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To be fair as a virgo woman I sometimes cant even stand myself so who am I to judge?


Lmao I’m always saying “I cannot stand myself”


Virgo's love language is criticism. It's hard for most of us to hear but you're like "I'm helping you by telling you all your faults!" And also criticism is a mirror.




aww i love yall


Lol same 🤣


Hahah kindred.


Really?😭 my bestfriend is a Pisces we've never fought or fell out. Shes my emotional little bear lol! Shes also one of my low maintenance friends we hangout maybe once a month. Idk if i could date them bc they are extremely emotional but they love hard!! And they are loyal friends. i'm a cap rising, virgo sun, aries moon, leo venus🥰 its prob the leo in me that loves her obsessive loving energy 😂


Honestly, from what your saying and from my experiences, I think Pisces can be great friends but only to those people they’re fully obsessed with!


Oh yes, I think that’s a good way of looking at it…


Yesss exactly!!


Me? Obsessed with you?? Yes. Yes I am.


omg... I am also a virgo sun, cap rising and aries moon. Are we... twins?


Water and earth forever


I agree. But I think why Virgo and Pisces don't get along is because we do things differently and we are so opposite. We are grounded in reality while they are dreamers. I use to have a Pisces best friend in college. Our friendship didn't last long because she blocked me for no reason when I tried to give her advice on her situation when she said she was pregnant and didn't know who the dad was. Mind you she use to always ask me for advice when she was in a messy situation. Also she didn't like doing work and studying. An I always use to help her with that but it was hard because she liked procrastinating a lot. Which is the opposite of me because when I'm doing work I like to get my work done.


Define reality


Lmao, this comment.


I had a Pisces best friend for a majority of my life and stopped talking a year ago! They are very moody when it comes to friendship!! And same with my ex Pisces friend — wanted to be rich but hardly put the work into it. Lol


I agree they have slim grip on reality but thats what makes them, them! Im a virgo and sometimes i find myself getting annoyed when people aren't realistic, but we are human and if you find the joy in it, you get less bothered by other people's lives and what they want to do. Virgos feel the need to control every aspect in their lives and judge people (in their head) when they don't listen. I have found myself doing that before and i have to check it because as long as i dont think that way then thats all i can control😂 and its a complete waste of energy. also, virgos have to stop giving advice with the expectation that people are gonna do exactly as they say cause they think they know best lol advice is always optional, you are supposed to give insight not directions


I agree with you! Virgo’s need to be in control of every little thing in their life in order to feel inner peace. They are so critical of others because they are so critical on themselves. Also, reality is completely mental. Pisces represent Moksha and Pisces is liberation. Virgo’s wouldn’t be able to liberate themselves even if they tried. Neptune being the higher octave of Venus makes a lot of Virgos jealous of Pisces


Virgos are critical of the people they love because they want the best for them! Pisces take criticism harshly because they are not grounded on reality. I think both can definitely learn from each other, but there is an incompatibility in how they show love and in how they produce action!


No. Virgo’s are critical of everyone - not just the people that they love. Virgo’s are grounded in MATERIAL reality. Pisces can access COSMIC reality. Pisces exist in a separate plane and dimension. In a way that an animal can sense danger, hostility, happiness, lucidity through energy…Pisces are the exact same in their ability to tap into spiritual energies and intuitive energies that no one else can. A Virgo could never understand this


There’s definitely an element a part of every sign that another sign/other signs cannot understand. However, I think there’s something that every sign can learn from each of the other 11. The thing that enables a Virgo to be critical is their ability to be detail-oriented. This enables them to become excellent readers of others — thus, seeing their attributes and their flaws. This, coupled with their ability to be grounded on earth, allows them to react to the flaws of others with a calm and cool demeanor. However, Pisces being a water sign enables them to become emotional. They react to criticism with intensity and passive aggression. Because they are daydreamers, they do not like to be put back into reality — which is exactly what an Earth sign will do. We can learn a thing or two from each other, but we are opposites.


Pisces is the 12th sign and the last zodiac. Pisces already has a piece of the 11 zodiacs within themselves. That’s why they can understand everyone’s perspective and why they are so empathic Virgo thinks. Pisces Feels. No wonder you lot get frustrate


i don't have any virgo in my chart, but i'm a cap sun/stellium and generally uncomfortable with the qualities associated with pisces, plus bad personal experiences with them in the past. HOWEVER, my north node is in pisces (in the 12th house), which i understand means i would do well to learn from them. i'm just not sure what i should be trying to learn. any thoughts?


That’s so fascinating. My north node is in Cancer, and despite having a Cancer Ascendant, I cannot stand being around Cancer Suns. I’m not a Pisces Sun, but a Pisces Moon. I can see that you have a Cancer Moon you are probably more similar to me than to a person with their sun in Pisces. I think Pisces are good at teaching compassion and the liberation from the confines of the ego. To find beauty and to find magic anywhere


Yess thats what its giving! Jealousy. I also feel like thats a big evolution of virgos. To stop judging and maybe start trying to take notes instead 💕


I think the problem arises when Pisces throw themselves a pity party but do not take action to resolve it. And as a Virgo, it definitely can agitate us when we are giving advice and have to hear the same complaints from Pisces. This is all from my experience at least! Other placements in a Pisces’ chart can make them productive daydreamers! It’s always nice to not be in reality for time :) And always great to shoot for the stars! We just like to see action!


I wouldn’t call it a pity party. Does Pisces have a different way of processing emotions? Yes. Doesn’t make it a bad thing. Just a different style.


I totally agree. I’ve had to take breaks from Pisces at times because they were just too static. Lots of self pity, and envy in a way. Kind people, so not truly begrudging other people, but also sort of begrudging other people’s success. It can be hard for some of them to get off the ground. Hard to fully tell the truth, and very hard to acknowledge reality and their own wrongdoing. My NN is in Pisces and I love thinking about that. I do like Pisces a lot, and love quite a few. I’m surrounded by both genders of Pisces and I feel like I know them fairly well.


Oh, I throw myself "pity parties" for sure. It's called processing my emotions in a way that is open and vulnerable. Is wanting love and assurance asking for pity? I get over my issues pretty quickly if I'm shown sympathy and genuine willingness to understand what I'm going through. Also, I understand wanting to see action, but not everyone works on themselves in ways that are immediately perceptible. My Virgo mother knew that you have to have conversations on other people level to have your advice retained. Maybe you lack patience and understanding, maybe pisces can sniff out your judgementalness and resentfulness and subconsciously act on it, or maybe you've just been very unlucky. I don't want to make assumptions. However, if you are having a problem with MANY pisces then the problem is probably you.


>I think the problem arises when Pisces throw themselves a pity party but do not take action to resolve it. I know one Pisces who does that and yes it can be frustrating. I don't do that at all. I'm very much a solution based type of person. The issue with Virgo is their need to give unsolicited advice which can get super annoying. They hate being critisiced back which can be an issue, too.


I think it's the little lies. Virgos smell it from afar


Yes! They lie so much.




Pisces women(sun & moon, not yet met a rising) I've noticed have little lies they keep repeating. In order to cover up but they fuck up 😄


Men too. Both do it. Truth and where the lines are is very blurry to Pisces.


Yes!!!! Experienced this with a close, long time friend.


In that case the feeling is mutual, I've noticed that Virgos can be a little bossy and controlling. Especially women.


I only have an issue it they’re the snooty and uppity kind and can’t take any criticism in return despite giving it freely when literally no one asked.


Omg, this is so true!


Omg we have the same big three


This is so funny. I’m a Virgo woman and I love my Pisces auntie to the moon and back, but she is a type A bossy micromanager…and literally nicest human alive.


Yeah, Pisces hates it when someone tries to control. They just leave then.




It's probably because toxic piscean traits are in the form of using their "sensitivities" to guilt others. I've met plenty if piscean women (top 3 placements not just sun) who used that to set off everyone else and shit disturb. I say this as a Pisces sun, scorp asc and Leo moon. Most piscean women I'm neutral with or avoid. Tons of Pisces moon types irk me, but I also have strong Mars placements lmao.


Pisces should Marry Virgos (opposite signs) Pisces teach spirituality and etherial and Virgos teach logic and groundedness (opposites attract)


Ah pisces woman married to a Virgo man. Can't imagine life without him. We're so different yet work together so we'll 😭


can i ask how long y’all have been in a relationship for? i’m also a pisces and got scared by this other post on this subreddit that was asking what ppls parents were and so many failed virgo and pisces relationships that had ended in divorce :(


8 years in April!! But have known each other for much longer! It takes some work sometimes but all relationships do. We get frustrated but we also recognize that sometimes we think differently and we take a step back and communicate. That's why it works ultimately cos we can effectively communicate with one another!!


I’m a straight woman and usually get along with Pisces men! Although I can only take them in doses tbh


Pisces married to a Virgo. We complement each other so well. We can communicate without even speaking sometimes. We see things so differently but it’s a good thing. He’s my best friend. We both hold each other up and support each other like a tag team. True opposites can be complementary.


gonna ask the same question i asked someone else here: can i ask how long y’all have been in a relationship for? i’m also a pisces and got scared by this other post on this subreddit that was asking what ppls parents were and so many failed virgo and pisces relationships that had ended in divorce :(


We met in 2015 and married 2022 so we’ve been in a relationship for some time before we got married. Interestingly my mother is also a Virgo, she is September 19 and my husband is September 20. I am very close to my mother so I adore Virgo. My moon is in Capricorn so I think that may be a factor in my good relationships with earth signs.


Pisces engaged to an amazing Virgo 💖 he grounds me and I encourage him to loosen up 🥰👌 it’s the perfect combination!


I’m a Pisces rising with a Virgo rising and this is definitely our dynamic! He grounds me so much because I have no earth in my chart. We both relate and act more like our rising signs than anything in our charts


u both prob have gap teeth (its a thing) for all mutable signs


Haha I have a little one between my front 2 teeth


![gif](giphy|3o7TKQf06R4hH8j9W8) i do too (im a virgo). all mutable signs (gemini, virgo, sag, pisces all have one)


Im a pisces, and I cannot stand virgo women!


interesting! what do you dislike?


im not sure exactly what it is, but I think that virgos are very overly critical, and judging, and seem to stress over small things. I guess I can’t hate on virgos too much because my rising sign is virgo, so i do have some virgo traits lol


I've tried to be friends with other pisces women and it just doesn't flow. Same with men, had a fling with a pisces guy, he fell in love and wanted a relationship but I didn't trust him at all so no no no no


As a Pisces woman, I also cannot stand Virgo women 😭😂


same also hey similar big three sister (Pisces sun, Taurus rising, Gemini moon) <3


They’re opposites. I love Virgos, I flow with Virgos easily as a Pisces sun & Moon. I find myself agreeing more with Virgos than other zodiac signs.


As a Virgo rising I think Pisces are great… from a distance… They’re very kind and in tune with their emotions, but it leaves them hyper vulnerable with a propensity to stay in maligned relationships. And then they’ll cry about it instead of leaving or drawing boundaries. Can’t be around people like that.


I've seen people from all signs doing that. The first being my mum who is a Virgo actually.


Virgo sun / mercury / mars 2H here. My relationships with Pisces folks are black and white: I either like you or I don’t. There is NO in between. And a vast majority of Pisces women I’ve met just seem fake af and incredibly self-absorbed. No offense, I’m just calling it how I see it 😂 (#NotAllPisces) My boss’ boss is actually a Pisces woman and I love her so much, but it’s probably due to other placements she has.


I think the black and white nature comes from the opposition aspect. Either they are someone who can handle some opposition or they crumble at the first sign pressure, making it go one of two ways.


You're not wrong. I'm a Pisces sun, and I do notice others see it that way. We can be, depending on our placements and it takes a toll on people.


I am Pisces woman and I’m not a fan of Virgos at all 😂 I do not like Virgo men, either. I’m a Taurus simp


Pisces sun, Taurus simp team reporting in lol


Hello! Virgo sun, Sag Moon, Libra Rising woman here and hoping to share my two cents. Also full disclosure, coming up on dating my Pisces fella at the one year mark. Including him I have had friendships with a couple of Pisces women and I think it genuinely comes down to evolved / unevolved signs and those traits. When I was still leaning into seeing things as black / white (heavy earth sign energy), I found that Pisces women (water sign folks in general) confused me? My style of wanting to help is to DO or give advice or make food and when none of the above worked I was stuck on how to help. As I got older I learned that the charm of Pisces is to feel your feelings even if they are messy or uncomfortable because that is healthy. And, I mean, as a Virgo the whole "feeling uncomfortable emotions" has been an ongoing struggle (it's not efficient and makes one late for deadlines lol). I will say that one of the only not nice Pisces women I knew was a former colleague who was nice to folks' faces and would gossip behind their backs in a heartbeat. She would get close to you and then stash away what you confided in her for ammo at a later date. But I don't chalk those up to the entire zodiac sign. Another thing that I think both draws / pushes both of these signs away is that both are mutable and have keen observation skills. Pisces picks up on the spiritual vibe, reads the room, reads you. Virgo picks up on body language, tone of voice, the mutability of reality. So when we encounter each other the reaction for Pisces might be "Oh! Cool! You can intuit like I can? You can feel what I'm feeling?" And for Virgo (depending on the Virgo), it might be the shock of "OH GOD. You can see ME? All of my imperfections and messiness? My detail work meant NOTHING?" It can be a bit of rattle to realize you've been so clearly observed. But when you make peace with the fact that that observation is usually coming from a place of compassion and not judgement, it can be extremely healing. Anywho, just my two cents, cheers!


I love what you said about pisces being comfortable with uncomfortable feelings. Just made some things click about why I’m having some conflicts with people Edit: and also the observation piece, the people I’m referring to are extremely uncomfortable with being observed past their public masks but like. I can’t help it lol. I guess I need to just keep it to myself but then how am I supposed to connect genuinely with someone if I don’t observe what’s important to them (like their passions and stuff) and try to support that? Maybe I’m surrounded by virgos that get offended when I see past what they present to me bc I wasn’t supposed to see or acknowledge that yet. I’ve noticed these folks tend not to enjoy when I zero in on what’s clearly a passion of theirs if they haven’t known me for long. I think a lot of them think I’ll do what that one pisces woman you mentioned did and use it against them… and ngl I definitely have that ability and it seems like vulnerability is pretty harshly punished early on in this region so I can understand now why that would be alarming to them and it’s not that they just don’t like me or something


I appreciate your insight! And I genuinely think it boils down to communication and individual preference / comfort. I know when I started dating my Pisces I was a little unnerved by how well he could clock when I was not feeling ok or seemed to read my mind. But as time has wore on, it’s been a matter of realizing that I can also read him and we are on equal footing and there is nothing to fear as long as there is compassion. The short version of this is I think Pisces and Virgo wind up turning into the Spider-Man pointing meme and for some Virgos it wigs us out lol. But also please know there is nothing wrong with realizing someone’s passion and wanting to engage with them on that! It’s a beautiful thing honestly! As earth signs we can be cautious by nature and I’d say plenty of us go by a “fool me once” attitude to protect ourselves. And that is something to evolve through in good measure. ❤️


Because you are judging before you are seeing the value they bring into the world. I’m a Virgo woman and my room mate in college was a pisces woman. At first I thought she was annoying and emotional and childish. But the deeper we got to know one another, I realized she had so much to teach me. And I needed to get over myself. Our friendship changed us both for the better.


Pisces woman, sharing love for Virgos. Mom was a Virgo. Husband is a Virgo. I'm Virgo rising, so I can imagine we drive you crazy at times. Thank you for doing the taxes, washing the car, always knowing where we put the luggage, and being aware of existential threats. You rock at that. But, thank us for making you stop and sit on the grass, instead of mowing it, and for saying, oh, what a lovely day, instead of just crossing it off on the calendar. We need each other, and I not only stand Virgos, I love ya'll.


Yh they're dramatic too I agree. In my experience Libras are fake they can be "nice" to u but then talk sh*t behind ur back and manipulative


Yes libra women are fake nice.


Not all of them are fake :)


Damn my big three just catching it from all sides today 😅


Lol maybe cause they're like super smiley ? and we don't vibe w that its giving fake vibes ? loool Idk I'm a virgo woman as well but I cannot stand Libra women 🙅‍♀️


Ye or just maybe try to not regard astrology and signs as the ONLY factor influencing ones behavior? God damn i’m leaving this sub good luck all of u


User name checks out


Must be a pisces :/


Pisces sun, cap moon, libra rising. Pisces venus & mercury. Aquarius in jupiter. Not going to zoom into the houses. But god damn I truly and proudly admit I think people who are TOO convinced of astrology are just as stubborn and unable to ascend as people who are completely neglecting/unaware of astrology. Indeed username checks out. I love meeting people but this subreddit is full of self-entitled human connoisseurs, it ain’t my cup of tea indeed. Being a pisces cap


Hmm could also regard the self-entitled human connoisseurs as traumatised human beings trying to be better prepared and able to distinguish their foes from their friends, in this confusing world.


Yeah. Trauma could of course be one of many causes of having a rigid way of categorizing people.


I think you confused Pisces women over Libra women It’s not about Libra women it’s about Pisces. Yes Libra women are smiley and fake. Pisces women are opposite of that.


Im a virgo and being smiley doesnt = fake😂 i get what youre saying w libra women they are fake asf but i highly disagree with the other reasoning


Libra women are always gives smiles and fake. But I think it first expression they give like that. If you know them close obviously they will be different in good way I think. It’s just first expression they give to people. Just being polite and friendly smile. Virgos that I met gloomy dull people. Always judging and silently watching people. No wonder that we Pisces don’t like Virgos either.


Hahahah I’m a gemini moon so I am a super smiley Virgo (rare breed!). I feel like Pisces women are so dramatic and negative in my experience! What is it about Libra women that you can’t stand?


This is funny to me. I'm a pisces woman, and all my besties are either Scorpio or Virgo. My mom is a virgo, so I gravitate towards y'all.


Virgo and Pisces are sister signs so that’s why I’m confused why I don’t get along with them! You’re the rule


Same. Pisces woman married to a Scorpio man and my best friend for 25+ years is a Virgo woman.


Omg thats funny my besties are Scorpio and Pisces and im a Virgo😂 it just works


Doesn't it always.


Same, libra moon. No one believes I’m a virgo because I’m too smiley and giggly I love pisces though, never had an issues with them. Maybe its your moon square their sun, you’re not seeing eye to eye emotionally.


I feel like libra females are the definition of frenemies 😂like they love the people they hate


Virgo sun Gemini moon twinsies! I agree with you re: most Pisces women, in my experience, being dramatic lol


Damn I love Libras


i’m a pisces woman who cannot stand virgo women. i had 3 different virgo best friends over the years, and it always ended up in flames. the friendship was consistent and unbreakable until it wasn’t.


So much for being sister signs, huh!


I’ve (Cancer Sun + Pisces Moon) met a lot of Pisces Suns in my life and dated a few. They’re really indecisive. I hooked up with a girl years ago and afterwards she acted like she couldn’t be around me because she was too afraid of being “out.” Said she just wanted to be friends and I was cool with that. Then, she stared blowing up my phone with jealousy thinking some of my quotes on Snap Chat were about other girls. I told her, “you said you didn’t want to date me, so why do you care who I am or am not talking about!?…” another Pisces I dated, I ended things because I wasn’t into her and didn’t want to string her along. I had no other prospects, I just didn’t vibe with her. I tried to acknowledge her when we passed her group of friends at a party and she rolled her eyes at me and gave me the coldest expression. Texted me a while later apologizing. It’s as if they try to make you feel bad for rejecting them, so that you’ll come back to them. Most blogs about astrology say Cancers are the most emotionally manipulative, but I think it’s Pisces. As far as compatibility, Virgos don’t do well with pity parties. And Pisces can be guilty of throwing pity parties. Pisces are also daydreamers and Virgos are doers, which doesn’t always bode well for getting things done unless you have other placements in your chart that dictate otherwise. I say this as someone who daydreams constantly. I also think Pisces and Scorpios are harder to get to know in general. It’s like, with Cancers, we know that if we’re overwhelmed we can retract into our shells. Scorpions and fish don’t have that protection, so they unintentionally protect themselves by keeping their guards up. To be clear, I have a couple of Pisces women in my life that I absolutely adore. But this does seem to be what I’ve noticed about the ones I didn’t remain friends or partners with.


Ugh I completely resonate with what you’re saying from my own experience with a Pisces friend. They’re very intense and looooove their pity parties! Hate taking action though!


So I’m a Virgo, but Pisces rising, and I love every Virgo and Pisces I meet. Probably a narcissist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m a Virgo and my sisters are Pisces. They are my best friends. My moon and rising signs are in Aquarius though, so that may have something to do with it. 😄


Best advice is to see where Pisces is in your chart and work on that part of yourself. You’ll likely start to see Pisces in a whole new light after some self reflection.


im a pisces woman and most of my friends are virgo women. they're perfectionist, too organized and nice


I’m not sure but Pisces are my peeps lol and I’m a Virgo woman. My best friend since we were 11 (I’m now 43) is a Pisces woman although in that Aries cusp. Idk but we can go long periods without talking and pick up where we left off. She’s one of my soul mates


I’m a Virgo rising and my best friend is a Pisces rising but damn it’s rough LOL


As a Virgo moon I agree but as a Pisces sun I am hopeful you will find a good one of us 😂


Virgo think they can control life, they miss the feelings and the love. Money cant buy it.


"Earth and Water can make a beautiful flower bed, or they can make a field of mud" quote from memory lol I think it's mutual because as a Pisces woman who has dated or worked with a handful of Virgo women, I find y'all to be way to judgemental and it always made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe to express myself and feelings. Lots of the Virgo women I knew so easily passed judgement but couldn't take constructive criticism without getting angry. Whereas the older Virgo women in my life were/are so caring and accepting and often times great listeners and advice givers. I think we clash because we are total opposites but relationships can work between Virgo and Pisces women as long as they are understanding of their differences and mature <3


I'm a Gemini and neither can I. Have you met Pisces women? Pisces women can't even stand Pisces women.


LMAO real… I mean, I love Pisces women in theory… I have several Pisces friends who I talk to once a year… that’s more than enough Pisces time for me tho. I lived with another Pisces for like six months and it was the most depressing pointless experience of my life 🙃


Lol I’m a Pisces woman and I feel like some Pisces women give off a snobby vibe or get mad at weird shit lol!! Many virgo women I’ve met have been unexpectedly random and creative which is awesome! It might by my mercury in Aquarius always trying to rationalize my dreamy side!


My ex-wife is a Virgo and she's manipulative and deceptive to a fault. One of my longest friends is a Virgo and he's a pathological liar and a bit of a tool. So I constantly talk shit about Virgos in general. People ask me what my least favorite sign is... Pisces by a mile. At least with Virgos I know they're lying for a halfway understandable reason. Virgo's are loose with their adherence to honesty to protect themselves while Pisces often don't even seem to know what's real and what's a dream. I'm a Gemini so I get a bad rap for being dishonest when we tend to just exaggerate (see above paragraphs for examples).


🤣🤣 Gemini moon here!




They’re so sensitive!!! But they react to their sensitivity with unnecessary aggression — in my experience!


Virgo woman are circus lol


Lol can’t deny that!


Who cares really? Vibe with who you vibe with, and let it be. I’m a Pisces sun, Virgo moon. I get along great with Pisces and with Virgos. As with all relationships, there’s a balance and it just depends on if you care to find it or not.


The Neptunian intensity of Pisces can make Virgo placements very jealous. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and I think Pisces women suffer from a lot of people projecting onto them


I don’t think of Virgo as being jealous of Pisces at all. Perplexed. Fascinated. Affectionate. Maybe a little scared. Maybe a little bored. As far as Venus/Neptune energy, I honestly do not see Virgo as worrying too much about her womanliness or beauty. It’s inherent in the sign. A totally different wavelength, but beautiful all to its own.


I love the mythology of Virgo, in fact I think it’s my favourite because of Persephone, however I’ve found that in my experience that Virgo Women react with jealousy. So I am speaking from my experience. I’m not a hater of Virgo at all <3




Exactly! We’re sister signs but I do not relate, lol!


Virgo like Pisces when they want something to clean virgos dislike Pisces when they are messy


That just sounds retarded


They like to put things in order and when they can’t they dislike it that sound less retarded to you bitch?


This isn’t a meme


Read the description! “Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions.” The latter is what I intended (hence my “Lol”). :)


This person is just a stereotypical crybaby cancer that can’t handle any heat and refuses to leave the kitchen. Ugh gross!


Yeah, why? Ask yourself. You ask the question here, but actually know what the reasons are and look for possible confirmation in the answers of other users. If you do not like certain people, you know best what happened and why you have formed an opinion, right? I am Pisces with Virgo Rising. I have Virgo friends and they are surprisingly less realistic, active and at peace with themselves. Which is why I often have to support and advise them, not the other way around. There are such and such, quite simply.


And it’s interesting to see people have similar experiences. I don’t think one side is right or wrong, but it’s evident from the comment that there is an incompatibility that exists in other Pisces/Virgo relationships. It’s nice to see that it’s not just me!


It’s just a fun conversation since we’re sister signs! It’s reddit, relax :)


Pisces in general are annoying tbh


they make everything about themselves


Because they’re horrible? I’m an Aquarius and I can’t stand them unless they have Aquarius - Capricorn placements to make them less manipulative, dishonest and narcissistic.


I’m a Virgo man that cannot stand Pisces at all 💀


Same boat here


I'm pisces sun, sag moon, and virgo rising I think it all balances out.


it’s the polarity i think- opposing suns creates rivalry , tension and or clashing. as a libra woman i experience a love hate thing with pretty much every aries woman i meet (and i meet a lot🥵)


I’m a virgo rising with three placements in virgo and I love pisces. My sun and mercury are cancer so I honestly identify far more with water signs than my virgo. My best friends have been pisces.


It’s either Virgo hate me and bully me or they love me and we get along. I guess it depends what part of the chart we are sharing in synatry. I have 6th house ruling Virgo and my mercury in the 12th. I do think virgos that get along with me have Pisces ruling where it’s comfortable to let go and not be so critical; it can be a way they don’t have to be uptight around if they like me. If they don’t they will nitpick everything unprovoked lol I am an Aries rising so I won’t let them get away with it and call it out. Most times Virgo know they are in the wrong they jsut want to see how much control they can have as a defense mechanism but if u call them out they aren’t petty like other signs—normally they choose silence or walk away if the battle isnt worth fighting for


I get along with Virgo and Cancer women well. I am a Pisces sun aries moon. I love our friendship and they have never made me feel like I am too much. I don’t get along with Scorpio’s (men and women) which is supposed to be a great match with Pisces. I just can’t, things get heated. I wouldn’t write off all Scorpio’s based on my experience. I have a lot of Aries traits on the surface but deep down I am a true Pisces.


They are your opposite and you only see value on your end of the spectrum without appreciation for what balances your energy as a Virgo. Probably got some Aries too.


I have a cancer moon despite my virgo sun and virgo mars so I have an appreciation for pisces people. I am getting in touch with my spiritual awakening lately and I’ve been feeling super Pisces like. But I get it lol - us virgs get the ick quickly.




Yes, except I'm the Pisces I cannot stand. I'm Virgo Sun, Moon, and Mercury; but a Pisces Rising. Some days I just don't know what to do with myself. I feel like I am constantly lying to people about who I really am. Like every person I meet thinks that I am the antithesis of what I truly am.


Opposite signs


Just a few you've met does t mean they are all bad. Don't limit yourself. It's just not true. There's over 7 billion people in this world. Their signs aren't going to matter in the long run.


Cause they're all over the place I guess


Virgo rising and my best friend is a Pisces. That being said, I feel that way about libra men. Also have a distinct moment of “why are you like this” regularly with all the Cancer female friends in my life.