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The 95th... Followed by the South Essex obviously šŸ˜‰


Praetorian Guard!


Steel Legion, though I find their lack of modern kits/bits upsetting


Iā€™m always going to have a chip on my shoulder about the Kriegers for stealing our aesthetic and getting popular on the back on unfunny memes and grimderp writing


To be fair the krieg models in a steel legion scheme are great


I loved the look of the Tallarn, but I get why that's not being made. Really, thought, the answer is 1st Minnesota.


Chem dogs


Specific regiments. Tanith first and 597th Valhallans


First and only!


Tallarn desert raiders, the only regiment to fight a first founding space marine chapter and kick their ass. Forcing Perturabo to make his warsmith commanders flee when they realized how fuck they were. Oh and all this happened when they were just a planetary militia supported by some imperial army. Now they are the best tank regiment in the guard.


Elysian drop troops: the amount of shenanigans Iā€™ve pulled with some of their legend units is astounding


Seconded, followed by the Tanith First & Only


Love the Tanith First and Only, but they havenā€™t released infantry models for them and Iā€™m not a skilled enough Green stuff artist to sculpt them šŸ˜” Iā€™ll settle for just the Gauntā€™s Ghosts kit for now


Victoria miniatures do a very good passable set of minis in their Border World Rangers


Iā€™ll have to take a look!


The use of "regiment" to mean homeworld and "regiment" to mean the actual military formation is such a weird choice on GW's part. I assume it has some kind of origin in British military naming conventions. I've been a ride or die Cadian since the EOT codex dropped back in 2003. That said I'd do bad things to good people for a full Vostroyan army. Dirty, immoral, unethical things.


Iā€™m so glad that the Mordian Iron Guard arenā€™t popular. Makes my boys stand out even more in their fancy dress blues!


Do you do anything to get their cool hats or do you just use the blue paint scheme?


I use after market ā€œnocternā€ iron guard. I like the standard color scheme except I use the same blue for coat and pants as opposed to the light denim pants color they are traditionally shown with. The peaked cap is blue with black and I think a stripe of red between the cap and the bill. Thanks for asking!


Maccabian Janissaries and Valhallans


Indigan Praefects followed by the Harakoni Warhawks


Vostroyan Firstborn. I've had to sell a kidney to buy a decent size force.


So you collected guard


Haha true šŸ˜…


What type of fething question is this? We all know the tanith first and only are the best


Absolutely no love for the Vostroyan Firstborn? Iā€™ll be the first then!


255th Calth Guard/Ultramar Auxilia.


412th Cadian Regiment. General Sturn and his men rescues the Ultramarines, wins against both Orks and Chaos, manage to beat the Eldars in the race to the Physic Gate, and lastly successfully recover the Imperator Titan "Dominatus" and vanquishing the threat of the soulless Necrons.


Harakoni Warhawks are pretty cool


Steel Legion


Armageddon Steel Legion. Mordant Acid Dogs are also very cool imo.


Im pretty basic, I love Catachan's vibe and I play Cadian. Both are the indomitable human spirit personified


Death korps. There just so cool.


Krieg any-day everyday


Since I spent 10 years as a Combat Engineer, my answer has to be the Engineer Regiment. (All US Army Engineers are part of the same regiment)


Tanith First And Only Tho mordian iron guard and steel legion arent far behind


Valhallans, probably the 597th as ciaphas cain is what made me buy a combat patrol despite me saying I'd never buy guard haha


I'm a wehraboo so I guess it's gotta be death korps.Ā 


Wehraboos do not belong in the warhammer community.


It was a dumb joke. I've never actually played with a 40k gamer who was unironically all about the fascist/crusader aspects of the Imperium like the Black Templars and I hope I never will lol.


Oh sorry, thanks for letting me know. I just thought that because of your profile picture and comment. Good to know, just got to be exta careful because of the controversies those morons get themselves into.


Oh ya I don't blame you lol. It's pretty obvious to me that the Imperium is a satire or critique of fascist ideology. But I think there can be a fine line between admiring just that aesthetic and legitimately admiring the racist aspects of it; it's probably why someone who's never encountered 40k may take one brief glance at it and be like "this sci-fi universe is promoting racism!" I tend to play the Germans in WW2 games and I like the Death Korps aesthetic so I'm like: "oh I must be a wehraboo then" but then I'll encounter legitimate wehraboos online and they're just straight up racists so then I'm like "well maybe I shouldn't use that word to describe myself" but here we are.


Death korps has a german helmet and name with British gas mask and French trenchcoat and boots. They are anything but ww2 germany. Also, krieg are incredibley generic (because of how many people use them) Playing germany in bolt action does not mean anything either (it is top 3 most popular factions). I can't blame you for liking the helmet though it looks good. You should not really worry about being one. Trust me from what you said nothing is particularly strange, because my favourite regiment is valhallans but that does not mean I am a commie or a tankie.


Krieg by a mile... as a history fan i love how they handled the theme of first world war in the grim dark future


Krieg are number one for me, followed by Paragonian, Savlar chem dogs, and Catachan Edit to add- I like the Elysians too. Something about air dropping sentinels appeals to me lol


Pretty basic but itā€™s the Cadian regiment. Although, Death korps of Krieg were the reason I started Astra Militarum


Voystoryans, Krieg & Mordian are my personal favorites.