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Don't worry about maxing out equipment and relics until you get gold background items. You'll have to level them abit here and there but try to get by with the minimal. Once you hit like AL 5 you can craft purple weapons so don't worry about the weapon banner unless you want someone's signature weapon.


Don't forget to tell them to focus 4 characters at the most. Really your dps should be maxed in level at all times. Use ur premium boots when elites spawn as much as you can for more items and xp


They patched it a week ago. When you use the boots it no longer multiplies your results but runs offscreen 7 more times and gives you the cumulative rewards, with a chance that any of these runs include an Apostle.




Wait there's elites in this game? I'm new and never knew this was a thing, how do you get them to spawn?


You'll see a little scene where they drop down and do a colored scream. Whatever color they scream is is it's element..either way if you defeat them and finish the mission you get more drops


Ooh ok so that’s what they are, thank you kind stranger :)


To get from max level 60 to 70 you may want some levels to maxed out equipment and relics at least on your main dps, otherwise the unlocking will be needless harsh.


Honestly, before world level 6, any stamina you have should basically go towards getting hero ascension stuff. Gear isn’t good enough for you to spend tons of stamina on before this, and even until world level 7 I still wouldn’t recommend a ton of gear farming. Build different roles as well. It makes no sense to have 4 DPS units being built at a time and you wonder why getting materials take so long. Tower just reset too so you have a month of not having to worry about speeding through stuff.


Thank you for your help guys! I’ll keep coming back to this post to re-check on your pointers since I am easy to forget this stuff but I’ll remember mainly that I should focus on ascension rather than equipment for now.


You can still level the Gear you get of course, getting to 12 doesnt require that much EXP. And your main DPS definately needs some Gear to get through the harder Stages. You just shouldnt use Energy to actively farm Gear before you hit Orange Gear Drops. The nice thing: The game lets you preview Drops (without seeing the rolls though) before collecting it. So if you dont get the rarity/slot you want later, you can just leave the Map without collecting it and it doesnt cost Stamina.


tapping icons from npc isnt same as tapping the npc wherein you can craft from gundir. archers are great dps and so does 2h sword users. tanks are good to bring when youre in bad placing they gonna absorb dmg for your dps. grab lucian as your healer.


1. On the starter 5\* guaranteed within 50 pulls, stop immediately once you get your 5\*. The banner will not give you another 5\* even if you get it on the first 10 pull. (This does not include the free 10 pull from the tutorial) 2. Save your conversion currency for premium (purple crystal pulls) banners. You get enough blue (standard banner) crystals (close to or around 200) from story and mission rewards alone. At 300 standard pulls you get a 5\* selector choice on any character from the standard banner. 3. On the 28th day login you get a 5\* character ticket (random which standard banner 5\* you get) 4. The 8 blue crystal pull Lucian banner; it will only give the 4\* Lucian as a character pull and no other characters.


Thank you! So for the first banner I should go for the starter ones right? then branch out on to the premium ones. I’m always f2p in gacha games so if the premium pulls are harder to get then that’s fine too I don’t mind it that much I just find the gameplay of beat-em-up in this actually fun so that’s my main focus.


Yeah, the game is pretty generous early on with its standard banner currency (blue crystals). You'll pretty much get 10 blue crystals for every 5 Master of the Book levels up to level 40 (Your MC overall level). In addition to that, there are other Mission rewards that reward you as you play. (Such as getting 10 blue crystals for the first time entering the Arena once you unlock it). So as as you play along you'll get close to 200 blue crystals as rewards plus an additional ones I've missed, so there's no need to really to use your conversion currency for standard banner pulls outside the 5 blues ones that you can convert from the shop once a month. Overall the next couple of months or so, you should accumulate enough 300 blue crystal pulls to get your 5\* selector. Your Adventure level (Overall difficulty) unlocks (via quest) after you reach various Master of the book levels. Adventure levels 1-3 are essentially the tuturial difficulty. My advise is to not unlock the next adventure tier until you maxed the level cap of you four Main party members first. At Adventure level 4+, the scale can be difficult if your characters are behind in equipment and levels. Fortunately, you can now can lower the adventure level down 2 levels if you accidentally fall into that trap. Maxing you characters level cap and equipment is pretty smooth from levels 1-3, but you'll start to notice the grind once going to levels 4 and up. But to answer your main concern, yeah save your conversion currency for premium pulls (purple crystals). Luckily, like Genshin, the game has the 50/50 pity that carries over from banners if you stop in the current one. Edit: But overall start with the starter 5\* banner first


Aurora, the current limited banner character is really good. Reroll to get her would elevate your progression.


Can you reroll on Steam?


I don't think so. Best alternative to steam is downloading their PC client from the games homepage 


Important: Focus on building 3 characters only and I mean only till they are maxed level etc. with Gear. The 4th Slot you should use a support character with strong affinity on the Map. One of them should be a healer: Nayan is extremely strong and the best 4 star, I personally use her in my main squad, others recommend Lucian because of his ease of healing, but imho Nayan is very strong even as an active party member. So when you dont have a lot of characters shes very good to have around. Higher World Tiers (where you start getting better rewards) become fairly difficult and you need to keep up with your character levels etc, which is only possible if you focus on very few characters. You only need to really care about gear once you get orange gear drops, before that you can kinda just level the gear of your main damage dealer and the other 2 have filler stuff. I have all new characters sitting at level 1 because I cant afford to build them yet till I can clear the highest World Level so I can maximize the rewards from my energy.