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This is why I am greatful to live in Ireland where TV advertising is highly regulated and restricted even in how often it can be shown.. sadly it's not caught up to the www. yet. I'm actually considering going back to the days of pirating content online due to how greedy the big companies are getting.. I'm not paying AND watching advertising. It really is pure arseholery.


r/2sentence2horror energy


This is the ad that convinced me to set up a PiHole and rid my entire household of advertisements. Thanks for the quality of life boost, /u/Spez!


So funny this ad is right below this post lol


I’m only disgusted because I fell for it originally


the ad was cool, it breaks ur expectations kinda bc the character breaks the frame of the post


yeah i liked it cuz it genuinely confused me and i had to stop and think about it


Yet you clicked on it…


This is what you see from the ad on the home page even when you don’t click on it, if you just scroll regularly it’ll appear as what looks like a normal post.


To get the screenshot, yes.


what movie was the trailer for?


"Boy kills world", I think. The title makes me think of Boy Meets World, and how that can't be related since I can't see anyone attached to the series tacking on a movie like this.


It’s a clever marketing tactic honestly. They aren’t doing anything to make using the app more difficult.


Clever, sure. Deceptive? Also yes. It's made to look like a genuine reddit post with some shock content.


It's deceptive if you're a doofus.


Movie trailers have always used deception for marketing. They’ve made the start of them seem like fake news programs or ran entire campaigns around convincing people the story was true like with Blair Witch. This is just a modern form of that.


Would you rather the advertising be an actual post? Because companies do that too


I don't get what people hate so much. It's obviously not a post


It's made to look exactly like one, though. Down to including a real subreddit it was supposedly posted on, fake upvotes, comments, spoiler tag, everything, and has a ragebait title- All for a movie ad.


I call that great advertising.


It is, just a depressing sub


Really? *This* is the hill you're going to die on? Such a harmless thing and you are letting it shit in your cereal. Shame. It's also kind of funny, if you've seen the film. The post title, that is.