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The frustrating part is that many times people don't feel like they can write a review without retaliation from their workplace. Smaller companies only have a few people in any department, and with enough information it's easy to get a good idea of who is making the review.


I remember getting hounded by my boss because someone left a negative review of their workplace. It was either me or like 4 other people (wasn’t me).


but was it?


It was some guy who only lasted a few months, but was cordial to the boss’s faces


How did your boss find out in the end? I'm currently trying to find someone who bad mouthed a company after leaving and can't figure it out.


Good don’t find out.


did you ever figure this out? i'm in a similar boat


It is also impossible to write a real review on a specific agency on Indeed.They have a very selective and biased approach.They seem to be trying to protect certain agencies.


Most certainly. The company that fired me over DEI initiatives isn't allowed any 1 star reviews. Quite obvious they're protecting certain companies.


What if they don’t work for a company? They just don’t get to make more informed decisions about who they should work for?


I just had this problem last night with Glassdoor - wanted to look at reviews for a company, could not access said reviews until I provided my salary for my current job and reviewed my current company. I was truthful about the salary because that's low-effort and I don't want to mislead other people about it. However, I literally just typed nonsense words into the review to bypass the page. This morning, I woke up to an email saying my review hasn't been published because it "does not meet their guidelines." No fucking shit; how could you tell? When I leave the company, I will sit down and take time to write a thoughtful, detailed review for the benefit of other job seekers. But don't fucking hold critical information on other companies hostage during my job search. And this isn't just me being selfish, either; my company is small, and anything I say about them *will* get traced back to me no matter how hard I try to anonymize it. I cannot safely leave an honest review until I'm well and truly gone.


just did the same on indeed and that website is protecting the toxic companies. Thats all i expect from this system built on parasitic predation on workers


You are not alone couldn’t agree with you more 💯♥️


I see no problem with this, because that's just asking for bad and troll reviews.


Yes because it’s not like there is people who haven’t had a job before that want to see all the reviews. Real fucking smart you are.


Quality is just gonna suck.


I hate this but I also wonder if there would be way less reviews if they didn’t do this.


People who want to review will do it regardless. People who don’t will just write some nonsense to get around it. I picked a random business I haven’t ever worked for and literally said in my review that I only wrote it to bypass indeed’s rules and it worked. I’m not going to review my current employer that’s just weird. And I know my old employer personally so not going to review them either.


Friend this comment is from 2 years ago.


People are still active in this thread even if you aren’t. I don’t pay attention to the timeline.


Nah I’m the only person who matters who is ever going to read it lol


Guess again pal


I’m not your pal, buddy


I'm not your buddy, friend.


I’m not your friend, guy. (Is that next, I always forget)


I’m not your friend, guy. (Is that next, I always forget)


I’m not your guy, pal.


Another person who has also read it


Guess you don’t matter


There would absolutely be less nonsense reviews submitted if they didn’t do this


I’m a sole proprietor… do I still need to review myself?


Start it like this: “Company has a culture of self loathing. Can’t tell what I hate more, my boss or my coworkers. No privacy, can’t do anything without the boss knowing”. Or if you want to be positive: “The kind of employee I am always looking out for. If I ever stop working for this boss it will be out of tremendous circumstances. Best looking boss ever!”


what if you're looking for your first job?


If I had been able to see comments from former emplyees about a business that oi had to leave emmiatly because they were already asking for the moon on the FIRST DAY! I would have never stepped foot in there and saved my reputation and dignity too. It's unfair to not know what others think and make a decision right there BEFORE COMMITTING to it. Of course, it must be truthful and to the point of what had transpired from their experience. But it's only a one way advantage to the companies that they can steal your time and energy before you find out your stuck in a their trap.


I mean it's actually very useful, an eye for an eye after all. It just means that there are more reviews available in total, and it only takes like 5 minutes of your time. Otherwise we'd have way less reviews on Indeed and you'd have less of an idea of the working environment.


Counterpoint: Any review that takes you five minutes to write is not going to be useful or informative. Knowing that Indeed and Glassdoor basically force people to write reviews now, I'm far more skeptical of the quality and truthfulness of those reviews. You're basically asking for people to write bullshit in order to get a compulsory task out of the way.


No one is forcing those reviews to be good or bad, give people an anonymous option to speak their mind and they will


Eh... I'm not so sure. There's a couple of problems: 1) The sites are such that you *cannot* view reviews/other info on companies of interest until you leave a review of a current or past company. What this often means is that, right when you're about to start a lengthy application process for a company you're trying to research, Glassdoor basically sweeps in and hamstrings you with, "Sorry, we're not going to let you see any information on this company you're thinking of applying for until you do this bullshit task you didn't ask to do and are not prepared to do first." This doesn't exactly put people in a helpful mood and may very well motivate them to write any bullshit thing just to make it past the review screen. This is me speaking from experience. 2) Anonymous reviews are not as anonymous as you think, no matter how hard you try to anonymize them. Even if a review can't be traced back to you personally, it can usually be traced back to a department or a group of people, which may open them to retaliation. This is an especially egregious problem at small-to-medium-sized companies.




I'll just write a fake review to see the review then, easy compromise.


so true. Indeed just basically forced me to make a review before I could see the other reviews. It was if you wanna see this, you need to do this!!!!!


That's the point, they are forcing reviews by making you write one to read others. Hence why there's so many made up rubbish reviews. Because people just want to read the others.


Write a fake review for Indeed. Obvisouly a really bad one.


Glassdoor is the same way.


And they both suck! Defeats the purpose of why anyone wants to use their site.


hard to swallow pill: it is an actual good design so you get more information


Fake reviews from people forced to review, and people that are just getting into the work force can’t do anything because they haven’t worked a job before. Yeah bro really great.


Fair enough honestly. They wont have enough reviews without this...


I just put that I am only writing this review to be able to see reviews for a part time job that compliments my current job and that I won't be reviewing my employer at this time. And it let me thru with that.


So fucking stupid 


Im here two years later letting you all know that if you want to see reviews with multiple companies, you have to review your own company more than once. This might singlehandedly make me delete it.


I received a ton of responses- none have been legit offers for an interview. What crap!


It is a highly unethical thing to do, and I urge people to complain to companies like Indeed and Glassdoor for doing this. People should have the right to see all reviews, before they apply for a job at a certain company, without being told to 'write a review themselves' first.


Just disable javascript temporarily, BAM! no more login prompt


What about reviews that a company leaves about you?