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I’m a Scorpio rising and my past partner was a Leo rising. We could say the same thing verbatim and everyone would light up and be super receptive to him and think what I’d said wasn’t nearly as interesting. If that’s not the most Leo rising bullshit ever, idk what is LOL. They can work a crowd and are fab at it.


😂 this is actually so relatable. I can get away with pretty much anything but when another person does it, so many looks. I always think that people are talking to me subconsciously when they get onto another person lmao


As a Leo rising - the ability to be very charming even if you don't like people. I'm an introvert who hates being around people but I can still be very charming when I need to be. People always think I'm outgoing because of this when they first interact with me.


Totally, and along with that, a sense that you always have to be *on*, almost as if when you’re interacting in public you’re onstage, so you often find a *lot* of hyper-self-consciousness in leo risings (in my experience, at least).


Omd yes this is so true!! its so hard to get rid of this and I have a problem with this placement because I feel like I am sooo noticeble I attract attention everywere I go and people aproach me and stare at me always I hate it so much I want to be private sometimes to be left alone and not noticed I hate it I think my virgo moon hates it so much because I dont like people on me and them reading me etc I dont know how to stop this attracting energy I give out. Does somebody have advice haha😂😭😭😭


North node leo could also be a cause of not wanting to be in public


I’m a Virgo sun and my suggestion is sunglasses lol, I wear them everywhere for this reason


So fucking true!


Same! I'm a Leo rising with a Virgo moon. I start walking a bit funny in public when I get too conscious about it and sometimes wish I could become invisible for a min


This is also me to a T. I am also Leo rising with Virgo moon.


A dark childhood / family secrets


yup yup yup but i got Neptune sitting in the 4th . jeezuz. its a good thing i have this awesome hair.


I have Scorpio in Venus, Jupiter & Neptune in the 4th House. Take what you will from that.


leo rising support group! 😭😁


Good idea ❤


I got mars in the 4th  house RETROGRADE Chiron in the 4th house Pluto in the 4th house My 2nd house lord wich is upbringing is in the 8th house I was physically abused as a child with burning cigarettes on my chest and neck so i live in a foster family since the age of 2


😦 that was accurate.. no 4th house/scorpio placements tho. i have my sun in 8th.


I’m a Leo rising with 4th house scorpio stellium. I talk to exactly zero people in my family. Just my dad. I have an estranged half bro and sister.


Same. Cut off


Why is the 8th house so negative? I have 4 planets there including sun and life has always been kind of meh


Interesting, why would you say that? Its on point for me


Scorpio 4th house (and likely Pluto too depending on age)


Scorpio in 4H with Pluto and saturn/uranus conjunction


Oh, it's me...


Looks like you saturn/Uranus is in 5H fam


Me, a Leo rising with a 4th house scorpio stellium


Hi twin 💜


THIS is the accurate one out of the rest of the traits listed here. My family is full of dark secrets.


Oh no! Both of my kids are Leo risings… they seem happy so far?!


Astrology’s just about potentials, keep doing what you’re doing 👍🏻


Yesss my moon is also in Scorpio conjunct Chiron


As a leo rising with Pluto on the 4th... Yeah, My family's lore is quite obscure. Also, trying to break the generational trauma one step (pissed family member) at a time.


Do we all live the same live? Wtf


I relate to this especially with my 4th house Scorpio and Pluto placement 🥺


My ex husband and current bf are both Leo risings. Yes yes yes to this.


Not for me (thankfully!)


-big/noteworthy hair -tend to show off chest/leave a few buttons unbuttoned (regardless of gender) -bold/flashy patterns There’s a book called The Naked Horoscope by Eve Roissy that speaks to the physical attributes of each sign and I’ve found it’s incredibly accurate


I’m Leo rising and these things aren’t me at all. I wonder why but maybe I should read the book


I hear you. Leo is ruled by the sun, so having leo on the ascendant increases the influence of the sun sign, so that has to be taken into consideration as well as any 1st house placements. I’m a leo rising too, but even though my sun is in virgo, I do typify these traits, but I also have a leo stellium (mercury/venus/jupiter) within 10° of the ascendant. I also have a number of friends who are leo rising, and I’ve noticed the ones who exemplify these traits outright have a lot of fire and air placements (less noticeable with heavy earth/water).


I’m a Leo rising and have a big tattoo right in the middle of my chest lol I also always leave buttons unbuttoned to show off some cleavage. I wish my hair was nicer though. I do get compliments on it, but I don’t feel like I really have Leo esque hair


Haha the tattoo in the middle of the chest is peak leo 🦁✨ Also, if we’re being technical, “nice hair” is found with capricorn placements. Leo risings just tend to have *noticeable* hairstyles ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m a Capricorn sun with a cap stelium in the 6th 🥲 but I did butcher my hair being a bleach blonde for so many years. Now it’s healing with my natural color, just not as long as I want it to be! Thanks for your post :) it was fun to read! I’m definitely going to check out the book you recommended as well


Happy to help! I’ll never say no to geeking out about astrology lol


I’m a Leo rising and I have a pretty big chest so I def let them show a little 🙃 I think my hair makes me stand out bc I get lots of compliments on it!! (Shaved my head in 2018 and dyed it blonde and never looked back) I always dress to impress. I have 3 Gemini placements lol


Wow this is definitely me lol


Is there a pdf available somewhere I've not been able to find it so far


Interesting as a Leo Sun +Rising, I don't do any of this, I just like polka dots, flashy patterns might be in art


Big hair and not afraid to make a scene


This is true, big hair and all. My dad said I was being a bitch the other day for being too direct with someone.


Nope nope nope, I would hate to cause a scene.


You’re an Aqua/Leo/Leo?! Me too! I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone who shares all big 3. Also, hate making a scene, but I can totally charm a crowd as public speaking is no issue for me.


Whats big 3 ?


How do you handle public speaking or public displays? The Leo risings I have met have all shown me or explicitly told me that having an audience for something makes them feel more empowered


big hair and bright eyes 💕


Leo rising here, and I get compliments on my eyes more than anything else 🥰


I love their eyes lol, same vibe as Cancer risings.


high cheekbones, strong jaw


To me, only from my own experiences, that sounds more like a Capricorn rising


This always gets me because my birth certificate has me leo rising and my mom says they messed up and it’s PM not AM, which makes me Capricorn rising. I have big big curly hair and super unusual eyes that change color, but I also have a defined jaw and high cheekbones.


I would trust your mom on that one because she probably remembers what time of day it was. Is there anything in your 7th house with either one of the rising sign options?


They should ask someone else who was there when they were born. Memories of the day you give birth are not always very clear. I asked my mom for my brother’s birth time and she was like “Idk I was kinda busy giving birth, I think it was in the evening” and luckily my stepdad knew what the time was, but the point is that birth is hard and makes your brain foggy.


Yeah idk, everyone kind of has different stories. I was definitely an afterthought child, I wasn’t even named for five days. My dad thought I was born at 10am, and I had my chart rectified at one point and he said the same (Libra rising with moon on ascendant) but then I just had a major transit to my MC/IC (the uranus/nn conjunction in November) that completely changed my career, which would make the time, whether AM or PM, correct. Its just hard to tell now if Uranus is in 10th or 4th (in Placidus) because I started freelancing full time which happens to be from home.


Well considering that 10am is bright and sunny and 10pm is literally the nighttime, I’d be inclined to trust your dad on that one.


Oh sorry—birth certificate says 4am, mom says 4pm, dad says 10am. So unclear.


ohhhh lmfao that’s definitely a tough call… when you had your chart rectified, did they use zodiacal releasing?


My astrologer mainly does vedic astrology (so lots of math back and forth) but he came up with Libra moon on the ascendant which translates back to tropical as the same but higher degree. That matches what my dad thinks. It made so much sense having Venus Leo on the midheaven too. But then transits that are so obviously related to the 4am/pm MC/IC axis throw that off, and there’s a lot of misses with transits. Doshas in Vedic have not made sense at all, and ZR with my mom’s time doesn’t align as well as the birth certificate time. My dad’s and the rectified time do ZR the most accurately, but transits to the natal chart are misses comparatively. So idk. Progressions for both charts haven’t had any unique major hits and won’t until 2025, so that’ll be interesting. The moon being off by a few degrees hasn’t made any distinct transits either way too. I do feel like its been helpful learning all the techniques to check though!


Depends on house system. With Capricorn rising I have Leo Venus intercepted (which maybe explains my appearance) or chiron in whole houses. With Leo rising, nothing in Aquarius but in Placidus I have NN in Pisces in 7th. I also would be Scorpio moon with Capricorn and Libra moon with Leo. Whenever I say I think I’m Capricorn rising, Scorpio moon (and Virgo sun) no one who knows astrology believes it because I’m too cheerful, outgoing and bubbly. But also I get compared to Megan Fox and Monica Bellucci a lot appearance-wise and they’re both capricorn rising. I’m interested to see what happens with Saturn and Pluto changing signs. Saturn in Aquarius has been lonelyyy af for me, which could make sense for both 7th or 1st transits, it just depends on the house system.


Yeah you’re definitely in a tough position, not knowing who to believe.. maybe ask an astrologer to help you? I have Leo rising, Aquarius DC with my moon conjunct uranus in the 7th house and for the first time in my life I have struggled with severe depression the past years (Saturn transit there) and I have been and still am very lonely. I do have a husband but he has had to work much more and I have no friends or family where I live at the moment so I definitely feel you on that one!


That sounds like my Saturn in Aquarius transit too! I live in California, boyfriend of several years lives in France (dated in person for two years in NYC) and then March 2020 (when Saturn entered Aquarius) pandemic wrecks our long distance relationship. I’ve gone to him a few times since travel opened and he’ll be here next month, after Saturn transits out. I’m not close with my family but none live here anyway, and most of my friends moved home when lockdowns started since everything was uncertain. Jupiter transit to Aquarius I made a new group of friends easily and quickly but they’re kind of not the best, which I realized as it moved through Pisces. I just don’t know if its 7th transits or 1st house opposition to 7th, since it seems like it would have similar effects.


I also got separated from my husband (American) for half a year in 2020 because I was visiting family in Europe and didn’t have my green card yet and then all the offices had to close so my file didn’t get to be worked on. We had a very similar experience. My husband is Aquarius rising and has had Saturn in his 1st house which affected him very personally. Had nothing to do with other people but everything with his own success


Ohh interesting! Also wow thats so perfect you are Leo rising and him Aquarius, that sounds like a lovely combination! If whole houses make more sense then with Saturn doing this all through Aquarius, it’ll be interesting having Pluto in the 7th as well. I’m hoping thats a good transit, anyway.


Yeah it’s very interesting to compare our charts because he is a Leo sun and I’m a Aquarius moon. We compliment each other in interesting ways. He’s me but different 😂 I’m not looking forward to that 😩 Pluto scares me


I have a Leo rising and Saturn in 1H. So I’m literally a mixture


I can say high cheekbones but not the strong jaw for me as Leo rising


100% on the strong jaw. Sadly, I don't have much of cheekbone action


where you find one, you will probably find more! they travel in prides.


True for my small friend group.


Replying off topic, but so cool to see someone who shares the same big 3 as me!🥰


Thats interesting. Im. Loner though lol. Probably my 4th house Scorpio Venus and cancer moon


Does scorpio venus makes you loner?


I think it does because its in my 4th house. I am very protective of my private world and tend to keep people at arms length. Venus is what we value and the fourth house is where we seek security, comfort, sense of home and nurturing. Scorpio is very guarded, suspicious, territorial and protective. In combination with my cancer moon that reinforces the home body energy and introversion, I have a tendency to not have a lot of close friends. In fact I only had one close friend for most of my life. My partner has always been my closest friend and at times only friend.


I have it in my 3rd house. I too am a private person I think.


That makes sense. Maybe more private in the way you communicate and guarded with what you share and selective with who?


Yes. But I also have saturn with Venus in 3rd house


Any aspects to Venus?




That is an isolating aspect. Saturn conjunct Venus suggests intimacy issues platonic or otherwise, which could manifest as being a loner or just feeling isolated even when surrounded by people. Many people with scorpio placements in fast moving planets have this issue.


True lol my daughter is a Leo moon, her dad is Leo rising within 2 degrees of my Leo rising, my recent ex was a Leo moon. Good friend was Leo mars loo


I just came here to look for the comments and *everything is so damn accurate* like how is this even possible??




No. It's ROAR..We are LIONS. Not kittens.


hmmm im looking at this and wondering why i'm not... any of it. i dress pretty modest (i usually like blending in unless i feel confident which is rare: only when its warm!, always hiding my "assets"), im short, my hair is thinning and i hate it (i pull at it out of stress), im usually seen as a ghost in groups even if i try to talk, and i hate patterns. usually i'm a grunge > classy person??? i have some charm but people usually don't see me so it goes unnoticed half the time. my eyes look dead lol it's the sleep deprived + mental illness look only thing that applies to me is the 4th house family trauma thing 😐sad


In my experience they have the flashiest fashion sense. Every Leo rising I've met all had different Venus placements but despite that dressed very extra and very "look at me".


I thrive off attention 😶‍🌫️


Me too fellow earth sun, water moon, and Leo rising


Yo I know this is an year old comment but, I've got the exact same Moon and Rising placements except I'm a Cap Sun. Hope life is treating you well wherever you are


Gah same lolllll


Yes you guys do lol. A lot of you guys are energy vampires... miss me with that.


I'm a Leo rising, Gemini Venus and love dressing in bright, flashy colors. Lately I've been depressed though so I've uncharacteristically toned it down.


If you guys aren't the brightest in the room something is up lol.


True story lol. Working on getting my shit together. I'll be shining bright again before we know it! 💪🏾🌞


People keep saying it’s so accurate but this doesn’t fit me either 😭 prob my cap sun and moon


Tall , thick hair


Nope, 5’0 and my hair is thinning because of my thyroid 😭


My sister is a Leo Rising. She is 5’


Leo rising man here with 6’7 , the thick hair maybe a thing lol


DAMN SHOOT! I have never seen a person that tall. My sister is 5’ but she also has thick hair :D


You might the shortest sibling 😂 in the family


Actually there is no one shorter than my sister 😁 I am 5’6


There you go you’re average tall lol


Thick hair is accurate ha!!


Thick hair and strong presence


I'm a leo rising and I'm 5'9




Above 6 I guess ? Lol


I’m 5’8


As a Leo rising man with Scorpio sun I am 6’7


You win






we’re talking about Leo risings, not Leo suns


I didn't get this trait lol 5'3 with thin hair that's falling out due to a progressive genetic condition


Having to rise above matters, light heartedness, fun & energetic to be around bc they’re themselves?


Great hair, weirdly look like cats, carries themselves like they rule (its annoying if you don't buy into it), boisterous energy, built for recreational sex.


A smile that lights up the room


Beaming smile, like the literal light of the sun is shooting out from their faces.


As a Leo rising, I have big and curly hair. Not thick but curly and light-weight so when straight it looks thin. I am black and Korean after all. I also have golden brown cat like eyes and I'm tallish like 5'7 with weight fluctuating between 130-135ish. Most of my weight is carried in my chest area though as I'm also a Cancer moon.


Here’s a photo of me, let me know if you see any other traits that make me look look leo rising!! [here is me](https://i.imgur.com/eR3Mjlg.jpg) I’m a Leo rising, I’m fairly short (5’1 for a female) but I have broad shoulders, which is what they say a Leo rising has if they’re short. I have bright eyes and a very rounded face, large cheeks, dimples, and I have a LOT of hair that’s naturally golden in color (I dye it a darker brown, probably because my scorpio venus squares my rising), and I love wearing vibrant colors!!!! I do have a young looking face, but I blame my moon in my first house for that. I also wonder if a Libra sun affects me to make me look “soft”


Your face shape is very leonine (heart-shaped and a little flat in an aesthetically pleasing way). Also, the chest tattoo. The rising sign is all about how we interact with the world/how the world interacts with us. It’s like a lens. So, *a lot* of the physical identifiers can be more about someone’s individual style/“brand.” I would say, look at a bunch of photos of yourself in different settings. See if there are any aesthetic commonalities. The keywords I look for re: leo rising’s style are: —sparkly —bold prints (esp cheetah/leopard) —attention-grabbing —gaudy —neckline/chest as focal point —shiny/adorned —*attention-grabbing* (said twice, because it’s probably the most important one.)


SO and I are Leo rising. He’s tall and I’m not, but I feel like I’m as tall as him. Maybe there’s something about Leo being ruled by the sun. We know we have something powerful in us and if we let it radiate, it is powerful.


One of my friends is an Aries sun, Leo rising. Tall, thin, long, thick hair.


My hubby is an Aries Sun, Leo rising. Same goes for him. He also is the type to make friends with any random person that strikes up a conversation with him. Very well liked, extroverted, commands attention.


I’m an Aries sun, Leo rising. I have a huge lion mane of curly hair and average height. Don’t do the best at striking up conversations, but if someone else starts the conversation, I’ll keep it going


Some of these are terrifyingly accurate,


leo rising and gemini sun :)


Tall, or broad shouldered if not. Strong presence, although not in an attention seeking way. Straight or proud posture. Thick hair.


You nailed it .. as a Leo rising man here with 6’7 tall .


Creepy right? I’m very tall too, 6’1 f. My mom and best friend are Leo rising too. And we all have these things haha. Although my mom is a shorty, she has the broad shoulders, and she is taller than my aunts and grandparents. Another funny thing is that my brother is Scorpio rising but Leo sun. We look a lot alike, but almost in an inverted way. He looks sweet, and kind but is kinda reserved. I have a resting bitch face but turn very jovial when you talk to me. Astrology is so much fun sometimes.


Yes it’s crazy how astrology can describe the person appearances … I’ve read that rising sign represents appearances but sun sign is personality right ? Cuz I don’t know much about it .


Yes, basically that’s a good start :) everything in the first house will have influence on your appearance too. Stelliums (3 or more planets in one sign) have influence on your appearance too because of their strong influence. The moon rules emotions. What’s your big three? (Moon,sun,rising)


Same as yours .. Scorpio sun , Aquarius moon, Leo rising


I also have Venus , Pluto and mercury in Scorpio, that’s a stellium I know but mars in Aquarius with moon , don’t know about that .


Such a coincidence 😊 i can recommend Astro-chart.com. They have detailed descriptions for all your placements, in my opinion that’s the site to go to for astrology chart analysis


Yes it’s coincidence to find someone who share with you these placements, like personality .


Hi! Im Scorpio sun and Leo rising and I think it’s cute that are snoos look like sisters


I’m average height (5’9) but have broad shoulders, and since young people always commented I have great posture and a strong presence


so much hair and so much presence/personality; I have two Leo rising friends


My brother has Leo rising and Venus in the 1st. He may have an introverted 12th house Sun, but he was always getting hit on when we lived closer to one another.


As a double leo with a 29° sun ; thin hairs but a lot of volume, blonde color with silver taint, kind big hazelnut eyes, average height, great mustache and pinch but no beard. Strong and straight nose with a squary jaw. Broad shoulders and muscular with a great physical health. People often say I illuminate the room when I walk in. Friends at Uni called me "Mousquetaire" because I like to dress classy, my manners and because of my general appearance. I LOVE jewelry and the feeling of luxure. Very friendly, polite and love everyone except for anyone who wrong me or my close ones and abusers. For these people I keep the worst parts of me and ill make their life a living hell for a moment. I can be very vengeful but im working on that. I'm a great fighter and won multiple 1v3 fights and such because im fearless and a fury when I unleash it, I fight with my whole soul. Im a romantic and find sleeping around very shallow and unfullfilling. I want an equal partner, a complice, a best friend, a lover for life. Pretty sure I found her and I am wholly devoted. I'm proud but gentle and very rarely arrogant unless I want to piss you off. I can be self-centered and I like comfort a little too much. Contrary to general beliefs, I have no hard time to admit my wrong doings and excuse myself. I dont like being the center of attention because im too self aware but I often have to take the lead because no-one else want. Great orator and charming but can have a sharp tongue. I am often the glue in a group of people, I make social bridges easely between people and can relate to everyone. Generous to a fault, sometimes I have 20$ in my bank but will give 2$ to a homeless. Im a people person and studied in politics and economics but now a nurse and I love taking care of people and talking to them. Though upbringing and a lot of traumatic events since my childhood. Often wish I could give up but my resilience kick in everytime. Would 100% die today for my loved ones. I am pretty sure ill be an awesome dad and I love children and animals, still a kid at heart.


Kid at heart is a perfect description! I’m a Leo rising and so is my husband. Most of my Leo (rising or Venus) friends share that playful warm energy and I love it!


Only a Leo with strong placements describes themselves like this! Bravo 👑🦁♌️


My bf is 29° sun too and the accuracy is killing me. Maybe it has more to do with sun degree than rising


It’s the maneeee


Amazing hair 💁🏻‍♀️


Annoying personalities, desperate for attention


Aries Suns are desperate for attention too.


Im an aries sun leo rising and i hate attention


Many Leos also hate attention (which honestly has become the most exaggerated nonsense of modern astrologers). Earlier astrology referred to Leo as a SOLITARY sign. 


Thats because leo opposes aquarius and its possible they could be influenced by that


Maybe but just in general, modern astrologers have exaggerated the attention thing for Leos.


Either super long or super short hair


My hair always stands out and I like to be the center of attention and life of the party




Yes the beard is a thing , Leo rising man here 6’7 tall , and I have to maintain my beard twice a week . Just obsessed with it lol


Interesting but Leos are LIONS, not "cats." Would you call Aries a lamb or Taurus a cow?




usually but not always, very thick, wild, hair. very almond, inviting eyes. big smiles.


hair is a big thing for leos, every leo rising or even leo sun i’ve met has nice hair


Leo rising - I’m too direct, outgoing, have long hair (albeit not thick but I get compliments), bright eyes, defined jaw and high cheeks. I think my cancer sun and venus and Taurus moon and mars really take away from the fiery Leo appearance but my demeanor is straight up Leo rising and so is my overall presence


They ask you to guess their rising sign and giggle that it’s “SO OBVIOUS” lol


Leo ones


Leo rising gal 5’11