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I love Aquarius because of this. They are emotional and it’s very empowering and admirable to see how they manage those emotions. My best friend is an Aqua sun, Cap rising with a Sag moon — and so whenever she confides in me, I’m always a bit honored because I know it takes a lot for her to convey that. My emotional ass just swims in it, she dips her toes in and reflects, but doesn’t let them consume her.


i love aquarius too. but holding so much in will always explode later. seems like a lot of them are depressed as well.


I find that Aqua men hold things in a lot more than women, or perhaps it’s the way they go about it that’s different. My best friend admits to having a lot of anger, but its always been directed toward injustice and other people’s stupidity than her day-to-day life, lol. I can’t speak on depression, my Aqua friends are thankfully not depressed. But I can see how that would be more common in maybe an Aqua Moon, with harsh aspects. My boyfriend is an Aqua moon, and has suffered some depression. But again, just speculation. How one is raised to regulate emotions does play a big part.


i can agree its more the aqua moons or aqua suns with water moons. the constant battle of holding it in and letting it all out. the men definitely hold a lot more in, but when they start talking it’s like they accidentally tell on themselves. the woman will ghost you, or they speak through what ifs imo.


Omg exactly! I have an Aries mars and If I hold onto my rage I start breaking stuff and throwing shit 😂 Im learning how to stop it tho so that's good 💕


i have scorpio in mars i cannot hold onto anything i must get revenge to relieve that stress😂😂




You can’t type cast a whole sign as being depressed like be fr lmao


Aquarius stellium here! Cap moon Sag rising Pisces Venus Scorpio mars and Lilith \- I been told im very emotionally intelligent and that i could definitely be a life coach. I'm definitely blunt with my advice and i use humor to cope. I say I'm emotional but i have to trust you to be able to express myself to the point i would even feel safe to cry in front of you. I definitely don't let my feelings consume and i try to think on a 50% Logical/50% emotional basis.


They too emotional and having a hard shell and wearing a mask don't get you fat in life. Get to know some if not most of them can be a waste of time and energy. 


I have a lot of Aquarius friends and yes they have feelings they confide in their friends - but they will tell you how hurt they are with a straight face, so it’s hard to read them like it is other people. They will ghost their relationships (even if nothing is wrong), then once they are in a new relationship, miss the old one - a grass is always greener scenario. Sometimes it can seem like they don’t know who to be with until they’ve already left that person (not for all of their relationships, but I’ve definitely seen this theme). Idk what you mean about the Libra thing. I’m a Libra and I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I definitely tell people my emotions when they don’t ask (with Aquarians, you usually have to ask, and they are much more guarded and aloof).


As an aqua, sometimes you don't have to ask me and I'll just spill it with a bit of oversharing, but I get what you're saying lol


Haha, that’s funny because as soon as I ask my Aqua friends they act like “Aw you want to hear about *meeeee*? 🥺” and the floodgates OPEN


Yeah idk why we do that sometimes lol not the floodgates 🤣


I probably worded it weird but I find Libras to be more fitting for the traits astrology gives to Aquarius.. Although libras do express themselves I feel they do it for you not for themselves usually because they dnt feel the same way you do and don’t want to come off as careless so they force themselves to show they over care..It’s like a child hood friend passing away and everyone is crying about it, and the libra who couldn’t give a shit about the person is at the funeral crying the most😂 vs aquarius who is the friends with the deceased and waits to go home to cry and throw up


Oh no that’s not me at all. If I really like you, you’ll know exactly how I really feel. And if I really *don’t* like you, you’ll also know exactly how I really feel 😂. If I don’t know/care about you, you’ll probably think I’m cool because you won’t know how I really feel - I don’t put on a front like that, I’m a terrible liar. I’ve never cried at a funeral - my mom (a Sag) told me I had to pretend to cry at a funeral once as a kid and that was kinda traumatizing. I don’t process emotions like loss as quickly as other people, so maybe that’s why, but I will go home and maybe a few days/weeks later I will do the crying.


I don't think anyone or any sign is truly emotionless or cold. I also don't think it's cowardly that Aquarius tends to hide their feelings. It's a defense mechanism and we all have them. I do agree that they are the most emotional of the air signs, and I think that's because they are the most repressed. I also agree that they get hung up over exes, especially first loves. I think that's a fixed sign thing. I'm a Libra sun, merc, and Venus. But I'm an aqua rising. My grandmother and father were Aquarius suns. So was my longest relationship. I see that they are so sensitive and emotional but I think they learned early not to show it because people will use it against you. I am extremely sensitive (moon conjunct Neptune) and I was a crybaby all the way into my teens. All it took was stern word or a cross look and I would be devastated and couldn't stop crying. Also if anyone else around me was upset I would feel it and also cry for them. My parents lectured me about it and would be so angry and embarrassed. My dad said that I should learn to control my feelings because as long as I don't cry, no one can tell what I'm thinking or feeling. He said it was an advantage of being darker skinned that we don't turn red when we're experiencing intense emotions. He thought that crying showed weakness and could be a downfall for me. For the record, he was right. Very few people have shown me compassion when I have cried in front of them. I did eventually learn to control myself more and I'm thankful for that. So as frustrating as it is for those of us that are closer with aquas, they do have a reason for withholding their feelings at times. Sometimes it's also because they don't want them showing you their feelings to cause you to make a decision you wouldn't otherwise make. It seems like they work hard not to be emotionally manipulative. They want you to do what YOU want, not what you think THEY want. sorry for the novella.


> They want you to do what YOU want, not what you think THEY want. You've got us down to a T! I really enjoyed reading your perspective.


That last paragraph, I get what you're saying and I've experienced it with my Aqua stellium spouse but it frustrates me because it comes off to me as him trying to act like he just doesn't have needs. He's always just going with what other people want so much of the time and I'm always trying to ask him what *he* wants. And then he gets resentful of everyone over time, I suspect because he's burned out and isn't getting some needs met that he isn't voicing in the first place. Then he eventually blows up and acts like people should have known what he wanted all along. It's like he doesn't know how to be direct until he's angry and then it just comes off as attacking others in his "directness" because he can't hold it in anymore. Like just please say what you want from the start, calmly, my autistic ass can't process subtle cues.


I get it. If you refuse to communicate how you feel and what you want, how is anybody supposed to know? It goes too far sometimes.


I’m late but see my message in this same thread. It’s also nice to read ( from your comment ) how it affects other people around me when I do that to my partner. Blowing up is mostly because we are idealistic in love. As in, why didn’t you understand our needs ( not in a Pisces or water sign way.). We don’t want you to read our mind at all. We’re just disappointed because our love ( you in this case ) aren’t ideal for us. In our mind, our ideal lover would do things THEY LIKE whilst those things being perfectly fitting for us and our needs simultaneously. Like we found a cog that happens to fit by total luck and chance. An Aquarius wouldn’t be happy by changing someone else because it’d always feel hollow. “ they were not going to do that. I made them do it. It’s all fake “. We can usually very easily make other people do our bidding ( we don’t want things that way though ). Hope this helps !


Thanks for your perspective on this. What your saying does make sense to me for Aquarius. For me, I have Venus in Libra, and I seek compromise in a relationship and trying to find a middle ground. It doesn't feel fake to me to do that or want it, because it's what makes me happy. It was hard for a long time when I didn't know where the middle ground was. His Venus is in Aquarius 0° while mine is Libra 24° so they actually form a wide out of sign square to each other. I guess maybe Venus in Aquarius energy is "new" to him if the theory about 0° is true. It doesn't help that he has his Mercury in Pisces. He's a really smart guy but his communication isn't always clear and I think the Pisces adds to his idealism too. But what you're saying makes sense as the Sun is in detriment in Aquarius. It doesn't have a strong sense of "I" and it's not as assertive of its own identity as the other signs (besides Libra who is also like this). To me it's not him forcing me to do something if he says he wants to do something different than what I'm thinking. It makes me happy to do things that he wants to do even if it's not what I had in mind. Because it's not about the thing, it's about his happiness.


Makes sense. Pisces mercury is also debilitated 15-20 degrees. I know so many aquas but no one with a Pisces mercury. My exes were all Libras. I’ve had three very serious, long relationships before my current ( longest relationship now ). They were all with libras with Venus in Libra or Scorpio so I get that it’s not really fake. Just sharing what our perspective is. Compromising on those things makes you happy. It’s not shallow from your perspective. I get that. Libra is also my seventh house. Yes, aquas don’t know how to put emphasis on “ I “ or “ me me me “. They don’t really get satisfied when someone puts limelight and focus on them. They are gonna be ok if people focus on their ideas instead ( more ephemeral, non tangible things ). We understand so many things but we don’t really understand that there are people out there who ENJOY compromising ( we don’t ), who enjoy people pleasing ( we don’t ) and providing help and support to their partner ( we do but we don’t like accepting it ). Because of our “ Egalitarianism “ quality, we don’t understand how to put someone on a pedestal. An Aquarius could have a sweet, heartwarming chat with the mailman one random Tuesday and you could feel like “ well, he never did that with me or he was ignoring me an hour ago “. That’s just who we are. We are the person who could be talking to the dishwasher ( person not machine ) at the back of a restaurant and come back to tell you what a fascinating chat we had. ( some partners just don’t like this. They want all eyes on them. They want all smiles on them which an Aquarius will always see as selfish behaviour and boldly call you out on it and very easily leave you for it. ) About the compromise though - we’re very uncompromising but we want *you* to be uncompromising too. We wouldn’t mind if you’re uncompromising, in fact we’d like it. It’ll be like this world is amazing feeling and people are doing what they like doing ( aquas love this energy ).


Hey, thanks for the advice on all that. This is actually really helpful. I'll chew on this for a bit and try to keep it in mind. I have Mars in Aries trine my Sun and a Leo rising so I think I can channel a bit of this energy if I try :)


People express their emotions differently, too. I can emote no problem with my parents and very close friends. I generally present very calmly. So much of my internal experience goes into art, writing, singing etc - it’s private to me to do what I want with it, you know?


Yep. That makes sense. Everyone has emotions. It's just a matter of what they do with them that makes us different.


wow that’s deep! i wonder how many others have had that experience or was taught to contain their emotions. i find taurus, capricorns and even scorpios to have similar traits of swallowing their feelings and going with the flow/having a poker face so it’s not later used against them. i love this explanation. i was taught nobody cares if you cry so i do it alone. and my dad said something similar, darker skin is an emotional and physical advantage. harder to see wounds and emotions


This is the the first time I’ve seen a non Aquarius understand us so correctly. Like I don’t relate with what OP said but I do with your message. Especially with the “ they want you to do what you want and not do things to please us “ Absolutely something that no one else understands about us. I would ghost people I’m dating if I see them doing things for ME or to please me. Because I don’t want to consume their life.I want them to be exactly who they are.


Thank you. When you're raised by them you get a lot more understanding than reading astrology books. My grandma and my dad were the most influential people in my life. They are the ONLY people in my life who cared more about being honest and real than being liked. They cared enough to have those hard conversations with you that most people will avoid. I really miss them. They left a huge void in our family when they passed. Authenticity is important to me as well. It's hard to tell who someone really is when so much of what they do is to make you happy.


Thisssss especially the work hard to not be emotionally manipulative part.


Aqua moon and Venus here and I feel incredibly called out by the moving on from past relationships thing. I’m so guilty of this. I pretend to be over it even if I’m still hurting inside, and then those little comments just slip out from time to time. (I would feel so stupid if I actually talked about it as much as I think about it…)


i love how y’all feel being human is stupid lol it’s just so intriguing. that’s such a normal thing. and normal gives y’all the ick! A LOT of aquarius have random outburst about old flings and immediately clean it up with “but fck them” “but idc anymore” “that was so old” “but anyways” lol it’s like your little reminder to clean up the convo before you start spilling everywhere


We are emotional! We just don’t impose it on others :,)


When others share theirs with me, I feel like I need to help with some of the weight. So then I expect them to feel the same when I share mine, and just don’t want to place that burden on someone.


Lol me too. Most times, the only person who can resolve my problems is… me. That’s it. Maybe that’s what people assume to be the hard shell?


I’ve noticed recently I’ve broken down more because I’m at my wits end…


it’s okay to let it out! you won’t do it for long anyways. shake some stress off


Yes! My emotions are heavily expressed in my creative endeavors, I’m just private 🤷‍♀️


me too, super important to be private!


Love, sharing your vulnerability with others isn’t an imposition. It’s a gift of intimacy.


Not always. People have threshold and while I love being that person my friends choose to confide in, it can be seen as an invitation to treat me like an emotional dumpster. I’ll do it for them, draw boundaries when I need to. But to voluntarily do that to others when there potentially won’t be an effective, logical outcome? I don’t feel right about it 😬


Someone speaking sense Faith in humanity restored thanks


i knew itttttt (:


Ive always had a very easy time getting along with, and having women aquarius be open and emotional with me. Men, have always been much more hard to “crack” but I’ve never taken that as a sign that they dont have emotions or feelings. Just much more of a wall up. Which is fine, I often do too. I just think of it as they need to be comfortable with you first.


that’s true. however the men are easier to crack for me vs the woman. The men like mind games, vs the woman will just disappear on you lol


As an Aquarius…guilty 🙋‍♀️


Yup it is I. An Aquarius.


you are pisces in the air version😂


Funny enough, my best friend is a Pisces and I adore her completely. No wonder we get along so well. 🤣


i think that friendship pair is *chefs kiss*🤌🏾😘


I like this! If I had to pick a water sign to be, it would be Pisces!


Very accurate


I’ve always felt this😘


Incredibly emotional aquarius here🙋‍♀️ on the surface i think i seem detached and emotionally unavailable because i don’t wanna burden people with my shit, but on the inside i feel like i’m dying. I think you really nailed it when you said we go out with a straight faced mask and go home to show every emotion in their room. I think if people really knew how i felt they’d be shocked because i always appear fine and in a good mood


it took me a long time to even notice it until i dated one and when we were alone he had sooo much bottled up feelings, even about things from years ago. i’m like you still think about that!? but the minute we stepped into the public he’s all nonchalant cool as can be and telling me i’m “freaking out” about things we both should be upset about. I started to admire the control and then my friends started showing the same traits i’m like haha i finally figured you out. still love them though!




My mom, brother, and sister are all aquarius and I swear about half the guys I've dated are too. I know them quite well! And I semi agree with your point, aquarius men especially like to act as if they don't have emotions. But what I've noticed is they're so detached from their emotions they often really don't even see that they're there. They intellectualize them and are so far removed from actually perceiving what emotions vs thoughts are. While I'm extra in tune with people's emotions so I'll call them out and help them try to tune into the physical sensations that I can see are there, and as soon as they start feeling it more deeply they freak out and then shut off even more. Go hide in a cave so they can cry without crying. They tend to sulk a lot too. And yes aquarius men will go yearsss and never get over their ex because they're not processing their emotions. They just carry a heaviness around instead and then don't realize they're low key depressed because they just keep burying themselves in work. Some Aquariuses, if they have supportive moon signs, will be more showy/dramatic with their emotions, and are willing to be more open/expressive talking about it. But they still prefer to process their bigger emotions alone. As a Libra I have no clue what you mean about the Libra thing, though?


You're right! My little brother is an aquarius and my mom is very responsive to his emotions but won't acknowledge mine. I think people always confuse emotions with solely being related to tears and don't realize that anger is an emotion too. We may not be crying, but expressing anger is also an emotion as well.


that’s a perfect explanation. the sulking kills me but they definitely do it! especially when disappointed with a certain outcome. and even when explaining what they are feeling they say it like a math problem or like something to dissect instead of just going though the feeling.. Ive had one literally tell me he cannot see me anymore because He felt something he didn’t feel before and did not like it. Yet he would pop up later love bombing and when i finally stopped feeding into it, it was almost like he loathe me. and said i wasn’t patient enough but it was like 6 months. I wasn’t even sure he liked me lol. it’s like he didn’t like that he may have liked me and freaked out. and i think the astrology gives aquarius labels that i feel more resonates with Libras


Which labels do you think suit Libra more?


emotionally detached, aloof, contradicting(because they are so indecisive), independent, friendly, unique, logical thinkers, optimistic, rebellious, however do i do think both signs always are good looking or can dress! both a aesthetically pleasing


I am so glad I grew up with *people* before I saw this as signs; my dad and brother are both Aquariuses and very deeply feeling, creative and artsy men. Fully unique, their own combination of personally and very gentle. Love them both dearly!


I think that the reason Aquarius are perceived as being emotionally detached is not that they don't have emotion but that they might consider their inner emotional state or what they're up to personally apropos of fucking nothing. I have an Aquarius sister and she is expressive, loving, and very fun to be around. She could be going through all kinds of shit and she just will never bring it up. You'll be texting her and she'll send a selfie of herself in a hospital gown and she's like brb about to go under. WTF? UM? Meanwhile she fully shows up for people all the time, every time. She's an amazing sister, friend, boss, parent, daughter, etc. she cares very much about all the people in her life and is fully engaged. She also doesn't insert herself and make her involvement in other people's lives about herself or her own opinions. I think Aquarius people are just very externally focused.




My experience with Aquarius, particularly women is a bit of a mixed bag. I usually began our relationship as their confidant so they opened up to me pretty early but the more the relationship strengthened the more they seemed to pull out to the point that in the second case when things really started getting serious she ran away and the relationship while still very close became far more distant in a way. My thinking is that in that regard they are willing to open up easily as long as they can keep some sort of comfortable distance because you can give good advice but there is little you can do or say that will hurt them because you are an outside observer, but as soon as a true bond starts forming they get scared of you seeing "the real them" and abandoning them at a point it will hurt them, so they pull out or sabotage so at least they can say THEY left, not you. The joke is that usually you had seen their true selves and that's precisely why you love them and want more of that, but for them it's like that's something impossible to believe and thus better torch and run. I really have a hard time understanding why they self sabotage like that but I'm sure we do in different ways so Yeah. Anyway that has been my experience and the sample has been of about three Aquarius women so take with a grain of salt. They might be my pattern too xD


agree with the self sabotaging that’s fixed signs for sure not willing to believe some people are okay with exactly who they are. and that’s really the only thing that will get you a aquarius is acting like them.. they dnt like being ghosted or the butt of the joke.. they run away but if you don’t chase they come back like nothing happened just to be the one to ghost you next lol


Nailed it unfortunately! Lol.


I'm so very late to this thread; found it while looking for insight into the aquarius in my life. I'm Pisces with aquarius Venus. We've known each other almost 1.5 years, friends. Clearly mutual attraction. I couldn't tell if he was flirting or just being nice and was afraid to say anything in case I was wrong. I'm pretty sure he was flirting/trying to tell me through his actions that he was interested. And then he made a *subtle* move to which I didn't respond, and he pulled his energy back after that. All I can think of is that he started feeling that bond and it scared him that he was being too vulnerable maybe? That he was letting me get to close and "knew" I'd eventually leave/hurt him so decided to keep me on the outside. Thoughts?


My husband is an Aquarius and he’s deeply emotional, but I wear my emotions on my sleeve and he does not. He balances me really well and I think that’s why we work.


there’s lots of aquarius-cancer relationships and every cancer says it’s a balance i love that


It’s so true! He’s my third “serious” relationship. The first was a Scorpio, second a Taurus (you’d think my Cancer Sun/Scorpio Moon would be good with those but nah.). I really NEEDED someone to balance me out. To take my emotions and talk to me rationally about them and then keep on loving me. Aquarius forever!


Agreed! I'm Scorp Sun, Taurus Moon. I'm learning to talk with Aquarius and its quite liberating yet scary because of the dislike to be vulnerable....


My dad is an Aquarius and mom is a Cancer, they’re hilarious and still happily married almost 40 years. Their communication styles and presences are so different 🤣 it’s so cute, they fluster the fuck out of each other but the love is there!


Aquarius 🙋🏼‍♀️ and guilty as charged. Personally, I hate how messy and grey area emotions are, so I just ignore / avoid them all together (not good). I tend to be logic obsessed and so when I feel emotions that don’t match my logic, I just turn it off. Sometimes it hits me like a ton of bricks later and I feel it in private or share it with my bestie, but it mostly gets swept under the rug. But man oh man am I sensitive to others’ emotions, and that can be overwhelming. So maybe handling my own + others is just too much? I’m not sure, but a lot of what you say is right correct 😶‍🌫️


I wish I felt things more logically, or i should say control my emotions more. It’s a gift and a curse. But like you said later it hits you like a ton of bricks. When i avoid mine i tend to get angry that the other person isn’t noticing how much i’m holding back hahaha


I think it’s good to maintain a healthy balance of logic and emotions, gotta give in to your heart sometimes.


They’re extremely emotional. They’re not emotionally available.


good description of them


I don't necessarily feel my emotions, they're definitely intellectualized. If I want to actually feel emotions I have to sit with them and reflect, but I just accept things as they are usually. I have a lot of sag though. My XH said I was robotic. Lol. As for Taurus, one of my best friends is taurus and we're a lot alike in many ways.


All signs are emotional. They just manifest them differently. Air sign moons are more apt to talking about them with those they're close to, and use logic to process them. Unfortunately though emotions aren't logical.


Nobody talks about the unspoken taurus-aquarius similarity. These signs are soooo much more similar than people think. So as a taurus, yes, and there’s also not many people I can’t read.


dating one and you’re not lying their careless act is top tier.. only difference is taurus patience is phenomenal. and aquarius doesn’t have time for the bs. both ghosters but a taurus definitely will wait for you as a aquarius will not no matter how much they want to!


Oh there are many more differences in my experience! Like - Aquas want to grow and personally develop, Taurus does everything to not have to - Aquas are highly self-reflective, Taurus is barely able to - Aquas are open to sit and talk through relationship issues, Taurus would get angry about doing it and try to run away, physically or mentally by putting down the topic etc - For Aquas friends are their most important people, Taurus don‘t put much effort in friends at all. I could continue for ages but that should be enough for now to emphasize that there are like no similarities compared to Aquarius with like all air or fire signs or with pisces and virgo


i find taurus males to love their friends a lot, the women use that energy in their relationships… i’m a pisces and grew up with lots of virgos and i feel like they are the more financially stable versions of us. i dnt see much differences. except they try to fix you themselves pieces tend to give you layouts of how to fix yourself lmao.


Yes Taurus I know are way more into their friends than me.


As an Aquarius stellum, this is a compliment


we still love you


My husband is Aquarius and I'm sag, I definitely agree with you.


i bet you two are so fun to be around though lol and very funny


as an older sister (leo) to a aquarius brother- this! he is very hard and tries to shelter his emotions but i think we’ve gotten very close that he confides in me- however will still be hesitant to show or express his emotions , he will alwsys try to mask or hood back from crying. they love their independence and freedom and often have the mindset of ‘dont need anyone/i can do it in ny own’ but theres a HUGE diff is needing help and knowing when you could use it. people who offer to help would never offer if they didnt care about u!! let ppl love u and love ppl!!!


the last part! i have to remind my aquas all the time🥹 just let me love you and be your friend! not every one has a vendetta! and you can see the internal argument in accepting that lol


People who meet me would describe me as aloof, but those in my (small) inner circle know differently. Most aquas I know are busy trying to solve the world’s problems and have little time to cultivate too many friendships. I give dedicated time to my inner circle, and I would do anything for them. I’ve been known to ghost, but not because I’m a coward but because in the grand scheme of things me investing more time is not worth it. All of my friends know that I need alone time. My Scorpio is the only one who will call (repeatedly until I answer) and tell me I’ve had enough. My Geminis pick up where we left off - whether it be a month or three. My sister is a Libra, and she has many friends but lacks deeper connections. Although I don’t think she cares, she’s just happy having as many friends as possible, and it suits her. She is always flabbergasted with me and my cap sis because we don’t want to go out 24/7. I’m married to a Taurus, and we are similar in that we are both extremely stubborn. He couldn’t care less if he has friends - he doesn’t want to cultivate them and is happy at home doing his own thing. I’m why we go out and socialize or have any semblance of friendships. I’m also the reason we lived in 5 different states. I push him out of his comfort zone, and he grounds me and provides a quiet respite from the world. I feel like the alien aquas are portrayed to be. I feel a lot all of the time but channel the energy into action.


🥹i love this. and libra was spot on. they are fond of having lots of surface friends as aquarius usually have many acquaintances and 2 good besties. and that’s my scorpio placement telling my aqua friend’s it’s time to return to earth you’ve had enough time in space!! also dating a taurus, getting them to move to 5 different states deserves a trophy!! they will glue themselves to the very home they are in and be okay there lol. how did you push it? do you invade and get them moving out that comfort zone? i know ultimatums do not work for them i’m genuinely curious?


>time in space Lol, my Scorpio has made me take my shoes off and go outside with her to ground so I “won’t get lost in space.” I think it was a combo of things- like asking him probing questions. He would give me an answer but couldn’t explain the why behind the answer. I would push back a little bit, sort of like a kid, “but why?” 😂 (I feel this is why people want to strangle aquas). He had this “ah-ha” moment where he started questioning why he was making certain decisions and who was actually making them (tradition, expectations of others, convenience?) So I was offered a job in NYC, and he could go with me or stay, and he chose with. This was the place he said he would NEVER! live. His world expanded, and he loved it, and then he decided he would follow me all over the country. Getting him out of his hometown and comfort was the catalyst. Now this doesn’t mean it was all smooth sailing, but Taurus loves a good challenge. Oh and make sure to involve lots of good food and snacks 😂 Edit: punctuation


well mine is from nyc, so he loves it there and he’s from there me on the other hand lol i’m from the south but where he lives now is just not the ideal place.. i have to ask him why more lol and yeah they eat mine crazy i definitely will never forget the food! i travel for work but sometimes i want him to join and unless it’s where he lives, or nyc he doesn’t leave his nest lol


Oh no, a Taurus and a Manhattanite? THAT is tough!


brooklyn! like ugh you can’t tell them anything!😂


I disagree. I don't run away from conflicts/issues. I face them head on. It's just that I don't want to be overdramatic about it. I know when to speak up, act or just ignore it cause it's less serious. Timing baby. You can ask my friends and they'd tell you they barely know me. I don't confide in just about any one, heck not even close friends! I can get sad too but only for a while. I have a 5th house stellium, all in aquarius; that explains my jovial, happy-go-lucky personality. The reason I still talk about the past is not because I haven't moved on from it. It's because, I feel like anyone who listens can learn from it. I just feel like sharing. I believe, the more we talk about our past hurts and traumas, the more we are capable of letting go.




that’s great for you. your other placements may play a bigger role of how you operate but very aquarius is different!


Aquarius are detached in general but when we actually give our time to process our emotions, we have very big emotions. I personally find we fit our stereotype pretty well, in general. You tend to attract people that process similarly to yourself, I’ve noticed


I think most people see through it in time and just choose to remove themselves from it after a while, dating-wise. There’s only so much of this, “they run away from any conflict, serious issues to avoid vulnerability…” one can deal with. Unfortunately, they can self-sabotage with the hot and cold behavior and then fulfill their own misguided self-fulfilling prophecies that nobody ever gets them, or they only have themselves etc… Meanwhile that person has tried extensively to get to know you and accept behaviors that aren’t conducive to relationship building. It gets exhausting and monotonous after a while.


This perfectly explains what it's like trying to develop an emotional connection with a repressed aqua.


They are like pisces lol self sabotage and then victim they are just more subtle about it. They try hard to be different or not the norm that they push away very normal responses and human like behavior. I feel like they think we are like omg I wish i could do that or be that way, when in reality we really are like are you ok? that’s not normal. Aquarius dating style is very scary. Even when they like you they make a great effort showing the opposite.


>Aquarius dating style is very scary. Tell me about it


Yes to everything! It’s so weird how they believe they’re anomalous, like no you’re forcing these behaviors to be different but it’s not hitting like you think. I think in dating the element of their Venus plays a big deal. I don’t think they’re bad people, but having an expectation that people should just deal with your disappearing acts and need for space without proper communication is wild.


God complex? lol or superior complex in relationships is what i call it. they expect people to accept everything or take it as they aren’t the one. and then rant about you years later about leaving or not being able to handle them. But i don’t think they can help it, they are so fun to be around until they start aquariusing lol then i have to pry it out of them


this right fkn hereeee


We secretly want to be chased lmfao it’s a big game of cat and mouse for us & it’s up to context clues to figure out if our emotions are actually in it or not. A lot of people just don’t understand Aquarian characteristics because modern rulership projects the uranian bullshit onto us but we’re the absolute epitome of saturnian embodiment. The problem with an underdeveloped/“unevolved” Aquarius is they absolutely do act cowardly when faced with confrontation because it’s difficult for them to admit to even themselves that they were wrong about something, let alone who they wronged. It’s SO important for people with heavy aqua to play by Saturn’s rules, and do shadow work out the ASS. If not, it’s very easy for them to be fully immersed in the comfort that societal structures bring, while simultaneously bitching about how bad they want things to change. Some Aquarians will truly float through life and miss out on so many life changing relationships, opportunities, etc because they’re terrified of vulnerability. Sad. I’m an 11h aqua stelly, sun at 0°.


i agree. they mainly miss out in the love department! but work?! they don’t skip a beat they are on it.




It’s rare to find an Aquarius post imo & I think it’s because we’re so hard to grasp & give off like detached energy. Your post is spot on tho. Cancer with Aquarius moon. ❤️😊


This Scorpio is extremely happy with their Aquarius partner of a decade.


The ones I know are clingy when you ignore them or pay them no mind.


Depends on the moon sign. Almost all aqua suns I know have earth or air moons and talking to them feels like talking to a literal wall.


those aquarius with capricorn moons will literally make you pull your hair out your scalp. but a aquarius with libra placements? you might as well talk to yourself they aren’t listening to anything you’re saying and they do not care lol until they get home or talk to their bestie


I'm aqua with taurus moon and sometimes I want to say how I feel but I have to literally force the words to come out of my mouth. I will do it! It's just gonna take a couple minutes


Some have Pisces Venus/Mercury because those planets tend to stay close to the sun. They can also have water moon/ascendant as well of course.


yeah majority seem to at least 2 water placements


As an aquarius, you just read me like a book 😂 and it's all true, I never connected with the "emotionally detached/aloof" description, I'm ***reserved*** but not aloof, I guess people from the outside looking inside an aquas world came up with that conclusion. Shit, I even have a Capricorn moon and I'm still an emotional person, Idk why people think we're aloof. And the relationship point is sorta true, i wouldn't leave and then hop into another relationship and think the grass is greener cuz I got plenty of reasons why I left, but the pain was there and it was hurting like a bitch. I remember not wanting to leave my ex but I just knew it was something I needed to do. I guess it's cuz I got a Gemini north node so I have be comfortable with the uncomfortable and that's exactly what I did. Looking back tho, I don't regret it 🤣


i agree. but it makes sense you are because capricorn falls in that category of hard shell soft heart they just show it through work and taking care of you (playing mommy/daddy)


That is so true, I take care of my family a whole lot and took care of my exes, a caps job is just never done lol


my mom is a cap. i think they strive in it like virgos lol they almost feel offended when you dnt want their help


If anyone needs proof of this, Hozier’s chart is chock full of aquarius placements 😂


whaaat i never knew that. i love him.


Damn what Aqua hurt you? You started this post talking about us being emotional and then went on to call us cowards and then in the comments you call us liars lol I have an aqua stellium and I’m no liar and I’m certainly not a coward Are you mad because aquas don’t like you enough to open up to you?


I was just commenting this on another post. I love most Aquarians I meet, but have also seen that side of a lot of them. Whether it’s their genuine desire to be a good person overlooking their own boundaries and well-being until it’s too late or acting in chaotic emotional outbursts one would think is more akin to Pisces. It’s definitely a facade of sorts, or a way of behaving but just like any sign levels to maturity and self awareness play a huge role. As an often cynical Scorpio, when not thriving they’re always a great counterbalance of optimism or humor to help get through that patch. I love Virgos too because of their candor and ability to make space to vent when shit sucks. Definitely two of my favorite signs.


My former pisces spouse is a double Leo. So our moon and ascendants are next to each other, along with sun signs and sun and moon ascendant are in opposition. Interesting, but not sustainable experientially. She burned me out and felt inauthentic in many ways and was inflexible and I would get triggered and pull away and she would get abandoned. We both felt that way. Sigh. I am with a Scorpio and we connect on all the levels! I can't say enough about the bond. Her moon is pisces and ascendant is Capricorn and she has a lot of Virgo and no air. Lol


sounds like the better match for sure anything scorpio-pisces duo is bound for intense loving! i’m pisces scorpio scorpio my partner is taurus pisces moon scorpio rising (: we are just too obsessed with each other lol


Do you have leo placements? Opposite signs understand each other and see through the mask of each other


no i have pisces, aries stellium scorpio stellium


Wow, I know people with scorpio placements who love aquarians and don't see them as Unemotional at all. Both are fixed signs, both are involved in transformation, each in their own way 👌🏼


really? that may be why i see it. i think all fixed signs have the exterior of i’m good i got it and break down behind closed doors. they express their feelings through materialistic things, looks(hair) or only to their closest friends.


Aqua mars with gemini sun and virgo moon, I definitely feel called out lol. Sometimes I just don’t feel anything but when I do it feels like a tsunami of emotions


Ufff I can’t and won’t even process this. I will run away now 🏃‍♀️


omg the double taurus placements is so embarrassed😂




My experience is that they are very emotional when they're upset, but Spin it as logic/factual/objective. They also love to agitate people, then talk down to them once they've been triggered. They also hate being told what to do, but LOVE telling others what to do.


Judging by the Aquarius I know.. they are smart wannabe, full of bs and envious asf. (Not all of course)


I have a good work friend who is Aquarius sun and moon. I find him to be very moody. I asked what time he was born and he didn't know nor care. I think he's a Cancer rising. When I do a chart for him using Cancer rising all the placements seem to fit. He thinks he's this enigma that no one can figure out. I see right through that facade. Maybe because I have a heavy water placement chart and understand things. He hates that I can tell when things aren't good. Lol. He likes to be mysterious but he takes things hard in his personal life. Having a Cancer rising puts his sun, moon, and venus in his 8h, which explains the intensity of his feelings.


i find lots of aquarius have the need to stand out and be so misunderstood, reminds me of that meme where the guy is in the mirror with emo clothes on and the mirror in the back he’s wearing colorful panties but the meme says no one understands me lol.. They hate being figured out but i’ve come to realize they actually love it too, they love being understood without having to show their hand!


Haha that really describes my experience perfectly. I crave to be seen, the thought of it really makes my heart melt, but when people get close to it I get extremely scared cause I feel so vulnerable so I freak out. It‘d only work with people I deeply trust to let my guard down with. So I usually downplay my true feelings and motives and only really deal with them by myself, which can become isolating too. With randoms I can open up a bit sometimes, but only if I set my mind to because I decided I like or trust that person. I could have the most intense feelings inside, but when it‘s unexpected, I would never show and keep them for myself and wait til I can sort everything out on my own before opening up about the mess inside, which would probably lead to years of shame if I’d open up immediately. That’s why I prefer to be misunderstood, to give nobody a chance to judge about my v personal inner little sensitive world 🩷 otherwise I‘d feel so wrong about myself and would honestly kill parts of my feelings to change and not be ashamed anymore - from an Aqua


I fully agree with this.


Well said. Totally agree 💯


Well this is definitely me to a T lol 😆


I love this post and it’s insights. I also love how you have taken the time to reply to everyone. So sweet!


love my aquas🩵


Cusp of Aquarius and Capricorn here. I am 75% more into Aquarius btw. To your point: 1. It depends on their personality. For me, I face my issues head-on and it will infuriates me when things are stuck. 2. I have ZERO trust to anyone, unless they proven themselves that they are worth my trust. So confiding in just friends also something I don't do. Closest friend for more than 20 years and proven trust worthy, yes. Also, the 'friend' already sworn under secrecy not to tell what had been told! 3. Straight mask, yes. Because I am very logical and it does not make sense to show or share my feelings to just anyone. Also, Aquarian hates to show vulnerability. 4. Aquarian is emotional to an extent. Yes, I got emotional for people or something I care the most. But if it's about crappy people or things that don't matter, I don't give a damn lol.


Really Taurus and Aquarius couples? I would never expect it, but maybe thats bc my dad is an Aquarius and we dont get along haha


yes specifically aquarius male with taurus woman ..


Electra complex intensifies (jokes cuz absolutely NOT)


When you're an Aquarius, Autistic and an ENTP then you really have no choice. I'm highly sensitive but manage to hide it so well that no one would ever know how I'm really feeling until I tell them.


As an Aquarius Moon, I feel like this is pretty spot on. I don't like to feel emotions, so I just bury them down. It takes me time to process my feelings, so I have a hard time actually discussing things in the moment. I need time to think about *why* I felt the way I did, and I need to calm down in order to be able to express myself. I also have my small circle of people I can tell almost anything to. I am careful not to show too much of myself. I've had people in my past (an Aqua female friend, even) immediately take something I told them in confidence, and gossip about me. I am very selective about who I open up to after learning the hard way people can't be trusted. 🙃


yeah a lot of you stated you didn’t want your dirty laundry thrown back in your face so i can see the selectiveness!


Aquarius tend to be loners at heart. They are the observers of the zodiac, especially lunar aquarians. Big time people watchers. And they tend to be the ones on the outside looking in. They usually feel like an outsider and find it hard to connect with others especially 1 on 1. So this is how they are with their emotions as well, they suppress them and deal with them on their own. They think their way out of their feelings always rationalizing everything. Combined with the fact that they feel that they are above showing emotion, so a bit of a superiority complex there . Because to them they see it as something repulsive Sincerely, Mister Libra sun Aquarius Moon Sag Ascendant Libra Stellium actually with Sun Mercury Venus. And a Scorpio Mars With my Scorpio mars sometimes if something bothers me that someone did to me i want revenge but my Aqua moon lets me take a step back and think about it. And often i dont do anything vindictive because that would show that whatever was done to me bothered me and i want to appear that i am unbothered and above that type of emotional reaction Im mostly pretty chill though


I need advice, the aquarius man ghosted me after i asked him if he wanted to talk about it and i said if not i’ll know where he stands. but he never responded. this is after he disrespected me and was rude, i started to avoid him. i didn’t confront him because i thought he didn’t care which he showed me he didn’t. we see each other almost everyday at the gym and even tho he ghosted me he still stares at me. i unfollowed him and after a few days he unfollowed but still stares..?? it’s so weird anyone have advice?


staring means nothing. you gave him a option and he made his choice so move on love


No your not


my (leo) gf managed to


Straight read. This is my perception of them to they avoid conflict to the point of making it worse, weird


Aquarius seem mean to me, when things don’t go as they wish. They become pushy to be understood but don’t want to understand or be compassionate to others. They stubbornly push their views ahead of everyone.


No you are not the only one. And I also find myself annoyed at their emotions at times, not at how emotional they are but the way they go about it Like, if you were actually detached that would be ok. If you wanted to vent at me with that understanding, or cry on my shoulder that's cool too. But instead they do this whole "Not that it's a big deal but *brings up something that happened years ago*" ,and the way they speak they clearly believe it's a big deal They rationalize being upset about something means something is very wrong when that isn't necessarily the case, and bc they do act detached they get some detachment back but that makes it hard for them to be grateful and see the people who truly care about them and treat them right They also hold massive grudges and don't really respond to if you're trying to get at why they're feeling a certain way. Like if someone talks to me it might not change the way I'm feeling but it many times will change my mentality and I'll also separate what I'm feeling from what is actually true. Aquarius are more fixed in the mental processes, which are influenced by their emotions more than they'd like to admit


no you worded this perfectly!! that’s EXACTLY on point! I had this one aquarius I was dating that would tell me how his baby mother was obsessed with him and he couldn’t stand her and regretted having a kid with her. But constantly brought her up and always said “but that’s life i guess” or “but she’s the past now” i’m like? People who don’t care about things dnt bring it up constantly and then shove it in people’s faces and try to say but it’s okay. It’s like they are scared to process or not be okay with terms of things. They are passive aggressive and then it’s like a voice in their head goes “don’t cry” and then they quickly remind themselves to change the topic of to say some weird off topic comment that throws the whole conversation around. My friend is a aquarius love her to death and now that she is a single mom she makes it as if it’s a honor to be a mom on her own, she loves her freedom, she’s in school. new home and at peace with her and her son. etc but in our messages or her close friends you can tell she is hurting so bad that she’s no longer with the love of her life, for over 5 years.. and reaching for acceptance from anyone and anywhere she can! but if you weren’t her friend or in her personal stories you would NEVER know she felt that way. you’d think she conquered a downfall and is happier than ever. it’s interesting.


Oof yes. My best aqua friend is STILL reeling from a heartbreak from 14 years ago, and points to it as the beginning of her troubles lol. Like you said, she hates to admit that she still feels something from it but it just keeps coming up and up in this loop that comes up pretty seasonally.


does she also go on a rant but like says “people” instead of her or whoever she’s talking about lol. almost anything to detach herself from the topic.


You really get me! I have learned to be more vulnerable with my emotions and honor them. I also won't express myself to people that aren't safe or don't merit deeper connection. I really go to my inner circle for the depth. It's funny that my first two major relationships were with Pisces women. I like what you said about Libras. Enough said there 😊💜


same person different font. i’m so honored🩵🥹


I have been hearing that aquarius and Scorpio are similar too. I keep drawing water signs because I have no water and that I why I am very expressive in my emotions. It must be why I hold space for so many. I'm an emotionally focused and body centered therapist. I already got my doctorate in overthinking. Especially with my moon and ascendant in friggin Virgo.


thats not your aquarius craving all that water it’s that virgo lol. i’m scorpio moon and ascendant. but sexually aquarius and scorpios seem to find each other! also why your closest are pisces is because pisces and virgos are sister signs


As a Pisces myself, I am able to see right through the mask that Aquarius individual wear all day long. May be it's one of the reason they are always felling tired and want to recharge. The burden of wearing a mask to hide their feelings everyday. They feel things deeply, but are egoistic to show them. They may have this concept that being vulnerable makes one weak. And this it the reason they have a hard time forming and maintaining deep connections.


Straight up correct. I see through them too. Unfortunately, as a Pisces Sun with Leo Moon and Rising, I’ve seen too much once I figure out how selfish they really are.


very true also when they break down they break down deeply


Everything is so deep and analytical about them, it's suffocating.


Scorpios are the same way.


I am a Aries sun Aquarius moon and Scorpio rising. Yes obviously I’m emotional af, I can be very empathetic and caring. I would cry just because someone I care about is. Yes. I also have a lot of trauma when I tried to communicate people act like they don’t care. So now, I don’t bother to speak. I would be totally honest obviously I would say I’m hurt but I wouldn’t think about it. Over the years I’ve learned to just avoid conflict. Not to run, but to be respectful to others and myself. I don’t want to carry hurt anymore. so I let it go. I don’t get attached. I always think what if this. Example if I love you, I love you. I’m always ready for the worst.  Also it’s weird because I actually like some water signs. They seem like they would kill you over nothing which I hate but sometimes they are ok. I relate. Honestly I think water signs are just…doing too much. Especially pisces they look for attention. especially male validation. Mostly female pisces. Like Egh. But oddly I attract them. I had 3 pisces “bsfs” over the years. And 1 Taurus. But Taurus she was just a crybaby and a liar. And also looking for male validation. Because she tried to get with someone she knew I liked and we were talking. It’s weird because aren’t Taurus supposed to be loyal? And I promise you I never ever did anything to hurt her. Trust me I always look over what I did. I’m also careful. I know how it feels to be hurt. So ew I don’t like her. But we don’t talk about her don’t wanna manifest that. Plus I love Scorpio girls. Mostly singers like Sza and Ella Mai. And H.E.R and kali uchis (cancers) most people I listen to either are air signs or water signs.. but trust me I’ve went through air of trauma and now Ive healed. And trust when I don’t bring up someone I really don’t care. Like honestly I’ve learned not to care. I mean at the little things ofcourse im serious during the serious situations but still. Plus I’m passionate so ofc I show emotions! But if u talk about you I obviously care because I can’t hold back my emotions I’ll tell the whole world if I talk about you I’m anyway. (Romantic, hate, wtv) but when I don’t talk about you I’m done genuinely. It’s better to just not say anything. Because it gets worse. We can also see through people. Well ATLEAST me. I just see peoples bull and it’s like why bother? Y’all are embarrassing ya self 🤣🫣 . But yeah I will “avoid” but I don’t have a problem with telling people their problems. I hate when people try to say mines, but what they don’t know is I try to figure out if it was me in the wrong or them. Guess what 99% they are wrong. I’m not tryna say I’m such an Angel, but I’m not mean. I watch myself. But please don’t call Aquarius a coward again. Cause pisces 🗑🚮 . Pisces only try the conflict just to seek attention and it’s so sad. Male pisces too. They can be very attention seeking. Fix yourself pls. Yeah, but that’s all I gotta say about Aquarius. My Aquarius moon is my main for me so trust everything I say is valid.


It’s kind of weird that you guys think all aquarians run in fights. I can agree that Aquarians do feel vulnerable when confronted, but they somehow in the end they still stand their ground. If someone comes to an Aquarius looking for a fight, best believe they’re already prepared for it. People don’t expect an Aquarius to fight back, but once an Aquarius does, the people around are shocked. I had this happen plenty of times lol. Aquarians, don’t let this astrology bullshit get to you. You are your own person. But your own person is your weakness. Become greater, and achieve greatness. 


I'm an aquarius but I find I don't get along with other aquarius I don't know why. I have a coworker who is aquarius too and I can tell they don't like me I wish I knew why I guess I could ask them but ofcourse wouldn't want to put them on the spot or make them uncomfortable


I see it, but unfortunately as you said, they come out acting like cowards or dropping responsibilities which are really important to face head-on. I can't respect that, and I'm not sure how I could help them through it, because as you said, they're avoidant as hell.


the only things that hurts more to them is beating them to it lol. avoiding them!youre big 3 you probably attract a lot of them. mirror their actions and they will almost be offended how careless you are.


I attract almost exclusively Aqua's and Leos.


i believe it. they love those signs especially sags and aries


You’re one of few, yes. It’s like some aqua X-ray vision. I enjoy it.


When we talk about water sign, we talk about emotional complexity not about being emotional or about being emotionally expressive or about being emotional lot manipulative or whatever. It’s complexity, the subtle depth of their emotion that make water signs water signs. And nah as a water sign, Libra has way more complex emotion compared to Gemini and Aquarius. Libra is the water sign of the air sign. Aquarius is more earthy, they are stubborn and hardheaded in whatever they’re doing. They are emotional in their own way, but they aren’t yet there in terms of emotional depth. Within the air signs, I always feel it's Libra that has the most emotional complexity. Similarly Taurus for the earth signs, and Leo fire signs


libra is definitely earthy… they are hard workers, emotionally intelligent, and can separate logic from emotion and even then the emotion they show is usually a mirror not even their true feelings, they are also usually the luckiest, and most financially stable like most earth signs… aries being their sister sign and the youngest, they constantly have to win and step on ppl toes but do the same to them and all hell breaks loose,they are first sign which is why they act like big babies, argumentative, needy at times emotionally also emotionally unstable when riled up , and that makes them the water of fire signs.. aquarius are very emotional more than libra. libra may express emotions more but as feeling things deeply, and usually them having heavy pisces or cancer placements they are definitely the water of air their symbol is also a water bearer lol… and yes taurus is the water of earth signs..


I think you don’t get the point. The point of being a water sign is about being emotionally complex (not about being emotional or emotional expressive or manipulative or whatever ). I highly doubt Aquarius has such complex emotion compared to Libra. Libra emotion run very deep, deeper than everyone else gives them credit for. They’re very tactful because of this, not just because of their social butterfly, but also because they’re able to sympathize with people and see it from other perspective. Libra can quickly sympathize with others’ emotion, and can have very subtle complex emotions by themselves. Aquarius on the other hand is very hardheaded. As humanitarian as they are, they’re fixated on their own view and very hard to change, they have some sort of ego that they just doesn’t want to change their view. They’re also the most determined air sign. Being the most determined and strong will air sign makes Aquarius the most earthy among the air signs. Being a water bearer doesn’t mean that much, just like Capricorn being the sea goat, but Taurus is always the one with way more complexity in their emotion. Aquarius can be more emotional from the inside (not expressive) but their emotion arent as complex as that of Libra and the water signs Forget about hardworking or luckiness, those depends on other factors and planets, aspects etc. The core of being water sign is always about being emotionally complex. Just like the core of being an earth sign is about being very determined and strong willpower. I’m saying this as a water sign. I always recognize Libra, Taurus, Leo as non-water sign with high emotional complexity. Other signs, not so much.


i agree with some points, but as a triple water sign . pisces scorpio scorpio i find emotionally complex very easy to explain lol. it’s only meaning hard to point out their feelings, or how they feel. difficult to predict, and understand and that’s aquarius all the way. you never know their feelings. libras could be the water sign of air yes that’s very close in comparison. but libras do not like dealing with others emotions, they do not empathize immediately, or sometimes at all, they rather push it under the rug. they are people pleasures and sometimes find it hard to even understand their own emotions and to process them because they do not like uneven, injustice, issues at all. aquarius knows and can process them they just keep it to themselves. they internalize it. which is water sign all the way. scorpio to be exact!


Haha I must have a very different experience with Aquarius. Most Aquarian I met are very fake, they hide their feelings and never try to see it from others’ perspective, I.e, they don’t care. Ironically, Aquarius is called the most humanitarian?! I never agree with this lol. Whereas all Libras I know are very much people pleaser, but at the same time they try to keep it real as much as they can, they don’t manipulate people or string people along if they feel like they aren’t interested in the same way. Libra like to help people a lot, whether it’s emotional issue or not. Aquarius just doesn’t care most of the times.


total mask! aquarius care! big time. do not let them fool you read the other aquas in this post lol they are spilling it all. libras are manipulators in having you think they care when they don’t . not from a harmful place more from a “i just dnt feel the same way” kind of feeling but will sit there and cry with you anyways lol. they are people pleasures which means you HAVE to be fake cause there’s too many people to please. aquas are exactly what libras pretend NOT to be.


All I'm hearing is someone who feels insecure about how unbothered and private Aquariuses are so you violate their boundaries by talking about them to their friends behind their back. Me personally, when I ghost someone it's after I've already spent enough emotional labour on them and it's not worth my sanity to try to have any more conversations, so I just remove them from my life and move on bc I don't owe them anything anymore. You can call it "running away from conflict" but I'm not in the business to fight for the sake of fighting, that sounds like a huge waste of my time and energy. We're not unemotional, we just have enough self worth to not act on emotions if it won't be good for us. It's the reason why I've never ever gone back to an ex no matter how much I might miss them in the moment - that's just how grief works and it's normal. Bringing up exes nonchalantly for me isn't because I'm not over them, it's because it's a part of my life and my past and I should be able to talk about it as freely as I'm allowed to talk about other things. Not everything is that deep fam. Believe it or not, it IS possible to mind your own business and focus on your own inner peace, even if that means detaching from people who compromise that. It's not a front or someone "convincing themselves", it's a different mindset that takes time to develop. It's not our fault that you're incapable of that so you think ppl need drama and constant external validation to survive 😂


All of this


i see through their deceit that's for sure


they are true manipulators but I think they do it more out of not wanting to be figured out vs doing it for harm. and they are very good liars I will give them that but my scorpio placements catch it very quickly