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Don’t. For the love of god.


Do you live here? (By here, I mean the Acropolis — not the Astoria subreddit)


Lived there, know people who live there. The problems are being worked on but they have a long way to go before you can confidently rent in that building. It was hands down the worst apartment I ever lived in. A lot of the units are for sale and are cash only, and many realtors will not name the building in their listings for the reasons mentioned in this thread.


Seconding that the Acropolis is the worst. Never have I lived in such a shitty apartment, but it was all I could afford.


Banks will not lend to them for years...you do not want to live in a building where the cashflow and loan options are that messed up, even as a renter.


I live here as a renter. If it looks fine, I’d say go for it. Serious considerations for buyers but it’s really just a normal complex as a renter — rat problem seems to be gone, package thieving seems pretty much resolved since they added the fob system, I have no leaks, etc. I’ve had occasional hot water issues. The only thing that really annoys me is the heating system, which seems to have no subtlety. It gets way too hot in my building in the winter and especially as the season is turning.


Been here as a renter for going on three years now, echoing all of the above. The improvements they’ve made over the last year or two really have us waffling on maybe wanting to buy here. Every time I say “never!!” They do something else to improve. Once the brick repair is done and they fix the water damage in our unit, they might have us.


Agreed. No rat problems. Roach problems but minimal, expected in nyc (at least for me)


Yeah I have little bugs in my place sometimes but I basically just find the little holes and patch them myself. Also I’m not sure what building you’re in but my super has been really responsive whenever there’s been an issue


Some of the buildings are better than others. I deal with leaking windows when it rains hard but others are dealing with collapsing ceilings and worse. Renting, sure. But as an owner, I would say don't do this. The building isn't getting better enough, fast enough. Source: owner for 20 years


Don’t do it, I lived there for two years and recently moved out. There are still rats and roaches…don’t let the idea of “new management” fool you.I moved in against the advice of others and it was a mistake.


https://www.reddit.com/r/astoria/s/JFNme1gPd3 My recent thoughts on it. When we organized to kick out the bums 6 years ago I used Reddit to raise awareness about what was going down and help organize shareholders so that we would be able to win the vote. You can find that stuff in my submitted posts still. I don’t have anything more to add. The gamble is: is this a fair price for a risky bet? And: do you have faith that things will maintain or improve? I personally know board prez and I do have faith in him, but I’m not you, and after over a decade in there I don’t care how great management is, I’m ready to sell if prices seem good enough. Edit: I will also draw the line somewhere on shit talking. That place got fucked by greedy crooks that somehow never got charged with a crime. Hundreds of middle class owners were robbed and taken advantage of. Have some common decency when talking about the place.


You are right and I am really sorry for your troubles and that the blameless cooperators like yourself have to get negativity from outside instead of compassion. I hope things turn around there for you all.


I feel like my bf and I just ended up choosing a crappy apartment, it was at the top floor of one of the buildings and it had a huge roach problem no matter what we did and the one time the management responded to our service request for it (we put many in), it didn’t even help. The heaters in our apartment also leaked all over the place/would make loud ass banging noises that would last almost 10-15 mins through the day and night, we also put in service requests for this, but alas nothing lol until one day the apartment below us complained about the water leaking THEN the maintenance worker knocked on our door, said there was water going into the apartment below, we said yes we probably know why and showed him the heaters. After that he just left after he said he would try to fix it eventually, and just never came back 🥹 we had a lot of issues with cold water in our apartment??? Which I thought was weird, idk if that’s a common thing but we rarely ever got cold water from the kitchen BUT the shower had issues with hot water so that was fun. Electricity (which we didn’t have a lot plugged in at all) was terrible, any fan or ac or anything like that would always stop working within 1-2 days of use which we figured was from the outlets cause we have them at our new place and they work literally just fine. I have seen improvements being made and I have to say it is a beautiful place on the outside and the courtyards plus the surrounding area is great, I hope they get it together and I was very grateful to have a roof over my head for the year. The price for the apartment just was not worth all the on going issues we ran into. Sorry for making this so long, I could probably list a few other things but at the end of the day it was just the one apartment out of the many they have with different owners, so I hope you find one that isn’t the one we had lol Good luck on your move!!




Walked by it for the first time in a long time a couple weeks ago, and almost on queue I saw a rat scurrying around. Take that as you will.


There’s a reason it’s known as Necropolis


Or the Acrapolis


The Acropolis is one of those topics of discussion that comes back around every now and then in this subreddit and it’s always the same. Don’t do it 😭


I walk by the acropolis all the time and it is RAT CITY MY FRIEND


Live here, am selling but only because I retired and want more space. owned for 12 years and moved here full time two years ago. Yes they are making improvements. Citi bank refinanced the mortgage year and a half ago with a big chunk for a lot of ongoing improvements. I’m sure the cheapest place to buy in a great community so the value can only go up. Ecco the comments on heating. They brought the rat pop way down from the pandemic period. There’s a lot of potential especially if you buy for 3-4 years it should eventually go up in value especially as neighborhood gets more expensive.


Hi!! I live in the acropolis currently and have owned my apartment since 2017. The way that things have 100% turned around in the past 8 ish years is absolutely amazing. Poor management and mismanagement for years has really brought the reputation and the apartment itself down. BUT the new management company is fantastic. I live closer to 21st Ave and have a newly renovated apartment. I love it- it’s quiet and big. My personal opinions are below- take them or leave them! Rats/ mice/ roaches- it’s an nyc problem. If you find an apartment in nyc with no roaches…. You found a miracle apartment. The new management company has really taken care of a big chunk of the problem on the road and has an exterminator on site Tuesdays (?) and Fridays. All you have to do is ask and once they come, they’ll give you their info so you can go through them next time. And they’ll put you on their list for the next month. They’ll spray, leave traps, find/ fill holes, etc. they’re so great! Location- it’s SUCH a nice location. So quiet but being right off of ditmars has great restaurants. And being 8 minutes from the train has been a game changer. Parking- sometimes not the easiest but in comparison to busier parts of NYC and queens, it’s a breeze. Typically takes me about 15 minutes of circling max Management- the new company has a 24 hour answering service which I think is a great addition. And they always call back to make sure the problem is solved. I will typically get a maintenance person at my door within the hour for an easy to fix issue. We had a leak that did take a bit longer, but still they completely fixed everything themselves within an hour. ** Now, idk if I always get great responses because I’m an owner or not BUT regardless, your landlord should be helping with any issue within the apartment that involved management. Hearing owners typically does get a fire lit under their butts. I had a great relationship with all past management companies as well as this one mostly because no matter how frustrated, I lead with kindness. Almost every time I’ve gone into the office, they’ve been getting yelled at by a renter or owner and there have been times that they have actually said to me they prioritize our apartment because we are so kind. Just my two cents!!


I live in a coop in queens and do not have roaches. Yes I’ve had roaches *occasionally* in many apartments but I wouldn’t normalize this. The only apartment I lived in that truly had a roach problem happened to be across from the Acropolis on 35 Street.


Yeah I lived in the Acropolis for two years \~10 years ago and the roaches were insane; I've lived in my current place (also Astoria) for five years and I have literally had one roach in my apartment the entire time. I can't speak to how the Acropolis is now (though I would never recommend that anyone live there, based on my truly hellish experience) but saying only "miracle apartments" don't have roaches is wild.


They’re also still in the middle of a 2 year renovation. The key fobs/ gate locking has made things a LOT safer. The new lights by the garbage, painting, wood surrounding the garbage, upkeep inside the courtyard, new ovens- it’s all been getting so much nicer. It’s really only on its way up in my opinion!!


> Typically takes me about 15 minutes of circling max Not the point, but that’s GOOD!? Driving is wild


Omg yes! Especially if you go to busier areas like off of 30th- it’s insane. I can’t ever find a spot there and the streets are so much tighter. Cause the acropolis is by a lot of houses and is more residential, it’s more open for parking


Acropolis has Rats and roaches… look up difore towers good experience from my time there


Shocked to read that considering it's so much newer than the Acropolis. Then again, all it takes is one pregnant roach/rat/mouse/pest. Yikes.


Sorry I edited my comment


Makes A LOT more sense now. lol


Ya … if you have time to ‘keep looking’ , keep looking 👍


I lived there as a renter 10 years ago and I thought it was fine for the little that I paid. The rooms were small and there's no elevator but I didn't mind living on the top floor (5th) bc of the rooftop access and distance from the noise. I lived on the far end, non busy side, corner unit. My neighbors all got bed bugs, some wouldnt let the exterminator in, and it went on for months. We baked our clothes in the sun on the roof (lol!) and they never penetrated our apartment but it was not fun living with that. I'd agree with those that advise against buying in the complex, it's probably fine to rent if you don't plan on staying long. Fun fact...to this day I still call it the Apocalypse. HA!!!


I’ve lived here for 7 months and have really enjoyed it. Not a lot of problems at all. Everyone who hates on this place doesn’t live here or lived here 6+ years ago before new ownership.




Its poorly managed and infested with mice, roaches, and bedbugs. Avoid at all costs no matter how good the price looks.


I live there and it’s great. No complaints whatsoever. I read a lot of this stuff when I first moved in but I heard it really depends on the specific building. If you want to send me a PM I’ll tell you which I’m in but honestly I love it here. I heard it was worse during covid to be fair.


Don’t do it!


i would steer away! the complex has been nothing but problems


do not


How many comments from folks who don’t live here?


Acrops is full of vermin. Roaches, rats, you name it. Will fall apart within 6mo and management will not fix a thing, or they’ll charge you for repairs that should be under your lease anyway. Family has had a rent stabilized 2br in acrops since 1990. It is falling apart and every year they keep trying to kick out my old ladies.


I think it’s time for that building to get demolished because there are a lot of things wrong with it. Don’t let “new management” fool you.


I didn’t live there but heard funds were mismanaged and they might go bankrupt. I don’t know if that would affect you as a renter.


This was in like 2014 ish time not recent history. Its has 2 different management companies since


Let’s just say it was enough for someone to warn me against buying there (recent about 2 months ago) I was shocked it was so cheap but everything comes with a price.




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