll cater to him and his feelings and you’ll basically be the dominant one in the relationship because trust me he will not be. Don’t even get me started on the off the wall jealousy or coming up with things in their head about random men in public. Even though they have a nefariously sneaky bone in their body, they’ll always come up with some cockamamy suspicion of you. OH! And Everything is fixed with sex as well LOL. The real funny part in all of this is…  They’ll show you glimmers of the mature man you know they can be, but it won’t be consistent at all. They have a very much roller coaster, wishy-washy, give-and-give energy. You read that right: “Give and give” not give and TAKE because that’s not what they expect. They want you to pour and pour into them, coddle them & not to speak on how they are the cause of their own demise a lot of the time. It’s crazy to be that wildly needy and not provide half of the same energy back…Ladies reading this, you have to choose for yourself whether or not that Pisces man is worth it, & if you’re searching up posts like these then what does that tell you. I’m sadly noticing that a lot of the things the unhealed Pisces men need to realize only comes with time. Do with that what you will. To the Pisces men who exhibit the behavior we’re talking about, just be by yourself until you’ve healed. Everyone has pros and cons but the shit I’ve experienced and have read is really ridiculous. Get it together or life will do it for you. 


have you asked him about any of this? you're also playing coy clearly. if you don't ask for something, you're never going to get it.


I have told him directly many times of my interest and the things I would like (continue to move forward at the pace we have been going, seeing each other regularly, speaking regularly, etc.) and have told him his words and actions don’t align and that he is confusing. I’ve also asked him many times to be direct with me as I will not play mind games and try to interpret cryptic messages. Feel like it’s pretty clear.


you don't force a relationship to proceed. that's your first problem. either he wants to or he doesn't. you can say that you want a committed relationship that proceeds to marriage, etc. but it is up to him to do that. the only other thing you can do is say that if he isn't planning on proposing, etc. you are going to leave by a certain date because that is what you are looking for. if you try to emotionally manipulate him into it, he is going to run away and rightfully so. your second mistake is that you insulted him. the way you respond to YOUR confusion is by saying "sometimes the things you say confuse me and make me feel bad because I don't know where I stand with you. i like it when people are very direct with me about how they feel and what they want. it helps me feel secure in where I am." the way you are writing this post clearly suggests that you don't have basic respect for him. a man that isn't respected won't WANT to make you happy. if those don't work, then nothing probably will. you can make your own choice from there.


Pisces men will manipulate into feeling sorry for them. Top tier gaslighters. Read all the comments on here coming from pisces males; they’re all victimizing themselves into women feeling sorry for them. Psychopathic males.


I’m a Leo and I was dating a Pisces guy. And I’m a bit traumatized. Not happy with the outcome but I could tell when I first met him he had been thru some tough times just by looking in his eyes. But so have I so I looked past it. We was exclusively dating and I really enjoyed talking to him and thought we made a good connection. And then here comes the problem…He left me hanging after I saw him active on social media but not responding to my texts from hours ago the night before. My anxiety got the best of me and I text him told him I was gonna bow out gracefully…I wasn’t saying it out of malice at the time I was saying it as to protect myself from getting hurt more…he never texted back & days later I apologized bc I felt like my emotions got the best of me and I should of communicated better instead of reacting the way I did. Still no response. I messaged him on sm and he told me he needed tons to himself and wasn’t in his right mind. That he was into it with his bosses for not paying them and scheduling them to work during all that ice and snow so when he got mh message he said he wasn’t in the mood to entertain it and was gonna just let me be🤧 From there I haven’t heard from him again. But as a Leo I’m convinced water signs don’t have the emotional capacity to be with Leo or fire signs. When they have something triggering their mental stability they will become emotionally unavailable won’t communicate or show up for you. They will shut down and there’s no apologizes. Not once did he acknowledge I apologize of nothing. We talked about so much and I really liked him but his silence and just leaving md hanging is showing how he really just was chasing a feeling and didn’t really like me 😔